Managing Software Updates

Applying software updates and ensuring patch compliance are important maintenance activities for information technology (IT) organizations. Microsoft first added software updates as an add-on to System Center Configuration Manager (ConfigMgr) in 2003, when it was known as Systems Management Server (SMS); the feature was called the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates (ITMU). Software updates was fully embedded beginning with ConfigMgr 2007, and improvements have been made in each new product release. Today software updates is rich in both design and feature sets, providing the ConfigMgr administrator with complete flexibility in deploying updates for supported Microsoft operating systems (OSs), Microsoft server products, selected Microsoft desktop applications such as Microsoft Office, and even cloud-based systems such as Microsoft Office 365. You can also scan and deploy patches for supported third-party products.

What’s New with Software Updates in ConfigMgr Current Branch

The core functionality of software updates management in ConfigMgr is largely unchanged from ConfigMgr 2012 R2; however, based on customer feedback and new OSs, Microsoft has incorporated improvements that simplify the process, fill in some gaps, and generally improve the update management experience:

images UseWUServer: This new attribute differentiates a Windows 10 computer that connects to Windows Update for Business for software update management from computers connected to Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) for software update management. You can use this attribute, located in the Windows Update section of the Resource Explorer, in a collection to remove these systems from a software update deployment.

images WSUS Clean Up Task: This new option on the Supersedence Rules tab of the software update point (SUP) properties allows you to run a task that sets the status of expired software updates to Declined on the WSUS server. The Windows Update Agent (WUA) then no longer scans for that update, which causes client scans to run faster.

images Manage Office 365 Client Updates: This option provides a new product in the Products tab of the SUP properties, named Office 365. Checking the box tells WSUS to sync Office 365 updates from Microsoft Updates; after syncing, updates appear in the Software Updates folder of the console.

images Client Setting to Manage the Office 365 Client Agent: This is a dropdown menu item in the Software Updates section of the client settings properties. Once this option is enabled and Office 365 client updates are deployed to a client, the ConfigMgr client agent can communicate with the Office 365 client agent to download Office 365 updates from a distribution point (DP) and install them. In ConfigMgr Current Branch version 1706, the client receives a popup and in-app notifications as well as a countdown dialog prior to installing the update. More information can be found at

images Manually Switch Clients to a New Software Update Point: Use this new option in the client notification area of the console to tell clients to use a new SUP when their active SUP is not working. Once the client gets this policy through the fast policy channel, it looks for another SUP at the next software update scan.

images Restart Options for Windows 10 Clients After Software Update Installation: This lets Windows 10 clients see the Update and Restart and Update and Shutdown options in the Power menu when there is a pending restart for a ConfigMgr software update.

images Manage Windows as a Service: This new feature, commonly called Windows 10 servicing, allows ConfigMgr to view the status of Windows as a service, create servicing plans to form deployment rings, and view alerts when Windows 10 clients are near the end of support for their build of the Semi-Annual Channel.

images Enforcement Grace Period for Required Application and Software Update Deployments: This new option allows you to set a period of time between 1 and 120 hours for postponing installation of required deployments, including software updates, after the deadline has passed. It allows end users that have been away for an extended length of time to not have to wait for required deployments to install before using the system.

images Improvements for How Software Update Points Work with Boundary Groups: With ConfigMgr Current Branch version 1706, the time it takes to fall back to a neighbor boundary group is now configurable. Changes have also been made so that the client, independent of the configurable time, will try for 120 minutes to connect to the last SUP it used. If unsuccessful, the client randomly picks another SUP from the pool of available SUPs and tries to connect to that SUP. After two hours of failing to connect, the client will use a shorter cycle for connecting to a SUP.

images Enable/Disable Support of the Installation of Windows 10 Express Files with Software Updates: A new setting, located in the Software Updates section of client settings, allows you to enable or disable using Windows 10 Express files with software updates. To use the Express files, enable this setting and change the SUP properties to allow it to synchronize the metadata for the Windows 10 Express files.

images The Ability to Manage Microsoft Surface Driver Updates: A new pre-release feature with Current Branch version 1706, this capability, if enabled, creates a new classification in the SUP properties that allows the SUP to include metadata for Microsoft Surface drivers and firmware updates. Once the SUP has synchronized this metadata, the ConfigMgr administrator can deploy the drivers and updates through the software updates process. Note that the SUPs must be running Windows Server 2016 for this to work.

images Configuration of Windows Update for Business Deferral Policies: This new feature in ConfigMgr Current Branch 1706 allows an administrator to create deferral policies for Windows 10 Feature Updates or Quality Updates for Windows 10 devices managed directly by Windows Update for Business. To configure these policies, navigate in the ConfigMgr console to Software Library -> Overview -> Windows 10 Servicing -> Windows Update for Business Policies. On the ribbon bar, click Create Windows Update for Business Policy to start the wizard. More information about creating the policies can be found at

As you move forward with Windows 10 and Office 365, new software updates features can help improve your overall ConfigMgr experience. This chapter explains how software updates work and how to configure and use this feature to help your overall patching needs.

Creating Your Update Design

Software updates play a critical role in the monthly ConfigMgr and client workstations operations process. It is said that some organizations only deploy ConfigMgr so they can patch their company systems every month. Deploying software updates successfully requires a considerable amount of planning and preparation to develop a process that is usable from month to month and from year to year. There are numerous aspects to consider, many of which depend on individual environmental, user, and even political requirements. Consider the following items when developing the software updates design process:

images Scope: Determine the systems and applications to patch. Although not updating all systems or applications for a particular flaw may pose a security risk, there may be specific reasons not to patch certain systems or applications.

images Patch Testing: The authors highly recommend testing patches before deploying them to production systems. If you do not have a full test environment, do not let that deter you from testing. At a minimum, identify a group of systems as your pilot testing group. Deploy patches to these test systems before a production rollout and leave sufficient time to troubleshoot and resolve any problems from the patches.

images Coordination and Scheduling: Windows patches typically require a reboot after installation, meaning you must schedule a window of time to apply a patch and reboot the system. As you may be patching workstations, servers, or dedicated workstations used in manufacturing or point-of-sale systems that have only a small window to reboot, you must coordinate with other IT staff, server administrators, application administrators, users, and management to establish maintenance windows with acceptable times to reboot these systems. While useful for all types of system maintenance, maintenance windows are a definite requirement for patch management. Many organizations include patch management in their established change control process or create a process to deal with the many ramifications of updates and patches.

images Notification: If starting a new patching process or changing an old process, always issue fair warning to anyone potentially affected by a patch update or system reboot. Make this notification part of any process documentation. Things will go smoothly once users are used to the new or changed patching process; meanwhile, having proper notifications on a regular basis helps users get accustomed to the new process. Even when coordinating maintenance windows, sending additional notifications to other administrators and users to let them know what will transpire can prevent finger-pointing and many sleepless nights.

images Political Policies and Support: IT professionals know the risks of not patching systems and applications. Implementing a successful patching strategy requires political support to establish a policy that dictates and enforces applying patches. Without such a top-down policy, you will face opposition to patching, not only from users but also within IT. A policy enforced by your CIO (or equivalent) eliminates any quibbling over patching.

Compliance regulations in the United States such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX), and Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) are also drivers for patching and should eliminate any questions about its necessity. Although none of these compliance laws specifically requires patching, this is one of the first things auditors will check.

images Role-Based Administration: Consider who needs permission to create patch deployments, download patches, and create deployment packages. Assign permissions based on the role, so only those individuals who need the permissions get them. Some organizations assign different roles to different people to have checks and balances when deploying software updates.

Based on the information in this section, as well as other factors unique to your own organization or environment, consider developing a patch strategy and policy document that includes items such as a time line, a rollback process, and testing procedures. Update it monthly to indicate what patches are in scope and distribute it as part of your notification process.

Planning for Software Updates

Before patching systems or even moving in the direction of doing so, you must first plan your software updates infrastructure. The choices made now allow you to have a successful software updates experience later.

Capacity Planning

Capacity planning is one of the most important items to consider when starting the planning process. You need to know how many systems to patch to determine how much infrastructure you need; too little leads to major issues with performance and customer experience, and too much means capital assets are not fully used—which could mean wasted money. Capacity planning can be broken into two items:

images Number of Clients to Support: In the planning stage, this should be close to the number of clients you need to support. A single SUP can support 25,000 clients when colocated with another system role and WSUS is installed on the same machine, or it can support up to 150,000 clients on a dedicated machine that meets WSUS requirements to support that number of clients.

images Number of Software Update Objects: There is a soft limit of 1,000 software updates in a single deployment. Any automatic deployment rules (ADRs) fail if the query returns more than 1,000 updates. While 1,000 may seem high, if you select several products along with different update classifications, you can get to 1,000 very quickly. The 1,000 rule also applies to any manual software update deployments and software updates in configuration baselines.

Planning Your Software Update Point Infrastructure

A SUP is required to deploy software updates to your clients. Every primary site and the central administration site (CAS) must have a SUP, which can be colocated on the site server or installed as remote helper servers. SUPs are optional on a secondary site. The first SUP installed for a site is the synchronization source for all additional installed SUPs. You can install multiple SUPs at a site, which provides for fault tolerance without adding the complexity of a network load balancing (NLB) system. Having multiple SUPs does not mean load balancing for the clients; they are strictly there to be used if the primary SUP the client is using goes down. If you need load balancing, you need to use NLB.


NLB is more robust than SUP failover for pure load balancing. NLB can also increase the reliability and performance of your network, but the trade-off is increased complexity for your ConfigMgr infrastructure. The ConfigMgr console does not allow you to configure the SUP to use NLB; you must use the Set-CMSoftwareUpdatePoint PowerShell cmdlet. For more information, see

SUP Lists

When multiple SUPs are installed in the same site, the client gets a list of these SUPs when it receives a policy to enable the software updates agent or when it cannot contact the SUP it has been using. The client randomly selects a SUP from the list. Priority is given to SUPs that are in the same forest as the client. The list of SUPs provided to the client is also dependent on the type of client requesting the list:

images Intranet-Based Clients: These clients receive a list of SUPs configured to allow only connections from the intranet or connections from both intranet and Internet clients.

images Internet-Based Clients: These clients receive a list of SUPs configured to allow only connections from the Internet or from both intranet and Internet clients.

SUP Failover

The client receives a list of all the SUPs in the site and randomly chooses a SUP to use for scan data. It continues to use this same SUP until it cannot connect to the SUP and the scan fails. Once this happens, the client goes into a retry mode and performs the following steps:

1. When the first scan fails, the client retries in 30 minutes, using the same SUP.

2. If the failure reoccurs, the client tries again four times, with a 30-minute time-out after each retry.

3. After the fourth failure, the client waits an additional two minutes and then tries the next SUP in the SUP list.

4. When the client is successful with the next SUP in the list, that becomes the SUP the client will always use. If connecting to the next SUP in the list fails, the client starts over with step 1.


If you are off the network when a scan starts and fails, it is not considered a failure that counts toward the four retries. The client knows this is normal because it is not connected to the network. If a scan is started and then the system is powered down before the scan completes, it also is not considered a scan failure and does not count toward the four retries.

If there are problems with the active SUP or you need to take that SUP down for maintenance, you can manually fail over the clients to a new SUP, as long as the clients already know that there are multiple SUPs in the site. Navigate in the ConfigMgr console to Assets and Compliance -> Overview -> Device collections and select the collection for which you want to switch SUPs. On the ribbon bar, click Client Notification and select Switch to next Software Update Point. This creates a client notification item sent to the client via the fast channel, telling the client to pick a new SUP from its SUP list.

Switching to a new SUP has a cost, as the SUP’s failover design is different from that of DPs or management points (MPs), which affects client and network performance. The client will see an increased size in the catalog when switching, resulting in some performance issues with the network, the client, and the new SUP. This is why when a client successfully scans against a SUP, it preserves that affinity. Take care when failing over clients to a new SUP to avoid causing undue network or client issues.

SUPs in an Untrusted Forest

Due to mergers, acquisitions, or other unforeseen items, you may need to use SUPs in an untrusted forest. In these cases, WSUS must be installed on a server in that forest. When installing the SUP, you also must supply two accounts to be used during installation:

images Site System Install Account: This account is used during installation to copy over files needed for the install, access the WSUS server in the untrusted forest, and perform the installation of the SUP.

images WSUS Server Connection Account: This account is used after installation to make ongoing connections to WSUS. These connections are to configure WSUS once changes are made in ConfigMgr, perform a time-out check every 60 minutes to verify that WSUS is still alive, and tell WSUS when to sync with Microsoft Update.

SUPs Without Internet Access

The top-level site, be it a CAS or standalone primary site, is the site configured to synchronize software updates metadata with Microsoft Update. Due to security policies, this site may not have Internet access, which presents a major issue for software updates because it cannot obtain updated metadata. You can configure ConfigMgr to allow a synchronization source at the top-level site to use a WSUS server not in your hierarchy. This server might be in your demilitarized zone (DMZ) or a different data center that allows Internet access. Should you need to use this type of setup, ensure that the WSUS server synchronizes software updates that meet the criteria needed in your ConfigMgr hierarchy; otherwise, the software updates you see in the console will not be what you expect to see. You must also set up the WSUS Server Connection account to communicate with the external WSUS server and open the correct firewall ports for the communication between the two servers—typically port 80 or 8530 and port 443 or 8531 if using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

SUPs and Secondary Sites

A SUP is an optional component for secondary sites and is not installed by default. You can install only one SUP at a secondary site. When installing a SUP at a secondary site, the WSUS database is configured as a replica of the default SUP at the parent primary site. You should need to install a SUP at the secondary site only when bandwidth is very limited between the devices and the SUP at the primary site. After a SUP is successfully installed and configured at the secondary site, a site-wide policy is updated for client computers that are assigned to the site, and they then start to use the new SUP.

Using Windows Software Update Services

A prerequisite of a SUP is that WSUS is installed on the system where the SUP is to be installed. In past versions, WSUS was Microsoft’s separate, standalone server-based product for distributing updates to Windows systems. Starting with Windows Server 2012, WSUS is integrated with the OS and is no longer a standalone product. WSUS also uses the WUA to scan for patch applicability and subsequently install updates delivered by WSUS.

ConfigMgr integrates WSUS’s update catalog download and distribution capabilities, enabling Microsoft to maintain and support a single update catalog that contains all Microsoft-supported updates used for Windows Update, WSUS, and ConfigMgr, while also allowing each update service to deliver updates in its own way. For ConfigMgr, this means delivering updates to clients through its robust DP capabilities. Once WSUS is integrated, ConfigMgr takes control of WSUS and configures it as needed.

WSUS uses a SQL database to store information. This can be a Windows Internal Database (WID) or a SQL Server database. If you install WSUS using the defaults, the WID is installed. In the case of ConfigMgr, SQL is usually installed on the site server. If installing WSUS on that same site server, you can use SQL Server as your database. If needed, you can create a separate SQL Server instance for ConfigMgr to allow for granular resource control and troubleshooting resource issues; however, this is not required, and WSUS has little overhead on the database server, regardless of the size of the ConfigMgr installation.

WSUS can support up to 25,000 clients if the WSUS server is colocated on the ConfigMgr server. If you need to support a larger number of clients, the authors recommend installing WSUS on a dedicated server. If needed, 150,000 clients can be supported when the SUP is installed on a remote system that meets WSUS requirements to support this number of clients. Rather than using a large single dedicated system, the authors recommend installing multiple WSUS/SUP servers to offset the number of clients reporting to each server.


When you install more than one SUP at a primary site, it is a best practice to use the same WSUS database for each SUP in the same Active Directory (AD) forest. Sharing the database lets you significantly mitigate the client and network performance impact that can occur when clients switch to a new SUP. When a client switches to a new SUP that shares a database with the old SUP, a delta scan still occurs, but this scan is much smaller than it would be if the WSUS server had its own database. You must also share the local WSUS content folders when using a shared WSUS database for SUPs. See for further information.

Installing WSUS is a wizard-driven process and fairly straightforward. To start, use Server Manager and its Add roles and features section to select the WSUS items that you want to install. Your only real choice here is to use the WID or SQL Server. Your next choice is a bit confusing because the wizard makes it sound like you can uncheck the box to store the updates:

images ConfigMgr: For ConfigMgr, select to Store updates locally on the system, as shown in Figure 15.1. This setting allows WSUS to download and store license terms for specific software updates in the update content folder that you choose; ConfigMgr handles the download and deployment of updates. During the update synchronization process, ConfigMgr looks for applicable license terms in the content folder. If it cannot find license terms, it does not synchronize the update. In addition, clients must have access to the applicable license terms to scan for update compliance.

In the Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box, Content under WSUS is selected in the navigation pane. In the content pane, Store updates in the following location check box is selected below which H:WSUS is indicated.

FIGURE 15.1 WSUS content location source.

images SQL Server: If you selected to use SQL Server and the database is on a remote server, you must enter the machine and instance name (<machine nameinstance name>) and choose Check connection to verify connectivity. If SQL is installed on the same machine and using a default instance, just enter the machine name and select Check connection to verify connectivity.

When installation completes, the wizard informs you that configuration is required. Launch the Post-Installation task to finish installation. If something fails or goes wrong, a log file is created in your temp folder. The task details and notifications pane displays the location and name of the log file.

