
Note: Page numbers followed by t indicates tables; f indicates figures; b indicates boxes.


Aaron, Henry, 216

ABC, see American Broadcasting Company (ABC)

Academy Awards, 121, 144, 307

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 121

Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, 121

AC format, see Adult contemporary (AC) format

“Acid rockers,” 192

ACLU, see American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Action for Children’s Television (ACT), 195, 207, 229, 267, 276277

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), 191

Act Now To Stop War and End Racism (A.N.S.W.E.R.), 327

Ader, Clément, 4

Adler, Larry, 126

Adult contemporary (AC) format, 300

Advanced television (ATV), 252

Advanced Television Systems Committee, 254

The Adventures of Superman, 141142


children’s programs limits, 207

cigarettes, 190191, 191b

early radio, 2930, 4547

and Fairness Doctrine, 213214

fraudulent, 204205

industry sources, 335

NAB codes, 239

vs. networks, 164

programming relationship, 59

radio advertisers, 81f

radio’s reach, 54

radio vs. TV, 133

recession effect, 271

TV commercials, 148

Volunteer Advertising Council, 98

Wendy’s commercial, 244245

A&E, 296297

Afghanistan War, 313

AFM, see American Federation of Musicians (AFM)

AFRA, see American Federation of Radio Actors (AFRA)


advertiser interest, 141

Armed Forces programs, 100

broadcast impact, 231232

dedicated cable channels, 331

exclusive radio programming, 181f

first black-owned TV station, 214

first FCC appointee, 208209

first President, 317318, 349

first TV host, 154155

and old white boy’s club, 328

performer image/organization, 119

radio format growth, 283

radio pioneers, 215

Roots success, 222

station ownership, 223

TV role in civil rights, 196

WBFO programming, 211

AFRN, see Armed Forces Radio and Television Network (AFRTN)

AFRS, see Armed Forces Radio Service (AFRS)

AFRTN, see Armed Forces Radio (AFR); see Armed Forces Radio and Television Network (AFRTN)

AFRTS, see Armed Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS)

AFTRA, see American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA)

Age-based ratings system, 295b

Agnew, Spiro, 198199, 206, 213

Alabama Educational Television Commission, 216

The Aldrich Family, 126

Alexanderson, Ernest F. W., 1415, 35

Alexanderson alternators, 1415, 17, 18

All-Channel Receiver Act, 171

Allen, Fred, 65, 7576, 113115

Allen, Steve, 128129, 129b, 130f, 148

Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), 340341

All in the Family, 207

All Things Considered, 211b

Alternating current, invention, 5

Amacher, Mary Anne, 211

Amateur radio, 42

Amazing Race, 338

American Bandstand, 154155

American Broadcasting Company (ABC)

Barbara Walters hiring, 221

children’s show commercial time, 229

Disney purchase, 283

vs. Food Lion, 307

late-night news, 235

monopoly investigations, 93

movie purchase for prime time, 190

from NBC Blue Network, 104

network profits, 144

news service growth, 285

NFL football, 210

Olympics, 257

satellite communications, 263

satellite radio feeds, 242

TV evolution, 128129

American Business Consultants, 123

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 292, 331

American Express, 2930

American Federation of Musicians (AFM), 99, 100, 104

American Federation of Radio Actors (AFRA), 124

American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), 152, 223, 326, 331

American Idol, 311312, 335, 336, 338, 340, 345

American Marconi Telegraph Company, 5, 1819

American Medical Association, 222

American Museum of the Moving Image, 254

American Radio Relay League, 42

American School of the Air, 6162

American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP), 15, 3738, 92

American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T)

coaxial hook-ups, 106107

Comcast merger, 321

competition, 37

DOJ suit, 240

early antitrust suit, 6263

early network broadcast, 45

fiber optics, 254

first radio commercial, 2930

first voice transmission, 1415

incorporation, 4

Internet business, 290

Media One purchase, 303304, 319

multi-city cable connections, 120

radio competition, 22

radio rights issues, 41

remote radio broadcasts, 32

spectrum purchases, 345

America’s Got Talent, 345

AMFM, 319

Amos ‘n’ Andy, 58f, 58, 61, 113115, 187188

AMPTP, see Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP)

AM radio

electron tube, 6

establishment, 48

vs. FM, 8889, 171, 177, 212213, 234, 255, 285

frequency protection, 94

growth, 133

license periods, 100

post-WWII growth, 105106, 110111

power, 74

spectrum management, 55

stereo, 227228, 239, 240f, 281

Ancient Greeks, mass communication, 2

A.N.S.W.E.R, 327

Antitrust suits

early example, 6263

and Nixon, 209210

RCA/GE/Westinghouse, 67

Antiwar protests, 186187, 193, 201, 242

AOL-Time Warner, 319, 323, 326

AP, see Associated Press (AP)

Apollo 11 spacecraft, 196

The Apprentice, 335

Arbitron, 253, 280, 304306, 347

Argonauts, mass communication, 2

Arledge, Roone, 210

Arlin, Harold W., 29

Armed Forces Radio (AFR), 98

Armed Forces Radio Network (AFRN), 98

Armed Forces Radio Service (AFRS), 114, 114f, 148

Armed Forces Radio and Television Network (AFRTN), 98

Armed Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS), 148

Armstrong, Edwin H.,

commercialization views, 55

flatbed circuit, 14

FM advantages, 8889

FM frequency issues, 138

FM station, 8485

FM transmission system, 63, 7475

vs. RCA, 104105, 117118

suicide, 149

superheterodyne receiver, 3233

Armstrong, Neil, 196

The Army Hour, 97

Army–McCarthy hearings, 146, 149150

Arnaz, Desi, Jr., 141

Arthur Godfrey and His Friends, 144

ASCAP, see American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP)

Ascertainment of Community Needs, 206

ASH, see Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)

Asner, Ed, 127, 240

Associated Press (AP), 67, 68

Association of College and University Broadcasting Stations, 73

Association for Local Television, 326

AT&T, see American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T)

ATV, see Advanced television (ATV)

Atwater, Lee, 256

Atwater Kent, 51, 64f

Audience participation shows

advertising revenue, 84

costs, 327328

economy relationship, 151

origins, 128129

popularity, 120, 156

rigging, 161162

as successful format, 113115

Audion, 1, 8, 9f

Audiotape, 111, 112f

Automation systems, radio stations, 217f

AWARE, Inc., 126127, 144146, 171

Aware Incorporated, 125

Axis Sally, 97

Ayatollah Khomeini, 231


Bacon, Roger, 3

Baird, John Logie, 52

Bakker, Jim, 235236

Ball, Lucille, 144146

Band of Brothers, 312, 327328

Banzhaf, John E., III, 190191

Barnouw, Erik, 87b, 147

Barrymore, Ethel, 36f

Barth, John, 211

Baseball, 111, 258

Baseball, 283

Basketball, 258

Batman, 187f

Battista, Giovanni, 3

Baukhage, Hilmar, 67f

BBC, see British Broadcasting Company (BBC)

BEA, see Broadcast Education Association (BEA)

The Beatles, 115

Beaty, Layne, 73b

Bell, Alexander Graham, 1, 4, 352

Bell Telephone Company, 4

Belushi, John, 217218

Benét, Stephen Vincent, 79

Benny, Jack, 65, 71, 7576, 80f, 113115, 128129

Berg, Gertrude, 5658, 126

Bergen, Edgar, 113115

Berle, Milton, 120, 328

Berlin International Radio Telegraphic Convention, 14

Berlin Wall, 258

BEST, see Black Efforts for Soul in Television (BEST)

BET, see Black Entertainment Television (BET)

Betamax (Sony), 221

The Beverly Hillbillies, 176177

Beverly Hills 90210, 338

Bicentennial Minutes, 338

The Big Band Era, 7576

Big Brother, 324

The Big Muddy, 194

The $100,000 Big Surprise, 153

Bilby, Kenneth, 265b, 265f

Bill Haley and His Comets, 151

Bill Moyers, 344

Biltmore Agreement, 69, 71b

Bing Crosby Show, 112b

Bin Laden, Osama, 322, 327

BlackBerry, 311

Black Citizens for Media Acess, 202

Black Efforts for Soul in Television (BEST), 202

Black Entertainment Television (BET), 289f, 323

Blacklist, 123124, 144146, 148, 149150

Black Panthers, 192, 193

Black Tuesday, 60

Bland, Lee, 107f, 109b

Blatch, Nora, 910

Bliss, Ed, 135b, 135f

Block, Martin, 66, 95

Blogs, 318, 344

Blue Book, 105, 112b, 119120

BMI, see Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI)

Bobbitt, Lorena, 283

Bobby Benson, 7677

Bochco, Steven, 248

Bonanza, 170

Bork, Robert, 213, 248249

Borseul, Charles, 4

Borst, David, 89b

Boston Legal, 311312, 336, 344

Bradshaw, Thornton, 266

Brainard, Bertha, 31

Braun, Karl Ferdinand, 5

Brideshead Revisited, 221

The Bridge on the River Kwai, 190

Brinkley, Joel, 304

Brinkley, John R., 36, 61

British Broadcasting Company (BBC), 80, 171, 263

British Marconi Company, 18, 47f

Broadcast Education Association (BEA), 152f

Broadcasting, 3334, 64, 208, 238

Broadcasting & Cable, 290

Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), 8990

Broadway Open House, 148

Brokaw, Tom, 335

Browning, Kirk, 157b, 157f

Brown v. Board of Education, 151152

BSkyB, 290

Bubba the Love Sponge, 334

Buchanan, Pat, 332333

Buck Rogers—In the 25th Century, 7677

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 331

“Build your own TV” kit, 113f

Burch, Dean, 198, 216

Burns, Ken, 267, 283

Burns and Allen, 65, 7576, 113115, 128129

Bush, George H. W., 243244, 255256, 274

Bush, George W., 313314, 315, 330

Business Executives Move for Peace, 204


Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, 212, 243244

Cable companies

access channels, 208

vs. broadcast, 185, 306

copyright issues, 216

deregulation, 243244

early subscriber numbers, 164

expansion, 264f

FCC regulations, 157, 190, 212, 222, 279

first satellite distribution, 221

monopolies, 299

must-carry principle, 246247

original programming, 285286

rate deregulation, 292

rates vs. service, 264

regulation, 277278

satellite transmission, 217218

systems by year, 254t

and telcos, 235

two-way cable, 223

Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, 277278

Cablevision, 304306

Caesar, Julius, 2

Caesar, Sid, 128129

Calley, William L., 206

Canada’s Radio-Television Commission (CRTC), 217

Candid Camera, 176177

Cantor, Eddie, 65, 7576

Cantril, Hadley, 84

Cap Cities, 283

Capone, Al, 53

Captain Kangaroo, 154

Captain Video, 137b

Carlin, George, 226227

Carpathia, 1213

Car radios, 63, 72f, 106, 205206

Internet versions, 346347

Carroll, Diahann, 231232

Carson, Johnny, 148, 176177, 197198, 277, 280

Carter, Boake, 6667

Carter, Jimmy, 218, 231

Cathode ray oscilloscope, 5

Cathode ray tube, 5

CATV, see Community antenna television (CATV)

