Twelve Design Principles of Sustainable Environmental Engineering

A compass is more important than a map.

3.1 Sustainability

In the United States, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in 1969 requires that “the Federal Government use all practicable means and measures and to create and maintain conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony, and fulfill the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations.” The concern for future generation is the core foundation of sustainable development, which was introduced at the Rio Summit in Brazil in 1984 to the world stage as shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 History of sustainability.

Year Milestone Target
1969 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Requires the federal government to use all practicable means and measures and to create and maintain conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony and fulfill the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations
1984 Rio Summit in Brazil Sustainable development concepts were introduced
1992 Rio Summit in Brazil Define societal, economic, and environmental as three pillars
2000 Paris Summit in France Millennium development goals to reduce unsafe drinking water and no sanitation to half were established
2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio+20 17 Sustainable development goals were established
2015 Paris Summit in France 17 Sustainable development goals were approved by the UN

Environment is one of the three pillars of sustainability among economic development and social equality. Environmental engineers should have been the leaders in designing environmental engineering infrastructure system (EEIS) such as water treatment plant (WTP), wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), stormwater, solid wastes, and air pollution control systems in a sustainable manner. The American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) established the following criteria for true sustainability (Doughty and Hammond, 2003):

  1. Finite materials such as fossil fuels should not be extracted at a faster rate than they can be redeposited in the Earth’s crust.
  2. Artificial materials such as plastics should not be produced at a faster rate than they can be broken down by natural processes.
  3. The biodiversity of ecosystems should be maintained, while renewable resources should only be consumed at a slower rate than they can be naturally replenished.
  4. Basic human needs must be met in an equitable and efficient manner.

Due to the long degradation half life of some wastes such as plastics in nature, ideal sustainable conditions might never be met. Therefore, to achieve a sustainable society realistically, the water, carbon, energy, and nutrient footprints (FPs) of each person should be less than our Earth’s carrying capacity. EEIS must be designed to reduce the human FP so that the ecological FP is less than the biocapacity of the Earth as follows:

  1. Sustainable design: Ecological FP should be less than biocapacity.
  2. Neutral design: Ecological FP should be equal to the Earth biocapacity.
  3. Unsustainable design: Ecological FP is greater than the Earth biocapacity.

If natural environments are considered as biosphere and human society as technosphere, the following two loops of energy and materials should be in balance to achieve sustainable equilibrium as shown in Figure 3.1.

Flowchart with arrows starting from “Biosphere” at the left side to “Energy” and “Materials” at the top side, to “Technosphere” at the right side, to “Energy” and “Waste” at the bottom side, then back to “Biosphere.”

Figure 3.1 Achieving material sustainability in natural cycles.

To achieve material sustainability within natural cycles, the minimal goal for a sustainable environmental engineering (SEE) designer should achieve zero water, waste, and energy (3Z). Zero waste means no discharge of air, water, and solid waste into the biosphere. In assessing a zero discharge EEIS, life cycle assessment (LCA) could be used to compare environmental impacts on human health and the environment using the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) software such as TRACI 2. Since the wastes should be considered as renewable materials and energy, all the materials and energy could be recovered because there are no wastes in a functioning ecosystem. For example, regenerative design of EEIS is the best alternative because energy‐positive and material recovery will ensure that EEIS is sustainable with a safe margin for humans to coexist with nature. The major assessment criteria are how much materials and energy could be recovered and what are the benefits and cost ratio in dollar terms. The least desirable design alternative is the negative design due to financial restraint. In the past decades, activated sludge (AS) process resulted in almost all energy negative WWTPs. SEE designers are facing great challenges to develop retrofitting strategies to achieve regenerative design with innovative technologies. If a negative design alternative could not be avoided, minimal FP on energy, water, and materials could be the design objective. Therefore, EEIS should then be assessed according to their FTs. Table 3.2 lists technical terms that are used to measure sustainability.

Table 3.2 Definition of sustainable environmental engineering.

Technical terms
Sustainable environmental engineering To design EEI so that the rates of renewable resource harvest, pollution creation, and nonrenewable resource depletion could be continued indefinitely
Emission factor A representative value that attempts to relate the quantity of a pollutant released to the atmosphere with an activity associated with the release of that pollutant
Emission intensity The average emission rate of a given pollutant from a given source relative to the intensity of a specific activity
Energy intensity A measure of the energy efficiency of a nation’s economy. It is calculated as units of energy per unit of GDP
Green living A lifestyle that tries in as many ways as it can to bring into balance the conservation and preservation of the Earth’s natural resources, habitats, and biodiversity with human culture and communities
Green gross domestic product An index of economic growth with the environmental consequences of that growth factored into a country’s conventional GDP. Green GDP monetizes the loss of biodiversity and accounts for costs caused by climate change

3.1.1 The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

After the United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals ended in 2015, the UN established 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) for the next 15 years. SEE design principles provide a systematic approach to design EEIS for sustainable sanitation and wastewater management to reach the UN goals by 2030. SDGs have different meanings for developed versus developing countries due to their economic development stages. SEE designers should play a critical role in achieving the 17 SDGs. In the international development agenda, poverty eradication, ending hunger, and healthy living are the first three major priorities. For developed countries, however, combating climate change, renewable energy, and sustainable consumption and production are three top priorities. To switch to more sustainable economy and growth pathway, the goal of greater equality and to better protect oceans and terrestrial ecosystems are secondary aims in the developed countries. These 17 SDGs have been ranked as different priorities for developed versus developing countries as shown in Table 3.3 with typical projects for SEE designer.

Table 3.3 Ranking of SDGs for the developed countries.

Source: From Osborn et al. (2015).

SGDs number Ranking Sustainable development goals Examples of a SEE designer
1 1.8 End poverty in all its forms everywhere Green jobs integrated with air, water, and land management such as recycle, reuse, and recovery
2 2.3 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture Locally produced gray water reuse and decentralized WWTP design
3 1.5 Ensure healthy lives and promote well‐being for all at all ages UV disinfection and oxidation
4 2.5 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all Grassroots movement of GEE design by involving high school seniors and STEM students
5 2.5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Green economy and GEE design involving girls and green jobs for woman
6 2.5 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all Sustainable regenerative water and wastewater design
7 6.4 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all Renewable energy application in WTPs, WTWPs, GI, and residential houses
8 2.7 Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth; full and productive employment; and decent work for all Green jobs, renewable energy
9 2.1 Industry, innovation, and infrastructure Sustainable WWT design for industries
10 3.6 Reduce inequality within and among countries Water and carbon footprints in trade
11 2.6 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable Green infrastructure design to protect air, water, and land
12 6.3 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Reduce meat in diet and encourage more recycle
13 7.1 Take urgent action to combat climate change Environmental engineering infrastructure to reduce carbon and energy footprints
14 4.4 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development Use renewable energy in EE infrastructure design to reduce coal combustion
15 2.7 Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems; sustainably manage forests; combat desertification; and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss Biomass production from WWTPs and GIs
16 2.7 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels Leadership in SEE design at all local and global scales and take active role in consultation to decision makers for sustainable development
17 NA Partnership for the goals Form alliance to reduce inequality of water, carbon, material, and energy footprints during trades

3.2 Challenges and Opportunities

3.2.1 Challenges

Human social and economic activities have enormous negative impacts on the global environment due to waste and fossil fuels that are proportional to a country’s economic scale measured by gross domestic product (GDP). Annual GDP is the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year. Due to different stages of population and economic growth, current GDP ranking may very likely change as predicted in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 Top 10 countries of highest GDP in US dollar.

GDP rank in 2030 Country Predicted GDP in trillion USD in 2030 GDP rank in 2020 GDP in trillion USD in 2020 GDP rank in 2016 GDP in trillion USD in 2016
1 United States 23.475 1 21.927 1 18.561
2 China 20.350 2 16.458 2 11.391
3 Japan 5.375 3 5.506 3 4.730
4 India 5.036 5 3.297 7 2.251
5 Germany 4.133 4 4.008 4 3.495
6 United Kingdom 3.458 6 2.928 5 2.650
7 Brazil 2.505 8 2.214 7 1.770
8 Mexico 1.688 15 1.325 15 1.063
9 Indonesia 1.686 16 1.274 16 0.941
10 Russia 1.600 12 1.598 12 1.268

In calculating GDP, if market exchange rates are used, it is referred to as a nominal method. On the other hand, purchasing power parity (PPP) is used to compare economies and the incomes of people by adjusting for differences in prices in different countries. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) outlook in October 2016 projected the GDPs of 190 countries/economies at current prices (US dollars) for 2016 and 2020. Gross world product in 2016 is projected at $75.21 trillion, and its GDP in terms of PPP is forecasted at $119.1 trillion. The global economy is 1.58 times greater in PPP terms than in nominal terms. The United States and China are the largest economies in either nominal or PPP terms, respectively. In US dollar terms, the United States shares 24.7% of global wealth. However, in PPP China ranks the first and shares 17.9%. In nominal data, 15 economies have a GDP above $1 trillion, 61 have above $100 billion, and 176 have above $1 billion. The top 5 economies account for approximately 54.28%, top 10 accounts for approximately 67.44 %, while the 153 lowest ranked constitutes only 10% of total. In PPP data, 24 economies, which are 9 more than nominal, have GDP above $1 trillion. Eighty‐one economies have GDP greater than $100 billion and 181 have greater than $1 billion. The top 5 economies add up to over 48% of world’s economy, the top 10 to over 61%, and the top 20 to over 75%. Table 3.5 shows that major growth of GDP would come from developing countries such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) with a total GDP of $66.694 trillion in 2030.

