Chapter 23

Energy Storage Worldwide

Trevor Sweetnam
Catalina Spataru    Energy Institute, University College London, United Kingdom


Will energy storage in Japan be an important aspect of a future energy system where renewable generation makes up a large proportion of a country’s energy supply? The chapter examines the barriers to storage development and takes three examples that have taken different, but successful, approaches to the development of storage. Some clear common issues emerge between successful countries: the need for a clear strategic framework; the need to support development with a demonstration that encourages early commercialization of storage technologies; and the opening up of markets to allow storage operators to capture all of the value delivered to the grid.


worldwide energy storage
energy storage (USA)
energy storage (Japan)
energy storage (Germany)

1. Introduction: the energy storage challenge

As the proportion of electricity supply derived from renewable sources with variable and uncontrollable output increases the storage of energy will become necessary to balance supply and demand. Energy storage is important for maintaining grid flexibility and grid stability, and is an important enabler of smart energy systems where all of the energy vectors and end uses within a society are linked, allowing the whole energy system to be optimized [1].
Energy storage within electricity systems is not a new concept, indeed pumped hydroelectric storage (PHES) has been used for bulk energy storage worldwide since before the advent of the “smart grid” and is an essential tool in managing the supply–demand balance. PHES currently accounts for almost 99% of worldwide storage; however, the construction of PHES stations is extremely large in scale involving disruptive engineering programs. Furthermore, suitable sites are limited in number and the planning and approval of new plants is a protracted process. Therefore, grid operators are increasingly seeking alternative forms of energy storage recognizing their advantages in terms of speed of deployment, flexibility of siting, and ability to manage macro- and micro-level grid issues and so on.
For alternative forms of storage to reach maturity, correct support structures are required. The chapter aims to move the debate on the development of energy storage forward by focusing and comparing the efforts of some of the leading nations. It begins with a general discussion of the barriers to energy storage development, followed by a discussion on developments in Japan, the United States, and Germany. Finally, we draw together some general lessons that may help to drive forward the development of energy storage.

2. Barriers to development and deployment

Barriers to the development and deployment of alternative energy storage technologies can be grouped into three principal categories: technological, market and regulatory, and strategic.
At the technological level there are a number of barriers to deployment:
Capacity. There is a need to increase the power and energy capacity of existing technologies as well as increasing their efficiency. This is not a simple task and in some cases requires the development of new materials and industrial processes. New battery technology, for example, can take 20 years to move from the laboratory to the market place [2].
Deployability. For market penetration to grow technologies need to be made easier to deploy or new technologies must be made more compact. For example, there is a need to increase deployability at the small, decentralized scale; this is presently taking place in the field of battery technology where new packaged units are being brought to market for domestic applications [3]. At the other end of the market “containerised” battery units are now available [4].
Cost. Cost is a major factor that needs to be addressed partly by development and partly by economies of scale and learning by doing.
There are also a number of market and regulatory issues that need to be addressed:
Appropriate market signals are required to incentivize the building of storage capacity and the provision of storage services. This may involve providing short-term support that helps new entrants to compete and drive economies of scale.
The true value of storage must be recognized. This means creating the process through which investors in storage can be rewarded for all the technical benefits that a unit delivers, for example, alleviating local constraints, managing grid frequency, and taking advantage of price fluctuations in the wholesale market [4].
Finally, a strategic framework is needed to allow for support to be deployed in a systematic way that bridges the technical, regulatory market, and political aspects of storage development.
The steps that three successful nations have taken in overcoming these barriers is discussed in the following section.

3. Case studies

3.1. The Situation in Japan

In Japan 15% of electricity is cycled through storage facilities [5]. While investment in the development of energy storage is small compared with Japan’s investment in developing nuclear power the Japanese have an excellent record in spearheading technological trends in energy storage [6]. Since the Fukishima disaster, Japan has been facing particular constraints relating to the management of its grid, and storage has the potential to alleviate these issues.
Japan has been particularly strong in the area of battery storage with over 200 utility-scale sodium–sulfur (NaS) battery units operational and linked to the electricity grid [7]. There are also examples of the application of superconducting magnetic energy storage systems to curb instantaneous voltage drops caused by industrial units—this being a very new and specialized application of storage technology.
Continuous investment in battery development has led to battery storage technologies achieving a commercially stable level in Japan. Battery development has been driven by very specific technical performance (measured as power and energy densities) and cost targets set by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) supported by five focused research and development programs.
METI has targeted a fivefold increase in energy density with 2.5 times current power density and a 95% cost reduction by 2030 [8]. To achieve these targets a series of research programs has been supported by METI in recent years. These have focused on:
the development of lithium-ion batteries suitable for electric and hybrid vehicles;
the development of large-scale stationary batteries for renewable energy integration using alternative battery chemistries;
the development of small-scale batteries for energy management at the level of the individual home; and
the development of new-generation battery technologies and materials.
As well as supporting battery R&D the Japanese have also used subsidies to support stationary lithium-ion battery storage, effectively reducing the cost of batteries for residential consumers by a third. This program is designed to support residential feed-in tariffs for solar generation while demonstration projects by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) focus on grid-scale applications. Japan has also run large programs to demonstrate residential fuel cells in an effort to drive down prices. Although the investment in battery and fuel cell technologies is significant, far more support has been given to research in the nuclear sector.

