Chapter 24

Storing Energy in China—An Overview

Haisheng Chen
Yujie Xu
Chang Liu
Fengjuan He
Shan Hu    Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China


The research and development of electrical energy storage technologies for stationary applications in China is reviewed. Particular attention is paid to pumped hydroelectric storage, compressed air, flywheel, lead–acid battery, sodium–sulfur battery, lithium-ion battery, and flow battery energy storage. Research and development into electrical energy storage has experienced fast and fruitful development over the past (10–15) years in China, and by all accounts electrical energy storage has a bright future in China.


overview electrical energy storage in China

1. Introduction

Electrical energy storage (EES) refers to a process of converting electrical energy from a power network into a form that can be stored for converting back to electrical energy when needed [13]. Such a process enables electricity to be produced at times of either low demand, low generation cost, or from intermittent energy sources and to be used at times of high demand, high generation cost, or when no other generation is available [15]. EES has numerous applications including portable devices (mobile phones, laptops, toys, personal stereos, etc.), transport vehicles (electrical vehicles, yachts, autocycles, trains, etc.), and stationary energy resources [19]. This chapter concentrates on EES systems for stationary applications such as power generation, distribution and transition network, distributed energy resource, renewable energy, and industrial and commercial customers.
EES is currently enjoying somewhat of a renaissance, for a variety of reasons including changes in the worldwide utility regulatory environment; ever-increasing reliance on electricity in industry, commerce, and the home; power quality/quality-of-supply issues; the growth of renewables as a major new source of electricity supply; and all of these combined with ever increasing stringent environmental requirements [3,4,6]. These factors, combined with the rapidly accelerating rate of technological development in many emerging EES systems, with anticipated unit cost reductions, now make their practical application look very attractive on future timescales of only a few years. The governments of the United States [1,2,9,1315], the European Union [3,6,10], Japan [10,16], and Australia [4] all have announced national programs on EES since the late 1990s. The anticipated storage level will boost energy by between (10–15)% in the United States and in European countries, and even higher in Japan in the near future [4,10] (as of 2015).
Although started later than other developed countries mentioned above, China has achieved much progress in research and application of EES. This chapter aims to review the current status of EES in China on both aspects of technology and development. As this book demonstrates, there are over 10 types of EES technologies in usage or under development at the present time. These include pumped hydroelectric storage (PHES) [11,12,17], compressed air energy storage (CAES) [1822], flywheels [13,16,33,34], lead–acid batteries [2327], lithium–ion batteries, sodium–sulfur batteries, flow batteries [3,4,6,13], fuel cells [24,28], solar fuel [4,29], superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) [3032], cryogenic energy storage [3343], and capacitor and supercapacitor storage [4,16]. Currently in China the first seven types of technologies have been in use, as large-scale, megawatt-scale facilities or as demonstration facilities. This chapter will focus on these seven types of EES technologies.
The chapter will include a discussion on the imperativeness and applications of EES technologies; technical characteristics, research, deployment, and the status of development of EES systems; and the prospects for EES technologies in China.