CBS, see Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)

CBS Evening News, 339

CBS Reports, 158

CD, see Compact disc (CD)

Cellular telephones, 223, 311

Censorship, see also First Amendment rights

Blue Book, 105

child protection, 291292

and civil liberties, 148

drug-related lyrics, 207

military vs. political, 269270

National Radio Conference, 42

by PBS, 273

political broadcasts, 113, 338339

by Republicans, 261

self-censorship, 110111

TV sex/violence, 282283

wartime broadcasts, 9798, 245, 267268

Challenger shuttle disaster, 248

Chancellor, John, 216

Chandu the Magician, 7677

Chappe, Claude, 3

Charlie’s Angels, 222

Charren, Peggy, 195, 276b, 276f

Chase, Chevy, 280

The Chase and Sanborn Hour, 81

Chayefsky, Paddy, 141142

“Checkers” speech, 139

Cheers, 241, 277

Cheyenne, 154

Child, Julia, 179b, 179f, 209210

Children’s Corner, 197

Children’s programming

advertising limits, 207

commercials, 223224, 229

commercial time, 257

education on radio, 62

FCC rules, 242

first TV show, 111

minimum educational time, 293

NAB, 8990

public TV, 195

on radio, 7677, 8990

radio broadcasts, 7677

self-regulation, 222

sexism, 232

TV growth, 155f

Children’s Television Act (CTA), 265b, 274275

Children’s Television Entertainment Act of 1990, 267

Children’s Television Programming Report, 265

Children’s Television Workshop (CTW), 197

Chotzinoff, Samuel, 157

CHR, see Contemporary Hit Radio (CHR)

Chris-Craft, 319

Christian, Lynn, 159b, 159f

Chung, Connie, 258, 323324

Church service broadcast, 25

Cigarette advertising, 190191, 191b

Cinemax, 248, 336, 337

Citizens Communication Center, 202, 204

City Links WBFO, 211

Civil Rights Commission, 222

Civil rights/liberties, see also Censorship; Protests

ACLU, 292

broadcast impact, 231232

family viewing time, 219

FCC decisions, 163

Civil rights movement, 196b, 203204

Civil War, 267

Clark, Dick, 154155, 253b, 253f

Clear Channel Communications, 299, 304, 319, 325, 326, 334

Cleaver, Eldridge, 192

Clinton, Bill, 261, 274, 281, 289, 295296

Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 281

Clinton–Lewinsky affair, 301, 323324

Closed captioning, 235

Close-Up, 164

Cloud, Stanley, 269270

CMT, 323


Challenger disaster, 248

9/11 coverage, 321322, 322f

as online programmer, 337

Persian Gulf War, 268, 269f

satellite communications, 263

CNN International, 337

Coalition for Better Television, 238

Coaxial cable, 106107, 115116

Cobb, Buff, 131

Code of Ethics (NAB), 5960

The Colbert Report, 344

Cold War, 110, 123, 182, 238, 263

Cole, Nat King, 154155, 231232

College Sports TV, 337

College stations, 15, 3031, 42, 49, 55, 73, 89, 113, 208

Collingwood, Charles, 9192

Color television

early systems, 107

effect on viewership, 182

FCC battle, 131, 144

vs. monochrome, 223

NBC/CBS, 111

set prices, 155

Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)

American School of the Air, 6162

Army–McCarthy hearings, 147

color TV, 107, 111, 131

Cronkite–Rather transition, 235

culture/religion TV shows, 140

Dan Rather’s protest, 252

Edward R. Murrow, 77

evening news, 144

Eye logo, 136137

first baseball TV broadcast, 111

formation, 5051

and freedom of speech, 333

Friendly as president, 182

Golden Age of Radio, 8081

Lou Grant cancelling, 240

mergers, 291

monopoly investigations, 93, 99100

network growth, 7071

news corp, 9192

news service growth, 285

online shows, 302303

phonograph partners, 116117

political convention coverage, 143

post-WWII TV equipment, 106107

Press-Radio War, 68, 69

quiz shows, 153

satellite radio feeds, 242

shows on Internet, 304306

sports rights, 258

talent raids, 113115

TV evolution, 128129

Viacom purchase, 303304, 319, 323

videodisc deal, 235

The War of the Worlds, 8283

Westinghouse purchase, 283

Columbia Phonograph Broadcasting System (CPBS), 5051, 53

Columbia Phonograph Company, 5051

Columbia Records, 116117

Columbia shuttle disaster, 330

Columbia Workshop, 79

Comcast, 287, 321, 325326, 335, 336, 339

Comedians, 6567, 7576

Command Performance, 97

Commercial radio, 2930, 30f, 4547, 59b

Commercial television, 91, 9394, 205206

Commercial time

children’s programs, 223224, 229, 257

FCC rules, 239

full-length programs, 267

sponsors, 214

top dramas, 331

on TV, 178

Communications Act of 1934

equal time rule, 161, 237

FCC creation, 7172

forerunner, 14, 42

public interest provision, 163

and Van Deerlin, 219, 228, 229

Communications Satellite Act of 1962, 176

Communications Satellite (COMSAT)

Corporation, 158f, 176, 183185

Communism fears, 110, 118, 139, 148

Community antenna television (CATV), 150

Compact disc (CD), 231, 242, 242f, 259f

as broadcast threat, 262263


in broadcasting, 223

as broadcast threat, 262263, 263f, 281

IBM PC introduction, 238

at NAB, 210

TV transmitter control, 216

COMSAT, see Communications satellite

(COMSAT) Corporation

Comstock, George, 209

Condit, Gary, 323324

Congress Cigar Company, 53

Conrad, Frank, 2122, 22f, 23f

Contemporary Hit Radio (CHR), 244

Content-based ratings system, 295b

Contract with America, 261

Convergence, 311

Cook, Fred, 180181

Cook, Phil, 288f

Cooke, Alistair, 140

Cookes, William, 5

Coolidge, Calvin, 3637, 39, 40f

Cooperative Analysis of Broadcasting, 59

Copland, Aaron, 123

Copyright issues, 3738, 216

Cordless microphones, 168

Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), 73, 192, 208, 214, 238

Correll, Charles, 58, 61

Corwin, Norman

bio, 87

Columbia Workshop series, 79

equal opportunity programs, 100

and Lee Bland, 109

photo, 108f, 225f

poetry, 224b

war and peace writing, 102104

Cosby, Bill, 182

The Cosby Show, 244, 301302

Costello, Frank, 127

Coughlin, Charles E., 61, 62f, 79

Countdown with Keith Olbermann, 344

Counterattack—The Newsletter of Facts on Communism, 110, 118, 123, 126

Couric, Katie, 339

Cousin Brucie, 244

Cowan, Thomas H., 29

Cox, Archibald, 213

Cox, Eugene E., 99100

Cox, Kenneth, 170, 180

Cox Communications, 321, 325, 326, 335

CPB, see Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB)

CPBS, see Columbia Phonograph Broadcasting System (CPBS)

Craft, Christine, 242243

Creely, Robert, 211

Cronkite, Walter

CBS assignment, 127

and Ed Bliss, 135

Gulf War opinion, 269270

and Lyndon Johnson, 186187

political manipulation speech, 293

real-life drama reporting, 216

retirement, 235

Vietnam criticism, 194

You Are There, 141142

Crosby, Bing, 101, 111

Crosley condenser, 28, 41, 51

Cross, Milton, 29, 66f

Crossley, Archibald M., 59, 101

Crothers, Rachel, 85

CRTC, see Canada’s Radio-Television Commission (CRTC)

Crystal, Billy, 222

Crystal detector, 9f, 10, 12f

CSI, 311312, 331, 335, 336

C-Span, 241, 333

CTA, see Children’s Television Act (CTA)

CTW, see Children’s Television Workshop (CTW)

Cuban Missile Crisis, 171

Cunningham, Sean, 332

CW Network, 338


DAB, see Digital audio broadcasting (DAB)

The Daily Show, 336, 344

Dali, Salvador, 53

Dallas, 234

Damrosch, Walter, 44f

Dancing with the Stars, 311312, 345

DAT, see Digital audio tape (DAT)

Dateline NBC, 312

Davis, Edwin, 56

Davis, Elmer, 97

Davis, Harry P., 22, 3233

Davis Amendment, 56b, 7879

Davy Crockett, 148

The Day After, 242

Daytime programming, for housewives, 195196

DBS, see Direct broadcast satellite (DBS)

Deal or No Deal, 340, 345

Death of a Salesman, 323324

Dees, Rick, 244

Defense Communications Board, 98

De Forest, Lee, 1, 6, 8, 1112, 11f, 1415, 92f

De Forest Radio Telephone Company, 8, 14, 25

DeGeneres, Ellen, 293

Democracy Radio, 335

Dempsey vs. Carpentier boxing match, 26

Department of Commerce, 42

Department of Defense (DoD), 267268

Department of State, 7172

Department of the Navy, 1819

Desperate Housewives, 311312, 336, 338, 340

Dewey, Thomas E., 101

Dick Tracy, 7677

Diebold, John, 316

Diffusion of innovations theory, 2b

Digital audio broadcasting (DAB), 223, 270f, 272, 285

Digital audio tape (DAT), 248

Digital broadcasting, 233

Digital Millenium Copyright Act, 303, 319

Digital video camcorder, 260

Digital videodisc recorder, 244

Dill, Clarence C., 4748, 49, 228

Dill–White Act, 4748

Dinsdale, Shirley, 121

Direct broadcast satellite (DBS)

as broadcast threat, 262263

FCC authorization, 239

frequencies, 260

growth, 300, 320f

as local TV carrier, 324

opposition to, 217218

DirecTV, 290291, 331332

Discovery Channel, 296297

Disney, 281282, 283, 326, 335, 336

Dissector tube, 52

Distress sale policy, 259, 263264

Dixie Chicks, 330

Dobbs, Lou, 347

Documentaries, resurgence, 296297

DoD, see Department of Defense (DoD)