Table 3.5 Top 10 countries of highest GDP in international dollar in 2030.

GDP rank in 2030 Country Predicted GDP in trillion USD in 2030 GDP rank in 2020 GDP in trillion USD in 2020 GDP rank in 2016 GDP in trillion USD in 2016
1 China 38.008 1 29.348 2 17.927
2 United States 23.475 1 21.927 1 18.561
3 India 19.511 3 12.842 3 8.720
4 Japan 5.606 4 5.483 4 4.932
5 Indonesia 5.424 7 4.119 8 3.028
6 Russia 4.736 6 4.309 6 3.745
7 Germany 4.707 5 4.583 5 3.979
8 Brazil 4.439 8 3.631 7 3.135
9 Mexico 3.661 11 2.800 11 2.307
10 United Kingdom 3.638 9 3.244 9 2.788

Table 3.5 can be used to divide the top GDP countries into two groups using the PPP in terms of international dollar (ID). The developed countries include the United States, Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom (AJGE) with a total GDP of $33.79 trillion. The emerging economies include Brazil, India, Indonesia, Russia, China, and Mexico (BRIICM) with a total GDP of 75.79 ID. According to these GDP predictions, major opportunities for SEE designers to make differences exist in BRIICM because there are many EEISs to be designed and built. In the developed countries such as AJGE, retrofitting WWTPs might be the biggest challenging market to make EEIS sustainable.

In the past, energy and materials used to produce GDP were mostly nonrenewable. About 86% of energy and 96% of organic chemicals came from depleting fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas. The United Nations Environmental Protection (UNEP) estimated that it may take about 50–80 years for mankind to reach a sustainable level by slowing climate change, preventing pollution, and renewing natural resources from 2015. Over $70 billion of biodiversity is lost due to ecological degradation and water scarcity annually (UNEP, 2016). In terms of gigatons CO2 equivalent (GtCO2e), current global GHG 42 GtCO2e per annum, which is five times higher than the Earth can absorb (WWF), is due to human activities. Figure 3.2 shows the top 10 percentages of CO2 emissions by country.

Bar graph illustrating the top 10 CO2 emitter worldwide, with China having the highest percentage followed by the USA, India, Russia, Japan, Germany, South Korea, Canada, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.

Figure 3.2 Top 10 CO2 emitters worldwide.

(Source: Data from the United Nations, 2016.)

3.2.2 Opportunities

Two of the seventeen UN SDGs are universal access to clean drinking water and sanitation. The UN‐Water (2015) defines population using a basic sanitation facility at household level and not shared with other households. In the past, most EEIS were designed to meet discharge standards as required by environmental regulations. The ASCE (2016) rated American EEIS such as WTP and WWTPs as grade “D+” because WTPs and WWTPs had suffered significant deterioration after more than five decades service. The combined sewer system exhibited significant deficiencies and caused many overflow incidents of raw sewage into nearby water bodies. In 2009, the EPA reported to Congress that the states had assessed 16% of America’s stream miles and found that 36% of those miles were unfit for use by fish and wildlife, 28% were unfit for human recreation, 18% were unfit for use as a public water supply, and 10% were unfit for agricultural use. Over the next two decades, $298 billion of capital investment is needed for the nation’s water, wastewater, and stormwater systems. Three‐quarters of this requirement is pipes for sanitary sewer overflows, combined sewer overflows (CSOs), and other pipe‐related issues. About one‐quarter of the $298 billion is required for the treatment plants. Specifically, $188 billion is needed for wastewater treatment, pipe repairs, and new pipes; $64 billion to correct CSOs; and $42 billion for stormwater management. Therefore, great opportunities exist for SEE designers to design SEEI in the coming decades. For example, about 3% of the total electricity generated in the United States is currently consumed by EEI such as WWTP and WTPs. Almost all 15 000 traditional WWTPs need to be retrofitted from energy negative to energy positive with an estimate of $600 billion capital investment required by the ASCE in the coming two decades. To show the energy saving potential in retrofitting WWTPs, Figure 3.3 shows that most energy is consumed by aeration, while pumping and anaerobic digestion consumes 13%.

Pie chart depicting the energy breakdown at WRRFs, with 6 segments for aeration (57%), pumping (13%), anaerobic digestion (13%), other (7.5%), lighting/building maintenance (7.5%), and belt press (2%).

Figure 3.3 Energy breakdown at water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs).

During operation, sludge and aeration require 25 and 23% cost, respectively. Staff account for 19% of the operating cost (Figure 3.4).

Pie chart depicting the operating cost breakdown of WRRFs, with 8 segments for sludge transport/disposal (25%), electricity (23%), staff (19%), other (10%), discharge fees (9%), chemicals (6%), etc.

Figure 3.4 Water resource recovery facilities’ (WRRFs) operating cost breakdown.

According to the World Trade Organization (WTO, 2017), the global market for environmental technologies, goods, and services reached USD 1.05 trillion in 2015. The United States is the single largest market and accounted for USD 303.0 billion of the global market. US environmental companies exported $51.2 billion worth of goods and services in 2015. The US industry for environmental technologies employed approximately 1.6 million people and had revenues of $320.4 billion. China is the largest and fastest‐growing emerging market for environmental technologies. The overall environmental technology market in China (including goods and services) is valued at $60.7 billion (2016). China ranks first overall on the 2016 Top Markets Study (TMS) with a composite environmental technologies score of 100. China also ranks first across all three media categories, with scores of 47.4, 44.9, and 7.7 for air pollution control, water, and waste and recycling markets, respectively.

In 2016, China signed the Paris Agreement on a climate change action plan during the G20 Summit in Hangzhou, China (G20 Hangzhou Summit, 2016). More and more investment will be allocated to air pollution control for the reduction of CO2 emissions, especially coal‐burning or clean coal technology. The Chinese government is committed to green economy with green finance. China established its Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) with green metrics as key criteria for its investments in European and Asian countries. As new regulations are established, billions of dollars have been allocated to water and wastewater as shown in Figure 3.5.

Bar graph illustrating environmental protection industry total value ($ billion), displaying 3 ascending bars for 2005 (100), 2010 (approximately 290), and 2015 (approximately 650).

Figure 3.5 Environmental protection industry total value.

(Source: Data from the 10th, 11th, and 12th Five‐Year Plan for the Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Industry.)

The major markets are water, wastewater, and sludge treatment and disposal, and an estimated $1.4 trillion would be required in China by 2020. The biggest growth potential lies in soil remediation, solid waste, wastewater, and sludge treatment and disposal. Goldman Sachs reported that the 12th Five‐Year Plan only set aside $4.8 billion to address soil pollution, while $277 billion was allocated by the State Council to reduce air pollution in 2013–2017 (Figures 3.6 and 3.7).

Sludge generation by wastewater treatment plants in China, displaying ascending bars for 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.

Figure 3.6 Sludge generation by wastewater treatment plants in China (water content 80%).

(Source: Survey data from h2o‐china.com and quarterly figures from Ministry of Housing and Urban–Rural Development: “2013–2017 In‐depth Survey and Investment Strategy Planning Analysis on Sludge Treatment and Disposal in China.”)

Ratios of different sludge treatment methods in China, displaying descending bars (left–right) for landfill, exported, aerobic fermentation and agricultural use, natural dehydration for integrated usage, etc.

Figure 3.7 Ratios of different sludge treatment methods in China (2010).

(Source: Survey data from h2o‐china.com and quarterly figures from Ministry of Housing and Urban–Rural Development: “2013–2017 In‐depth Survey and Investment Strategy Planning Analysis on Sludge Treatment and Disposal in China.”)

In China alone, the capital expenditure for water and wastewater is projected to grow exponentially (Figures 3.8 and 3.9).

Stacked bar graph displaying ascending bars with shades represent water treatment plants, water distribution network, and water resources (2011–2018). It only descends during 2015.

Figure 3.8 National urban water supply capital expenditure from 2011 to 2018 forecast.

Stacked bar graph of national urban wastewater capital expenditure, 2011–2018, displaying ascending bars. Shades represent wastewater treatment plants, wastewater networks, and sludge management.

Figure 3.9 National urban wastewater capital expenditure from 2011 to 2018 forecast.

Figure 3.10 shows that equipments such as pipes, automatic control system, pumps, valves, and aeration devices are projected to grow exponentially to $5.6, 3, 2.5, 2.4, and 1.4 billion, respectively, by 2018.

Breakdown of capital expenditure on equipment by type and expected market growth, 2011–2018, displaying 5 ascending lines representing pipes, automation and control, pumps, valves/fittings, and aeration.

Figure 3.10 Breakdown of capital expenditure on equipment by type and expected market growth from 2011 to 2018.

3.3 Sustainable Environmental Engineering

The framework of SEE is built upon the transformative concepts of green chemistry (GC) by Anastas and Warner (1998) and green engineering (GE) by Anastas and Zimmerman (2003). Since twelve design principles (TDPs) of GC and GE provide the foundation of SEE, the history of GC is summarized in Table 3.6.

Table 3.6 History of pollution prevention and green chemistry.

