First, thanks to the students and clients around the globe whose feedback and questions gave birth to this book. Just about the time I think I’ve exhausted what there is to say about cultural intelligence, your questions and ideas push me to see that there’s so much more ground to cover.

And thanks to the many individuals who read early drafts of this manuscript. Your encouragement, suggestions, and, most of all, critiques made this a much more worthwhile piece. Thanks especially to Soon Ang, Steve Argue, Brad Griffin, Scott Matthies, Colleen Mizuki, Kara Powell, Elena Steiner, and Linn Van Dyne.

Soon Ang and Linn Van Dyne, it’s a joy to call you friends as well as professional partners and colleagues. I ride on the coattails of your ruthless commitment to rigorous research. And thanks to the many other academic colleagues around the world who are advancing the study and application of cultural intelligence into new frontiers.

Christina Parisi, thanks for another round of publishing together. You and the rest of the team at AMACOM are such a joy to work with. And the fact that you personally embrace these ideals is deeply rewarding to me.

Andrew and Lynn, Tandy, Steve, Jen, Rob, and Kristen—thanks for nurturing my soul and believing in me regardless of how this book ever does.

Linda, Emily, and Grace: Your love alone would be enough. But the fact that you so fully join me in the cause of making the world a better place is icing on top. I love you.

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