
Activism, 129

Activity metrics, 134

Ad Council, 234

Addvocate, 134

Adobe Connect Pro, 27

Advertising strategies, 268

Advisory, 119–120

Advocate potential, audits of, 131–132


employee, evangelizing with, xxv, 124–136


Aguilera, Christina, 95–96

Albano, Patrick, 201, 205

Allstate, 66

Amazon, 96

Ambassadors, oversight of, 128

“America is Beautiful,” 87

American Cancer Society, 97

American Express, 230

“My Offers” program, 259

Open Forum, 4

American Society of Landscape Architects, 242

Animated stories, entertaining audiences with, 86–87

Antavo, 229

Anxiety relief, sentimental humor based on, 83–84

Apple, 64, 95, 100

CarPlay, 47

Passbook, 258

Appshaker, 62

Astonishment, 94–95

AT&T, 83

The Atlantic, 200, 201, 202

Atmosphere, exciting and encouraging, 134–135

Atomizing, for R-E-I-M-A-G-I-N-E-D content, 207–210

Attentive learning, engaging content for, 45–49

audience involvement, getting, 48–49

communication modes of, 45–48

content entertaining, making, 49

Audacity, 20


convenience, deliverable content for, 49–50


media coverage strategies for, 180–183

social advertising strategies for, 176–179

thought leadership strategies for, 174–176

entertaining, 66–87

inspiring, 65–66

involvement, getting, 48–49

life choices, affirmative value of, 99

needs, relevance to, 99–100

niched, 109–110

story, language of, 101

into wiser people, transforming, 102

Authentication through research, 147

Authentic dialogues, sparking, 231–232

Authoritative reports, 39–40

Authority within concentrated community, influence of, 142

Awkwardness, 77–79

Axe, 82

Baby boomers, 74

Back to the Start, 90

Baer, Jay, 135, 138, 235

Bahen & Co., 96

Bailey, George, 64

Banco Sabadell, 62

Barr, Roseanne, 71

Behind the scenes showings, 23

Belongingness atmosphere, creating, 234–235


Better deals, showrooming for, 254

Bezos, Jeff, 55

Black Milk, 219

Blendtec, 67–68, 69

Blog(s)/blogging, 16, 32–35

optimizing, 112–113

posts around keyword strategy, optimizing, 195–199

page optimization, 197–199

popularity and competitiveness of terms, 196

primary and latent semantic content, selecting, 197

relevance of terms, 196–197

topic titles selection for, 194–195

video, 28

Blum, Jenna, 102

BoFu (bottom-of-the-funnel) content, 12, 20, 259, 260, 261, 262

Bold change, surprising audiences with, 61–63

Brand ambassadors to R-E-S-O-N-A-T-E, empowering, xxvii, 215–225

act on your behalf, 222–223

ambassadors, role of, 216–217

embrace the story, 219–220

enlisting others, 223

motivation, 224–225

negative sentiment, neutralizing, 221–222

offer insights, 221

rally around your mission, 218–219

sharing content, 220–221

storytelling, 217

tap into their communities, 223

Brand connection, familiar story arc and, 100–101

Branded content tools and apps, 41

Brand engagement strategies, 267–268

Branderati, 225

Brand relationships, scaling of, 130

Branson, Richard, 64

Brito, Michael, 225

“Brotherhood Pilot,” 91–92

Budget planners, 14

Budweiser, 97

911 tribute, 87

Bullas, Jeff, 32, 116

Bullock, Sandra, 261

Business Insider, 201

Business insights, 15–16

Buzzfeed, 189, 200, 201, 209

BuzzSumo, 143, 194

Calls to action (CTA), 120

Campaign objectives, setting, 249

Canva, 174

Case studies. See Customer success stories

Caterpillar, 86

Chapman, C.C., 117, 207

Charity: Water, 94

Charmin, 268

Checklists, 14

Cheddar, Nolan, 70

Chernov, Joe, 216

Chevy, 97