Dodd, Thomas J., 170

Doerfer, John C., 164

Donahue, 252

Donahue, Tom “Big Daddy,” 192

Donohue, Phil, 293, 332333

Downey, Morton, Jr., 255, 258

Dragnet, 148

Drake, Bill, 192

Dramas, general

cable vs. broadcast, 312

censorship issues, 148

experimental, 79

first on TV, 55

first radio series, 31

gay/lesbian roles, 293

Golden Age of Television Drama, 128129, 141142, 193b, 237

and Great Depression, 65

indecency, 312313

on Internet, 297

prototype, 128129

vs. reality shows, 311312, 331

real-life, 237, 258

sexual content, 323

social content, 222

thriller/serial debuts, 56

TV transition, 113115

wartime patriotic, 9495

and Writers’ Strike, 343

Draper, Paul, 126

DTV, 329b, 340b

Duell, Charles H., 352

Dukakis, Michael, 256, 280281

DuMont Network, 94f, 9899, 101102, 137, 140, 141142, 151, 210

Duopolies, 319

Durante, Jimmy, 76f


Earhart, Amelia, 53

Early Bird satellite, 185

Echo Star, 324, 335


advertising effect, 271

broadcast effect, 267

and game shows, 151

radio effect, 272

recession, 314, 341

Edison, Thomas Alva, 1, 6

Edmonston, Estelle, 34

The Ed Schultz Show, 332333, 335

The Ed Sullivan Show, 115, 154

EDTV, see Enhanced-definition television (EDTV)

Educational broadcasting, 6162, 65, 170, 192, 259260, see also Public broadcasting, general

Educational Broadcasting Facilities Act, 171

Educational television (ETV), 170

Edwards, Ralph, 128129, 128b, 128f

EEO, see Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

Eight-track audiotape player, 63

8XK radio station, 21

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 123, 139, 152, 164, 170

Eleanor and Franklin, 221

Electromagnetic telegraph, 34

Electromagnetic theory, 5

Electron, discovery, 6

Electronic news gathering (ENG), 217218, 229230, 237

Electron tube, 6

Elevator music, 151

Ellen, 293

Ellsberg, Daniel, 206

Eminem, 323

Emmy Awards, 121, 307

The Empire Builders, 5859

Employment Resource Center, 203

ENG, see Electronic news gathering (ENG)

Enhanced-definition television (EDTV), 252

E-online, 337

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), 203204, 222, 279280, 303

Equal-time rule, 161, 237, 241242

ER, 294f, 301302, 311312

ESPN, 306

The Evening News, 252

The Eveready Hour, 51

Everybody Loves Raymond, 311312, 331, 335, 336

Exxon Valdez oil spill, 258


Facebook, 311, 339, 352

Facsimile experiments, 38

Fairness Doctrine

cigarette advertising, 190191

and citizen groups, 204

demise, 248

development, 9495, 119120, 161

elimination ruling, 279280

and monopolistic practices, 170

overview, 121b

Red Lion decision, 198

resurrection attempts, 282

TV/radio advertising, 213214

Fairness Doctrine Primer, 180181

The Fall of the City, 8081

Falwell, Jerry, 214, 323

Family cable channel, 297298

Family viewing time, 219

Faraday, Michael, 3

Farm and Home Hour, 7374

Farnsworth, Elma, 52

Farnsworth, Philo T.

death, 208

early experiments, 29

electronic scanning systems, 80

patents, 52, 88

statue honoring, 85f

Fashions Coming and Becoming, 142

“Father of Television,” 85f

Faulk, John Henry, 125, 126127, 152, 171

Fax machine, 75f

FBI, see Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

FCC, see Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Fear Factor, 324

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 110, 331

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

adult programming, 280

AM vs. FM, 8889, 255

AM stereo, 227228

and blacklist, 126

Blue Book, 105, 108b

broadcasting diversity, 303

cable regulation, 157, 190, 212, 279

CBS–NBC lawsuit, 99100

children’s TV, 229, 242, 274275

cigarette advertising, 190191

and citizen groups, 204, 206, 208209, 216

color TV systems, 107, 131, 144

commercial time, 239

consumer vs. corporate interests, 349350

creation, 7172

CTA, 265b

DAB rulings, 272

Davis Amendment repeal, 7879

DBS, 239

deregulatory actions, 222, 229, 236

digital tuners, 328

digital TV transition, 347

distress sale policy, 259

educational broadcasting, 170

EEO requirements, 203204

family viewing time, 219

fine guide, 308f

first African-American appointee, 208209

first commercial TV authorization, 9394

first female member, 113

first program regulation, 9495

FM decisions, 91, 104, 171

Fowler’s actions, 250

Fox investigation, 284285

frequency decisions, 82, 94, 101102, 113, 281282

HDTV, 252, 254, 277, 299

Howard Stern ruling, 274, 285

indecency rules, 258259, 323, 338339, 349350

internal scandal, 164

ITFS channels, 241

licensing, 350

Mayflower reversal, 119120

McCarthy’s impact, 144146

minority licensees, 228

monopolies, 93, 279, 303304

multiple-ownership rule, 244, 277, 282, 331332

must-carry principle, 246247

under Nixon, 198

organization structure, 282

ownership rules, 101, 216217, 297298, 337

payola/plugola, 181182, 256257

pay TV authorization, 196, 204

political air time, 241242, 301

prime time rules, 204

pro-corporate issues, 345

and PTAR, 213214

and public interest, 163, 183185

radio bribery scandal, 161162

radio competition, 37

and recession, 315

restructuring, 304

and Reverend Jim Bakker, 235236

RKO TV station licenses, 235

“Rule of Sevens,” 133

“Seven Dirty Words” routine, 226227

Super Bowl incident, 312313, 334

telcos, 235, 279, 287288

UHF channels, 299300

V-chip, 292

VDT networks, 282

VHF vs. UHF, 137138

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

and children’s program commercials, 223224

cigarette advertising, 190191

fraudulent advertising, 204205

kidvid, 209

monopoly investigations, 39

radio competition, 37

Feedback circuit, 14

Felix the Cat, 63, 82

Felix TV image, 50f

Felkner, Dale, 284f

Ferraro, Geraldine, 244245

Ferris, Charles D., 222, 236

Fess, Simeon D., 65

Fessenden, Reginald A., 1, 7

Fibber McGee and Molly, 65, 76f

Fiber-optic systems, 214, 233, 254, 278

Fiedler, Leslie, 211

Financial and syndication rights (Finsyn), 204, 285

Finsyn, 204, 285

Fiorello, 274

“Fireside chats,” 69, 281

First Amendment rights, see also Censorship

adult programming, 251252, 270271, 291292

and Blue Book, 105

drug-related lyrics, 207

and Fairness Doctrine, 119120, 248

family viewing time, 219

Food Lion vs. ABC, 307

under George W. Bush, 331

Gulf War, 268

indecency standards, 323

Internet, 342

must-carry principle, 246247

political campaigns, 229

political unrest coverage, 258

The Selling of the Pentagon, 206

Super Bowl broadcast, 312, 333

TV sex/violence, 282283

Fisher, Terry Louise, 248

Fleming, John A., 1, 6, 8, 8f

The Flintstones, 165

The Flip Wilson Show, 231232

Flying Spot Scanner, 63

FM radio

vs. AM, 8889, 177, 212213, 234, 255, 285

development, 159

Edwin Armstrong, 14, 63

elevator music, 151

FCC rules, 91, 138, 181182

frequency modulator limiter, 7475

frequency relocation, 94, 104

lack of growth, 133

post-WWII growth, 110111

spectrum management, 55

stereo, 171

Food Lion vs. ABC, 307

Football, 141142, 210, 210b, 248, 299300, 301302, 312313, 333, 345

Ford, Frederick W., 185

Ford, Gerald, 218

Ford Company, 126

The Ford Fiftieth Anniversary Show, 141142

Ford Foundation, 194

45-rpm records, 116117

Fowler, Mark, 236, 250

Fox network, 190, 284285, 290, 303304, 323

Fox News Channel, 337

Foxx, Redd, 231232

Franco, Federico, 123124

Franken, Al, 332333

Franklin, Benjamin, 3

FRC (Federal Radio Commission)

Davis Amendment, 56b

establishment, 4748

licensing, 55

radio commercialization, 59

radio competition, 37

scarcity principle, 49

Frederick, Pauline, 141142

Freed, Alan, 244

FreeSpeechTV, 318

The French Chef, 209210

Frequency modulator limiter, 7475

Fresh Air, 230b, 230f

Friendly, Fred

as CBS News president, 182

CBS Reports, 158

CBS resignation, 185

documentaries, 106

Harvest of Shame, 164

Hear It Now, 133

and Lawrence Laurent, 176

Person to Person, 141142, 146, see It Now

Friends, 335

“Frito Bandito” commercial, 203204

Fritz, Eddie, 338

FTC, see Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Furness, Betty, 142b, 143f

Future of Music Coalition, 326


Galvin, Paul, 63

Game shows

cable network for, 324

HDTV vs. DTV, 329

popularity, 84, 252, 345

ratings, 338

recent revival, 300

streaming, 297

as successful format, 113115

Gandhi, Mahatma, 64

Garbo, Greta, 53

Garroway, Dave, 140

Gay/lesbian characters, 331

GE, see General Electric Company (GE)

Genachowski, Julius, 349350

General Electric Company (GE)