When the post-installation tasks are finished and successful, WSUS is completely installed. The first time you open the WSUS console after installation, it shows a configuration wizard and asks you to configure the settings. It is important to cancel out of the wizard. ConfigMgr configures WSUS based on the settings selected when the SUP is installed.


Another option for installing WSUS is to use PowerShell commands. You can use several commands, depending on what you want to install:

images For a list of the items to install and the name to use to install each item, use this command:

get-WindowsFeature update*

images To use the WID, use this PowerShell command:

Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices -IncludeManagementTools

Because WID is a default entry, you do not have specify it on the command line.

images To use SQL Server as your database, use this command:

Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-Services,UpdateServices-DB -IncludeManagementTools

Once the installation is complete, you must run the post-installation tasks. Make sure you are in the %ProgramFiles%Update ServicesTools folder. Assuming that you are still in PowerShell, run one of the following commands:

images If you installed WSUS with the WID, run this command:

.wsusutil.exe postinstall CONTENT_DIR=C:WUS

images If you installed using SQL Server, use this command:


Both examples assume that you are using C:WSUS as the folder to store the WSUS content; change the drive letter and folder as needed. The SQL Server example shows the machine name and assumes the default instance; if using a named instance, change it to <machine nameinstance name>.

If WSUS is installed on Windows Server 2012 R2, you must apply hotfixes for WSUS to support Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. Apply these updates before your first sync with Microsoft Updates:

images Windows RT 8.1, Windows 8.1, and Windows Server 2012 R2 Update (April 2014): If using Windows Server 2012 R2, this rollup hotfix must be applied first. More information about this hotfix can be found at

images Update to Enable WSUS Support for Windows 10 Feature Upgrades: This hotfix is applied after KB2919355 and allows the Windows 2012 R2 server to sync and distribute feature updates for Windows 10. For more information, see

images Update Enables ESD Decryption Provision in WSUS in Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2: This update is required to deploy features and upgrades to Windows 10 that released after May 1, 2016. More information is available at


If you synchronized the Upgrades classification before installing the hotfixes, the WSUS database is now populated with unusable data that must be cleared out for upgrades to be properly deployed. Find the steps to clear out this data and recover from the synchronization at

Configuring Components

With WSUS installed and ConfigMgr running, the next step is to prepare ConfigMgr and your Windows infrastructure for software updates functionality. While it is relatively straightforward to install and configure a SUP, this is where all your research and knowledge about your organization will help as you make decisions on the items that need to be updated and what the update schedule should look like.

The configuration process is not difficult, but it has many steps, and it is easy to get confused. With this in mind, the authors have broken down the process in two parts:

images Configuring server-side components

images Configuring client-side components

The “Configuring Server-Side Components” section describes a wizard with several pages and walks you through the process. The “Configuring Client-Side Components” section is not as clean as there is no wizard, just steps that you need to follow closely so nothing is left out.

Configuring Server-Side Components

The SUP is the site role in ConfigMgr that manages, configures, and communicates with the WSUS server. SUPs are installed on top of the WSUS server and take control of the WSUS settings, changing them back to what has been set in ConfigMgr at every watchdog cycle (usually every hour). To enable software updates functionality, a SUP must be installed at a CAS if it exists and on every primary site with clients that you want to update.


A SUP is not a required site role for ConfigMgr; however, if you want to patch clients, you must install a SUP at every primary site. The clients managed by a primary site without an installed SUP will not scan for update compliance or receive software updates from ConfigMgr.

SUPs should be installed in a top-down fashion, meaning that you start at the CAS, if one exists, and then move to primary sites and then secondary sites, if needed. When installing a SUP, you configure it as part of the installation process; you can edit the configuration after the SUP is installed. To begin installation, navigate in the ConfigMgr console to Administration -> Overview -> Site Configuration -> Servers and Site System Roles. Locate the server you want to use as your SUP and select Add Site System Roles from the ribbon bar or from the right-click context menu to launch the Add Site System Roles Wizard. If the server is not listed, add it to ConfigMgr by choosing Create Site System Server from the ribbon bar.

The General page of the Add Site System Roles Wizard includes the following selections, displayed in Figure 15.2:

images Specify an FQDN for This Site System for Use on the Internet: Check this box if this SUP will be used in a DMZ. This allows you to enter the FQDN to be published to the Internet DNS servers. The client obtains this name when it downloads policy and will try to connect to it when it is an Internet-based client (IBC).

images Require the Site Server to Initiate Connections to This System: By default, site systems initiate connections to the site server to transfer data, which can be a security risk when the connection is initiated from an untrusted network to the trusted network. Check this box when site systems accept connections from the Internet or reside in an untrusted forest so all connections are initiated from the trusted network after installing the site system and any site system roles.

images Site System Installation Account: The default option here is to use the site server’s local system account to connect to the remote system to begin installation. If the destination server is in an untrusted forest or if the local system account does not have permissions to access the server, add an account for ConfigMgr to use. Ensure that this account has full administrative permissions on the remote machine.

The screenshot of Add Site System Roles Wizard dialog box.

FIGURE 15.2 General Page of the Add Site System Roles Wizard.

Many organizations use a proxy server to control Internet access. The Proxy page of the wizard is where you enter the server name and port number that the proxy server uses. If your organization goes the extra mile and secures access to the proxy server with an account, that information must be entered at bottom of this page also, with the account name in the form domainusername, as well as the password. The authors recommend using a separate service account and following the rules of least privilege.

On the System Role Selection page of the wizard, select Software Update Point to add several subpages to the wizard. Figure 15.3 shows those subpages, and the next sections describe these subpages in detail.

A screenshot shows the Add Site System Roles Wizard dialog box.

FIGURE 15.3 Subpages of the Add Site System Roles Wizard.

Software Update Point Page

Since the SUP really interfaces with the WSUS server to configure and manage it, the Software Update Point page allows you to choose the ports your SUP will use to communicate with the WSUS server. There are two options to choose from and a check box to allow for SSL communication:

images WSUS Is Configured to Use Ports 80 and 443 for Client Communication (Default Settings for WSUS 3.0 SP2): This option is for backward compatibility to WSUS for older versions. It was in common use with Windows Server 2008 R2 and WSUS 3.0 Service Pack (SP) 2. Choose this option if you are using that version of the OS and you accepted the default values when installing WSUS.

images WSUS Is Configured to Use Ports 8530 and 8531 for Client Communications (Default Settings for WSUS on Windows Server 2012): Microsoft integrated WSUS with the server OS starting with Windows Server 2012, allowing you to install it through Server Manager. As a security precaution, Microsoft changed WSUS to use the default ports 8530 and 8531, which are now the default entries when installing WSUS. The authors recommend that you use this option.

images Require SSL Communication to the WSUS Server: If you configured your WSUS server to use SSL for communication, you must check this box for ConfigMgr to install and configure the SUP to use SSL. In the default installation, the SUP does not use SSL. When you enable SSL for WSUS that runs on a SUP at a parent site, any WSUS and SUP running on a child site must also be configured to use SSL.

Proxy and Account Settings Page

The previous section discussed access to the proxy server. You also need to tell ConfigMgr when the SUP needs to use those proxy settings. These options are available only if you selected using a proxy server on the Proxy page of the wizard. This page has three items, the first two of which deal with the different times that the SUP needs to use a proxy server and the third of which deals with how to connect to the WSUS server:

images Use a Proxy Server When Synchronizing Software Updates: If this box is checked, the SUP configures the WSUS server to use proxy settings when connecting to Microsoft Updates to synchronize the metadata for software updates.

images Use a Proxy Server When Downloading Content by Using Automatic Deployment Rules: If this box is checked, proxy settings are used when an ADR runs and needs to download content from Microsoft Updates.

images Use Credentials to Connect to the WSUS Server: By default, the SUP connects to the WSUS server using the site server’s local system account; check this box if you need to use another set of credentials to make this connection. If you use an account, the authors recommend that it be a separate account and that you follow the rules of least privilege.


You may have noticed that there have been two accounts to configure in the install process of a SUP. The first account, on the General page of the Add Site System Roles Wizard, is used only during installation. Once installation completes, that account is not used again unless you remove the SUP role and reinstall it. The account referenced in this section is known as the WSUS server connection account, and it is used every time the SUP or one of its components makes a connection to the WSUS server.

Synchronization Source Page

Synchronization is the process of using the choices made in the next few pages of the wizard to determine what software updates metadata needs to be downloaded. This page in the wizard allows you to choose the location to use for retrieving that metadata. There are three options to choose from:

images Synchronize from Microsoft Update: This is the option that most hierarchies use. It tells the SUP that it needs WSUS to connect to the Microsoft Update website and download the metadata. Internet access at the CAS or the standalone primary site is required for this choice.

images Synchronize from an Upstream Data Source Location: If your top-level site has no Internet access, this option may be the next best choice. The option allows you to use a top-level WSUS server that is not connected to your ConfigMgr hierarchy as a source for your metadata. You need to use a URL here; for example,

images Do Not Synchronize from Microsoft Update or Upstream Data Source: Use this option when you do not have Internet access in your environment; this might be a highly secure area that doesn’t allow Internet access. In this case, you would use the import and export functions of WSUS to get the metadata from an outside WSUS server to inside the ConfigMgr server.


Be sure to use a WSUS server with the same classifications, products, and languages you are using in ConfigMgr. This allows you to see the metadata you are expecting inside ConfigMgr. For in-depth information on how to use the WSUSUtil tool to export and import the metadata for software updates, see

At the bottom of the page, determine what WSUS reporting events to view. These are status messages the WUA creates on the client system to tell WSUS the results of the scan it has run. ConfigMgr does not use these messages; they are only visible inside the WSUS administration console. Your choices follow:

images Do not create WSUS reporting events

images Create only WSUS status reporting events

images Create all WSUS reporting events

The authors recommend keeping the default setting: Do not create WSUS reporting events, as this reduces overhead at the client.


Synchronization source settings are only applicable to the top-level site in your ConfigMgr hierarchy (the CAS or a standalone primary site). Sites below the CAS or secondary sites attached to a standalone primary site always sync from their parent and are automatically set to Synchronize from an upstream server when installed from the wizard; this selection is not modifiable.

Synchronization Schedule Page

On the Synchronization Schedule page, set the schedule you want to use for ConfigMgr to synchronize software updates metadata with the Microsoft Update site. The authors recommend using the default setting of once every seven days, which should be sufficient for most organizations. If using Endpoint Protection, set this schedule to run every day to deliver update definition files. Be sure to account for Patch Tuesday, so you have updated metadata right after Microsoft releases its regular security updates. The page has two choices for the schedule and one choice for alerts:

images Simple Schedule: The simple schedule allows you to set how often the synchronization runs, in days and hours. The recurrence pattern is set to the number you choose, such as every 7 days.

images Custom Schedule: A custom schedule allows you to choose exactly—down to the day, hour, and minute—when the synchronization runs, as well as the recurrence pattern.

images Alert When Synchronization Fails on Any Site in the Hierarchy: This option allows an alert to be created when the SUP synchronization fails. When it is enabled, this option is for all SUPs in the hierarchy. The alert can be seen in the console under Monitoring -> Alerts.


Since 2003, Microsoft has released security and critical updates on the second Tuesday of every month. This has come to be known in the IT industry as Patch Tuesday. Although Microsoft occasionally releases updates at other times to fix ultra-critical issues, that is not a regular occurrence and should not directly affect your synchronization schedule. Critical updates not released on Patch Tuesday are often called out-of-band updates and typically fix zero-day security holes. To handle out-of-band updates, run a manual update synchronization when appropriate, following the instructions in the “Troubleshooting Software Updates” section, later in this chapter.

Supersedence Rules Page

Supersedence occurs when Microsoft releases a new update to a previously released update. An example of this would be updates for Internet Explorer. Those updates are cumulative, meaning a new update contains all the fixes for the old update plus the new fixes. When a new update is released, it takes the place of (supersedes) the old update. The old update is marked as expired in WSUS and ConfigMgr so it cannot be deployed. The Supersedence Rules page of the wizard allows you to set the supersedence behavior you want to follow when an update is superseded:

images Immediately Expire a Superseded Software Update: If selected, this option marks the old update as expired immediately in WSUS and all ConfigMgr deployments. Your client can no longer request or install the old update.

images Do Not Expire a Superseded Software Update Until the Software Update Is Superseded for a Specified Period: This allows you to select a number in months to wait before the old update is marked expired. This is a good option for customers that need extra time to verify that a new update does not break any of their applications. Say an organization has created a custom web page; if a new Internet Explorer patch is released, testing is needed to verify that it works correctly with the custom page before it can be included in deployments for clients to install.

images Run WSUS Cleanup Wizard: If this check box is checked, at the end of the next sync with WSUS, the ConfigMgr WSUS Sync Manager will run the WSUS Cleanup Wizard and reset the value of the next run time to 30 days. The wizard then runs every 30 days. The Sync Manager checks the last runtime value at the end of every synchronization; when the value is greater than 30 days, it runs the Cleanup Wizard.

Classifications Page

As you might imagine, the overall number of updates for the entire line of products and operating systems is overwhelming. To help manage this massive number of updates, Microsoft divides updates by classifications. The Classifying Updates page allows you to select the type of classifications for which you want updates. There are nine different classifications to choose from, with Security Updates turned on by default:

images Critical Updates: This specifies a broadly released update for a specific problem that addresses a critical, non-security-related bug.

images Definition Updates: This is used for updates to antivirus programs and definition update files.

images Feature Packs: This is for new product features distributed outside a product release and for features that are typically included in the next full product release.

images Security Updates: This specifies a broadly released update for a product-specific, security-related issue.

images Service Packs: This is a cumulative set of hotfixes applied to an application. These hotfixes can include security updates, critical updates, software updates, and so on.

images Tools: This is for a utility or a feature that helps complete one or more tasks.

images Update Rollups: This is a cumulative set of hotfixes packaged together for easy deployment. These hotfixes can include security updates, critical updates, updates, and so on. An update rollup generally addresses a specific area, such as security or a product component.

images Updates: This is for an update to an application or a file that is currently installed.

images Upgrades: This new classification allows you to upgrade the edition of Windows 10 that users have.


Before enabling the Upgrades classification, be sure you have installed hotfix KB3095113 ( on all SUPs in the ConfigMgr hierarchy. This hotfix allows the Windows 10 Servicing feature to work correctly in WSUS and ConfigMgr. Only Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, and 2016 running WSUS support this classification. To service Windows 10 version 1607 and later, you must also install hotfix KB3159706 from For more information on these updates, see the end of the “Using Windows Software Update Services” section, earlier in this chapter.

When you sync with Microsoft Updates, the classifications are checked to see if they have any new updates. It is a best practice to clear all classifications before synchronizing software updates the first time; once the sync finishes, select the classifications from the properties of the SUP and then re-initiate the sync.

You see this Classifications page of the wizard only when you configure the first SUP at the site, and it is not available if you install additional SUPs. You can change any setting by choosing the properties of the first SUP in the site.

Products Page

The Products page contains the list of products for which you can download related metadata. As the list is very large and an organization may not need all of the updates, Microsoft has broken the list into two types, allowing you to be more selective in the types of products you need updates for:

images Product Families: This is an option for when you need the updates for everything in the entire family, such as Office. Instead of drilling down and choosing Office 2013, you would check the top box, and all Office products would be checked.

images Products: This is a specific edition of an OS or product. An example of this would be choosing only the Windows 10 product out of the Windows product family.

Figure 15.4 shows the product families and products, with the Office product family checked and only the Windows 10 product checked in the Windows product family.

Product families and products are listed.

FIGURE 15.4 SUP product families and products.

If a software update selected for synchronization is applicable to multiple products, you will see those multiple products listed in the ConfigMgr console after synchronization completes. For example, if you selected Windows 7, the console would show updates for both Windows 7 and Windows Embedded Standard 7.

Product settings can only be configured at the top-level site. Once the changes are made, the software updates metadata is replicated to all child-level sites. Realize that the more products you sync, the longer the sync with Microsoft Updates takes; there is also a performance hit on the client side, as it takes longer to scan the catalog when more products are in it. The authors recommend selecting only products that are active in your organization.

Languages Page

The Languages page is the last configurable page of the wizard. This page allows you to choose the languages you want the software updates to appear in. There are two choices to select:

images Software Update File: This item allows you to select the different languages for which you want the software update files to be downloaded. For each language you select, one or more software update files are downloaded. For example, if you select English, French, and Spanish, then for every software update you want to deploy, ConfigMgr will download the corresponding configured language versions of the software update file. Take care when selecting the languages, as your software update deployment package could be very large. The authors recommend that you select only the languages most often used in your organization. During the download process, you have the option of modifying the number of languages you want to download; this is an option you need to configure for each download.

images Summary Details: This option allows you to download the software updates metadata in the selected languages you choose. The metadata consists of items such as the name, description, products that the update supports, update classification, article ID, applicability rules, and so on. Because this is metadata, and metadata is replicated to other sites, this option is available only at the top-level site. The authors recommend selecting only the languages most common in your organization, as the more languages that you select, the longer synchronization with Microsoft Updates takes.


Select all the needed languages before your first sync; if you select additional languages after synchronizing, then only new or changed updates metadata are downloaded in the new languages. Previously synced updates will not show up in the updated languages.

