Backup, Recovery, and Maintenance

This chapter discusses some very important aspects of a Configuration Manager (ConfigMgr) implementation that are often overlooked.

A critical piece of maintaining a healthy and functional system is to ensure its integrity through backup and recovery processes. Organizations often do not test backup and recovery procedures until there is an outage—only to discover too late that the process was not set up properly. All production systems, including ConfigMgr, should have established backup and recovery procedures in place.

Disaster recovery is the ability to recover a service from catastrophic failure in the least possible time with minimal data loss. Backup and recovery procedures should be integral components in any organization’s disaster recovery plan. These procedures are vital to maintaining the integrity of the infrastructure and should be tested on a regular basis. This is a very important function of a ConfigMgr administrator.

The maintenance of the solution is also often disregarded. You must maintain data integrity and currency, and ConfigMgr provides a number of maintenance tasks to assist with this. In addition to backup and recovery, this chapter discusses the regular tasks you should perform in order to guarantee a healthy ConfigMgr environment. It also describes configuring the built-in maintenance tasks. Optimizing SQL Server and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) are more advanced tasks, but they can drastically improve the performance of the infrastructure.

A ConfigMgr site is quite robust; however, occasionally problems can occur. It is crucial to be proactive rather than reactive. This chapter describes how to implement monitoring in the ConfigMgr environment.


The authors recommend deploying Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (OpsMgr) to monitor ConfigMgr sites and site systems. For more information, see the “Using System Center Operations Manager” section, later in this chapter.

Implementing Configuration Manager Backup

With ConfigMgr 2007, the native Backup Site Server maintenance task was the only Microsoft-supported method to back up and restore a site. ConfigMgr 2012 Service Pack (SP) 1 introduced another method: Microsoft now supports recovering a ConfigMgr site using only a SQL database backup.


Site backup and restoration are not just specific to disaster recovery. They can also be used when migrating a ConfigMgr site to a new environment. In addition, backup and restoration can be useful for upgrading the site server hardware.

This chapter describes how to implement a backup solution using both methods. However, the SQL backup method is the recommended approach. Some of the considerations follow:

images The Backup Site Server maintenance task backup merely copies the database, log files, and other system files to the backup folder location. A SQL database backup compresses the files, which could result in a massive reduction in disk space requirements for larger sites.

images SQL database backups utilize advanced features such as retention periods and data integrity checks.

images SQL database backups allow you to back up other important databases at the same time (such as ReportServer, ReportServerTempdb, and SUSDB).

images The Backup Site Server maintenance task backup stops ConfigMgr services before copying the database, log files, and system files. SQL backups do not require loss of service while performing backups.

images SQL database backups allow configuration of email notifications on success or failure.

images SQL database backups provide more granular control over scheduling.

images ConfigMgr Current Branch backup routines must now include the CD.Latest folder, which is required for site recovery. The folder is automatically included as part of the Backup Site Server maintenance task backup, but this folder must be backed up separately if you implement a SQL database backup.

images For organizations employing dedicated ConfigMgr and database administrators, the advantage to utilizing the Backup Site Server maintenance task backup is that it provides the ConfigMgr administrator with full control over the backup process.


Choose the backup method that fits best into your organization. It is possible to implement both methods as long as the backup schedules do not overlap and sufficient storage is available. Such an approach provides more options for site recovery in the event of disaster.

Configuring the Backup Site Server Maintenance Task

The Backup Site Server maintenance task is the traditional backup method and is disabled by default. This maintenance task provides an automated method to back up the entire site. The backup routine includes the site database, ConfigMgr files, Registry keys, and system configuration information.

In the ConfigMgr console, follow these steps to enable and configure site backup:

1. Navigate to Administration -> Overview -> Site Configuration -> Sites.

2. Right-click the site to back up and select Site Maintenance from the menu.

3. The Site Maintenance dialog box, shown in Figure 24.1, displays a list of maintenance tasks for the site. Select Backup Site Server and click Edit.

A screenshot shows Site Maintenance dialog box.

FIGURE 24.1 Site maintenance tasks.

4. On the Backup Site Server Properties page, check the box Enable this task.

5. Click Set Paths to configure a backup destination. You can choose a network location or a local drive on the site server.


The authors do not recommend using a local drive as the location for the backed-up files. If the system hosting the site server failed, the ConfigMgr site and the backup would be lost.