Year Background on pollution prevention and green chemistry movement
1962 Rachel Carson – writer, biologist, and environmental conservation icon – published the first of three installments of Silent Spring, a literature that is historically tied to the launch of the environmental movement. The publication helped spread public awareness of the hazards of environmental pollution and pesticides to the environment
1969 President Richard Nixon establishes Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Environmental Quality and a Cabinet‐level Environmental Quality Council (www.presidency.ucsb.edu). Later that year, Nixon expanded his environmental efforts by appointing the White House committee to determine whether an environmental agency should be developed
1970 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is born
1976 The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) of 1976 provides EPA with authority to require reporting, recordkeeping and testing requirements, and restrictions relating to chemical substances and/or mixtures. Certain substances are generally excluded from TSCA, including, among others, food, drugs, cosmetics, and pesticides
1980s/1988 Shift from end‐of‐pipeline control to pollution prevention is recognized, leading to the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics in 1988
1990 The Pollution Prevention Act under the George H.W. Bush Administration is passed. Recognizing the need to shift from traditional approach of controlling, treatment, and abatement, Congress passed the Pollution Prevention Act in 1990. The Act established a “national policy to prevent or reduce pollution at its source whenever feasible”
1993 The EPA implements the Green Chemistry Program, which serves as a precedent for the design and processing of chemicals that lessen the negative environmental impact
1995/1996 In 1995, President Bill Clinton established the Presidential Green Chemical Challenge Awards, which served to encourage those involved with the manufacture and processes of chemicals to incorporate environmentally sustainable design and processes in their practices. The following year, the first recipient receives the award, the only award issued by the president that honors work in chemistry (Source: http://portal.acs.org/)
1997 The Green Chemistry Institute is launched. Its vision is “…to advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and its people” (Source: http://portal.acs.org/)
1998 “Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry” is published by Paul Anastas (of the EPA) and John Warner
2000s In the past decade, advances in green chemistry policy have been realized including the California Green Chemistry Initiative. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the bill in 2008, which serves to develop policy options for green chemistry (Source: www.dtsc.ca.gov). One year later, President Obama nominated Paul Anastas (of Yale) as head of Research and Development at the EPA
2007 The US House of Representatives passed legislation seeking to improve federal coordination, dissemination, and investment in green chemistry research and development. The Green Chemistry Research and Development Act of 2007 (HR 2850) aims to provide safer, more sustainable technological options to replace traditional products and processes

Twelve SEE principles have been developed by applying GC and GE principles to EEI design. Therefore, SEE is to establish a systematic design method in conceiving, researching, building, and operating sustainable EEI. SEE design principles are formulated to design EEI in harmony with nature using FP as sustainability design criteria to protect human health and the environment at minimal cost. Design theory and tools of critical technologies are defined to achieve design standards or benchmarks. According to these design criteria, traditional WWTP and WTP design must be critically examined in terms of FP of energy, water, and nutrients. SEE design saves materials, energy, and money while meeting discharge standards in protecting public health and the environment. SEE aims to nurture transformative design at different levels with unit metrics and benchmark criteria. With the constraint of capital investment, SEE projects could be designed as regenerative, neutral, and negative in terms of project FP on energy, carbon, nutrients, and water by adopting innovative technologies of prevention, recycle, reuse, treatment, disposal, and remediation. SEE attempts to guide the profession thinking out of the box in terms of systematical engineering design to maximize the influence on the well‐being of human health and the planet Earth (Tables 3.7 and 3.8). Therefore, the TDPs are developed to achieve the following:

  1. To critically examine past unsustainable engineering design practice and provide sustainable design solutions if possible.
  2. To establish metrics or benchmarks for SEE design to lay a solid foundation for legislators or governmental agencies to establish standards or criteria for SEE design at local, regional, and global levels.
  3. To align with traditional engineering 30, 60, and 100% submittals with different SEE design principles.
  4. To emphasize problem‐solving skills such as modern design tools and mathematical proficiency.
  5. To offer sustainable design principles and tools to achieve ABET education objectives and outcomes using step‐by‐step design procedure.
  6. To offer design projects to students as early as their sophomore years so that they can stay longer with community‐based problems.
  7. To offer three design rules to make each design principle applicable, effective, and appropriate with quantified FP using LCA tools.
  8. To select the best alternative by ranking rubrics in terms of regenerative, neutral, and negative design as reflected by material, water, and energy FP.

The TDPs of SEE have six dimensions and six design strategies as shown in Figure 3.11.

Table 3.7 Definition of related concepts to green chemistry for environmental management.

Concept Definition
Eco‐efficiency The delivery of competitively priced goods and services that satisfy human needs and bring quality of life, while progressively reducing ecological impacts and resource intensity throughout the life cycle, to a level at least in line with the Earth’s estimated carrying capacity (WBCSD, 1993)
Industrial ecology An integrated systems‐perspective examination of industry and environment, which conceptualizes the industrial system as a producer of both products and wastes and examines the relationship between producers, consumers, other entities, and the natural world (Sagar and Frosch, 1997)
Cleaner production The continuous use of an integrated and preventive environmental strategy, applied to processes, products, and services to increase the eco‐efficiency and reduce risks to the population and the environment (Rigola, 1998)
Ecodesign Designing products to minimize their direct and indirect environmental impacts at every possible opportunity (Lewis et al., 2001)
Green engineering The design, commercialization, and use of processes and products that are feasible and economical while minimizing pollution at the source and risk to human health and the environment (Kirchhoff, 2003)
Life cycle thinking Addressing environmental issues and opportunities from a system or holistic perspective. This way of thinking involves evaluating a product or service with the goal of reducing potential

Table 3.8 Green engineering and green chemistry principles.

Principle Green engineering Green chemistry
1 Inherent rather than circumstantial Prevention
2 Prevention instead of treatment Atom economy
3 Design for separation Less hazardous chemical use
4 Maximize efficiency Design for safer chemicals
5 Output pulled versus input pushed Safer solvents and auxiliaries
6 Conserve complexity Design for energy efficiency
7 Durability rather than immortality Use renewable feedstock
8 Meet need, minimize excess Reduce use of derivatives
9 Minimize material diversity Catalytic reagents rather than stoichiometric reagents
10 Integrate material and energy flows Design for degradation
11 Design for commercial afterlife Use real‐time analysis for pollution prevention
12 Renewable rather than depleting Use safer chemistry to prevent accidents
Radial Venn diagram displaying big circle (center) labeled sustainable environmental engineering surrounded with small circles labeled treatment, separation, recovery, prevention, energy efficiency, etc.

Figure 3.11 Principles of sustainable environmental engineering.

3.3.1 SEE Metrics

Global climate change, energy production, food production, and resource depletion need paradigm shift of EEIS design philosophy. For example, green infrastructure (GI) could be designed generatively to decouple economic development from environmental pollution and to prevent pollution at source according to ecological principles. If all the communities were designed as sustainable communities, environmental stress would be significantly reduced. The best metrics to gauge sustainability, therefore, are material, water, and energy FP. SEE engineers should design EEIS that meet technical and cost objectives based on the criteria of protecting human health and the biosphere. For example, wastewater management is fundamentally linked with a natural system's capacity to achieve sustainability. The US EPA developed the following performance metrics in Table 3.9.

Table 3.9 The US EPA unit impact metrics.

Material efficiency kg inputs/kg product(s)
Carbon efficiency Product C × 100/reactant C
Effective mass yield kg product/kg nonbenign reactants
Quantity of virgin material consumed kg virgin/kg product + coproduct
Water consumption l/kg product + coproduct
Atom economy kg desired product/kg reactants
Embedded energy Energy used to produce and transport raw materials to chemical transformer gate
Waste produced E‐factor = kg waste/kg (product + coproducts)
Quantity release to environment posttreatment kg waste − kg destroyed
Hazard characteristics E‐factor × (sum of waste hazard quotients)
EcoScale 100 − (sum of 6 parameter penalty points)
Carbon footprint GHG emitted

These metrics can be applied in defining SEE design as shown in Table 3.10.

Table 3.10 Sustainable environmental engineering design principles, technology, and metrics.

Design principles Problems Technology Metrics
Integrated design and hierarchy Solid waste
Air pollution
Water pollution
Systems approach Synergy
Regenerative, neutral, and negative design photosynthesis energy, biomass Leadership in stakeholders involvement, interdisciplinary, and grassroots movement
System defined by spatial scale Air, water, solid, and hazardous waste treatment in north versus south GIS in planning Design by PE
Resilient at temporal scale Climate warming and cooling Underground WWTPs Ecological footprint of WWTP
Renewable material efficiency Tank process
Mass transfer limit in AS
Disinfection and oxidation
Pipe reactor
UV disinfection
Trade‐off capital and operating cost
Head loss per reactor or unit process
Increase mass transfer efficiency
Renewable energy efficiency Plant head loss
Pressured versus gravity
Pump efficiency
Pipe reactor
Head loss per reactor or unit process
Increase efficiency and save energy E‐factor
Prevention Solid waste
Activated sludge
Leachate treatment
Green engineering, green infrastructure, and decentralized WWT Human health
Percentage recycled
Recovery N and P energy Struvite
Separation Food wastes
Food waste to bioenergy
Leachate treatment
Separated treated leachate
Separation for recycle
Separation for reuse
Treatment Cl2 Nontoxic materials, UV, catalysts, AOP
Renewable energy, solar, biogas photosynthesis
Regenerative, neutral, and negative design
Reduce risk of exposure, release, explosions, and fires
Increase human health
Catalysts minimize or eliminate chemicals added
Green retrofitting and remediation Air, water, soil, sludge EPA tool Footprint
Optimization Simulation Process efficiency Reactor and system design SCADA Production/m3
Balance between capital and operation costs Tank processes in WTP and WWTP
Product design
Concrete WTP and WWTP tank design
Modular design
Pipe reactor WTP and WWTP pipe modular design
3D printing
Degree of modular component used
Low FP products
Regenerative design

SEE aims to empower designers with tools, models, techniques, and procedures that offer them the ability to solve complex problems involved in embracing the huge market in the coming decades. Stakeholders such as industry, consumers, workers, citizens, and government at all levels must be involved in the early stage of projects. Economic, legal, institutional, technology‐based, and societal‐based barriers must be identified to achieve the desired transformational goals: problem formulations, knowledge of options or solutions, and the ability to evaluate alternative courses of action. SEE designers will be able to develop alternatives that are most resilient under the uncertainty caused by climate change and sea level changing. Alternative solutions other than AS and chlorination should be designed. Adverse effects of technologies such as chlorination and aluminum coagulation should be avoided by promoting vacuum ultraviolet (VUV). To quantify environmental footprints of an SEEI design, LCAs are usually applied and include extraction/synthesis, design, process, product, and disposal/reuse with aid of following assessment tools in Table 3.11.

