
We’re publishers—just like you. We’ve been through the long shifts, entering and editing text, setting type, importing images, and trying to get files to print. On most of those late nights and early mornings, we could have been home in bed if we had known just one key piece of information. But we weren’t. There was no one there to tell us.

We’re here to tell you.

If some piece of information in this book saves you one late night, we will have succeeded in our purpose.

How This Book Was Produced

To answer the question we’ve been asked so many times: Yes, we produced this book in Adobe InDesign. We created art using Snapz Pro, SnagIt, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign’s tools.

We used Adobe’s Minion Pro family for our body text—a workhorse typeface that manages to look both modern and classical at the same time. For code, we used TheSansMonoCondensed, by Lucas de Groot (from

Bonus Materials

If we included everything we wanted—obscure features, charming anecdotes, and so on—this book would be over 2,000 pages.

We cut a lot of information out of this book to keep the size down. Bonus materials include XML workflow information (an entire chapter), scripting resources, and more. To access this material on the web, you will need to register your book. Go to this link:

After you’ve registered, click “Access to protected content” next to the book title in your registered products list.


Thanks to Adobe’s InDesign team and all the other folks at or formerly at Adobe who helped support this book—including Michael Ninness, Lynly Schambers-Lenox, Whitney McCleary, Chad Siegel, Bur Davis, Angie Hammond, Matt Phillips, Tommy Donovan, Douglas Waterfall, Eric Menninga, Kiyo Toma, Chris Kitchener, David Stephens, Jonathan Brown, Alan Stearns, Dov Isaacs, Zak Williamson, Paul Sorrick, Mark Niemann-Ross, Christine Yarrow, Lee Huang (Ole’s neighbor), John Hake, Adrian O’Lenskie, Colin Fleming, Harrison Liu, and the rest of the Adobe Developer Technologies group.

We appreciate the growing web of InDesign users and trainers with whom we love to trade cool tips and tricks, including Bob Levine, Anne-Marie Concepción, Sandee Cohen, Claudia McCue, Steve Werner, Pariah S. Burke, Scott Citron, Rufus Deuchler, Diane Burns, Avery Raskin, Dave Saunders, Branislav Milic, Mordy Golding, Mike Rankin, Michael Murphy, Pam Pfiffner, and Ted LoCascio.

Thanks to Jan C. Wright for our index. She won the 2009 ASI/H.W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing for a previous edition—the first time a technical book has ever won the award.

Thanks to our friends at Peachpit Press for their patience, support, professionalism, patience, and understanding (and did we mention patience?), especially Susan Rimerman and Lisa “see myk” Brazieal.

DAVID: “My deepest appreciation to my wife and partner, Debbie Carlson, as well as to our sons Gabriel and Daniel, who ensured that sanity wouldn’t gain the upper hand. My thanks, too, go to Anne-Marie, Niyaz, Ted Falcon, and many other friends and helpers.”

OLE: “Thanks to my incredible friends, to my partner, Amy Lanset, and to my son, Max Olav Kvern, for their love and support.”

BOB: “I’m grateful for my wife Wendy, as well as to my twin sons Luke and Max, who agreed to be ignored for a couple months.”

Olav Martin Kvern
[email protected]

David Blatner
[email protected]

Bob Bringhurst
[email protected]

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