Page references followed by fig indicate an illustrated figure; followed by t indicate a table; followed by e indicate an exhibit.


ACCESS (software), 99

Acculturation, 350

ACESAS (African American Culturally Responsive Evaluation System for Academic Settings): acronym of the, 348349; description of, 347348, 360362; framework for, 362363; logic model components, 364370; purpose of the, 363364; sankofa bird model of, 361fig362

ACESAS logic models: contextual analysis component, 365366; CRE action steps component, 368369; CRE products component, 369; CRE team component, 366367; CRE team resources component, 367368; cultural and sociopolitical influences component, 364365; evaluation impact component, 369; influence and impact on cultural group component, 370

Acting (practitioner research), 299, 300301

Action orientation, 399400

Action research, 292, 400. See also Practitioner action


Action steps (CRE), 368369

Active listening, 409

Activism stance, 381

Activities (logic model), 360

Aesthetic qualities of arts-based

research, 286

African American communities: CRE (culturally responsive evaluation) implemented in, 357358; culture of, 350352; worldview of, 354

African American culture: characteristics of, 350352; individualism to collectivism continuum of, 350

African Americans: acculturation of, 350; Brown v. Board of Education decision on education desegregation of, 350; double consciousness of, 350; implications of racial group classification for, 353354; narrative inquiry into experiences of, 220221; Tuskegee experiments (1933–1972) on, 2122

African Ancestry, 122

The Afrocentric Idea (Asante), 358

Afrocentricity, 358

Agency: biography and life story, 112; critical ethnography, 374, 377378; historical, 148149; relationship of structure and, 378

Alternative representations, 267

American Anthropological Association (AAA), 34, 98, 169

American Educational Research Association (AERA), 31, 273, 294

American Evaluation Association (AEA), 31, 326, 329, 357, 358

American Indian Higher Education Consortium, 360

American Journal of Sociology, 425

American Psychological Association (APA), 31, 357358

American Sign Language, 23

American sociological Association (ASA), 31

Analytic induction, 179

Analytic summaries, 99

Androcentric (male-centered) assumptions, 393394

Anthropology as Critique: An Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences (Marcus and Fisher), 181

Anthropometry, 398

APA's Council of National Psychological Association for the Advancement of Ethnic Minority Interests, 31

APA's Joint Task Force of Division, 17, 31

Archival documents, 151152

Archival research, 90

Argonauts of the Western Pacific (Malinowski), 180

Aristotle, 5, 394

Artifacts: ethnographic data collection using, 175176; as primary sources, 152

Arts-based research: background of, 272274; Boundary Bay: A Novel (Dunlop) example of, 280282; description of, 271272; Evidence of Utopianizing Toward Social Justice in Young People's Community-Based Art Works (Chappell) example of, 282284; genre blurring technique used in, 273; learning from, 284285; planning and conducting, 277279; purposes of, 274276; trusting, 285286

Assent, 35. See also Informed consent

Atlas-ti (software), 99

Audiences: cast study research outcomes for, 244; program evaluation, 322

Audiovisual documentation, 90, 95t, 312t

Audit trails, 418

Authenticity: catalytic, 30; as deliberate democratic research caveat, 465; description of, 29; educative, 30; ontological, 30; tactical, 30

Autobiography, 225, 227228

“Autobiography and the Necessary Incompleteness of Teachers' Stories” (Miller), 238

Autoethnography: benefits of, 204206; Carolyn's introduction to, 193195; community, 203; crisis of confidence concerns about, 196; critical responses to, 206209; epiphanies recorded by, 198200; ethnography aspect of, 199; forms of, 202204; generalizability of, 207; helping insiders and outsiders to understand the culture, 199; identity politics of, 196; methods used for, 198200; narrative inquiry through, 238; origins and development of, 196198; outcomes for Tony and Carolyn, 209210; participant observers in, 199; reliability and validity of, 207; Tony's introduction to, 190193; writing, 200201. See also Ethnography; LGBTQ youth

Autonomy: feminist oral history on female, 410411; researcher, 303, 314e

Axiological belief systems, 2223

Axiologies: as consideration in research, 431434; definition of, 425


Balance (or fairness), 30

Belmont Report: on norms for research, 1920; three ethical principles identified in, 19, 22, 2328; on voluntary informed consent, 3233

Beneficence: definition of, 22; transformative perspective of, 2324

Biases: CRE (culturally responsive evaluation) approach to, 356; minimizing, 255e; program evaluator, 339; researcher, 255; triangulating analyst to minimize, 340

Biography: definition of, 142; as narrative inquiry genre, 225, 226

Biography and life story research: contemporary design of, 112116; data analytic methods used for, 125131; data collection methods and tools used for, 116123; data processing used in, 124125; description of, 107108; dissemination of findings, 133; historical roots in psychology, 109110; key theoretical underpinnings of, 110112; reliability and validity issues of, 131133. See also Historical research; Life story research study

“Black English,” 351

Body Knowledge and Curriculum: Pedagogies of Touch in Youth and Visual Culture (Springgay), 276

Body maps, 96t

Bottom-up view of history, 146147

Boundary Bay: A Novel (Dunlop) [arts-based research], 280282

Bounded system, 91

Bracketed interview, 255

Brown v. Board of Education, 350


Canonical stories, 204205

Case histories (or case records), 244

Case method, 244

Case studies: characteristics of, 245247; description of, 244; instrumental, 246247; intrinsic, 246; purposes of, 246247; types of, 247

Case study reports: alternative representations of, 267; descriptive and interpretive, 266267e; naturalistic generalization of, 267; thick description of, 267