2. Imperativeness and applications

EES is urgently needed by the conventional electricity generation industry [17] all over the world. Unlike any other successful commodities markets, conventional electricity generation industries have at present little or no storage component. Electricity transmission and distribution systems are operated for simple one-way transportation from remote and large power plants to consumers. This means that electricity must always be used precisely when it is produced. However, the demand for electricity varies considerably, daily and seasonally, and the maximum demand may only last for a few hours each day. This leads to inefficient, overdesigned, and expensive plants. In 2014 in China the average capacity utilization rate of power generation was only 49.8% and the average capacity utilization rate was below 55%. EES allows energy production to be decoupled from its supply. By having large-scale electricity storage capacity available (as shown in Fig. 24.1), system planners would need to build only sufficient generating capacity to meet average electrical demand rather than peak demands [13]. Therefore, EES can provide substantial benefits including load following, peaking power, and standby reserve. Moreover, by providing spinning reserve and dispatched load, EES can increase the net efficiency of thermal power sources while reducing harmful emissions [4446].
Figure 24.1 Load profile of a large-scale electricity storage system [1]
More importantly, EES systems are critical to intermittent renewable energy supply systems [27,4953] such as solar photovoltaics and wind turbines. The penetration of renewable resources may displace significant amounts of energy produced by large conventional plant. It is expected that renewable energy will supply 16% of total electricity in China by year 2020. However, intermittency and noncontrollability are inherent characteristics of renewable energy-based electricity generation systems. Such disadvantages have become major hurdles to the extensive use of renewable energy. In 2014 in China the abandoned wind power ratio was 8.8% due to its intermittency and noncontrollability. A suitable EES could obviously provide an essential solution [51] in dealing with the intermittency of renewable sources and the unpredictability of their output as the surplus could be stored during periods when intermittent generation exceeds demand and then be used to cover periods when the load is greater than the generation.
Furthermore, EES is regarded as an imperative technology for the distributed energy resource (DER) system [27,32,4749] in the near future. Deferred from the conventional power system, which has large, centralized units, DERs are usually installed at the distribution level, close to the place of utilization, and generate power typically in a small range from a few kilowatts to a few megawatts [47]. DER is regarded as a sustainable, efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional energy systems [47,48]. The energy resource system is undergoing a change to be a mixture of centralized and distributed subsystems with higher and higher penetration of DERs [48]. However, more drastic load fluctuation and emergent voltage drop are anticipated in DER systems due to smaller capacity and higher possibility of line faults than the conventional power system. EES is identified as a key solution to compensate for power flexibility and provide uninterruptible power supply in cases of instantaneous voltage drop for such distributed energy networks. It is expected that the installed capacity of DERs in China will be 50 GW in 2020 with about 10%, that is, 5 GW, being EES.

3. Technical and development status

3.1. Pumped Hydroelectric Storage

PHES is the most widely implemented large-scale form of EES. A PHES facility normally consists of (1) two reservoirs located at different elevations, (2) a system to pump water to the higher elevation, and (3) a turbine system to generate electricity when water is released to return to the lower reservoir.
The principle of PHES is that hydraulic potential energy is stored by pumping water from a lower reservoir to an elevated reservoir. During periods of high electricity demand, water is extracted through a turbine generator in a manner similar to traditional hydroelectric facilities. The amount of stored energy is proportional to the height difference between the two reservoirs and the volume of water stored. Some high-dam hydro plants have a storage capability and can be used as a PHES facility. Underground pumped storage, using flooded mineshafts or other cavities, are also technically possible. Open sea can also be used as the lower reservoir. A seawater pumped hydro plant was first built in Japan in 1999 (Yanbaru, 30 MW) [10].
PHES is a mature technology with large-volume, long storage period, high–efficiency, and a relatively low capital cost per unit energy. Owing to relatively small evaporation and penetration the storage period of PHES can be very long—typically hours to days and even up to years. Taking into account evaporation losses from the exposed water surface and conversion losses, c. (71–85)% of the electrical energy used to pump water into the elevated reservoir can be regained. The typical rating of PHES is about 1 GW [(100–3000) MW] and facilities continue to be installed worldwide at a rate of up to 5 GW a–1 (5000 MW per year). The rating of PHES is the highest of all the available EES systems. As a consequence, PHES is generally used for energy management, frequency control, and provision of reserve. According to data from an International Energy Agency (IEA) report in 2014 [54] the global installed capacity of PHES is about 140 GW which amounts to 99% of the total capacity of EES.
The major drawback of PHES is the scarcity of available sites for two large reservoirs and one or two dams. A long lead time (typically about 10 years); high costs (typically hundred millions to billions of US dollars) for construction; and environmental issues, (e.g., removing trees and vegetation from the large amounts of land prior to the reservoir being flooded) [45,46], are three other major constraints in the deployment of PHES.
Pump hydro is also widely used in China for peak shaving, peak loading, energy management, and renewable energy electricity. It now has the largest installed capacity in China over the other EES systems. The first commercial pump hydro in China was the Gangnan plant in Hebei province which was in operation in 1968 with a capacity of 11 MW. Up to 2014 the amount of stored energy in Chinese pumped hydro stations was about 22.1 GW, which is 99.2% of total installed capacity of EES. This amounts to about 1.7% of total generation capacity in China. Table 24.1 lists all the pumped hydro stations in operation in China. Total installed capacity is now third in the world (behind Japan and the United States). However, most of the stations are located in the southeast of China due to geological restrictions [1]. As a result other EES technologies are urgently needed in China.