Chipotle, 63, 92, 98, 101, 205

Back to the Start, 90

Farmed and Dangerous, 91, 98

The Scarecrow, 90


“Brotherhood Pilot,” 91–92

Chobani, 96, 167

Cisco, 21, 46

Clarke, Brian, xxi

Click-through links, 24–25

Clorox, 268

Closet bound, 11

Coaches, 133

Coca Cola, 86, 205, 218, 219, 220

“America is Beautiful,” 87

trivia questions, 237

Cohosted talk show, 19

Collier, Mack, 128

Columbia, 268

“Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee,” 91

Comic wit, humor using, 67–73


modes of, 45–48

trusted, 129

Consumption routines, timely content around, 6–8

Content creation, 128–129

Content discovery platforms, 189–190

Content entertaining, making, 49

Content strategies, 267

Content syndication

own posting outweighed by, 190

platforms, 189–190

timing and place of, 190–192

Content topics selection, 193–194

Contests for followers and engagement, developing, 228–231

Context-based marketing, 258

C-O-N-V-E-R-S-A-T-I-O-N, engage communities through, xxvii, 227–242

contests for followers and engagement, developing, 228–231

engaging discussions, creating, 231–235

engaging in interactive activities, 235–242

Convince & Convert, 135

Cool, Joe, 74

Cross-platform, 113–114

Customer stories, sharing, 236

Customer success stories, 29–31

Customer testimonials, 24

Dachis Group, 135

Davidson, Harley, 80

“The Day,” 91

Decision aids, 16

Decision tools, useful content for, 11–42

Deliverable content, for audience convenience, 49–50

Dell, 132, 205

Demos, 23

Deprived athlete, 11

Dickens, Charles, 3

Dickson, Tom, 67

Diet Coke, 82

Digestible, 111

Digg, 189

Dirt Devil, 84

Discussion forums, 15

Disney, 63

Disqus, 203

Documented social-media policy, 132

Dodge, 72

Dollar Shave Club, 96

Doritos, 76, 78

Dove, 63, 66, 174

Real Beauty Sketches, 91

Dropbox, 261

Drummond, Ladd, 89

Drummond, Ree, 89–90, 100

Duncan, Henry, 64

Dunkin’ Donuts, 236, 259

DuPont, 94

Duracell, 101, 103

DynamicSignal, 134

Easy engagement to start the process, 147

e-Books, 35–38

E-mail 2.0, 247–248

E-mail engagement, xxviii, 245–249

Emerick, Susan, 131

Emotional content to inspire action, 101

Empathy, 5

humanizing brands with, 63–65

Employee advocacy program, leading, 130–136

activity metrics, 134

advocate potential, audits of, 131–132

atmosphere, exciting and encouraging, 134–135

coaches, 133

documented social-media policy, 132

onboarding, 133

social-media culture, 135–136

tools and platforms, 134

value understanding, 132–133

Employee A-D-V-O-C-A-T-E-S, evangelizing with, xxv, 124–136

activism, 129

ambassadors, oversight of, 128

brand relationships, scaling of, 130

content creation, 128–129

employee advocacy program, leading, 130–136

engagement, 129–130

persona accounts, amplification of, 126

real-time problem solving, voices for, 127–128

relevant brand experiences, delivery of, 127

trusted communication, 129

Encouragement, 97

Endorsement credibility, 141–142

e-Newsletters, 38–39

Engagement, 129–130

Engaging discussions, creating, 231–235

belongingness and exclusivity atmosphere, creating, 234–235

capitalizing on visual storytelling, 233–234

dealing with negative commentary, 232–233

open and authentic dialogues, sparking, 231–232

relationships with responsiveness, maintaining, 235

Entertainment, emotionalizing content with, xxiv

Episodes, for story buildup, 99

Esquire TV

“Brotherhood Pilot,” 91–92

Ethos (credibility), xxi