3.2. The Situation in the United States

The electricity sector in the United States is made up of a number of regional networks, each of which has individual drivers for energy storage. In California, for example, energy storage is used to deal with large peaks in PV generation and electricity demand to insure security of supply is maintained. Energy storage on the US grid totals approximately 23 GW with over 95% provided by PHES. This represents 18% of world storage making the United States a world leader.
The United States is arguably the most proactive country in terms of energy storage, and this is reflected in the intentions shown by US policy makers and the applications for new storage technologies. The US Department of Energy (DOE) had launched its Energy Storage Technology Program in 2009 primarily funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) [9]. One primary objective was to improve the US electricity grid’s flexibility, economic competitiveness, and the network’s overall reliability and robustness. The DOE’s aim is for energy storage technologies to make the transition from being an area of research to an attractive commercial proposition as quickly as possible. This industry is estimated to be worth between $(2–4) billion over the coming 20 years [10].
In the period up to 2010, ARRA provided $185 million in support for demonstration projects, valued at a total of $772 million. These demonstration projects addressed a range of areas including the use of battery storage for balancing wind generation and frequency regulation, as well as compressed air storage and other storage technologies.
In addition to ARRA the DOE further supports energy storage development via the Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy (ARPA-E) program. ARPA-E provides support in four main areas:
Advanced management and protection of energy storage devices (AMPED)
Batteries for electrical energy storage in transportation (BEEST)
Grid-scale rampable intermittent dispatchable storage (GRIDS)
High-energy advanced thermal storage (HEATS).
GRIDS alone provided over $55 million in project funding for fiscal year 2010–11 [9]. The inclusion of advanced thermal storage in the ARPA-E portfolio is interesting, and a number of demonstration projects using ice thermal storage, mostly in universities and schools [11], have been carried out.
In tandem with national government activities such as DOE’s Energy Storage Program, state governments have played a prominent role with their own activities. In California, several legislative mandates form the basis of which policies regarding energy storage are built upon. For example, the AB2514 statute requires publicly owned utilities to determine appropriate targets to procure energy storage systems by Dec. 31, 2016 [12]. This indirectly creates a regulatory focus for public utilities and sets the way to build an energy storage market in California.
Another driver behind the expanded deployment of energy storage in California is the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). Under Senate Bill 107, California’s investor-owned utilities were required to procure 20% of their electricity from renewable resources by 2010. The target was later increased to 33% by Dec. 2020. To achieve this the new law requires that utilities establish appropriate procurement targets to meet the 33% goal and be retained in subsequent years. The implication for energy storage is that the bill also requires investor-owned utilities to integrate renewable energy resources to the grid in a manner that would require the least additional transmission facilities [12].
The policy framework in California is only one of many examples that are set out to accommodate more energy storage deployment. In Texas, for example, Senate Bill 943 classifies specific energy storage equipment or facilities as generation assets, which directly means that these facilities are eligible to be interconnected to the grid, obtain transmission service, and sell electricity to the wholesale market. Judging by SNL’s project map, California is arguably the leading state along with New York in terms of energy storage development.
Moves are also being made in the United States to make the market more supportive of storage by providing more recognition of its true value. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the governmental agency that oversees the entire electricity market, realizing the importance of energy storage as a ramping source, has amended compensation practices for frequency regulation services and rewarded market operators based on their energy-ramping performances [9].