Table 24.1

Pump Hydro Projects in China

Project name System description/MW Rated capacity/MW In operation/MW Under construction/MW
Shisanling 4 × 200 800 800
Panjiakou 3 × 90 270 270
Taishan 4 × 250 1 000 1 000
Zhanghewan 4 × 250 1 000 1 000
Miyun 2 × 11 22 22
Gangnan 1 × 11 11 11
Xilongchi 4 × 300 1 200 1 200
Fengning 6 × 300 1 800 1 800
Huhhot 4 × 300 1 200 600 600
Tianhuangping 6 × 300 1 800 1 800
Dongbai 4 × 300 1 200 1 200
Xianghongdian 2 × 40 80 80
Yixing 4 × 250 1 000 1 000
Langyashan 4 × 150 600 600
Shahe 2 × 50 100 100
Xikou 2 × 40 80 80
Xianyou 4 × 300 1 200 1 200
Xiangshuijian 4 × 250 1 000 1 000
Liyang 1 500 1 500
Xianju 4 × 375 1 500 1 500
Jixi 6 × 300 1 800 1 800
Huilong 2 × 60 120 120
Tiantang 2 × 35 70 70
Baoquan 4 × 300 1 200 1 200
Lianxu 4 × 300 1 200 1 200
Hongping 4 × 300 1 200 1 200
Heimifeng 4 × 300 1 200 1 200
Baishan 2 × 150 300 300
Pushihe 4 × 300 1 200 1 200
Huanggou 4 × 300 1 200 1 200
Dunhua 4 × 350 1 400 1 400
Yangzuoyong 90 90
Guangxu 8 × 300 2 400 2 400
Huixu 8 × 300 2 400 2 400
Qingyuan 4 × 320 1 280 1 280
Shenzhen 4 × 300 1 200 1 200
Qiongzhong 3 × 200 600 6 000
Total 36 223 22 143 14 080

3.2. Compressed Air Energy Storage

CAES is the only other commercially available technology (besides PHES) able to provide the energy (above 100 MW in a single unit) needed for large-scale energy storage. A CAES system involves aboveground and underground components that combine man-made technology and natural geological formations to accept, store, and dispatch energy through a series of thermodynamic cycles.
The major components of a CAES installation include five aboveground and one underground components:
1. A motor/generator that employs clutches to provide for alternate engagement to the compressor or turbine trains.
2. An air compressor that may require two or more stages, intercoolers, and aftercoolers, to achieve economy of compression and reduce the moisture content of compressed air.
3. A turbine train containing both high- and low-pressure turbines.
4. Equipment controls for operating the combustion turbine, compressor, and auxiliaries and to regulate and control changeover from generation mode to storage mode.
5. Auxiliary equipment consisting of fuel storage and handling, and mechanical and electrical systems for various heat exchangers required to support the operation of the facility.
6. An underground component which is mainly the cavity used for the storage of compressed air. The storage cavity can potentially be developed from any of three different categories of geological formations: underground rock caverns created by excavating comparatively hard and impervious rock formations; salt caverns created by solution- or dry-mining of salt formations; and porous media reservoirs made by water-bearing aquifers or depleted gas or oil fields (e.g., sandstone, fissured limestone). Aquifers in particular can be very attractive as storage media because the compressed air will displace water, setting up a constant pressure storage system while the pressure in the alternative systems will vary when adding or releasing air.
The principle of CAES is based on conventional gas turbine generation. CAES decouples the compression and expansion cycle of a conventional gas turbine into two separate processes and stores the energy in the form of elastic potential energy of compressed air. At times of low demand, energy is stored by compressing air in an air-tight space. To extract the stored energy, compressed air is drawn from the storage vessel, heated, and then expanded through a high-pressure turbine, which captures some of the energy in the compressed air. The air is then mixed with fuel and combusted with the exhaust gas expanded through a low-pressure turbine. Both the high- and low-pressure turbines are connected to a generator to produce electricity.
CAES has a relatively long storage period, low capital costs, and high efficiency. Typical ratings for a CAES system are in the range (50–300) MW, and currently manufacturers can create CAES machinery for facilities ranging from (1–350) MW. The rating is much higher than for storage technologies other than PHES. The storage period is also longer than for other storage methods since the losses are very small; a CAES system can be used to store energy for more than a year. A typical value of storage efficiency of CAES is in the range (40–75)%. Capital costs for CAES facilities vary depending on the type of underground storage but are typically in the range ($300–660) kW–1.
Similar to the situation with PHES, the major barrier to implementation of CAES is the reliance on favorable geological structures, and CAES is only economically feasible for power plants that are near to rock mines, salt caverns, aquifers, or depleted gas fields. In addition, in comparison with PHES facilities and other currently available energy storage systems, CAES is not an independent system, and each facility must be linked to a gas turbine plant. It cannot be used in conjunction with other types of power plants such as coal-fired, nuclear, wind turbine, or solar photovoltaic plants. More importantly, the combustion of fossil fuel leads to emission of contaminates such as nitrogen oxides and carbon oxides which render CAES less attractive [19,45,46]. Many improved CAES systems are proposed or under investigation, eg, small-scale CAES systems with fabricated small vessels; advanced adiabatic CAES (AA-CAES) systems with thermal energy storage (TES) [19,21]; and compressed air storage with humidification (CASH) [13,20].
Although CAES is a mature, commercially available energy storage technology, there are only two operating CAES systems in the world. One is in Huntorf (Germany), the other is in McIntosh, Alabama (United States). Currently in China, CAES is still under research and development and there is no CAES station in commercial operation. The largest CAES station is the 1.5 W demonstration project at the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics (Chinese Academy of Sciences) (IET-CAS), Beijing, and a 10 W project which is under construction at the same institute. Table 24.2 lists the CAES projects in China. The institutions working on CAES include Zhejiang University, Shandong University, Tsinghua University, IET-CAS, and the Datang Power Company. Among the projects, Shandong University, IET-CAS, and Datang Power Company have been supported by national high-tech programs. The project conducted by Datang Power Company has now been terminated due to lack of an air-tight cavern. Scientists at IET-CAS are also working on two 1.5 MW scale projects for industrial users; these two projects are not listed in Table 24.2 as they are only at the design stage.

