Commonly used sensors for civil infrastructures and their associated algorithms

N.C. Yoder,    Whistle Labs Inc., USA

D.E. Adams,    Vanderbilt University, USA


As health monitoring technologies for civil infrastructure transition from research to practice, several leading sensor technologies and associated algorithms have emerged. The rationale for choosing a given sensor type in a specific health monitoring installation depends on many factors, but they are generally inexpensive, robust, and mature technologies. Furthermore, while a large variety of advanced algorithms have been developed for health monitoring applications, the majority of these algorithms share commonalities in the features that are extracted from the data. This chapter will classify and describe the sensor technologies that are used most frequently in recent monitoring installations and will identify commonalities in the algorithms that are used to process the data from these sensors.

Key words

sensors; civil infrastructure; monitoring; algorithms; damage detection

3.1 Introduction

Because of its potential to increase public safety while decreasing maintenance costs, health monitoring has attracted a significant amount of attention and has resulted in many books, journal articles, and conference papers about new and existing sensors and algorithms. Each new type of sensor aims to address technical challenges that are confronted in the transition of health monitoring from the research laboratory to the field. While many of these technologies may eventually prove instrumental in the widespread implementation of health monitoring, to date there is a relatively small subset of sensor technologies and associated algorithms that are widely used in health monitoring systems. Although the exact reasons for the preponderance of these traditional sensors across the wide variety of monitoring system are difficult to quantify and are likely influenced by the familiarity of practitioners with these sensors, by looking across multiple installations it is apparent that the most commonly used sensor types consist of relatively inexpensive, robust, and mature technologies. In addition to the relatively long history that each of these sensor technologies has had operating reliably in the field, there is also an extensive and robust set of algorithms that have been developed to extract damage sensitive features from these sensor measurements.

Because of the large amount of research and publications devoted to new sensing techniques and advanced algorithms for health monitoring, it is worthwhile for both new and experienced researchers to review the utility and practicality of traditionally used sensors. In an effort to summarize the attributes of this family of commonly used sensors, this chapter will review sensing techniques that are commonly used for the health monitoring of civil infrastructure as well as the algorithms that are commonly used in combination with them. A brief review of the physical principles that are behind the operation of each type of sensor will first be given. Then several algorithms that utilize these types of sensors will be described with an emphasis on the underlying commonalities between the algorithms and how they exploit the unique attributes of each sensing technology. The algorithms that are explored focus heavily on health monitoring techniques using accelerometer measurements because the preponderance of global damage identification methodologies have used them extensively and utilized other sensors for local monitoring or data-normalization purposes. Several brief examples of continuous monitoring systems that exploit the described technologies will then be described and the chapter will conclude by describing some of the major trends in this area.

3.2 Brief review of commonly used sensing technologies

While there are a wide array of different sensing technologies that are widely used throughout the civil and aerospace industries for health monitoring purposes, this chapter focuses on four general types of measurements that are widely used as part of health monitoring systems: displacement, strain, acceleration, and environmental parameters. For each of these measurement types, two or three different types of traditional sensors that are commonly used in practice are then described. Although additional sensors could be included in this list, only those sensors that were found to be the most commonly used in the literature for monitoring civil structures with a focus on bridges have been included here. Furthermore, the inclusion of sensor types in this list of ‘traditional’ technologies does not indicate that there are no longer innovations or advancements in each of these types of sensors. In each of these areas, new advancements continue to be made as the sensors are made smaller, less expensive, and more robust and the algorithms associated with them are improved.

3.2.1 Displacement

One sensing modality that is commonly used in monitoring bridges, dams, and other large civil structures is relative displacement measurement. While these measurements are not commonly used for health monitoring of aerospace structures, they can prove useful in monitoring civil infrastructure because of the much larger scales and geometric changes that can occur during a civil structure’s lifecycle. While technologies such as the global positioning system (GPS) offer the capability to measure global changes in position, traditional displacement measurements are typically made using linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs) or potentiometers, which are connected to two locations on or at the boundary of the structure of interest in order to measure relative displacements.

Linear variable differential transformers

LVDTs are a type of two-part inductive sensor in which a ferromagnetic armature moves within an outer transformer consisting of one primary and two secondary coils. The secondary coils are located on either side of the primary coil and are wound in opposite directions. The primary coil is excited with an alternating current (AC) excitation and the magnetic flux that is developed is coupled to the secondary windings through the ferromagnetic core. Due to the opposite windings of the two secondary coils, when the core is positioned in the magnetic center of the transformer the two secondary coils cancel one another and no voltage is measured at the output. However, when the core moves away from this central position the amount of induced flux that is coupled into the two secondary coils becomes unequal, which creates a voltage differential in the circuit. While the core remains within the operating range of the LVDT, the amount of output voltage is linearly related to the displacement of the core (Fraden, 2010).

LVDTs are attractive for measuring displacement for several reasons. Because there is no mechanical contact between the sensing elements, there are no frictional forces to distort the readings and the sensors are highly robust because there are no mechanical connections that could suffer fatigue failures. This lack of mechanical connection also means that the minimum resolution of the sensor is based solely upon the noise in the signal conditioning and data acquisition systems, and consequently high resolutions can be achieved (Fraden, 2010). However, because the sensor relies on this lack of contact between the core and the body, transverse motion must be minimized to avoid internal rubbing. Another possible drawback to the use of LVDTs is that the sensor’s operating range is limited by the size of the sensor itself, since the core must remain within the coils for the system to operate correctly.