Alexanderson alternator, 1415, 18

antitrust suit, 6263, 67

early network broadcast, 45

early TV broadcast experiment, 55

FCC frequency allocations, 101102

radio competition, 22

RCA/NBC purchase, 245, 266

RCA/NBC sell-off, 257

The General Motors Family Party, 51, 5859

Geraldo, 252

Gershwin, George, 53

Get Smart, 182

Gibson, Mel, 339

Gingrich, Newt, 284285, 289

“Giveway” shows, 120, 150f

Glenn, John, 299300

The Godfather, 216

Godfrey, Arthur, 145f

The Goldbergs, 126

Golden Age of Radio, 8081, 349

Golden Age of Television Drama, 128129, 141142, 193b, 237

The Golden Girls, 246

Goldmark, Peter, 91, 107, 117f

Goldwater, Barry, 180

Goodman, Julian, 174

Good Times, 207

Goodyear Playhouse, 141142

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 255256

Gore, Al, 315

Gosden, Freeman, 58, 61

Gould, Jack, 123124

Graham, Philip L., 172

Grantlund, N. T., 34

Gravel, Mike, 206

Gray’s Anatomy, 311312, 338

Great Depression, 60, 6567, 7576

Grenada Invasion, 258

Gross, Terry, 230b, 230f

Grossman, Lawrence K., 218, 256

GSN, 337

GTE, 282

Gunn, Hartford N., 218

Gunsmoke, 154, 170


Hagerty, Jim, 140141

Haley, Alex, 222

“Hall of Television,” 8586

Halperin, Martin, 114b, 114f

Ham radio, 106

Hannah Montana, 341

Hannity, Sean, 347

Happy Days, 231232

Harding, Tonya, 283

Harding, Warren G., 26, 3637

Harding/Cox Presidential race, 21, 25f

Hargis, Billy James, 180181

Hartnett, Vincent, 125, 126

Harvest of Shame, 106, 164

Harvey, Paul, 159f, 332333

Hauptmann, Bruno, 6667

HDTV, see High-definition television (HDTV)

Hearing-impaired listeners, 221, 235

Hear It Now, 133

Hearst, Patty, 216

Heatter, Gabriel, 6667

Heinz, Catharine, 288b, 288f

Heliograph, 2

Hello, Dolly, 182

Helms, Jesse, 257

Hemingway, Ernest, 53

Hennock, Frieda, 113, 133

Henry, William E., 170, 178, 180, 183185, 189190

Herman, George, 219b, 220f

Hernandex, Juan, 34

Herrold, Charles D. “Doc,” 10, 20, 20f

Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf, 1, 5, 6

Heston, Charlton, 240

High-definition television (HDTV)

advertisement for, 78f

cable competition, 254

with DBS, 260

digital standards, 290

and DTV, 329b

FCC regulations, 252, 277

first demonstration, 214

high cost, 306

introduction, 233

Japanese system, 238

preparation for, 299

reasons for adoption, 9394

station conversion costs, 281

High-frequency alternator, 89

High-power vacuum-tube transmission, 3233

Hill Street Blues, 237, 248

Hilter, Adolf, 6970

Hilton, Paris, 341

Hindenburg, 81

“His Master’s Voice,” 18f


all-news radio, 321

audience growth, 324

negative images, 203204

programming growth, 274275

radio format growth, 283

Spanish Radio, 305f

station ownership, 223

TV audience growth, 335

unserved needs, 202

WBFO programming, 211

History Channel, 296297, 338339

Hit Parade, 197

Hit the Jackpot, 113115

Hogan, John V. L., 75

Hollings, Fritz, 256257

“The Hollywood Ten,” 110

Holocaust, 242

Home Box Office (HBO), 210, 217218, 248, 306, 336, 337

Home Improvement, 285, 293

Home Shopping Network (HSN), 241, 281282, 306

The Honeymooners, 148

Honig, Howard, 351352

Hooks, Benjamin L., 208209

Hooper, Clark, 74, 101

Hoover, Herbert, 25, 2930, 33, 40f, 55, 60f

Hoover, J. Edgar, 110

Hope, Bob, 7576, 76f, 148

House Party, 140

Houser, Thomas, 219

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 110

Howard Stern Show, 334

Howdy Doody, 111

How to Watch TV booklet, 122f

HSN, see Home Shopping Network (HSN)

HUAC, see House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Hundt, Reed, 279280

Huntley–Brinkley Report, 154

Hurricane Katrina, 336, 339

Husing, Ted, 66f

Hussein, Saddam, 330

Hyde, Rosel H., 189190


IBS, see Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS)

I Love Lucy, 58, 136137, 139140, 141, 144146, 185

Imus, Don, 280, 298f, 340

Independent Television Association (INTV), 212213

Indymedia, 318

Infinity Broadcasting Corporation, 274, 280, 285, 291, 325

Infotainment, 233

Inside Vietnam, 194

Instant replay, 178

Instructional Television Fixed Service (ITFS) channels, 241

Intellectual Property and Communications Omnibus Reform Act of 1999, 307

INTELSAT, 185, 273

Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS), 89b

International News Service (INS), 67, 157

International Radio and Telegraph Company, 22

International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 229

International Telephone and Telegraph (IT&T), 190


music, 319

network programs, 302303

news programs, 304306

and Nielsen ratings, 338

prime-time dramas, 297

radio listeners, 346347

radio stations, 306

service offerings, 290

streaming TV/radio, 328

vs. TV/radio, 315

TV relationship, 347

worldwide freedom, 352

Internet service providers (ISPs), 318, 342

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 4, 7172

INTV, see Independent Television Association (INTV)

iPod, 311

Iran-Contra scandal, 233, 254

Iraq War, 313

Irvin, Sam, 213

ISPs, see Internet service providers (ISPs)

I Spy, 182

ITFS, see Instructional Television Fixed Service (ITFS) channels

IT&T, see International Telephone and Telegraph (IT&T)

ITU, see International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

iTunes, 338


Jack Armstrong—The All-American Boy, 7677

The Jackie Gleason Show, 148

Jackson, Janet, 312313, 334, 345

Jackson, Jesse, 201202

Jackson, Michael, 237

Jackson State University protest, 201

Jacor Communications, 299

Jarvis, Al, 66

The Jeffersons, 207, 231232

Jenkins, Charles Francis, 38

Jeopardy, 293

Jerry Springer Show, 297

The Jewel in the Crown, 221

“Jiggle,” 222

John Adams, 345

Johnson, Laurence, 125, 126, 171

Johnson, Lyndon B., 180, 186187, 192, 194

Johnson, Nicholas, 188

The Johnson and Johnson Program, 5859

Johnston, Eric, 350351

Jolson, Al, 65

Jones, Billy, 3435

Jones Radio networks, 332333, 335

Jonestown tragedy, 223224

Jordan, Frank, 174

Julia, 231232


KABC station, 168

Kahn system, 281

Kaltenborn, H. V., 3435, 68f, 84

Kapitza, Peter, 107f

The Kate Smith Show, 128129, 197

KDKA station

agricultural reports, 7374

beginnings, 23

control room, 25f

first broadcast reputation, 25

first regular broadcast, 10

Frank Conrad, 23f

Harding/Cox broadcast, 21

performance studio, 27f

pre-WWII control center, 82f

rooftop studio, 26f

Kefauver, Estes, 127

Keillor, Garrison, 165b, 166f

Kelley, David E., 336

Kemp, George, 7

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 171

Kennedy, John F., 163164, 171, 176, 177, 177f

Kennedy, Robert, Jr., 332333

Kennedy, Robert F., 193194

Kennedy, Ted, 256257

Kent State University protest, 201

Kerrigan, Nancy, 283

Keyes, Alan, 332333

KFAX station, 168

KFKB station, 61

KFWB station, 66

KHJ station, 235

Khrushchev, Nikita, 158

Kidvid, 209

The Killers, 182

Kinescope, 116117

King, Larry, 283, 339

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 151152, 178, 182, 193194

“King of Jazz,” 31

The King of Queens, 311312

King of the Hill, 300

Kintner, Robert E., 238

KMPX station, 192

Knight-Ridder Company, 248

Kojak, 231232

Kookla, Fran, and Ollie, 111

Koppel, Ted, 235

Korean War, 127

Kovacs, Ernie, 136137

KQW station, 10, 21

Kraft Music Hall, 111

Kraft Television Theater, 141142, 148

The Kraft Television Theater, 111

Kroc, Joan, 333

KTLA station, 245

KTZA station, 242

KUHT station, 192

KWHY station, 228

KYW station, 41f


L.A. Law, 248

Lablance, Maurice, 5

Large-screen theater presentations, 111

La Rosa, Julius, 144

Larsen, Roy E., 288f

Laser videodisc players, 223, 248

Laugh tracks, 112b

Laurent, Lawrence, 172b, 172f

Laverne and Shirley, 231232

Law and Order, 311312, 335, 336

League of Women Voters, 174

Lear, Bill, 63

Lear, Norman, 207, 207b, 231232

Learjet, 63

Lee, Robert E., 236

Leland, John, 332333

Leno, Jay, 148, 280, 285, 347

Lensen, Anton, 292293

Leonard, Bill, 173

Lester, Jerry, 129130, 148

Let’s Pretend, 126

Letterman, David, 280, 285

Levy, Chandra, 323324

Lewinsky, Monica, 307

Lewis, Jerry, 120

Lewis, Robert Q., 128129

Leyden jar, 3

Liberty at the Crossroads, 79

Life Is Worth Living, 140

The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp, 154

Lifetime channel, 299

Lights Out, 8081

Limbaugh, Rush, 325, 332333, 347

Lindbergh, Charles, 51, 53, 6667

Linkletter, Art, 140

Listen subscription service, 319

Little House on the Prairie, 231232

Little Orphan Annie, 7677

Live Aid concert, 246

LMAs, see Local marketing agreements (LMAs)

Local marketing agreements (LMAs), 282, 283, 297298

Local people meters (LPMs), 335

Local Radio Freedom Act, 344, 346347

Loeb, Philip, 5658, 126

Lohan, Lindsay, 341

“London After Dark,” 9192

The Lone Ranger, 71, 7677, 120

Lonesome Dove, 258

Long-playing (LP) records, 116117, 117f, 259f

Loomis, Mahlon, 5

Loring, Ann, 188b, 188f

Lost, 338

Lou Grant, 127, 240

Love of Life, 188

Lower, Elmer, 174, 178

Low-power television (LPTV) stations, 234, 239, 241, 246, 321

LP, see Long-playing (LP) records

LPMs, see Local people meters (LPMs)