Table 3.11 Assessment tool summary.

Tool Objective Life cycle stage
Cradle to cradle Product certification Product
GreenScreen Chemical hazard assessment Design
GreenWERCS Chemical hazard assessment Design/product
QCAT Simplified hazard assessment Design
Paris III Solvent assessment Design
TEST Toxicity evaluation Design
WAR Waste generation impacts Design/process

3.4 SEE Design Principles

EEIS includes WTPs, WWTPs, water distribution systems, sewer collection systems, stormwater control systems, solid waste management systems such as landfills, and air pollution management systems such as incinerators or energy recovery facilities. To achieve the maximum objectives of environment, economy, and equality (3E), EEIS should be designed according to the following 12 principles:

  1. Integrated and interconnected alternatives should be developed to protect human and ecological health for sustainable economic development involving stakeholders.
  2. Design alternatives should be reliable spatially within the system boundary.
  3. The EEIS should be resilient temporally with quantified uncertainty and sensitivity.
  4. Renewable materials should be maximally utilized with minimal wastes.
  5. Renewable energy should be efficient according to energy benchmarks.
  6. Prevention, reduction, and minimization strategies should be implemented as early as possible.
  7. Recovery should be prioritized according to scarcity of materials and the benefit/cost ratio.
  8. Separation should consume minimal materials and energy with early implementation.
  9. Oxidation is the best way to avoid adding chemicals or use minimal nontoxic chemicals and renewable energy.
  10. Retrofitting and remediation should recover material, energy, or land with minimal FPs.
  11. Component, process, and system should be optimized through modeling and simulation under both global warming and cooling scenarios within minimal FP.
  12. Standardized and modularized components or systems should be designed with real‐time monitoring and controlling during operation to optimize capital and operation costs.

In short, the ultimate goal for EE designers is to reduce chemical, biological, and radioactive risks to protect human health and to minimize FT on ecological systems to protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.

3.4.1 Principle 1: Integrated and Interconnected System Hierarchy

SEE aims to protect people, the planet, and profit (3P). Therefore, designers should play a leadership role to involve all the major stakeholders. Sustainable EEIS alternatives should be developed by actively engage communities and stakeholders. Implementing and feedback loops of SEE alternatives should be intertwined in achieving environmental, economic, and employment (3E) objectives. The hierarchy to achieve 3E objectives is prevention, reduction, reuse, recycling, recovery, treatment, disposal, and remediation. To rank the effectiveness of these strategies, the relevant data on human and industrial generation of wastes and current EE system is needed to develop waste management engineering alternatives. The life cycle of materials should be taken into consideration to minimize the FT of EEIS. Design alternatives should be assessed and compared in terms of reduction of chemical, biological, and radioactive risks and minimal FP on air, water, soil, and energy. The state‐of‐the‐art design tools should be used to keep the capital cost of EEIS at minimal budget.

Traditional EE design usually has negative FP in the past. For a WWTP using AS process, it is very difficult to bring the operation to energy neutral due to energy intensive aeration process and the huge amount of sludge produced. Typically, performance metrics including the FP of C, N, P, and energy within the design life expectancy are negative. Regenerative design integrates external energy into the system and becomes more sustainable and resilient. Regenerative design requires EEIS to produce more than the waste exergy through utilization of solar energy such as photosynthesis or photovoltaic. In addition, regenerative design should be developed together with the green economy by creating green jobs such as bioenergy, solar energy, and recovery materials. Regenerative design usually combines different innovative technologies by using tools (Table 3.12). For example, tools for integrated water resources management (IWRM) could be used to design regenerative through integrated and interconnected EEIS:

  1. EEIS should satisfy governmental regulations to protect human and environment health.
  2. Air, water, and solid waste engineering systems should be integrated to achieve zero discharge.
  3. EEIS should be interconnected to achieve synergistic functions with minimal material, water, nutrient, and energy FP.
  4. EEIS should be designed to fit for purpose and could be centralized or decentralized systems depending upon system boundary.
  5. Different water quality such as blue, gray, and black should be considered together for sustainable management of water.
  6. GI should be interconnected.

Table 3.12 SEE design general metrics.

Design Problems Regenerative Neutral Negative
Air SMOG from energy production Photosynthesis rate is greater than CO2 releasing rates Photosynthesis rate equals the CO2 releasing rates Photosynthesis rate is slower than CO2 releasing rates
Water Retrofitting WWTP AS Energy produced is greater than the power needed by the plant Energy neutral WWTP needs to buy more than 80% energy
Recovery nutrients and water Recovery value is greater than the cost Recovery value equal the cost Recovery value is less than the cost
Separate treatment of leachate Benefits is higher than combined treatment with wastewater Benefits equals the combined treatment with wastewater Benefits is less than the combined treatment with wastewater
Chlorination The carbon FP of alternative is less than the carbon FP of chlorination The carbon FP of alternative equals the carbon FP of chlorination The carbon FP of alternative is greater than the carbon FP of chlorination
Coagulation The energy FP of alternative is less than the energy carbon FP of coagulation Energy FP of alternative equals the energy carbon FP of coagulation Energy FP of alternative is greater than energy carbon FP of coagulation
Land Sludge Energy recovered is greater than the energy input Energy recovered equals the energy input Energy recovered is less than the energy input
Food waste separation Energy recovered is greater than the energy input Energy recovered equals the energy input Energy recovered is less than the energy input
Leachate Energy recovered is greater than the energy input Energy recovered equals the energy input Energy recovered is less than the energy input
Ecological Biodiversity Biospecies is more than the baseline Biospecies equals the baseline Biospecies is less than the baseline
Eutrophication N and P FP is less than the natural capacity N and P FP equals the natural capacity N and P FP is greater than the natural capacity

3.4.2 Principle 2: Reliability on Spatial Scale

A well‐defined EEIS is critical to identify 3E objectives on the spatial scale. EEIS could be defined at residential, community, city, regional, and global scales. Stakeholders within the system should be identified and engaged in the planning and implementing phases. The key for an EEIS to be reliable is to fit the purpose and be adaptive to local situations in terms of renewable materials and energy.

EEIS such as WTPs, WWTPs, and GIs should be sustainably designed with consideration of local situation on its spatial scale. Due to geographic differences, renewable energy resources are distributed differently, for example, solar energy in the south and wind energy in north. Treatment will heavily depend upon scale in terms of population equivalent (PE). In general, decentralized WWTP is more suitable for rural areas than metropolitan cities. For residential houses, on‐site wastewater treatment processes such septic tanks and constructed wetlands may hold the key to achieve regenerative design. If the land of a residential house is large enough, zero water, energy, and wastes should be achievable. For a community greater than 1000 PE, energy‐neutral design may be more realistic. For large cities, if energy neutrality cannot be achieved, designers should target maximum recovery and reuse to minimize FP. New urban communities and cities have the opportunity to design and build source‐separating systems optimized for cost‐effective resource recovery using rain harvest and food waste separation from municipal solid waste. In addition, following issues should be considered on spatial scales:

  1. Economy of scale should be assessed at the individual, household, community, city, state, and country levels to avoid fit‐for‐all design.
  2. Regenerative or zero discharge design should have priority, while negative design should have minimal FP.
  3. GI should be implemented as much as possible at residential house, community, city, state, and country levels with different weights of blue, gray, and black water management strategies.
  4. Laboratory‐, pilot‐, and full‐scale testing should be validated with known uncertainty to increase the reliability of EEIS. Laboratory‐scale data could be directly used to design the full‐scale system if kinetics and mechanisms were correctly modeled and simulated to eliminate a prototype.

3.4.3 Principle 3: System Resiliency on a Temporal Scale

On temporal scales, EEIS should be resilient at 20, 50, and 100 years depending upon design life expectancy. Furthermore, the uncertainty and sensitivity of the EEIS performance should be quantified under different temporal scales.