Case study research: case study reports component of, 266268; description of, 243244; implementing, 261265; planning, 247261. See also Dental hygiene student tutor study

Case study research implementation: coding, 263264e; data analysis, 263264e; data collection, 261262t; member checking, 265266e; two-column journaling template for, 262t; validity issues, 265

Case study research planning: bounding or limiting the case, 248249; data collection, 251255; dental hygiene student tutor study, 248e; writing study questions, 249250e

Cases: bounding of the, 245246, 248249; description of, 243; seeking discrepant, 419

casework, 244

Catalytic authenticity, 30

Catalytic validity, 419

Categories: core, 48; defining gaps among, 60; ethnographic typologies and taxonomies from, 178; focused coding, 46, 4851; generating and refining grounded theory, 50; historical categories of analysis, 157158; initial (or open) coding, 4446, 47t; tentative conceptual, 4950; theoretical coding, 5154; theoretical saturation of, 6162, 178179, 253; theoretical sensitivity to relationships between, 6263

Categories of analysis, 157158

Causal chains, 8081

Census, 74

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 360

Certainty: epistemological predisposition toward, 272273; John Dewey on quest for, 272

Certificate of confidentiality, 35

Change the Nation(Youth Movement Records album), 283284

Chicago School, 6

Child informed consent, 35

CIPP Evaluation Model, 325, 333, 362

CIRM (critical indigenous research methodologies): colonization and call for (re) claiming, 424427; critical component of, 442443; description of, 424, 434; empiricism and multisensory listening approach of, 440441; epistemological, ontological, and axiological research considerations, 431434; future directions of, 443444; impact of traditional research on indigenous communities, 428431; indigenous methodologies paradigm of, 442; reciprocity of, 439440; relationality of, 436437; research as a service approach of, 435436; resistance and critique of, 444446; respect of, 438439; response to critiques of, 446447; responsibility of, 438. See also Indigenous/native communities

Civic capacity, 368

Class issues: classical Marxism approach to, 375; as The Denver Study issue, 452454

Classical Marxism, 375

Co-constructed narratives, 204

Code of Ethics of the American Sociological Association (ASA), 169

Code-switch, 350351

Coding: Atlas-ti or NVivo software used for, 9899; case study research, 263264e; description of, 44, 9899; ethnographic data analysis, 177178; focused, 46, 4851, 57e58e; initial (or open coding), 4446, 47t; thematic content analysis, 129131; theoretical, 5154. See also Data; Data analysis

Collaborative (or participatory) approach: deliberate democratic research, 466467; description of, 78

Collective memory, 354

Collectivism culture, 350

Colonization: of indigenous/ native communities, 424427; reclaiming indigenous identity/ knowledge from, 431434

Communication: active listening, 409; CIRM's practice of multisensory listening, 440441; deliberative democratic principle of dialogue, 459460, 468, 469e470e

Community autoethnographies, 203

Community mapping, 90

Comparative case studies, 247

Competency: cultural, 3132; researcher, 3132

Conceptual models: case study research, 249250e; data analysis approach for, 99; domains identified using, 8081; formulating, 7981; HIV/AIDS study, 81, 8687fig; strategies used to create, 86. See also Theoretical (or conceptual) frameworks

Confidentiality: certificate of, 35; IRB requirements for, 37; research issue of, 3637

Confirmability, 29

Conflict of interest validity, 7

Congress of Hispanic Educators, 462

Consequence (narrative), 221

Constant comparative method, 46, 178

Construct: of culture, 349; of race, 349, 353

Constructivist paradigm: biography and life story research, 113; data collection in grounded theory, 44; description of, 2223; grounded theory research using, 43

Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines (CEAD) conference [2010], 184

Context: case study research observation, 257; CRE logic model component on, 365366; cultural, 355; definition of historical, 143144; historical research, 143145

Contextual analysis (CRE model), 365366

Convenience sampling, 60

Core category, 48

Council for World Mission/ London Missionary Society, 176

Counterevidence, 150

Counterhegemonic, 445

CRE (culturally responsive evaluation): ACESAS logic model components used for, 364370; benefits of, 358359; description of, 348, 349, 355; implementing in African American community settings, 357358; origin of, 355. See also Culture/cultures

CRE evaluators: characteristics of, 355357; cultural competencies of, 356357

Credibility: description of, 29; program evaluation, 338. See also Trustworthiness; Validity

Crisis of confidence, 196

Criterion sampling, 84

Critical component of CIRM, 442443

Critical ethnography: comparing traditional ethnography and, 374375; critiques of, 386388; elements of, 377383; introduction to, 374375; practices of doing, 383385; theoretical and historical foundations of, 375377; validity and trustworthiness of, 386387. See also Ethnography

Critical ethnography elements: drawing on and building theory, 378379; focus on power-related identities and oppressions, 379380; micro and macro phenomena, 378; reflecting on representation and positionality, 380382, 387; structure and agency, 374, 377378; taking a stand against inequity, 382383

Critical events: description of, 219; narrative inquiry using, 219221

Critical life episode, 117

Critical (or interpretive) traditions, 296

Critical perspective, 89

Critical persuasion, 274

Critical researchers, 7778

Critical social action, 296

Cultural acceptability, 464

Cultural competencies: ACESAS approach to, 363364; CRE evaluators, 356357; description of, 3132

Cultural consensus modeling, 89

Cultural context, 355

Cultural diversity, 465

Cultural egoism, 354

Cultural history, 142

Cultural interpretation, 165

Culturalists, 375376

Culturally responsive evaluation product, 369

Culturally responsive evaluation review, 369

Culture/cultures: characteristics of African American, 350352; code-switching between two different, 350351; construct of, 349; definition of, 349; deliberate democratic research caveates related to, 464465; difference between race and, 352353; helping insiders and outsider to understand the, 199; individualism and collectivism, 350; informants on their, 165166; as issues in The Denver Study, 452454; meaning in context of, 126; respectful research in relationship of language and, 26. See also CRE (culturally responsive evaluation); Society

Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto (Deloria), 425, 426

Cyclical philosophy of history, 156


Data: critical ethnographic approach to “hot,” 380; ethnographic, 176180; process of biography and life story, 124125; quantitative historical, 153154; transcription of audio or video, 125. See also Coding; Information; Triangulation

Data analysis: analytic summaries used during, 99; Atlas-ti or NVivo software used for, 9899; biography and life story approaches to, 125131; case study research, 263264e; critical ethnography, 385; description of, 98; discourse analytic question asked during, 127; ethnographic, 176180; general analytic mind-set adopted during, 126127; interpretation, 125126; Ke Aka Ho'ona project evaluation, 334, 336; thematic content analysis approach to, 129131; triangulating for, 99100. See also Coding

Data collection: audit trails of, 418; case study research, 251255, 261262t; constructivist grounded theory on, 44; cultural level of, 8990; example of depression study, 7475; individual level of, 9091; issues to consider for, 4344; Ke Aka Ho'ona project evaluation, 334, 335t; main classes of individual and community levels of, 88t; participation element of qualitative, 7071; practitioner action research, 308312t; researcher position in, 8891

Data collection instruments: case study research, 255261; designing valid, 256; Developmental Success Matrix (DSM), 122; Flanders Interaction Analysis, 257, 259; guided autobiography, 118119, 121, 126; Guided Race Autobiography (GRA), 121123; Identity and Success Life Story Method (ISLSM), 120121fig, 133; law of the instrument tendency to reuse, 311312; Life Story Interview, 117119, 127; Life Story Telling (LST), 121; NEO Personality Inventory, 122; program evaluation use of, 334; Self-Defining Memory Task, 119120, 126

Data collection methods: archival research, 90; audiovisual documentation, 90, 95t, 312t; Biography and life story research design, 112116; bounded system and semibounded system, 91; case study research, 255261; community mapping, 90; cultural consensus modeling, 89; data recording, 123; ethnographic research, 171176; focus groups, 173; individual-level network data, 91; journaling, 262t, 312t; logs, 312t; network research, 8990; nonparticipant participant observer, 172; selecting, 9297; surveys, 91, 173174, 256257. See also Interviews; Methods; Observation

Data recording: biography and life story research use of, 123; case study research use of, 260e

Decolonizing Methodologies (Smith), 425

Deductive analysis, 177

Deficit orientation, 305

Deliberate democratic research: The Denver Study example of, 452459; description and principles of, 459461; guidelines for conducting, 467470e; research methods and democratic procedures of, 461464; ten caveats for using, 464467

Deliberate democratic research caveates: authentic processes, 465; balance of power, 467; collaboration, 466467; constraints on self-interest, 467; cultural acceptability, 464; cultural diversity, 464; faithful representation, 465; focusing on issues, 466; rules and principles, 466; structured interaction, 465466

Deliberate democratic research guidelines: deliberation, 468, 470e; dialogue, 468, 469e470e; inclusion, 468, 469e; overview of, 467468

Deliberate democratic research principles: deliberation, 460; dialogue as, 459460; inclusion as, 459

Deliberation guideline, 468, 470e

Dental hygiene student tutor study: case, limits, and purpose, 248e; case study research questions used in, 250e; coding during the, 264e; contrary findings of, 265e; data recording during, 260e; descriptive statement of patterns and findings, 267e; example of questions linked to data sources/types, 252e; excerpt of tutor interview protocol, 258e259e; member checking during, 266e; minimizing bias, 255e; pilot and field testing interview protocol of, 27e; researcher skill development in, 254e; theoretical or conceptual framework, 2250e. See also Case study research

The Denver Study: background information on, 452; bilingual language debate during, 452453; constant change impact school district during, 457; district's English Language Acquisition (ELA) program, 452, 455456, 457; language, class, and cultural politics impacting, 452454; research plan used for, 457; school district power shifts during, 458459; stakeholder groups in the, 452

Dependability, 29

Depression study in older population, 7275t

Descriptive case study reports, 266, 267e

Design. See Methodology

Designing Evaluations (GAO manual), 337338

Deterministic (Marxism), 375

Developmental Success Matrix (DSM), 122

Dewey, John, 272

Dialogue principle, 459460, 468, 469e470e

Dilthey, Wilhem, 6

Diplomatic (or political) history, 142

Disciplined inquiry, 45

Discourse analytic question, 127

Discrepant cases, 419

Dissemination: biography and life story research, 133; critical ethnography findings, 385; culturally responsive evaluation product for, 369; program evaluation, 336337

Documentation: archival, 151152; audiovisual, 90, 94t, 312t; cameras and digital recorders for, 97; “ethnographic broadside” desire for, 167; ethnographic use of written records and, 175176; network research, 8990; photography, 95t

Domains: description of, 80; portrayed as causal chains, 8081; predictor and outcomes, 80

Dora case study (Freud), 128

Double consciousness, 350

Doughboys, the Great War, and the Remaking of America (Keene), 141

Duration, 82


Ecological validity, 7

Educative authenticity, 30

Emic perspective (insiderparticipant), 12, 87, 165

Empiricism/empirical information: description of, 45; feminist research, 393; indigenous, 440441

Epiphanies, 198200

Epistemological research, 7

Epistemologies: as consideration in research, 431434; definition of, 425

Equity: critical ethnographic stand against, 382383; definition of, 382; women's movement for, 392393

