
  • 100% stacked bar charts
  • Accenture
    • RBS 6 Nations Championship Match Performance Analysis dashboard
  • Action filters
  • Adobe Illustrator CC
  • ADR, see Average daily rate
  • Aggregated data
  • Aggregation
  • Airport flow analysis
  • Alert indicators
  • Alerting color
  • Allure of Pies and Donuts dashboard
  • Allure of Red and Green dashboard
  • Anscombe, Frank
  • Anscombe's Quartet
  • Archer, Charlie
    • RBS 6 Nations Championship Match Performance Analysis dashboard
  • Are We on Pace to Reach Our Goals dashboard
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Area charts
  • Arrows, color-blind-friendly
  • Attrition, see Churn
  • Average daily rate (ADR)
  • Axis. See also x-axis; y-axis
    • course metrics dashboard
    • not starting at zero
    • starting at zero
  • Axis labels
  • Background colors
  • Banks
    • complaints dashboard
    • sentiment analysis dashboard
  • Bar charts
    • about
    • for aggregation
    • as alternative to bubble charts
    • Big Mac Index dashboard
    • call center dashboard
    • circle charts vs.
    • color-blind-friendly
    • as companion to donut chart
    • as companion to pie chart
    • complaints dashboard
    • course metrics dashboard
    • and CVD
    • divergent stacked
    • executive sales dashboard
    • hospitality dashboard
    • Likert scale survey data
    • lollipop chart as alternative to
    • rank and magnitude sales dashboard
    • ranking by now, comparing with then dashboard
    • ranking of
    • rugby match summary dashboard
    • server process monitoring dashboard
    • telecom operator executive dashboard
    • utilization rollup dashboard
    • for visualizing time
    • Web analytics dashboard
    • what-if dashboard
    • workers' compensation dashboard
    • YouTube video popularity
    • YTD/YoY dashboard
  • Bar colors
  • Bar-in-bar charts
  • Beaumont, Simon
    • Patient History Analysis of Recent Hospital Admissions dashboard
  • Bell curve
  • Benevento, Dan
    • Hospital Operating Room Utilization dashboard
  • Bernard, Steven
    • Economy at a Glance dashboard
  • Beware the Dead-End dashboard
  • Bézier curves
  • Big Mac Index dashboard
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Borders
  • Bottlenecks, visualization of
  • Box plots
  • Bubble charts
  • Bullet charts/graphs
    • call center dashboard
    • wind and solar dashboard
  • Bump charts
    • challenges presented by
    • Citi Bike station rank
    • English Premier league statistics
    • labeled
    • rank and magnitude sales dashboard
    • trivia night results
  • Business hierarchy navigation
  • Business intelligence (server process monitoring dashboard)
  • Cadman, Emily
    • Economy at a Glance dashboard
  • Cairo, Alberto
  • Calendar view
  • Call Center dashboard
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Callouts
  • Card design
  • Categorical color
  • Categorical data
  • Categorical-sequential color
  • Chambers, Matt
    • What-If Analysis dashboard
  • Charts (generally)
    • common types. See also specific charts, e.g. bar chart
    • complaints dashboard
    • encoding data in
    • tables vs.
    • telecom operator executive dashboard
    • Web analytics dashboard
  • Choropleth (filled) map
    • complaints dashboard
    • defined
    • hex map vs.
  • Chromatic Vision Simulator website
  • Churn
    • subscriber churn analysis dashboard
    • telecom operator executive dashboard
  • Circle charts
    • bar charts vs.