EEIS such as WTPs, WWTPs, and GIs should be resilient to more serious drought and flooding due to climate change. Minimum temperature in the north and maximum temperature in the south should be considered in designing EEIS. At minimum temperature, biological activity will decrease by half for every ten‐degree drop. The global warming will have dire consequence for human society due to sea level rising (SLR) and saltwater intrusion (Table 3.13). Therefore, on a different temporal scale, the following issues should be considered:

  1. Short‐term versus long‐term operation conditions should be considered.
  2. Operating cost and benefit should be quantified to determine the net profitability of EEIS within the project life expectancy.
  3. LCA should also consider short‐term and long‐term energy mix.
  4. Reaction kinetics is the determining factor in reactor design.
  5. Blue, gray, and black water management should be resilient to climate change in 20, 50, and 100 years.

Table 3.13 Spatial and temporal scales.

Design Problems Spatial Temporal Scale
Air Coal power plant Locations of different renewable energy resources Winter seasons as worst design scenarios Household
Water WWTPs Central versus decentralized Winter as lowest biomass production season Same as the above
WTPs Separate water quality supply Algae bloom seasons as worst time Same as the above
Land Landfill Residential versus public spaces for landfill sites Mobile integrated leachate treatment system Same as the above
Leachate Equalization pond with water plants for biomass production BOD–COD ratios for young, medium, and mature landfill leachates Same as the above
Ecological River delta hypoxic zone Nutrient recovery Summer as the worst season due to algae bloom Same as the above
Wildlife extinction Location of endangered species Winter as most vulnerable seasons for wildlife Same as the above Principle 4: Efficiency of Renewable Material

A paradigm shift from fossil fuel as feedstock to renewable material calls for the efficiency of renewable materials in designing EEIS. Renewable material alternatives should be regenerative or neutral. Negative design in terms of FP on air, water, and soil should be avoided.

Regenerative design is the key for sustainable development by decoupling economic development from environmental deterioration. To reach this sustainable goal, regenerative design is the most practical way to provide a technical approach so that EEIS can be designed to satisfy the above conditions. Regenerative design requires the following elements:

  1. Reactor, process, and system should be designed to achieve the maximum material efficiency.
  2. Raw materials should be renewable with minimal FP on the environment.
  3. Plants and communities should be designed to achieve regenerative or zero water, energy, and waste.

Renewable materials should be efficient and utilized to their maximal physical limits or best practical technical benchmarks. Ideally, every effort should be made to avoid adding chemicals, for example, using UV disinfection to avoid adding chlorine to drinking water. Green chemistry principles suggest that atom economy, less hazardous chemical use, and safer chemicals are key ways of achieving mass efficiency. For water and wastewater design, the following are typical enabling technologies:

  1. UV disinfection should be used to avoid adding chlorine to drinking water or treated wastewater.
  2. Ion exchange could be used to replace precipitation or lime softening.
  3. Synthesized magnetic adsorbents could be used to replace other adsorbents for easy separation.

Thermodynamic limits or technical benchmarks should be used to identify opportunities in the most potential gap in material and energy efficiency to maximize the benefit of design alternatives. Maximum heat recovery will be dictated by thermodynamics such as exergy, primary biomass by ecological principles, and nutrient recovery by natural biocapacity. Technical benchmarks should be used to identify feasible recovery criteria from waste using the best available technologies. Designers should calculate thermodynamic potential or exergy as well as other limits for each process. Embedded entropy is an investment when recycle, reuse, or recovery is assessed. In general, total energy to be recovered could not exceed the exergy of content organic pollutants from wastewater. After the theoretical limits are known, technical benchmarks should be used to identify the maximum potential saving gap for materials or energy by employing state‐of‐the‐art technologies. The following factors should be implemented in the design process:

  1. Theoretical limits should be calculated by thermodynamic properties.
  2. The exergy of wastewater or wastes should be calculated to obtain realistic limits.
  3. Potential gaps between limits and achievable metrics should be quantified to identify maximum SEE design opportunities using technical benchmarks.
  4. Thermodynamic laws will put a limit on which level the design can achieve. On the other hand, the choice of regenerative, neutral, and negative engineering design may very likely depend upon benefit and cost ratio within the project budget. Renewable energy sources such as biomass should be selected to have minimal FP on the environment.
  5. WWTPs should be designed to be energy positive as water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) to generate a net profit on the investment.
  6. Plants and communities should be designed to be zero energy within thermodynamic limits.

Renewable energy feedstock should be efficient and utilized to the thermodynamic maximum or best practical technical benchmarks. When regenerative design cannot be achieved due to a thermodynamic limit, an external energy source such as solar or wind power should be sought. For WRRF design, the following are typical successful approaches:

  1. Codigestion of fat, oil, and greases (FOG) from kitchen waste.
  2. Codigestion with glycerin waste generated from biodiesel production.
  3. Algae growth in oxidation ponds of wastewater treatment.
  4. Solar panels for additional electricity.
  5. Anaerobic membrane biological reactor (AnMBR).
  6. Anaerobic ammonia oxidation processes (Anammox).
  7. Microsieving to separate and divert organic matter to anaerobic process to produce biomethane (Table 3.14).

Table 3.14 System and component efficiency.

Design Problems System Components Efficiency
Air Open burning Compact wood pellets Combustion efficient Incinerator efficient
Water Tank process Pipe reactor MBR separating hydraulic retention from cell residence time Hydraulic efficiency
Land Landfills Bioreactor landfills Bioreactor landfill methane production Utilization efficient of methane from bioreactor landfill
Ecological Food wastes leachate problems Codigestion with sludge Methane production from anaerobic digester Electricity and heat generation efficiency from methane production from anaerobic digester
Urban heat GI Green roof and green garden Primary biomass production efficiency of GIs

Table 3.15 provides examples of applying Principle 5 for sustainable design solutions at each design scale.

Table 3.15 SEE design metrics.

Design Problems Mass limits Energy limits
Air Incomplete combustion Mass conservations Efficiency of any conversion process is less than 100%
Water AS in WWTP Create excessive sludge Energy intensive and not productive
Land Pollutants in runoff GI to reduce soil erosion and pollutant runoff Regenerative design for biomass production
Ecological Energy efficiency in food chain Biomass for habit Higher energy efficiency process

3.4.4 Principle 6: Prevention

Prevention is the most effective way to ensure the sustainability of EEI design. For example, one gallon of gasoline is a useful fuel, while it would cost thousands of dollars to clean up if it leaked into groundwater as evidenced by many underground tank cleanup programs in the United States. On every design scale, an opportunity exists to prevent waste rather than treat it after it is generated.

Waste requires unnecessary expenditure of capital, energy, and resources and has no benefit. The following technologies are important in prevention:

  1. The TDPs of green chemistry should be applied to prevent the generation of chemical waste.
  2. Anammox should be designed to prevent sludge production in the AS process whenever nutrients such as nitrogen are to be removed.
  3. Enhanced coagulation using biodegradable coagulants should be used to prevent lime and aluminum sludge.

Prevention opportunities exist as presented in Table 3.16 in air, water, and soil media.

Table 3.16 Prevention.

Design Problems Materials Energy
Air Coal power plants Reduction of carbon dioxide to fuel Renewable energy
Water Chlorination Vacuum ultraviolet disinfection (VUV) to prevent disinfection by-products during chlorination Energy efficiency, UV
Land Food wastes Recovery of oil from production of biodiesel Codigestion of food wastes with sludge
Soil degradation Constructed wetlands GI for biomass production
Ecological Leachate Emerging pollutants such as antibiotics and pharmaceutical chemicals Codigestion with sludge to produce methane

3.4.5 Principle 7: Recovery

Recovery serves dual purposes. It protects human and ecosystem health by removing the “contaminants” of wastewater while recovering them as useful resources such as water, energy, or materials. In addition, the recovered water can be used for agricultural irrigation, energy to power WRRFs, and nutrients as fertilizer in agriculture. Furthermore, resalable products could bring cities sizeable economic, social, and environmental benefits.

Extensive energy and material are the major costs for EEIS and result in waste, inefficiency, and FT on the environments. Recovery is the most important design strategy to achieve regenerative design. For WWTPs, the most valuable products are reclaimed water, energy, and nutrients. Table 3.17 presents examples designed for recovering nutrients.

Table 3.17 Examples of nutrient recovery across design scales.

Design scale Current practice Recovery
Molecular Excess reagent such as methanol for nitrification Methanol is not needed as carbon source
Process Nitrification and denitrification, excessive aeration is needed Struvite in Struvite precipitation
Product No recovery Struvite as marketable fertilizer
System Nitrification and denitrification tanks Modularized struvite reactors

Specific rules for recovery are as follows:

  1. Recovery is to reuse and recycle mass and energy from components, reactors, and processes of EEIS.
  2. Energy and materials such as water, and nutrients in wastewater should be considered recoverable.
  3. Solid waste refining should be considered as an alternative in solid waste management systems.

The key technologies for effective recovery are:

  1. Anaerobic digestion of sludge and energetic food wastes.
  2. Recovery of N and P, for example, through precipitation of struvite.
  3. Ion exchange to recover inorganic elements such as precious metals or rare earth.
  4. Membrane technology such as ultra‐, micro‐, and nanofiltrations and reverse osmosis.
  5. Microbiological fuel cell.
  6. Molten salt technology for energy, heat, and hydrogen recovery.

All materials should be considered as recoverable resources. The recovery extent should be determined by the constraints of technology and costs as shown in Table 3.18.

Table 3.18 Recovery.

