In Conclusion

As we hope this book has made clear, 360-degree feedback can be a powerful tool for organizational change. In a period of rapid and often bewildering environmental shifts, it helps organizations identify crucial success factors and align their internal competencies with the challenges they face. And in an era of increasingly horizontal management structures, it provides an opportunity to democratize the feedback process, bringing it in line with the changes in internal structure and culture that so many companies are setting in motion.
At the same time, like other powerful tools, multi-source feedback must be used appropriately and intelligently in order to be effective. When it is initiated for its own sake, with no clear goal in mind other than the desire to keep up with current trends, or when it is implemented clumsily, or without a broad base of support, the results are likely to be disappointing or even disastrous.
The recommendations and guidelines contained in this book are designed to help you avoid making such mistakes in your own organization. Our purpose in writing it has been to ensure that 360-degree feedback will not wind up being seen as just another fad that promised something it could not deliver.
That is why we have chosen to place so much emphasis on the importance of gaining support for the process at all levels of the organization. In fact, if we could leave you with just one piece of advice for ensuring that 360-degree feedback works well in your organization, it would be this: Involve as many people as possible as early as possible. Getting input from stakeholders and decision-makers throughout the organization will not only ensure that the 360-degree feedback initiative genuinely reflects their needs and concerns, but it will also increase enthusiasm across the board and thus contribute enormously to the success of the process.
We have seen for ourselves just how effective multi-source feedback can be. Our work with a diverse group of companies has convinced us that organizations’—and individuals’—real strength lies in their capacity to bring about changes that maximize their potential. Our belief in the capacity for change has been continually reinforced by the transformations we have witnessed, and we hope that this book will help you make 360-degree feedback a positive force for change in your organization.

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