3.3. The Situation in Germany

The German government has invested heavily in renewable energy, particularly in residential solar PV but also in wind energy. These schemes have been so successful that excess generation is now a concern. In addition, Germany’s abandonment of nuclear power after the Fukushima incident has caused further concerns regarding security of supply. To increase Germany’s share of renewables, energy storage is seen as a means of eliminating flexible generation [13].
The first focus of German policy has been the expansion of pumped storage, with approximately 4.7 GW of new projects recently announced. To push forward the PHES vision the German Energy Act (EnWG) have offered exemptions to bulk storage facilities from grid access tariffs. This applies to any newly built storage or refurbished PHES scheme. EnWG has also brought moves to insure the eligibility of storage systems connection to the grid. The grid codes do not have any special requirements for storage systems to be connected to the grid, but the storage system must be able to meet the load as well as the generation requirement depending on its operation mode [14]. Evidently, large-scale, centralized energy storage is EnWG’s immediate focus. Germany is fortunate that some of its neighbors—not least Norway and Sweden—have immense PHES resources that can be accessed with increased interconnections [13].
Compressed air energy storage (CAES) and advanced adiabatic CAES (AA-CAES) are the second area of focus. Although only one plant (in Huntdorf) is currently operational, salt caverns are being scoured out. and caverns that are currently used to store natural gas may provide further opportunities. Meanwhile an AA-CAES plant that requires no fossil fuel consumption during the gas expansion phase is under development in Saxony-Anhalt. Commercializing power-to-gas is a further area of focus, providing the potential to compensate for long periods of low wind output and seasonal variations in output and demand [13].
The German Renewable Sources Act (EEG) has also introduced a premium payment for residential PV producers with the condition that excess solar energy generated is consumed locally without being injected into the distribution grid [15]. The German government has also provided support for domestic energy storage to encourage self-consumption of solar generation (systems less than 30 kW at peak times). This scheme is a collaboration between the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the state-owned KfW bank and provides soft loans and cash incentives (c. 30%) for battery purchases. Germany is aiming to lead the domestic storage market with a capacity of 2 GW h [16].

4. Lessons for the development of storage

A range of approaches can be seen within the three countries studied. Each has differing requirements for storage and each has brought forward a range of programs to support the storage technologies that respond to these requirements.

4.1. Overcoming Technological Barriers

Japan’s approach could be seen as “battery centric,” and it has been highly effective at targeting and achieving specific technical performance improvements. The United States has taken a less technology-specific approach, and has focused primarily on bringing technologies to the stage where they are ready for private investment. Germany’s approach is to develop a number of technologies, and proven storage technologies are being developed to meet short-term aims while a suite of approaches across multiple scales is under development to meet longer term goals.

4.2. Market and Regulatory Developments

Regulatory frameworks should aim to create an level playing field for cross-border trading of electricity storage. They need to provide clear rules and responsibilities concerning technical modalities and financial conditions for energy storage. They must address barriers preventing the integration of storage into markets. The frameworks should be technology neutral, insuring fair competition between different technological solutions.
The development of a low-carbon electricity system, as set out in the EU 2050 roadmap, requires member states to work together to develop technologies, drive the necessary investments, and harmonize the different rules across the European energy markets.
Decisions to invest in the development of storage and the deployment of adequate capacity will depend on the evolution of the whole energy system. They are closely linked to other developments such as electricity superhighways together with large-scale deployment of renewable generation in the North Sea and North Africa, the growth of electric vehicles, and improvements to demand-side management.
The most important focus for regulatory reform is to break down the barriers to storage, capturing its true value to the grid. The business model for storage is often dependent on its ability to act in response to fluctuating wholesale market prices; managing system frequency; providing reactive power control; and relieving local constraints. In many jurisdictions there is a need to separate supply chain functions. For example, system operation and distribution network management mean that a storage operator has to deal with multiple market actors with conflicting concerns to secure a revenue stream.
Within Europe, balancing products are only exchangeable cross-border among member states to a very limited extent. Improved market conditions and regulations agreed at the EU level could spur a massive effort in technology development. The EU has suitable instruments, for example, the RTD framework programme, Horizon 2020, and the strategic energy plan, which have the potential to drive forward the storage agenda.

4.3. Strategic Framework

As mentioned previously, the strategic framework in each of the countries we have addressed responds to specific issues being faced by their respective energy sectors. The important similarity between these three leading countries is the presence of a strategic framework. This is the vital first step for the development of a storage market in any country.
Governments are rarely disposed to “picking winners” in terms of technologies or businesses. However, we consider that a successful strategic framework should clearly define the storage needs in terms of functionality (energy and power capacity, ramp rates, etc.). From this starting point the necessary support in terms of R&D funding and regulatory reform can be designed.

5. Conclusions

Having completed our examination of ongoing storage development in Japan, the United States, and Germany we can suggest the following steps to develop a thriving storage industry:
1. Put a strategic framework in place that defines the technical requirements for storage. The German case is a good example of a strategy that clearly defines short-term and long-term technology mixes across scales.
2. Define clear performance targets for R&D activity as the Japanese have done with batteries.
3. Work across scales to deliver a range of technologies from large centralized plants and highly distributed forms of storage.
4. Work across energy vectors; often the most effective forms of storage involve supplying energy across vectors, for example, ice storage.
5. Put in place market frameworks that allow storage, with its unique technical capabilities, to capture value across the energy supply chain. The question is whether this is better achieved by regulation or deregulation?
6. Aim for early commercial adoption so that development and commercial deployment is delivered by markets as early as possible, as the DOE is demonstrating.
Energy storage is sure to be a vital component of a future energy system where unpredictable generation is growing. The mix of technologies will be determined by the particulars of any energy system and is likely to involve a mix of scales and a mix of technologies including demand response.
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