

A term that refers to the process of organizing program code into classes.


Data that is passed to a script or method as input.


A collection of data that is stored as an indexed list.


A value that represents a true or false condition.


A marker used to pause the execution of scripts run using the Ruby debugger.


The process of calling upon a method within a Ruby script.

case sensitivity

The differentiation of upper- and lowercase spelling in the formulation of Ruby variables and strings.


The process of passing one method’s output to another method as input.


A template that can be used to create or instantiate individual objects based on definitions made within the class.

class variable

A variable with a scope that allows it to be referenced by all instances of the same class.

code blocks

A group of enclosed statements that are executed as a unit.

command prompt

A text-based interface used to accept commands and display the results of those commands.


A statement embedded inside a script for the purpose of documenting the internal design and logic of the script.


The process that the Ruby interpreter goes through to convert a script into a format that can be executed by the operating system.


The process of combining together two strings to create a new string.

conditional logic

The programmatic analysis of two or more conditions, providing the basis for controlling the logical execution of statements within a script.


The act of tracking down and fixing an error within a script file.


The process of repeatedly decreasing a numeric value during the execution of a loop, method, or script.


A marker that is used to identify different data items passed as input to commands, methods, and scripts.

dot notation

The syntax used when referencing object properties and methods.


An individual item stored in an array.


A programming technique that restricts access to one or more of the properties and methods defined within a class.

endless loop

A loop that repeats forever without means of terminating its execution.


A problem that occurs during the execution of a script.


A programming technique in which the character is pre-appended to a character within a string to instruct Ruby to interpret the character literally.


A programming statement that when evaluated returns a value.

floating point

A real number containing a decimal point, representing a fractional value.


A tool used to graphically represent some or all of a script’s logical flow or design.

global variable

A variable that can be accessed from any location within a script.


A collection of data stored using key-value pairs.


The process of repeatedly increasing a numeric value during the execution of a loop, method, or script.


A numeric value used to specify the location of an element in an array.


A term used to describe the process whereby one class is derived from another class. The derived class, sometimes referred to as the child class, inherits all of the properties and methods of the parent class.


An argument passed to a script or method for use as data.

instance variable

A variable with a scope that allows it to be referenced by all methods residing inside the class definition.


A term that describes the process used to create a new object.


A whole number.


The process by which Ruby replaces a variable embedded within a string with the variable’s assigned value.

interpreted language

A programming language used to develop scripts that must be compiled each time they are executed.


An application that compiles scripts into a format that allows them to be executed.

irb (interactive Ruby)

An interactive environment that can be used to submit Ruby statements for immediate execution and which is commonly used by Ruby programmers as a means of tinkering with Ruby and testing different language features to see how they work.


A Ruby environment that will facilitate the development and execution of Ruby scripts that interact with the Microsoft .NET Framework.


The process of repeating the execution of a loop.


A variable used to process the contents of a list of items during the execution of a loop.


A Java-based Ruby environment being developed by Sun Microsystems.

key-value pair

An individual data item stored within a hash along with its associated label.

language constructs

Language commands that are part of the core Ruby scripting language.


An open-source computer operating system derived from UNIX.


A collection of data items that are stored and managed as a unit.

local variable

A variable that can be accessed only within the scope in which it is created.

logical error

An error that occurs when a mistake is made in the logic used to perform a task.


A collection of statements that execute repeatedly as a unit.

Mac OS X

A proprietary operating system based on UNIX that is provided by Apple for use on Macintosh computers.


A character that alters the way a pattern match occurs in a regular expression.


A collection of statements defined within a class that can be called upon to interact with and control the operation of objects instantiating from that class.


An expression that alters the execution of a statement to which it is appended.


A structure used to store collections of classes, methods, and constants.

.NET Framework

A Microsoft-developed framework that supports the development of desktop, network, and Internet-based applications and scripts.


A Ruby value that indicates a value of nothing.


A self-contained entity that includes information about itself in the form of properties and provides script code stored as methods that can be used to interact with and control themselves.

object-oriented programming

A method of program in which data, script code, and objects are stored together to define abstract representations of real-world concepts.

operator precedence

The process a programming language uses to determine the order in which mathematic operations are evaluated.


An argument passed to a command, method, or script for processing as input.

pattern matching

The process of identifying matching string values based on a search performed using a regular expression.


The ability to define something in different forms.


A collection of compiled code statements that make up an application.


Characteristics that describe or characterize an object, such as size or type.


A rough, English-like outline of the logic required to develop all or part of a script.


Provides access to documentation about Ruby classes and methods.


A term used to refer to a regular expression.

Regular Expression

A pattern used to identify matching character data.


A command line Ruby documentation viewer.


A modern, interpreted, object-oriented scripting language.


A package manager that provides a standard format for distributing Ruby scripts.

Ruby on Rails

A web-based application-development framework, sometimes just referred to as Rails, that allows programmers to build website applications using Ruby.

runtime error

An error that occurs when a script attempts to perform an illegal action.


A term used to refer to the accessibility of a variable within a script.


A group of statements stored in a plain text file that can be interpreted and executed.

script editor

A specialized text editor that is used to develop script files.

special variable

A variable that is automatically created and maintained by Ruby and which can be referenced by any Ruby scripts.


An executable line of code within a script file.

STDIN (Standard Input)

The default location where Ruby retrieves input (e.g., the keyboard).

STDOUT (Standard Output)

The default location where Ruby sends output (e.g., the screen).


A group of text characters enclosed within matching quotation marks.

string interpolation

Variable substitution performed by embedding variables within text strings.


The rules that govern the formulation of commands and script statements.

syntax error

An error that occurs when you fail to follow the rules for formatting script statements.

terminal window

A software application that provides command line access to the operating system.


The process of tracking down and fixing bugs in computer programs.


A computer operating system created by AT&T Bell Labs in the 1960s that has been ported to every major computing platform.


The process of analyzing data input to ensure that it meets required specifications.


The data assigned to a variable.


A pointer to a location in memory where the objects that are created in your scripts are stored.


A proprietary operating system created by Microsoft for use on personal computers.

YARV (Yet Another Ruby VM)

A Ruby environment designed to replace the current Ruby interpreter.

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