

airline and hotel miles donations as fundraiser, 64

American Cancer Society, 1920

American Red Cross, 20, 99, 101

AmeriCares Foundation, 20

analytics tools, 60, 91, 122

Andresen, Katya, 2830, 76

Appafolio, 102

AppMakr, 102

Artez Interactive, 20, 24

Association of Fundraising Professionals, 77


behavioral economics, 29

Benchmark Report. See The Convio Online Marketing Nonprofit Benchmark Index™ Study for 2011

Blackbaud, 112

donorCentrics™ Internet and Multichannel Giving Benchmarking Report, 2011, 91

The Next Generation of American Giving study, 32

Nonprofit Social Network Benchmark Report, 2011, 41, 112, 117

Online Giving Report, 33

Target Analytics, 91

Boomers demographic group, donations, 3435

Burk, Penelope, 76


Campaign Monitor, 86

CAN-SPAM act, 73, 87

catastrophes of family/friends. See health problems/catastrophes, victims of

Causes, 40, 46

CauseVox, 46

Charity Navigator portal, 40

charity portals, 4041

Clark, Ranjana, 128

Common Knowledge, 41, 112

Constant Contact, 86

“A Consumers Guide to Low Cost Donor Management Systems,” 59

contributors. See donors/donations

The Convio Online Marketing Nonprofit Benchmark Index™ Study for 2011, 24, 84, 88

