
FIG. 1 ISO 160 f/4 at 1/60th

A splash of off-camera flash coupled with an increase of exposure using in-camera compensation gives this picture the bright high key look Julie was after. The ingredients good timing and a great expression, bring this shot to life.


When Damien Lovegrove asked me to help edit this book, I didn’t know quite what to expect. Of course I was aware of the powerful reputation that he and Julie have built up in a very short time. I’d also been impressed with their work and working practices when I interviewed Damien recently for a photo magazine. But despite all this, did we really need another book on professional wedding photography?

I needn’t have worried. Editing a book in progress can be an exciting process. As Damien emailed me the words and pictures, chapter by chapter, the project began to take shape. The more I read, the more I realized that this isn’t just another professional guide, it’s a blueprint for success. What separates it from other wedding books is a coherent message that pulls together in a frank and honest way every aspect of the business – planning, photographic style and techniques, lighting, people skills, selling, marketing, business strategy, post- production, presentation, even how to prepare a business plan for investors.

Becoming a wedding photographer is the easy part. Amateurs start up every week. All you need is to buy a camera, find a few clients who don’t want to pay much and muddle on through. What’s difficult is joining the élite, the top wedding photographers who earn big money. Even then it’s not enough to be a good photographer. You’ve got to be good at everything else too.

That’s where this book comes in. Every chapter derives from the hard-won experience, attention to detail, and determination that took the Lovegroves from deep in the red to massive success as one of UK’s top-earning wedding studios in just 5 years.

Twenty-five years as a photographic journalist have taught me a lot. In the course of editing several professional magazines and writing books on wedding and portrait photography, I’ve interviewed most of the top wedding practitioners about their photographic styles, business techniques, and what makes them successful. That’s how I know that this book is the real thing.


FIG. 2 ISO 400 f/4at 1/60th

When simple elements come together magic often happens.

FIG. 3 ISO 200 f/4 at 1/60th

Tight composition, a strong diagonal structure, and the rim light created by a nearby window make this shot of Julie's a favorite of mine.

FIG. 4 ISO 800 f/4 at 1/125th

This clever mirror shot brought together a recession of faces including the portrait on the wall at the world famous Cliveden House in Royal Berkshire. Julie used ambient light for the picture.

FIG. 5 ISO 800 f/5 at 1/60th

This screen depicting a classic wedding scene was already at the bride's parents' home. All Julie needed was a dress to hang on it to create a simple shot for the album.

Fig. 6 ISO 400 f/4 at 1/400th

Intimacy without eye contact or passion is very powerful when shot in close up. Julie won many top awards withthis picture.

So find out for yourself how you can transform your business and dramatically increase your earnings. I won’t promise that the journey will be easy. Just like the Lovegroves you’ll need lots of drive, persistence, and hard work. But you’ll have fun too and this book will give you all the guidance, wisdom, and inspiration you’ll need along the way.

Bon voyage

Christopher Wordsworth

Consultant Editor

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