Potentiometers come in many shapes and sizes but are typically predicated on relating changes in resistance to changes in rotational or linear position. This change in resistance is typically accomplished by moving a pot wiper along a length of wire causing a linear change in the resistance between the excitation source and the wiper (Fraden, 2010). As previously stated, although there are many forms of potentiometers, one of the most common is a string potentiometer in which a measuring cable is wound around a spool. The spool has a torsional spring to maintain tension in the measurement wire and the length of string that has come out of the sensor can be calculated using the rotational potentiometer on which the spool is mounted.

One reason why string potentiometers can be attractive for measuring displacements is because, unlike LVDTs, they can measure displacements that are significantly larger than the sensor itself because the measurement wire is wound around the spool. This allows them to be relatively light-weight while still being able to measure ranges of over 50 meters. However, because of their mechanical connections most string potentiometers have limits on their frequency range, lifetime, and accuracy. Furthermore, while it is not typically an issue on large civil structures, the tension in the cable can affect the measurement for smaller structures that are more sensitive to external loads.

3.2.2 Strain

Strain measurements are used for a variety of health monitoring techniques because they are a direct measurement of the structure’s relative deformation under the applied load. While these measurements can provide valuable information about a given component, they are also related to the, often unknown, load that the structure is undergoing. Despite this fact, both piezoresistive and vibrating-wire strain gages are often used in monitoring systems for large civil structures.


Resistive strain gages are utilized widely on both aerospace and civil structures. These simple sensors are bonded to the structure of interest so that the deformation of the structure causes the sensor to elongate or contract as well. Deformations of less than approximately 2% can be related to the resistance of the gage through the equation:

R=R01+Seε [3.1]

image [3.1]

where R is the resistance of the deformed gage, R0 is the resistance of the gage with no stress applied, Se is the gage factor of the conductor (approximately 2 for many metals) and ε is the strain across the gage (Fraden, 2010). These changes in resistance are typically converted to an absolute voltage using a Wheatstone bridge circuit (Boyes, 2010).

While piezoresistive strain gages are small and consequently have relatively negligible mass loading effects on the structure, their response is dominated by localized effects such as stress concentrations. For large structures this means that strain gages should be restricted to monitoring ‘hot spots’ where damage is expected to occur or on critical components because large areas will require extensive numbers of sensors for global monitoring. Dense instrumentation with piezoresistive strain gages can be problematic because good installation is essential to obtain high quality measurements from a strain gage and installation is a labor-intensive process that is best performed by those with the expertise. Piezoresistive strain gage measurements can also be affected by changes in temperature, and it can be difficult to detect slowly varying strains using them due to sensor drift (Boyes, 2010).


Vibrating-wire strain gages are an alternative type of strain gage that is commonly used on large civil structures such as bridges but are not extensively used in the aerospace industry. Vibrating-wire strain gages are based on the principle that if a wire is pinned at both ends and put under tension, the natural frequency of the vibration of its first mode is:

f=12lTm [3.2]

image [3.2]

where l is the length of the wire, T is the tension in the wire, and m is the mass per unit length of the wire. By bonding the locations at which the wire is fixed to the structure of interest, the strain across the length of the wire can be determined by monitoring the natural frequency of the wire. This is typically done by utilizing a ferromagnetic material for the wire and exciting the wire at the middle of its span with a solenoid in order to ensure that the first mode of the wire is excited. A typical vibrating-wire strain gage has a wire diameter of 0.25 mm and a nominal operating frequency of 1 kHz (Boyes, 2010).

Vibrating-wire strain gages are typically much larger than piezoresistive strain gages and are often between 50 and 250 mm in length. The gages themselves are often attached by welding them directly to the structure of interest or, in the case of concrete, can be directly embedded in the material. In the case of strain gages on concrete, the relatively large size of vibrating-wire strain gages is advantageous because it averages the strain over a sufficient distance to average out much of the local inhomogeneities that are inherent in the concrete. While these gages are sensitive to temperature, like piezoresistive strain gages, when they are carefully installed and used at room temperature they have been found to be very stable and exhibit drift of less than one microstrain over several months (Boyes, 2010).

3.2.3 Acceleration

Acceleration measurements are among the most commonly used measurements in health monitoring of both civil and aerospace structures. One reason for this is that they are well understood and contain information about both the local and the global characteristics of the structure. Because of their widespread use in health monitoring applications, three different types of accelerometers are described in this section: force-balance, capacitive, and piezoelectric accelerometers.


A force-balance, or servo, accelerometer utilizes an active feedback control system to control the position of the proof mass, and the feedback required to keep the mass stationary is used to calculate the acceleration that the system is undergoing. The system works as follows. When the sensor housing is accelerated, the proof mass inside the sensor attempts to remain stationary with respect to the inertial frame of reference. This causes the proof mass to move away from its nominal position in the sensor housing. This relative motion is detected using a displacement sensor (often capacitive), which produces an error signal in the control system. This causes current to flow through the force generating element that balances the force due to the acceleration. Then, by relating the current to the applied force, the acceleration can be calculated using the known proof mass and properties of the forcing system (Boyes, 2010).

