Chapter 1

The Role of Energy Storage in Low-Carbon Energy Systems

Paul E. Dodds*
Seamus D. Garvey**
*    UCL Energy Institute, University College London, London, UK
**    Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK


There could be a revolution in the role of energy storage as energy systems are decarbonized. Novel energy storage technologies are expected to make an important contribution in the future, particularly in the event of heat and transport electrification or if intermittent renewables and nuclear come to dominate electricity generation. Numerous energy storage technologies have been proposed to store excess electricity, with electrical energy conversion to mechanical, thermal, gravitational, electrochemical, and chemical energy for storage, and many of these technologies are classified in this chapter. Energy storage technologies are complicated and poorly understood relative to most low-carbon technologies. A series of metrics have been proposed to compare storage technologies, but understanding how to integrate energy storage into low-carbon energy systems remains a difficult challenge for several reasons. The value of storage to an energy system depends on the electricity generation portfolio, particularly the relative amounts of inflexible and flexible generation. Existing energy system, dispatch, and network models are either not broad enough to examine all energy storage and alternative options, or have insufficient temporal resolution to realistically portray the need for and performance of storage technologies. Innovation is required to reduce technology costs. There is a dearth of knowledge on public attitudes toward energy storage technologies. Finally, even if the long-term value of energy storage could be demonstrated, existing electricity markets are designed for incumbent systems and market regulation would need to be adapted to reflect the technological, economic, and social value of energy storage to an energy system. Further R&D and a better understanding of the integration of energy storage technologies are vital to provide information to underpin future market design and regulation to realize the value of energy storage.


energy storage
energy systems
energy system model
dispatch model
network model
public attitudes
electricity market
market regulation

1. Introduction

Energy storage makes a vital contribution to energy security in existing energy systems. At present, most energy is stored as raw or processed hydrocarbons, whether in the form of coal heaps or oil and gas reservoirs. Since electricity storage is much more expensive by comparison, precursors to electricity are stored rather than electrical energy, and generation is varied to meet demand. The principal exception to this modus operandi is pumped hydroelectric generation, which can generate a large power output for a short period, at very short notice, and is used to increase electricity system stability.
As energy systems gradually evolve toward using low-carbon technologies, the role and type of energy storage is likely to change substantially. Two broad trends are likely to drive this transition. First, as intermittent renewable and fixed output nuclear generation take an ever greater role, it will become increasingly difficult to match electricity supply to demand, with imbalances becoming both larger and more common over time. The move away from fossil generation will mean that it will no longer be possible to store most electricity precursors as hydrocarbons, with the exception perhaps of gas for flexible generation. Second, if low-carbon electricity displaces oil and gas for transport and heat provision, electricity demand patterns could change substantially, with peak demands becoming much more pronounced. Numerous energy storage technologies are under development that store electricity at times of excess supply in order to meet periods of high demand. Other storage technologies could support the energy system in other ways, for example, by storing excess electricity as heat or hydrogen for use in other sectors. The move to a low-carbon economy will cause nothing less than a revolution in how energy storage is used.
This chapter considers how new energy storage technologies can support future low-carbon energy systems in the long term. It introduces a wide range of energy storage technologies, which are explored in this book, and identifies key characteristics with which to compare the technologies. Finally, it identifies challenges for commercializing and deploying these technologies into existing energy systems in the short to medium term.