Cost-Effectiveness of Nonprofit Telemarketing Campaigns, 20

crowdfunding websites. See social giving websites

Crowdrise, 40, 4647

cultivation stage of fundraising, 89

appealing to all engagement levels, 6263

definition, 1011

social media websites, 116122

website/newsletter guidelines, 4245, 61


Digg social news, 63

direct mail fundraising

growth of, 2011 over 2010, 33

versus online fundraising, 16, 20, 9192

Doctors Without Borders, 30

DonateNow and DonateNow Lite, 24, 47

Donor-Centered Fundraising, 76

donorCentrics™ Internet and Multichannel Giving Benchmarking Report, 2011, 91

DonorsChoose, 47


communication appeals

best practices, 8990

donation amount suggestions, 32

dramatic photos, 43, 61

guidelines, 3132

raising money without asking for money, 64

storytelling, 4243, 45, 61

writing from heart, 88

confirmations (email) for, 59

definition, 89

demographics of, 20, 3435, 91, 96

donor bill of rights, 77

donor management systems, 59

ladder of engagement, 6263

lists, building and managing, 19, 5960

money handling challenge, 19

multichannel donors, 16, 9192

reasons people give, 2832

size of donations

based on nonprofits’ size, 33

growth, by time of year, 3637, 60

growth, percent, 2011 over 2010, 33, 42

median amount per usable email address, 84

to nonprofits with branded website, 44

staggering requests, 19, 8889

types, percentages of, 5

venues for donating, 4051

DotOrgPower, 97


Eason, Larry, 97

eBay, 63, 128

electronics, recycling as fundraiser, 64

email, 4. See also websites for nonprofits

communications calendar, 8889

contact lists, 60, 8586

DIY versus email services, 8687

and donations

confirmations for, 59

median amount per usable email address, 84

generic versus nonprofit’s website, 41

inexpensive medium, 84

newsletters, 60

best practices, 8990

mobile-device formats, 98, 107

templates, 87

Emailology, 87

Email on Acid, 87

Emma email service, 86

enablers, 8

ethical issues

code of ethics, 7679

privacy, 7374

security, 74

stewardship, 75

transparency, 7475

evangelists, ladder of engagement, 6263

ExactTarget, 86

EyesofElise, YouTube, 18



coordination with fundraising sites

Causes, 46

Fundly, 48

FundRazr, 24, 41, 49

Givezooks!, 49

HelpAttack!, 49

JustGive, 50

PayItSquare, 50

growth of, 112

impact on fundraising, 114

measuring likes, 122

nonprofit organization pages, 20, 40, 44

status updates, donation pledges with, 41

“Through the Eyes of Elise” page, 18

facilitators, 9

family or self as beneficiaries. See health problems/catastrophes, victims of

First Aid app, American Red Cross, 101

FirstGiving, 48

501(c)(3) nonprofit status. See legal issues, 501(c)(3) nonprofit status

Flannery, Matt and Jessica, 8

Flickr, 115, 122

FluidSurveys, 118

Form 990 or 990-N, IRS, 7172

friends and neighbors. See health problems/catastrophes, victims of

Fundly, 48, 69

Fundraise, 48

fundraising. See also mobile fundraising; online fundraising

campaign coordination with online/mobile fundraising, 5, 60, 9192

cycle stages, 911

definition, 89

demographics of donors, 20, 3435, 91, 96

ladder of engagement, 6263

multichannel donors, 3435, 9192


for campaigns, 1718

for giving donations, 2832

Fund-Raising Cost Effectiveness, 20


basics, 40, 4849

for individual fundraisers, 69

links from social media personal pages, 2324

ShareCraft 2012—Save the Children Challenge campaign, 41


Garell, Scott, 64

Gen X and Gen Y demographic groups, donations, 3435, 96

GetFullyFunded, 57, 25

Givezooks!, 49

Giving USA Foundation, percent contributed to nonprofits

by corporations, foundations, and others, 5

by individuals, 5

to religious groups, 6

Giving Works, 63


for both individual fundraisers and nonprofits, 40

for individual fundraisers, 69

PayPal partner tool, 25

GoodDining, 64

GoodSearch, 64

GoodShop, 64

Google+, 112, 115

Google Alerts, 119

Google Analytics, 60, 120

Google Forms, 118

Google Grants, 120

Google Groups, 86

Greenfield, James, 20

GroupMe, 105

GuideStar portal, 40, 46


happy bystanders, ladder of engagement, 6263

health problems/catastrophes, victims of, 1718

tax exempt status, 6869

forms, 6971

maintaining, 7172

Help Attack!, 41, 49

Homer Simpson for Nonprofits: The Truth About How People Really Think & What It Means for Promoting Your Cause e-book, 29

HootSuite, 119

hotel and airline miles donations as fundraiser, 64

HTML Email Boilerplate, 87


iContact, 86

illness/catastrophes of family/friends. See health problems/catastrophes, victims of

Indiegogo, 40, 50

Karen Klein campaign, 68

individuals, recipients of fundraising. See health problems/catastrophes, victims of

Instagram, 115

instigators, ladder of engagement, 6263

Internal Revenue Service. See also legal issues, 501(c)(3) nonprofit status

Form 1040, Schedule A, 69

Forms 990 or 990-N, 7172

IRS Stay Exempt website, 70

Publication 526, Charitable Contributions, 69

Ipsos Omnibus Online, 18


JangoMail, 86

JustGive, 50


Kanter, Beth, 62

Keating, Elizabeth K., 20

Kik Messenger, 105

Kiva, 8

Klein, Karen, 68


ladder of engagement, 6263

legal issues, 6869

501(c)(3) nonprofit status

definition, 56

FirstGiving, 48, 56

fundraising site restrictions, 40

organization types covered, 56

PayPal Business accounts, 22, 130131

qualifying for and maintaining, 6872

individuals, guidelines for, 6869

state laws, 7071

Leroux Miller, Kivi, 7576

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), 1819

LinkedIn, 40, 115

Lisa Simpson for Nonprofits: What Science Can Teach You About Fundraising, Marketing and Making Social Change e-book, 2930

LLS (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society), 1819


MacLaughlin, Steve, 36

mail, channel for donations, 3435, 91

MailChimp, 86

Marleau, Patrick, 18

Matures demographic group, donations, 3435

McCarthy, Dennis, 8889, 92

McKee, Alia, 2830

microfinancing, 8

microloans, 8

Millennial Impact project, 100, 105

mobile fundraising

location-based tools, 103104

mobile apps, 100102

advantages of, 106110

mobile-friendly pages, 107

testing with emulators, 107

QR (Quick Response) codes, 102103, 106107


PayPal Mobile Express Checkout, 129

popularity of, 96

text messaging (SMS), 97, 104105

text-to-give, 99

text-to-pledge, 103


National Association of Attorneys General, 71

National Association of State Charities Officials, 70

The Networked Nonprofit, 62

Network for Good

behavioral economics studies, 29

code of ethics, 7679

cost-effectiveness of fundraising, 20

DonateNow and DonateNow Lite, 24, 47

email service, 86

reasons why people donate, 32

thanking people for donations, 76

venues for donations, 41

charities’ individual websites, 4042

charities with branded websites, 44

newsletters via email. See email

The Next Generation of American Giving study, 32, 3435

Nielsen, Jakob, 108

Nonprofit Communications Trends Report, 2011, 88

Nonprofit Marketing Guide, 75

nonprofits. See also specific nonprofits

channels used for donating, 35

demographics of donors, 20, 3435, 91, 96

and individuals

as donors, 56, 20

as fundraisers, 1920

non-charity category, 4

registered nonprofit status (See legal issues, 501(c)(3) nonprofit status)

size, percent raised based on, 4, 33

Nonprofit Social Network Benchmark Reports, 41, 112, 117

nonprofit success stories

Klein, Karen, 68

Steingruebl, Andy and Heather, 18

Nonprofit Text Messaging Benchmarks, 2010, 105

npEngage, 36

NTEN (Nonprofit Technology Network), 41, 112


offline fundraising, fundraising; online fundraising; mobile fundraising

Olivola, Christopher, 30

online fundraising, 4. See also fundraising; mobile fundraising

advantages, 1617, 19

avoiding asking face-to-face, 61

campaign coordination with offline fundraising, 60, 9192

challenges, 19, 21

cost effectiveness, 20

definition, 4

versus direct mailing, 16, 20, 33, 9192

ethical issues, 7379

legal issues, 6871

non-charity category, 4

planning stage, 5660 (See also websites for nonprofits)