Verifying SUP Installation

After you complete the wizard, ConfigMgr starts the SUP install process, which you can follow in the SUPSetup.log file. When the install completes, verify that communication between the SUP and WSUS is working correctly. There are three log files to check:

images WCM.log: This log file is for the SMS WSUS Configuration Manager, which is responsible for connecting to WSUS and configuring it according to the settings selected in the SUP properties. In this log, you are looking for items like the following:

Successfully connected to server:, port: 8530
Configuration successful. Will wait for 1 minute for any subscription or proxy changes
Setting new configuration state to 2 (WSUS_CONFIG_SUCCESS)

images WSUSCtrl.log: This log file is for the SMS WSUS Control Manager, which is responsible for connecting to the WSUS server and verifying that connectivity is working correctly and that WSUS is running with the supported version. In this log file, you are looking for things like the following:

Checking for supported version of WSUS (min WSUS 3.0 SP2 + KB2720211 + KB2734608)
Supported WSUS version found
Successfully connected to local WSUS server
There are no unhealthy WSUS Server components on WSUS Server

images Wsyncmgr.log: This log file is for the SMS WSUS Sync Manager. This component is responsible for communicating with WSUS and telling it to sync with Microsoft Updates. When that finishes, it syncs with the WSUS database. In this log, you are looking for items like the following:

Synchronizing WSUS server ...
sync: Starting WSUS synchronization
sync: WSUS synchronizing categories
sync: WSUS synchronizing updates
Done synchronizing WSUS Server
Synchronizing SMS database with WSUS server
Sync succeeded


When looking in the Wsyncmgr.log file right after the SUP install, you might see something like this:

Sync failed: WSUS update source not found on site CAS. Please refer to
WCM.log for configuration error details. Source: getSiteUpdateSource

This error is caused by a timing issue. Before you can sync updates, WCM must connect to the WSUS server and configure it. This issue will fix itself over time, with the retry in 60 minutes.

Configuring Client-Side Components

To this point, the chapter has been about the server side: installing WSUS and installing and configuring the SUP. It is now time to look at the client side of things. You must configure the client-side settings so that clients can use those settings when scanning for and installing the software updates they need. You also need to look at group policy settings to see those settings for the WUA that are being pushed to clients; these settings may cause some issues with software updates being applied to clients.

Client Settings for Software Updates

The software updates client component is enabled by default; however, several other client settings must be configured for software updates to work correctly. Navigate in the ConfigMgr console to Administration -> Overview -> Client Settings. Locate Default Client Settings and select Properties from the ribbon bar or from the right-click context menu. The Default Settings dialog appears, as shown in Figure 15.5. For additional information about client settings, see Chapter 9, “Client Management.”

A screenshot shows the Default Settings dialog box.

FIGURE 15.5 Client Default Settings.

Several settings in the Default Settings dialog affect how software updates work:

images Computer Agent -> Deployment Deadline Reminders: The first three options on this page deal with how the user is reminded that a deadline for deployments is about to occur. The first option is the number of hours to remind the user when the deployment is over 24 hours away from beginning. The second option is how often to remind the user when the deadline is less than 24 hours away. The third option is how often to notify the user when the deadline deployment is less than 1 hour away. The defaults for these three options are 48, 4, and 15, respectively.

images Computer Agent -> Grace Period for Enforcement After Deployment Deadline (Hours): This option allows you to set a period of time, in hours, to postpone the installation of required deployments, including software updates deployments, after the deadline passes. This allows end users who have been away for an extended length of time to not have to wait for required deployments to install before getting to use the system. The grace period value can be between 1 and 120 hours.

images Computer Restart: There are two options on this page; when a restart is required, the first option is how many minutes before the restart to provide a temporary notification to the user. The second option is the number of minutes before the restart to show a dialog box that cannot be closed by the user; this dialog displays the countdown interval before the user is logged off and the computer restarts.

images Software Updates: This section of the client settings page includes some key areas that directly affect the software updates component of the ConfigMgr client agent:

images Enable Software Updates on Clients: This option is turned on by default and must remain on for the clients to scan and apply software updates. If it is turned off, ConfigMgr removes existing deployment policies from the clients.

images Software Update Scan Schedule: This option allows you to set the schedule you want to use when the client will again scan the update catalog. The default value is every 7 days, using the simple schedule. The actual start time for the scan on client systems is based on the start time in the schedule plus a random amount of time up to two hours. This prevents all clients from initiating the scan at once.


Client scans have always been a source of confusion. The client receives a policy from ConfigMgr that points it to the WSUS server for the site of which it is a member. The client then connects to the WSUS server and downloads a copy of the updates catalog, which is stored in C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDataStoreDataStore.edb. The first download is large, as it includes the whole catalog; downloads after that are delta changes only. The client then runs its scan against this local catalog. The scan is good for 24 hours, and then the client must scan again for updates.

The client only uses the WSUS server to download the catalog. If a scan determines that a patch is needed, the patch is downloaded from the ConfigMgr package on the DP. The catalog contains only the metadata information about the patch; it does not contain any actual files used to patch systems.

images Schedule Deployment Re-evaluation: This option sets the schedule for when clients re-evaluate the installation status of any previously deployed and installed updates. If any updates are determined to be missing, they are reinstalled from the local ConfigMgr client cache or downloaded again from the DP, if necessary. This occurs once the client is in a maintenance window and free to perform the install. A simple schedule of every 7 days is set by default. The schedule should be set based on the company policy for software update compliance. If the organization is aggressive on compliance, the authors recommend using every 3 days as the schedule; consideration should be taken with a more aggressive schedule as it causes additional network and client CPU activity.

images When Any Software Update Deployment Deadline Is Reached, Install All Other Software Update Deployments with Deadline Coming Within a Specified Period of Time: This option groups multiple update deployments together into a single deployment if scheduled to occur within the period of time specified by the next setting, minimizing the impact on the end user and decreasing the number of reboots necessary with multiple, separate update deployments.

images Period of Time for Which All Pending Deployments with Deadline in This Time Will Also Be Installed: This setting is available only if the previous option is enabled by setting it to Yes. This is the period of time to consider update deployments for grouping according to the description of the previous setting.

images Enable Management of the Office 365 Client Agent: If this option is enabled when Office 365 updates are deployed, the ConfigMgr client agent communicates with the Office 365 client agent to download the Office 365 updates from a DP and install them.

images State Messaging: Client agent update scan and installation results are returned to the ConfigMgr site using state messages; to minimize network traffic and impact on the site server, state messages are not sent individually but bundled up on the client and sent only on the interval specified here. There is no way to trigger sending of state messages from the client to the server except to restart the client agent.

Group Policy Settings

Sometimes an organization creates several group policies that affect the software updates process on clients. If these policies are not set correctly, the software updates process can fail on clients. There are two areas of group policy to look at with regard to the software updates process:

images Specify intranet Microsoft update service location

images Configure Automatic Updates

Figure 15.6 shows the settings possible for Specify intranet Microsoft update service location. This group policy object (GPO) allows you to set the internal location of the WSUS server clients will use to scan against and from where they will download updates. If this GPO is being applied to an organizational unit (OU) that contains ConfigMgr clients, the GPO must be set to either Not Configured or Disabled; both settings turn off this GPO.

A screenshot shows the Specify intranet Microsoft update service location dialog box.

FIGURE 15.6 GPO setting for Specify intranet Microsoft update service location.

ConfigMgr creates a local group policy setting for the client to point to the ConfigMgr SUP with the WSUS server installed. A domain-based GPO overrides the local group policy setting and causes the ConfigMgr client to show this message in its WUAHandler.log file: Group policy settings were overwritten by a higher authority (Domain Controller). The domain GPO causes software updates to fail on the client. If this GPO was enabled, once it is disabled, make sure the clients refresh their domain policy to remove the GPO before retrying software updates.

Figure 15.7 shows the GPO settings for the Windows Update Agent.

A screenshot shows the Configure Automatic Updates dialog box.

FIGURE 15.7 GPO for Windows Update Agent settings.

Settings in this GPO affect how the WUA works on the client and effectively control how it automatically handles updates, downloads, and installation of those updates. The keyword in the previous sentence is automatically; with ConfigMgr, the WUA should not do anything automatically, as the WSUS server itself does not have any updates for the clients; all updates are delivered via the content distribution mechanism in ConfigMgr and not WSUS. When a ConfigMgr client wants to do anything related to software updates, it directly controls the WUA to achieve the desired result; this includes update scans, reevaluations, and installation.

The authors recommend setting this GPO to Disabled. In the past, doing this was a problem because it caused an issue with updates to the WUA itself. Those updates were picked up by WSUS; however, since they were part of the Infrastructure Updates class, they were automatically set to approved in WSUS, causing them to be pushed out to all the clients as they connected to the WSUS server. To work around this issue, Microsoft now includes WUA updates in the WSUS catalog, so when ConfigMgr syncs with WSUS, the updates appear in ConfigMgr to be deployed to your clients.

Note that setting this GPO to Disabled doesn’t actually disable the WUA service. It does disable all of the automatic functionality of the WUA, including scanning. This means the WUA is not automatically installing any updates or causing any issues with ConfigMgr; the service is there and running when needed but not doing anything until ConfigMgr tells it to through the WUAHandler component.

Creating and Deploying Updates

Previous sections discuss the theory of software updates, how they work with regard to the infrastructure, and how to install all the necessary components. The next sections show how to create and deploy the updates to clients, beginning with what is involved to get software updates into a group and deployed to a collection of machines. The following nodes of the console assist with completing this task; they can all be found in the navigation tree of the ConfigMgr console under Software Library -> Overview -> Software Updates:

images All Software Updates

images Software Update Groups

images Deployment Packages

images Automatic Deployment Rules

images Windows 10 Servicing

Using the All Software Updates Node

The All Software Updates node contains a master list of all the updates synchronized with the WSUS server. Clicking All Software Updates in the navigation tree causes the right side of the page to list the updates (see Figure 15.8).

All Software Updates are listed in a screenshot.

FIGURE 15.8 All Software Updates node.


By default, search results include only the top 1,000 items. When syncing software updates, you can easily get thousands or tens of thousands of update results. When you click the All Software Updates node, you may notice a highlight box right above the Search box that says Configuration Manager returned a large number of results. You can narrow your results by using search. Or, click here to view a maximum of 100,000 results. To change your search results, click in the Search box and then click Search Settings in the ribbon bar and change the results to any number you choose. The authors recommend changing the default from 1,000 to 15,000, as this should work for most organizations.

You may have noticed in Figure 15.8 that some of the updates show different icons. The icons indicate the status of the update. There can be several different statuses for the updates. Table 15.1 lists the different colors of icons and their meanings.

TABLE 15.1 Update Status Icons

Icon Color


Green arrow

Normal software update

Black X

Expired software update

Yellow star

Superseded software update

Red X

Invalid software update

Blue arrow

Metadata-only software update

Table 15.1 is also valid for software update groups and deployment packages. Figure 15.8 shows an extra column added. It is very useful in troubleshooting to add columns to the display. In this case, Unique Update ID is added. In the client logs, updates are referenced by this ID. Add columns by right-clicking a column name, which causes a long list of additional column names to appear; just pick the one you want.

Selecting an update in the list up either Summary or Deployment information in the Details pane at the bottom. Double-clicking an update, right-clicking, and choosing Properties or selecting an update and then choosing Properties from the ribbon bar brings up detailed information about that update, organized on six tabs plus the Security tab that is present on every dialog box:

images Software Update Details: This tab displays information about the update, such as its bulletin ID, article ID, revision date, maximum severity rating, description, and application languages, as well as the affected products.

images Maximum Run Time: This is a value of time in minutes that the update installation is allowed to run. This number is different for each update; Windows 10 updates are typically 30 minutes, and other OS versions typically run 10 minutes. When using maintenance windows, this value is used to calculate whether there is enough time to install the update within the time remaining in the window.

images Custom Severity: You can set the custom severity of an update to one of five values, whose meanings you and your organization can define. ConfigMgr does not use these values in any way, but you can use them for filtering purposes:

images None

images Low

images Moderate

images Important

images Critical

images Content Information: This read-only tab contains information about the actual update file(s), whether it is downloaded, the size of the update (in megabytes), and the URL from which to download. Normally, ConfigMgr handles the download of the files listed in this tab; however, you can reference this tab if you find you need to review the location ConfigMgr is using or wish to download the file yourself. If you select a line in this list box and press Ctrl+C, the entire line is copied to the Windows Clipboard, and you can then paste it into Notepad to extract the URL.

images Custom Bundle Information: Bundles are groups of updates that are installed together, normally because they are tightly related or have interdependencies. If an update is part of a bundle, that bundle information is listed here.

images Supersedence Information: This tab lists any updates that this update supersedes or any updates superseding it. When there are multiple versions of an update, this tab is a good source of information for the latest version of the update.

You can select multiple updates to modify either their maximum runtime or custom severity at one time.

Sort the list of updates by clicking on any displayed header. You can also filter the list of updates to display only those you are interested in working with or examining. The first filtering technique is a simple text search: To evaluate and filter content from any displayed column that contains text, type in the word or phrase you want to search for in the Search box above the update list’s header and click Search. Note that columns such as Required that contain counts, Downloaded that contain Boolean values, and Date released that contain dates are not considered to contain text and thus are not evaluated by the simple text search functionality. To clear the filter, click the X next to Search.

You can create advanced filters by combining multiple criteria and columns using Add Criteria to the right of Search. This drops down a list where you can select the categories on which you want to filter the list; select the categories and click Add to add an advanced filter section underneath the Search input box, where you can define the values for which to search. You can add criteria to the filter by selecting Add Criteria from the Search section of the ribbon bar.

Even with advanced filters, you may find that there are so many software updates that you can get lost looking for something. Consider using subfolders of the All Software Updates node to organize your updates. Create and manage these subfolders by using the Folder tab on the ribbon bar or by right-clicking the All Software Updates node. You can apply filters to any subfolder. You must manually move updates into the subfolders you create. One popular method of using the subfolders is to create one for each year and under the yearly subfolder create each month, then add the month’s updates into those subfolders. There are several methods for organizing software updates, but filters remain one of the best choices; they are dynamic, persistent, easily modified, and self-defining. Both filters and subfolders are part of the global data replicated to all sites in a hierarchy, making them available at every site.


Sometimes you need a current list of the software updates; in such cases, you must force a manual synchronization with Microsoft Updates. Right-click the All Software Updates node in the console and choose Synchronize Software Updates to force the WSUS server to sync with Microsoft Updates and cause the SUP to sync with the WSUS server. You can monitor the status in the wsyncmgr.log file.

Using Software Update Groups

When the software updates are available inside the ConfigMgr console, the next step in getting a deployment to clients is to create a software update group (SUG). The SUG is a container that holds a set of software updates you can use to organize the software updates in your environment.

SUGs do not contain actual updates; a SUG contains a reference or pointer to the update. You cannot deploy updates to clients without a SUG. When software updates are deployed to a collection of clients, the list of software updates in the SUG is sent to the client in the form of a client policy authorization list.

Create SUGs by selecting updates from the All Software Updates node or one of its subfolders. Use filters to help narrow down the updates you want to include. After selecting the updates, choose Create Software Update Group from the right-click context menu or from the Home tab of the ribbon bar to launch the Create Software Update Group dialog box. In this dialog, shown in Figure 15.9, enter the name and description for the new SUG. New SUGs appear under the Software Update Groups node in the navigation tree of the console.

A screenshot shows the Create Software Update Group dialog box in which Name and Description textboxes are indicated. Create and Cancel buttons are at bottom.

FIGURE 15.9 Create Software Update Group dialog box.

If a SUG already exists and you want to add or remove software updates from the group, select the updates and choose Edit Membership from the right-click context menu or from the Home tab of the ribbon bar to launch the Edit Membership dialog; place a checkmark next to each update you want to add. Remove the checkmark next to any update you want to delete from the SUG. By doing this, you are not actually deleting the update from ConfigMgr; you are just removing the reference to the update in the SUG.


SUGs are considered part of global data and are replicated up and down the ConfigMgr hierarchy. This means that if you create a SUG on a primary child site, that information is replicated to the CAS. Since many SUGs may be created, the authors recommend always creating SUGs on the CAS. If you are not sure which site actually owns the SUG object, right-click the columns in the Software Updates node and add the column source site.

To determine overall compliance either for a set of software updates or all software updates, you could create a compliance group of software updates; this is a SUG without a corresponding deployment. Use this compliance group to evaluate the compliance of a set of updates against all systems in the console or any collection of systems using the built-in reports. New to ConfigMgr is the Software Updates Dashboard, available by selecting Monitoring -> Overview -> Security -> Software Updates Dashboard. The dashboard allows you to take a quick look at compliant versus noncompliant systems, and it includes a pie chart of security updates versus critical updates versus update rollups versus others. The Devices Missing Updates chart provides a quick view of the number of systems missing the various updates.


Software updates are deployed to clients via SUGs. There is a limit of 1,000 software updates for any deployed SUG. This limit exists to prevent performance issues on both the server side (summarizing such large deployments and for rendering reports) and the client side (processing large policy bodies containing more than 1,000 updates). A tremendous amount of SQL processing is required to correlate deployment and compliance states across all updates in a SUG that contains more than 1,000 updates. The authors recommend avoiding frequent modification of deployed update groups by adding/removing updates to them, as this causes significant overhead on the client in terms of policy processing and on the server in terms of SQL processing. You should make changes to software update deployment groups and packages on a monthly maintenance cycle.