LPTV, see Low-power television (LPTV) stations

Ludden, Allen, 144f

Lumet, Sidney, 125

Lyons, Paula, 240b, 240f


Mack, Richard A., 157

MacLeish, Archibald, 79, 8081, 80b

The MacNeil–Lehrer Report, 242

The MacNeil Report, 221, 242

Maddow, Rachel, 347

Made-for-television movies

first airing, 182

NBC production, 190

Magnavox, 227228

home videogames, 210

Magnetic tape recorder, 99, 104105

Major Bowes and His Original Amateur Hour, 7576

The Make-Believe Ballroom, 66, 95

The March of Time, 64

Marconi, Guglielmo, 1, 5, 6f, 7, 100

Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company, 14

Markey, Edward, 257

Marshall, Garry, 207

Marshall, Pluria, 201b, 202f

Martin, Dean, 120

Martin, Kevin, 347

Martin, Mary, 151

Marty, 141142

The Mary Tyler Moore Show, 207

M*A*S*H, 210, 231232

Mass communication methods, early, 26

Masterpiece Theatre, 216

Maude, 207

Maxwell, James Clerk, 1, 5, 5f

The Maxwell House Hour, 51

Mayflower Broadcasting Company, 9495, 119120, 248

MBS, see Mutual Broadcasting System (MBS)

MCA, 113115, 210

McAndrew, William R., 173

McCarthy, Charlie, 113115

McCarthy, Joseph R., 123, 139, 144146, 154

McChesney, Robert W., 303304

McCullough, David, 345

McCullough, Jim, 202

McGovern, George, 213

MCI, 290

McIntire, Carl, 214

McLuhan, Marshall, 176, 238

McMillan and Wife, 231232

McNamee, Graham, 29, 3435, 47f, 66f

McVeigh, Timothy, 324, 349

MDS, see Multipoint distribution service (MDS)

Media Access Project, 331332

Media diversity, 6263

Media Metrix, 306

Media One, 303304, 319

Meet the Press, 104, 299

Mercury Theatre series, 8081, 8283, 82f

Meredith, Burgess, 87

Meredith Broadcasting Company, 248249


ABC–IT&T, 190

cable, 287

Comcast–Scripps, 287

CW creation, 338

duopolies, 319

FCC impact, 323

industry impact, 325

international, 297298

networks, 283

News Corp–DirecTV, 331332

as revenue source, 283

super-giant companies, 291

Telemundo–Univision, 325326

Time–Warner, 257258

Viacom–CBS, 303304

Viacom–Paramount, 282

Westinghouse–TelePrompTer, 238

XM–Sirius, 341

Metromedia, 245

Mickelson, Sig, 172

Microphones, 42f, 43f, 82f, 168

Microwave relay, 115116, 168

Midwest Program on Airborne Television Instruction (MPATI), 170

Milam, Lorenzo, 195

Miller, Arthur, 123, 323324

Miller, Darlene, 128

Miller, Flouroy, 34

Miller, Glenn, 101

Milton Berle Show, 58

Minow, Newton N., 169, 169b, 177, 273, 333

Miss America Pageant, 148

Mission: Impossible, 182

Miss Vicki, 197198

Mister Rogers, 197

8MK station, 21

MMDS, see Multichannel multipoint distribution service (MMDS)

MNF, see Monday Night Football (MNF)

Monday Night Football (MNF), 210b


AT&T, 14, 240

Bell companies, 235

cable television, 299

FCC investigations, 7879, 93, 198, 204

FCC “Rule of Sevens,” 133

FCC rules, 99100, 303304

FTC investigation, 37, 39

international, 297298

Minow’s concerns, 170

private vs. public interest, 42

in radio, 32, 67

strengthening, 299, 303304

Time–Warner concerns, 257258

Montgomery Ward, 28

Moon landing, 196

Moore, Gary, 128129

Moral Majority, 214, 238, 240

Morrison, Herb, 81

Morrow, Bruce, 103b

Morse, Samuel F. B., 1, 34

Morse code, 7

Mortal Combat, 297

Motorola, 63, 168, 281

Movie Channel, 245

Movies, 134135, 190

MPATI, see Midwest Program on Airborne Television Instruction (MPATI)

MSOs, see Multiple system operators (MSOs)


competition, 338

digital networks, 299

impact, 237f

origins, 237, 239b

and Viacom, 245, 323, 325326

Mudd, Roger, 235

Muir, Jean, 126

Mullins, John, 112b

Multichannel multipoint distribution service (MMDS), 214, 241, 271, 282

Multiple system operators (MSOs), 299, 315, 325326

Multipoint distribution service (MDS), 214

Murder, She Wrote, 293

Murdoch, Rupert

cable acquisitions, 297298

cross-ownership issues, 256257

DirecTV purchase, 331332

FCC investigation, 284285

Fox growth, 190

international growth, 263

media company prediction, 335

Metromedia purchases, 245

satellite business, 290

Murphy, Eddie, 217218

Murphy Brown, 207, 274

Murray the K, 244

Murrow, Edward R.

CBS Reports, 158

as CBS VP, 106

and Ed Bliss, 135

Germany’s liberation, 102

Harvest of Shame, 164

Hear It Now, 133

joining CBS, 77

“London After Dark,” 9192

and military censorship, 9798

move to USIA, 171

Person to Person, 139140, 141142, 146, see It Now

as war correspondent, 81, 84

MUSE, 329

Museum of Broadcasting, 221

Museum of Television & Radio, 295

Music at War, 100

Mussolini, Benito, 64, 6970

Must-carry principle, 246247, 247b, 337

Mutual Broadcasting System (MBS), 74, 93, 306

Mutual Radio Network, 245

My Name Is Earl, 338

MySpace, 352


NAB, see National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)

NABET, see National Association of Broadcast Engineers and Technicians (NABET)

NABOB, see National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters (NABOB)

Nader, Ralph, 236

NAEB, see National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB)

NAFMB, see National Association of FM Broadcasters (NAFMB)

Napster, 319

National Advisory Council on Radio in Education, 6162, 73

National Association of Black Journalist, 203

National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters (NABOB), 223

National Association of Broadcast Engineers and Technicians (NABET), 104

National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)

advertising codes, 239

vs. ASCAP, 15

broadcasting facts, 262f

children’s programming, 8990

Code of Ethics, 5960

vs. FCC, 72

Fritz retirement, 338

political coverage stats, 316f

record play on radio, 92

Rehr’s resignation, 347

videotape recorder, 152

wartime broadcast guide, 9798

National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB), 73, 208209, 238

National Association of FM Broadcasters (NAFMB), 159, 184f

National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE), 346347

National Association of Television and Radio Announcers (NATRA), 223

National Barn Dance, 65

National Black Media Coalition (NBMC), 202

National Black Network, 214

National Broadcasting Company (NBC)

advertisement for, 46f

Armstrong patent suit, 149

Army–McCarthy hearings, 147

color TV, 107, 111

culture/religion TV shows, 140

early network broadcast, 45

evening news, 144

FCC frequency allocations, 101102

first live HDTV program, 299

first World Series TV broadcast, 111

GE purchase, 245

GE sell-off, 257

The Godfather rights, 216

Golden Age of Radio, 8081

Leno experiment, 347

made-for-TV movies, 190

monopoly investigations, 93, 99100

NBC Blue Network, 45, 61, 64, 67f, 104

NBC Opera Theater, 197

NBC Red Network, 45, 64, 7576

NBC Symphony Orchestra, 8081

NBC Symphony program series, 115

NBC Universal, 335

network growth, 7071

network profits, 144

news service growth, 285

phonograph partners, 116117

Press-Radio War, 68, 69

quiz shows, 153

radio competition, 5051

“radio music box” memo, 1516

radio network demise, 221

satellite radio feeds, 242

talent raids, 113115

Telemundo purchase, 325326

TV evolution, 128129

National Cable Television Association (NCTA), 185

National Committe on Education by Radio, 6162, 73

National Educational Television (NET), 194

National Electric Signaling Company, 8

National Organization for Women (NOW), 232, 328

National Parents-Teachers Association, 222

National Public Radio (NPR)

budget, 238

commercialization, 273

as CPB creation, 192

first broadcast, 208

Kroc donation, 333

listenership growth, 259f

and NAEB, 73

as vital service, 205f

National Radio Broadcasters Association (NRBA), 159

National Radio Conference, 33, 38, 39, 40f, 42

National Radio Institute, 2829

National Telecommunications and Information Administration, 228

National Television Systems Committee (NTSC), 9394, 131, 252

Native Americans, 3, 283, 284f

NATPE, see National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE)

NATRA, see National Association of Television and Radio Announcers (NATRA)

NBC, see National Broadcasting Company (NBC)

NBC Nightly News, 335

NBMC, see National Black Media Coalition (NBMC)

NCIS, 311312

NCTA, see National Cable Television Association (NCTA)

NES, see News Election Service (NES)

NET, see National Educational Television (NET)

Net neutrality, 342

Network Election Service (NES), 176

Network programs, on Internet, 302303

News Corp, 297298, 319, 323, 335, 336

News Election Service (NES), 176


demise, 343

Press-Radio War, 6971

radio impact, 5152, 67

radio station purchases, 91, 133

News programming, general

with color film, 182

early radio broadcasts, 31f, 35

first evening shows, 144, 178

growth, 285

on Internet, 304306

late-night, 235

legitimacy, 77

Nixon battle, 198199

political power, 69

special events, 6667

TV expansion, 178

war coverage, 84

women’s role, 219f

Newsweek website, 304306

New York’s Metropolitan Opera House, 1112

New York Symphony, 44f

NFL Network, 349

Nickelodeon, 306, 325326

Nielsen ratings

accuracy, 280, 324, 328

call for changes, 293

electronic system, 338

Internet, 306, 338

Local People Meters, 335

People Meter, 253, 328, 335

Nightline, 235

Niles, Aubry, 34

9XM station, 21

Nipkow, Paul, 5

Nixon, Richard M.

antitrust suits, 209210

“Checkers” speech, 139

China visit, 208

Kennedy debate, 163164

Khrushchev debate, 158

Laugh-In appearance, 197198

vs. McGovern, 213

vs. media, 201

media battles, 198199

resignation, 215216

Watergate scandal, 213

Nizer, Louis, 125

Nonradiation wireless patent, 5

Noriega, Chon, 349

North, Oliver, 254

NOW, see National Organization for Women (NOW)