Evergreen content, 110–111

Everybody Loves Raymond, 77

EveryoneSocial, 134

Exaggeration, 67–69

Exclusivity atmosphere, creating, 234–235

Exhilaration, 94

Expert interviews, 15

Expion, 134, 225

Explainer videos, 23–26

Eye-catching title, 116

Facebook, 24, 87, 121

App Contest, 229

groups, participating in, 240

Oculus Rift, 270

understanding and attracting fans on, 160–162

Fact sheets, 16

Familiar story arc, and brand connection, 100–101

“Farmed and Dangerous,” 91, 98

FedEx, 77

Feeling savvy, 96

Fill-in-blanks, 236–237

Flimp Media, 25

Focused community, topical relevance of influencers to, 140–141

F-O-C-U-S-E-D readership, xxiv, 111–117

cross-platform, 113–114

documented, 117

eye-catching title, 116

frequent postings, 112

optimized, 112–113

shareable, 115–116

unique, 114–115

Forbes, 40, 200, 201, 209

Fortune, 135

Foursquare, 258

Frame-of-mind connections, escorting prospects with, xxiii, 55–58

Franklyn, Aretha, 71

Freemiums, 16

benefits of, 262–263

disadvantages of, 263

trial users with, enrolling, xxix, 261–263

Frequently asked questions (FAQs), 16, 20, 24, 25

Frequent postings, 112

GaggleAMP, 134

Gallup, 134–135

Gamification, playful content through, 85–86

GarageBand, 21

Garst, Kim, 172

Gawker, 201, 209

GE, 63–64, 168

Geico, 66, 70, 71, 74, 77, 80, 99

Generosity, 102–103

Geo-fencing, 258–260

Glenlivet’s Brand Story, 90

“The Goal,” 90

Goldratt, Eliyahu, 90

“Gonna Fly Now,” 87


AdWords Keyword Planner, 195

Glasses, 270

Google Drive, 35

Google Trends, 194

Hummingbird algorithm, 270


communities, participating in, 240

hangouts on-air, 27, 28–29

understanding and adding circles, 24, 95, 165–167

Google Chrome: Dear Sophie, 91

GoPro, 94

GoTo Webinar, 27

Grey Goose, 63

Haiku Deck, 174

“Haka War Dance,” 87

Handley, Ann, 117, 185, 207

H&R Block, 220

Hangouts on-air (HOA), 27, 28–29, 166

Harrison, Amy, xxi

Harrison, Scott, 94

Hazlett Group, 46

HBO, 202


elements for story design, using, 98–102

emotions, discovering, 93–97

impacts, creating narratives with, 89–93

Help a Reporter Out (HARO), 181

Heroes, 98

Hickman, Greg, 256

Hiut Denim, 97

Home Owner Association (HOA), 6, 7

The Honeymooners, 79–80

HootSuite, 8, 160, 194

Hoovers, 261

Hosting venues to showcase expertise, 175–176

How-to’s, 23, 33

Hub of important conversations, 143

Hubspot, 35, 195

Huffington Post, 189, 201

Humanitarian acts, 93–94

Hummingbird algorithm, 113, 195, 270, 273


entertaining audiences with, 66–85

sentimental, 82–84

with social-order deviancy, 81–82

with unruliness, 79–80

using awkwardness, 77–79

using comic wit, 67–73

using malicious joy, 75–77

using putdowns, 74–75

Hyatt, Michael, 122

IBM, 125–126, 132, 133, 218

Ice breakers, 237

IKEA, 79

“I Love Lucy,” 75

Image-intensive content, 121

Imagery, heightened emotions with, 88

Imedia Connection, 46

Immersive experiences, playful content through, 86–87

Inbound marketing, xxii–xxix

brand ambassadors to R-E-S-O-N-A-T-E, empowering, xxvii, 215–225

comparison with outbound marketing, 57

C-O-N-V-E-R-S-A-T-I-O-N, engage communities through, xxvii, 227–242

earning readership with content mastery, xxiv, 107–123

e-mail engagement, xxviii, 245–249

employee A-D-V-O-C-A-T-E-S, evangelizing with, xxv, 124–136

entertainment, emotionalizing content with, xxiv

frame-of-mind connections, escorting prospects through, xxiii, 55–58

inspiration, emotionalizing content with, xxiv