Using Deployment Packages

After creating a SUG, download the software updates into a deployment package. Much like a software distribution package, a deployment package is the source location where software updates are downloaded. This can be a local folder on the site server or a network share elsewhere, and it must be created before it can be used as the source location folder. The local computer account of the site server and user downloading the software updates will require read and write permissions to the source local folder. Each deployment package must have its own source location folder; these folders cannot be shared between deployment packages.

It might seem as though the SUG and the deployment package are tied together as one unit. This is not true; the deployment package is not tied to the SUG. A SUG can have software updates that span multiple deployment packages.

Clients install software updates in a deployment by using any DP that has the software updates available, regardless of the deployment package. If a package is deleted for an active deployment, clients can still install the software updates in the deployment as long as each update was downloaded to at least one other deployment package and is available on a DP that is accessible to the client. After the last deployment package containing a software update is deleted, client computers cannot retrieve the software update until the update is again downloaded to a deployment package. Software updates appear with a red arrow in the ConfigMgr console when the software update files are not in any deployment packages. Deployments appear with a double red arrow if they contain any updates in this condition.

You cannot create a deployment package from the console. Use one of two wizards to create the deployment package:

images Download Software Updates Wizard: Navigate to All Software Updates and select a software update or a group of software updates. Choose Download from the right-click context menu or from the Home tab of the ribbon bar to access this wizard.

images Deploy Software Updates Wizard: Navigate to All Software Updates and select a software update or group of software updates. Choose Deploy from the right-click context menu or from the Home tab of the ribbon bar. When you choose this wizard and the software updates are not yet downloaded, the Download Software Updates Wizard pages are folded into this wizard; you see the pages for both wizards.

The Download Software Updates Wizard, displayed in Figure 15.10, contains six or eight pages, depending on what is selected for a deployment package. If Select a deployment package is selected, there are only six pages; if Create a new deployment package is selected, there are eight pages. In either case, the last three pages are the same as with almost all wizards in ConfigMgr—the Summary, Progress, and Completion pages. The following are the other Download Software Updates Wizard pages:

A screenshot shows the Download Software Updates Wizard dialog box.

FIGURE 15.10 The Download Software Updates Wizard.

images Deployment Package: Select an existing deployment package by clicking Browse, or create a new package. If creating a new package, you must provide a name and description for the package; this appears in the Deployment Package node. You also must choose the source location of the package by using a URL path. The location you choose must exist before you run the wizard.

images Distribution Points: Select the DPs to which you want to send this package. You can choose from either a list of DPs or a DP group from a dropdown menu.

images Distribution Settings: Choose the type of settings to use with this distribution. You can choose your priority from a dropdown menu, whether you want to distribute the package to preferred DPs, and the behavior you want to occur when the DP is enabled for prestaged content.

images Download Location: Choose to use Microsoft Updates or a network share as the location from which to download updates. Most organizations choose to use Microsoft Updates. If your site does not have Internet access, select a network share as the location. This requires preloading the updates from a machine with Internet access and copying them to the network location to be used by the wizard.

images Language Selection: Choose the language to use when downloading the update files. For example, if you choose English and French, the wizard downloads two files for each update—one in English and one in French.

Monitor the download activity by looking at the PatchDownloader.log file. The downloads run under the current logged-in user running the wizard, so the log is in the temporary folder of that user: C:users<username>AppDataLocalTemp. The AppData folder is hidden, so you may not see it until you change display options to show hidden folders.

Deployment packages are similar in nature to software packages but have some distinct differences:

images Clients needing to install an applicable update deployed to them using an update deployment would download that update from any available deployment package on any DP in the boundaries for that client.

images Deployment packages are not linked to update deployments in any way.

images Clients do not need to download an entire deployment package to install the software update; they can download a single update from any deployment package that has the update.

Since there are many software updates across a wide range of operating systems, deployment packages can be very large, which can cause issues when the content is distributed to DPs. A common failure for software updates is not ensuring that all applicable update packages are properly replicated and available on DPs where clients will request the updates. In general, the authors recommend making all your update packages available on every DP unless your DPs are tight on space or you have severe bandwidth limitations. The authors also recommend organizing deployment packages by the release date of updates, such as by year, by half year, or even by quarter, rolling over the updates into the yearly package as needed. This lets you cut down the size of the packages that are most often used.

Creating the Deployment

This section walks through creating the update deployment. An update deployment is the primary, active object in software updates. All other objects are just groupings of other objects or settings and are generally passive in nature. Update deployments are active objects; they assign the updates to clients and cause updates to be installed on managed systems. Without update deployments, software updates is purely a reporting feature set.

There are two methods for creating an update deployment. Both use the Deploy Software Updates Wizard, but one has fewer pages in the wizard than the other:

images Starting with No SUG or Pre-created Deployment Package: Start this wizard in the All Software Updates node of the console by selecting the software updates you want to deploy and choosing Deploy from the right-click context menu or from the Home tab of the ribbon bar. This launches the full wizard, containing all pages, and automatically creates the SUG and deployment package.

images Pre-creating the SUG and the Deployment Package: Launch this version of the wizard in the Software Update Groups node of the console by selecting the SUG you want to deploy and choosing Deploy from the right-click context menu or from the Home tab of the ribbon bar. The wizard is launched without the deployment package pages. Because you chose the SUG to deploy, that part of the General page is prefilled.

Figure 15.11 shows the Deploy Software Updates Wizard, launched by deploying an already created SUG and deployment package. The authors recommend first creating your SUG and package and then creating the update deployment by deploying the SUG.

A screenshot shows the Deploy Software Updates Wizard dialog box.

FIGURE 15.11 The Deploy Software Updates Wizard.

This version of the wizard contains nine pages; the last three are the same as with almost all wizards in ConfigMgr (Summary, Progress, and Completion), and the other pages are discussed in the following sections.

General Page

The first page of the wizard has five items to complete, and some of them are required before you can move on to the next page. These are the items on the General page:

images Deployment Name: This is required and is filled in automatically with the name Microsoft Software Updates - (current date and time). Remove this name and add a more meaningful name that describes what the software updates are for (for example, MS Software Updates for 2018).

images Description: This is an optional field where you can enter a brief description about the deployment.

images Software Update/Software Update Group: This required field is automatically filled. If you start the deployment by choosing to deploy a SUG, this is filled in with that SUG name and grayed out so you cannot change it. If you are deploying a single software update by selecting the update from the All Software Updates node and choosing Deploy, this is the name of that single software update. If you choose several updates from the All Software Updates node and choose Deploy, this has a general name filled in but is not grayed out, so you can change the name to be more meaningful. The name you choose will be the name of the SUG it creates.

images Select Deployment Template: Click this button to bring up a previously saved list of templates. The wizard then uses the pre-created template to show you the pages and settings that are in the template. This allows you to create deployments of the same nature and settings more quickly and also helps avoid human mistakes. To create a deployment template, complete the Deploy Software Updates Wizard and stop on the Summary page. From the top-right side of this page, select Save As Template; this allows you to choose the settings on the pages you want to include in the template and a name for the template. Figure 15.12 shows the Save As Template dialog box.

A screenshot shows the Save As Template dialog box.

FIGURE 15.12 Save As Template dialog box.

images Collection: This is a required field. Clicking Browse allows you to select a pre-created collection of managed systems to which you want to deploy the software updates. You can only choose device collections; user-based collections cannot be targeted by software update deployments.

Deployment Settings Page

The Deployment Settings wizard page allows you to set the type of deployment you want to use and the level of message details. It provides the following options:

images Type of Deployment: Use this to select whether the deployment is mandatory. You have two choices from a dropdown menu:

images Required

images Available


If you choose Required as the type of deployment, the client will download the software updates from the DP in the background and honor any Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) settings configured for it. If you choose Available for the deployment type, the client downloads the software updates from the DP in the foreground and ignores any configured BITS settings.

images Use Wake on LAN to Wake Up Clients for Required Deployments: You can select this check box if the type of deployment is set to Required; it is grayed out if that option is set to Available. If this option is checked, ConfigMgr uses its built-in Wake on LAN functionally to send the magic packet that wakes up the client, and the client then installs the updates. Before using this option, computers and the network must be configured for Wake on LAN.

images Detail Level: This item allows you to choose the state message detail level that will be returned by the client for the deployment. There are three choices:

images All Messages: This allows all messages from the client to be returned, which is important if you want to view results as soon as the client does something. This is a good option to choose by default, as when someone runs the enforcement states for a deployment report or other compliance reports, he or she will see the detailed information the client has returned.

images Only Success and Error Messages: Use this option to tell the client to only return a state message about success and errors. Running compliance reports with this detail level set may display the last status as unknown. This is because no errors (or success messages) have been returned by the client. Using this option makes troubleshooting very hard if you run into issues.

images Only Error Messages: This option returns a state message only if an error occurs. The same issue applies as with the previous setting, where reports may show as unknown.

Scheduling Page

The Scheduling page allows you to select information about when the deployment will be scheduled to run. The time set here is also the time when end users begin to see notifications of the updates availability if notifications are enabled. If the deployment was set to Required on the previous page, this is the time that updates are available for downloading by the client. There are three options on this page:

images Schedule Evaluation: This dropdown menu option allows you to set whether a client will use local time or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The authors recommend accepting the default value, Client local time.

images Software Available Time: This radio button allows you to choose when the deployment is available to the client. You have two choices:

images As Soon as Possible: The deployment is available to the client as soon as it receives the policy for the deployment. If you choose Use the client local time in the Schedule evaluation item and choose this option, the current time on the machine where you are running the ConfigMgr console is the time that is set for clients to evaluate when updates are available or when they are installed. If the client is in a different time zone, these actions occur when the client’s time reaches the evaluation time.

images Specific Time: If this option is chosen, the two menus below it become available. The first is a dropdown menu for the month and day, and the second is for the time to set.

images Installation Deadline: This option is available only if Required was chosen in the Deployment Settings page. It allows you to choose a date and time when the required deployment to install the software updates will start automatically. The same two options available in the Software available time are presented here: a dropdown menu for the month and day and the exact time for the deadline.

The actual installation deadline time is the specific time you configure plus a random amount of time, up to two hours. This reduces the potential impact of all client computers in the destination collection installing the software updates in the deployment at the same time. You can configure the Computer Agent -> Disable deadline randomization setting to disable the installation randomization delay for the required software updates. The authors recommend not disabling randomization, as doing so would have all clients run the software updates installation at the same time.

images Delay Enforcement of This Deployment According to User Preferences, up to the Grace Period Defined in Client Settings: This option allows the end user to delay the installation of software updates until the grace period set in the client agent becomes applicable. This allows an end user returning from vacation or being away for an extended period from having to wait until all required deployments are installed before being able to use the system. The user can delay the installation until the grace period ends.

User Experience Page

Use the User Experience page to customize the end user’s experience with software updates deployments. Some choices are dependent on the Type of Deployment setting. There are three areas to configure:

images User Notifications: Use this option to choose what you want the user to see when balloons display in the system tray. There are three choices:

images Display in Software Center and Show All Notifications: This option lets the end user see the deployment in Software Center and see all the balloon notifications for the deployment in the system tray.

images Display in Software Center, and Only Show Notifications for Computer Restarts: This choice shows the deployment in Software Center but shows the notification only when the computer needs a restart.

images Hide in Software Center and All Notifications: This hides the deployment from the end user, who will not see anything in Software Center and will not see balloon notifications in the system tray. This can cause issues because the end user is not notified when the reboot occurs and may lose data. This option is not available when Type of Deployment is set to Available.

images Deadline Behavior: This option allows you to choose what can be done to the system when it is outside the maintenance window. You can choose to install software updates or restart the system. If this option is unchecked, updates are not installed until the maintenance window time starts. This option is grayed out if Type of Deployment is set to Available.

images Device Restart Behavior: Choose whether to suppress system restart on servers and workstations. Some software updates require a system restart after the install. This option allows you to suppress that restart and have the user restart the system at a convenient time. The authors recommend always suppressing the restart for servers to prevent unplanned outages. This option is grayed out if Type of Deployment is set to Available.

images Write Filter Handling for Windows Embedded Devices: This option allows you to check the box to commit the changes at the deadline or during a maintenance window. Windows Embedded systems use an overlay to store changes made to the OS; those changes are removed when the device is restarted, restoring the device back to its original state. If deploying software updates to Windows Embedded systems, you should check this box so update installations are not lost. When you do check this box and a Windows Embedded system gets a software updates deployment, the ConfigMgr client requires the Windows Embedded system to reboot; it enters Service mode, allowing only administrators to log in. ConfigMgr then installs the software updates and restarts the Windows Embedded system in Normal mode.


If deploying software updates to Windows Embedded devices, ensure that you are using a maintenance window. The Windows Embedded device should be a member of a collection with an established maintenance window applied. This allows you to manage when the write filter is disabled and enabled, as well as when the device can restart.

images Software Updates Deployment Re-evaluation Behavior Upon Restart: This item configures the client to run a new software updates compliance scan immediately after it installs software updates and restarts. This allows the client to check for any additional software updates that are applicable after the restart and install them during the same maintenance window.

Alerts Page

Use the Alerts page to configure the criteria to create an alert inside the ConfigMgr console. This page also lets you specify how you want to handle Operations Manager (OpsMgr) alerts when the client has the OpsMgr agent installed. The option for the ConfigMgr alert creation is only available if Type of Deployment is set to Required. The following options are available on the Alerts page:

images Configuration Manager Alerts: This option starts with a check box that enables the alert to be generated. Checking the box makes two options available for edit:

images Client compliance is below the following (percent)

images Offset from the deadline time

The alert generation time box shows you the day and time the alert will be generated if the criteria are met. This box is not editable. Take care when setting the criteria for the ConfigMgr alert, as incorrect settings could cause false alerts to be generated.

images Operations Manager Alerts: This allows you to choose what to do with the OpsMgr agent when that agent is installed on the system and software updates need to be installed. There are two check boxes, which are unchecked by default:

images Disable Operations Manager Alerts While Software Updates Run: This check box does not actually put the OpsMgr agent into maintenance mode but suppresses alerts by pausing the OpsMgr health service running on the client. This can be seen by event ID 1217 in the application event log.

images Generate Operations Manager Alert When a Software Update Installation Fails: When a software update fails to install, event ID 11708 is usually generated. When this box is checked, the OpsMgr agent looks for this event ID and generates an OpsMgr alert. The OpsMgr agent is required and must be running on the client for this to occur.

Download Settings Page

The Download Settings Wizard page allows you to customize how the client downloads the software updates from the DP. There are options to deal with slow links, falling back to another content location, BranchCache, and clients that only have Internet connectivity:

images Select the Deployment Option to Use When a Client Uses a DP from a Neighbor Boundary Group or the Default Site Boundary Group: Choose to download or not download when the client cannot find the content on any DP within its own boundaries. If you allow the download, the client will look at DPs containing the content in a boundary group designated as a neighbor of the client or from the default site boundary group. Following are the two options you can select:

images Do not install software updates

images Download software updates from distribution point and install

images When Software Updates Are Not Available on Any DP in the Current or Neighbor Boundary Group, Client Can Download and Install Software Updates from DPs in Site Default Boundary Group: Choose if you want the client to download the content from the default site boundary when there are no other DPs with the content. You can choose from two options:

images Do not install software updates

images Download software updates from distribution point and install

images Allow Clients to Share Content with Other Clients on the Same Subnet: This option, which is checked by default, tells the clients whether they can use BranchCache for the content downloads. If BranchCache is not set up on the clients, this item has no effect on the content download.

images If Software Updates Are Not Available on DP in Current, Neighbor or Site Boundary Groups, Download Content from Microsoft Updates: If this option is checked, it allows the client connected to the local intranet to download updates from Microsoft Update if the updates are not found on the DPs. The authors recommend not checking this option.

images Allow Clients on a Metered Internet Connection to Download Content After the Installation Deadline, Which Might Incur Additional Costs: Select this option to tell the client it can download updates while using a metered Internet connection. Some Internet network providers charge based on the amount of data sent and received with the Internet connection. The authors recommend not enabling this option.

As update deployments only exist in the context of an update group or specific update, to view or edit an existing update deployment, you must first select the update group or update to which that the deployment belongs. Update deployments particular to the update group or update are displayed at the bottom of the Details pane when you select the Deployment tab. After selecting the deployment from the Details pane, you can enable, disable, delete, or view the properties of the deployment by selecting the corresponding buttons on the Deployment tab of the ribbon bar or from the right-click context menu of the deployment. The properties displayed in the update deployment’s Properties dialog correspond to those configured using the Deploy Software Updates Wizard and are organized on tabs with the same names as the pages of the wizard.

Using Automatic Deployment Rules

Automatic deployment rules are a relatively new concept, introduced in ConfigMgr 2012 and enhanced in some of the latest builds of ConfigMgr Current Branch. An ADR automatically creates an update deployment including the SUG, the download of the updates to a deployment package, and the actual deployment of the SUG to a collection of clients. There are several options for an ADR as well, such as creating everything but not deploying the SUG to clients.

To create an ADR, navigate to Automatic Deployment Rules and choose Create Automatic Deployment Rule from the ribbon bar or from the right-click context menu to launch the Create Automatic Deployment Rule Wizard, displayed in Figure 15.13.

A screenshot shows the Create Automatic Deployment Rule Wizard dialog box.

