Chapter 6. Python Lists and Dictionaries

6.0 Introduction

In Chapter 5, you looked at the basics of the Python language. In this chapter, you look at two key Python data structures: lists and dictionaries.

6.1 Creating a List


You want to use a variable to hold a series of values rather than just one value.


Use a list. In Python, a list is a collection of values stored in order so that you can access them by position.

You create a list by using the [ and ] characters to contain its initial contents:

>>> a = [34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3]

Unlike the more rigid arrays in languages like C, you don’t need to specify the size of a list in Python when you declare it. You can also change the number of elements in the list any time you like.


As this example illustrates, the items in a list do not need to be all of the same type, although they often are.

To create an empty list that you can add items to later, you can write:

>>> a = []

See Also

All the recipes between Recipes 6.1 and 6.11 involve the use of lists.

6.2 Accessing Elements of a List


You want to find individual elements of a list or change them.


Use the [] notation to access elements of a list by their position in the list.

For example:

>>> a = [34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3]
>>> a[1]


The list positions (indices) start at 0 for the first element (not at 1).

As well as using the [] notation to read values out of a list, you can also use it to change values at a certain position, as shown here:

>>> a = [34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3]
>>> a[1] = 777
>>> a
[34, 777, 12, False, 72.3]

If you try to change (or, for that matter, read) an element of a list using an index that is too large, you will get an Index out of range error:

>>> a[50] = 777
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: list assignment index out of range

See Also

All the recipes between Recipes 6.1 and 6.11 involve the use of lists.

6.3 Finding the Length of a List


You need to know how many elements there are in a list.


Use the len Python function.

For example:

>>> a = [34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3]
>>> len(a)

The function len has been in the Python language from version 1 and is rather contrary to the more object-oriented, class-based versions 2 and 3 of Python. For these, it would make more sense for you to be able to write something like:

>>> a = [34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3]
>>> a.length() # This example won't work

But you can’t—that’s just how it is with Python.


The len command also works on strings (Recipe 5.13).

See Also

All the recipes between Recipes 6.1 and 6.11 involve the use of lists.

6.4 Adding Elements to a List


You need to add an item to a list.


Use the append, insert, or extend Python functions.

To add a single item to the end of a list, use append, as shown here:

>>> a = [34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3]
>>> a.append("new")
>>> a
[34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3, 'new']


Sometimes you don’t want to add the new elements to the end of a list, but instead want to insert them at a certain position in the list. For this, use the insert command. The first argument is the index where the item should be inserted, and the second argument is the item to be inserted:

>>> a.insert(2, "new2")
>>> a
[34, 'Fred', 'new2', 12, False, 72.3]

Note how all the elements after the newly inserted element are shifted up one position.

Both append and insert add only one element to a list. The extend function adds all the elements of one list to the end of another:

>>> a = [34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3]
>>> b = [74, 75]
>>> a.extend(b)
>>> a
[34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3, 74, 75]

See Also

All the recipes between Recipes 6.1 and 6.11 involve the use of lists.

6.5 Removing Elements from a List


You need to remove an item from a list.


Use the pop Python function.

The command pop with no parameters removes the last element of a list:

>>> a = [34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3]
>>> a.pop()
>>> a
[34, 'Fred', 12, False]


Notice that pop returns the value removed from the list.

To remove an item in a position other than the last element, use pop with a parameter of the position from which the item will be removed:

>>> a = [34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3]
>>> a.pop(0)

If you use an index position that is beyond the end of the list, you will get an Index out of range error.

See Also

All the recipes between Recipes 6.1 and 6.11 involve the use of lists.

6.6 Creating a List by Parsing a String


You need to convert a string of words separated by some character into an array of strings, with each string in the array being one of the words.


Use the split Python string function.

The command split with no parameters separates out the words of a string into individual elements of an array:

>>> "abc def ghi".split()
['abc', 'def', 'ghi']

If you supply split with a parameter, it will split the string, using the parameter as a separator.

For example:

>>> "abc--de--ghi".split('--')
['abc', 'de', 'ghi']


This command can be very useful when you are, for example, importing data from a file. The split command can optionally take an argument that is the string to use as a delimiter when you are splitting the string. So if you were to use commas as a separator, you could split the string as follows:

>>> "abc,def,ghi".split(',')
['abc', 'def', 'ghi']

See Also

All the recipes between Recipes 6.1 and 6.11 involve the use of lists.

Another and more powerful way to manipulate strings is described in Recipe 7.23.