Erickson, Erik, 110

Ethical and equitable research, 398

Ethical issues: axiology study of, 22; Code of Ethics of the American Sociological Association (ASA), 169; confidentiality, 3637; constructivist paradigm framing of, 2223; ethical norms for research, 2837; ethical principles of research, 2128; feminist research practices, 398399; guidance for ethical conduct of research, 2021; informed consent, 3236; IRB (institutional review board) role in, 21, 33, 34, 9798; program evaluators and, 327t328t; relational ethics, 204, 205206; research dilemmas related to, 20; researcher as instrument, 21; transformative paradigm framing of, 22, 2328. See also Research

Ethical norms: of feminist research, 398399; validity, rigor, and qualitative research, 2830

Ethical principles: Belmont Report's identification of three, 19, 22; beneficence, 22, 2324; justice, 22, 2728; respect, 22, 2526

Ethnic Differences: Schooling and Social Structure Among the Irish, Italians, Jews and Blacks in an American City, 1880–1935 (Perlmann), 154

Ethnographers: cultural interpretation of, 165; emic perspective of, 12, 87, 165; ethnographic realism style of writing by, 180181; etic perspective of, 12, 165; fieldwork of, 169170; how they begin their research, 167169; participantobserver role of, 172, 175

Ethnographic data: iterative nature of, 176; organizing, 176177

Ethnographic data analysis: analytic induction approach to, 179; coding used for, 177178; constant comparative method of, 178; deductive and inductive, 177; theoretical saturation outcome of, 178179; typologies or taxonomies developed during, 178

Ethnographic data collection: focus groups, 173; interviews, 172173; key informants used for, 175; non-participant participant observer, 172; participant observation, 171172; projective techniques used in, 174; surveys, 173174; written records and artifacts used during, 175176

Ethnographic interviews, 172173

Ethnographic mapping, 85

Ethnographic realism, 180181

Ethnographic research: current state of, 183184; data collection methods used in, 171176; data and data analysis in, 176180; emic perspective (insider-participant) of, 12, 87, 165; how to begin, 167169; introduction to, 163164; overview of, 165167; thick description characterization of, 165, 201; validity of, 182183

Ethnographic surveys, 173174

Ethnographic writing: polyphonic or heteroglossic styles of, 181; realism of, 180181; reflexivity strategy used in, 181; representation used in, 181; trope (or common theme) of, 180; vignettes of, 180

Ethnographies: indigenous/ native, 202; narrative, 202; reflexive, 203

Ethnography: comparing critical and traditional, 374375; definition of, 165; feminist research use of, 412; informed consent requirements of, 169; institutional review boards (IRBs) role in, 169; as iterative, 176; multi-sited, 166167; naturalistic, 166; salvage, 167. See also Autoethnography; Critical ethnography

Etic perspective (outside-rresearcher), 12, 165

Evaluation: autoethnography, 206209; culturally responsive evaluation (CRE), 348, 349; description of, 322. See also Program evaluation

Evaluation Center of Western Michigan University, 325, 330331

Event-specific life experience, 116

Evidence of Utopianizing Toward Social Justice in Young People's Community-Based Art Works (Chappell) [arts-based research], 282284

Executive summary, 336

Experience: biographical and life story research use of, 116117; critical life episode from, 117; event-specific life, 116; feminist research questions drawn from lived, 405; lifetime period, 116; narrative specificity on, 116; transactional, 222223; understood through stories, 218219. See also Narrative inquiry; Stories

Exploitative system, 375

External evaluations, 339

External reliability, 182183

External validity: representativeness and, 132; transferability parallels to, 29

Extreme (or midpoint) sampling, 8485


Fairness (or balance), 30

Feminism: definition of, 392; research evolution of, 2728

Feminist ethnography: description of, 412; methodology used for, 412413; narrative practices used in, 414415; navigating thee setting, 414; Reluctant Avon Lady study, 415417; researcher access and entry in, 413414

Feminist oral history: emancipatory potential of, 408; Grandmother goes to the Racetrack (Borland interview), 410411; revelations possible from, 409410

Feminist research: design and questions used for, 405411; ethnographic approach used in, 412, 415417; gender studies of, 397; guiding principles of, 395400; historical roots of, 392394; methodology used for, 395, 409, 412413; nonobjectivity of, 396; overview of, 392; qualitative approaches used in, 407408; trusting validity of, 418419; Women Living with HIV/AIDS, 400404. See also Women

Feminist researchers: access and entry by, 413414; narrative practices used by, 414415; navigating the setting, 414

Feminist standpoint theory, 396

Field tests: case study research, 256; tutor study example of, 257e

Fieldwork: ethnographic, 169170; four stages of, 171; full cycle of activities required for, 170171

Findings. See Dissemination

Flanders Interaction Analysis, 257, 259

Focus groups, 173

Focused coding: description and overview of, 46, 4851; example of memo taken during, 57e58e; examples of, 49t; following comparisons which may help during, 50

Focused in-depth interviews, 94t

Focusing (practitioner research), 298, 300

Formative evaluation questions, 332

Formative model of research, 73fig

Freud, Sigmund, 109110, 128

Full cycle of activities, 170171

“The Future of Narrative” (Munro-Hendry), 236


Gandhi's Truth (Erikson), 110

Gaps among categories, 60

Gatekeepers, 168

Gayness experience. See Authoethnography

Gender issues: evolution of research on, 2728; feminist oral history revelations on, 409; feminist research focus on, 397

General analytic mind-set, 126127

Generalizability: arts-based research naturalistic, 285; autoethnography, 207; case study research naturalistic, 267; narrative inquiry, 231, 232; psychological, 285; sampling, 84