raising money without asking for money, 64

versus telemarketing, 20

Online Giving Report, 33


Parsons, Linda M., 20

Pay It Square, 25, 50

Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards, 7475, 128


Business accounts, 2122

Donate button, 2122, 129

Express Checkout, 129

PCI standards compliance, 75, 128

rates for nonprofits, 130131

Giving Widget, 23

Here, thumb-sized card readers, 7

advantages of, 129130

limitations for individual fundraisers, 69

Mobile Express Checkout, 129

and nonprofits

Community Help forum, 132

data management, 131

fees, 130131

general information, 132

goals, 128

Help Center, 132

partner tools, 2425

reasons for using, 128

Payments Pro and Standard

PCI standards compliance, 75

rates for nonprofits, 130131

Premier account, 21

Request Money tool, 2223

Resolution Center, 22, 130

Virtual Terminal

PCI standards compliance, 75

rates for nonprofits, 130

PCI (Payment Card Industry) standards, 7475, 128

peer-to-peer websites. See social giving websites

Pew Research Center, 112


donation pledges with each pin, 41

impact on fundraising, 114115

planning stage of fundraising, 910, 5657. See also websites for nonprofits

budget templates, 58

campaign coordination with offline tactics, 60, 9192

campaign guidelines, 60

case statements, 57

definition, 910

donor management systems, 59

ladder of engagement, 6263

priority setting, 9798

readiness guidelines, 5657

Polldaddy, 118

Predictive Response, 86

prospecting stage of fundraising. See also social media websites

definition, 10

reasons people give, 2832

Publication 526, Charitable Contributions, IRS, 69


QR (Quick Response) codes, 102103, 106107

QRpedia label, 103

Quora, impact on fundraising, 115


Ramsey, Fiona, 8

Razoo, 5051

recycling electronics as fundraiser, 64

Red Cross, 20, 99, 101

Rees, Sandy, 41, 5758

registered nonprofits. See legal issues

Relay for Life walk, American Cancer Society, 19

Roberts, Andrea Alston, 20

Rovner, Mark, 2830


Seafood Watch app, Monterey Bay Aquarium, 100101

search engines and raising money, 64

ShareCraft 2012—Save the Children Challenge FundRazr campaign, 41

Short Message Service (SMS), 104105

Sidorov, Max, 68

social giving websites, 40

social media websites. See also specific social media websites


joining conversations with, 118119

listening to, 121

researching, 117118

tailoring content to, 120

using surveys with, 118

benefits of, 112

campaign strategies, 116117

building communities, 121122

coordinating with other media, 116

maintaining calendar, 116

measuring results, 122

tracking activity, 119

using multimedia content, 120121

definition, 4

exponential growth, 113114

habits of entire population, 112113

most popular sites, 114115

venues for donations, 4041, 44, 49

Social Mention, 119

solicitation stage of fundraising

definition, 11

demographics of donors, 20, 3435, 91, 96

spreaders, ladder of engagement, 6263

state laws, Unified Registration Statement, 7071

StayClassy, 24, 51, 113

Stay Exempt, IRS, 70

Steingruebl, Andy and Heather, 18

stewardship stage of fundraising

definition, 1011

ethical issues, 7479

keeping donors up-to-date, 84

legal issues, 6872

SurveyMonkey, 118


TAP (mobile walking tours), 102

Target Analytics, 91

tax-exempt status. See legal issues

Team in Training walks, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, 19

telemarketing versus online fundraising, 20, 91

textPlus, 105

“Through the Eyes of Elise” Facebook page, 18

Tumblr, 115

TweetDeck, 119


coordination with fundraising sites

Fundly, 48

FundRazr, 24

Givezooks!, 49

HelpAttack!, 49

JustGive, 50

donation pledges per tweet, 41

growth of, 112

impact on fundraising, 114115

measuring followers, 122

nonprofit organization pages, 40, 44


Unified Registration Statement, 7071


VerticalResponse, 86

VirtualWorkshop/Form990 website, 72


company contributions for volunteer hours, 64

information on websites, 43, 89

percentage involved, 61


walks for fundraising, 19, 30

Walsh, Pat, 113

websites for nonprofits. See also email


appealing to all engagement levels, 6263

dramatic photos, 43, 61

guidelines, 4245

storytelling, 4243, 45, 61

testimonials, 43, 89

volunteering information, 43

content/donor management software, 44, 59, 108

donation page/buttons, 43

branding versus generic, 44

Donate buttons, 61, 108

email confirmations for donations, 43, 59

fundraising sites, list, 4651

and mobile devices, 108109

social media page links, 44

Subscribe/Unsubscribe buttons, 8586, 90

tracking with analytics tools, 60

updating, 42, 59

WhatCounts, 86


Yahoo! Groups, 86

YouTube, 18, 115, 122

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