6.7 Iterating Over a List


You need to apply some lines of code to each item of a list in turn.


Use the for Python language command:

>>> a = [34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3]
>>> for x in a:
...     print(x)


The for keyword is immediately followed by a variable name (in this case, x). This is called the loop variable; it will be set to each element of the list specified after in.

The indented lines that follow will be executed one time for each element in the list. Each time around the loop, x will be given the value of the element in the list at that position. You can then use x to print out the value, as shown in the previous example.

See Also

All the recipes between Recipes 6.1 and 6.11 involve the use of lists.

6.8 Enumerating a List


You need to run some lines of code for each item in a list in turn, but you also need to know the index position of each item.


Use the for Python language command along with the enumerate command:

>>> a = [34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3]
>>> for (i, x) in enumerate(a):
...     print(i, x)
(0, 34)
(1, 'Fred')
(2, 12)
(3, False)
(4, 72.3)


It’s quite common to need to know the position of something in a list while enumerating each of the values. An alternative method is to simply count with an index variable and then access the value by using the [] syntax:

>>> a = [34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3]
>>> for i in range(len(a)):
...     print(i, a[i])
(0, 34)
(1, 'Fred')
(2, 12)
(3, False)
(4, 72.3)

See Also

All the recipes between Recipes 6.1 and 6.11 involve the use of lists.

See Recipe 6.7 to iterate over a list without needing to know each item’s index position.

6.9 Sorting a List


You need to sort the elements of a list.


Use the sort Python language command:

>>> a = ["it", "was", "the", "best", "of", "times"]
>>> a.sort()
>>> a
['best', 'it', 'of', 'the', 'times', 'was']


When you sort a list, you’re actually modifying it rather than returning a sorted copy of the original list. This means that if you also need the original list, you need to use the copy command in the standard library to make a copy of the original list before sorting it:

>>> from copy import copy
>>> a = ["it", "was", "the", "best", "of", "times"]
>>> b = copy(a)
>>> b.sort()
>>> a
['it', 'was', 'the', 'best', 'of', 'times']
>>> b
['best', 'it', 'of', 'the', 'times', 'was']

The copy module is required to be able to copy objects. You can find out more about modules in Recipe 7.11.

See Also

All the recipes between Recipes 6.1 and 6.11 involve the use of lists.

6.10 Cutting Up a List


You need to make a sublist of a list, using a range of the original list’s elements.


Use the [:] Python language construction. The following example returns a list containing the elements of the original list from index position 1 to index position 2 (the number after the : is exclusive):

>>> l = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
>>> l[1:3]
['b', 'c']

Note that the character positions start at 0 (not at 1), so a position of 1 means the second character in the string, and 3 means the fourth; however, the character range is exclusive at the high end, so the letter d is not included in this example.


The [:] notation is actually quite powerful. You can omit either argument, in which case the start or end of the list is assumed as appropriate.

For example:

>>> l = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
>>> l[:3]
['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> l[3:]

You can also use negative indices to count back from the end of the list. The following example returns the last two elements in the list:

>>> l[-2:]
['c', 'd']

Incidentally, l[:-2] returns ['a', 'b'] in the preceding example.

See Also

All the recipes between Recipes 6.1 and 6.11 involve the use of lists.

See Recipe 5.15, in which the same syntax is used for strings.

6.11 Applying a Function to a List


You need to apply a function to each element of a list and collect the results.


Use the Python language feature called comprehensions.

The following example converts each string element of the list to uppercase and returns a new list that is the same length as the old one, but with all the strings in uppercase:

>>> l = ["abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl"]
>>> [x.upper() for x in l]
['ABC', 'DEF', 'GHI', 'JKL']

Although it can get confusing, there is no reason why you can’t combine these kinds of statements, nesting one comprehension within another.


This is a very concise way of doing comprehensions. The entire expression must be enclosed in brackets ([]). The first element of the comprehension is the code to be evaluated for each element of the list. The rest of the comprehension looks rather like a normal list iteration command (Recipe 6.7). The loop variable follows the for keyword, and the list to be used follows the in keyword.

See Also

All the recipes between Recipes 6.1 and 6.11 involve the use of lists.

6.12 Creating a Dictionary


You need to create a lookup table in which you associate values with keys.


Use a Python dictionary.

Lists are great when you need to access a list of items in order or when you always know the index of the element that you want to use. Dictionaries are an alternative to lists for storing collections of data, but they are organized very differently, as shown in Figure 6-1.

rpck 0601
Figure 6-1. A Python dictionary

A dictionary stores key/value pairs in such a way that you can use the key to retrieve that value very efficiently and without having to search the entire dictionary.