    • common pitfalls in using
  • Circles, for secondary encoding
  • Citi Bike share program
  • Clouds and Bubbles dashboards
  • Clutter, avoiding
    • designing to a grid
    • telecom operator executive dashboard
    • Web analytics dashboard
    • workers' compensation dashboard
  • CoEnterprise
    • Measuring Claims across Multiple Measures and Dimensions dashboard
    • Workers' compensation dashboard
  • Color banding
    • call center dashboard
    • telecom operator executive dashboard
  • Color-blind-friendly visualizations
    • alternate methods for distinguishing data
    • balancing user needs with client/boss requirements
    • bluish green for improved contrast
    • color
    • palettes for
    • user options to switch color palette
    • using color value instead of hue
  • Color blindness, see Color vision deficiency (CVD)
  • Color contrast
    • for color-blind-friendly color palette
    • rugby match summary dashboard
  • Color hue, see Hue
  • Color palettes. See also Color-blind-friendly visualizations; Red-green color palette
    • call center dashboard
    • operating room utilization dashboard
    • telecom operator executive dashboard
  • Color value, as alternative to hue
  • Color vision deficiency (CVD)
    • accommodations for people with
    • and colors other than red/green
    • consequences of poor chart color choice
    • operating room utilization dashboard accommodations
    • Provider Productivity Report dashboard problems
    • rugby match summary dashboard
    • simulation of
    • soccer player summary dashboard accommodations
    • strong vs. weak
    • traffic light colors and
    • visualizations for users with, see Color-blind-friendly visualizations
  • Combination charts
    • NPS dashboard
    • what-if dashboard
  • Commentary
  • Comparing Individual Performance with Peers dashboard
  • Comparisons
    • Big Mac Index dashboard
    • individual performance vs. peers
    • player summary dashboard
    • subscriber churn analysis dashboard
  • Complaints dashboard
    • alternative approaches
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Compromise, in design decisions
  • Consumer complaints dashboard
  • Consumer sentiment analysis, see Sentiment analysis dashboard
  • Context
    • hospitality dashboard
    • multiple key performance metrics dashboard
    • ranking of bar charts
    • reference lines and
    • soccer player summary dashboard
  • Continuous time
  • Contrast, color
  • Controls, see Sliders
  • Course Metrics dashboard
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • reasons to avoid traditional approach to
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Crahen, Adam
  • Creative Performance Inc.
    • Agency Utilization dashboard
    • Showing Actual versus Potential Utilization dashboard
  • Cross tabs, highlight tables vs.
  • Culture change
  • Currency valuation, Big Mac Index dashboard for
  • Customer feedback
    • complaints dashboard
    • sentiment analysis dashboard
  • Customer satisfaction, see Ranking by now, comparing with then dashboard
  • Customer Service
    • Call Center dashboard
    • Complaints dashboard
    • Showing Sentiment with Net Promoter Score dashboard
  • Cycle plot
  • Cyclical patterns, in time data
  • Dashboards (generally)
    • defined, xiv
    • incompleteness of
    • visual analytics to add extra value
  • Data
    • as beginning of path to dashboard design
    • complete vs. aggregated
  • Data Plus Science
    • Web Analytics dashboard
  • Data Revelations
    • Comparing Individual Performance with Peers dashboard
    • Ranking by Now, Comparing with Then dashboard
    • Showing Churn or Turnover dashboard
    • Showing Rank and Magnitude dashboard
    • Showing Sentiment with Net Promoter Score dashboard
    • Showing Year-to-Date and Year-over-Year at the Same Time dashboard
  • Data types
  • Data Visualization dashboard
    • basics
    • color for
    • common chart types for
    • common pitfalls
    • compromises in design decisions
    • encoding data in charts
    • functional, beautiful dashboards for
    • and preattentive attributes
    • reasons for
    • types of data
    • ways of building
  • Davis, Kenan
  • Dead-end dashboard, avoiding
    • allowing users to personalize dashboards
    • reviewing KPIs
    • speaking to users
    • tracking usage with data
  • DeMartini, Chris
  • Demographics dashboard
  • Descriptive titles, to make charts more memorable