NPR, see National Public Radio (NPR)

NRBA, see National Radio Broadcasters Association (NRBA)

NTSC, see National Television Systems Committee (NTSC)

Nussbaumer, Otto, 8

NYPD Blue, 280, 336


Obama, Barack, 317318, 340, 347, 349350

Oboler, Arch, 8081, 96b

O’Brien, Conan, 148

O’Donnel, Rosie, 327328

Odyssey videogame, 210

The Office, 311312, 338

Office of Telecommunications Policy (OTP), 201, 219, 228

Office of War Information (OWI), 93, 97

Ohm, George, 3

Olbermann, Keith, 347

The Old Gold Program, 5859

Olson, Ken, 352

Olympic Games, 165, 257, 274, 281, 299, 343344, 344f

Omnibus, 140

O’Neal, Frederick, 119b, 119f

One Man’s Family, 6566

One World Flight, 108f, 109

On a Note of Triumph, 102104

“Operation Breadbasket,” 201202

Opie and Anthony, 312313, 328, 331

Oprah, 252, 293

O’Reilly, Bill, 335, 339

Organized crime, 127

The Osbornes, 327328

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 177

OTP, see Office of Telecommunications Policy (OTP)

Ottoman Empire: The War Machine, 338339

Overmyer Network, 190

OWI, see Office of War Information (OWI)

Oxygen Network, 307, 324, 331


Paar, Jack, 148, 176177

Pacifica Radio, 195f

Page, G. G., 4

Paley, William S

Arthur Taylor firing, 218

CBS news team, 9192

cigar company sales, 53

death, 268

and Gertrude Berg, 126

and Lucille Ball, 144146

and McCarthyism, 148

Museum of Broadcasting, 157, 221, see It Now

talent raids, 113115

Palin, Sarah, 317318, 343

Panama invasion, 267268

Panasonic, 214, 260

Paparazzi, 296

Paramount Communications, 282

Paramount Pictures, 144

Paris Opera Experiment, 4

Parker, Dorothy, 79

Parker, Everett, 180

Parks, Rosa, 151152

PATRIOT Act, 313, 331

“Pattern wars” history, 14

Paul, John Paul, II, 237

Pauley, Jane, 258

PAX, 297298, 323, 326

Paxson, Bud, 297298

Payne Fund Studies, 84

Payola, 154155, 161162, 181182, 256257, 326

Pay-per-view (PPV), 228, 256, 274

Pay TV, 196, 204, 210, 237, 248, 336

Pearl Harbor attack, 92

Peller, Clara, 244245

Penner, Joe, 7576

“Pentagon Papers,” 206

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 333

People Meter, 253, 328, 335

The Perfect Fool, 31

Perot, Ross, 274

Persian Gulf War, 267268, 268f, 269f

Person to Person, 141142

Pertschuk, Michael, 223224

PETA, see People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

Peter Pan, 151

Petrillo, James C, 99, 104

Philco, 51, 82, 101102, 149f

Philco–Goodyear Television Playhouse, 148

Philco Hour, 5859

Philco Playhouse, 141142

Philips videodisc, 210

Phonevision, 111, 131133, 134f

Phonograph, 4345, 116117

Piracy, 248

Plasma televisions, 325f

Playhouse 90, 154

Plugola, 161162, 181182

Polinger, David, 160

Political coverage

Brown v. Board of Education, 151152

Bush–Gore, 315

Carter–Mondale campaign, 229

Carter’s media use, 223

conventions, 143

Dewey vs. Roosevelt, 101

early radio broadcasts, 3637

early TV broadcasts, 115116

Einsenhower vs. Stevenson, 152

equal-time rule, 241242

Ford–Carter debate, 218

Iraq invasion, 336

Johnson vs. Goldwater, 180

maturation on TV, 127

NAB stats, 316f

Nixon–Kennedy debate, 163164

political ads, 139

politician’s TV performance, 134135

presidential candidate radio broadcasts, 57f

on radio, 79

Reagan–Gorbachev summit, 255256

talk shows, 274

Pope Pius XI, 64

Porter, Paul, 108

Post Office Department, 7172

Post Roads Act of 1866, 4

Power allocation, radio distributions, 48f

“The Power of Radio,” 271f

PPV, see Pay-per-view (PPV)

Predicta, 149f

Presley, Elvis, 115, 154, 221

Pressplay, 319

Press-Radio Bureau, 69

Press-Radio War, 68b, 6971

Primestar, 290291

Prime time, general

broadcast threats, 262263

coining of term, 59

on Internet, 297

network shares, 283

Nielsen ratings problem, 324

viewership drop, 297

Prime Time Access Rule (PTAR), 204, 213214, 285

Princess Diana, 296

Prohibition, 7071

Project Runway, 338

Prokofiev, Sergei, 109f

Protests, antiwar, 186187, 193, 201, 242

PSAs, see Public service announcement (PSAs)

Psychographics, 241

PTAR, see Prime Time Access Rule (PTAR)

PTL television network, 235236

Public broadcasting, general, see also Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB); National Public Radio (NPR); Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)

budgets, 238

commercialization, 273b

CPB vs. PBS, 214

early TV, 113

funding, 282

hearing-impaired listeners, 221

TV birth, 194b

Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, 194, 238

Public Broadcasting Laboratory, 194

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)

budget, 238

censorship, 273

commercialization, 273

vs. CPB, 214

creation, 192

and NAEB, 73

vs. Nixon, 201

satellite distribution, 223

Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act, 191

Public service announcement (PSAs), 191, 267

Public service programs, 158

Public Service Responsibilities of Broadcast Licensees, 105, 108b, 119120

Public Television: A Program for Action, 192

A Public Trust, 231

Pulitzer Prize Playhouse, 128129

Pursuit of Happiness, 87


Quality Network, 74

Quayle, Dan, 256, 274

QUBE, 223

Queensboro Corporation, 2930

The Queen’s Messenger, 55

Quello, James, 279280

Quincy Cable Television, 246247

Quinn, Anthony, 125

Quiz shows

audience size, 296

big-money shows, 153

as cheap radio format, 120

and economy, 151

radio format success, 113115

resurgence, 300, 307

scandals, 155156

QVC, 306, 326


The Rachel Maddow Show, 344

Radar, 100

Radio Act of 1912, 14

Radio Act of 1927, 14, 42, 4748, 49, 7172, 228

Radio Broadcast, 3334, 50f

Radio Corporation of America (RCA)

antitrust suit, 67

Armstrong patent suit, 149

Broadcast Equipment Division, 247

broadcast market battle, 2627

color TV, 107, 131

competition, 37

David Sarnoff, 1516

domestic satellites, 216

early antitrust suit, 6263

early network broadcast, 45

early TV broadcast experiment, 55

early TV sales, 91

vs. Edwin Armstrong, 117118

FCC frequency allocations, 101102

first radio broadcast licenses, 25

formation, 1819

GE purchase, 245, 266

GE sell-off, 257

Japanese-made TVs, 168169

large-screen theater presentations, 111

phonograph record types, 116117

post-WWII TV equipment, 106107

radio competition, 22

radio set production, 41

receiver sales, 31

Sarnoff era, 266

Sarnoff’s resignation, 205

trademark, 18f

TV field testing, 80

videodisc deal, 235

Radio Dealer, 3334

Radio Digest, 54f

Radio frequency distributions, 48f

Radio Group, 41

Radio industry

advertising reach, 54

amateur, growth, 42

artist copyright issues, 3738

associated media, 3334

black pioneers, 215

comeback, 217

commercialization, 59b

competition, 22, 37

Depression era, 6567, 7576

early advertising, 4547

early history, 1

entertainment talent, 29

first African-Americans, 34

first broadcast licenses, 25

first commercial, 2930

first network broadcast, 34

first play, 3435

first regular broadcasts, 21

FRC establishment, 4748

hucksters, 36

KDKA’s beginnings, 23

microphones, 42f, 43f

network concept, 4547

newspaper impact, 5152

overcrowded airwaves, 42

phonograph/vaudeville impact, 4345

post-WWI America, 2324

“The Power of Radio,” 271f

program debut, 56

program formatting, 156f

programming growth, 6465

rapid growth period, 5355

recession effects, 272

record play, 92

rights issues, 41

spectrum management, 55b

station call letters, 33

technical issues, 3233

“topless” programs, 251252

vs. TV, 120, 149f

WWII reporting, 9596

Radio Ink, 344

Radio Mart&í, 263

“Radio music box” memo, 1516, 17b

Radio News, 61f

Radio pen reproducer, 75

Radio rooms, 72

Radio sets

in cars, 63b

Depression era usage, 61

in homes, 150151

portability, 91, 160f, 161f

sales, 26, 31, 51, 185

table-models, 102f

war needs, 95

wirephoto experiments, 38

Radio stations, general

automatic systems, 217f

on Internet, 306

minority ownership, 223

multiple ownership, 277

purchase by newspapers, 91

Radio telegraph, see Wireless telegraph

Radiotelephone, 11f, 20

Radio World, 3334, 63

Radio Your Way recorder, 333f

Radner, Gilda, 217218

Randolph, John, 124b, 124f

Raphael, Sally Jessy, 327328

Rather, Dan, 235, 252, 255256, 330, 339, 341342

Ratings, 179, 295b, see also Arbitron; Nielsen ratings

RCA Radiola, 63f

RCN, see Residential Communications Network (RCN)