2. The need for new types of storage

Most new storage technologies are designed to contribute to low-carbon electricity systems. Electricity generation is relatively stable in most countries and intraday variations can often be larger than interseasonal variations. An example is shown in Fig. 1.1 for the United Kingdom. Average consumption through the year is 37 GW, with an average intraday variation over the year of 18 GW and a peak of 59 GW. Yet the difference in average daily consumption between winter and summer is much lower than the intraday variation, at only 11 GW (winter here is defined as Dec. to Feb., and summer as Jun. to Aug.). Larger intraseasonal variations would be expected in countries that use predominantly electric heating, with the peak demand in winter, or in countries with warmer climates, where demand for air conditioning would lead to a peak demand in summer.
Figure 1.1 Total UK electricity and natural gas consumption in 2010.
For electricity, the width of the line demarks the maximum and minimum for each day. (Source: Electricity data are half-hourly averages from the National Grid [1] and daily gas data are from the National Grid [2].)
A mix of baseload and flexible electricity generation technologies are generally used to meet these demands. Baseload is generally nuclear or coal plants that produce a constant output and have high capital costs and low fuel costs. Flexible generators tend to be gas- and oil-fired power plants with low capital costs and high fuel costs. There is a tradeoff between flexibility, efficiency, and cost between technologies; for example, open-cycle gas turbines (OCGTs) are more flexible and have lower capital costs than combined-cycle gas turbines (CCGTs), but have lower fuel efficiencies. The optimal generation portfolio depends on demand patterns; in the United Kingdom, to meet the demand pattern in Fig. 1.1, there is around 45 GW baseload and 40 GW flexible supply.
A new challenge for electricity systems is the increasing penetration of intermittent renewable generation. Low-carbon solar, wind, and wave technologies have high capital costs and negligible operating costs, but the intermittent outputs cannot be easily forecast or controlled. Small penetrations of intermittent generation can be incorporated through standard flexible electricity generation. However, as renewables account for an increasingly large part of the generation portfolio, two issues arise:
1. At times of high demand and low renewable generation, deficits occur that can affect the stability of the electricity system.
2. At times of low demand and high renewable generation, surplus electricity is generated that must be stored or lost.
These electricity system imbalances between generation and demand present an opportunity for new types of energy storage to have an important role in future energy systems.

2.1. Impact of Demands on Generation Imbalances

The deficits and surpluses from renewable generation could be greatly magnified in the future if transport and heat are electrified to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Fig. 1.1 shows that natural gas consumption has much wider intraseasonal variations than electricity consumption in the United Kingdom. This is primarily due to heat demand, as demonstrated by Fig. 1.2 for the UK residential sector. While electrification would not lead to intraseasonal electricity peaks of this magnitude, since heat pumps with a COP of 3 would likely replace gas boilers with a fuel conversion efficiency of up to 90%, the resulting intraseasonal variations would still be much more pronounced and overall electricity demand much higher in this scenario [3] (here COP stands for coefficient of performance, which is a measure of the efficiency of the heat pump; a COP of 3 means that each unit of input electricity produces three units of output heat on average).
Figure 1.2 Estimated UK electricity and natural gas consumption in 2010 in the residential sector.
For electricity, the width of the line demarks the maximum and minimum for each day. (Source: Electricity data are half-hourly from the National Grid [1] and are linearly interpolated to the average residential monthly consumption. Residential daily gas consumption is estimated from National Grid [2] statistics of customers with low usage.)
The sizes of the deficits and surpluses also depend to some extent on whether renewable outputs are correlated with demands. Wind generation tends to be higher in winter than summer so is better correlated to winter peak demands in high-latitude countries, while solar generation is much higher in summer daytime and is most closely correlated to lower latitude countries, where peak demand occurs in summer daytime for air conditioning. Germany provides a good example of some of the challenges that can emerge. Renewable generation accounted for 23% of German electricity generation in 2012, and a strong expansion of solar photovoltaics in southern Germany in particular has led to some areas already producing more electricity than they consume [4]. The two-way electricity flows in these areas have resulted in some distribution networks already operating at their technical limit, as these have historically been designed to transfer electricity in only one direction, from transmission networks to end-users.

2.2. Strategies to Cope with Electricity System Imbalances

Four principal strategies have been proposed to manage electricity deficits and surpluses [5]:
1. Dispatchable generation. Flexible generators are used to avoid deficits. The main disadvantages of this existing approach to imbalances are the high capital cost of generation capacity and the lack of a strategy to benefit from electricity surpluses.
2. Transmission and distribution network reinforcement. By increasing network capacity, this strategy enables greater movement of electricity in space, so supply and demand are averaged over larger areas which is likely to lead to lower imbalances. The proposed European Supergrid is an example of network enhancement that would use Scandinavian hydropower to balance renewable generation across Europe [6].
3. Demand-side management. Agreements with large electricity consumers are already used in some countries to reduce demand at peak times. In the future, demand-side response (DSR) technologies could be used by electricity system operators to shift demand from peak to non-peak periods, for example, by changing refrigerator or water-heating patterns in homes.
4. Energy storage deployment. Some storage technologies, such as power-to-power and power-to-heat with storage, could manage both electricity deficits and surpluses. Others, such as producing hydrogen for use outside these sectors, would only address surpluses.
A schematic of the relationships between these technologies is shown in Fig. 1.3. Most energy storage studies have examined grid-scale storage or, at most, the electricity system in isolation (e.g., [7]). Yet energy storage could be integrated much more widely across the energy system. One approach would be to reduce electricity system imbalances by integrating storage with renewable generation at the point of generation (e.g., [8]). Another strategy would be to convert excess electricity into other storage fuels that are not used to return electricity to the grid. For example, excess electricity could produce heat for storage in boilers at district heat or building scales, in a demand-side management version of the night storage heaters that are already widely-used in some countries. Hydrogen could be stored for later electricity production [9,10], particularly interseasonal storage, but could also be used for transport or heat provision [11]. Although battery vehicles primarily provide transport services, vehicle-to-grid technologies could use car batteries for power-to-power storage in a smart grid [12]. Finding the most appropriate methods of integrating the many different types of energy storage into existing energy systems is a key research question for energy system researchers.
Figure 1.3 Schematic of the potential roles of energy storage in a low-carbon energy system.
The system is split into grid-scale technologies, the wider electricity system and the whole energy system. Network and storage technologies (denoted with bold text) are integrated throughout the energy system.