  • Design of Everyday Things (Norman)
  • Details/detail view
    • call center dashboard
    • hospital planning tool dashboard
    • operating room utilization dashboard
    • rugby match summary dashboard
    • server process monitoring dashboard
    • utilization rollup dashboard
    • wind and solar dashboard
  • Details on demand
    • Big Mac Index dashboard
    • hospitality dashboard
    • server process monitoring dashboard
    • wind and solar dashboard
    • YTD/YoY dashboard
  • Deuteranopia
    • defined
    • simulation
  • Disaggregation
  • Distribution
    • types of
    • what-if dashboard
  • Divergent stacked bar charts
    • NPS dashboard
    • sentiment analysis dashboard
  • Diverging color
  • Donut charts
    • common pitfalls in using
    • confusion created by
    • hospitality dashboard
    • when required by boss/client
  • Dot plots
    • about
    • course metrics dashboard
    • donut charts with
    • hospital planning tool dashboard
    • hospitality dashboard
    • ranking by now, comparing with then dashboard
    • sentiment analysis dashboard
    • soccer player summary dashboard
    • speaker ratings comparison dashboard
    • subscriber churn analysis dashboard
    • utilization rollup dashboard
  • Double jitter
  • Drop-down box
    • for color-blind-friendly palette
    • utilization rollup dashboard
  • Drop-down toggle
  • Drummey, Jonathan
    • Health Care Provider Productivity Monitoring dashboard
  • Dundas Data Visualization
    • Call Center Dashboard
    • Hospitality Dashboard for Hotel Management
    • Power Plant Operations Monitoring Dashboard
    • Telecom Operator Executive Dashboard
  • Duration of events, showing
  • Economist, The, See Big Mac Index dashboard
  • Economy at a Glance dashboard
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Edwards, Vanessa
    • Agency Utilization dashboard
    • Showing Actual versus Potential Utilization dashboard
  • Effgen, Jonathan
    • Measuring Claims across Multiple Measures and Dimensions dashboard
    • Workers' compensation dashboard
  • Election of 2016
  • English Premier League, see Premier League
    • Premier League Player Performance Metrics dashboard
  • Evolytics, LLC
    • Are We on Pace to Reach Our Goals dashboard
  • Executive Sales dashboard
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Executive summary
  • Explanatory dashboard, see Are We on Pace to Reach Our Goals dashboard
  • Facebook
  • Fatalities, traffic
  • Feedback. See also Customer feedback
    • call center dashboard
    • course metrics dashboard
    • sentiment analysis dashboard
  • Few, Stephen
  • Filled map. See also Choropleth map
  • Filter strip, decorative
  • Filters
    • Big Mac Index dashboard
    • complaints dashboard
    • executive sales dashboard
    • hex map as
    • hospital planning tool dashboard
    • location of
    • multiple key performance metrics dashboard
    • personalized demographic dashboards
    • server process monitoring dashboard
    • subscriber churn analysis dashboard
    • workers' compensation dashboard
  • Financial Times economy at a glance dashboard
  • Fitbit
  • Five Whys
  • Fleming, Sam
    • Economy at a Glance dashboard
  • Fonts
  • Francis, Matt
  • Functional Art, The (Cairo, Alberto)
  • Gandhi, Pooja
  • Gantt bars/charts
    • for displaying duration of events
    • operating room utilization dashboard
    • server process monitoring dashboard
  • Gapminder
  • Gender icons
  • Gestalt principle
  • Global warming dashboard
  • Goals, measures to achieve, see Are We on Pace to Reach Our Goals dashboard
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Maps
  • Graphics, general-purpose vs. personalized
  • Grid-based design
    • call center dashboard
    • complaints dashboard
  • Growth comparisons
  • Hainsworth, Jeff
    • Call Center dashboard
  • Harrison, Dan
  • Health care
    • hospital planning tool dashboard
    • Hospital Operating Room Utilization dashboard
    • Patient History Analysis of Recent Hospital Admissions dashboard
    • Provider Productivity Monitoring dashboard
      • author commentary
      • how people use
      • scenario
      • why it works
    • Workers' Compensation dashboard
  • HealthDataViz
    • Hospital Operating Room Utilization
  • Heat maps
    • and color-blind-friendly palette
    • displaying seasonality with
    • operating room utilization dashboard
    • subscriber churn analysis dashboard
    • text tables vs.