If you use a local drive, supplement this approach by including these files in your overall backup strategy.

6. Configure the backup schedule (days of the week, start time, and latest start time).

7. Choose Enable alerts for backup task failures. These failure alerts are available in the Alerts node of the Monitoring workspace.

8. Monitor backup progress with the Smsbkup.log file. This log file is useful when troubleshooting failed backups. Figure 24.2 shows backed-up files.

A screenshot shows PR1Backup window.

FIGURE 24.2 Site backup files.

Follow these steps to run a backup that starts immediately:

1. Navigate to Monitoring -> System Status -> Component Status.

2. Right-click any component and then select Start -> Configuration Manager Service Manager.

3. In the Configuration Manager Service Manager, expand your site code and choose Components, as shown in Figure 24.3.

A screenshot shows Configuration Manager Service Manager dialog box.

FIGURE 24.3 Configuration Manager Service Manager.

4. Right-click the SMS_SITE_BACKUP component and select Query. The component displays as stopped. This is the default state unless a backup is running.

5. Right-click the SMS_SITE_BACKUP component and select Start. The backup task runs when the component starts.

6. Monitor progress of the backup by using the Smsbkup.log file.


The maintenance task backup creates a new backup each time it runs, overwriting the previous backup.

Backed-Up Files (ConfigMgr Maintenance Task)

The backup creates a folder called <site code>Backup at the destination location (see Figure 24.2). This folder contains the following subfolders and files:

images CD.Latest: This folder contains the ConfigMgr source installation files for the currently installed version. Each time an update is applied to the ConfigMgr site, the files in this folder are updated as well.

images SiteDBServer: This folder contains a copy of the ConfigMgr database and log files (CM_<site code> .mdf and CM_<site code> .ldf).

images SiteServer: This folder contains SMSbkSiteRegSMS.dat. It also contains a subfolder called SMSServer, with four additional folders (data, inboxes, Logs, and srvscct) and the file.

images Files: The files are BackupDocument.xml, ConfigMgrBackup.ini, and Smsbkup.log.


The source files in the CD.Latest folder are required for the following situations:

images Site Recovery: The installation files in the folder are required for the recovery of a site. These files cannot be copied from an external source.

images Child Primary Site: The installation files in the folder must match the central administration site (CAS) version if you need to reinstall a child primary site.

images Expand Existing Site: The installation files in the CD.Latest folder are required to install the CAS if you need to expand the hierarchy.

Customizing Backups

You can customize ConfigMgr maintenance task backups by using the following files:

images Smsbkup.ctl: The ConfigMgr backup service follows instructions defined in this backup control file (located in the <ConfigMgrInstallPath> folder). This file can be edited, but there are clear instructions about which parts can be edited. Remember to make a copy of the file before performing any edits.

images Afterbackup.bat: This file allows you to automatically perform post-backup actions after a successful backup (such as archiving or versioning the backup). The file must be created and placed in the <ConfigMgrInstallPath> folder.

About SMS Writer

The SMS_SITE_VSS_WRITER service (smswriter.exe) must be running to perform a successful backup. This service carries out the following tasks:

images Interacts with the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)

images Reads instructions from the backup control file (Smsbkup.ctl)

images Prepares the environment for the backup

images Stops the ConfigMgr services

images Restarts the ConfigMgr services after the backup

Using SQL Backup

As previously discussed in the “Implementing Configuration Manager Backup” section, the authors recommend using a SQL backup of the ConfigMgr site as a core component of any disaster recovery plan. That section also noted that the CD.Latest folder is vital in a site recovery but is not automatically backed up by a SQL backup.

This section describes how to create a backup task in which SQL Server backs up the core items required for a successful ConfigMgr site recovery. This procedure, which was developed by Steve Thompson, MVP, consists of these tasks:

images Configure the SQL Server Agent task to back up the CD.Latest folder.

images Configure a SQL Server maintenance plan to back up the databases.

Begin by choosing the location of the backup and creating a folder to hold the backup files (H:SQLBackup for the purposes of this book). Also, create a CD.Latest folder within the backup location.

Backing Up the CD.Latest Folder

Follow these steps to create a SQL Server Agent task to back up the CD.Latest folder:

1. Launch SQL Server Management Studio and expand the SQL Server Agent node.


The SQL Server Agent node may not be visible in SQL Server Management Studio. This normally means that your user account does not have the required SQL permissions. Resolve this by launching the tool as administrator.