Generativity, 286

Genre blurring, 273

GIS mapping software, 99

“Grand tour question,” 116

Grounded theory: analytic induction similarities to, 179; description of, 12, 4142; inductive logic of, 41, 42; iterative method of, 4142

Grounded theory research: coding data in, 4454; constructivist perspective of, 43; data gathering in, 4344; issues to consider for, 4243; memos and memo writing during, 5459; theoretical sampling and saturation during, 6062; theoretical sensitivity and using the literature during, 6263

Guided autobiography instrument, 118119, 121, 126

Guided Race Autobiography (GRA), 121123

Guiding principles: Belmont Report's three ethical, 19, 22, 2328; feminist research, 395396; program evaluation, 326328t

Guiding Principles for Evaluators (APA), 357358

Gulf Coast oil spill disaster (2010), 244


Haiti earthquake (2010), 234, 235

Hegemonic method, 444445

Hegemony, 444445

Heteroglossic text, 181

Heuristic purpose, 274

Historical actors, 147149

Historical agency, 148149

Historical imagination, 144

Historical research: context of, 143145; finding a topic, 139141; sources used to find evidence, 149155; specialized topic areas of, 142143; topic categories, 142143. See also Biography and life story research

Historical truth, 132

Historiography, 155, 157

History: case histories (or case records), 244; the how of historical research evidence, 149155; investigative drama of, 138139; oral, 225, 229230, 408, 409410; philosophies of, 156; types of, 142143; the what of, 139143; the when and historical context of, 143145; the where and foci of, 145147; the who of historical actors, 147149; the why of historical interpretation and analysis, 155158

HIV/AIDS studies: conceptual model designed for, 81, 86; initial conceptual model of older adults and exposure to, 87fig; Women Living with HIV/AIDS, 400404

“Hot” data, 380

Housing/injection drug users study, 7778

Human individuality, 111

Human Relations Area Files (HRAF), 177

Husserl, Edmund, 6

Hypothesis, description of, 5


Identity: critical ethnographic focus on power-related, 379380; Menominee, 223224; policies of, 196

Identity and Success Life Story Method (ISLSM), 120121fig, 133

Identity and Success Research Lab (ISRL), 130131

Idiographic approach to personality, 109

Illumination, 286

Immigration law case study, 244

Impact (logic models), 360

In-depth ethnographic interviews, 173

In-depth interviews: cameras and digital recorders to record, 97; description of, 90; focused, 94t; open-ended, 94t; sampling plan for depression study, 75t; semistructured, 94t; structured, 94t

Incident-by-incident coding, 4546

Incisive arts-based research, 286

Inclusion principle, 459, 468, 469e

Indigeneity, 434

Indigenous empiricism, 440441

Indigenous methodologies paradigm, 442

Indigenous/native communities: CIRM for reclamation of voice by, 443444; CIRM serving research needs as defined by, 435436; colonization of, 424427; ethnographies of, 202; hegemony used as denial of, 444445; negative connotation of research to, 428431; political and social justice goals of, 443. See also CIRM (critical indigenous research methodologies)

Individual-level network data, 91

Individualism culture, 350

Inductive analysis, 177

Inductive process: description of, 12; of grounded theory, 41, 42

Informants: case research study, 252253; ethnography, 166167, 175; program evaluation, 334. See also Participants

Information: empirical, 45; quantitative historical, 153154; ventriloquist stance by researchers on, 381; Vestehen approach to gathering, 6. See also Data; Knowledge

Informed consent: Belmont Report on voluntary, 3233; children and, 35; ethnographic research and, 269; feminist research, 398; obtaining signatures for, 3334; older adults and, 3536; qualitative research designs and, 3435; role of IRBs in, 33, 34. See also Assent; Qualitative research

Initial (or open) coding: analytical questions to aid in, 45; constant comparative method used for, 46; description of, 4445; examples of, 47t; incident-by-incident, 4546; line-byline, 4546

Injection drug users/housing study, 7778

Inputs (or resources): ACESAS logic model on, 367368; logic model component of, 360

Insider/outsider status, 402

Institute for Community Research, 81

Institutional review boards (IRBs): confidentiality requirements of, 37; data collection review and approval by, 9798; description of, 21; ethnographic research permissions from, 169; voluntary informed consent role of, 33, 34

Instrumental case studies, 246247

Instrumental (or technical) transfer, 295

Instruments. See Data collection instruments

Intellectual history, 142

Interactive interviews, 203

Interdisciplinary research, 405

Internal evaluations, 339340

Internal reliability, 183

Internal validity, 132

Interpretation: critical ethnography, 385; data analysis, 125126; ethnographic cultural, 165; historical analysis and, 155158

Interpretive case study reports, 266267

Interpretive (or critical) traditions, 296

Interpretivist perspective: defining the research questions using, 79; description of, 89; methodological decisions guided by, 7677

Interrogatory purpose, 274

Intersubjective modes of knowledge production, 237

Interview instruments: Developmental Success Matrix (DSM), 122; Guided Race Autobiography (GRA), 121123; Identity and Success Life Story Method (ISLSM), 120121fig; Life Story Interview, 117119; Life Story Telling (LST), 121; Self-Defining Memory Task, 119120; stimulated recall (S-R), 308312. See also Data collection methods

Interview protocol: case study research, 257; tutor study excerpt of, 258e259e

Interviews: bracketed, 255; cameras and digital recorders to record, 97; case study research, 256257e; ethnographic, 172173; guided autobiography method of, 118119; incident-by-incident coding of, 4546; interactive, 203; line-by-line coding of, 4546; member checks for accuracy of, 183; oral, 152153; practitioner action research, 312t; reflexive, dyadic, 203; sampling plan for depression study in-depth, 75t; selecting methods for in-depth, 94t; semistructured, 90, 117; stimulated recall (S-R) approach to, 308312; unstructured, 116117

