How to do it…

The SVD of a matrix can be calculated by using the svd function within scipy.linalg.

Let us understand how to code up using the svd function using the following example:

  1. Initialize an array:
 a = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) 
  1. Import the relevant packages and functions within the package:
from scipy import linalg 
  1. Use the svd function to calculate the SVD matrices (U, Σ and V):
  1. The output of the preceding function is as follows:
(array([[-0.40455358, -0.9145143 ],
[-0.9145143 , 0.40455358]]),
array([ 5.4649857 , 0.36596619]),
array([[-0.57604844, -0.81741556],
[ 0.81741556, -0.57604844]]))

​In order to further understand if the output is as per expectation, let us check if the multiplication of the individual matrices in the output results in a matrix that is very similar to our original matrix. 

In this scenario, our U matrix is as follows:


The Σ matrix is as follows:

([ 5.4649857 ,  0.36596619])

However, note that the preceding second output of the svd function is only the diagonal elements within the matrix (where every non-diagonal element is 0). Hence, the Σ matrix translates to the following:

np.array([[ 5.4649857 ,  0],

Note that the diagonal values are populated by the elements of the svd output we saw earlier.

The V matrix is as follows:

([[-0.57604844, -0.81741556],  [ 0.81741556, -0.57604844]])

In order to cross-check and verify the svd function's output, we will multiply the U, Σ, and V matrices that we obtained earlier.

The output of the matrix multiplication should be as close to the original matrix as possible.

  1. Initialize the matrices:
U = np.array([[-0.40455358, -0.9145143 ],
[-0.9145143 , 0.40455358]])
sigma = np.array([[ 5.4649857 , 0],
V=np.array([[-0.57604844, -0.81741556],
[ 0.81741556, -0.57604844]])
  1. Perform the matrix multiplication of U, sigma, and V matrices:,sigma),V)
  1. The output of the preceding calculation is as follows:
array([[ 0.99999999,  1.99999998],
[ 3.00000003, 4.00000001]])

 Note that, the output matrix is almost the same as the original matrix.

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