Table 24.2

Compressed Air Energy Storage System in China

Project name System description Rated capacity Status
Institute of Engineering Thermophysics (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Advanced CAES based on supercritical air 1.5 MW Demonstration
Institute of Engineering Thermophysics (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Advanced CAES based on supercritical air 10 MW Under construction
Zhejiang University CAES for automobiles ∼10 kW Finished
Sandong University CAES with screw turbine ∼20 kW Demonstration
Tsinghua University CAES without combustion 500 kW Demonstration
Datang Power Company Conventional CAES 200 MW Terminated

3.3. Flywheel Energy Storage

Flywheels have been used for thousands of years to store energy. Energy is stored through the angular momentum of a spinning mass. During charge the flywheel is spun by a motor driven by electrical energy; during discharge the same motor acts as a generator, producing electricity from the rotational energy of the flywheel. The energy of a flywheel system is dependent on the size and speed of the rotor, and the power rating is dependent on the motor/generator.
A flywheel storage device consists of the following components:
1. A flywheel that spins at a very high velocity to achieve maximum storage of rotational kinetic energy within given constraints.
2. A containment system that provides a high vacuum environment of between (10–1–10–5) Pa [(between 10–6–10–8) atmosphere pressure] to minimize friction losses and protect the rotor assembly from external disturbances. The containment system can also absorb the energy of the exploding rotor and contain the debris within a defined volume envelope in a failure situation.
3. Bearing assemblies which provide a very low loss support mechanism for the flywheel rotor.
4. A power conversion and control system which is an integrated electrical apparatus that can operate either as a motor to turn the flywheel or as a generator to produce electrical power on demand using the energy stored in the flywheel.
The major advantage of the flywheel is the capability of several hundred thousand full charge–discharge cycles [1] which provides a much better lifecycle than many other EES systems. The efficiency of flywheels is high and typically in the range (90–95)%. Their application is principally high power/short duration, (e.g., 100 s of a kilowatt every 10 s). The most common power quality application is to provide a ride through of interruptions up to 15 s long or to bridge the shift from one power source to another. Such systems may often be implemented in a hybrid configuration with standby generators (e.g., diesel generators). Flywheels have also been used for demand reduction and energy recovery in electrically powered mass transit systems. Megawatt flywheels can also be used for reactive power support, spinning reserve, and voltage regulation by power quality–sensitive customers such as communications facilities and computer server centers; the duration could be up to tens of minutes using a magnetic levitation bearing. Urenco Power Technologies (UPT) has recently demonstrated the application of flywheels to the smoothing of the output of wind turbine systems and the associated stabilization of small-scale island power supply networks. The rail traction industry represents another significant and high added value application for flywheel storage, particularly for trackside voltage support. Such an application could well represent a significant growth area in the years ahead, with the prevalence of increasing numbers of larger and heavier trains being imposed on existing infrastructures.
Compared with other EES systems the major disadvantages of the flywheel system are short duration, relatively high frictional loss (windage), and low energy density which restrict the use of flywheel systems. Much of the current research and developmental effort in relation to flywheel energy storage systems is directed toward high-speed composite machines, running at 10 000 rpm and utilizing fabric composite materials technology [39]. Units have already been supplied on a commercial basis by UPT, and further systems are being developed by AFS-Trinity, Beacon Power, Piller, and others. The largest project in the world is the Stephentown Advanced Energy Storage project located in Stephentown, New York (United States). The project was constructed by Beacon Power and its scale is 20 MW/5 MW h with an efficiency of 97% for frequency regulation or a roundtrip efficiency of 85% for an overall charge/discharge cycle.