2. Right-click Jobs and select New Job.

3. Enter a suitable name in the New Job dialog box, such as Backup CDLatest.

4. Select Steps in the Select a page workspace. Click New to open a new job step.

5. Enter a suitable name for the job step. Select Operating system (CmdExec) as the type.

6. Copy and paste the PowerShell command shown in Listing 24.1 into the New Job Step dialog, as shown in Figure 24.4. (Modify the paths in this listing to match your environment).

LISTING 24.1 PowerShell Command to Back Up CD.Latest

powershell.exe -command "Get-ChildItem -Path 'H:SQLBackupCDLatest
*.zip' | Where-Object
{$_.CreationTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)} | Remove-Item | Add-Type -Assembly
'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem' -PassThru | Select -First 1 | % {
[IO.Compression.ZIPFile]::CreateFromDirectory('f:program files
microsoft configuration
managercd.latest', 'H:SQLBackupCDLatestCDLatestArchive'
+ (Get-Date -format 'yyyyMMddHHmm') + '.zip') }"

A screenshot shows New Job Step dialog box.

FIGURE 24.4 SQL Server Agent job step.

7. Click OK to create the job step.

8. Click OK to complete the SQL Server Agent job. This job is selected as an additional task in the SQL maintenance plan, created in the next section.

Creating a Maintenance Plan for a Database Backup

Using SQL Server Management Studio, follow these steps to create a SQL Server maintenance plan to back up the ConfigMgr site database and other associated databases:

1. Navigate to the Management node and right-click Maintenance Plans. Select Maintenance Plan Wizard. Click Next to launch the SQL Server Maintenance Plan Wizard.

2. Enter a suitable name in the Select Plan Properties dialog box. Click Change to configure a backup schedule.

3. Enter the schedule details as shown in Figure 24.5 and click OK to create the schedule.

A screenshot shows New Job Schedule dialog box.

FIGURE 24.5 Database backup schedule.

4. Select the following maintenance tasks:

images Clean Up History

images Execute SQL Server Agent Job

images Back Up Database (Full)

images Maintenance Cleanup Task

Click Next.

5. Change the maintenance task order by selecting the Execute SQL Server Agent Job and clicking Move Down until this task is listed last. Click Next to continue.

6. On the General tab of the Define Back Up Database (Full) Task dialog box, click the dropdown arrow beside Databases and choose All user databases. Click OK.


Selecting All user databases excludes master, model, msdb, and tempdb.

7. Select the Destination tab of the Define Back Up Database (Full) Task dialog box (see Figure 24.6).

A screenshot shows Maintenance Plan Wizard dialog box which represents “Define Back Up Database (Full) Task.”

FIGURE 24.6 Selecting the database backup destination.

8. Check the Create a backup for every database and Create a sub-directory for each database check boxes.

9. Type the backup destination folder name and type bak as the Backup file extension, as shown in Figure 24.6.

10. Select the Options tab of the Define Back Up Database (Full) Task dialog box. Click the Set backup compression dropdown arrow and select Compress Backup. Click Next to continue.

11. Perform the following tasks on the Define Maintenance Cleanup Task page, as shown in Figure 24.7.

images Type the backup destination folder name.

images For the file extension, type bak.

images Check the box Include first-level subfolders.

images In the File age section, select how long to retain the backup files.

Click Next to continue.

A screenshot shows Maintenance Plan Wizard dialog box which represents “Define Maintenance Cleanup Task.”

FIGURE 24.7 Defining the maintenance cleanup task.

12. Select the Backup CDLatest SQL Agent task on the Define Execute SQL Server Agent Job Task page. This is the SQL Server Agent task that was created earlier, in the “Backing Up the CD.Latest Folder” section. Click Next to continue.

13. Choose a location for reports and click Next.

14. On the Complete the Wizard page, verify your choices and click Finish to create the maintenance plan.

Backed Up Files (SQL Maintenance Plan)

The backup creates a folder structure at the destination location, as shown in Figure 24.8. Following is information about that structure:

images CD.Latest contains the ConfigMgr source installation files for the currently installed version.

images The other folders contain compressed copies of SQL databases.

A screenshot shows SQLBackup window.

FIGURE 24.8 SQL backup folder structure.