Force-balance accelerometers can be attractive for monitoring civil structures because they are very sensitive and have very good resolution at low frequency. Furthermore, they are relatively insensitive to thermal effects and have relatively low nonlinearities. However, the major drawback of force-balance accelerometers is the control mechanism itself, which makes the sensor more expensive than other accelerometers and limits the bandwidth of the sensor to relatively low frequencies.


A capacitive accelerometer utilizes the displacement of a proof mass with respect to the housing of the accelerometer in order to determine the acceleration that the sensor is experiencing. In a capacitive accelerometer, the motions of the proof mass are relatively small (less than 20 μm so the proof mass is typically suspended between two plates, one of which is above it and one of which is below it. The two capacitors that are formed between the mass and the top and bottom plates are then utilized in a differential mode so that small drifts and interferences can be compensated for in the measurement (Fraden, 2010).

Capacitive accelerometers are advantageous for monitoring large structures because they are able to acquire measurements across a wide frequency range including static acceleration while generally having superior stability, sensitivity, and resolution to piezoresistive accelerometers. However, they are somewhat susceptible to temperature and humidity variations and are relatively fragile compared to piezoelectric accelerometers.


Piezoelectric accelerometers are highly utilized in both the civil and aerospace industries. These accelerometers are based upon the piezoelectric effect in which certain crystalline materials generate an electric change that is proportional to the net force acting on the piezoelectric material (Boyes, 2010). Piezoelectric accelerometers typically utilize one of three different configurations, namely the shear mode, flexural mode, or compression mode configurations, to measure the applied acceleration. In a shear mode accelerometer the piezoelectric material is sandwiched between a rigid post and a cylindrical proof mass as shown in Fig. 3.1, so that as the proof mass moves relative to the rigid post in the sensing direction, it generates a shear stress in the piezoelectric material. In flexural mode accelerometers, a beam-shaped crystal is used that is supported on a fulcrum so that accelerations directly induce strains in the piezoelectric beam. This type of piezoelectric accelerometer is best suited for low-frequency, low-amplitude applications. Compression mode accelerometers use tensile and compressive loads to generate forces in the piezoelectric material. While early designs preloaded the piezoelectric material against the base of the sensor, it was found that this approach made the accelerometer very sensitive to base strains and temperature variations. Therefore, new designs isolate the crystal by either placing it at the top of the sensor or isolating it using a washer (Newman, 2010).

3.1 Diagram of a shear mode piezoelectric accelerometer (Adams, 2007). (Source: Reproduced by permission of Wiley.)

Piezoelectric accelerometers have gained such wide use in large part because they can be used in a wide variety of environments and are relatively robust. They have a long service life because there are no moving components in the sensor and they can be applied across a wide frequency and possess good linearity across a large dynamic range. However, these sensors typically have a minimum frequency at which they can be used and are, therefore, unable to measure static accelerations in contrast to capacitive or piezoresistive accelerometers.

3.2.4 Environment

Because most civil infrastructures operate in widely varying environments the preponderance of health monitoring systems typically include several types of traditional sensors to measure the current environmental conditions. While these measurements may not be used to directly calculate the health of the structure, they are essential for monitoring the loads on the structure and for the data-normalization process that is a necessary part of detecting changes in the sensor’s measurements due to damage from changes due to variations in the structure’s environment (Farrar and Worden, 2007).


For large civil structures such as buildings and bridges, wind speed can be of particular interest as it can significantly excite the structure. This is even more critical for bridges in which improper design can lead to aerodynamic self-excitation, as was the case with the famous Tacoma Narrows bridge (Billah and Scanlan, 1991). Lastly, anemometers are also of great interest in wind turbines since the entire operation of the structure is based on wind speed and these measurements can be used to help normalize the response of the structure. While a variety of different types of anemometers exist, perhaps the most widely used is the cup anemometer, which typically consists of three or four cups mounted on the end of horizontal arms that are fixed to a common vertical shaft. The cup anemometer is a drag-driven device that turns because the drag on the smooth back surface of the cup is less than that on the open face of the cup. This imbalance in drag results in rotational speed of the cups being proportional to the average wind speed (Tong, 2010).

Thermocouples and resistive thermometers

For large and relatively flexible structures such as bridges or even buildings, temperature changes can have a large effect on the response characteristics of the structure and can easily mask changes in the structure due to damage or result in false indications of damage. For example, Alampalli (1998) found that freezing in the supports of a bridge caused changes in the natural frequencies of the structure that were more than ten times more significant than the changes in the natural frequencies due to damage. However, perhaps even more interesting was Farrar et al.’s (1997) finding that the first mode of the Alamosa Canyon bridge varied by approximately 5% throughout a single day, and that rather than being correlated with the overall ambient temperature of the structure this change was correlated with the temperature gradient across the bridge deck. This influence of temperature gradients has resulted in the widespread application of temperature sensors including thermocouples and resistance thermometers with as many as 388 temperature sensors being installed on a single bridge (Wong and Ni, 2009).

Resistance thermometers utilize the principle that the resistance of metals increases with temperature. Platinum is typically utilized for resistance thermometers because it has the highest possible coefficient of resistivity, which is indicative of its high purity, and the slight changes in its resistance with temperature can be measured using a Wheatstone bridge (Boyes, 2010). Thermocouples, on the other hand, use the fact that if two different metal wires are connected, the voltage that is produced in the vicinity of their connection is dependent on the temperature difference between the connectors and other parts of those wires. A wide variety of different thermocouples are produced utilizing a range of different alloys depending on the specific temperature range in which the sensor will be operating (Boyes, 2010).

