Approach II—Creating Awareness and Skill Development

The most effective approach to skill development will first ensure that people understand the fundamentals of using each skill appropriately and then let them practice using the skills in situations that gradually move closer to what they might encounter in their jobs. Therefore, because this workshop provides skill practice in addition to creating awareness, it has several additional features.

Identifying a Business Challenge

To make the feedback even more relevant, as part of the -pre-program preparation we ask people to identify a business challenge that currently confronts them and the people whose commitment they need to resolve the issue. Participants are then asked to distribute feedback questionnaires to the individuals they have identified as critical to their success in the situations they have identified. This provides two benefits—the feedback will be in the context of a real event and not generalized across many situations, and it is provided by the specific people they are currently trying to influence. Thus, the messages they receive are firmly anchored in the real world, which makes the learning more immediately useful.

Using Video Models

Video models are used to illustrate the effective use of the behaviors covered during the workshop. People can not only read about a given skill but also see examples of its effective use in various situations before they are asked to try using it themselves. Video models also ensure that the skills are presented in a consistent manner from group to group rather than relying solely on the capability of the instructor to demonstrate them clearly and effectively.

Using Case Studies

Once people understand the rudiments of the skill and have practiced using it in generic exercises, we give them the opportunity to practice it in a situation closer to home. As part of the pre-program preparation, we frequently develop case studies that describe typical situations people in the workshop face day-to-day. Such case studies involve role plays that begin the process of transferring what participants have learned back to their jobs. They are also the springboard for discussion of the unique aspects of the recipients’ company and what it will take to use the skills effectively in their particular culture and organizational structure.

Rehearsing Skills

Finally, participants rehearse the skills in the context of a real job situation. We ask participants to use the business challenge they identified as part of the pre-program preparation or to select another situation in which they are currently involved. Using the other participants as resources and coaches and following a plan they have devised with the help of guidelines provided by the facilitator, they rehearse what they would do and say in this situation. The rehearsal enables people to receive additional feedback on their use of the skills and enhances their confidence in their ability to use them effectively in a real situation.
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