Appendix A. Parts and Suppliers


The following tables will help you to find the parts used in this book. Where possible, I have listed product codes for a few suppliers.

There are now many electronic component suppliers that cater to the maker and electronics hobbyist. Some of the most popular are listed in Table A-1.

Table A-1. Parts suppliers
Supplier Website Notes


Good for modules


Wide range of components


Wide range of components

Seeed Studio

Interesting low-cost modules


Good for modules

MonkMakes Electronics kits for Raspberry Pis, etc.

UK-based retailer and manufacturer of interesting HATs
Pololu Great for motor controllers and robots


UK based; wide range of components


International; wide range of components

Cool Components

Wide range of accessories for Raspberry Pi

The other great source of components is eBay.

Searching for components can be time consuming and difficult. The Octopart component search engine can be very helpful in tracking down parts. MonkMakes, Adafruit, and SparkFun all have packs of components to get you started.

Prototyping Equipment and Kits

Many of the hardware projects in this book use jumper wires of various sorts. Male-to-female leads (to connect the Raspberry Pi general-purpose input/output [GPIO] connector to a breadboard) and male-to-male (to make connections on the breadboard) are particularly useful. Female-to-female are occasionally useful for connecting modules directly to GPIO pins. You rarely need leads longer than 3 inches (75 mm). Table A-2 lists some jumper wire and breadboard specifications, along with their suppliers.

A handy way to get started with a breadboard, jumper wires, and some basic components is to buy a starter kit, like the Electronics Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi from MonkMakes.

Table A-2. Prototyping equipment and kits
Description Suppliers

M-M jumper wires

SparkFun: PRT-08431; Adafruit: 759

M-F jumper wires

SparkFun: PRT-09140; Adafruit: 825

F-F jumper wires

SparkFun: PRT-08430; Adafruit: 794

Half-size breadboard

SparkFun: PRT-09567; Adafruit: 64

Pi Cobbler

Adafruit: 1105

Raspberry Leaf (26-pin) Adafruit: 1772
Raspberry Leaf (40-pin) Cool Components: 3408
Electronics Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi Amazon;
Adafruit Perma-Proto for Pi (half breadboard) Adafruit: 1148
Adafruit Perma-Proto for Pi (full breadboard) Adafruit: 1135
Adafruit Perma-Proto HAT Adafruit: 2314
DC barrel jack-to-screw terminal adapter (female) Adafruit: 368
Pimoroni Breakout Garden HAT Pimoroni
Basic soldering kit Adafruit: 136

Resistors and Capacitors

Table A-3 shows resistors and capacitors used in this cookbook and some suppliers.

Table A-3. Resistors and capacitors
Part Suppliers

270Ω 0.25W resistor

Mouser: 293-270-RC

470Ω 0.25W resistor

Mouser: 293-470-RC

1kΩ 0.25W resistor

Mouser: 293-1K-RC

3.3kΩ 0.25W resistor

Mouser: 293-3.3K-RC

4.7kΩ 0.25W resistor

Mouser: 293-4.7K-RC

10kΩ trimpot

Adafruit: 356; SparkFun: COM-09806; Mouser: 652-3362F-1-103LF


Adafruit: 161; SparkFun: SEN-09088

330 nF capacitor

Mouser: 80-C330C334K5R

Thermistor T0 of 1k Beta 3800 NTC Mouser: 871-B57164K102J (Note: Beta is 3730)

Transistors and Diodes

Table A-4 lists transistors and diodes used in this cookbook and some suppliers.

Table A-4. Transistors and diodes
Part Suppliers

FQP30N06L N-Channel logic level MOSFET transistor

Mouser: 512-FQP30N06L; Sparkfun: COM-10213

2N3904 NPN bipolar transistor

SparkFun: COM-00521; Adafruit: 756

1N4001 diode

Mouser: 512-1N4001; SparkFun: COM-08589; Adafruit: 755

TIP120 Darlington transistor Adafruit: 976; CPC: SC10999
2N7000 MOSFET transistor Mouser: 512-2N7000; CPC: SC06951

Integrated Circuits

Table A-5 lists integrated circuits used in this cookbook and some suppliers.