3.2.5 Prevalence of commonly used sensors in SHM systems

To determine which sensors are most commonly used in health monitoring installations, a literature review was performed to identify some instances of installed health monitoring systems and the types of sensors that are used within them. Some of the installed instrumentation and the number of gages of each type are listed in Table 3.1. As an illustration of the complexity of some of these systems, Fig. 3.2 shows an instrumentation diagram for the Stonecutters Bridge in Hong Kong. For each installation listed in Table 3.1, the number of traditional gages for each of the investigated measurement types is listed, along with the total percentage of installed sensors that are one of the ‘traditional’ sensors as defined above. Despite the fact that the total number and distribution of sensors in each installation vary significantly, it is clear that, in general, the most up-to-date installed health monitoring systems rely heavily on the traditional sensing technologies that have just been described. This list is largely composed of bridge health monitoring systems, because those were the types of installations that were the most prominent in the literature, but also include systems that have been implemented on several buildings and have even been designed to monitor wind turbine rotor blades.

Table 3.1

Health monitoring systems found installed in the literature with the type and number of sensors installed

Structure Percent ‘traditional’ sensors Displacement Strain Acceleration Wind speed Temperature
Vanke Center
(Teng et al., 2011 )
43% 0 154 14 0 0
Shenzhen Bay Stadium
(Teng et al., 2011 )
95% 0 108 8 2 102
24-story steel frame building
(Celebi et al., 2004)
100% 0 0 30 0 0
UCLA Louis Factor Building
(Skolnik et al., 2006)
100% 0 0 72 0 0
Humber Bridge
(Brownjohn, 2007)
59% 6 0 16 13 2
Samcheonpo Bridge
(Koh et al., 2009)
77% 4 0 44 2 5
Sunrise Bridge
(Catbas et al., 2010)
83% 0 94 40 0 0
Namhae Bridge
(Koh et al., 2009)
87% 4 54 18 2 0
Stonecutters Bridge
(Wong and Ni, 2009)
89% 34 836 58 24 388
Tsing Ma Bridge
(Wong and Ni, 2009)
91% 2 110 19 6 115
Shenzhen Western Corridor
(Wong and Ni, 2009)
92% 4 212 44 8 118
Seohae Bridge
(Koh et al., 2009)
94% 10 94 36 2 14
Yongjong Bridge
(Koh et al., 2009)
94% 4 297 52 4 33
Gwangan Bridge
(Koh et al., 2009)
95% 5 4 20 4 70
Øresund Bridge
(Peeters, 2009)
96% 0 19 66 2 14
Kap Shui Mun Bridge
(Wong and Ni, 2009)
96% 2 30 3 2 224
Little Mystic Span of Tobin Memorial Bridge (Brenner et al., 2010) 97% 0 96 6 1 6
Ting Kau Bridge
(Wong and Ni, 2009)
97% 2 88 45 7 83
Fairview Road On-Ramp Overcrossing
(Fen et al., 2006)
98% 1 19 21 0 3
Kings Stormwater Channel Bridge
(Guan et al., 2006)
99% 4 20 63 0 1
Jamboree Road Bridge
(Fen et al., 2006)
100% 1 0 14 0 0
Neka Railway Bridge
(Ataei et al., 2005)
100% 20 42 27 0 0
New Cape Girardeau Bridge 100% 0 0 84 0 0
(Celebi, 2006)       
CX-100 SMART Rotor
(Adams et al., 2011, Berg et al., 2011)
48% 0 21 24 0 0


Note: The total percent of installed sensors that have been deemed ‘traditional’ is listed in the second column while the remaining columns have the number of traditional sensors of each type that were installed on each structure.

3.2 Sensor layout for Stonecutters Bridge in Hong Kong (Wong and Ni, 2009). (Source: Reproduced by permission of Wiley.)

3.3 Associated algorithms

Despite the widespread use of the above sensors as part of health monitoring systems, none of those sensors, or any other sensor for that matter, can directly measure damage (Worden et al., 2007). Instead, these sensors measure the response of the structure to its operational and environmental input and then the health of the structure must then be inferred using a damage feature that is obtained from the acquired data. Each sensor type, however, has specific characteristics that can lend itself to a specific type of data feature or damage identification algorithm. Therefore, this portion of this chapter briefly describes how each of the traditional types of sensors can be utilized as part of a health monitoring system and what unique capabilities they lend to the performance of the system. Because of their extensive use in damage identification methodologies, algorithms created primarily for acceleration measurements will be described in greater detail than those for other sensing modalities. Emphasis is placed on identifying the underlying commonalities of the algorithms and data source from which each of the damage features were obtained.

3.3.1 Displacement sensors

Displacement sensors are most commonly utilized to monitor large bulk changes in a structure and, therefore, have typically been used as part of straightforward algorithms to assist in monitoring the health of the structure. For instance, in a bridge they may be used to measure the maximum deflection at certain spans (Guan et al., 2007), and then simple level crossing or peak holding methodologies can be used to detect anomalous events. Similar measurements of peak displacements can also be useful for monitoring inter-story drift in buildings during earthquakes, but are difficult to make in real-world structures where long distances must be spanned and there are numerous partition walls (Skolnik et al., 2008). While this is a measurement of the transient geometry of the structure, displacement sensors are also commonly used to monitor the geometry of the structure due to changes that occur over longer time scales, such as those due to temperature and material creep (Wong and Ni, 2009).