China started research and development into flywheels during the 1980s when the Institute of Electrical Engineering (Chinese Academy of Sciences) investigated a 10 kW prototype with a capacity of 10 W h and rotating speeds of (66–133) Hz (4000–8000) rpm. In China work on flywheels is currently being conducted at the Institute of Electrical Engineering (Chinese Academy of Sciences); Tsinghua University; Harbin Engineering University; Beihang University; China Electric Power Research Institute; and the Ying-Li Company. In 2008 the first flywheel system for industrial application was supplied by the China Electric Power Research Institute, which was installed in a hospital in Beijing with a capacity of 250 kW/15 s. Zhengjiang University and Harbin Engineering University have announced prototypes with power capacity in the region of 100 kW. Tsinghua University is now working on a high-speed system with rotation speeds of 300 Hz (18 000 rpm) and a capacity of 100 kW per unit. A 1 MW array system is under investigation by Tsinghua University which expects to install a demonstration system within 3 years. Table 24.3 gives a summary of current flywheel projects in China.

Table 24.3

Flywheel Projects in China

Project name System description Rated capacity Status
China Electric Power Research Institute Unit 250 kW/15 s Completed
Institute of Electrical Engineering (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Unit 10 kW/10 W h Completed
Zhejiang University Unit ∼100 kW Prototype
Harbin Engineering University Unit ∼100 kW Prototype
Tsinghua University Unit 100 kW/25 kW h Demonstration
Ying-Li Company Unit 30 kW/15 kW h Demonstration
Tsinghua University Array 1 MW Demonstration

3.4. Lead–Acid Battery

The lead–acid battery, invented in 1859, is the oldest and most widely used rechargeable electrochemical device. It consists of (in the charged state) electrodes of lead metal (Pb) and lead oxide (PbO2) in an electrolyte of about 37% (5.99 molar) sulfuric acid (H2SO4). In the discharged state both electrodes turn into lead sulfate (PbSO4) and the electrolyte loses its dissolved sulfuric acid and becomes primarily water. The chemical reactions are (charged to discharged):
Anode (oxidation): Pb(s)+SO42(aq)PbSO4(s)+2eimage
Cathode (reduction): PbO2(s)+SO42(aq)+4H++2ePbSO4(s)+2H2O(l)image
The electrolyte is dilute sulfuric acid, which provides the sulfate ions for discharge reactions. There are several types of lead–acid battery: the flooded battery, which requires regular topping up with distilled water; the sealed maintenance-free battery, which has a gelled or absorbed electrolyte; and the valve-regulated lead–acid battery.
A lead–acid battery is a low-cost, ($300–600) kW h–1, highly reliable, efficient (70–90%), and popular storage choice for power quality, uninterrupted power supplies (UPS), and some spinning reserve applications. Its application for energy management, however, has been very limited due to its short lifecycle of between 500–1500 cycles and low energy density of (35–50) W h kg–1 due to the inherent high density of lead, which results in a high total mass for large energy storage requirements. The lead–acid battery also has poor low-temperature performance and therefore requires a thermal management system. Nevertheless, lead–acid batteries have been used in many commercial and large-scale energy management applications such as the 8.5 MW h h–1 system in the BEWAG Plant (Berlin, Germany), the 4 MW h h–1 ESCAR system at the Iberdrola Technology Demonstration Center (Madrid, Spain), and the 14 MW h 1.5 h system in PREPA (Puerto Rico). The largest is the 40 MW h system in Chino, California (United States) which can work with a rated power of 10 MW for 4 h.
There are many companies and research institutions in China working on lead–acid batteries, such as Nandu, Fengfan, Suangdeng, Institute of Electrical Engineering, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. There were 14 projects in operation in 2014 with a total capacity of 12.1 MW. Major projects include:
1. A 100 kW/600 kW h system being developed by the Institute of Electrical Engineering (Chinese Academy of Sciences) and installed in Zhangbei county in Hebei province.
2. A 1 MW/2 MW h project developed by Singye Solar Company in Zhuhai in Guangtong province.
3. A 2 MW/4 MW h project developed by the State Grid Company in Weizhou in Zhejiang province. The major lead–acid battery projects in China are listed in Table 24.4.