To create a dictionary, you use the {} notation:

>>> phone_numbers = {'Simon':'01234 567899', 'Jane':'01234 666666'}


In this example, the keys of the dictionary are strings, but they do not need to be; they could be numbers or in fact of any data type, although strings are most commonly used.

The values can also be of any data type, including other dictionaries or lists. The following example creates one dictionary (a) and then uses it as a value in a second dictionary (b):

>>> a = {'key1':'value1', 'key2':2}
>>> a
{'key2': 2, 'key1': 'value1'}
>>> b = {'b_key1':a}
>>> b
{'b_key1': {'key2': 2, 'key1': 'value1'}}

When you display the contents of a dictionary, notice that the order of the items in the dictionary might not match the order in which they were specified when the dictionary was created and initialized with some contents:

>>> phone_numbers = {'Simon':'01234 567899', 'Jane':'01234 666666'}
>>> phone_numbers
{'Jane': '01234 666666', 'Simon': '01234 567899'}

Unlike lists, dictionaries have no concept of keeping items in order. Because of the way they are represented internally, the order of a dictionary’s contents will be—for all intents and purposes—random.

The reason the order appears to be random is that the underlying data structure is a hash table. Hash tables use a hashing function to decide where to store each value; the hashing function calculates a numeric equivalent to any object.

You can find out more about hash tables at Wikipedia.

See Also

All the recipes between Recipes 6.12 and 6.15 involve the use of dictionaries.

Dictionaries have much in common with the JSON data structuring language described in Recipe 7.21.

6.13 Accessing a Dictionary


You need to find and change entries in a dictionary.


Provide the Python [] notation. Use the key of the entry to which you need access within the brackets, as follows:

>>> phone_numbers = {'Simon':'01234 567899', 'Jane':'01234 666666'}
>>> phone_numbers['Simon']
'01234 567899'
>>> phone_numbers['Jane']
'01234 666666'


The lookup process is in one direction only, from key to value.

If you use a key that is not present in the dictionary, you will get a KeyError. For example:

>>> phone_numbers = {'Simon':'01234 567899', 'Jane':'01234 666666'}
>>> phone_numbers['Phil']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'Phil'

As well as using the [] notation to read values from a dictionary, you can also use it to add new values or overwrite existing ones.

The following example adds a new entry to the dictionary with a key of Pete and a value of 01234 777555:

>>> phone_numbers = {'Simon':'01234 567899', 'Jane':'01234 666666'}
>>> phone_numbers['Pete'] = '01234 777555'
>>> phone_numbers['Pete']
'01234 777555'

If the key is not in use in the dictionary, a new entry is automatically added. If the key is already present, then whatever value was there before will be overwritten by the new value.

This is in contrast to trying to read a value from the dictionary, where an unknown key will cause an error.

See Also

All the recipes between Recipes 6.12 and 6.15 involve the use of dictionaries.

For information on handling errors, see Recipe 7.10.

6.14 Removing Entries from a Dictionary


You need to remove an item from a dictionary.


Use the pop command, specifying the key for the item that you want to remove:

>>> phone_numbers = {'Simon':'01234 567899', 'Jane':'01234 666666'}
>>> phone_numbers.pop('Jane')
'01234 666666'
>>> phone_numbers
{'Simon': '01234 567899'}


The pop command returns the value of the item removed from the dictionary.

See Also

All the recipes between Recipes 6.12 and 6.15 involve the use of dictionaries.

6.15 Iterating Over Dictionaries


You need to do something to each of the items in the dictionary in turn.


Use the for command to iterate over the keys of the dictionary:

>>> phone_numbers = {'Simon':'01234 567899', 'Jane':'01234 666666'}
>>> for name in phone_numbers:
...     print(name)

Notice how the keys didn’t print in the same order in which they were created. This is a feature of dictionaries. The order of the entries is not remembered.


There are a couple of other techniques that you can use to iterate over a dictionary. The following form can be useful if you need access to the values as well as the keys:

>>> phone_numbers = {'Simon':'01234 567899', 'Jane':'01234 666666'}
>>> for name, num in phone_numbers.items():
...     print(name + " " + num)
Jane 01234 666666
Simon 01234 567899

See Also

All the recipes between Recipes 6.12 and 6.15 involve the use of dictionaries.

See the for command used elsewhere in Recipes 5.21, 6.7, and 6.11.

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