Intrinsic case studies, 246

Introspection (or reflexivity): critical ethnographic, 381382; ethnographic, 181; feminist research, 397398

Intuitionist/pluralist evaluation perspective, 323324

Items for classifications, 96t

Iterative (ethnography), 176

Iterative method, 4142


Jeffersonian method, 125

Jottings, 413

Journals: case study template for keeping, 262t; practitioner action research, 312t

Jung, Carl, 128

Justice: definition of, 22, 27; indigenous/native goals for social, 443; transformative perspective on, 2728


K&M (Kemmis and McTaggart) design models, 305t

Ke Aka Ho'ona project evaluation: background information on, 330331; criteria used for, 332e; data analysis during, 334, 336; data collection during, 334, 335t; evaluation questions used during, 333t; feedback workshops held during, 337; selecting standards for, 333334. See also Program evaluation

Kellogg Foundation, 330, 331, 360

Key informants: case research study, 252253; ethnographic, 165166, 175; program evaluation, 334

Knowledge: indigenous empirical, 440441; intersubjecctive modes of producing, 237; narrative inquiry outcome of reflexive, 225226; personal practical, 224225; program evaluation used to generate, 341; research-based, 4. See also Information

Knowledge gaps of research, 406

Krackplot (software), 99

Ku Klux Klan, 351


Language: “Black English” and “Standard English,” 351; as The Denver Study issue, 452454; respectful research in relationship of culture and, 26

Law of the instrument, 311312

Learning from the Past: What History Teaches Us About School Reform (Ravitch and Vinovskis), 141

Learning to Labor (Willis), 376, 378

Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of his Childhood (Freud), 109110

Lewin, Kurt, 293294, 305t

LGBTQ youth: certificate of confidentiality provided to, 35; narrative inquiry research on, 237. See also Autoethnography

Life course perspective, 112

Life Story Interview, 117119, 127

Life story research study, 225, 228229. See also Biography and life story research

Life Story Telling (LST), 121

Life-story model of identity, 115

Lifetime period experience, 116

Line-by-line coding, 4546

Listening: active, 409; CIRM's practice of multisensory, 440441

Listings and pilesorts, 96t

Logic models: ACESAS, 364370; description of, 359360; diagram illustration of simple, 331fig; evaluation stages represented by, 348; program evaluation, 329330

Logs (practitioner action research), 312t

Longitudinal case studies, 247

Low-inference descriptors, 183


Macro phenomena, 378

Mapping: maps not to scale, 95t; maps to scale, 95t; social maps, 96t

Margaret Mead, 167168

Marxism, 375

Masking, 124

Master, universal narratives, 197

Mauritius Family Planning Association, 81

MDMA (Ecstasy) research, 77

Meaning, 126

Mechanistic (Marxism), 375

Member checking: case study research, 265266e; ethnographic, 183; feminist research, 418; practitioner action research, 316; program evaluation, 340

Memo writing: description of, 5455; early example, 55e56e

Memory sorting, 59

Memory/memories: critical life episode, 117; event-specific life, 116; guided autobiography of, 118119; Life Story Telling (LST), 121; lifetime period, 116; narrative specificity on, 116; self-defining, 115

Memos: description of, 54; example taken during focused coding, 57e58e

Menominee identity, 223224

Metaphorical purpose, 279

Method selection: guide to qualitative research tool and, 93t96t; in-depth interview, 94t; issues to consider for, 92, 97; mapping, 95t96t; observation tools and, 93t; other elicitation techniques, 96t; visual documentation, 95t

Methodological decisions: defining the research questions, 79; formulating a conceptual model, 7981; issues to consider when making, 7576; paradigms guiding, 79, 2228, 43, 44, 7678; sampling in qualitative research, 8485; on where, when, and with whom study is conducted, 8184

Methodology: ACESAS, 347349, 362370; biography and life story research design, 112116; CIPP Evaluation Model, 325, 333, 362; CIRM (critical indigenous research methodologies), 423448; CRE (culturally responsive evaluation), 348, 349, 355, 357359; critical ethnography, 384385; description of, 10, 70, 7172; distinguishing methods from, 11, 427; feminist research, 395, 409, 412413; making decisions related to, 7585; mixed-method design, 10, 113114; narrative inquiry use of qualitative, 221225; practitioner action research, 303305t; program evaluation, 329337; sampling plan for in-depth interviews, 75t; study population used in, 7274

Methods: deliberate democratic research, 461463; description of, 10, 70, 8586; distinguishing methodology from, 11, 427; feminist research, 395; hegemonic, 444445. See also Data collection methods

Micro phenomena, 378

Microsoft ACCESS, 99

Midpoint (or extreme) sampling, 8485

Minority report, 336

Mixed-methods design: biography and life story research, 113114; description of, 10

Mixed-paradigm research, 77

Moderator (ACESAS), 363

Move-testing, 294

Mules and Men (Hurston), 415

Multi-sited ethnographies, 166167

Multicultural validity, 369

Multiple case studies, 247

Multiple site case studies, 247

Multisensory listening, 440441

Multivocal texts, 400

Mumbai health study, 79, 83, 8485

Muslim cultural center near WTC site study, 89


Narrative ethnographies, 202

Narrative inquiry: authentic representation and reproduction in, 234235; Christine Lemley's position on, 216217; critical events approach to, 219221; description of, 215, 216; generalizability in, 231, 232; genres of, 225230; how to begin, 236238; objectivity in, 231232; positivist approach to, 236; qualitative research methodology used for, 221225; reflexive knowledge outcome of, 225226; reliability in, 231; research questions to ask for, 233; responses to critique of, 230235; Roland Mitchell's position on, 217218; therapeutic benefits of storytelling in, 234; understanding experiences through stories and, 218219; validity in, 231, 232234. See also Experience; Stories