Table 24.4

Lead–Acid Battery Projects in China

Project name System description Rated capacity Status
Institute of Electrical Engineering (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Demonstration 100 kW/600 kW h Completed
Hebei Branch, State Grid Company Distributed energy resource system 80 kW/128 kW h Completed
Dong-ao Island project, Zhuhai, Guangdong province Island energy system 1 MW/2 MW h Demonstration
Hu-xi Island project, Wenzhou, Zhejiang province Island energy system 2 MW/4 MW h Demonstration

3.5. Sodium–Sulfur Battery

The sodium–sulfur battery was invented by the Ford Company in 1966. A NaS battery consists of liquid (molten) sulfur at the positive electrode and liquid (molten) sodium at the negative electrode with the active materials separated by a solid beta alumina ceramic electrolyte. The electrolyte allows only positive sodium ions to go through it and combine with the sulfur to form sodium polysulfides:


During discharge, positive Na+ ions flow through the electrolyte and electrons flow in the external circuit of the battery; a potential of about 2.0 V is produced. This process is reversible as charging causes sodium polysulfides to release the positive sodium ions back through the electrolyte to recombine as elemental sodium. The battery must be kept at c. (300–350) °C to allow the reactions to process. NaS batteries have a typical lifecycle of about 2500 cycles. Their typical energy and power density are in the range (150–240) W h kg–1 and (90–230) W kg–1, respectively.
NaS battery cells are efficient (75–90%) and have pulse power capability over six times their continuous rating (for 30 s). This attribute enables the NaS battery to be economically useful in combined power quality and peak-shaving applications. NaS battery technology has been installed at over 30 sites in China with a capacity of more than 316 MW/1896 MW h. The largest NaS installation is a 6 MW, 8 h unit for Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). Recently, Japan’s NGK Insulators Ltd. has commissioned a NaS energy storage system of 8 MW/58 MW h at a Hitachi plant in Japan.
The major drawback of the NaS battery is that a heat source is required which uses the stored energy of the battery, partially reducing battery performance. Initial capital cost remains another issue (c. $2000 kW–1 and c. $250 kW h–1), but it is expected to fall as manufacturing capacity expands.
The Shanghai Institute of Ceramics (Chinese Academy of Sciences) first started research on the NaS battery in the 1960s and the first 6 kW prototype for vans was in operation in 1977. In 2007 a unit with a capacity of 650 A h was successfully used for an EES operation. In 2011 the ShangHai NaS Company was established and its operation was based on the NaS technology developed by the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics (Chinese Academy of Sciences). The ShangHai NaS Company is now the leading company in China working on NaS technology. One 100 kW/800 kW h demonstration project, developed by the company, is in operation and a 1 MW project is under investigation. A demonstration project of capacity 200 kW is being operated by the Narui Company in Nanjing, Jiangsu province; it was supplied by the NGK Insulators Company (Table 24.5).