Additional Files to Back Up

In the event of a disaster, a site can be fully recovered using a backup of the databases and the CD.Latest folder. However, this recovers only the site infrastructure. There are other aspects to consider when planning a disaster recovery strategy, including the content library, source files, and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), as discussed in the following sections.

About the Content Library

The content library was introduced in ConfigMgr 2012. It is designed to optimize disk storage and to avoid duplication by not distributing files to distribution points (DPs) if they already exist. A copy of the single-instance store is kept on the site server as the source for the distribution points. The content library must be backed up using your regular backup routines, as it is not automatically included in any of the methods previously discussed in this chapter. The content library must be restored before content can be redistributed to distribution points.


When you redistribute content in ConfigMgr, the files are copied from the content library on the site server to the distribution points.

The content library location is the SCCMContentLib folder on the site server. It is normally found on the disk drive that had the most available space when the site was installed.

You should back up the following folders:

images SCCMContentLib

images SMSPKG


images SMSSIG$ (primary site only)

images SMSPKGX$ (where X is the drive letter; primary site only)

About Source Files

Package source files can be located anywhere and often are placed on a highly available remote file share. Regardless of location, they should be included in every organization’s backup routine. The source files must be restored to allow content to be updated on DPs. After any content update, ConfigMgr first copies the updated files from the source location to the content library. The updated content is subsequently copied to the DPs.

Recovering SQL Server Reporting Services

There are several additional required tasks to facilitate the recovery of SSRS:

images Back up encryption keys using the SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration Manager.

images Back up the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB databases. This is straightforward using the SQL maintenance plan discussed in the “Using SQL Backup” section, earlier in this chapter.

images Back up SSRS configuration files, which are typically found in <SQL Server installation folder>MSRS12.MSSQLSERVERReporting Services. Table 24.1 lists the locations of these files.

TABLE 24.1 Reporting Service Configuration Files




<SQL Server installation folder>MSRS12.MSSQLSERVERReporting ServicesReportServer


<SQL Server installation folder>MSRS12.MSSQLSERVERReporting ServicesReportServer


<SQL Server installation folder>MSRS12.MSSQLSERVERReporting ServicesReportManager


<SQL Server installation folder>MSRS12.MSSQLSERVERReporting ServicesReportServerin


<SQL Server installation folder>MSRS12.MSSQLSERVERReporting ServicesReportManager

Recovering Configuration Manager Sites

Configuration Manager includes multiple recovery options. The option you choose varies depending on what has occurred and the backup types available.

ConfigMgr site recovery may be required in three scenarios:

images Site server operating system (OS) failure

images Site failure

images Site database failure


When you recover a site database, you must use the same version and edition of SQL Server.

Selecting Recovery Options

When you run the wizard to recover a site, you are presented with recovery options that fall into two distinct categories, as shown in Figure 24.9 and discussed in the following sections:

A screenshot shows System Center Configuration Manager Setup Wizard dialog box.

FIGURE 24.9 Selecting ConfigMgr recovery options.

images Site server recovery

images Site database recovery

Site Server Recovery Options

Site server recovery is required if the site server has failed (due to OS failure or ConfigMgr environment failure). The wizard presents two options:

images Recover the Site Server Using an Existing Backup: Select this option to reinstall the site using a backup that was created by the ConfigMgr Backup Site Server maintenance task (before the failure).

images Reinstall the Site Server: Use this option when no backup exists. You must use the server name, site code, and database name of the failed site.


Choosing the Recovery option during ConfigMgr setup on an existing site server enables recovery of the site database. However, the option to recover the site server is disabled.

Site Database Recovery Options

Three options are available if you need to recover the site database only:

images Recover the Site Database Using a Backup Set: Use this option if you have a backup of the site database created by the ConfigMgr Backup Site Server maintenance task prior to the failure.

images Create a New Database for This Site: Use this option when there is no database backup. It is only useful in a hierarchy when data can be replicated from the CAS.

images Use a Site Database That Has Been Manually Recovered: Use this option when you have already restored the SQL database and now must complete the recovery process.


There is a fourth option in the database recovery category. Use the Skip database recovery option when no data loss has occurred on the ConfigMgr site database server. This option is valid when the database is located on a remote server.

Restoring a Failed Site

When you have a site failure, follow these steps to recover the site:

1. Navigate to the location of the backed-up files (in the CD.Latest folder). Extract the files, if required. If recovering the entire server, copy the files to the new site server.