mobile C-U-S-T-O-M-E-R experiences, enabling, xxviii, 251–260

O-U-T-R-E-A-C-H, enchanting influencers through, xxv–xxvi, 137–154

proprietary audiences, perpetuating, xxviii, 245–249

R-U-N-L-A-P-S, exposing content and, xxvi, 185–212

S-T-A-M-P, enlisting followers with, xxvi, 155–184

trial users with freemiums, enrolling, xxix, 261–263

T-R-U-S-T-E-D content, educating targets with, xxiii, 3–53

visuals, emotionalizing content with, xxiv

Indium Corporation, 12

Influencer bonding, opportunities for, 145–146

Influitive, 225

Infrastructure predictions, 269–271

Innocence, sentimental humor based on, 83

Inspiration, emotionalizing content with, xxiv

Instagram, 24, 121

understanding and attracting followers on, 170–172

Instructional aids, 14

Intelligence, 23

Interactive activities, engaging in, 235–242

ask questions or fill-in-blanks, 236–237

customer stories, sharing, 236

interactive infographics, designing, 238–239

opinion polls, conducting, 239–240

social-networking groups, participating in, 240–242

Twitter Chats, facilitating, 237–238

Interactive infographics, designing, 238–239

i-P-L-E-A-S-E with likeable content, 59–60

Irony, 72–73

iTunes, 18, 22

James, LeBron, 69

J. Crew, 64

Jobs, Steve, 64

John Lewis, 86

Johnson, Stanley, 76

Jose Cuervo

Tradicional—History in a Bottle, 91

“Keeping America Beautiful,” 234

Kerpan, Dave, 88, 91

Keyhole, 143, 172

Klout, 139, 144, 145, 152, 194

scheduler, 7–8

Knight, Bobby, 73

Kred, 139, 144

Landscape and Garden Design Forum, The, 242

Landscapes-to-Go, 241

Lead generating, 120

Legendary sentiments, 97

LEGO®, 86

Lending Tree, 76

Les miserable, 11

Lieb, Rebecca, 202

Link building strategies for traffic and SEO, developing, 205–207

LinkedIn, 15, 48, 261

groups, participating in, 240, 241–242

understanding and attracting connections on, 162–164

Listening to content, 47

Lite, Miller, 74

Lithium, 225

Little Bird, 143

Live-event coverage, 23

Location-based mobile marketing, 258–260

Logos (authority), xxi

Mainwaring, Simon, 218, 219, 220

Malicious joy (schadenfreude), 75–77


inbound. See Inbound marketing

outbound, 6

relationship, 3–4

strategies, 268

transactional, 4

Market reports, 39

Marshall, Buck, 98

Mashable, 200, 201

Mayhem, 70

McDonalds, 231

McEnroe, John, 73

McLuhan, Herbert Marshall, 59

McQuivey, James, 46

Media coverage strategies for audience development, developing, 180–183

media relationship strategies, building, 181–183

social media changes to media relations landscape, 180–181

Media relationship strategies, building, 181–183

Meeker, Mary, 18–19

Melbourne Railways, 63

Melodrama, sentimental humor based on, 84

Mentors, 98

Microsoft, 64–65, 97

Millennials, 272

Miller, Dan, 20

Mini Cooper, 95

Mobile C-U-S-T-O-M-E-R experiences, enabling, xxviii, 251–260

better deals, showrooming for, 254

convenience of payments, calls, and directions, 253

geo-fencing, 258–260

location-based mobile marketing, 258–260

mobile efforts, special offers and rewards for, 255

mobility in addition to mobile, 256

real-time self-help, utility for, 253–254

relevance for space, time, and opportunity, 257

shorter attention spans, ease of use for, 256–257

timely mobile marketing, 255

wants and expectations, 252

Mobile efforts, special offers and rewards for, 255

Mobility, 256

Modes of communication, 45–48

Modify Watches

opinion polls, 239