  • Hex maps
    • choropleth maps vs.
    • complaints dashboard
    • disadvantages
  • Highlight(s)
  • Highlight color
  • Highlight tables (heat maps). See also Heat maps
    • cross tabs vs.
    • for time visualization
    • transforming plain tables into
  • Highway fatalities
  • Histogram
    • rugby match summary dashboard
    • sentiment analysis dashboard
    • speaker ratings comparison dashboard
    • unit vs. simple
    • Web analytics dashboard
    • what-if dashboard
  • Hospital Operating Room Utilization dashboard
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Hospital planning tool dashboard
  • Hospitality dashboard for Hotel Management
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Hotel management, see Hospitality dashboard
  • Hounam, Donald
    • Big Mac Index dashboard
  • Hue
    • for alternate stoplight color palette
    • and categorical color scheme
    • color value as alternative to
    • as preattentive attribute
  • Hunter, Darrin
  • Icons
  • Index charts
  • Information Visualization: Perception for Design (Ware)
  • Instagram
  • Interactivity
    • hospitality dashboard
    • reasons to limit
    • when to avoid
  • iPhones, see Mobile devices
  • Interworks, Inc.
    • Multiple Key Performance Metrics dashboard
  • Jackson, Mark
    • Server Process Monitoring dashboard
  • Javelin Group
    • RBS 6 Nations Championship Match Performance Analysis dashboard
  • Jitter
    • determining right amount
    • double jitter
    • sentiment analysis dashboard
    • speaker ratings comparison dashboard
  • Jitterplot
  • Journey into the Unknown dashboard
  • Jump plot
  • Kashepava, Stas
    • Power Plant Operations Monitoring dashboard
  • Key metrics
    • call center dashboard
    • course metrics dashboard
    • economy at a glance dashboard
    • executive sales dashboard
    • hospitality dashboard
    • telecom operator executive dashboard
    • Web analytics dashboard
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs)
    • call center dashboard
    • as color legend
    • donut charts for visualizing
    • executive overview dashboard
    • multiple key performance metrics dashboard
    • Provider Productivity Report dashboard
    • reviewing to avoid dead-end dashboards
    • speaker ratings comparison dashboard
    • utilization rollup dashboard
    • workers' compensation dashboard
  • Kim, Eric
  • Kirk, Andy
    • Premier League Player Performance Metrics dashboard
  • Knaflic, Cole Nussbaumer
  • KPIs, see Key performance indicators
  • Kriebel, Andy
  • Labels
    • on Gantt bar
    • labeled highlight tables
    • location of
  • Layout
    • telecom operator executive dashboard
    • workers' compensation dashboard
  • Legend, see Color legend
  • Likert, Rensis
  • Likert scale
  • Line charts
    • about
    • as cycle plot alternative
    • hospitality dashboard
    • rugby match summary dashboard
    • telecom operator executive dashboard
    • for visualizing time
    • for YouTube video popularity
    • YTD/YoY dashboard
  • Lollipop charts
    • as alternative to bar charts
    • as alternative to bubble charts
    • defined
    • multiple key performance metrics dashboard
  • Lotto, R. Beau
  • Makeover Monday project
  • Malaria deaths
  • Maps
    • Big Mac Index dashboard
    • choropleth map
    • color-blind-friendly
    • hospitality dashboard
    • pie charts with
    • symbol map
    • Web analytics dashboard
  • Marist Poll
  • Market research
    • NPS dashboard
    • sentiment analysis dashboard
  • Marketing
    • Agency Utilization dashboard
    • Sentiment Analysis dashboard
    • Showing Actual versus Potential Utilization dashboard
    • Showing Churn or Turnover dashboard
    • Showing Sentiment with Net Promoter Score dashboard
    • Web Analytics dashboard
  • McCann, Adam E.