Reagan, Ronald, 182, 206, 235236, 238, 248249, 255256, 257

Reality shows

audience size, 296, 307

courtroom, 297

critics’ top programs, 338

high ratings, 311312

precursor, 207

spread, 280

success, 324, 331, 345

as talk show replacements, 327328

union representation, 336

and Writers’ Strike, 340341, 343

The Real McCoys, 185

RealOne Music Pass, 319

Reasoner, Harry, 216

Record play, on radio, 92

Red Channels, 123

Red Lion case, 180181, 190191, 198, 214, 248

“Red Scare,” 110

Regenerative circuit, 14

Rehr, David, 347

Reis, Philip, 4

Religious programming, on radio, 88f, 89f

Report on Chain Broadcasting, 93

Report on Smoking, 182

Residential Communications Network (RCN), 300

Retransmission-consent, 247

Reuters, 263

Rhoads, Eric, 344

Rice, Martin P, 40

Rich Man, Poor Man, 221

Ride, Sally, 242243

The Rise of the Goldbergs, 5658

Rivera, Geraldo, 255

The RKO Hour, 5859

RKO TV stations, 235

Robert Montgomery Presents, 141142

Robertson, Alice, 25

Robson, William, 100

Rock Around the Clock, 151

Rockefeller Center, 64

Rodgers, Richard, 139140

Roe vs. Wade, 258

Rogers, Fred, 197b, 197f, 333

Rogers, Will, 31, 45

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 69, 70f, 8586, 92, 101, 102

Roots, 221, 222

Roseanne, 282283

Rosie O’Donnell Show, 293

Rosing, Boris, 19

Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In, 197198

Ruby, Jack, 177

“Rule of Sevens,” 133

Ruth, Babe, 216


Safer, Morley, 182

SAG, see Screen Actors Guild (SAG)

Salant, Richard, 173

Sanford and Son, 207, 231232

Sarnoff, David

central broadcasting system, 45

death, 208

and Edwin Armstrong, 7475, 149

Gertrude Berg blacklisting, 126

music box memo, 1516, 16b, 17b, 352

as NBC president, 6263

and radio financing, 40

at RCA, 2627, 205, 266

Titanic disaster, 13

TV debut, 8586, 90f

Sarnoff, Robert, 205

Satellite communications

COMSAT authorization, 183185

first satellite, 176


PBS distribution, 223

post-Cold War, 263

radio feeds, 242

rapid growth, 233

service growth, 324

Westar launch, 216

Satellite news-gathering (SNG), 244245

Saturday Night Live, 197198, 302303

Savage, Michael, 332333, 347

Sawyer, Diane, 258

SCA, see Subsidiary Communications Authorization (SCA)

Scalia, Anthony, 248249


corporate fraud, 314

FCC, 164

Iran-Contra, 233, 254

payola, 154155, 161162, 181182, 256257, 326

plugola, 161162, 181182

quiz shows, 155156

radio bribes, 161162

Teapot Dome, 233

Watergate break-in, 213, 215216

Scanning principle, 5

Scarcity principle, 49b, 180181

Scherer, Ray, 140b, 140f

Schorr, Daniel, 116b, 116f

SCLC, see Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

SCR-300, see Signal Corps Radio (SCR-300)

Screen Actors Guild (SAG), 124, 240

Scripps, William E, 21

Scripps cable empire, 287

Scrubs, 338

Seeger, Pete, 133, 139140, 146, 148, 157, 164, 194,

see also It Now and Then

Seinfeld, 285, 293, 301, 311312, 338

Selecta Vision System, 235

Selective Service System, 98

The Selling of the Pentagon, 206

Semaphone, 3

Serling, Rod, 143

Sesame Street, 197

Sevareid, Eric, 9192, 135136

“Seven Dirty Words” routine, 226227

Sexism, 7677, 195, 203204, 232

Sex and the City, 311312, 327328

The Shadow, 8081

Shales, Tom, 282

Shannon, Scott, 244

Shaw, George Bernard, 64

Shaw, Irwin, 80b, 221

Shayon, Robert Lewis, 141142

Sheen, Fulton J, 140

The Shell Ship of Joy, 64

Shirer, William L, 9192

Shock radio, 296f

Shogun, 221

Shore, Dinah, 136137

Shortwave transmittes, 101

Showtime, 245, 336

The Sieberling Singers, 51

Siemering, Bill, 211b, 211f

Signal Corps Radio (SCR-300), 99

Silvera, Fran, 34

Simpson, O. J, 283, 285, 293296

The Simpsons, 300, 312

Sinatra, Frank, 7576, 101

Sirius satellite radio, 328, 341, 346347

Sissle, Noble, 34

Sitcoms, general

archetype, 136137

with black leads, 231232

controversial, 207

first cartoon, 165

gay/lesbian roles, 293

indecency, 312313

laugh tracks, 112

Murphy Brown controversy, 274

outlandish, 193b, 285

radio prototypes, 56

vs. reality shows, 311312

sexual content, 323

syndicated, 257

and Writers’ Strike, 343

Six Feet Under, 327328

Six Milliion Dollar Man, 231232

Sixth Report and Order, 113, 137138, 144, 149

The $64 Question, 151

The $64, 000 Challenge, 153

The $64, 000 Question, 151, 153, 155156

60 Minutes, 234, 312, 345

Skelton, Red, 113115, 136137

Sklar, Rick, 183b, 183f

Smartphones, 311

Smith, Howard K., 9192, 216

Smith, Kate, 79f

Smoking warnings, 182

The Smothers Brothers, 194, 197198

SNG, see Satellite news-gathering (SNG)

Soap, 222

SoapNet, 331

Soap operas, general

costs, 216

Depression era, 6566

early growth, 6566

ethnic programming, 331

OWI issues, 97

popularity, 84

prototypes, 56

radio–TV transition, 168

Sony Corporation, 335

The Sopranos, 307, 312, 327328, 338

Sound effects, radio, 83f, 85f

Soundprint, 267f

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 201202

South Park, 300, 312

Spears, Britney, 341

Special Committee on Legislative Oversight, 156

Sponsors, commercial time, 214

Sports events, general

instant replay, 178

live, 258

and radio set purchases, 26

remote radio broadcasts, 32

Sputnik satellite, 176

SS Republic, 10

St. Elsewhere, 241

Stanton, Frank, 173, 206

Starsky and Hutch, 231232

Stars and Stripes, 102

Star system, 61

Star Trek, 187188

Star Trek: The Next Generation, 187188, 280

Star TV, 290

Starz, 336

Station call letters, 33

Stein, Gertrude, 53

Stern, Howard, 274, 275f, 280, 285

The Steven Allen Show, 130131

Stevenson, Adlai E, 139, 152

Stewart, Bill, 151

Sticks and Bones, 213214

Stock Market Crash of 1929, 60

Stokowski, Leopold, 5859

Stop the Church, 273

Stop the Music, 65, 113115

Storz, Todd, 151

Stubblefield, Nathan B, 1, 6

Student demonstrations, 193

Studio One, 141143, 148

Subsidiary Communications Authorization (SCA), 151

Sullivan, Ed, 115

SUN Radio Network, 255

Super Bowl, 248, 301302, 312313, 333, 345

Superheterodyne receiver, 3233, 41, 64f

Surgeon General, 182, 191, 209

Survivor, 311312, 324, 331, 336, 345

Susan and God, 85

Susskind, David, 125

Swift, G. Richard, 288f

Syndex, 212, 235236, 258259, 267

Syndicated exclusivity (Syndex), 212, 235236, 267


“T and A,” 222

Talent raids, 113115

Talk radio, 298f, 318, 332333

Talk shows

AM move to, 212213

call-ins, 213214

conservative vs. liberal, 332333

controversial subjects, 195196

costs, 327328

debut, 65

demographics, 335

vs. news, 9192

Obama inauguration coverage, 347

political coverage, 274

in radio success, 272

resiliency, 347

right-wing, 281, 318, 325, 349

sensationalism, 297

shock-jock, 312313

sleaze factor, 293

success, 252

Tape cartrides, 168

Tape recorder, 145f

Taylor, Arthur, 218

TBS, see Turner Broadcasting System (TBS)

TCM, see Turner Classic Movies (TCM)

Teapot Dome scandals, 233

Ted Mack’s Original Amateur Hour, 115

Telcos, 235, 257, 279, 287288

Telecommunications Act of 1996, 261, 289, 291, 295, 297, 315

Telegraph, 34

Telemundo, 325326, 338

Telephone, 4

Telephone companies (Telcos), 235, 257, 279, 287288

TelePrompTer Corporation, 238

Teletext, 241

Telethons, 120

Television Authority (TVA), 124

Television Decoder Circuitry Act of 1990, 267

Television industry

advertising funds, 148

AM/FM frequencies, 94

audience growth, 115

Brown v. Board of Education event, 151152

vs. cable, 185, 306

civil rights movement, 196b

comedy/satire debuts, 197198

commercial time, 178

diffusion of innovations, 2

early history, 1

early test pattern, 115f

ethical issues, 242243

evolution, 128129

experimental stations, 65

FCC licenses, 235

FCC’s reserved channel, 82

Felix image, 50f

first baseball game, 88

first black-owned station, 214

first pay-per-view, 228

first public demonstration, 52

frequency shortage, 113

genesis, 38

HDTV conversion, 281

Internet relationship, 347

low-power stations, 234, 239, 241, 246

minority ownership, 223

vs. movies, 134135

news expansion, 178

portable cameras, 214

post-WWII growth, 104

power in politics, 163164

public debut, 8586

vs. radio, 120, 149f

ratings as driver, 179

3D, 260

top shows, 302t

weather reports, 153f

Writers’ Strike, 255, 340341, 343

Television Information Office, 252

Television receive-onlys (TVROs), 254

Television sets

average cost, 150

color set prices, 155

digital conversion, 348f

early portability, 91

high early cost, 88

Korean War-era, 129

manufacturing in Japan, 168169

plasma, 325f

portable TVs, 154f, 218f

post-WWII sets, 106107

purchases, 148

VHF/UHF reception, 171

war needs, 95

Telstar I, 176

Tennis Channel, 349

Terrorist acts, 222, 307309, 313, 321322

Terry, Earle M, 21

Tesla, Nikola, 5, 100

Test pattern, early TV, 115f

Tet Offensive, 194

The Texaco Star Theater, 115

Texaco Star Theatre, 79f

The Learning Channel (TLC), 288f

This Is Our Enemy, 97

This Is Your Life, 128, 128f

This War, 97

Thomas, Clarence, 269270

Thomas, Lowell, 61, 67f

Thomas, Scott, 334

Thomson, J. J., 6

The Thorn Birds, 242

Three Mile Island accident, 229230

Three’s Company, 231232

Thurber, James, 79

Tiananmen Square massacre, 258, 352

Tidewater Oil, 2930

“Tiffany Network,” 268

Time magazine, 64

Time/Warner, 257258, 291, 303304, 323, 335, 336

Tinker, Grant, 207

Tiny Tim, 197198

Titanic disaster, 1213, 13f

TLC, see The Learning Channel (TLC)