2. Launch setup by double-clicking splash.hta in the root of the CD.Latest folder.

3. In the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Setup Wizard, click Install to continue.

4. Read and ensure that you understand the notes on the Before You Begin page. Click Next to continue.

5. Select Recover a site on the Available Setup Options page, shown in Figure 24.10. Click Next.

A screenshot shows System Center Configuration Manager Setup Wizard dialog box with the dialog box representing “Getting Started.”

FIGURE 24.10 Recovering a Configuration Manager site.

The Site Server and Database Recovery Options page presents recovery options (refer to Figure 24.9). This particular example demonstrates database recovery from existing ConfigMgr backup.

6. Setup will detect an existing site installation and site server recovery settings will be disabled. Choose Recover the site database using the backup at the following location and click Browse to enter the path to the backed up files. Click Next to continue.

7. If restoring a primary site, you do not need to select any options on the Site Recovery information page. Recover primary site is pre-selected and the options are grayed out. Click Next.

8. Enter the product license key or choose to install a 180-day evaluation. If you choose the 180-day option, the wizard informs you that you can enter the product key from the Site Maintenance option in setup to upgrade the evaluation edition to the licensed edition. Click Next.

9. On the Product License Terms page, read the license terms and privacy statement. Check the box I accept these License Terms and Privacy Statement.

10. Accept the prerequisite license terms by selecting I accept the License Terms for Microsoft SQL Server Express and Microsoft SQL Server Native Client, and click I accept the License Terms, Privacy Statement and automatic updates of Silverlight. Click Next.

11. Select Download required files and enter a path to save these prerequisite files. You can alternatively choose Use previously downloaded files to use files downloaded previously. Click Next to continue.


An Internet connection is required to download the prerequisite files. Optionally, you can download the files offline in advance, using setupDL.exe. For more information, see Chapter 6, “Installing and Updating System Center Configuration Manager.”

The site code and site name on the Site and Installation Settings page is prepopulated and grayed out. This information is derived from the backup files specified in step 6.

12. Verify or browse to choose an alternative installation folder. You can optionally install the ConfigMgr console during the restore by checking the option Install the Configuration Manager console. Click Next to continue.

13. In the Database Information page, which is also prepopulated with information taken from the backup files, specify the SQL Service Broker (SSB) port or accept the default and click Next to continue.

14. On the second Database Information page, select paths for the SQL Server database and log files or accept the default locations. Click Next to continue.

15. Accept the ConfigMgr terms on the Usage Data page. (See Chapter 6 for details.) Click Next.

16. Review the settings summary and click Next to begin the prerequisite check. The wizard runs the prerequisite checker and identifies any prerequisite issues. Errors and warnings are displayed on the Prerequisite Check page. All activities are logged to C:ConfigMgrPrereq.log.

17. Select Begin Install to start the recovery process. The restore may take a considerable amount of time, depending on the size of the database to be restored and server performance. You can monitor the process on the Install page of the wizard. Full details of the recovery process are also available in C:ConfigMgrSetup.log.

The following post-recovery tasks may be required:

images Re-entering user passwords

images Re-entering side-loading keys

images Re-creating the Microsoft Intune subscription

images Configuring SSL for site system roles

images Reinstalling hotfixes in the recovered server

images Recovering custom reports

images Recovering content files

images Re-creating and exchanging SQL broker certificates (for multisite hierarchies)


To verify the recovery, examine the ConfigMgr status messages, the site and component status, and the event log to verify that no errors have occurred and that the site is functioning normally.

Maintaining a Configuration Manager Site

Maintaining a ConfigMgr site is one of the primary functions of a ConfigMgr administrator. This involves working with many technologies to ensure optimal performance of the site. A conscientious administrator should constantly review event logs, queues, status messages, and log files to monitor how well the site is performing and to detect any issues before they cause poor performance or even a loss of service.

An administrator should also carry out regular tasks to maintain and optimize the environment:

images Configuring built-in maintenance tasks

images Monitoring and optimizing SQL

images Maintaining WSUS

The following sections discuss these tasks in detail. Site maintenance options that are required under specific circumstances are also described.

Configuring Built-in Maintenance Tasks

ConfigMgr includes predefined maintenance tasks to assist with maintaining the health of the ConfigMgr database. Most of these tasks are designed to remove obsolete data, which reduces the database size and improves performance.