MoFu (middle-of-the-funnel) content, 11–12, 26, 35, 57, 248, 259

Moral, 98

Muck Rack, 181


shaping stories using, 88–102

Nationwide, 72

Native advertising, 199–205

advancing, 202–203

elements of, 201

hype behind, 201–202

landscape toward, shifting, 203–204

small business, embracing, 204–205

Near Field Communication (NFC), 253

Negative commentary, dealing with, 232–233

Nespresso, 96

Netflix, 190

Net Promoter Scores (NPS), 131

New stories, 23

Newsvine, 189

Niched audiences, 109–110

Nike, 95, 218, 219, 220

“Find Your Greatness” campaign, 65–66


“The Day,” 91

911 tribute, 87


opinion polls, 239

O2 Media, 259

“The Odd Couple,” 72

Odden, Lee, 86, 112, 147, 154

Offerpop, 229

Oliver, John, 202

Onboarding, 133

Open dialogues, sparking, 231–232

Opinion polls, conducting, 239–240

Organic reach of influencers, 139–140

Ortho, 268

Outbound marketing, 6

comparison with inbound marketing, 57

Outbrain, 203

O-U-T-R-E-A-C-H, 137–154

enchanting influencers through, xxv–xxvi, 145–148

authentication through research, 147

common interest pursuits, 147–148

easy engagement to start the process, 147

influencer bonding, opportunities for, 145–146

influencer causes, helping, 148

recognition for distinction, 146–147

thought leadership platforms, 146

unique or unannounced content, 146


campaign goals, 150–152

outreach strategy, 148–149

outreach tactics, 152–154

SWOT analysis, 149–150

influencer’s lend extensive, 138–145

authority within concentrated community, influence of, 142

discovering, engaging and romance influencers, 143

endorsement credibility, 141–142

hub of important conversations, 143

organic reach, 139–140

quality content with emotional twist, 142

resonance, 141

right influencers, identifying, 143–145

topical relevance to focused community, 140–141

user–community relationships, 140

Page optimization, 197–199

Panda algorithm, 195

P&G, 218, 221

“Thank You Mom—Pick Them Back Up,” 89

Pathos (appeal to emotions), xxi, xxii

PeerIndex, 139, 144

Penguin algorithm, 195

PeopleLinx, 134

Pepsi, 86–87, 239

Pepsi Max, 62

Perceptual discord, 69–70

Perfection, 9, 10

Performances, stirring passions with, 87–88

Persona accounts, amplification of, 126

Personality, humanizing brands with, 63–65

Pesci, Joe, 72

Pfizer, 65

Philippine Airlines, 63

Pinning, 210–211

Pinterest, 121

understanding and attracting followers on, 167–170

“The Pioneer Woman,” 89–90, 95, 100

Platforms predictions, 270–271

Pleasing others, 9, 10

Podcasts, 17–22

Porterfield, Amy, 256

Posting, 210–211

Posturing, 9, 10

Potter, Henry, 64

Pranks, surprising audiences with, 61–63

Pringles, 236

Profile strategies, developing, 183

Progressive, 66

Prominence, 9, 10

Proprietary audiences, perpetuating, xxviii, 245–249

Pulizzi, Joe, 8, 35

Putdowns, 74–75

Quality content with emotional twist, 142

Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y readership, xxiv, 117–123

advisory, 119–120

image-intensive content, 121

lead generating, 120

quick and to the point, 118

talk-worthy content, 121–122

unbiased content, 118–119

your voice, 122–123

Quizzes, 237

Ram Trucks, 64

Readership with content mastery, earning, xxiv, 107–123

F-O-C-U-S-E-D readership, 111–117

Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y readership, 117–123

T-U-N-E-D readership, 108–111

Reading content, 47–48

Really simple syndication (RSS), 18, 22, 32, 33, 116, 182, 187–188, 190, 191, 192, 212, 271