Another way in which displacement sensors have been used is to directly monitor cracks and crack opening displacements (Issa et al., 2005). Because of the long-term stability of most displacement sensors such as LVDTs and potentiometers, crack opening displacements can be measured directly to determine the long-term degradation of the structure (Lovejoy, 2007). Furthermore, because these measurements are relatively insensitive to temperature changes, they can be used in conjunction with temperature measurements to differentiate crack opening displacements due to temperature changes from those due to operational loading such as traffic on a bridge (Wang, 2009). The relative stability of these measurements also allows them to be used on large civil structures to estimate average moduli, which may then be tracked using more statistically rigorous methods such as bootstrapping to identify significant changes in the structure (Lloyd et al., 2003).

3.3.2 Strain gages

Strain gages have received fairly broad attention because they are relatively inexpensive and can provide good engineering insight into the local behavior of the structure (Yu and Ou, 2006). This is one reason why they have been used widely to monitor fatigue in fixed-wing aircraft. In this application, strain gages are commonly used to measure fatigue critical loads due to external forces like gust and buffeting as well as abrupt maneuvers. However, in order to fully utilize these measurements, because the strain gages are so highly influenced by the local behavior of the structure, their location must be chosen carefully to either monitor hot spots where damage is likely to occur or to monitor the dominant fatigue loads acting on the structure (Buderath, 2009). The same need to place strain gages in critical locations is also present in civil structures to ensure that the measurements can be used effectively in algorithms such as strain-based mode-shape algorithms (Kiremidjian et al., 1997). In addition to damage identification methodologies derived from dynamic strain measurements such as those mentioned above, a damage identification methodology has recently been developed by Janget al., (2008), who utilized static strain measurements to detect and locate damage on a simple truss system even when the strain in the damage truss member was not directly measured.

Strain gages may be most useful for the monitoring of loads in a component or substructure, particularly when that structure has well defined load paths that can be directly measured using a relatively small number of sensors. One example of this in the aerospace industry is monitoring of landing gear loads and fatigue using strain gages mounted on the gear that can be used to infer the ground loads imparted on the gear (Schmidt and Sartor, 2009). The operational environment of prestressed concrete pressure vessels that are used in nuclear power plants is also evaluated using vibrating-wire strain gages in conjunction with thermocouples to ensure that the operating conditions are within safe ranges and the plant is functioning as expected (Smith, 1996). Therefore, while strain gages are usually not used in order to monitor entire civil structures, they can be successfully utilized as part of a full monitoring system because of the physical insight they provide into loads in specific components.

3.3.3 Accelerometers

Accelerometers have been the most widely used type of sensor for damage identification and health monitoring algorithms because of their ease of use, robustness, relatively low cost, and ability to detect changes in both local and global properties. This widespread use is due in part to their ability to measure relatively small motions over a wide frequency band. Good broadband performance is important in health monitoring because, in general, low-frequency responses are more global in nature while high frequency responses contain more localized information about the structure and may, therefore, be more sensitive to damage (Friswell, 2007). Furthermore, accelerometers are generally robust, easy to install, and relatively inexpensive. This combination of factors has led to the development of an extremely wide variety of different algorithms that utilize acceleration measurements to monitor the health of structures.

A summary of a small subset of these methods that were found in the literature and showed promising results on an experimental structure are listed in Table 3.2. Also listed in that table is the main data source from which each method’s damage feature and the level of damage identification that it provided was calculated. The level of damage identification provided by the algorithm refers to the levels of (1) determination that damage is present, (2) determination of the geometric location of the damage, and (3) quantification of the severity of the damage (Rytter, 1993). If the reader would like a more in-depth description of health monitoring algorithms, there are several excellent reviews in that area including articles by Doebling and Farrar (1998), Carden and Fanning (2004), Montalvao et al. (2006), and Fan and Qiao (2011).

Table 3.2

Accelerometer based damage identification algorithms, the intrinsic damage feature they utilize, the structure on which they were demonstrated, and the level of damage identification that they provide