3. Storage technologies

Numerous energy storage technologies are under development, with a wide range of characteristics that make them suitable for different roles in the energy system [13]. Many of these technologies are shown in Table 1.1, which lists the technologies examined in this book by category. One important characteristic for comparing systems is the roundtrip efficiency, which is a measure of the overall loss of electricity from storage in power-to-power systems. Other characteristics and metrics for comparing energy storage systems are discussed in Section 4.

Table 1.1

List of Energy Storage Technologies that are Examined in this Book, by Category


Pumped hydro
Ground-breaking energy storage (GBES)
Advance rail energy storage (ARES)
Compressed air energy storage (CAES)
Pumped hydro with compressed air
Liquid air energy storage (LAES)
Heat-pumped temperature difference


Sensible thermal energy storage
Latent heat storage
Solar ponds


Rechargeable batteries (e.g., lead–acid, lithium–ion, sodium–sulfur)
Flow batteries


Reversible endothermic chemical reactions
Large-scale hydrogen storage
Traditional energy storage (natural gas, oil, and coal)

3.1. Gravitational/Mechanical/Thermomechanical

The principal power-to-power energy storage technology in operation around the world is pumped hydroelectricity, in which excess electricity is used to pump water to a high reservoir where it is stored as gravitational potential energy (see chapter 2: Pumped Hydroelectric Storage). Pumped hydro can produce a high power output at short notice so is normally used to meet intraday peak demands. A roundtrip efficiency of 80% can be achieved but the number of suitable sites for building schemes is limited. A novel derivative of pumped hydro is ground-breaking energy storage (GBES), in which a large mass (e.g., a concrete disk) is raised or lowered hydraulically during electricity surpluses and deficits. The aim is to create a smaller, cheaper system than pumped hydro, which is not limited to a small number of available sites. Gravitational schemes using solid rather than liquid masses are also under development. These novel hydro schemes are discussed in chapter 3: Novel Hydroelectric Storage Concepts.
Advanced rail energy storage (ARES) uses surplus electricity to power a heavy electric train to a high elevation (seechapter 4: Advance Rail Energy Storage (ARES)). At times of high demand, the train is returned to the lower elevation and generates electricity on the way. The advantages of this technology are that there are no energy losses over time once the train has reached high elevation, and it is particularly suited for dry regions where little water is available and high evaporation would cause hydroelectric reservoir losses.
Mechanical storage converts surplus electricalenergy into potential or kinetic energy. The two principal commercial technologies are compressed air energy storage (CAES) and flywheel storage. CAES stores compressed air in constant volume or constant pressure storage vessels (see chapter 5: Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)). Storage mediums can include salt caverns, aquifers, or purpose-built pressure vessels. Underground storage (see chapter 6: Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) with Underground Storage) and undersea energy bags (see chapter 7: Underwater Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)) could be integrated with offshore wind generation. A novel hybrid energy storage system has been proposed that combines CAES and pumped hydro (see chapter 8: Pumped Hydro Combined with Compressed Air). The principal challenge for CAES is to conserve heat energy produced during compression in order to maximize roundtrip energy efficiency.
Novel thermomechanical storage technologies are under development with the aim of improving roundtrip energy efficiency by combining mechanical and thermal approaches. Liquid air energy storage (LAES), also known as cryogenic energy storage, is an alternative to CAES in which surplus electricity is used to cool air until it liquefies (see chapter 9: Liquid Air Energy Storage: (LAES)). The liquid air is stored in a tank and electricity is generated when required by warming the air until it expands into a gaseous state and turns a turbine. Since capacity and energy are decoupled, LAES is particularly suited to long-duration applications. Another thermomechanical scheme is heat-pumped temperature difference, which uses a reversible heat pump to store energy in the form of a temperature difference between two heat stores. For example, Isentropic have developed a system with a hot vessel storing thermal energy at high temperature and high pressure, and a cold vessel storing thermal energy at low temperature and low pressure [14]. Both vessels are filled with crushed rock or gravel, which acts as the heat storage medium. The whole system is filled with argon that is pumped between vessels if there are electricity surpluses or deficits, in a heat pump system, with a claimed roundtrip efficiency of up to 80%.
Flywheels use surplus electricity to accelerate a rotor to very high speeds and to maintain these speeds, maintaining the energy as rotational energy (see chapter 10: Flywheels). Rotational speed is reduced as energy is extracted from the system due to electricity generation. The principal challenge is to minimize friction losses in order to maximize roundtrip energy efficiency, so flywheels are most suited to short-duration applications.