Design Problems Mass Energy
Air Landfill CH4 Bioreactor landfills CH4
Carbon dioxide from coal power plants Carbon sequestration Methanol
Water Nutrients N and P Struvite
Waste water Water reuse Reclaimed water
Land Soil erosion Regenerative GI Biomass
Ecological Algae boom Constructed wetlands Blue algae for biodiesel

3.5 Principle 8: Separation

Separation should be implemented at the initial design to recover and reuse materials for different processes in different media as shown in Table 3.19. Separation may serve different purposes and the more separation categories, the better. In Japan, as many as eight different categories of solid waste bins are installed in major public places. Separation may also serve treatment. For water reuse, water can be separated into blue, gray, and black water so that they can serve different purposes. Water of different qualities should be provided to residential houses because it wastes a lot of resource in irrigation by using water of drinking quality.

Table 3.19 Separation.

Design Problems For recycle For reuse For treatment
Air Hazardous wastes incineration Hazardous wastes such as acid and base recycle CO2 sequestration Catalyst
Water Leachate combined with WW Blue, gray, and black water Dripping irrigation BMR, MF, NF, RO
Land Food wastes Fat, oil, and grease (FOG) codigestion with sludge Kitchen oil for biodiesel Compositing
Ecological Invasive plants and aquatic species Isolate and destroy the invasive plants and aquatic species Aquatic plants as animal feeding stock Green algae for biodiesel production

For example, enhanced coagulation should increase the removal efficiency of COD so that the organic matter can be maximally diverted to anaerobic process to produce methane. As a result, less aeration is required and less sludge will be generated. Food waste should be separated from solid waste so that they can be codigested with sludge. Following are typical separation cases:

  1. Separate urine from feces.
  2. Enhanced primary sedimentation or separation for diversion of COD to anaerobic digestion.
  3. Ion exchange for ammonia removal.
  4. Food waste should be separated from solid waste and codigested with sludge.
  5. Leachate should be treated separately from wastewater.

3.5.1 Principle 9: Treatment

When pollutants are neither recoverable nor separable, destructive technologies such as advanced oxidation process (AOP) are better than phase transfer technologies. In treatment, material and energy inputs should be renewable and from readily available sources throughout all life cycle stages.

In most cases, particle size determines the physical treatment process, while the nature of pollutants determines the adoption of either biological or physicochemical treatment technologies. For WWTP, regenerative design is the key to ensure a plant able to operate sustainably. Renewable and nontoxic materials should be used whenever possible. Catalysts should be used to avoid chemicals. Immobilized catalysts should be used to eliminate separation processes. Design for unnecessary capacity should be considered a design flaw because fit for all may not be a sustainable solution (Table 3.20). The following oxidation technologies play a critical role in regenerative design:

  1. Anaerobic ammonia oxidation (Anammox) to reduce the aeration intensity of AS.
  2. AOPs to replace activated carbon adsorption.
  3. UV disinfection and oxidation to replace chlorination.

Table 3.20 Treatment.

Design Problems Nature of pollutants Concentration
Air VOC Halogenated versus nonhalogenated
Water Organic Nonbiodegradable, physical/chemical Biodegradable Less than 0.1%, AOPs 0.1–5%, wet oxidation Greater than 5%, thermal treatment
Land Contaminated land Biodegradable, in situ bioremediation Nonbiodegradable, in situ physicochemical Toxic metals, EDTA extraction Less than 1 ppm
Ecological Biodiversity Eutrophication Greater than 10 ppm, recovery

3.5.2 Principle 10: Retrofitting and Remediation

Due to the unsustainable design of EEIS in the past, 95% of WWTPs were energy negative and consumed about 3% of total electricity generated in the United States. Retrofitting these WWTPs is a major challenge for SEE designers.

In the next two decades, one of the most challenging engineering issues is to effectively retrofit the old energy‐negative WWTPs to be energy‐positive WRRFs all over the world. The US EPA and the Water Environment Research Foundation have produced many design manuals and presented many successful examples. To retrofit WWTPs, the first step is energy audit to identify the greatest opportunity to improve energy efficiency in a WWTP. Second is to replace old devices with new technology to reduce energy consumption. Third is to reconfigure processes so that energy consumption can be reduced by adopting following technologies:

  1. Traditional AS should be coupled with Anammox to reduce sludge.
  2. MBR could be added in the aeration chamber to increase treatment efficiency.
  3. AnMBR could be added in anaerobic digester to increase methane production.

Green remediation principles developed by the US EPA should be implemented to minimize the remediation FP of resources and energy. The Excel‐based software developed by the US EPA will assist the designer to significantly reduce the FP of major retrofitting projects. Green remediation must consider contaminated media, the nature of pollutants, and concentration (Table 3.21):

  1. Renewable energy resources could be used to regenerate biomass.
  2. Green plants and algae could be used in water remediation.
  3. Solar energy could be used for sludge dewatering.
  4. Renewable energy should be used in remediation to reduce FP.

Table 3.21 Green remediation.

Design Problems Nature of pollutants Concentration
Air SMOG Reduce volatile organic pollutants VOC, nitroxide, and PM2.5 should be below ambient standards
Reduce coal combustion
Water Organic Nonbiodegradable, physical/chemical Biodegradable, biological Less than 0.1%, AOPs 0.1–5%, wet oxidation Greater than 5%, thermal treatment
Land Contaminated land Biodegradable, in situ bioremediation Nonbiodegradable, in situ physicochemical Toxic metals, EDTA extraction
Ecological Biodiversity Eutrophication Less than 1 ppm Greater than 10 ppm

3.5.3 Principle 11: Optimization through Modeling and Simulation

The most economical way to optimize EEIS design is through mathematical modeling, which could be then used to simulate. Opportunities of increasing the performance of the system and decreasing costs could be identified through computer modeling and simulation. For example, after the detail mechanism and kinetics of Anammox were established, full‐scale Anammox reactor were successfully designed and built without pilot prototype (van der Star et al., 2007).

Since pilot‐ and prototype‐scale experiments are expensive, computer modeling and simulation could be used to directly scale up a process without design, construction and operation of the corresponding pilot plant. Real‐time monitoring and control are critical to ensure that the performance of the system will not deteriorate during operation. Important technologies are:

  1. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA).
  2. AutoCAD and SolidWorks for sustainable materials.
  3. 3D printing for pilot‐scale testing.
  4. Simulink for computer simulation by Matlab.

Optimization of designed systems should be conducted by using computer software to reduce cost (Table 3.22).

Table 3.22 Model and simulation.

Design Problems Model Simulation
Air SMOG How SMOG is formed, transported, and dispersed
What are the corresponding health effects under different concentrations of SMOG
Dynamic SMOG models
Water Groundwater contamination How contaminants transport through saturated versus unsaturated zones Contaminant transportation models
Surface water pollution How contaminants transport and disperse in lakes or rivers Water pollutant transportation models
Land Soil erosion How contaminants transport and disperse kinetics in soil Transportation and accumulation of metals and organic pollutants in soil
Ecological Eutrophication Total maximal daily load Models of nonpoint source runoff of N and P

3.5.4 Principle 12: Balance Between Capital and Operating Costs

Ideally, future EEIS should be designed and constructed as standardized modules so that the cost and performance of the components, reactors, processes, and systems could be sustainable. Also, standardized modules may be reused when the EEIS is no longer needed. For example, leachate treatment systems after 30‐year service may not be needed; the system could be used at the other landfill sites. Modular design makes products, processes, and systems reusable or recyclable after design life expectancy. Therefore, designers should aim at durability, not immortality.

Regenerative design can ensure beneficial use of recycled components, while standardized modules are the best route to reducing the FP of modern EEIS. Standardized modules should have minimal capital and operation cost as well as minimal environment FP during their life cycle. To achieve sustainability, LCA of components, reactors, processes, and systems should be quantified during all the design phases and operation during its life time by using inherently safe and benign material and energy (Table 3.23).

Table 3.23 Standardized and modular system for cost reduction.

Design Problems Modular Standards
Air SMOG due to coal power plants Solar photovoltaic modules Standards
Water Coagulation and sedimentation tank Static mixer UF, MF, NF, and RO Standards
Land Solid waste management Incineration for energy recovery Standards
Ecological Eutrophication Modular nutrient recovery products Standards

Innovative approaches are required to create engineering solutions beyond current or dominant technologies. To achieve sustainability requires SEE designer to improve, innovate, and invent new technologies with passion. When TDPs are systematically applied in the early stage of the design, significant cost saving could be recognized by new EEIS design. Staying with problems longer is an excellent way to make a significant contribution. Creative thinking, leadership, and entrepreneurship should be implemented in design phases as shown in following design strategies of innovative technologies:

  1. Innovation through new science and technologies is the key for designing sustainable EEIS.
  2. Rapid prototyping such as 3D printing and computer simulation is crucial to test the reliability of the product or processes.
  3. Market penetration through entrepreneurial spirit would accelerate the adoption of innovative technologies.
  4. Incorporating SEE into EEIS design will transform the industry through innovation and entrepreneurship in all the design phases.
  5. Innovative technologies should be used as soon as they have been proven on a commercial scale within tested reliability.
  6. Entrepreneurial spirit should be reflected in identifying environmental challenges and providing the best solutions for the markets in air, water, and soil quality management (Table 3.24).

Table 3.24 Innovation and entrepreneur.