Table A-5. Integrated circuits
Part Suppliers

7805 voltage regulator

SparkFun: COM-00107; Adafruit: 2164; Mouser: 511-L7805CV, CPC: SC10586

L293D motor driver

SparkFun: COM-00315; Adafruit: 807; Mouser: 511-L293D; CPC: SC10241

ULN2803 Darlington driver IC

SparkFun: COM-00312; Adafruit: 970; Mouser: 511-ULN2803A; CPC: SC08607

DS18B20 temperature sensor

SparkFun: SEN-00245; Adafruit: 374; Mouser: 700-DS18B20; CPC: SC10426

MCP3008 eight-channel ADC IC

Adafruit: 856; Mouser: 579-MCP3008-I/P; CPC: SC12789

TMP36 temperature sensor

SparkFun: SEN-10988; Adafruit: 165; Mouser: 584-TMP36GT9Z; CPC: SC10437


Table A-6 lists opto-electronic components used in this cookbook and some suppliers.

Table A-6. Opto-electronics
Part Suppliers

5 mm red LED

SparkFun: COM-09590; Adafruit: 299

RGB common cathode LED

SparkFun: COM-11120; eBay

TSOP38238 IR sensor

SparkFun: SEN-10266; Adafruit: 157


Table A-7 lists modules used in this cookbook and some suppliers.

Table A-7. Modules
Part Suppliers

Raspberry Pi Camera Module

Adafruit: 3099; Cool Components: 1932

Arduino Uno

SparkFun: DEV-11021; Adafruit: 50; CPC: A000066

Level converter, four-way

SparkFun: BOB-12009; Adafruit: 757

Level converter, eight-way

Adafruit: 395

LiPo boost converter/charger

SparkFun: PRT-14411

PowerSwitch Tail


16-channel servo controller

Adafruit: 815

Motor driver 1A dual

SparkFun: ROB-14451

RasPiRobot board v4


Pi Plate

Adafruit: 801

PIR motion detector

Adafruit: 189

Ultimate GPS

Adafruit: 746

Methane sensor

SparkFun: SEN-09404

Gas sensor breakout board

SparkFun: BOB-08891

ADXL335 triple-axis accelerometer

Adafruit: 163

4x7-segment LED with I2C backpack

Adafruit: 878

Bicolor LED square-pixel matrix with I2C backpack

Adafruit: 902

Freetronics Arduino LCD shield

RTC module

Adafruit: 3296

16x2 HD44780 compatible LCD module

SparkFun: LCD-00255; Adafruit: 181

Sense HAT Adafruit: 2738
Adafruit Capacitive Touch HAT Adafruit: 2340
Stepper Motor HAT Adafruit: 2348
16-Channel PWM HAT Adafruit: 2327
Pimoroni Explorer HAT Pro; Adafruit: 2427
Squid Button; Amazon
Raspberry Squid RGB LED; Amazon
I2C OLED display 128x64 pixels eBay—search for: I2C OLED Arduino
MMA8452Q triple-axis accelerometer breakout SparkFun: SEN-12756
MH-Z14A CO2 sensor module eBay—search for: MH-Z14A
RC-522 RFID module eBay—search for: RC-522
MonkMakes Clever Card Kit for Raspberry Pi
Pimoroni VL53L1X distance sensor or eBay—search for: VL53L1X
Sonoff Basic WiFi Switch
Raspberry Pi Zero Camera Adapter Adafruit: 3157
Wemos D1 Mini eBay—search for: Wemos D1 Mini


Table A-8 lists miscellaneous tools and components used in this cookbook and some suppliers.

Table A-8. Miscellaneous
Part Suppliers

1200mAh LiPo battery

Adafruit: 258

5V relay

SparkFun: COM-00100

5V panel meter

SparkFun: TOL-10285

Standard servo motor

SparkFun: ROB-09065; Adafruit: 1449

9g mini servo motor Adafruit: 169

5V 2A power supply

Adafruit: 276

Low-power 6V DC motor

Adafruit: 711

0.1-inch header pins

SparkFun: PRT-00116; Adafruit: 392

5V, 5-pin unipolar stepper motor

Adafruit: 858

12V, 4-pin bipolar stepper motor

Adafruit: 324

Chassis and Gearmotor Kit

eBay—search for: 2WD Smart Robot Car Chassis

4xAA battery holder Adafruit: 830
6xAA battery holder Adafruit: 248

Tactile push switch

SparkFun: COM-00097; Adafruit: 504

Miniature slide switch

SparkFun: COM-09609; Adafruit: 805

Rotary encoder

Adafruit: 377

4×3 keypad

SparkFun: COM-14662

Piezo buzzer

SparkFun: COM-07950; Adafruit: 160

Reed switch

Adafruit: 375

Console lead Adafruit: 954
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