In the ConfigMgr console, follow these steps to configure the maintenance tasks:

1. Navigate to Administration -> Overview -> Site Configuration -> Sites.

2. Right-click the site to be maintained and select Site Maintenance from the menu. The Site Maintenance dialog box displays a list of maintenance tasks for the site (refer to Figure 24.1).


Not all maintenance tasks are available for each type of site.

Optimizing SQL Server

The “Using SQL Backup” section, earlier in this chapter, discusses the importance of backing up the SQL database. Additional SQL maintenance is required to ensure optimal database performance.

Fragmented indexes cause performance issues with SQL databases, and this gets worse over time. It is crucial to perform regular re-indexing of the ConfigMgr database. Execute the following T-SQL command on a database to establish whether there is excessive fragmentation.

DBCC Showcontig

Figure 24.11 shows the results of running this command in a test lab, where some of the tables have extensive fragmentation. If the site database is fragmented more than 10%, action is required to rebuild the indexes.

A screenshot shows an output of the command DBCC Showcontig. In the output, Logical Scan Fragmentation indicated as 25.00 percent and Extent Scan Fragmentation also indicated as 25.00 percent for the table “StateMsgStats” are highlighted.

FIGURE 24.11 Displaying the level of database fragmentation.

Microsoft provides two ConfigMgr maintenance tasks to assist administrators:

images Monitor Keys: The ConfigMgr database uses primary keys to quickly identify unique records in a table. This task monitors the integrity of these keys within the ConfigMgr database. The task is enabled by default and runs Sunday mornings between 12 AM and 5 AM.


A primary key is a column (or multiple columns) that uniquely identifies one row from any other row in a database.

images Rebuild Indexes: Much like database applications, ConfigMgr uses indexes to speed up data retrieval. The data in the ConfigMgr database constantly changes, and the Rebuild Index task improves performance by creating indexes on database columns that are at least 50% unique. The task also drops indexes on columns that are less than 50% unique and rebuilds all existing indexes to maximize the performance when accessing these columns. By default, the task is not enabled. If it is enabled, it runs every Sunday between 12 AM and 5 AM.

While rebuilding indexes is a useful method for re-indexing the database, it is not the most reliable method. The authors recommend using a SQL maintenance plan for re-indexing. Using SQL Server Management Studio, follow these steps to create a SQL maintenance plan to re-index the site database and other associated databases.

1. Navigate to the Management node and right-click Maintenance Plans. Select Maintenance Plan Wizard. Click Next to launch the SQL Server Maintenance Plan Wizard.

2. Enter a suitable name in the Select Plan Properties dialog box. Click Change to configure a backup schedule.

3. Enter the schedule details and click OK to create the schedule.

4. Select the following maintenance tasks, as shown in Figure 24.12:

images Reorganize Index

images Rebuild Index

images Update Statistics

images Clean Up History

Click Next.

A screenshot shows Maintenance Plan Wizard dialog box which represents “Select Maintenance Tasks.”

FIGURE 24.12 Database re-index maintenance tasks.

5. Accept the default task execution order and click Next to continue.

6. On the Define Reorganize Index Task page, use the database dropdown arrow to select All user databases. Accept the other configuration settings and click Next.

7. On the Define Rebuild Index Task page, use the database dropdown arrow to select All user databases. Accept the other configuration settings and click Next.

8. On the Define Update Statistics Task page, use the database dropdown arrow to select All user databases. Accept the other configuration settings and click Next.

9. Accept the default settings on the Define History Cleanup Task page and click Next to continue.

10. Select the location to save the report. Alternatively, enter an email recipient. Click Next.

11. Review the wizard summary and click Finish to create the maintenance plan.


Steve Thompson, MVP, is an expert in SQL Server optimization. He has proposed an alternative database optimization method that is widely accepted to be the optimal solution for optimizing ConfigMgr database performance. For more information, see

Maintaining Windows Server Update Services

As discussed in detail in Chapter 15, “Managing Software Updates,” WSUS is a prerequisite component for implementing a software updates solution with ConfigMgr. WSUS can become problematic over time if it is not regularly maintained.

A WSUS maintenance routine should include the following:

images Backing up the WSUS database

images Running the WSUS Server Cleanup Wizard

images Re-indexing the WSUS database

Backing Up the WSUS Database

Back up the WSUS database using any method available to you. Database backup using a SQL maintenance plan is discussed earlier in this chapter, in the “Using SQL Backup” section.