Table 24.5

Sodium–Sulfur Battery Projects in China

Project name System description Rated capacity Status
Shanghai Institute of Ceramics (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Used for vans 6 kW Completed
Shanghai Institute of Ceramics (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Unit 650 A h Completed
ShangHai NaS Company Stationary system 100 kW/800 kW h Demonstration
ShangHai NaS Company Stationary system 1 MW/2 MW h Under Investigation

3.6. Lithium-Ion Battery

Lithium-ion batteries, first proposed in the 1960s, came into reality once Bell Labs developed a workable graphite anode to provide an alternative to lithium metal (lithium battery). The cathode in these batteries is a lithium metal oxide (LiCoO2, LiMO2, LiNiO2, etc.) and the anode is made of graphitic carbon with a layer structure. The electrolyte is made up of lithium salts (such as LiPF6) dissolved in organic carbonates. When the battery is being charged the lithium atoms in the cathode become ions and migrate through the electrolyte toward the carbon anode where they combine with external electrons and are deposited between carbon layers as lithium atoms. This process is reversed during discharge.
The first commercial lithium–ion batteries were produced by Sony in 1990. Since then, improved material developments have led to vast improvements in energy density terms from figures of (100–175) W h kg–1 and increased lifecycles as high as 20 000 cycles. The efficiency of Li-ion batteries is almost 100% which is another advantage over other batteries. While Li-ion batteries took over 50% of the small portable market in just a few years, there are some challenges for making large-scale Li-ion batteries. The main hurdle is the high cost (>$600 kW h–1) due to special packaging and internal overcharge protection circuits. Many companies are working to reduce the manufacturing cost of Li-ion batteries to capture large-scale energy markets. The leading companies are A123 System, NEC, LG, Samsung, Tesla, and BYD. The first megawatt-scale Li-ion battery project was supplied by the A123 System Company and developed by AES in the United States. The largest project announced recently is the Elkins project in West Virginia in the United States with a scale of 32 MW.
China started research into Li-ion batteries in the 1980s, and during the period 2000–10 products for mobile phones and laptops experienced a rapid increase in development. The development of Li-ion batteries for large-scale stationary applications started in 2009 when BYD tested its 1 MW system. In 2013 the Chinese company Wanxiang Group purchased A123 System and became one of the leading companies in the area of Li-ion battery development. As of 2015, more than 30 projects have been announced using Li-ion batteries over the past 5 years with a total capacity of about 62.3 MW. Table 24.6 lists the major projects in China with scales greater than 1 MW. Of them the 20 MW/40 MW h system developed by BYD in 2014 is the largest project in China.

Table 24.6

Li-Ion Battery Projects in China

Project name System description Rated capacity Status
BYD Project Demonstration 1 MW/4 MW h Completed
Southern Grid Project in Shenzhen, Guangdong province Demonstration 4 MW/16 MW h Demonstration
State Grid Project in Zhangbei, Hebei province Demonstration 14 MW/56 MW h Demonstration
BYD Project Commercial usage 20 MW/40 MW h Operation