FIGURE 15.13 The Create Automatic Deployment Rule Wizard.

As Figure 15.13 shows, there are several pages to the ADR wizard, most of which you have already seen for creating the SUG, downloading updates, and deploying the updates. The following sections discuss the first four pages, as those are unique to the Create Automatic Deployment Rule Wizard.

General Page

Much like the General pages of other wizards, the General page of the Create Automatic Deployment Rule Wizard is where you start defining the basic items of the ADR, including the following:

images Name: This is required; unlike with other wizards that automatically fill in the name, the Create Automatic Deployment Rule Wizard leaves it blank. Use a name that is meaningful; it should describe what the ADR is creating.

images Description: This is an optional field where you can enter a brief description about the deployment.

images Template: This is a dropdown menu that brings up a list of templates that were previously saved. ConfigMgr also includes four templates for your use. The wizard uses the pre-created template you select to show the pages and settings that are in the template. This allows you to create ADRs of the same nature and settings faster and helps avoid human mistakes. To create a template, complete the Create Automatic Deployment Rule Wizard and stop on the Summary page, which has a Save as Template option on the top-right side. Selecting this option allows you to choose what settings on the pages you want to include in the template and a name for the template (refer to Figure 15.12).

The right-hand side has the option Manage Templates, which allows you to bring up a list of templates, select one, and then either rename the template or delete it.

images Collection: This is a required field. Click Browse and select a collection that will be targeted by this ADR. You can only select device collections.

images Each Time the Rule Runs and Finds New Updates: Use this item to choose what to do with the SUG if the ADR finds new updates when it runs. You can have the ADR create a new SUG for the new updates or add those to an existing SUG. If you choose to add the updates to a new SUG, beware that a single rule with this option enabled can create hundreds of SUGs in a small amount of time. The authors recommend adding the updates to an existing SUG.


You may notice in the wizard that when you select to use an existing SUG, there is no method for you to choose the SUG to which you want to assign the new updates. The first time the ADR runs, it creates a new SUG, using the same name as the ADR. Each subsequent evaluation of the ADR uses the same SUG.

images Enable the Deployment After the Rule Is Run: This check box enables the software updates deployment that the rule created after it completes its run. If this option is unchecked, the rule creates the deployment but leaves it disabled. The authors recommend leaving the deployment disabled until you verify that all settings are set correctly. You may want to send the deployment to a test collection to confirm that everything works properly. When the verification is complete, change this setting to enable the deployment.

Deployment Settings Page

The Deployment Settings page has several settings that also appear in other wizards as well as one that is only for ADRs. There are three options to configure on this page:

images Use Wake on LAN to Wake Up Client for Required Deployments: If this option is checked, ConfigMgr uses its built-in Wake on LAN functionally to send the magic packet that wakes up the client, and the client then installs the updates. Before using this option, computers and the network must be configured for Wake on LAN.

images Detail Level: Use this item to choose the state message detail level returned by the client for the deployment. There are three choices:

images All messages

images Only success and error messages

images Only error messages

images Software Update License Agreement: This option deals with software updates for which there are license agreements. A license agreement must be accepted before a software update can be deployed. Since the ADR rule automatically creates the deployment, there is no way to accept the license agreement. This item lets you choose whether to deploy only software updates that do not have a license agreement or those that have the license agreement already approved or deploy all software updates and approve any license agreements. The authors recommend this last option, which is the default.

Software Updates Page

The Software Updates page allows you to set the criteria used by the ADR to find software updates. The software update must meet the criteria defined to be included in the SUG that the ADR creates.

The Property filters section in the top area of this page of the wizard provides several check boxes for the item or items to use for criteria that the software update must meet. You can check as many of these as you like or as few as one of these items. After you select a check box, the bottom area fills with a link that you can select.

Search criteria at the bottom of the page has a link that allows you to fill in the criteria you want to use. The items you check in the Property filters section determine what type of criteria you are allowed to enter (free text, numeric, and product selection). You can use quotes (“ ”) for an exact string match or the minus sign (-) to indicate that it does not match the item. For example, entering -Itanium in the title property criteria will exclude all updates that include Itanium in their title property. Once you have your criteria, click Add to add the criteria to the search list.

Evaluation Schedule Page

The Evaluation Schedule page allows you to choose how often the rule will run and evaluate the software updates. It has three options:

images Do Not Run This Rule Automatically: Select this rule when you want to only run the ADR manually. This might be an option when first setting up ADRs to verify that they are selecting the correct software updates.

images Run the Rule After Any Software Update Point Synchronization: This allows the ADR to run after the SUP synchronizes with Microsoft Updates. The authors recommend using this setting, which allows the ADR to truly be automatic and deploys software updates to the clients shortly after they are released.

images Run the Rule on a Schedule: This allows you to set a fixed date and time for the rule to run, such as the second Wednesday of each month at 2:30 PM. Select Customize to select a date and time to use. The authors recommend that if you set a schedule for the ADR to run, you should coordinate the time to run after your SUP synchronization time, so you evaluate the latest set of software updates.

When the ADR runs, it logs its information in the RuleEngine.log file. This file is located with the rest of the ConfigMgr logs in the Logs folder.

Understanding Windows 10 Servicing

A new feature in ConfigMgr Current Branch is the ability to service Windows 10 clients. New code is added, allowing older versions of Windows 10 to be upgraded to newer versions using the ConfigMgr software updates process. This new feature makes Windows upgrades much simpler for IT administrators, as the process is very streamlined and acts more like the software update installation process than the process of installing a new version of the OS.

Prior to Windows 10, Microsoft would release new versions or builds of the Windows product line every few years—think Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. This meant that an organization went through a massive upgrade every several years, after testing the new version of Windows. Large organizations might still be deploying a version of Windows when Microsoft released a newer version. This caused some organizations to skip newer versions and not be current on newer features of the product. Microsoft changed the game with Windows 10; instead of new versions every few years, you will see new functionalities and features in smaller incremental updates two times a year. Microsoft created two ways for Windows 10 to be updated:

images Feature Updates: These are changes to Windows 10 that add new features and functionalities to the product. These are what previously would have been released in a new version of Windows, such as going from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1.

images Quality Updates: These are security fixes, product hotfixes, and rollup updates. An example would be the Patch Tuesday security fixes released every month. Another change for organizations is that the quality updates are now released as one cumulative monthly update instead of as several smaller updates.

These changes introduce some new challenges for organizations in how to upgrade or maintain the Windows 10 product being used and the type of support available if they do not upgrade or if they get behind in updating.

Servicing Branches in ConfigMgr

To align with the new approach of delivering feature updates and quality updates in Windows 10, Microsoft introduced the concept of servicing branches to allow customers to designate how aggressively their individual devices are updated. Microsoft created two branches:

images Semi-Annual Channel: This servicing model allows feature updates to be released twice a year, around March and September. This model is typically for consumers and businesses with general-purpose devices running Windows 10. The authors recommend that businesses take a gradual approach to incorporating these releases into their general population. Following this approach would involve a testing phase to see if current applications are compatible with the new release; once that testing is completed, a pilot group would test the update, and the organization would then move to a broader deployment. Each of these twice-a-year releases will be supported by Microsoft for 18 months from the time it is released.

images Long-Term Servicing Channel: This model is designed for businesses requiring the OS running on a machine to not change and to not have features added. Think of machines controlling medical equipment, point-of-sale (POS) systems, and machines running automation processes in a factory. These systems usually have a financial impact to the organization if they are taken offline or if they fail due to a new feature or update. This channel will see releases approximately every 2 to 3 years. These releases will be supported for 10 years from the date of release.

These new servicing channels mean that you must upgrade your Windows 10 devices at a much faster pace than previously to keep your systems current and keep you in a supported mode. More information about servicing branches and servicing of Windows 10 in general can be found at

Table 15.2 shows the servicing options and their life cycles.

TABLE 15.2 Windows 10 Branch Servicing Options

Servicing Branch

Feature Upgrade Availability

Servicing Life Cycle

Supported Editions

Semi-Annual Channel

Twice per year, usually in March and September

Approximately 18 months

Home, Pro, Education, Enterprise

Long-Term Servicing Channel

Every 2 to 3 years

10 years

Enterprise Long-Term Servicing Channel

About Deployment Rings

Deploying previous versions of Windows, regardless of the size of your organization, was a challenge, to say the least. Going forward, deployment rings should make things a bit easier. Deployment rings allow you to group machines together for the purpose of creating a deployment time line. Each deployment ring reduces your risk and exposure to issues from the feature updates by allowing you to gradually deploy the update to rings of users; think of pilot testing groups here, with the difference being that the groups stay fairly consistent.

Microsoft has created a sample of what the deployment rings might look like:

images Preview: This is a pilot of IT users; users get this release through the Windows Insider Program and the Windows Insider for Business Program.

images Targeted: This is a pilot of business users; these devices should be across multiple teams and groups. These teams or groups should represent most of the departments in an organization. This ring should be used to test the release before it goes out for deployment to the global set of devices.

images Broad: This is a deployment to broad IT users; this will be your deployment to the rest of organization.

images Critical: This for devices that are deemed critical by the business. These devices should receive the update only after the rest of the organization has tested the release and shown that it does not present issues that would affect these critical devices.


Microsoft originally used Current Branch (CB), Current Branch for Business (CBB), and Long-Term Servicing Branch (LTSB) when describing Windows 10 servicing. This terminology has recently changed. Semi-Annual Channel takes the place of Current Branch for Business, Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) replaces Current Branch, and Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) takes the place of Long-Term Servicing Branch.

While Microsoft has publicly released this new terminology, ConfigMgr and several GPOs and other items inside Windows continue to use the terms Current Branch, Current Branch for Business, and Long-Term Servicing Branch. Keep an eye out as you use the current products and newer versions, as the terminology will be mixed until all products are updated with the newer terminology. This section continues to use the newer terminology where appropriate and the older terminology when it relates to ConfigMgr.

While not every organization will use the deployment rings, you should consider how many rings are needed and what users might encompass those rings. This way you can ensure that most issues with deployments of feature updates are found in pre-deployment testing and within the targeted ring.

The deployment rings are based on the servicing branches, so you begin by creating collections of the different servicing branches. This allows you to easily find users for each ring you need to create. The collections of these servicing branches are easily created in ConfigMgr, using an OS property collected as part of the ConfigMgr client discovery inventory, OSBranch. A WQL query that creates the collection follows:

select * from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.OSBranch = 0 and
SMS_R_System.OperatingSystemNameandVersion like "Microsoft Windows NT
Workstation 10.0%"

The values you can use for OSBranch are 0 for Current Branch, 1 for Current Branch for Business, and 2 for Long-Term Servicing Branch; this terminology has been replaced with the Semi-Annual Channel for Current Branch and Current Branch for Business and Long-Term Servicing Channel for Long-Term Servicing Branch. However, ConfigMgr and the OSBranch entries still use the terms Current Branch, Current Branch for Business, and Long-Term Servicing Branch; look for these to change in later releases of ConfigMgr and Windows 10. The second part of the query limits the data returned to only Windows 10 workstations.

Once your servicing branch collections are created, create collections for your rings by using the servicing branch collections as a limiting collection. This should give you a good idea of how many systems are in the different servicing branches and the users you would include in the different rings your deployment process uses.


The Windows Insider Program is open to anyone; it allows you to see early builds of Windows before they become part of the Semi-Annual Channel. Windows Insider PCs must be enrolled manually on each device and serviced based on the Windows Insider level chosen in the Settings app on that particular PC. Feature update servicing for Windows Insider devices occurs completely through Windows Update. For more information, see If you have Windows Insider PCs that you manage with ConfigMgr, create a collection for them and use that collection as an exclude collection for all servicing branch collections.

About Windows 10 Servicing Prerequisites

Before you start servicing Windows 10 devices, ensure that ConfigMgr is ready for servicing; this includes information needed to populate the data in the Windows 10 Servicing Dashboard. This is accomplished by implementing several processes you may already have done:

images Software Update Point: Windows 10 Servicing is delivered and executed by the software updates components on the server and client, so you need to have an installed and working SUP.

images Heartbeat Discovery: Information from Heartbeat Discovery is used to populate the Windows 10 Servicing Dashboard. The authors recommend setting the frequency of this setting to daily. The information is small and will not cause performance issues.

images WSUS Updates to Support Windows 10 Feature Upgrades: This is covered in the “Using Windows Software Update Services” section, earlier in this chapter.

images Upgrade Classification and Windows 10 Product: To deploy upgrades to clients, ensure that for the SUP properties, the Upgrade box on the Classification tab is checked and that Windows 10 is checked on the Products tab. This allows the SUP to synchronize these items with Microsoft Update. These can be seen by navigating to Software Library -> Overview -> Windows 10 Servicing -> All Windows 10 Updates in the ConfigMgr console.

images Assign Devices to the Correct Servicing Channel: As part of the methodology for servicing Windows 10 devices, you must decide what devices to keep at Current Branch and which move to Current Branch for Business. Devices will be at Current Branch by default until moved to Current Branch for Business. A GPO is used to move devices to Current Branch for Business. Two GPOs are used, depending on the version of Windows 10:

images Windows 10 Version 1511: This version can be moved to Current Branch for Business using the GPO located at Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Update -> Defer Upgrades and Updates. Enable this GPO; no other settings need to be changed. Once the client receives the GPO enabling the setting, the client is considered Current Branch for Business.

images Windows 10 Version 1607: This version can be moved to Current Branch for Business using the GPO located at Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Update -> Defer Windows Updates. Right-click the Select when Feature Updates are received settings and select Edit. Enable the policy and select the Current Branch for Business branch readiness level. Once the client receives the GPO enabling the setting, it is considered Current Branch for Business. Figure 15.14 shows this GPO setting.

A screenshot shows the “Select when Feature Updates are received” dialog box.

FIGURE 15.14 GPO for setting Windows 1607 to Current Branch for Business.

With the GPOs set and the machines at the correct serving level, when the ConfigMgr client runs the discovery process, the OSBranch property is collected and sent to the ConfigMgr database. This allows you to create your servicing branch collections. Either use GPOs or set a local machine policy for this information to be collected.


To prevent users from enrolling their devices in the Windows Insider program, set a GPO at Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Data Collection and Preview Builds -> Toggle user control over Insider builds. Set this policy to Disabled.

Using the Windows 10 Servicing Dashboard

To help determine whether your Windows 10 machines are in Current Branch, Current Branch for Business, or Long-Term Servicing Branch, Microsoft created the Windows 10 Servicing Dashboard, which can be accessed by navigating to Software Library -> Overview -> Windows 10 Servicing. This dashboard shows a quick reference view of the active service plans, compliance for the deployed servicing plans, and life cycle information for Windows 10 versions. The dashboard relies on data from the heartbeat discovery information that clients send in and the service connection point (SCP). The SCP downloads metadata from Microsoft to display in the dashboard. Note that the data is only as good as the last download from the SCP. If the data does not seem right, check the SCP to confirm that it is working properly.

A screenshot shows the Windows 10 Servicing dashboard.

FIGURE 15.15 Windows 10 Servicing dashboard.

Figure 15.15 shows the dashboard with some of its tiles. Eight tiles provide Windows 10 information:

images Windows 10 Usage: This tile gives a breakdown of the Windows 10 builds managed by ConfigMgr. Each version of Windows shows in the tile below the ring. Moving the mouse over the tile or versions listed at the bottom of the tile highlights that part of the ring and shows the number of Windows 10 devices and their builds.

images Windows 10 Rings: This tile is by branch and readiness state:

images LTSB: The Long-Term Servicing Branch segment will be all Long-Term Servicing Branch versions, while the first tile breaks down the specific versions, such as Windows 10 2015 Long-Term Servicing Branch.

images Release Ready: This segment corresponds to Semi-Annual Channel, or Current Branch in versions of Windows 10 prior to version 1709.

images Business Ready: This segment is Semi-Annual Channel (targeted), or Current Branch for Business in versions of Windows 10 prior to version 1709.

Move the mouse over the numbers in the ring or servicing branches at the bottom to highlight the number of machines in that portion of the ring and show a percentage.

images Create Service Plan: This tile provides a quick way to create a servicing plan (discussed in the “Servicing Plans” section of this chapter). Specify the name, collection (only the top 10 collections display, and they display by size, smallest first), deployment package (only the top 10 packages display, and they display by most recently modified), and servicing ring. Default values are used for the other settings; to change those defaults, click Advanced Settings to start the Create Servicing Plan Wizard, where you can configure all the settings, as shown in Figure 15.16.

In the Create Servicing Plan tile, Name textbox is shown below which Target Collection, Deployment Package, and Servicing Ring dropdown boxes are listed. Advanced Settings and Create buttons are at bottom.