  • Measuring Claims across Multiple Measures and Dimensions dashboard
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Medical, see Health care
  • Mendeleev, Dmitri
  • Metrics, see Key metrics; Key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Minimum wage increase, what-if dashboard for
  • Mobile devices
    • economy at a glance dashboard
    • player summary dashboard
    • soccer player summary dashboard
    • YTD/YoY dashboard
  • Monthly growth index
  • Mountain charts
  • Multiple Key Performance Metrics dashboard
    • alternative approaches to
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
    • about
    • combined approaches to presenting
    • computing
    • sentiment analysis dashboard
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) dashboard
    • approaches to Likert scale survey data
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • reasons to avoid traditional approach to
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Neutral responses
  • New York City rat sightings dashboard
  • NoCoffee vision simulator
  • Nominal data. See also Categorical data
  • Normal distribution
  • Normalized scales
  • Norman, Donald A.
  • Nowcasting
  • Now You See It (Few)
  • NPS, see Net Promoter Score
  • Number placement, YTD/YoY dashboard
  • Numerical data. See also Quantitative data
  • Occupancy rate
  • Operations
    • Are We on Pace to Reach Our Goals dashboard
    • Call Center dashboard
    • Hospitality dashboard for Hotel Management
    • Measuring Claims across Multiple Measures and Dimensions dashboards
    • Multiple Key Performance Metrics dashboard
    • Power Plant Operations Monitoring dashboard
    • Server Process Monitoring dashboard
    • Telecom Operator Executive dashboard
    • What-If Analysis dashboard
    • Workers' Compensation dashboard
  • Optical illusions
  • Ordered bar charts
  • Ordinal data
  • Ordinal time
  • Overlapping lines, solutions for
  • Pace charts
  • Pageviews
  • Palettes, See Color-blind-friendly visualizations; Color palettes; Red-green color palette
  • Parameter controls. See also Filters
  • Pareto principle
  • Part-to-whole relationships
    • donut charts for
    • on maps
    • pie charts for
    • stacked bars for
  • Patient History Analysis of Recent Hospital Admissions dashboard
  • Patterns, cyclical
  • Pearson,Tom
    • Economy at a Glance dashboard
  • Percentage changes
  • Performance bands
  • Periodic Table of Elements
  • Personalized dashboards
    • adding visual interest to
    • demographics dashboard
    • general purpose graphic vs.
    • overview
  • Perspectives, shifting
  • Pie charts
    • avoiding
    • common pitfalls in using
    • complaints dashboard
    • confusion created by
    • with maps
    • when required by boss/client
  • Piedmont Healthcare
    • Server Process Monitoring Dashboard
  • Playfair, William
  • Pop-up windows
  • Power Plant Operations Monitoring dashboard
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • PPP (purchasing-power parity)
  • Preattentive attributes
  • Premier League Player Performance Metrics dashboard
    • author commentary
    • bump chart
    • how people use
    • player summary dashboard, xiii
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Presidential election of 2016
  • Print-friendly designs
  • Progress bar
  • Promoters (consumer category). See also Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Protanopia
    • defined
    • simulation
  • Pulikathara, Shine
  • Purchasing-power parity (PPP)
  • Quantitative data
  • Quartile bands
  • Questions, asking to expand dashboard capabilities
  • Rank
    • on bump charts
    • visualizing over a period of time
  • Ranked bar charts
  • Ranking by Now, Comparing with Then dashboard
    • alternate approaches to
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • reasons to avoid traditional approach to
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • RBS 6 Nations Championship Match Performance Analysis dashboard
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Red dots
    • as alert indicator
    • customer satisfaction dashboard
    • ranking by now, comparing with then dashboard
    • utilization rollup dashboard
    • wind and solar dashboard
  • Red-green color palette
    • accommodations for people with CVD
    • balancing CVD user needs with client/boss requirements
    • CVD problems with other colors
    • player summary dashboard
    • telecom operator executive dashboard
  • Redknapp, Harry
  • Reference lines
    • Are We on Pace to Reach Our Goals dashboard
    • Big Mac Index dashboard
    • context and
    • course metrics dashboard
    • cycle plot
    • Provider Productivity Report dashboard
    • server process monitoring dashboard
    • YTD/YoY dashboard
  • Revenue per available room (RevPAR)
  • RGB (red-green-blue) color model
  • Rosling, Hans
  • Rotated text
  • Rouse, Robert
    • Multiple Key Performance Metrics dashboard
  • Rowell, Katherine S.