Real-time problem solving, voices for, 127–128

Real-time self-help, utility for, 253–254

Rebelliousness, 95

Recognition for distinction, 146–147

Red Bull, 63, 94

Reddit, 189

Reebock, 79

R-E-I-M-A-G-I-N-E-D content, atomizing for, 207–210

Relationship marketing, 3–4

Relationships with responsiveness, maintaining, 235

Relevant brand experiences, delivery of, 127


authentication through, 147

useful content for, 11–42

Resonance, 141


brand ambassadors to, empowering, xxvii

Rickles, Don, 71–72

Right content essentials, understanding, 175

Right influencers, identifying, 143–145

River Pools and Spas, 44, 45

Rodgers, Aaron, 69

Rohrs, Jeffrey, 155, 158, 245

R-U-N-L-A-P-S, exposing content and, xxvi, 185–212

content discovery and syndication platforms, 189–190

content syndication, own posting outweighed by, 190

content syndication, timing and place of, 190–192

link building strategies for traffic and SEO, developing, 205–207

native advertising, 199–205

pinning and posting, 210–211

really simple syndication, 187–188

R-E-I-M-A-G-I-N-E-D content, atomizing for, 207–210

social sharing, 211–212

unified keyword strategies, 192–199

Sanchez, Cynthia, 169

The Scarecrow, 90

Schedugram, 172


Search engine results, 24

Self-help, useful content for, 11–42

Sentimental humor, 82–84

Shandwick, Weber, 129

Shareable content, 115–116

Sharethrough, 203

Sheridan, Marcus, 44, 45, 97

S-H-I-P-P-I-N-G content with emotional twist, xxiv, 59–104

entertaining audiences with humor, games, and animated stories, 66–87

generosity, displaying, 102–103

heightened emotions with imagery, 88

humanizing brands with personality, empathy and behind the scenes, 63–65

inspiring audiences, 65–66

i-P-L-E-A-S-E with likeable content, 59–60

stirring passions with solidarity and performances, 87–88

stories using narratives, shaping, 88–102

surprising audiences with spontaneity, pranks, and bold change, 61–63

Shorter attention spans, ease of use for, 256–257

ShortStack, 229

Simmons, Richard, 65

Situational triggers, for timely placements, 42–43

Skype, 19, 27, 261

Slideidea, 174

SlideShare, 35

understanding and attracting followers on, 172–174

Slideware, 40–41

Smith, Mari, 29

Snapchat, 121

Snicker’s, 79

Social advertising

rise of, 178–179

strategies for audience development, developing, 176–179

trends in, 179

Social capital, boosting, 150–152

SocialChorus, 134, 225

Social experience, 272

The Social Habit, 235

Social media changes to media relations landscape, 180–181

Social-media culture, 135–136

Social-networking groups, participating in, 240–242

Social networking strategy, building, 157–158

Social network self-service ad platforms, evaluation of, 178

Social-order deviancy, 81–82

Social search engine predictions, 270

Social sharing, 211–212

Solidarity, stirring passions with, 87–88

Solis, Brian, 227

SoLoMo, 257

Somma, Mark Di, 100

Sony Cracker

“Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee,” 91

Sound Cloud, 18, 22

Southwest Airlines, 63

“Wanna Get Away” campaigns, 78

Spanx, 96

Spontaneity, surprising audiences with, 61–63

Sprint Small Business Solutions, 101

S-T-A-M-P, enlisting followers with, xxvi, 155–184

gaining new followers, developing strategies for, 156–174

Facebook, understanding and attracting fans on, 160–162

Google+, understanding and adding circles, 165–167

Instagram, understanding and attracting followers on, 170–172

LinkedIn, understanding and attracting connections on, 162–164

Pinterest, understanding and attracting followers on, 167–170

SlideShare, understanding and attracting followers on, 172–174

social networking strategy, building, 157–158

Twitter, understanding and attracting followers on, 158–160

YouTube, understanding and adding subscribers, 164–165

media coverage strategies for audience development, developing, 180–183

profile strategies, developing, 183

social advertising strategies for audience development, developing, 176–179

thought leadership strategies for audience development, developing, 174–176

Stanton, Andrew, 99

Starbucks, 218, 236

State Farm, 66

Stitcher, 18, 22, 47

Stories using narratives, shaping, 88–102

“Story of Kate,” 101

Strategic planning perspective, social content-marketing predictions from, 265–274