FIGURE 15.16 Create Servicing Plan tile.

images Expired: This tile displays the percentage of devices on a build of Windows 10 past its end-of-life. ConfigMgr determines the percentage from the metadata the SCP downloads and compares it against discovery data. A build past its end-of-life no longer receives monthly cumulative updates, including security updates. ConfigMgr rounds up to the next whole number for the percentage, so if the math says that you have 4.5% of machines in this state, the tile will show 5% for the number. This tile provides a good estimate of machines in this state, but you should follow up to obtain the exact number of machines.

images Alerts: This tile displays any active alerts.

images Expire Soon: This tile displays the percentage of computers on a build near end-of-life. This would mean that you have about four months before that build of Windows 10 is at end-of-life. As with the Expired tile, ConfigMgr rounds up to the next whole percentage number.

images Service Plan Monitoring: This tile displays the servicing plans you have created and a compliance chart for each plan, providing a quick overview of the current state of the servicing plan deployments. Clicking Deploy Now brings up a dialog box asking to select a collection. Once selected, the highlighted servicing plan is deployed to that collection, creating a basic servicing plan that uses all the default values. Use the ConfigMgr console to create a plan with custom options.

images Windows 10 Builds: This tile displays a fixed image time line that provides an overview of the Windows 10 builds currently released and gives you a general idea of when builds will transition into different states. This information is gathered by the SCP and should be verified. If the SCP is not working correctly, this information may be out of date.

The dashboard provides a great deal of information in a visual form, giving most users the information they need at a glance. To obtain more information, you need to drill deeper into the Windows 10–managed systems.

Servicing Plans

With the metadata for the Windows 10 upgrade packages inside ConfigMgr, you are ready for the next step: a servicing plan. A servicing plan allows you to upgrade your Windows 10 devices from one build to another. Servicing plans do not allow you to upgrade Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10; those types of upgrades need to use an upgrade sequence as described in Chapter 22, “Operating System Deployment.” Servicing plans only use the upgrades software updates classification; other updates, such as cumulative security updates, must still use the software updates workflow.

Servicing plans are created using a wizard and share the same rule engine as the ADR. Some pages in the wizard are the same as the ones covered earlier in this chapter, in the “Using Automatic Deployment Rules” section. To start, open the ConfigMgr console and navigate to Software Library -> Overview -> Windows 10 Servicing -> Servicing Plans and choose Create Servicing Plan from the ribbon bar or from the right-click context menu to launch the Create Servicing Plan Wizard, displayed in Figure 15.17.

A screenshot shows the Create Servicing Plan dialog box.

FIGURE 15.17 Create Servicing Plan Wizard.

As Figure 15.17 shows, the wizard has several pages. You may have seen many of these pages when creating the SUG or ADR, downloading updates, and deploying updates. The following are the first four pages, which are unique to the Create Servicing Plan Wizard:

images General: This page is similar to the General pages of other wizards; add a name that is meaningful and an optional description for this servicing plan.

images Servicing Plan: This page allows you to select the target collection to use for the servicing plan upgrade. Browse to choose from device collections; user collections are not allowed.


Servicing plans are considered high-risk deployments; if you choose a collection with more members than what is set in the Deployment Verification tab of the site properties, you will see a deployment verification warning message. You must agree to create the high-risk deployment, and an audit status message is created before you can continue. Figure 15.18 shows this message. If you choose a collection containing a machine hosting a site server role, you will receive a critical stop message, as shown in Figure 15.19, and will not be able to continue.

A screenshot shows Deployment Verification warning message. The Servicing Plan is considered high-risk because the selected collection contains more than 1 resources.

FIGURE 15.18 Deployment Verification warning message.

A screenshot shows a high-risk error message box representing Configuration Manager. Ways to resolve the error are also indicated in the box.

FIGURE 15.19 High-risk error message.

images Deployment Ring: The top of this page allows you to choose the Windows readiness state for this servicing plan. You can choose between Release Ready (Current Branch) and Business Ready (Current Branch for Business). In the middle of the page, you can select the number of days to delay the deployment after the new upgrade is published by Microsoft. This slider bar goes from 0 to 120 days. ConfigMgr evaluates whether to include an upgrade in the deployment if the current date is after the release date plus the number of days you configure for this setting.

images Upgrades: This page allows you to set the criteria to be used for the feature updates and upgrades for the deployment.

The Property filters in the top area of the page provide check boxes for Language, Required, and Title that you can use for criteria. Check as many or as few of these items as you want. After selecting a check box, the bottom area fills with a selectable link.

The Search criteria in the bottom of the page has a link allowing you to fill in the actual criteria you want to use. The items you check in the Property filters section determine the type of criteria you are allowed to enter (free text, numeric, and language selection). Use quotes (“ ”) for an exact string match or the minus sign (-) to indicate that it does not match the item. Once you have your criteria, click Add to add the criteria to the search list.

On the bottom-right side is Preview, which allows you to preview what updates and upgrades will be returned, based on the criteria selected. This provides a good opportunity to verify that you used the correct criteria.

After you complete the wizard, the servicing plan will run by default after the next SUP sync; change this by highlighting the servicing plan and choosing Properties from the ribbon bar or from the right-click context menu and navigating to the Evaluation Schedule tab. Once the rule runs, it adds updates that meet the specified criteria to a SUG, downloads the updates to the deployment package, distributes the updates to the configured DPs, and deploys the SUG to clients in the target collection. The name of the SUG is automatically created and is changeable by choosing the properties of the SUG.


The Deployment Schedule page or tab of the servicing plan properties is where you set the available time and installation deadline. As this is an upgrade and will cause an outage for the end user, the authors recommend setting the installation deadline ahead two or three weeks to give sufficient time for the user to prepare for the upgrade or even run it manually.

When the servicing plan rule runs, it downloads the upgrade and/or update packages from Microsoft Update. These packages are in excess of 2GB, and the rule will download x64 and x86 versions of the packages. Once downloaded, the packages are distributed to the DPs. Allow time for the download and content distribution to occur before the deployment becomes available to the end user. The authors recommend setting the available time to four hours or more from the current time of creating the servicing plan.

Since the servicing plan rule and ADR use the same engine, you can monitor the process of the rule running in the RuleEngine.log file. Downloads are logged in PatchDownloader.log.

Client Experience

The discussion so far in this chapter has covered the server side, configuring settings, and creating the deployment. Now it is time to consider the client side of things. What does the user see? What types of notifications take place? Is there any interaction with the user? When does a reboot occur? Many answers to questions such as these are determined by the configured settings and by some of the processes created in your update design.

Almost all client activity for software updates takes place in the background, across multiple client components. These components interact with each other, creating and managing internal jobs to detect the updates needed, scanning to see the state of updates the machine has and needs, downloading the needed updates, installing the updates, and reporting the status of the updates (installed, failed, reboot needed, and so on).

Software update deployments can be created to be totally silent, to notify the user every step of the way, or to do something in between. The following sections point out the differences the user will see but focus mainly on full user notification.

Compliance Scanning

Each computer performs compliance scanning based on the schedule set in the Software Updates section of client settings. The ConfigMgr’s client scan agent triggers the client’s WUA to download the update catalog from the WSUS instance corresponding to the SUP with which the client is configured to communicate. The catalog is then cached locally, and the system is scanned for update applicability. Note that the entire update catalog is not downloaded each time; only the changed portion of the catalog is downloaded; this is typically called the delta. To manually start compliance scanning, initiate a software updates scan cycle from the ConfigMgr Control Panel applet.

Scan results are stored in WMI, using the ccm_updatestatus class in the rootccmsoftwareupdatesupdatesstore namespace. State messages send the results back to the ConfigMgr site. These are XML messages cached on the client for 15 minutes (by default) and submitted in bulk to the client’s site MP. They relay point-in-time information about the client to the site.


For a detailed look at the state messaging system in ConfigMgr, see This is specific to ConfigMgr 2007 but also applies to ConfigMgr Current Branch. This blog post has a script that allows you to resync the state messages from a client if they get out of sync with the site.

The WUA performs the compliance scan and marks each update with a compliance state. An update can be in one of four states:

images Required: This means the update is still needed on the client system or that it is installed but requires a restart. If the update needs a reboot, it is not considered installed until that reboot occurs.

images Not Required: This means the update is not applicable on the local system.

images Installed: This means the update is already successfully installed on the local system.

images Unknown: There are many reasons for an unknown update status, including communication issues, client scan issues, and configuration issues. The client’s WUAHandler.log is the first place to check to verify proper configuration.

Scan results are good for 24 hours; this is called the time to live (TTL). When the TTL expires, the results are not considered accurate. When the client receives a software updates deployment, the TTL is ignored, and a fresh scan is performed.

Using Notifications

Notifications inform the user of what is occurring on the system. Some users like notifications, and others do not. Some users like to be told what is happening; others do not want to be interrupted with notifications. If notifications are disabled in client settings, no notifications from ConfigMgr are ever displayed on the client machine. If notifications are enabled, there are different levels that can occur, based on settings in the deployment. Table 15.3 shows these different levels and the notifications the user will see.

TABLE 15.3 Software Update Notifications

Level of Notification

Available Deployment

Required Deployment

Display in Software Center and show all notifications

A taskbar notification icon and an initial balloon popup. The notification icon persists as long as the updates are still applicable and available.

A taskbar notification icon and an initial balloon popup. The notification icon persists as long as the updates are still applicable and required. The notification balloon reappears based on the deployment deadline reminders settings on the Computer Agent page of the client settings.

Display in Software Center and only show notifications for computer restarts

No notification is displayed for updates, but notification is displayed according to the restart setting in the client settings page.

No notification is displayed for updates, but notification is displayed according to the restart setting in the client settings page.

Hide in Software Center and all notifications

Not applicable to this state.

No notification is displayed for updates.

Notification is presented by a balloon in the system tray of the machine. Figure 15.20 shows the balloon displayed when the user is notified that updates need to be installed.

A screenshot shows a balloon notification in the system tray indicating that software changes are required. The notification instructs that the balloon can be clicked for options.

FIGURE 15.20 Software updates balloon notification.


By default, the balloon stays on the screen for five seconds. This often is not long enough for a user to notice that something has changed on the screen. To improve user experience with all balloons on a system, you can change this time to a longer value. In Windows 7, 8.1, and 10, change this by selecting Control Panel -> Ease of Access -> Use the computer without a display. Find the dropdown called How long should Windows notification dialog boxes stay open, which shows several times to choose from. You can also change this value via the Registry, at HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelAccessibilityMessageDuration.

In addition to the balloon, a new item is added to the system tray—a box with a red plus sign. If you right-click this icon and choose View Required Software, the dialog box shown in Figure 15.21 appears.

A screenshot shows Software Center Changes dialog box.

FIGURE 15.21 Software Center Changes dialog box.

This dialog box has several options for the user:

images View Details: Click this link to open the full Software Center program and see all details for each software update that needs to be installed.

images Right Now (Recommended): Choosing this option starts the installation immediately.

images Outside My Business Hours: Each system has a defined set of business hours, found inside Software Center. By default, business hours are set at 5 AM through 10 PM Monday through Friday. Selecting this option causes the software updates to only install outside those hours. Clicking a hyperlink in this option opens Software Center, which shows the business hours.

images Snooze and Remind Me Later: Select this dropdown to choose to be reminded at a later time.

images Restart My Computer Automatically if Needed: If this option is checked, the system reboots without warning after installing the software updates, if needed.

The software changes dialog box shown in Figure 15.21 and these options are displayed only when the software updates deployment is set to Available and the deadline has not been reached.

Using Software Center

Software Center is the heart of the user experience for ConfigMgr. Microsoft has redesigned it to be more intuitive and user friendly. In regard to software updates, an Updates section shows the number of updates needed as a quick view. Clicking Updates gives you a full list of the updates, their publisher, and the status of each update. The Install All button allows the user to manually install the updates at will. Figure 15.22 shows the new Software Center.

A screenshot shows the Software Center dialog box.

FIGURE 15.22 Software Center.

The Installation status section of the dialog shows the status of the updates or applications as they are being installed. An update can go through several different statuses as the install occurs:

images Available: The update is available for immediate installation.

images Scheduled to Install After: This is a required update, scheduled to install after the date and time specified in the status message.

images Past Due - Will Be Installed: This indicates that a required update is past its scheduled installation time. Updates are often in this status because of maintenance windows or failure to locate content.

images Preparing to Download: The client agent is finding an available location for the update’s content.

images Downloading: The client agent is downloading the content from an available location. This status also includes a percentage complete.

images Waiting to Install: The update is preparing to install.

images Installing: The update is installing.

images Pending Verification: The update is installed but being verified.

images Installed: The update is already installed and is verified as installed.

images Requires Restart: The update requires a reboot to complete installation.

If an update is actively downloading or installing and notifications are enabled, an icon shows in the taskbar icon notification area with a tooltip that reads Downloading and installing software.

Installing Updates and Reporting Status

The next step is installing the updates and reporting status back to ConfigMgr. The user can choose to install the updates using Software Center before the deadline occurs or to wait until the deadline, at which point the installation will occur automatically. If the user chooses to wait, he or she sees the reminders balloon notifications according to the Client Settings -> Computer Agent settings described in the “Configuring Client-Side Components” section, earlier in this chapter.

If the user chooses to install the updates through Software Center -> Updates, he or she can click on a single update to display the information about that update and a button that allows for update installation or scheduling of update installation, as shown in Figure 15.23.

A user who wants to install all the updates at once can click Install All (refer to Figure 15.22).

A screenshot shows the Software Center dialog box with IT Organization indicated as heading at top.

FIGURE 15.23 Software Center Update Details.

Once the updates are installed, if a reboot is needed, a Restart required balloon notification is displayed, as shown in Figure 15.24.

The screenshot shows Restart required balloon notification which reads “Recently installed software requires your computer to restart to complete the installation.”

FIGURE 15.24 Software updates Restart required balloon.

Since the user may not be ready to reboot at that specific time, ConfigMgr places an icon in the system tray, as shown in Figure 15.25, to remind the user to reboot.

Software updates Restart icon is shown in the system tray.

FIGURE 15.25 Software updates Restart icon.

If the user chooses not to reboot before the deadline, the icon remains in the system tray, and the user is notified with balloon notifications according to the reminders set up in Client Settings -> Computer Restart.

At each step, state messages are sent to the MP with which the client is communicating. These state messages help track the installation status of the updates and can be seen in the console by navigating to Monitoring -> Overview -> Deployments. If a reboot is needed, the update is not considered installed until it occurs. After the reboot, there may be a delay in reporting that the update is installed. To prevent this delay, Microsoft added a check box forcing a software updates deployment reevaluation upon restart to the User Experience tab of the software updates deployment. If this option is checked, after the reboot occurs, the ConfigMgr client runs the reevaluation, sees that the update is installed, creates a state message, and sends it to the MP, where it is processed into the database.

Troubleshooting Software Updates

There are many points where the software update process can break down. Multiple components coordinate their efforts to make the process work normally. When something goes wrong, your first step is to identify the component having issues. Depending on the exact failure point, you can review a variety of log files for error messages. It is also important to track and report on the status of software updates for everyone to know the organization’s compliance level and to find failures or unpatched machines quickly. The next sections discuss how to monitor software updates as well as areas that typically have issues and how to diagnose and (hopefully) fix them.

In addition to the information presented here, four excellent blog posts are available that review and step through the in-depth minutia of the software update process, as viewed through the log files. Some of these are older posts but still can be applied to ConfigMgr Current Branch:





Monitoring the Updates Process

To monitor the updates process, navigate to Monitoring -> Overview -> Deployments. Find your software updates deployment in the list and select it. At the bottom of the page, a pie chart shows the current summarization status of the deployment, which can be useful for a quick update. Choose View Status from the ribbon bar or from the right-click context menu to open the Deployment Status page, where you can see the following five states that the deployment could be in:

images Success: Machines listed here have successfully completed the software updates deployment. They report in green.

images In Process: These are machines currently running the software updates deployment but have not yet finished. These are reported in yellow.

images Error: These are machines that received the software updates deployment but ran into an error when trying to download the content or execute the deployment. Dig deeper by looking at the lower part of the page, at Asset Details. One of the details is the error code returned from the client. This can give you an idea of where to start looking for the issue with that client.

images Requirements Not Met: Machines in this state received the deployment but did not meet the rules that allow the deployment to run.

images Unknown: All systems appear in this state once the deployment is created. When a system returns a state message, it moves out of this state. If you see machines in this state after the deployment has been running a while, they did not receive the deployment and could be broken clients.

Another area in Monitoring that can be helpful is Software Update Point Synchronization Status. This section allows you to see the current status of the SUPs, when their last synchronization attempt was, the status of that attempt, and the catalog version on each SUP. This lets you quickly see if there are sync problems or if the SUPs are using old catalog versions. If a client is saying that it doesn’t need an update, it may be that it is scanning against an older version of the catalog.

WSUS and SUP in Software Updates

The first component in software updates is WSUS. WSUS is significant because it acquires all information about available software updates and distributes that catalog of software updates to clients. ConfigMgr takes over control of WSUS by using a SUP, and it creates detailed log files of the WSUS operation. Following are the three main log files, located in <ConfigMgrInstallPath>Logs, to look at for issues with your WSUS and SUP:

images WCM.log: This component provides information about the SUP configuration and connecting to the WSUS server for subscribed update categories, classifications, and languages. When changes are made to the SUP’s settings, this component connects to WSUS and makes the changes. If you change your settings on WSUS, this component will connect to WSUS and overwrite those changes.

images WSUSCtrl.log: This log file provides information about the configuration, database connectivity, and health of the WSUS server for the site. Once an hour, this component connects to the WSUS website to verify that connectivity is working. If your SUP is remote, this log file is located on the remote SUP.

images wsyncmgr.log: This component synchronizes WSUS with Microsoft Updates and then synchronizes ConfigMgr with WSUS; it is a two-part process.

Most errors experienced with WSUS are configuration errors, including not matching the ports configured during installation of WSUS and then configured in the SUP. Remember that with WSUS 4.0 and above, the default port is 8530.