Running the WSUS Server Cleanup Wizard

The WSUS Server Cleanup Wizard allows administrators to remove the following items from the WSUS database:

images Out-of-date update files

images Unused update files

images Old revisions of update files

images Superseded updates

images Expired updates

images Inactive computers


You can now run and schedule the WSUS cleanup task from the ConfigMgr console. Configure this in the Software Update Point properties, and the task runs at the next software updates synchronization.

Follow these steps to manually run the wizard:

1. From the Tools menu of Server Manager, open the Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) console and select Options -> Server Cleanup Wizard (see Figure 24.13).

A screenshot shows the Windows Server Update Services console.

FIGURE 24.13 Selecting WSUS options.

2. In the WSUS Server Cleanup Wizard, select the items you would like to clean up and click Next to begin the cleanup. This process may take some time to complete.


If the WSUS Server Cleanup Wizard has never run and WSUS has been in production some time, the cleanup may time out. In that case, run the cleanup with only the top selection (Unused updates and updates revisions). This may require several passes. If it times out, run again until it completes and then run each of the other options, one at a time. Finally, make a “full pass” with all options checked.

Re-indexing the WSUS Database

To re-index the WSUS database, download the WSUSDBMaintenance T-SQL script from the TechNet gallery at

This script re-indexes the WSUS database. The steps to execute it vary, depending on whether you installed SUSDB on SQL Server or a Windows Internal Database (WID). The link provided in the previous paragraph also contains instructions for use.

The authors recommend using this script if WSUS has been installed using the WID. For re-indexing the WSUS database using SQL, refer to the “Advanced SQL Optimization” note earlier in this chapter.

Using ConfigMgr Site Maintenance Options

The ConfigMgr site maintenance wizard performs a site reset, which re-applies default file and Registry permissions on a primary or central administration site server.

Launch the site maintenance wizard by running Configuration Manager setup from the Microsoft System Center apps menu, as shown in Figure 24.14. Choose Perform site maintenance or reset this site on the first page of the wizard.

A screenshot shows the Microsoft System Center apps menu in which Configuration Manager Console, Configuration Manager Setup, Remote Control Viewer, and Software Center are listed.

FIGURE 24.14 Running Configuration Manager setup.

Four site maintenance options are available, as shown in Figure 24.15 and described in the following sections:

images Reset site with no configuration changes

images Modify SQL Server configuration

images Modify SMS provider configuration

images Modify language configuration

A screenshot shows System Center Configuration Manager Setup Wizard dialog box which represents Site Maintenance. “Reset site with no configuration changes” radio button is selected.

FIGURE 24.15 Configuration Manager site maintenance options.

Resetting a Site with No Configuration Changes

In addition to reapplying the default file and registry permissions on a primary or central administration site server, a site reset reinstalls all site system roles on the site. A site reset can be performed manually, using the ConfigMgr site maintenance wizard. ConfigMgr also runs a site reset automatically when required after a configuration change.

Modifying the SQL Server Configuration

The Modify SQL Server configuration option enables you to modify the configuration of the site database and site database server. ConfigMgr restarts or reinstalls services on the site server and remote site system servers that communicate with the database.

The following site database configurations can be changed:

images Windows server hosting the site database

images SQL Server instance

images Database name

images SQL Server port

images SQL Server Service Broker port


Microsoft does not support modifying the database configuration for a secondary site.

Modifying the SMS Provider Configuration

The SMS provider is a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider that assigns read and write access to the ConfigMgr database at a site. The ConfigMgr console, Resource Explorer, tools, and custom scripts use the SMS provider so that ConfigMgr administrative users can access information stored in the database.

The Modify SMS provider configuration option lets you change the SMS provider configuration for a site by adding a new provider or uninstalling an existing provider.

Modifying Language Configuration

During ConfigMgr site installation, you are prompted to choose the server and client languages to be supported. Use the Modify language configuration option if you wish to add or remove supported languages.


Selecting the Modify language configuration option initiates a prerequisite download. An Internet connection is required (or you can run setupdl.exe to download the files to an alternate location).

Monitoring Configuration Manager

Use the Monitoring workspace in the ConfigMgr console, displayed in Figure 24.16, to monitor the hierarchy and associated operations. The navigation index contains links to the various monitoring sections. Table 24.2 lists these resources.