infrastructure predictions, 269–271

social experience, 272

strategic predictions, 266–268

success models, 271–272

Strategic predictions, 266–268

Strutta, 229

StumbleUpon, 189

Subway, 219, 220

“You Are Here” campaign, 259

Success models, 271–272

Surprise twist, 71–72

Susman, Andrew, 207

Swayy, 194

SWOT analysis, 149–150

Taboola, 203

Tactics selection, for useful content, 13–16

Tagboard, 172

Talk-worthy content, 121–122

Target personas

buying stage of, 8–11

relevant content for, 8–11

Technology predictions, 269–270

Teleseminars, 27, 29

Tenderhearted moments, 95–96

“Thank You Mom—Pick Them Back Up,” 89

“This Is Not a Jersey,” 87

Thought leadership platforms, 146

Thought leadership strategies for audience development, developing, 174–176

hosting venues to showcase expertise, 175–176

right content essentials, understanding, 175

3D animation, playful content through, 86–87

Timely mobile marketing, 255

T-Mobile, 62, 73–74

To-do lists, 14

ToFu (top-of-the-funnel) content, 9, 34, 42, 56, 245, 246, 247, 259

Traackr, 143

Trailers, 23

Tran, Ann, 215

Transactional marketing, 4

Transparency, 44–45

Trended topics, 108–109

Trial users with freemiums, enrolling, xxix, 261–263

Triberr, 134

Trimble, Charley, 222

Triumphant against all odds, 97

Trivia questions, 237

TrueMove H Thailand, 102–103

Trusted communication, 129

T-R-U-S-T-E-D content, educating targets with, xxiii, 3–53

deliverable content, for audience convenience, 49–50

engaging content, for attentive learning, 45–49

letting, 5–6

relevant content, for target personas, 8–11

situational triggers, for timely placements, 42–43

target personas, buying stage of, 8–11

timely content around urgencies and consumption routines, 6–8

transparency, 44–45

useful content, 11–42

Trusted source, of stories, 100

Trustworthiness, 5

TSB: The Story, 90

T-U-N-E-D readership, xxiv, 108–111

digestible, 111

evergreen content, 110–111

niched audiences, 109–110

trended topics, 108–109

user-guaranteed questions, 109

TuneIn, 47

Turner, Jamie, 251

Tutorials, 14, 23

TweetCaster, 160

TweetDeck, 8, 194


chats, facilitating, 237–238

understanding and attracting followers on, 158–160

Unbiased content, 118–119

Unified keyword strategies, 192–199

blogging, topic titles selection for, 194–195

blog posts around keyword strategy, optimizing, 195–199

content topics selection, 193–194

Unilever, 218–219

Unique or unannounced content, 114–115, 146

Unruliness, 79–80

Upworthy, 189

Urgencies, timely content around, 6–8

Useful content, 11–42

content-marketing landscape, creation of, 41–42

delivery formats selection, 16–41

finding, 13

tactics selection, 13–16

User–community relationships, 140

User-guaranteed questions, 109

Utility marketing, 253–254

Vahl, Andrea, 229

Value understanding, 132–133


explainer, 23–26

podcasts, 22, 28

Viewing content, 46–47

Villains, 98

Vine, 24, 88, 159, 179, 234, 270, 272

Virgin Atlantic, 62–63, 64, 95, 100

Virtual seminars, 26–29

Virtual summits, hangouts for, 28

Visuals, emotionalizing content with, xxiv

Visual storytelling, capitalizing on, 233–234

Voice, 122–123

VoiceStorm, 131

Volkswagen, 86, 97

Volvic, 72

Vonage, 77

Votigo, 229

The Wall Street Journal, 201

Walmart, 221, 236

Walter, Ekaterina, 124, 233

Warby Parker, 96

“Water Changes Everything,” 94

Webcasts, 26, 27, 29

Webex, 27

Webinars, 26, 27, 29

Webster, Tom, 137

Web Video Marketing Council, 25

WestJet, 102

Christmas Miracle, 94

White, Betty, 71

White papers, 39

William & Mary

Ampersandbox campaign, 237

Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA), 144

WordPress, 199

World Food Program, 96

YouTube, understanding and adding subscribers, 164–165

Zach, 65

Zappos, 96, 132, 133, 135, 236

Zarrella, Dan, 172

Zero mount of truth (ZMOT), 31

Zuberance, 131

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