Also common are Internet connectivity issues due to firewalls, proxy servers, and other mitigating factors. Confirm that the system running WSUS has Internet connectivity if you are downloading the update catalog directly from Microsoft and ensure that you have properly configured the proxy account if one is required.


One issue the authors have seen is when the IIS application pool for the WSUS website is set to the default memory amount. With the larger number of updates in WSUS, there are more download trips from the clients, which uses a larger amount of memory from the IIS application pool. To fix this issue, the authors recommend increasing the WSUS IIS application pool memory. What you increase it to depends on the number of clients using that SUP and how many updates you are synchronizing. The default amount of memory is set to 1.8GB; the authors suggest changing this to 4GB to start and increasing by 2GB from there if problems occur. The blog post at explains more about this issue and how to increase the memory.

Downloading Updates

Update downloads from Microsoft can fail. Recall that WSUS does not download the updates in ConfigMgr; you must manually initiate download of all updates when not using ADRs. This is an interactive process; ConfigMgr initiates a connection to the Microsoft download servers using credentials of the user currently logged in to the console. Test connectivity for that user by opening Internet Explorer and navigating to (If a proxy server is required to connect to the Internet, configure the settings in Internet Explorer.) If the logged-in user does not have permission to perform the action, the download does not occur.

For ADRs, the site server hosting the SUP downloads the updates for you. This uses that system’s local system account, which in turn uses that system’s AD computer account for its identity on the network.

The PatchDownloader.log file logs download activity for updates and contains information about the update download process. The file is located in different places, depending on who is running the downloads:

images SMS_CCMLogs: When the ADR runs, it runs as Local System and creates the log file in this folder.

images %User%AppDataLocalTemp: When downloading updates, the file is created under the user’s temp folder. Some folders are hidden, so make sure you are viewing hidden files to see them.

Troubleshooting Client Scanning and Update Deployment

WUA on the local system handles the process of scanning a client for applicable updates. The ConfigMgr agent initiates the scanning according to the defined schedules or any on-demand requests; the WUA in turn reports to the ConfigMgr agent. The WUA connects to the WSUS/SUP server and downloads an updated catalog to scan against; this is the only time the client uses the WSUS server. The following client log files, located in the %windir%CCMlogs folder, can help when investigating failures:

images ScanAgent.log: Provides information about the scan requests for software updates, the tool requested for the scan, and the WSUS location. If your clients do not seem to be requesting the newer software updates, it could be that the scan has failed or the scan is not getting a current copy of the catalog. This log is a good place to start.

images UpdatesDeployment.log: Provides information about the deployment on the client. This includes software update activation, evaluation, and enforcement. This log also shows all the software updates deployments the client has received. You can also see the downloads of the updates in this log.

images UpdatesHandler.log: Provides information about software update compliance scanning as well as download and installation of software updates on the client.

images UpdatesStore.log: Provides information about the compliance status for software updates assessed during the compliance scan cycle.

images WUAHandler.log: Provides information regarding when the WUA on the client searches for software updates. One of the main issues that can affect the scanning process is a domain-based GPO overriding the Windows Updates settings. The WUAHandler.log file clearly indicates if this issue exists in your environment.

Troubleshooting Software Updates

Most of the time WSUS works fine; it works so well that most folks forget about it, which is when problems start to form. You won’t see them right away, but after a while, they can creep up on you. You should be doing four items as part of your weekly or monthly maintenance process:

images Back Up the WSUS Database: You may ask why, as there is nothing in the database that you cannot recover by rebuilding the SUP or synchronizing with Microsoft Updates. While this is true, why waste the time to resync everything when you can restore a small backup and be up and running again quickly? Plus, if you are using System Center Update Publisher (SCUP), a lot of custom information will be lost if you lose the SUSDB. Use SQL backup or any other backup program that works with SQL databases. This can even be set up as an automated process using a SQL job and the SQL agent.

images Run the WSUS Server Cleanup Wizard: ConfigMgr now provides a check box for this in the Supersedence Rules tab of the SUP properties of a site. However, this is only run every 30 days. In some organizations, it should be run every week. If it has been a long time since this was last run—or perhaps has never run—the wizard may time out. The fix is to run it repeatedly until it stops timing out.

images Decline Superseded Updates: Since the client downloads the entire catalog the first time and then delta updates afterward to scan against, that catalog will contain any superseded updates that have not been declined. Declining the superseded updates reduces the size of the catalog and the amount of time the client needs to complete a scan.

images Re-index the WSUS Database: An index allows the database to be read faster, giving results quicker. Over time, with updates and deletions, the index can become out of date and may actually cause a slowdown in reading data. For optimal performance, re-index the database monthly or every week, if possible.

Most of these steps can be scripted and automated. See for additional information.

Microsoft has released some best practices for software updates with ConfigMgr, which can help give the best performance overall:

images Use a shared WSUS database for SUPs.

images When ConfigMgr and WSUS use the same SQL Server instance, configure one of them to use a named instance and the other to use the default instance of SQL Server.

images Specify the Store updates locally setting for the WSUS installation.

images Limit software updates to 1,000 in a single software updates deployment.

images Create a new SUG each time an ADR runs for Patch Tuesday and for general deployment.

images Use an existing SUG for ADRs for Endpoint Protection definition updates.

In-depth information for these items can be found at

Using the System Center Update Publisher

One issue organizations have with the software update process is that it only allows deployment of Microsoft updates. What happens when you need to deploy a third-party update? One approach is to use the System Center Update Publisher. This tool from Microsoft allows you to publish items to a WSUS server. When ConfigMgr synchronizes with that WSUS server, the published item appears in the Software Updates section of the console. SCUP also allows third parties, including vendors and administrators, to publish their own catalogs for use with ConfigMgr software updates.

SCUP is not included with ConfigMgr but is a separate and free download from Microsoft, available at The tool lets you import updates from non-Microsoft products into ConfigMgr or define your own for third-party products or in-house applications; these non-Microsoft updates sit side-by-side with the Microsoft updates in the ConfigMgr console and are managed and deployed exactly the same way as Microsoft updates contained in the WSUS catalog. Many administrators have also used SCUP to deploy Microsoft updates not included in the WSUS catalog. Updates are updates, and managing them the same way regardless of their source has great value.

Installing SCUP

Windows Server 2008 R2 is removed for use as a SUP with all publicly released ConfigMgr builds after ConfigMgr Current Branch version 1610, and since SCUP does not yet support the WSUS version released with Windows Server 2016, you must use Windows Server 2012 R2 for your SUP role if you need to use SCUP. SUP servers running WSUS 4.1, which is included with Windows Server 2012 R2, are not able to communicate with WSUS versions 3.0, 3.2, and 4.0. As SCUP is very tightly integrated with WSUS, the machine you install SCUP on must have the same 4.1 version of the WSUS console installed on it as the SUP to which you want to publish. If you try to use a different version of WSUS on the SCUP machine, you will get an error when trying to publish to the WSUS server. This error shows up in the SCUP log file as a version mismatch: Publish: A fatal error occurred during publishing: Publishing operation failed because the console and remote server versions do not match. Because of this issue with the version mismatch, there are only two operating systems you can use to install SCUP:

images Windows 8.1

images Windows Server 2012 R2

You can install SCUP on any system with connectivity to your top-level SUP, including the site server or a remote workstation that also has the WSUS administration console installed (or full WSUS) and is one of these listed operating systems.


If your site server is running Windows Server 2016, you must install your first active SUP on a remote Windows Server 2012 R2 machine. This allows the machine you install SCUP on to use the same WSUS version as your SUP. This is needed only if you plan to use SCUP with ConfigMgr.

If using Windows 8.1 for you SCUP workstation, install the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) for Windows 8.1. Part of the RSAT installation also installs the WSUS 4.1 console and binary files that allow the SCUP application to connect to the Windows Server 2012 R2 WSUS server. This in turn allows the Windows 8.1 workstation to publish items into the WSUS server. Download the RSAT tools from If using a Windows 2012 R2 SUP server for the SCUP install, the WSUS server is already installed on that machine.

No matter which OS you choose for SCUP installation, you still must complete a workaround to allow local administrators to publish updates from SCUP to the Windows Server 2012 R2 WSUS server. This workaround involves editing the Registry and DCOM permissions. Details are at (This site talks about Windows Server 2012 but is also relevant for Windows Server 2012 R2.)


The updated version of WSUS for Windows Server 2012 R2 no longer issues self-signed certificates. This is explained in a blog post by the WSUS Product Team at At this point, you should be thinking about using a certificate authority (CA) to generate a signing certificate for your organization. There is a workaround described in the blog post but also a warning that it may not function with future Windows releases.

SCUP uses a local SQL Server Compact Edition database, so there is no need to provide permissions or connectivity to a full SQL Server instance. SQL Server Compact Edition is a local, single-user, Microsoft Access-like database engine that is automatically installed with SCUP. For more information on SQL Server Compact Edition, see

SCUP installation is straightforward: Launch the downloaded Windows Installer MSI package and follow the wizard. The install requires administrator rights, so on a machine with User Account Control (UAC) settings enabled, open an administrator command prompt, navigate to where the MSI is located, and launch it from the command prompt window. Figure 15.26 shows the second page of the installation program, where you might run into issues.

A screenshot shows the Setup Wizard for System Center Updates Publisher 2011 dialog box.

FIGURE 15.26 Second page of SCUP install.

If the correct version of the WSUS console and binaries are not installed on your machine, you will not be able to click Next to move forward. Installing the 3.0 SP 2 version of WSUS is not an option at this point; you must install the RSAT tools for Windows 8.1 on the workstation and restart the SCUP installation.

Configuring SCUP

Once the installation is complete, you can launch SCUP and start the configuration. It is important with UAC enabled that SCUP is always launched as an administrator. SCUP includes its own separate console and requires a small amount of initial configuration. Figure 15.27 shows the SCUP console.

A screenshot shows System Center Updates Publisher 2011 dialog box.

FIGURE 15.27 SCUP console.

After launching the SCUP console, select the Application menu from the ribbon bar and choose Options. There are five sections in the resulting Options dialog:

images Update Server: On this page, shown in Figure 15.28, enable update publishing and configure the options SCUP uses to connect to the SUP so it can publish updates. Specify the top-level site in your hierarchy and be sure to set the correct port. The default of port 80 is no longer used by WSUS 4.1; the default now is 8530. If your test connection fails, check that the port is set to the correct value.

A screenshot shows System Center Updates Publisher Options dialog box.

FIGURE 15.28 SCUP update options configuration.

Publishing updates into a SUP also requires a code-signing certificate so clients can verify the source of updates delivered to them. In past versions of WSUS, you could create a self-signed certificate by clicking Create on this page. When clicking Test Connection or Create, you now see a warning message, as shown in Figure 15.29, as you cannot publish content to the WSUS server until the certificate is in place.

A screenshot shows Test Connection box which displays a warning message that content cannot be published to the WSUS server until the certificate is in place. Ok button is at bottom.

FIGURE 15.29 SCUP update options certificate warning.

To work around this issue and restore the legacy ability to create the self-signed certificate, add a Registry key to the machine SCUP is installed on; the location of the Registry key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftUpdate ServicesServerSetup. Next, create a new DWORD value called EnableSelfSignedCertificates and set the value to 1. The authors recommend restarting the SCUP application if it was running when you made the Registry change. Once the Registry change is in place, click Test Connection and Create to create the self-signed certificate. Note that because this is a legacy operation that has been removed from the GUI, there is no guarantee that this will continue to work with updated versions of WSUS.

You will find this self-signed certificate in the SUP’s local computer store, under the WSUS folder. You need to export the certificate; to do so, follow these steps:

1. Open a new or existing instance of the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). To open a new instance, launch mmc.exe.

2. On the MMC File menu, choose Add/Remove Snap-in.

3. On the resulting Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog, choose Certificates in the Available snap-ins list box on the right and click Add.

4. In the Certificates snap-in dialog, choose Computer account, click Next, leave Local computer selected on the next page, and click Finish.

5. Click OK on the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog.

6. In the tree on the left, expand Console Root -> Certificates (Local Computer) -> WSUS and select the resulting Certificates node.

7. Right-click the certificate generated by SCUP (named WSUS Publishers Self-signed) in the Details pane on the right, and choose All Tasks -> Export to launch the Certificate Export Wizard.

8. Chose Next on the first page of the wizard. On the second page chose No, do not export the private key; on the third page choose DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) and click Next.

9. Enter an appropriate filename and click Next to reach the final page of the wizard. Click Finish to complete exporting the certificate.

Figure 15.28 shows two other selections that are grayed out: Browse and Remove. These buttons work only if you connected to the WSUS server using SSL and port 8531. You must set up WSUS to use certificates and SSL before making the connection in SCUP. Once this connection is made, you can use a certificate generated by an internal public key infrastructure (PKI) or a public CA such as VeriSign. The only requirement is that the certificate be a code-signing certificate. Some public CAs call these types of certificates Microsoft Authenticode certificates. Click Browse to import an externally generated certificate. To use an internal PKI-generated certificate with SCUP, see, which documents the process for creating that certificate. Once the certificate is created, use a GPO to deploy it to all clients, including the SCUP and the WSUS server to which you will be publishing. (The article explains how to use a GPO to deploy the certificate.)

If using a public CA, ensure that you are very explicit when requesting the certificate and that you thoroughly test the certificate. Special use certificates like the one required for SCUP may require extra steps when using a public CA, depending on the CA. For in-depth information on how to use public certificates with SCUP, see

It does not matter what type of certificate you use, as they all work the same inside SCUP. After choosing the certificate type, confirm that the certificate is added to Trusted Publishers and that the Trusted Root Publishers certificate store is on all systems, including the machine running SCUP and the WSUS/SUP server to which SCUP is trying to publish. Publishing the update will fail if the certificates are not in the correct stores. When an update is published, it is signed with the certificate inside SCUP; when the client receives the policy to execute this update, it verifies that the certificate used to sign the update is trusted by checking the Trusted Publishers and Trusted Root Publishers certificate stores. If the certificate is not found in both stores, the update is not allowed to execute.


When using self-signed and public certificates, you must manually install the certificates in the correct stores. This can easily be done using a deployment package and ConfigMgr. Use the application certutil.exe in a script, in a batch file, or standalone to install the certificate. Confirm that the package source files include your script or batch file, the certutil. exe program, the certadm.dll file, and your certificate. The certutil.exe and certadm.dll files can be found in the WindowsSystem32 folder of any Windows machine. Use the files from the highest version Windows machine that you have; they are downward compatible with lower versions of Windows but not upward compatible. A sample command line for installing the certificate in the Trusted Root Publishers store is certutil.exe -addstore Root Certificate Name. Install the certificate in the Trusted Publishers store with certutil.exe -addstore TrustedPublisher Certificate Name. Since you must run both programs, the authors recommend using a script or batch file so you need only one program in your ConfigMgr package. If using certutil.exe standalone, you must use two programs in a single package and link the programs together; it does not matter which command is run first. For more information on certutil.exe, see

One last requirement on any client where you wish to deploy updates published using SCUP is to enable the Allow signed content from intranet Microsoft update service location policy. This is typically set using a GPO and can be found under Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Update in the group policy object editor.

images ConfigMgr Server: Use this tab to enable the integration with ConfigMgr. Make sure you connect to your top-level site. Use the FQDN as the name and click Test Connection to verify connectivity. If using automatic publishing, enabling ConfigMgr integration allows SCUP to query the compliance status of updates and fully publish them in ConfigMgr only if actually requested by clients and they fall under a particular size. Prior to fully publishing updates, the two thresholds at the bottom of this page are checked:

images Requested Client Count (Threshold): This is the minimum number of clients that must request an update. If this number is not met, SCUP only publishes the metadata for the update.

images Package Source Size Threshold (MB): This is the maximum size of the content for an update. If the size of the update is over this number, only the metadata for the update is published.

images Trusted Publisher: This tab allows you to see the publishers trusted by SCUP, view the certificate of the trusted publishers, and remove a publisher from the list. Publishers are added to the Trusted Publishers list when a catalog is imported into SCUP and when publishing a software update. You cannot add certificates here; you can only remove or view them.

images Proxy Settings: This tab allows you to configure the proxy settings, if necessary, for SCUP to download third-party update catalogs. If your organization requires access to the Internet to go through a proxy server using username and password credentials, you must enable these settings and add the correct information before you can download any third-party catalogs.

images Advanced: The options on this tab allow you to view the location of the SCUP repository, enable some general settings, enable certificate revocation, set the location for local source publishing, and run the Software Updates Cleanup Wizard.

images Database File: This is the location of the SQL Compact Edition database file used by SCUP; it is read-only and user specific, meaning that each user can have specific settings and software updates to publish. The authors recommend using only one user, as using multiple users tends to complicate the process more than help it.

images Add Timestamp When Signing Updates: This adds a timestamp from an authoritative Internet source when signing updates, which is useful because it makes updates deployable even after the certificate used to sign them has expired. With this option enabled, the updates are always deployable, as long as the updates were signed during the valid lifetime of the signing certificate. If this option is not chosen, updates signed by an expired certificate cannot be deployed.

images Check for New Catalog Alerts on Startup: This option enables alerts on console startup to notify you of updated update catalogs. When enabled, the startup of SCUP is delayed for a small amount of time, which can make it look like SCUP is hung.

images Enable Certificate Revocation Checking for Digitally Signed Catalog Files: This option verifies that the certificates used to sign imported update catalogs have not been revoked.

images Always Check the My DocumentsLocalSourcePublishing Folder for Software Update Content Before Attempting to Download from the Specified Download URL: Using this option enables you to manually download content referenced in update catalogs instead of SCUP automatically downloading the content. This option is useful for SCUP consoles that are not connected to the Internet.

images Use a Custom Local Source Path: Use this option to specify a custom local path for manually downloaded content.

images Software Update Cleanup Wizard: This option launches a wizard that searches for updates published in ConfigMgr that are not in the default WSUS catalog or the SCUP repository. These are updates previously published by SCUP that were deleted from SCUP and thus orphaned in ConfigMgr. If any updates meeting these criteria are found, you can select them to be cleaned up. Cleaning up an update expires it in ConfigMgr, making it no longer deployable. This operation is irreversible and should be performed only on updates that are no longer needed.