3.2. Electrochemical

Rechargeable batteries are widely used in transport and electronic devices but have had limited deployment for grid-scale energy storage, with the 300 MW sodium–sulfur investment in Abu Dhabi a notable exception [15]. Common battery types include lead–acid, nickel–metal hydride, sodium–sulfur, and lithium–ion, and the latter is discussed in detail in chapter 11: Rechargeable Batteries. Larger megawatt-scale systems use banks of batteries arranged in racks, so cost reductions through economies of scale are lower than for gravitational and mechanical systems. Key issues for batteries are high capital costs, material availability, loss of charge when idle, and loss of capacity over time.
A flow battery is a type of rechargeable battery in which two chemical components are dissolved in liquids separated by a membrane. Ion exchange occurs across the membrane, meaning that the battery is similar to a fuel cell from a technical perspective. Flow batteries have longer durability than conventional batteries but reducing capital costs is a key challenge. Vanadium redox flow batteries are examined in chapter 12: The Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries.
Supercapacitors bridge the gap between conventional capacitors and rechargeable batteries. They use electrostatic double-layer capacitance that can hold up to 10 000 times the charge of a conventional solid dielectric capacitor, but they still have a much lower energy density than batteries. Supercapacitors are most appropriate for applications requiring many rapid charge/discharge cycles, for example, regenerative braking in vehicles or improving power quality for electric grids.

3.3. Thermal

Thermal storage involves the storage or removal of heat for later use. Sensible thermal energy storage heats or cools a liquid or solid storage medium, mostly commonly water (see chapter 15: Sensible Thermal Energy Storage: Diurnal and Seasonal). For example, many buildings have hot-water storage that could in the future be used as a sink for surplus renewable electricity. Larger storage tanks are often used to support district heat schemes. Large-scale seasonal heat storage has also been proposed, using purpose-built plants or aquifers; on long timescales, the rate of heat loss is an important determinant of the value of the plant.
Latent heat storage uses phase change materials to store heat through the reversible conversion from solid to liquid phases (see chapter 13: Phase Changes). The principal advantage of latent heat storage over sensible heat storage is that energy is stored at the temperature of the process application. A range of inorganic, organic, and bio-based materials have been developed with different characteristics.
Solar ponds are saltwater pools that act as solar thermal energy collectors (see chapter 14: Solar Ponds). Pond salinity prevents water from flowing from the bottom to the top of the pond, meaning that temperatures are much higher at the bottom of the pond and the trapped heat can be used for heating buildings or hot water, particularly in industry, or to drive a turbine or Stirling engine to generate electricity.