Narrative inquiry genres: autobiography as, 225, 227228; biography as, 225, 226; life story research as, 225, 228229; oral history as, 225, 229230, 408; overview of, 225226

Narrative mode of thought, 111

Narrative specificity, 116

Narrative theories of personality, 114115

Narrative truth, 132

Narratives: authentic representation and reproduction of, 234235; co-constructed, 204; feminist researcher use of, 414415; master, universal, 197; personal, 202; qualitative research use of, 221; raw, 219; specificity of, 116; truth of, 132. See also Stories

National Commission (1979), 28

National Institutes of Health, 35

National Science Foundation (NSF), 355

Native Americans. See Indigenous/native communities

Naturalistic ethnography, 166

Naturalization generalizability: arts-based research, 285; case study research, 267

Nazi medical experiments, 21

NEO Personality Inventory, 122

Network research, 8990

Nomothetic approach to personality, 109

Non-participant participant observer, 172

The Nuer: A Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People (Evans-Pritchard), 166

NVivo (software), 99


Objectivity: confirmability parallels, 29; narrative inquiry, 231232

Observation: autoethnographic, 199; cameras and digital recorders used in, 97; case study research use of, 257, 259260; emic perspective (insider-participant) of, 12, 87, 165; etic perspective (outsider-researcher) of, 12, 165; guide to selecting tools for, 93t; network research, 8990; non-participant participant observer, 172; obtrusive, 88; open-ended nonparticipatory, 93t; participant, 171172; participatory, 93t; practitioner action research, 299, 301, 312t; structured, 93t. See also Data collection methods

Observation plan, 257

Observe in real time, 260

Observing (practitioner action), 299, 301

Obtrusive observations, 88

Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 110

Ontological authenticity, 30

Ontological research, 7

Ontologies: as consideration in research, 431434; definition of, 425

Open coding. See Initial (or open) coding Open-ended in-depth ethnographic interviews, 173

Open-ended in-depth interview, 94t

Open-ended nonparticipatory observation, 93t

Oppression: classical Marxism on, 375; critical ethnographic focus on, 379380; resistance to, 377378. See also Power/ power dynamics

Oral histories: description of, 225; example of, 229230; feminist, 408, 409411. See also Stories

Oral interviews, 152153

Outcome domains, 80

Outcomes (program), 348

Outputs (logic models), 360

Outsider/insider status, 402


Pajek (software), 99

Paradigmatic mode of thought, 111

Paradigmatic science, 275

Paradigmatic text, 281282

Paradigms: constructivist, 2223, 43, 44, 113; description of, 7, 76; feminist, 393; guiding methodological decisions, 7678; indigenous methodologies, 442; interpretivists, 89, 7677, 79; mixed-paradigm, 77; positivists, 7, 76, 236, 393, 432; quantitative and qualitative, 11; transformative, 22, 2328

Participant observers/ observation: autoethnographic, 199; ethnographic, 171172

Participants: informed consent of, 2–36; masking, 124; positionality of, 71; pseudonyms used for, 124; voices stance taken by, 381. See also Informants; Sampling; Study population

Participation, 7071

Participatory action research: description of, 292; respect demonstrated during, 26. See also Practitioner action research

Participatory observation, 93t

Participatory (or collaborative) approach: deliberative democratic research and, 466467; description of, 78

Peer debriefings, 418

Person-centered psychology, 109

Personal narratives, 202

Personal practical knowledge, 224225

Personality: idiographic approach to, 109; narrative theories of, 114115; NEO Personality Inventory, 122; nomothetic approach to, 109

Personaology, 109

Phenomenologically truthful, 285286

Philosophy: definition of, 156; philosophies of history, 156

Photographic documentation, 95t

Pilesorts and listings, 96t

Pilot tests: case study research, 256; tutor study example of, 257e

Planning (practitioner research), 298, 300

Pluralist/intuitionist evaluation perspective, 323324

Political (or diplomatic) history, 142

Politics of representation, 399

Polyphonic text, 181

Population validity, 7

Positionality: critical ethnography, 380382; description of, 12

Positivists/positivism: assumptions regarding truth of taxonomies, 432; description of, 7, 76; feminist research, 393; narrative inquiry using, 236

Postmodernism, 156

Power/power dynamics: critical ethnographic focus on, 379380; critical ethnographic stand against inequity of, 382383; deliberative democratic research and issues of, 467; The Denver Study on school district shifts in, 458459; feminist oral history revelations on, 409. See also Oppression

Practical reasoning, 207

Practices (people's), 170

Practitioner action research: characteristics of, 302303; choosing the study questions, 306307t; data collection for, 308312t; designs of, 303305t; guidelines and suggestions for, 314e315e; historical perspective of, 293294; Mr. Crane, Sixth-Grade Teacher scenario of, 298299, 301302; Ms. Drake, Courtroom Lawyer scenario of, 299302; overview of, 292293; professional practice of, 294298; spiral (or spiraled) cycle of, 301302, 303; structure for, 312313; traditions shaping, 296297; validity and member checking of, 315316. See also Action research; Participatory action research

Practitioner research, 298

Practitioner self-reflection, 298, 302

Praxis, 429

The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art (Clifford), 181

Predictor domains, 80

Presentism, 144

Primary sources: archival documents as, 151152; artifacts as, 152; description of, 150, 151; oral interviews as, 152153; public records as, 151; quantitative information as, 153154