TNT, see Turner Network Television (TNT)

Toast of the Town, 115, 126

Today Show, 140, 339

The Today Show, 176177

Tokyo Rose, 97

Toll broadcasting, 41

The Tonight Show

Carson–Paar transition, 176177

Carson’s retirement, 277

first cigarette commercial, 191

host list, 148

Leno’s departure, 347

Letterman vs. Leno, 280

Steve Allen precursor, 128130, 130f

Tiny Tim–Miss Vicki marriage, 197198

Top 40 Format, 151, 192, 244

Toscanini, Arturo, 8081, 157

Transistor, 116117, 168

Trash TV, 255, 258, 296f

Tribune Broadcasting, 245

Trio, 323324

Trout, Robert, 9192

Truman, Harry, 106107, 133

Trumpets, for mass communication, 2

Truth or Consequences, 128129

Turner, Ted, 221, 245, 256, 259260, 283, 323

Turner Broadcasting System (TBS), 246247, 283, 291

Turner Classic Movies (TCM), 337

Turner Network Television (TNT), 256, 306

TVA, see Television Authority (TVA)

TV Guide, 141, 281282, 311312, 339f

TV Guide Channel, 337

TV One, 331

TVROs, see Television receive-onlys (TVROs)

Twentieth Amendment, 7071

24, 338

Twenty-One, 155156

20/20, 312

Twergo, Justin, 292

Twitter, 311, 352

Two-and-a-Half Men, 311312, 335, 338

Two-way cable, 223


UIB, see United Independent Broadcasters (UIB)

Ultra-high frequency (UHF)

on all TV sets, 171

DTV transition, 340

FCC authorizations, 299300

HDTV, 290

stations, 321

vs. VHF, 137138, 138b, 212213

Underground stations, 192

Underwood, Cecil, 64

United Church of Christ (UCC), 180

United Fruit Company, 2627

United Independent Broadcasters (UIB), 5051

United Network, 190

United Paramount Network (UPN), 284285, 297298, 323, 338

United Press International (UPI), 157

United Press (UP), 67, 68, 77, 157

United States Information Agency (USIA), 171

United States Satellite Broadcasting (USSB), 290291

University stations, 15, 3031, 73, 89

Univision, 319, 338

The Untouchables, 164

UP, see United Press (UP)

UPI, see United Press International (UPI)

UPN, see United Paramount Network (UPN)

Upstairs, Downstairs, 216

U.S. Army wireless communication, 7

U.S. Department of Agriculture, 7, 15, 35

U.S. Navy, 5, 7

U.S. Steel Hour, 141142

USA Networks, 319

USSB, see United States Satellite Broadcasting (USSB)


Valentino, Rudolph, 53

Vallee, Rudy, 65

Van Deerlin, Lionel, 219, 223, 228, 229

Vaudeville, 4345

V-chip, 285, 287f, 292, 297

VCRs, see Videocassette recorders (VCRs)

VDT, see Video dial-tone (VDT) systems

V-E Day, 103f

Verizon, 345

Verna, Tony, 272b, 272f

Versus network, 349

Very high-frequency (VHF)

on all TV sets, 171

DTV transition, 340

FCC frequency allocations, 101102

stations, 321

TV frequency shortage, 113

vs. UHF, 137138, 212213

VH-1, 245, 323


cable purchases, 245

CBS purchase, 303304, 319

CBS/UPN, 323

as conglomerate, 325326

earnings, 326

as major player, 335

Paramount purchase, 282

station sales, 284285

as top media company, 336

Victor Phonograph Company, 5051

Victor Talking Machine Company, 64

Victory at Sea, 139140

Videocassette recorders (VCRs), 2, 242f, 244, 256, 262263, 281

Videocassettes, 210, 221

Video dial-tone (VDT) systems, 278, 279, 282, 287288, 291

Videodisc, 210, 235, 244

Video games, 210, 297, 313

Video On Demand (VOD), 311, 321, 337, 344

Video On-Line (VOL), 337

Videophones, 311

Videorecorders, 185, 221

Videotape recorder (VTR), 152, 185, 231

Videotex, 248

Vietnam Memorial, 238

Vietnam War, 182, 185, 186f, 194, 201, 213

Violence on TV

as current issue, 209b

definitions of, 282283

prevalence, 223224

Senate hearings, 216

Surgeon General’s report, 209

V-J Day, 102

V-Mail, 98

VOA, see Voice of America (VOA)

Vocal recitals, 32f

VOD, see Video On Demand (VOD)

Voice of America (VOA), 98, 144146

VOL, see Video On-Line (VOL)

Volta, Alessandro, 3

Volunteer Advertising Council, 98

VTR, see Videotape recorder (VTR)


Wagon Train, 170

Walkman, 231

Wallace, Mike, 131

Walters, Barbara, 176177, 221, 307, 339

The Waltons, 231232

WARC, see World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC)

Ward, Burt, 187f

Warner Brothers (WB), 111, 283, 284285

Warner Cable, 223

The War of the Worlds, 8283, 82f, 84b, 243b

War and Remembrance, 255

The Washington Post website, 304306

Watergate scandal, 213, 215216

Watson, Thomas, 352

Wave of Rancor: Tuning in the Radical right, 307309, 349

WBAI-FM station, 226227

WBCN-FM station, 192

WBFO station, 211

WB Network, 297298, 338, 347

WCAP station, 34

WCVB-TV station, 238

WE, see Women’s Entertainment (WE)

WEAF station, 2930, 30f, 32, 34, 45

Weakest Link, 324

Weather Bureau, 35

Weather Channel, 337

Weather reports, 153f

Weaver, Sigourney, 130131

Weaver, Sylvester “Pat,” 130131

Webisodes, 311

Web radio receivers, 318f

Welles, Orson, 8081, 8283, 123

Wendy’s fast food, 244245

West, Adam, 187f

West, Mae, 81

Westar, 216, 223

Westerns, general

as dominant genre, 170

early growth, 6566

popularity, 154

vs. quiz shows, 154155

Western Union, 34, 214, 216


antitrust suit, 67

CBS purchase, 283

early antitrust suit, 6263

early network broadcast, 45

first radio broadcast licenses, 25

mergers, 291

political convention coverage, 143

printed program schedule, 21

radio broadcast market battle, 2627

radio station purchases, 257258

TelePrompTer purchase, 238

The West Wing, 311312, 324, 338

Westwood One, 245, 257

WGA, see Writers Guild of America (WGA)

WGBH station, 127

WGCB station, 180181

WGN station, 74

WGY station, 31, 34

WHA station, 21

WHDH station, 198

WHD-TV station, 299

Wheel of Fortune, 293

White, Wallace H., Jr., 42, 4748

Whitehead, Tom, 206

Whiteman, Paul, 31

White Paper, 164

WHMA station, 242243

Who Killed Michael Farmer?, 106

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, 307

Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire, 311312

WHYY-FM station, 230f

Wicker, Irene, 126

Wildmon, Donald, 238

Wiley, Richard E., 216

Will and Grace, 311312

Williams, Bert, 34

Williams, Brian, 335

William Tell Overture, 71

Wilson, Woodrow, 37

Winchell, Walter, 6566, 110, 120

The Winds of War, 242

Winfrey, Oprah, 293, 339

Wireless audio, trans-Atlantic, 7f

Wireless cable, 214, 271, 282

Wireless communication, overview, 5, 710

Wireless radio

de Forest’s demonstration, 1112

first voice transmission, 1415

government interest, 12, 14

Herrold’s work, 20

music field developments, 15

as novelty, 12

patent issues, 18

science and business aspects, 14

Titanic disaster, 1213

university broadcasts, 15

unrealized potential, 1020

WWI, 17

Wireless Ship Act of 1910, 12, 14

Wireless telegraph, 5, 7

Wireless Telegraph Company, 8

Wireless transmission of voice, 6

Wirephoto, 38

Wire transmission of voice, 4

Without a Trace, 335, 336

Without Warning, 243

WJAR station, 34

WJZ station, 34

WLBT station, 180, 198

WLOX-TV station, 216

WLS station, 42

WLW station, 3435, 74

WMAF station, 34

WNAC station, 34, 235

WNEW station, 66

The Wolf, 31

Wolfman Jack, 244


Armed Forces programs, 100

cable channels for, 324, 331

daytime stereotypes, 195196

economic power, 54

electoral suffrage, 2324

equal opportunities, 242243

and FCC, 208209, 303

female vs. male pay, 299

first Congressional representative broadcast, 25

first full correspondent, 141142

liberation movement, 163

into male-dominated fields, 53

in network news, 219f

in news broadcasting, 258

NOW, 232, 328

and old white boy’s club, 328

program types for, 6566

sexist portrayals, 203204

station ownership, 299

in talk radio, 333

“topless radio,” 213214

Vice Presidential candidates, 244245, 317318

war reporting, 269270

Women’s Entertainment (WE), 324, 331, 337

Woodruff, Judy, 278b, 278f

Woodstock, 196

World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC), 223

WorldCom, 314

World Series, 111, 258

World’s Fair, 8586, 90f

WOR station, 74, 235

Worthy, William, 154

Wouk, Herman, 80b

WOW station, 51f

Wright, Bill, 202

Wright, Rick, 215b, 215f

The Wrigley Revue, 5859

Writers Guild of America (WGA), 326, 336, 340341

Writers’ Strike, 255, 340341, 343

WRNY station, 44f

WTBS station, 221

WTCG station, 221

WTVH station, 248249

WXBM-FM station, 203

W2XMN station, 8485

WXUR-AM-FM station, 214

WXYZ station, 74

Wynn, Ed, 31, 65, 7576, 79f


XM Satellite Radio, 325, 328, 329f, 341, 346347


Y2K bug, 319

You Bet Your Life, 148

Young, Owen D., 1819, 2627

Your Are Here, 141142

Your Hit Parade, 7576, 128129

Your Show of Shows, 128129

YouTube, 311, 339


Zenith Corporation, 47, 51, 111, 131133, 134f

Ziegfeld Follies, 31

Zoom lens (Zoomar), 111

Zworykin, Vladimir, 19, 38, 80, 88, 241

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