Using SCUP Catalogs

Catalogs in SCUP contain the updates you import and publish into ConfigMgr. You do not actually publish whole catalogs into ConfigMgr using SCUP; they are containers that make it easy to import and export groups of related updates from or to other SCUP publishers or users. These are managed from the Catalogs workspace in the SCUP console.

Third-party vendors can use SCUP to create update catalogs for their own products and then make these catalogs available to you for direct import and use in ConfigMgr using SCUP. There are two types of catalogs: those from Microsoft partners and directly listed in SCUP and those from other sources.

Directly import catalogs from Microsoft partners in the SCUP console by going to the Catalogs workspace and choosing Add Catalogs from the ribbon bar to launch the Add Partners Software Updates Catalogs dialog, which lists available catalogs that you can pick for import into SCUP. The list of catalogs also includes download URLs, support URLs, and descriptions. Importing a catalog into SCUP is not the same as actually publishing the updates into ConfigMgr, so this step is harmless and reversible with respect to ConfigMgr.

Catalogs from other sources can be some of the following:

images Commercial catalogs for third-party products

images Community catalogs

images Your own organization’s internal catalogs

To import one of these types of catalogs, navigate to the Catalogs workspace and click Add on the ribbon bar to launch the Add Software Update Catalog Wizard, where you input five pieces of information:

images Catalog Path: The path to the CAB file containing the catalog. This can be a local path, a UNC, or a URL.

images Publisher: The name of the publisher of the catalog. You can use the name entered here to sort and filter updates in the SCUP console as well as the ConfigMgr console.

images Name: The name of the catalog.

images Description: An applicable description for the catalog.

images Support URL: A URL where support information for the catalog can be accessed.

After adding a catalog to SCUP, you must import the updates in that catalog into SCUP to use them. Select or multi-select the update catalogs listed in the Catalogs workspace and choose Import from the ribbon bar or from the right-click context-menu to launch the Import Software Updates Catalog Wizard. There are no real options in this wizard except selecting additional or deselecting chosen catalogs for import.

During the update import process, you may be presented with a Security Warning dialog asking you to accept content from the publisher. Choosing Always Accept content from the publisher trusts the publisher and accepts all future content from that publisher. You can view or remove the code signing certificate from that publisher in the Trusted Publishers page of the Options dialog.

Also available from the Catalogs workspace are options to edit and remove a catalog from the ribbon bar or from the right-click context menus of the catalogs. You cannot edit a vendor-signed catalog; selecting Edit displays a dialog box with read-only information about the catalog. Removing a catalog does not remove the updates imported from that catalog.

Using SCUP Publications

Publications are group updates for mass publishing into ConfigMgr, enabling their use and deployment, or for export to a catalog that you can distribute to others. Using publications is optional; they allow you to logically group published updates. Publications can be created based on vendors, periods, or whatever makes sense for your environment.

View existing publications from the Publications workspace in the console. To create a publication, choose the Publication tab in the ribbon bar and choose Create. You can also create publications from selected updates in the Updates workspace by selecting updates and choosing Assign or Publish from the ribbon bar or from the right-click context menu.

Existing publications are listed in the navigation list box on the left; this is a simple list rather than a tree, as there is no hierarchy with publications. Selecting a publication displays the list of updates it contains. Additional options available from the Home tab of the ribbon bar for a selected publication include the following:

images Export: This option exports all of the selected publication’s updates to a catalog in the form of a CAB file that you can provide to other SCUP users.

images Publish: This option publishes the selected publication’s updates into ConfigMgr, making them available for compliance scanning or installation, depending on publication type.

images Automatic: Use this option to allow SCUP to query ConfigMgr to determine whether the selected software update or software update bundle is published with full content or only metadata. In this mode, software updates are published only when meeting the client request count and package size thresholds specified on the ConfigMgr Server page of the Options dialog box. Automatic mode is available only if ConfigMgr integration is selected in the SCUP configurations options.

images Full Content: Use this option when you are sure that you want to deploy the software update by using ConfigMgr. When selected, SCUP publishes the binary of the software update and the metadata of the software update.

images Metadata Only: Use this option when you only want to gather compliance information for software updates. When selected, SCUP publishes only the definition of the software update but does not publish the software update binaries.

images Remove: Use this option to remove the software update(s) from the publication.

The following options are available on the Publication tab of the ribbon bar for a select publication:

images Create: Use this option to create a new blank publication.

images Edit: Displays a simple dialog box where you can change the name of a publication.

images Delete: Deletes the selected publication.

Once you publish information into WSUS, you may find it takes two ConfigMgr synchronization cycles before your update appears in the ConfigMgr console. For example, say you have published a group of Adobe Reader updates to WSUS. When ConfigMgr synchronizes with WSUS, it learns that a new product is available. That new product appears under the Products tab of the top-level site’s SUP properties. Figure 15.30 shows the list with the new product in it.

A screenshot shows the Software Update Point Component Properties dialog box.

FIGURE 15.30 SCUP product added to a list.

You must check the box under the Adobe product list that so that on the next synchronization of ConfigMgr with WSUS, the product is added to the list of software updates that it synchronizes. If you don’t check the box, your SCUP-published software updates will not appear in the ConfigMgr console.

SCUP Updates

All updates imported into SCUP and ready for publication into ConfigMgr are listed in the Updates workspace. Updates are organized under the All Software Updates node in the navigation tree by publisher first and then by their applicable product. Use the Search box on the upper right of the update list to filter the list of updates currently displayed.

The Details pane at the bottom displays detailed information about the selected update from the update list. If you select multiple updates, information from the first update selected is displayed in the pane.

For each update, you can choose one of several different operations from the ribbon bar or the update’s right-click context menu; most of these operations are valid and available when multiple updates are selected. The options follow:

images Create: This allows you to create a custom software update or custom software update bundle. In-depth information about creating these items can be found in the “Using SCUP Custom Updates” section, later in this chapter.

images Import: This item allows you to import one or more catalogs listed in the My Catalogs section into SCUP. It also allows you to import a custom catalog by providing the full path to the cab file.

images Edit: This option, also accessible by double-clicking any update, displays the Edit Software Update Wizard, where you can edit all aspects of the update. A detailed description of the many options available in this wizard is provided in the “Using SCUP Custom Updates” section, later in this chapter. The authors do not recommend modifying any updates from third-party vendors; if you must modify one, make a copy of the update and then change the copy, leaving the original intact.

images Assign: This option adds an update or update bundle to an existing publication or a new publication. Adding an update to a publication does not publish it to ConfigMgr.

images Duplicate: As its name implies, this option creates an exact replica of an update; the new update’s name is prefixed with Copy of. Use this option to create a copy of a third-party vendor update so that you can edit the update, if needed.

images View XML: This option shows the raw XML that defines an update. It is sometimes useful to see raw XML for updates to view hidden options and identifiers not displayed in SCUP or ConfigMgr. Another benefit of this option is that you can review all the rules associated with an update.

images Delete: This option deletes an update from SCUP. If the update is published into ConfigMgr, this orphans the update and makes it unmanageable. Use the Software Update Cleanup Wizard to clean up orphaned updates. This option is not recommended for updates in a catalog supplied by a third-party vendor; rather, the vendor should do this cleanup for its catalog.

images Export: This option exports the selected updates to a catalog in the form of a CAB file that you can provide to other SCUP users.

images Publish: This option publishes an update directly to ConfigMgr, using one of the three publication types. Note that the update is not placed into a publication.

images Expire: This option expires updates so they can no longer be deployed by ConfigMgr. Once published to the SUP, it is irreversible, and your only course of action is to create a new update, possibly using the Duplicate option, if the update is still needed.

images Reactivate: This option reactivates updates expired in SCUP that have not been published to ConfigMgr. Some vendors include expired updates in their catalogs so you can use them if the newer updates have not yet been approved for use in your organization. In this case, use this option to reactivate and then publish them. As mentioned with the Expire option, once an update is published as Expired to the SUP, it cannot be reactivated, so you must reactivate an update before initially publishing it.


Before expiring any update, understand the caveats listed in this section. Specifically, the Reactivate option is not applicable to published updates that are expired: Expiring published updates closes the door on using them again.

Updates must be published either directly using the Publish option from the All Software Updates list in the Updates workspace or the Publish option available in the Publications workspace. Adding an update to a publication does not publish the update in ConfigMgr.

Updates can exist in multiple publications or none at all, but they are published only once to ConfigMgr, if at all. Every occurrence of an update in a publication or the All Software Updates list shares the same publication type and date.

Using SCUP Custom Updates

A primary use of SCUP is for creating custom updates that sit alongside Microsoft’s updates for your own line-of-business applications or third-party applications in your environment. To create your own custom updates, first create the folder structure in the navigation tree on the Updates workspace, beginning with the vendor at the top level and then adding a folder for the product. Use the following steps as a guide to creating your custom vendor and product names:

1. Select the All Software Updates node and choose Create Vendor from the right-click context menu or choose the Folders tab and select Create -> Vendor from the dropdown menu. Enter the vendor name in the resulting dialog box.

2. Select the new vendor folder you just created and choose Create Product from the right-click context menu or choose the Folders tab and select Create -> Product from the dropdown menu. Enter the product name in the resulting dialog box.

Alternatively, you can use an existing vendor or product folder; vendor folders may contain multiple product folders, and products may contain multiple updates. Updates are displayed in the Updates view on the right when a product folder is selected in the navigation tree.

Delete and Edit options are available from the right-click context menu of a selected vendor or product folder and the ribbon bar; Edit shows a dialog box, where you can rename the folder.

After creating your vendor and product names, you are ready to proceed with creating your custom updates. Updates must be one of the following file types:

images Windows executable (.exe)

images Microsoft Installer file (.msi)

images Microsoft Installer Patch file (.msp)

Windows Update (.msu) files are not directly supported because WSUS does not support them by design; they are typically associated with hotfixes that are not really intended for mass distribution. If you find that you need to use an MSU file, a workaround is explained in depth at

To create a new custom software update, choose Create from the Home tab of the ribbon bar and then select Software Update from the resulting dropdown. You do not have to select any specific node or node type in the navigation tree for this option to work. This launches the Create Software Update Wizard, which has 10 pages; 7 of the pages require information to be entered, and the last 3 are the standard Summary, Progress, and Confirmation pages. The following are the 7 pages where you need to enter information:

images Package Information: This page contains the following information about the update package you are creating:

images Package Source: This is the location of the actual update file and must be a valid type previously listed in this section. This file is used only as a point of reference and to establish a filename; it is not actually captured or placed in the update.

images Use a Local Source to Publish Software Update Content: If selected, this option designates that the content source used by ConfigMgr to download the actual software update file specified in the Package source option is a local folder rather than a location specified by the next option. The local folder is the current logged-in user’s DocumentsLocalSourcePublishing folder by default, but this is configurable on the Advanced page of the Options dialog. This option is useful when creating updates for your own internal use and the SCUP console is installed on your site server.

images Download URL (or UNC): This field specifies the content source location used by ConfigMgr to download the update file specified in the Package source option. If the previous option is selected, this field is grayed out and is not fillable.

images Binary Language: This is the language of the update file specified in the Package source field. It usually is listed as Language Neutral. If using a different language, choose the correct language to use from the dropdown.

images Success Return Codes: Codes are returned from the update installation file upon a successful installation. A typical success return code is 0, but this may vary; manually test the update or consult the documentation of the vendor that created the update file to ensure that you have accounted for all valid success return codes.

images Success Pending Reboot Codes: Similar to the Success return codes, these codes are returned from a successful update installation that requires a reboot. This code is usually 3010. Updates should never reboot the system on their own.

images Command Line: This is the actual command line options and properties used to run the update on a target system. The specified options should suppress reboots and all user interaction, and they should be fully automated. Consult the vendor’s documentation for information on how to achieve this and then verify by manually testing the complete command line. Do not include the update filename in this field; include only the options or properties. For MSIs and MSPs, the proper options to make them silent and unattended are added automatically and should not be specified.

If the package source is an MSI or MSP, these last four fields are automatically populated, as the values are standard or extractable from the source file.

images Required Information: This information defines the metadata published into WSUS, displayed in the ConfigMgr console, and used by ConfigMgr to determine if the update should be included in the catalog, including the following:

images Language

images Title

images Description

images Classification

images Vendor

images Product

images More Info URL


When choosing vendor names, you can use anything except the following names, as they are already used: Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft, Update, Software Update, Tools, Tool, Critical, Critical Updates, Security, Security Updates, Feature Pack, Update Rollup, Service Pack, Driver, Driver Update, Bundle, and Bundle Update.

images Optional Information: Additional metadata is specified on this page. This information is displayed in the ConfigMgr console and can be used for filtering and sorting in the console but is not directly used by ConfigMgr. Each field’s definition is subjective, and you can define each for your own needs. Fields on this page include the following:

images Bulletin ID

images Article ID

images CVE IDs

images Support URL

images Severity

images Impact

images Restart behavior

images Prerequisites: On this page, define the prerequisites that must already be in place on a target system for an update to be scanned for compliance. Valid prerequisites include other updates from SCUP and detectoids. Detectoids are high-level rules that the WUA can evaluate quickly. You can choose from a set of well-known WSUS detectoids but cannot create your own in SCUP. There are two groups of well-known WSUS detectoids: CPU Architecture and OS language.

images Superseded Updates: On this page, select which updates, if any, are superseded by this new update. You can only choose updates in SCUP.

images Installable Rules: This page defines the update applicability rules; these rules are used by the WUA to scan the local system and determine if it requires the update. You combine rules on this page by using typical Boolean logic constructs such as AND, OR, and NOT. For a brief discussion of rules, see the next section, “Using SCUP Rules.” Using prerequisites is preferred to using installable rules when possible, as prerequisites are essentially pre-evaluated and thus incur very little overhead.

images Installed Rules: Similar to installable rules, these rules define how the WUA verifies that the update is installed. In some cases, these rules may be identical to the installable rules; this is perfectly valid. Ensure that these rules evaluate to True after the software update is installed; otherwise, you can end up in a loop when software updates evaluation runs.

In addition to doing individual updates, you can create software update bundles. Although not very common, software update bundles ensure that specific software updates are deployed at the same time. The WUA handles software update bundles very much like it handles software updates.

Create a software update bundle by selecting Create from the Home tab of the ribbon bar and then selecting Software Update Bundle from the resulting dropdown. You do not have to select any specific node or node type in the navigation tree for this option to work. This launches the Create Software Update Bundle Wizard, whose pages are mostly identical to those in the Create Software Updates Wizard, with the exception of the following:

images Optional Information: This page only differs because of the lack of the Impact and Restart behavior options.

images Bundle Updates: This page allows you to select the updates you wish to include in the bundle. You can choose from any updates inside SCUP.

Using SCUP Rules

The rules used by SCUP are similar to the rules you create in compliance settings. Rules are the checks the WUA uses to determine if an update is required on a system and verify that an update has been successfully installed.

The Rules workspace lists all previously saved rules. Just because a rule is used by an update does not mean it is saved. You must explicitly save a rule before it appears in this workspace; there are no default saved rules in SCUP.

Use the Rules workspace to construct and save reusable rules for use with the installable and installed rule definitions in updates. You can also create rules directly in the Software Update Wizard on the Installable Rules and Installed Rules pages by using the small disk icon. To load a previously saved rule on these pages, click the yellow starburst icon and choose Saved Rule from the Rule type dropdown.

You can create four different rule types:

images File

images Registry

images System

images Windows Installer

Each rule type is self-explanatory to configure and not covered in depth here. However, because they are nearly identical to the rules used in compliance settings, you can reference Chapter 10, “Managing Compliance,” for detailed explanations.


There are many options for deploying software updates to Windows systems, but when you combine the power of ConfigMgr with proven tools like WSUS and WUA, none of those tools can compare to the power and options available with ConfigMgr. ConfigMgr gives you the flexibility to update single systems, groups of systems, or all systems in a single user-friendly tool. Add to that the ability to service the new Windows 10 systems with core updates to move them from current state to CB or CBB, and there really is no other choice.

SCUP provides a method to patch your third-party products and any homegrown applications your organization may have created. Wrap all this together, and you have a tool that provides the comfort of safely delivering software updates, Windows 10 core updates, and third-party updates with the ability to customize your settings and have a user-friendly experience.

The next chapter explains how you can integrate Intune with ConfigMgr to provide hybrid management of on-premise and mobile devices using a single console.

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