3.4. Chemical

Hydrogen is a potential storage vector. As a zero-carbon energy carrier, it could have a similar role in a low-carbon energy system to electricity, but has the key advantage that it is much easier and cheaper to store (see chapter 20: Large Scale Hydrogen Storage). Large underground cavern storage of hydrogen is one of the few low-carbon interseasonal energy storage solutions that could support electrification of heat demand [9,11,16]. Power-to-power systems have been proposed [17], with hydrogen produced by electrolysis (see chapter 16: Hydrogen from Water Electrolysis). Power-to-gas uses surplus electricity to produce hydrogen that is then injected into the natural gas network (see chapter 18: Power to Gas), using surplus power but not contributing to meeting deficits. The tight tolerance of gas appliances and the different characteristics of hydrogen compared with natural gas mean that it can only supply (1–6)% of the total gas by energy content [18]. This could be increased by methanating the hydrogen using waste CO2 from an industrial process, but at a cost and with an energy efficiency penalty. Otherwise, converting the gas networks to deliver hydrogen would avoid this issue [19]. Hydrogen could also provide flexible generation for peak energy demand, for example, by producing hydrogen from fossil fuels that is stored in salt caverns until required [20], but such a system would not utilize surplus power from renewables.
New materials are being developed that store heat using reversible endothermic chemical reactions (see chapter 17: Chemical Reactions (zeolites/water/ inorganic oxides)). Aluminosilicate minerals called “zeolites” absorb water in an endothermic reaction. The water is desorbed when the zeolite crystals are heated, and long-term losses of this stored heat are negligible as long as water is not present. Moreover, the energy density is higher than for sensible or latent heat storage.
With the exception of pumped hydroelectricity, most existing energy storage is in the form of fossil fuels (see chapter 19: Traditional Energy Storage: natural gas, oil and coal). Contemporary energy systems store precursors to electricity rather than building power-to-power storage. Coal can be piled while oil is cheap to store in reservoirs. Gas is generally stored in underground caverns or storage holders. All of these methods are cheaper than the other storage technologies discussed in this book.

4. Comparing storage systems

The numerous energy storage technologies reviewed above have a wide range of characteristics that affect their suitability for different roles in low-carbon energy systems. The International Energy Agency (IEA) [13] categorizes technologies according to the range of time periods over which their charge/discharge cycles can operate. Barton and Infield [21] similarly identify storage durations for contributions to the electricity system from 20 s to 4 months, with different technologies able to operate over different time periods. The key characteristics chosen by these studies to compare technologies are listed in Table 1.2, together with the characteristics chosen in a review of power-to-power systems by Luo et al. [22].

Table 1.2

Key Characteristics Used to Compare Energy Storage Technologies in Studies by the IEA [13], Barton and Infield [21], and Luo et al. [22]

Storage duration × × ×
Typical size × ×
Charge duration ×
Discharge duration × × ×
Cycles × ×
Response time × ×
Roundtrip efficiency × ×
Discharge efficiency ×
Daily self-discharge ×
Energy and power density ×
Specific energy and power ×
Maturity ×
Energy and power capital costs × ×
Operating and maintenance costs ×

This list of characteristics is by no means exhaustive. Numerous other metrics could be used to compare technologies, including minimum natural energy and power scales of a single device, optimum natural energy and power scales of a single device, nominal cost per unit energy and power at optimum scale, marginal cost per unit energy and power at optimum scale, lowest power slew rate at which performance degrades noticeably, and effective turnaround efficiency. Further metrics are required for specific technology types (e.g., operating temperature for latent heat storage) and for energy storage technologies that do not provide a power-to-power service.
The relative importance of each characteristic depends on the technology application. It is necessary to identify uncertainties in each parameter and to consider the relative importance of these uncertainties on technology performance and value. The studies examined in Table 1.2 provide a valuable comparison of technologies but there is still a need for a more exhaustive comparison using a wider range of metrics. The UK-funded Realising Energy Storage Technologies in Low-Carbon Energy Systems (RESTLESS) project is currently producing such a comparison.

5. Challenges for energy storage

Energy storage technologies are among the most complicated and least well–understood low-carbon technologies. They are arguably underresearched compared with other low-carbon technologies. For example, the Global Energy Assessment has little consideration of individual energy storage technologies, yet notes that, “providing integrated and affordable energy storage systems for modern energy carriers is … perhaps the largest and most perplexing part of the energy systems for a sustainable future that is needed for future economic security” [23].
As suggested by this statement, integrating storage into evolving energy systems is a key challenge that is not well understood, partly because there is currently no energy model that can fully represent the benefits of different types of energy storage across an energy system. There are a number of economic, social, and regulatory barriers to energy storage deployment. The capital costs of most energy storage technologies are thought to be too high to justify their deployment at present and there is a need for innovation to reduce these costs. Public acceptance of storage technologies is important but has received little investigation. There is a need to find the most appropriate roles for different storage technologies, based on the value that each technology offers and taking into consideration barriers to each technology. Finally, existing energy markets are not designed to realize the value of energy storage to the energy system and would need to be redesigned to reflect this value. These barriers are explored in this section.