3.7. Flow Battery

The flow battery is a form of battery in which electrolyte containing one or more dissolved electroactive species flows through a power cell/reactor in which chemical energy is converted to electricity. Additional electrolyte is stored externally, generally in tanks, and is usually pumped through the cell (or cells) of the reactor. The reaction is reversible allowing the battery to be charged, discharged, and recharged.
In contrast with conventional batteries, flow batteries store energy in the electrolyte solutions. Therefore, the power and energy ratings are independent, the storage capacity being determined by the quantity of electrolyte used and the power rating determined by the active area of the cell stack. Flow batteries can release energy continuously at a high rate of discharge for up to 10 h.
Three different electrolytes form the basis of existing designs of flow batteries currently in demonstration or in large-scale project development. These electrolytes are sodium bromide (NaBr) by Regenesys in the United Kingdom, vanadium bromide (VBr) by VRB Power Systems, Inc. In Canada, and zinc bromide (ZnBr) by ZBB Energy Corporation. In China only the vanadium redox battery (VRB) has been extensively developed. The following discussion will focus on this kind of flow battery.
The principle of VRB is that it stores energy by employing vanadium redox couples (V2+/V3+ in the negative and V4+/V5+ in the positive half-cells). These are stored in mild sulfuric acid solutions (electrolytes). During charge/discharge cycles, H+ ions are exchanged between the two electrolyte tanks through the hydrogen–ion permeable polymer membrane. The reactions that occur in the battery during charging and discharging can be expressed simply by:
Positive electrode:V4+V5+eimage
Negative electrode:V3++eV2+image
Cell voltage is between 1.4 and 1.6 V. The net efficiency of this battery can be as high as 85%. Like other flow batteries the power and energy ratings of VRB are independent of each other.
VRBs are suitable for a wide range of energy storage applications for electricity utilities and industrial end-users. These include enhanced power quality, uninterruptible power supplies, peak shaving, increased security of supply and integration with renewable energy systems. The majority of development work has focused on stationary applications due to the relatively low energy density of VRBs.
The VRB was pioneered in the Australian University of New South Wales (UNSW) in the early 1980s. Australia’s Pinnacle VRB bought the basic patents in 1998 and licensed them to Sumitomo Electric Industries (SEI) and VRB Power Systems. VRB storage of up to 500 kW, 10 h (5 MW h) has been installed in Japan by SEI for Kwansei Gakuin University and other institutions. VRBs have also been applied for power quality applications (3 MW, 1.5 s, solid–electrolyte interphase) for Tottori Sanyo Electric.
China started research and development on VRBs in 2000; the major institutions involved are Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Tsinghua University, and China University of Geosciences. In 2008, Beijing Prudent Energy purchased VRB Power Systems, resulting in China becoming the leading country in VRB battery technology. In 2009 the first VRB demonstration project was installed in Tibet. The system was supplied by Dalian Rongke Power Company, used for the PV power system, and had a capacity of 5 kW/50 kW h. In 2012 Prudent provided a 2 MW system to China Electric Power Research Institute for the National Wind–Solar Energy Storage Demonstration Project which is the first megawatt-scale VRB system in China. In 2013 Dalian Rongke Power Company provided a 5 MW VRB system to the Wo-Niu-Shi Wind Power Farm in Liaoning province, which is the largest VRB system up to now. Overall, 8.2 MW of VRB flow battery systems have been installed in China up to 2014. The major flow battery projects in China are summarized in Table 24.7.

Table 24.7

Flow Battery Projects in China

Project name System description Rated capacity Status
State Grid Project in Zhangbei, Hebei province Demonstration 2 MW/8 MW h Completed
JinFeng Project in Beijing Microgrid 200 kW/800 kW h Demonstration
Wo-Niu-Shi in Liaoning province Wind power farm 5 MW/10 MW h Operation

4. Summary and prospects

Fig. 24.2 gives a summary of installed capacity of energy storage systems in China up to 2014 [55]. As can be seen the installed capacity of pumped hydro is dominant and shares 99.2% of total capacity of EES. Li-ion battery, flow battery, and CAES systems are the other major EES technologies in China.
Figure 24.2 Total installed capacity of energy storage systems in China, 2014 [55]
Research and development on EES in China has made great progress during the past (10–15) years. However, it is still below the leaders of EES in the world. As shown in Fig. 24.3, most EES technologies are under investigation or at the demonstration stage in China. In China, PHES and lead–acid battery storage are technically mature systems; CAES, NaS, Li-ion, and flow batteries have been technically developed and are in demonstration; and flywheel energy storage is still being developed.
Figure 24.3 Comparison between China and the world’s leading developments in EES.
It is expected that total installed EES in China will be 70 GW by the year 2020 which will be (4.0–5.0)% of total power generation capacity [55]. Furthermore, total installed EES in China is expected to be 200 GW by 2050 [54]; this will equate to (10–15)% of total power generation capacity. The demand and market potential of China are enormous.

5. Conclusions and remarks

The wide variety of available EES technologies and systems in China have been reviewed in terms of imperativeness, application, technical characteristics, research, and deployment. The conclusions drawn are the following:
1. EES is urgently needed by the conventional electricity generation industry, distributed energy resource system, and intermittent renewable energy supply systems. By utilizing EES the challenges facing the industry—such as raised volatility, reduced reliability, and stability—can be greatly diminished.
2. The applications of EES are numerous and various and cover the full spectrum, ranging from increased scale, generation and transmission–related systems, to distribution network and even customer/end-user needs. The various technologies provide three primary functions: energy management, bridging power and power quality, and reliability.
3. Research and development on EES have experienced fast and fruitful development during the past (10–15) years in China, although overall research and development is still below that of world leaders.
4. There is great potential for EES applications in China and this is summed up by the expected installed capacity of EES to be 70 GW in 2020. EES has a bright future in China.


This work was supported by Key Project of Chinese National Programs for Fundamental Research and Development (973 program) under grant No. 2015CB251300 and China Natural Science Foundation under grant No. 51522605.


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