Method Damage feature source Structure investigated Level 1: detection Level 2: location Level 3: quantification
Decreased natural frequencies
(Brinker et al., 1995)
Natural frequencies Multi-pile offshore platform X   
Compensated changes in natural frequency
(De Roeck et al., 2000)
Natural frequencies Z24 Bridge X   
Changes in modal curvature (Abdel Wahab and De Roeck, 1999)
(Gul, 2009)
Mode shapes Z24 Bridge X X  
Modal strain energy method
(Farrar and Doebling, 1999)
Mode shapes I-40 Rio Grande Bridge X X  
Transfer function pole migration
(Lynch, 2005)a
(Swarts and Lynch, 2008)b
Modal properties IASC-ASCE experimental Benchmarka, Z24 Bridgeb X   
Minimum rank model updating
(Doebling, 1996)
Modal properties NASA 8-Bay cantilevered truss X X  
Bayesian FE model updating (Ching and Beck, 2004)a
(Skolnik et al., 2006)b
Modal properties IASC-ASCE experimental Benchmarka ,UCLA factor buildingb X X X
Direct stiffness calculation (Maeck and De Roeck, 2003) Modal Properties Z24 Bridge X X X
FE model updating
(Teughels and De Roeck, 2004)
Modal Properties Z24 Bridge X X X
Damage locating vector
(Gao et al., 2004)
Modal properties Experimental small-scale truss X X  
Operating shape local curvature
(Sampai et al., 1999)
FRFs Experimental bridge structure X X  
Interpolation damage detection method
(Limongelli, 2010)
FRFs I-40 Rio Grande Bridge X X  
FRF PCA for neural networks
(Ni et al., 2006)
FRFs Scale building model X X  
Linear and nonlinear frequency domain ARX models
(Adams and Farrar, 2002)
Frequency domain input–output models Unistrut frame structure X  X
Transmissibility functions
(Johnson et al., 2004)
FRFs Unistrut frame structure, rotorcraft fuselage X X  
Embedded sensitivity functions
(Yang et al., 2008)
FRFs Metallic composite panel X X X
Two-tier AR and ARX models
(Lu et al., 2008)
Response time histories Two-story RC frame structure X   
ARX model parameters
(Gul and Catbas, 2011)
Response time histories Z24 Bridge X X X
Optimized neural-wavelets
(Taha, 2010)
Response time histories IASC-ASCE experimental Benchmark X  X


Note: The superscript letters denote which reference refers to which structure. FRF: frequency response function; RC: reinforced concrete.

Changes in modal parameters

One of the most commonly used ways in which accelerometers have been used in an attempt to monitor civil infrastructure for damage is through the calculation of modal parameters including natural frequencies and mode shapes, despite the general lack of sensitivity that modal parameters have shown to localized structural damage. However, this approach has been commonly used because it is a convenient data reduction technique (Farrar and Doebling, 1997) that is familiar to most researchers and is clearly tied back to the physics of the structure (Carden and Fanning, 2004).

The first form of a modal-based health monitoring method that drew significant attention was the detection of damage through changes in natural frequencies. A review on this method was published by Salawu (1997) that documented over 60 instances of its use. One such use was the detection of the decrease in the natural frequencies of a multi-pile offshore platform throughout a year of operation (Brinker et al., 1995) that may have been caused by an accumulation of damage. However, recent research has suggested that the detection of damage in realistic structures in the field using frequency shifts is difficult, in part because of variations in the natural frequencies caused by environmental factors (Carden and Fanning, 2004). One way in which this problem can be addressed is by measuring and modeling the influence of these external parameters on the natural frequencies of the structure. For example, De Roeck et al. (2000) utilized an auto-regressive, exogenous input (ARX) model to account for the influence of temperature on the Z24 Bridge (Fig. 3.3). This model successfully helped to distinguish between damage- and temperature-induced variations in the natural frequencies of the structure.

3.3 Schematic of the Z24 Bridge with distances listed in meters (Reynders and De Roeck, 2009). Data from the bridge while it was progressively damaged has been used by many researchers to demonstrate different health monitoring algorithms. (Source: Reproduced by permission of Wiley.)

Another methodology that has been utilized to monitor structures for damage focuses on changes in the mode shape of the structure. One reason why several researchers have moved to detecting changes in mode shapes rather than natural frequencies is because mode shapes are less sensitive to global temperature changes than natural frequencies (Farrar and James, 1997), although temperature gradients in the structure can still distort the mode shape. Abdel Wahab and De Roeck (1999) applied a modal curvature-based methodology to the data from the Z24 Bridge and found that, by calculating the difference in curvature across multiple modes, they were able to detect and locate the damage. Farrar and Doebling (1999) utilized the mode shapes from an I-40 bridge over the Rio Grande to detect and locate damage using the Damage Index Method developed by Stubbs et al. (1995). This method is based on the detection of changes in the strain energy of the mode shape before and after damage.

One health monitoring technique that utilizes multiple modal parameters was developed by Lynch (2005) and tracks transfer function poles in the complex plane to detect damage. The poles of the transfer function are a combination of the natural frequencies and modal damping values of the structure. Damage in the IASC-ASCE experimental benchmark data was detected by the changes in the poles of the system in five different damaged conditions (Lynch, 2005). Swartz and Lynch (2008) extended this method by creating an algorithm to compare the poles with the appropriate baseline condition and then calculate damage based on the system’s pole locations. The methodology allows for local processing on a distributed network of sensors and was able to detect most of the progressive damage tests that were performed on the Z24 Bridge (Swartz and Lynch, 2008).

Algorithms for both detecting and locating damage have also been developed that utilize both natural frequencies and mode shapes. Many of these algorithms utilize experimental measurements along with finite element models of the structure to detect, locate, and possibly even quantify the level of damage. Doebling (1996) utilized modal properties along with an optimal updating methodology to identify and locate damage in a small-scale cantilevered truss. Ching and Beck (2004) developed a Bayesian finite element model updating methodology that they applied to the IASC-ASCE experimental benchmark data to identify damage. This methodology was also applied by Skolnik et al. (2006) to a 15-story building on the University of California Los Angeles’ campus. In this case, because the structure could not be damaged, the methodology was demonstrated by updating a model that was used to assess the likelihood of damage from an earthquake. Lastly, Teughels and De Roeck (2004) used finite element model updating using data from the Z24 Bridge tests and quantified the decrease in bending and torsional stiffness along the length of the bridge in several cases.