5.1. Integrating Energy Storage into Low-Carbon Energy Systems

The potential importance of novel energy storage technologies for low-carbon energy systems is uncertain for several reasons. First, the optimal amount of storage depends on the amount of flexible generation in the overall electricity generation portfolio and the magnitude of demand peaks. While it is straightforward to show that storage has positive economic benefits for a very inflexible system, for example, [7], it is unlikely that such a portfolio of generation technologies would be intentionally constructed. Second, there are tradeoffs between energy storage and alternatives such as network reinforcement, including connections between national electricity systems, and demand-side management, as described in Section 2.2. Third, the number and diversity of novel energy storage technologies makes it challenging to identify their most appropriate roles in supporting different low-carbon electricity systems. Fourth, the role of storage could change if it is not viewed as being an independent system to the generation technology.

5.1.1. Generation-Integrated Energy Storage

For energy storage that is associated with supporting electricity generation, most assume that this is power-to-power storage that involves converting energy from electricity to some storable form and back again. However, there are two other broad categories. Generation-integrated energy storage (GIES) systems store energy before electricity is generated. Load-integrated energy storage (LIES) systems store energy (or some energy-based service) after electricity has been consumed (e.g., power-to-gas, with hydrogen stored prior to consumption for transport or another end-use). GIES systems have received little attention to date but could have a very important role in the future [24].
As mentioned in Section 1, most countries store precursors to electricity in the form of raw or processed hydrocarbons, whether in coal and biomass heaps or oil and gas reservoirs. These are examples of GIES technologies, and offer two general advantages over other storage systems:
There may be low (or even zero) marginal costs associated with the extra equipment or infrastructure required to enable energy to be put into storage.
There may be low (or even zero) marginal losses of energy associated with passing energy through storage.
Many instances of GIES systems are already in existence. All natural hydropower plant with a dam fall into the GIES category. Such plants accumulate energy in the form of gravitational potential energy of water; their energy stores are filled up as a result of rain but they can generate electricity when no rain is falling. It is conceivable that some new nuclear power stations could be equipped with thermal energy storage (as indicated in [25]) so that the reactors would run at a constant power rate, but electricity would be generated to match demand, and these nuclear power stations would be GIES systems. Fourth-generation high-temperature nuclear power plants could dissociate water directly into hydrogen and oxygen [26], and would also share this classification.
Selected concentrated solar power plants such as the Andasol and Gemasol plants [27] are equipped with thermal energy storage, enabling heat to be stored prior to its use in raising steam to drive electrical generators, and these are also GIES systems. Another arrangement for converting solar power into an immediately storable energy form involves photolysis, in which water is split using photons [28,29].
There are several mechanical renewable energy devices for harvesting wind, wave, and tidal power by directly compressing air. Some of these are discussed in chapter 5: Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) and all fall within the GIES aegis. Finally, there are several possible configurations of equipment that exploit the interaction between mechanical work and heat to integrate energy storage with devices that collect renewable energy directly [30,31]. Fig. 1.4 outlines a potential GIES system for wind generation.
Figure 1.4 Schematic of a GIES system suitable for wind generation [30].