    • Hospital Operating Room Utilization dashboard
  • Rugby match summary dashboard
  • Rumsfeld, Donald
  • Running totals
  • Sales
    • Are We on Pace to Reach Our Goals dashboard
    • executive sales dashboard
    • executive software license sales dashboard
    • rank and magnitude sales dashboard
    • subscriber churn analysis dashboard
    • YTD/YoY dashboard
  • Scales
  • Scatterplots
    • about
    • Big Mac Index dashboard
    • common pitfalls in using
    • with confusing use of shape and color
    • and CVD
    • minimum wage increase dashboard
  • Scrolling
  • Seasonality
  • Sentiment Analysis dashboard See also Net Promoter Score (NPS) dashboard
    • alternative approaches to
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Sequential color
  • Server Process Monitoring dashboard
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Shading
  • Shaffer, Jeffrey
    • Complaints dashboard
    • Course Metric dashboard
    • Data Plus Science
    • Sentiment Analysis dashboard
    • University of Cincinnati
    • Web Analytics dashboard
  • Shifting perspectives
  • Shneiderman, Ben, dashboard design mantra
  • Showing Actual versus Potential Utilization dashboard
  • Showing Churn or Turnover dashboard
  • Showing Rank and Magnitude dashboard
    • alternate approaches to
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Showing Sentiment with Net Promoter Score dashboard
  • Showing Year-to-Date/Year-over-Year at the Same Time dashboard
    • author commentary
    • designer commentary
    • how people use
    • reasons to avoid traditional approach to
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Simple histogram
  • Simplified bullet charts
  • Simulator, color vision deficiency
  • Size (preattentive attribute)
  • Skew
  • Skyscrapers, spooning
  • Sleeper, Ryan
    • Are We on Pace to Reach Our Goals dashboard
  • Sliders
    • complaints dashboard
    • hospitality dashboard
    • personalized demographic dashboards
    • what-if dashboard
  • Slopegraph
    • Distributed slope charts
  • Smartphones, see Mobile devices
  • SMHC (Southern Maine Health Care) Provider Productivity Report dashboard
  • Soccer player summary dashboard
  • Social interaction
  • Social Media Growth Index
  • Software development life cycle dashboard
  • Sorted bar charts
  • Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust hospital planning tool dashboard
    • Patient History Analysis of Recent Hospital Admissions dashboard
  • Southern Maine Health Care (SMHC)
    • Health Care Provider Productivity Monitoring dashboard
  • Space optimization
  • Sparkbars
  • Sparklines
    • call center dashboard
    • multiple key performance metrics dashboard
    • ranking by now, comparing with then dashboard
    • telecom operator executive dashboard
    • wind and solar dashboard
  • Speaker ratings comparison dashboard
    • alternative design approaches
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Spiner, Brent
  • Sports
    • Premier League Player Performance Metrics dashboard
    • RBS 6 Nations Championship Match Performance Analysis dashboard
  • Squiggle of visual exploration
  • Stacked bar charts
    • color-blind friendly
    • comparing bars
    • complaints dashboard
    • divergent, See divergent stacked bar charts
    • NPS dashboard
    • utilization rollup dashboard
    • what-if dashboard
  • Starter dashboards, user-personalized
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • Statistical significance
  • Stone, Marueen
  • Stoplight color palette. See also Red-green color palette
  • Storytelling with Data (Knaflic)
  • Strip plot
  • Subscriber churn analysis dashboard
    • alternate use cases/approaches
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Symbol map
  • Tables
  • Tabular scorecard
  • Tail, skew direction and
  • Target line
  • Targets, business
    • Are We on Pace to Reach Our Goals dashboard
    • multiple key performance metrics dashboard
  • Telecom Operator Executive dashboard
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Text annotations
  • Text tables, heat maps vs.