Another methodology that uses both mode shape and natural frequency information, but not a finite element model, was developed by Gaoet al., (2004) who utilized mode shape and natural frequency estimates from a 4.5 m long 3-D truss structure to detect, locate, and quantify the loss in stiffness in an element of the truss using the Damage Locating Vector method. This methodology was developed by Bernal (2002) and it utilizes the modal properties of the structure before and after damage to calculate the flexibility matrix at the sensor locations. Then, using these flexibility matrices, the method calculates a static load vector that when applied to the structure induces no stress in the damaged components. The developed methodology was also applied to another slightly larger truss structure to demonstrate that the methodology could be used to detect multiple damaged elements simultaneously (Tran et al., 2008). Another damage detection methodology that utilized changes in both natural frequencies and mode shapes to detect, locate, and quantify damage is the Direct Stiffness Calculation method, which was used by Maeck and De Roeck (2003) to calculate the loss in stiffness along the length of the Z24 Bridge due to progressively induced damage. This methodology is applicable to beamlike structures and is based on the relation between the bending and torsional stiffness in each section. It is interesting to note that for several of the damage states, the loss in bending stiffness calculated by this method compared well to the values calculated using finite element model updating (Reynders and De Roeck, 2009).

Changes in input–output models

Perhaps the most commonly used system level model of the input–output behavior of a structure is the frequency response function (FRF). In order to use FRFs for health monitoring purposes, they usually need to be reduced to a damage feature of smaller dimensionality. However, modal parameters are not the only method that can be used for data reduction purposes on FRFs. Ni et al. (2006) applied principal component analysis to FRFs and used the resulting data as an input to a neural network in order to detect damage in a 1/20 scale building. Rather than using FRFs directly, Adams and Farrar (2002) utilized linear and nonlinear frequency domain ARX models to characterize the input–output behavior of a possibly non-linear structure and demonstrated that such a model could successfully detect and quantify the presence of loose bolts in a three-story unistrut frame building.

In a manner similar to how mode shapes were used to detect and locate damage, spatial variations in FRFs have also been used for health monitoring purposes. For instance, Sampaio et al. (1999) used changes in the spatial variations of FRFs to detect damage. At each measurement location the local curvature of the operational deflection shapes at a specific frequency was calculated and changes in these values allowed for the detection and localization of damage in a bridge. Another method that utilizes the spatial variations in FRFs is the interpolation damage detection method, which was used by Limongelli (2010) to detect damage on the I-40 Rio Grande Bridge despite the presence of temperature variations. This method assumes that damage introduces a discontinuity in the deformation shape of the structure and detects this discontinuity by comparing each experimentally measured FRF to the FRF that is interpolated at that location by spline fitting the remaining FRFs.

FRFs may also be transformed in order to create functions that can be utilized more directly for damage detection purposes. Transmissibility functions were demonstrated to be valuable for the detection and localization of damage in a three-story unistrut frame structure (Johnson et al., 2004) because they are functions of the transfer function zeros, which are more sensitive to local changes of the structure than poles (Johnson, 2002). Another transformation of FRFs that has been utilized to aid in health monitoring is the calculation of embedded sensitivity functions. These functions use the assumption that physical properties are lumped at certain degrees of freedom (DOF) to calculate partial derivatives with respect to lumped stiffness and mass properties (Yang et al., 2004). Using this methodology, changes in the mass and stiffness of a metallic composite panel on standoffs was detected, located, and quantified in terms of stiffness and mass changes (Yang et al., 2008).

Changes in time response based models

The last set of health monitoring algorithms considered here are typically computed from the error in time series models or from transformed versions of the acceleration measurements themselves. For instance, Lu et al. (2008) utilized a database of auto-regressive models for data-normalization purposes so that the parameters from ARX models could be compared more directly to one another for each sensor. This methodology was able to successfully detect changes due to high-level shake table excitations of a two-story RC frame structure using a wireless sensing system (Lu et al., 2008). Gul and Catbas (2011) utilized ARX models to predict the output of one sensor using a cluster of other sensors. The model was trained on the baseline data set. By tracking the changes in the prediction error in the models, the presence, location, and some comparative information about the magnitude of the damage on the Z24 Bridge was obtained (Gul and Catbas, 2011). Another time series methodology was developed by Taha (2010) and applied to the IASC-ASCE experimental benchmark. This method utilized the wavelet transform for data reduction purposes and an optimized neural network for the detection and quantification of damage. However, this methodology did not detect the specific location of the damage, and, therefore, the quantification corresponded only to a description of the severity of the damage and no estimates of the size or type of damage could be made.

3.3.4 Environmental measurements

Environmental measurements are not typically used for health monitoring of a structure directly, but recent experience has shown that they are an important part of any health monitoring system because environmental changes can have a large influence on the behavior of the structure being monitored. This is a vast and quickly expanding area of research and only a brief overview of some methodologies is given here. The interested reader is encouraged to read Sohn’s (2007) excellent review on the topic for more information.

One example of the use of temperature measurements for compensating for environmental changes was already described in which De Roeck et al. (2000) utilized an ARX model to eliminate temperature effects from the changes in the natural frequencies of the Z24 Bridge so that the effects of damage could be detected. Sohn et al. (1999) took a similar approach to the problem by using a linear model to predict changes in both the first and second natural frequencies of the I-40 Rio Grande Bridge. Temperature compensation methods also apply principal component analysis to vibration features such as natural frequencies directly (Yan et al., 2005a) or after they have been clustered (Yan et al., 2005b). Both of these methods showed promise in compensating for the temperature variations observed on the Z24 Bridge.