5.1.2. Analyzing Energy Storage Integration Using Models

One method to better understand the relative benefits of different technologies is to compare them using a wide range of operational, economic, and environmental metrics, as described in Section 4, and this is undoubtedly important. Another is to compare a small number of technologies for a particular energy system, for example, [32]. But the most common method to understand how these technologies might be integrated into a low-carbon energy system is to explore scenarios using models. These can give insights over the transition to a low-carbon system about which technologies are most economically deployed, how the level of deployment might change over time, and where the technologies are best deployed. Several model paradigms can give useful insights:
Energy system models: market-based economic optimization models that represent all energy flows and GHG emissions in an economy and are used to examine how energy systems might evolve, at least cost, to meet long-term emission targets. Demands are specified for energy services and the contribution of individual fuels to meeting these is optimized, meaning that the demand for electricity evolves over time depending on the relative competitiveness of electricity generation against alternative energy vectors. This practically means that these models can compare different methods of balancing supply and demand (network reinforcement, energy storage, etc.) or can construct the energy system to minimize imbalances if all of these options are too expensive. For example, one storage option would be to use excess electrical generation to produce hydrogen for transport or heat for buildings, rather than deploying power-to-power storage. Energy system models can be used to compare all types of energy storage, on different timescales, but they tend to have low spatial and temporal resolution, meaning the need for and the value of energy storage is generally underestimated.
Electricity dispatch models: market-based electricity system models that calculate the merit order of electricity generation in a mixed portfolio to meet evolving demands. Electricity demands are fixed in each time period, meaning that in contrast to energy system models, dispatch models cannot consider options to change the electricity demand by using alternative energy vectors. Energy storage can be simulated by more advanced dispatch models, but principally grid-scale power-to-power storage. DSR has also been simulated, and simplistic network reinforcement can be investigated using multiregion dispatch models. The principal advantages of dispatch models over energy system models are, first, that the temporal resolution is much higher, typically 30 min. compared with 6 h, so supply/demand imbalances are better represented, and, second, that network reliability requirements such as loss of load can be set by the modeler.
Electricity network models: detailed spatial models of electricity transmission or distribution networks, to examine the performance of networks in meeting peak loads. These can provide detailed insights into the relative benefits of grid-scale energy storage and network reinforcement, and can be used to identify the most appropriate locations to deploy different energy storage technologies. Chapter 21: Network Integration and Smart Grids examines the integration of energy storage with transmission and distribution networks in smart grids.
Most energy storage integration studies have used only electricity dispatch models, considering grid-scale or very occasionally the wider electricity system shown in Fig. 1.3. Since these models do not consider the whole energy system, these studies necessarily exclude some storage options and make broad assumptions about electricity demand. Yet while energy system models do not have these drawbacks, their low temporal resolution causes them to underestimate the value of energy storage. Moreover, different energy storage technologies work at different scales and it is difficult to construct a model that can consider the relative benefits of in-house, distribution, and grid-scale storage. No single model is capable of holistically assessing the value of all energy storage technologies. There is a need for studies that combine these three types of model to understand the whole system shown in Fig. 1.3, which could then produce more credible scenarios for energy storage within the context of energy system transitions.

5.2. Innovation to Reduce Technology Costs

The Global Energy Assessment identifies affordability as a key challenge for energy storage systems [23]. Although most energy storage research is targeted at the technologies discussed in Section 3, they all currently have high costs per unit energy relative to existing energy storage and none are currently commercially competitive.
Innovation is required to reduce capital costs and improve the performance of key technologies, but the rate of technology cost reduction is generally related to the level of technology deployment [33], so the lack of an existing market is an impediment to energy storage having a wider role in the future. Moreover, as energy storage technologies are so numerous and so diverse, deployment rates could be low even as demand increases, particularly for larger devices, which could inhibit cost reduction. One promising niche area for early deployment of energy storage is in off-grid applications, where storage has a higher value for smaller, more constrained energy systems (see chapter 22: Off-Grid Energy Storage). Various types of energy storage are now being developed and deployed globally (see chapter 23: Energy Storage Worldwide). A particular source of innovation is likely to be China, which has a rapidly-evolving electricity system and strong investment in infrastructure and industrial development (see chapter 24: Energy Storage in China).

5.3. Public Acceptance

Public engagement with energy supply and demand technologies has been identified as a critical issue for the future deployment of innovative and low-carbon energy systems [34], but there is a dearth of knowledge on public attitudes toward energy storage technologies and the roles that they might have in future energy systems. There are difficult conceptual and methodological challenges to such research, including the need to integrate social science methods with appropriate technical descriptions of the technologies, in order to engage with people about technologies for which they may be unfamiliar. Deliberative methods have been used to achieve similar goals for other energy technologies [35] and a similar approach could be used to identify energy storage technologies that are fully responsive to societal views. Public acceptance is particularly important for in-house storage technologies (e.g., heat storage). Since network reinforcement and demand-side management are potential alternatives to energy storage, it would be useful to compare the societal views of these three approaches with balancing flows in the energy system.

5.4. Finding the Most Appropriate Roles for Energy Storage Technologies

The most appropriate roles for each energy storage technology depend foremost on the design of the electricity system, particularly the fraction of inflexible renewable and nuclear generation and the fraction of flexible peak generation. Other important factors include how the technologies are integrated with the electricity system from an engineering perspective, the value of each technology relative to the cost of deploying it, accounting for potential cost reductions in the future, and social acceptance of preferred technologies.
Identifying the most appropriate roles is therefore a difficult challenge. The integrated modeling approach in Section 5.1.2 could provide insights, if cost innovation and social barriers were incorporated into “integrated” scenarios. Yet other than pumped hydro, most technologies are currently at the demonstration stage and there are no broad guidelines available about the suitability of different technologies for particular situations. Some technologies have been tested at large scale (100–1000 MW), but the future performance of most technologies is not well understood. Novel approaches to integration are still under development, for example, the GIES systems discussed in Section 5.1.1. GIES systems tend to perform especially well when a high proportion of all energy passing through these systems also passes through their internal storage [24], so their utility again depends on the wider electricity system configuration. There is a need for R&D programs to further develop such novel approaches and to test a range of technologies at scale so their operating characteristics and costs can be better understood.
A key challenge for finding the most appropriate roles for energy storage is how to cope with future uncertainty, both in terms of the electricity system and the technologies themselves [36]. Roadmaps for energy storage are occasionally published, for example, [13], based on a long-term vision, but these do not generally consider uncertainties in the costs and the value of energy storage technologies, nor whether energy storage investments can be justified now to keep the option open for their use in the future. A real options approach could be used to assess the option value of energy storage in an uncertain future.