Design Problems Innovation example Entrepreneur
Air SMOG Facial mask Marketing facial mask
Water Drinking water contamination Drinking water pen Market penetration of DWP
Land Mining site reclamation Regenerative public park Sports activity on the park
Ecological Sludge Sludge application to land for vegetation Green economy

3.6 Implementation of the SEE Design Principles

3.6.1 Procedure to Implement SEE Design Principles

The driving force for sustainability is the educated SEE human capital to design engineering systems in a sustainable manner. The TDP could be integrated in engineering design phases as follows:

  • Step 1: Define objectives on 3E in addition to sponsored goals.
  • Step 2: Collect related data on air, water, and land background information related to a project.
  • Step 3: Assess the alternatives in terms of FP on material and energy using LCA and FP tools.
  • Step 4: Develop alternatives by targeting regenerative design or neutral design, and avoid deficient design under cost constraints.

SEE design can be integrated into three phases of traditional engineering design. Therefore, in phase I for 30% submittal, the following steps are recommended:

  1. Collect relevant data for air, water, and soil quality index.
  2. Set up a design goal to meet regulatory requirements.
  3. Get all stakeholder input and continuously involve them in the design process.
  4. Collect sustainable metrics of the unit process in terms of FP on materials and energy.
  5. Develop design alternatives that can achieve productive, neutral, or negative energy efficiency.

In the second phase of 60% submittal, the following steps are recommended:

  1. Select two design alternatives with stakeholder input according to the TDP of SEE.
  2. Quantify material and energy FP.
  3. Quantify unit efficiency and compare with design metrics or benchmarks.
  4. Estimate project cost.
  5. Detail the design of the system.

In the third phase of 100% submittal, the following steps are recommended:

  1. Optimize the system.
  2. Improve the system by identifying potential for saving energy and cost without reducing efficiency.
  3. Develop detailed engineering drawings for constructability.

3.6.2 Integration of SEE into Undergraduate Education

SEE may transform EE education through horizontal and vertical integrations in the 4‐year curriculum with examples, problems, and case studies. Horizontal refers to an interdisciplinary approach, while vertical refers to the integration of SEE throughout the 4‐year curriculum of EE. The TDP could be taught as modules for a multidisciplinary and freshman‐level introduction to engineering or upper‐level WTP and WWTP design. Using SEE principles at the start of the design process could shift the philosophy of EE design towards a sustainable future. Horizontal integration refers to SEE concepts that should be learned together with a specific course in the SEE curriculum according to Table 3.25.

Table 3.25 Conceptual mapping of SEE with undergraduate EE curriculum.

SEE topic Chapter in SEE Corresponding course in EE curriculum
Renewable and nonrenewable natural capitals Natural capital and carrying capacity Earth Science, first year
Water, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, energy, and ecological footprints Human demand and footprint Earth Science, first year
Risks and fossil fuel depletions
Sustainable development goals Introduction to SEE Environmental Engineering, 4th semester
Regenerative, neutral, and negative EE design
Integrated management of air, water, and land Integrated design and hierarchy Environmental Engineering, 4th semester
Decentralized WWTP
Separate water quality supplies
Spatial and temporal scales Environmental Engineering, 4th semester
GIs such as separate gray and blue water reuse
Mass and energy conversion laws Constraints by fundamental laws and cost Thermodynamics, 5th semester
Thermodynamic limits
Inefficiency in energy conversion Mass and energy efficiency Chemistry Environmental Engineers, 5th semester
Renewable energy
Intrinsic toxicity
Prevention Environmental Engineering, 4th semester
Food waste separation from solid wastes Separation Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, 6th semester
Leachate separation from WWTP
Enhanced coagulation for anaerobic digestion
UV disinfection and oxidation Treatment Water Supply Engineering, 5th semester
Leachate treatment systems
Ultra‐, micro‐, and nanofiltration and reverse osmosis Sewerage and Wastewater Treatment, 6th semester
Water, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and energy recovery in WWTP and combustion heat or pressure recovery calculations Recovery Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, 6th semester
Sewerage and Wastewater Treatment, 6th semester
Renewable energy
Green infrastructure after remediation
Green remediation Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, 6th semester
Sewerage and Wastewater Treatment, 6th semester
WTP and WWTP design
Design GI systems
Green remediation projects
Specific optimization and simulation tools such as Simulink
Optimization and simulation Water Supply Engineering, 5th semester Sewerage and Wastewater Treatment, 6th semester
LEED certification of green building in WWTPs and WTPs Constructability Environmental Engineering Senior Design, 8th semester
SEE product design and development Innovation and entrepreneurship Environmental Engineering Senior Design, 8th semester
Case studies of drinking water pen and book, pipe reactors
Marketing of SEE products

Sustainability has many facets and requires an extremely broad list of possible inquiries related to policy analysis and design. In addition, the final alternative is subject to many constraints such as the economic, environmental, sustainability, manufacturability, ethical, health and safety, social, and political limits. To achieve true SEE design, teaching strategies may require collaboration between many disciplines. For example, chemistry, biology, electrical engineering, and information technology all have their place in the integrated regenerative design of future WRRF. Inter‐ and multidisciplinary pedagogy should be promoted. Multidisciplinary teaching brings together several disciplinary perspectives. For example, regenerative design needs SEE and ecological principles to produce biomass such as algae to produce biodiesel from wastewater. Many facets of sustainability require the breaking of economic, legal, institutional, chronological, and societal barriers to achieve the desired transformational goals. To these ends, SEE should be vertically integrated into the EE curriculum as in Table 3.26.

Table 3.26 Vertical integration of twelve design principles in environmental engineering curriculum.

Introduction to civil and environmental engineering Green environmental engineering topic
Freshman engineering Food waste separation
Introduction to environmental regulations
Introduction to life cycle assessment
Sophomore engineering Life cycle assessment of WWTP
Environmental regulations
Material and energy balances Emissions terminology/calculations
Renewable material and energy balances
Mass transfer/equilibrium stage separations Mass separation
Risk assessment
Material science Estimation of properties
Life cycle assessment
Heat transfer Introduction to exergy
Chemical thermodynamics Estimation of chemical properties
Separation processes Pollution prevention strategies
Separation process integration
Mass and energy efficiency of reactor Pollution prevention strategies
Green chemistry
Unit operations Tank processes versus pipe reactor
Process/plant design Heat integration and mass integration
Flowsheet analysis
Life cycle assessment
Process dynamics and control Pollution prevention modeling and control
Design for pollution prevention Heat and mass integration
Process analysis
Senior engineering design project Community environmental engineering project

To accelerate the adoption of SEE, education and training are effective ways to penetrate the SEEI market. SEE could follow the success of GC and GE all over the world. Course projects could be based upon a real EEIS design project at residential, community, or city scales. These projects could be conducted to improve information flow on TDPs and examples. Effective economic and sustainability tools and criteria could be developed to aid the design process. Benchmarks that lead to regenerative products, processes, and systems of EEIS could be developed in the integrated air, water, and land management network. One of effective way is to promote a grassroot movement towards SEE education and practice. Grassroot movement requires students to collect their relevant EEIS data to develop sustainable design alternatives by following the TDPs. Grassroot movement from all the SEE designers will help implement the SEE design principles throughout the EE industry during all design phases. For example, if 15 000 WWTPs in the United States are retrofitted into energy‐positive WRRFs, market drivers will clearly also demand more financially sound design alternatives, so retrofitting the current WWTPs and designing new WRRFs will provide the best sustainable design solutions. At the same time, regulatory frameworks should be created to reduce uncertainty for the industry in adopting SEE TDPs. Institutions such as the UN should adapt the SEE principles to achieve the SDGs. To achieve 17 SDGs, SEE designers may lead engineering design communities across the spectrum by forming alliance with GC and GE. In addition, SEE designers should also team up with mechanical and electrical engineering to design sustainable components needed for automatic and standardized regenerative WWTPs. When three major education and working forces of GC, GE, and SEE come together, innovative technologies could be quickly developed through interdisciplinary research and true sustainable EEIS could be designed for decades to come.

Vertical integration with other curricula is crucial to promote multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary thinking. Government and academic institutions need to come together to create a new generation of trained experts in SEE, building sustainable communities and cities, regenerative WRRFs, and stand‐alone leachate treatment systems. It also needs to create educational, information, and networking tools for innovators to speed up the development of SEE solutions. Students can use the LCA tools of SEE to design new processes and retrofit existing WWTPs. According to the TDP of SEE, the challenges of critical SEE technologies should be solved through research and development and marketed. As a result, innovative technologies such as Anammox, AnMBR, and UV disinfection and oxidation could penetrate markets all over the world.

All the TDPs can be applied to design EEIS of air, water, solid waste, and soil management. The most important is to develop the best EEIS solution to achieve the best performance and minimal FP on the environments at the minimal costs. The major environmental engineering challenges for the SEE designers include residential water and solid wastes in urban and rural areas, industrial wastes, and agricultural wastes. One of the effective way for the SEE designers is to establish benchmark data so that governmental agencies can enforce the TDPs in their bidding documents. With these benchmark data, governments could accelerate the adoption of SEE technologies with effective incentives policies to reward SEE design and construction. State and federal policies could pass legislation to design and advocate innovations that increase the supply and demand for SEE solutions. Funding, incentives, and/or prizes should be awarded to SEE research and commercialization. Through state and federal funding, national SEE research or demonstration centers should be set up to transfer technology and technical know‐how. To ensure the success of the governmental programs, the benefits of SEE to communities and cities should be quantified and publicized to society. SEE business, economic and health benefits, and opportunities and funding should be disseminated. Opportunities and strategies should be identified to jointly develop design criteria and SEE solutions. SEE progress at city, county, state, country, and global scales should be tracked. Why certain SEE products, technologies, and designs have succeeded or failed in the marketplace should be analyzed. Revenues, green job, economic benefits, and trends using SEE TDPs should be documented. Environmental or public works agencies should monitor the effectiveness and usefulness of sustainable EEIS.