A screenshot shows Monitoring workspace in the Configuration Manager console.

FIGURE 24.16 Configuration Manager monitoring.

TABLE 24.2 Configuration Manager Monitoring Resources




View and manage alerts.


View and manage reports and report subscriptions and configure report options.

System Status

View and manage site status, component status, conflicting records, and status message queries.

Client Operations

View client operation details.

Database Replication

View site-to-site link status.

SUP Synchronization Status

View SUP synchronization status across the hierarchy.


View endpoint protection and health attestation details.


View and manage ConfigMgr queries.

Site Hierarchy

View and manage the status of all sites in the hierarchy, using a hierarchy diagram or geographic view.


View information about the status of deployed software.

Client Status

View and configure options for client status.

Distribution Status

View content status, DP status, and DP configuration status.

Site Servicing Status

View the status of ConfigMgr updates installed in the hierarchy.

Many reports and log files are designed to assist with maintaining a healthy environment. Consider the following when monitoring a ConfigMgr hierarchy:

images Status messages with errors and warnings

images Event log errors on site systems

images SQL errors

images Poor SQL performance

images Excessive file backlog on site systems

images Network issues

images Inactive clients

Monitoring Site Replication

Data Replication Service (DRS) was introduced in ConfigMgr 2012 to manage replication between sites. DRS is responsible for replicating the following data types:

images Global Data: This is administrator-created data (such as packages, applications, and collections), which is common across the hierarchy and shared between the CAS and all primary sites.

images Site Data: This data is generated by clients reporting directly to a primary site and is shared between the CAS and the respective primary sites.

The integrity of replication between sites is essential to ensure a healthy ConfigMgr environment. Replication status can be monitored in the ConfigMgr console. Follow these steps:

1. Open the console and navigate to Monitoring -> Database Replication (see Figure 24.17).

A screenshot shows Configuration Manager Database Replication monitoring dialog box.

FIGURE 24.17 Configuration Manager Database Replication monitoring.

2. Highlight a set of replication partners to obtain a detailed status summary of several replication types:

images Site Replication Status: Lists the sites and their replication state.

images Global Data Replication Status: Lists the status for parent-to-child and child-to-parent replication with the timestamp of the last synchronization time and the global data initialization percentage.

images Site Data Replication Status: Lists the status for child-to-parent replication with the timestamp of the last synchronization time.

3. Right-click a site to view additional options, shown in Figure 24.18.

Choose Save Diagnostics File to view more detailed information on replication status.

Select Replication Link Analyzer to assist with the detection, analysis, and remediation of replication-related issues in a ConfigMgr hierarchy. Figure 24.19 shows a successful result after running this tool.

A screenshot shows Configuration Manager Database Replication monitoring options.

FIGURE 24.18 Configuration Manager Database Replication monitoring options.

A screenshot shows CAS <-> PR1 Replication Link Analyzer dialog box.

FIGURE 24.19 Viewing Replication Link Analyzer results.

Using System Center Operations Manager

Operations Manager (OpsMgr) is a robust monitoring solution. It can be deployed as highly available and provides comprehensive monitoring for critical systems. It uses a single interface that shows state, health and performance information of the server estate, and utilizes management packs that contain monitoring settings for different applications and services. Microsoft has developed a management pack that monitors the health of the ConfigMgr environment. Versions are also available for previous versions of ConfigMgr.

Download the System Center Monitoring Pack for Configuration Manager at The following very detailed and informative documents can also be downloaded from the same location:

images Monitoring Pack Contents for System Center Configuration Manager: This guide includes a detailed list of the monitors, rules, and reports available for the various Configuration Manager components.

images Guide for System Center Monitoring Pack for System Center Configuration Manager: This guide provides general information on monitoring scenarios and configuration options.


This chapter discussed backup, recovery, and maintenance of ConfigMgr. It described the different ways to implement backup solutions and the various scenarios for recovering sites.

Maintaining and monitoring a hierarchy is a vital part of a ConfigMgr administrator’s role. This chapter explained that many components must be considered to maintain a healthy environment. Even though ConfigMgr has its own built-in maintenance tasks, components such as SQL Server and WSUS can and should be maintained using their native tools.

This chapter also discussed monitoring ConfigMgr hierarchies and introduced useful tools such as the Replication Link Analyzer and System Center Operations Manager.

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