5.5. Adapting Energy Markets to Realize the Value of Energy Storage

Even if the value of energy storage could be demonstrated, the technologies would not currently be viable in most countries because their electricity markets are designed for incumbent systems in which supply is varied to meet demand. It would be necessary to adapt market regulation to reflect the technological, economic, and social value of energy storage to an energy system. Some countries have taken first steps in this direction, for example, through the development of an electricity capacity market in the United Kingdom. Chapter 25: Politics of Investing in Renewable Energy Systems examines the politics of investing in renewable energy systems.
As with many emerging technologies, there is a need for incentives to encourage energy innovation in the short term and also investments that reflect the long-term value of energy storage, through the design of both electricity markets and business models. One approach would be to provide incentives from capacity markets and feed-in tariffs in the short term to encourage the deployment of new technologies, and subsequent innovation. Some experimentation would likely be required to identify optimal market structures.
End-users could potentially reduce bills or offer balancing services to the electricity grid through storage provision or demand flexibility. This means that retail as well as wholesale markets could need to be adapted to enable the integration of energy storage at different scales, in order to reward end-users for the value of the balancing services that they provide to the electricity system. Other barriers, such as the deployment of suitable smart meters, might also need to be overcome.

6. Conclusions

Energy storage makes an important contribution to energy security. Most contemporary storage systems are based around fossil fuels but novel energy storage technologies could make an important contribution to future low-carbon energy systems, particularly in the event of heat and transport electrification or if intermittent renewables and other inflexible low-carbon technologies come to dominate electricity generation. Energy storage would be in competition with existing system control strategies, notably dispatchable generation and network reinforcement, as well as newer strategies such as DSR.
Numerous energy storage technologies have been proposed to store excess electricity, with electrical energy conversion to mechanical, thermal, gravitational, electrochemical, and chemical energy for storage. Pumped hydro is the only widely-used electricity storage technology at the moment. As storage technologies have a wide range of characteristics that affect their suitability for different roles in low-carbon energy systems, a series of energy storage metrics have been proposed by different studies for comparison purposes, but these are by no means comprehensive and there is still a need for a more exhaustive comparison using a wider range of metrics.
Energy storage technologies are complicated and poorly understood relative to most low-carbon technologies. Understanding how to integrate energy storage into low-carbon energy systems is a difficult challenge for several reasons. First, the proportion of inflexible generation in the electricity system affects the value of energy storage to the system; if the cost of energy storage were too high then the proportion of inflexible generation could be reduced. Second, existing energy system, dispatch, and network models are either not broad enough to examine all energy storage and alternative options, or have insufficient temporal resolution to realistically portray the need for and performance of storage technologies. This means that the optimum approaches to integrating novel energy storage technologies into low-carbon energy systems cannot be fully understood using existing models. Third, the costs of most energy storage technologies are currently too high. Innovation is required to reduce costs but the rate of cost reduction generally depends on the level of technology deployment. Fourth, there is a dearth of knowledge on public attitudes toward energy storage technologies that could be particularly important for decentralized systems, particularly in-house systems. Finally, even if the long-term value of energy storage could be demonstrated, existing electricity markets are designed for incumbent systems and market regulation would need to be adapted to reflect the technological, economic, and social value of energy storage to an energy system.
A whole energy system approach to energy storage is necessary to fully understand how different technologies might contribute as innovation reduces costs during transitions toward low-carbon energy systems. Studies have shown that the value of energy storage in some electricity system configurations is substantial. It is likely that the economic value of the difference between good and bad policy decisions relating to the role of energy storage in the transition to low-carbon generation is in the order of billions of dollars. Further R&D and a better understanding of the integration of these technologies is vital to provide information to underpin future market design and regulation to realize the value of energy storage.


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