3.7 Exercise

3.7.1 Questions

  1. What are the six design hierarchies and six dimensions in the TDPs of the SEE?
  2. What are the major barriers and drivers in designing sustainable EEIS?
  3. What partnerships will have to be built, policies put in place, educational needs met, and investments made to implement SEE at undergraduate and graduate education?
  4. What role should the SEE designers take to achieve the 17 UN SDGs?
  5. What should the scale of innovation in SEE be?
  6. How can the importance of SEE in education and research be evaluated?
  7. What are smart policies that support SEE markets, research, and innovation?
  8. What is the most important design rule that you would add to each SEE design principle?

3.7.2 Calculation

The paradigm shift in designing sustainable WRRF rooted in the view that wastewater is a resource and water, energy, and nutrients could be recovered. Table 3.27 lists the typical wastewater characters in Miami‐Dade County.

Table 3.27 Typical wastewater characters in Miami‐Dade County.

Wastewater characters Concentration
BOD5, mg/l 223
COD, mg/l 333
TN as N, mg/l 50.5
NH4–N, mg/l 26.4
Organic N, mg/l 23
NO2–N, mg/l 0.02
NO3–N, mg/l 1.12
TP as P, mg/l 36.68
TSS, mg/l 134
Alkalinity as CaCO3, mg/l 205
pH 7.8
TDS, mg/l 379
Sulfate, mg/l 33
Fecal coliform, # col/100 ml 55 385
Conductivity, μΩ/cm 719
Temperature, °C
Max 31
Min 22
TOC, mg/l 110.47
  1. If each person in the county is producing 60 gBOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand consumed over 5 days) in wastewater, which is equivalent to 100 gCOD/person/day, and if the maximal energy content is 14.7 kJ/gCOD, please answer the following:
    1. What would be the theoretical maximal energy content in the wastewater if the Miami‐Dade County population is 2.6 million?
    2. In reality, Miami‐Dade Water and Sewer Department operates three WWTPs with average flow rate of 300 MGD, what are the maximal energy contents in the flow daily?
    3. How much differences are there between the answers of (a) and (b) and why?
    4. On unit volume of cubic meter wastewater, what would be the theoretical unit energy content for biodegradable versus nonbiodegradable portion of organic pollutants in the wastewater of Miami‐Dade County in kWh/m3?
    5. How are your two answers compared with the maximal unit energy contents of 0.70 and 1.23 kWh/m3 estimated by McCarty et al. (2011)? Why are there differences?
    6. If 30% of the maximal energy content were to be recovered as electricity, what would be the unit energy recovered in kWh/m3/day?
  2. If EEISs of air, water, solid, and soil quality management are to be designed according to the TDPs, what are the major quantitative indicators such as benchmark of unit energy consumption and chemical efficiency that are needed for each EEIS? In the United States, 15 000 WWTPs need to be retrofitted to energy positive. If benchmarks of unit energy consumption and chemical efficiency were to be established, how would you help your state to develop achievable benchmark data so that retrofitting WWTPs would be practical within realistic budget during a specific time period?
  3. To achieve a high atom economy is important for the sustainability of a process. For example, COD can be oxidized to CO2. If COD is to be converted to methane (CH4), please answer the following:
    1. How many moles of oxygen is needed to oxidize 1 g COD?
    2. How many grams of COD are there in 1 g CH4?
    3. Based upon Hess’s law, what would be the overall enthalpy of the following reaction?
    4. What would be the theoretical heat content per gram of COD?

3.7.3 Projects Xiongan Project

Please conduct statistical analysis of different technologies such as microsieving to divert organic matter to anaerobic digester, coanaerobic digestion of FOG and glycerin wastes, Anammox, and algae to biodiesel in terms of unit energy consumption per unit cubic meter wastewater treated or COD removed. Please establish technical benchmarks of these metrics at top 10% best performance for air, water, and solid waste management so that Xiongan EEIS could be sustainably designed to accommodate future growth in the next 5, 10, 20, and 50 years. Community Projects

  1. Collect data of past 10 years on emission of the community to air, water, and soil.
  2. Conduct regression analysis of the emission with time using SPSS.
  3. Predict future discharge to air, water, and soil.
  4. Design three alternatives for the community to achieve zero air, water, and waste in 10 years by using TDPs. Proposal Development

During this course, you need to form a group to develop a group project proposal to address a sustainability challenge at residential, community, and city scales. It is designed to help you to gain experience of working in an interdisciplinary team and synthesizing concepts and ideas learned during the course. Please follow the steps outlined in the procedure to apply SEE TDPs during the course project.

The US EPA People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) is to research, develop, and design solutions to real‐world challenges involving sustainability. The P3 competition highlights the use of scientific principles in creating innovative projects focused on sustainability. Please develop a proposal according to the TDPs to improve quality of life, economic prosperity, and protection of P3. On the EPA website, http://www.epa.gov/ncer/P3, sustainability challenge project proposals are classified into the following categories. Please refer to the requirements from the website, and select one project to develop a group proposal:

  1. Water (e.g. water quality, quantity, conservation, availability, and access).
  2. Materials and chemicals (e.g. materials conservation; renewable, bio‐based feedstocks; inherently benign materials and chemicals through GE and GC; biotechnology; recovery and reuse of materials through product, process, or system design).
  3. Energy (e.g. reduction in air emissions through innovative strategies for energy production and energy distribution; energy conservation; inherently benign energy through GC and GE; biotechnology).
  4. Built environment (e.g. environmental benefits through innovative green buildings, transportation and mobility strategies, and smart growth as it results in reduced vehicle miles traveled or reduces stormwater runoff).
  5. Agriculture (e.g. irrigation practices, reduction, or elimination of pesticides).
  6. Information technology (e.g. delivery of and access to environmental performance, technical, educational, or public health information‐related environmental decision making).

The environmental components in the US EPA sustainable matrices are as follows:

  1. Ecosystem services: Protect, sustain, and restore the health of critical natural habitats and ecosystems. Example could be innovative nutrient management techniques (GI).
  2. Green engineering and chemistry: Design chemical products and processes to eliminate toxic hazards, reuse or recycle chemicals, and reduce total life cycle costs. Example could be LCA in molecular design.
  3. Air quality: Attain and maintain air quality standards, and reduce the risk from toxic air pollutants. Example could be to investigate potential greenhouse gas emission reduction strategies.
  4. Water quality: Reduce exposure to contaminants in water systems and infrastructure (including protecting source waters), and optimize aging systems and next‐generation treatment technologies and approaches. Example could be purpose‐driven water reuse and innovative treatment technologies.
  5. Stressors: Reduce effects by stressors (e.g. pollutants, greenhouse gas emissions, genetically modified organisms) to the ecosystem and vulnerable populations. Example could be to determine the fate of modified nanoparticles in aqueous media.
  6. Resource integrity: Reduce adverse effects by minimizing waste generation to prevent accidental release and future cleanup. Example could be to develop innovative technologies and processes to prevent environmental impact.

Once you determined the worst pollution in terms of air, water, and soil in Xiongan and your community, you need to develop EEIS proposal to be listed in the corresponding governmental agency’s 5‐year plan. Please develop proposal for air, water, and solid waste management EEIS for Xiongan and your city, respectively, according to the US EPA’s requirements.


  1. Anastas, P.T. and Warner, J.C. (1998). Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  2. Anastas, P. and Zimmerman, J. B. (2003). Design through the 12 principles of green engineering. Environmental Science & Technology 37: 94A–101A.
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  8. McCarty, P.L., Bae, J., and Kim, J. (2011). Domestic wastewater treatment as a net energy producer: can this be achieved?. Environmental Science and Technology 45: 7100–7106.
  9. Osborn, D., Cutter, A., and Ullah, F. (2015). Universal Sustainable Development Goals: Understanding the Transformational Challenges for Developed Countries. Report of a Study by Stakeholder Forum (Stakeholder Forum, 2015).
  10. Rigola, M. (1998). Producció + neta, Barcelona.
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  12. van der Star, W.R., Abma, W.R., Blommers, D. et al. (2007). Startup of reactors for anoxic ammonium oxidation: experiences from the first full‐scale Anammox reactor in Rotterdam. Water Research 41 (18): 4149–4163.
  13. UNEP (2016). UNEP Releases GEO‐6 Regional Assessments. http://sdg.iisd.org/news/unep‐releases‐geo‐6‐regional‐assessments/ (accessed 26 February 2018).
  14. UN‐Water (2015). Metadata on Suggested Indicators for Global Monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goal 6 on Water and Sanitation. http://www.unwater.org/fileadmin/user_upload/unwater_new/docs/Goal%206_Metadata%20Compilation%20for%20Suggested%20Indicators_UN‐Water_v2016‐04‐01_2.pdf (accessed 26 February 2018).
  15. World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) (1993). Eco‐efficiency. World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Congress in Antwerp, Belgium.
  16. World Trade Organization (2017). World Trade Statistics. http://stat.wto.org/Home/WSDBHome.aspx?Language=E (accessed 26 February 2018).
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