3.4 Examples of continuous monitoring systems

In large part because of the decreasing costs, increasing reliability, and advanced algorithms designed for many of the aforementioned sensing technologies, continuous health monitoring systems have begun to be developed and deployed for civil infrastructure. One example of such a system for a building has been implemented on the Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai, which is the tallest manmade structure in the world (Abdelrazaq, 2012). This system utilizes the building’s existing network for the transmission of data and monitors the structure using modal properties estimated using time, frequency, or time–frequency techniques (Kwon et al., 2010). A system has also been deployed on the Guangzhou New TV Tower and has recorded the building’s vibrations during several types of dynamic events such as earthquakes and typhoons (Ni, 2010).

However, the preponderance of vibration monitoring systems that have currently been deployed is on bridges, not buildings (Brownjohn et al., 2011). One example of such a system is the Stonecutters Bridge in Hong Kong (Wong, 2010), which has over 1500 sensors on it. As was shown in Table 3.1, 388 of these sensors were temperature measurements. One reason for this large number of temperature measurements is that they can be used as part of correlation models to help account for changes in the modal frequencies of the bridge due to changes in the environment (Ni, 2010). However, the majority of the sensors on the Stonecutters Bridge are strain sensors. The large number of strain sensors was likely influenced by the successful use of strain sensors on the Tsing Ma Bridge to monitor the performance of the bridge deck under operational loading, detect the presence of local damage using a strain energy formulation, and assess the fatigue life of the bridge using the daily stress spectra and modeled stress concentration factors (Ni, 2010).

Several other noteworthy examples of continuous monitoring systems include the Øresund Bridge and the Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge. While the Øresund Bridge monitoring system has a variety of sensors installed (see Table 3.1), many of the monitoring methodologies rely on accelerometer readings to monitor key aspects of the bridge’s performance. For instance, the accelerometer readings are utilized for the operational modal analysis of the bridge including its deck, towers, and cables (Peeters et al., 2003). If the influence of environmental variations on the modal parameters of the bridge are properly accounted for, changes in the bridge’s modes of vibration that are dominated by the motion of the deck and tower can be used to monitor the overall health of the bridge while cable modes can be used to monitor the tension in any supporting cables (Peeters et al., 2003). The Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge also relies on accelerometers in its monitoring system (Celebi, 2006). This monitoring system has been utilized to assess the performance of the bridge against design parameters and has been utilized to analyze the response of the bridge to several earthquakes (Celebi, 2006).

Despite these examples of deployed health monitoring systems, the industry has still been relatively resistant to the deployment of health monitoring systems and new technologies (Brownjohn et al., 2011). While there are many reasons for this slow transition from research to practice, one reason for this is that these systems are currently relatively expensive to install and deploy. For example, the system on the Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge reportedly cost approximately $1.3 million dollars or over $15 000 per channel (Spencer et al.. 2011). As advances continue to be made in both traditional and novel sensor technologies and data acquisition systems, these costs will be reduced and continuous monitoring systems for civil infrastructure will likely become far more prevalent.

3.5 Conclusions and future trends

Despite the fact that the majority of literature on structural health monitoring may focus on new and novel sensors and algorithms, traditional sensors and their associated algorithms continue to play a major role in the transition of health monitoring systems from the laboratory to the field. While one significant reason for this trend may be the practitioner’s previous experience with these sensing technologies, these sensors have also demonstrated that they are relatively inexpensive, robust, and complement each other well. For instance, displacement and strain gages are well suited for monitoring local phenomena for specific types of damage such as crack opening displacements or loads in specific components. Accelerometer measurements, on the other hand, contain significant global information as well and have had a plethora of different algorithms developed for them to use this information to detect, locate, and even quantify damage that may be a considerable distance from the sensors. While the number of different algorithms is large, the algorithms are formulated around several different sets of damage features, which are intrinsically linked back to the structure’s dynamic response. Because a structure’s response is influenced by external factors other than damage, however, environmental measurements are a necessary part of almost any health monitoring system. These environmental measurements can then be used, along with physical or statistical models, to compensate for their influence on the structure’s dynamics so that the changes due to damage can be reliably detected.

As health monitoring technology continues to progress and begins to become an accepted part of new structural designs, there are several trends that are likely to continue to gain prominence. One such trend is that as sensing technologies continue to mature and become less expensive, there will likely be even higher sensor densities on large civil structures. This will not only involve the sensing elements but also wireless sensing modules and the requisite distributed data acquisition and analysis architecture. As more sensors are placed on the structure, algorithms and methodologies that utilize sensor fusion techniques to synthesize health indicators from multiple measurement modalities will become an essential part of health monitoring systems. For instance, temperature measurements are already being used in concert with vibration measurements to account for environmental changes, but the simultaneous use of strain, vibration, and displacement measurements for increased sensitivity and robustness to the authors’ knowledge has not yet been fully implemented. This type of data synthesis will become more important as new sensing technologies emerge, and is just one example of how algorithms will likely evolve and help drive advances in health monitoring. Regardless of the new algorithms or sensors that are developed, because of their long history and well-established use in health monitoring, it will likely be a long time before traditional sensors are no longer an integral part of long-term health monitoring systems.

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