  • Time
    • as both ordinal and quantitative
    • continuous
    • ordinal
  • Timelines
    • Big Mac Index dashboard
    • origins of
  • Time-series line charts
  • Time Visualization dashboard
    • chart selection for dashboard
    • comparing growth rates of things that happen at different times
    • comparing present to start of a time period
  • Time Visualization dashboard (continued )
    • finding cyclical patterns in data
    • looking up trends across two time dimensions
    • ranking by now, comparing with then dashboard
    • selecting amount of time to visualize
    • showing bottlenecks in a process
    • showing duration of events
    • showing year-to-date/year-on-year at the same time dashboard
    • visualizing rank over a period of time
  • Time Warner Cable
  • Titles, to make charts more memorable
  • Toggle switch
  • Tool tip
    • executive sales dashboard
    • multiple key performance metrics dashboard
    • operating room utilization dashboard
    • server process monitoring dashboard
    • Web analytics dashboard
  • Toyoda, Sakichi
  • Traffic fatalities
  • Traffic light colors. See also Red-green color palette
  • Treemap
  • Trend(s). See also Sparklines
    • across two time dimensions
    • with time charts
    • YTD/YoY dashboard
  • Trend line
  • Tritanopia
  • Turnover
  • Twitter
  • Unifund complaints dashboard
  • Unit histogram
  • University of Cincinnati course metrics dashboard
  • Unscheduled day care planning tool dashboard
    • author commentary
    • designer commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Updates, automatic
  • Upper bound limits
  • URL actions
  • U.S. economy at a glance dashboard
  • Users, consulting with
  • Utilization rollup dashboard
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Utilization thermometer
  • Utilization trend
  • Value (color)
  • VanBuskirk, Tom
  • Visceral response
  • Visual analytics
    • to add extra value
    • questions as base of
    • and squiggle of visual exploration
  • Visual Thinking for Design (Ware)
  • Visualizing Time dashboard
  • Voter sentiment
  • Voung, David
    • Hospitality Dashboard for Hotel Management
  • Ware, Colin
  • Waterfall charts
  • Web Analytics dashboard
    • author commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • Wevers, Mark
    • Telecom Operator Executive dashboard
  • Wexler, Steve
    • Comparing Individual Performance with Peers dashboard
    • Ranking by Now, Comparing with Then dashboard
    • Showing Churn or Turnover dashboard
    • Showing Rank and Magnitude dashboard
    • Showing Sentiment with Net Promoter Score dashboard
    • Showing Year-to-Date and Year-over-Year at the Same Time dashboard
  • What-If Analysis dashboard
    • author commentary
    • designer commentary
    • how people use
    • scenario
    • why it works
  • White space
  • “Why” questions
  • Willis, Roxana
    • Big Mac Index dashboard
  • Wind and solar dashboard, see Power Plant Operations Monitoring dashboard
  • Woodall, Pam
    • Big Mac Index dashboard
  • Word clouds
  • Work Relative Value Units (wRVU)
  • x-axis
    • jitter and
    • on jump plot
    • speaker ratings comparison dashboard
    • telecom operator executive dashboard
    • on time chart
  • y-axis
    • jitter and
    • on jump plot
    • not starting at zero
    • speaker ratings comparison dashboard
    • on time chart
  • Year-to-date/Year-over-year, see Showing Year-to-Date/Year-over-Year at the Same Time dashboard
  • YouTube videos, time to reach 1 billion views
  • Zero line
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