Problem focus, 167

Problem solving: practitioner action research conceived bas, 294; qualitative, 277279

Program antecedents, 324

Program evaluation: audience and stakeholder interest in, 322; CIPP Evaluation Model, 325, 333, 362; culturally responsive evaluation (CRE), 348, 349; description of, 322332; design of, 329337; Historical foundations of, 324326; member checking during, 340; perspectives of, 323324; reporting results of, 336337; stages represented by logic model, 348; uses of, 341; validity of findings, 337340. See also Ke Aka Ho'ona project evaluation; Research

Program Evaluation and Methodology Division (U.S.GAO), 337

Program evaluators: bias of, 339; competence of, 327t; CRE (culturally responsive evaluation), 355357; external, 339; guiding principles for, 326328t; integrity and honesty of, 327t; internal, 339340; respect for people, 328t; responsibilities of, 328t; systematic inquiry by, 327t. See also Researchers

Program outcomes, 324

Program transactions, 324

Programs: countenance model of, 324; description of, 322; evaluation used to improve, 341; outcomes of, 348

Progressive philosophy of history, 156

Providential philosophy of history, 156

Pseudonyms, 124

Psychobiography, 110

Psychodynamic approach to questions, 127

Psychological generalizability, 285

Psychology: biography and life story research historical roots in, 109110; biography and life story research theoretical basis from, 110112; person-centered, 109

Psychosocial construction, 115

Public records, 151

Purposeful (or purposive) sampling, 334

Purposeful sampling, 253


Qualitative control, 279

Qualitative problem solving: phase one: random qualities, 277278; phase two: tentative relationships between qualities, 278; phase three: an emerging theme, 278279; phase four: a developing theme, 279; phase five: work that is judged complete, 279; definition of, 277

Qualitative research: axiological belief systems and, 2223; democratizing, 451471; emic perspective (insider-participant) used in, 12, 87, 165; Etic perspective (outsider-researcher) used in, 12; feminist applications of, 407408; historical roots of, 69; informed consent issue of, 3435; interpretivist or critical perspectives of, 89; introduction to, 34; methodology and methods used in, 10, 11, 70101; narrative inquiry use of methodological, 221225; truth as contextual and time-specific in, 8; validity, rigor, and ethics in, 2830. See also Informed consent; Research

Qualitatively based surveys, 92

Quantitative research: description of, 4; true experiments as characterizing, 5

Questionnaires, 312t. See also Research questions


Race: collective memory of, 354; construct of, 349, 352, 353; difference between culture and, 352353

Racial group classification, 353354

Random sampling, 253, 334

Raw narratives, 219

Reasoning (practical), 207

Recall time, 8283

Reciprocity: as CIRM component, 439440; definition of, 439

Recovering Language, Reclaiming Voice: Menominee Language Revitalization Programs (Lemley), 223

Reflexive, dyadic interviews, 203

Reflexive ethnographies, 203

Reflexive knowledge, 225226

Reflexivity (or introspection): critical ethnographic, 381; ethnographic, 181; feminist research, 397398

Refocusing (practitioner action), 299, 301

Relational ethics, 204, 205206

Relationality of CIRM, 436437

Relevance of Culture in Evaluation Institute (RCEI), 367

Reliability: autoethnography, 207; biography and life story research, 131133; dependability parallel to, 29; external, 182183; internal, 183; narrative inquiry, 231

Reluctant Avon Lady research (feminist ethnography), 415417

Representation: case study research alternative, 267; critical ethnography, 380382, 387; deliberate democratic research caveat of faithful, 465; ethnographic, 181; external validity relationship to, 132; feminist research, 395; narrative inquiry, 234235; politics of, 399

Research: androcentric (malecentered) assumptions driving, 393394; archival, 90; arts-based, 271286; autoethnography, 189210; biography and life story, 107134; case study, 243268; CIRM approach to, 424448; critical ethnography, 373389; deliberative democratic, 452471; ethical norms for, 2837; ethnographic, 163188; feminist, 391420; grounded theory, 4354; historical, 138158; interdisciplinary, 405; methods and methodology of, 1011; mixed-paradigm, 77; narrative inquiry, 215239; negative connotation to indigenous peoples, 428431; network, 8990; paradigm frameworks used in, 7, 11, 22, 2328, 43, 44, 7677; participatory action, 26; practitioner action, 291317; quantitative, 39, 12. See also Ethical issues; Program evaluation; Qualitative research

Research methodology. See Methodology

Research methods. See Methods

Research questions: defining the qualitative, 79; discourse analytic, 127; feminist approach to, 405407; formative, 332; narrative inquiry, 233; practitioner action, 306307t; program evaluation, 331333t; psychodynamic approach to, 127; summative, 331332; writing case study, 249250e. See also Questionnaires

Research questions “grand tour,” 116

Research-based knowledge, 4

Researcher biases: case study research, 255; CRE (culturally responsive evaluation) approach to, 356; program evaluation, 339; triangulating analyst to minimize, 340; tutor study approach to minimizing, 255e

Researcher competencies: case study research, 254e; cultural, 3132, 356357, 363364; description of, 3132; program evaluators, 327t

Researcher as instrument, 21

Researcher position, 255

Researchers: activism stance by, 381; autonomy of, 303, 314e; biases of, 255e, 339, 340, 356; critical, 7778; data collection position of, 8891; ethnographers, 12, 87, 163185; instrument role of, 21; knowledge gaps from disproportionate attention of, 406; memos/memo writing by grounded theory, 5459; participatory or collaborative approach by, 78; reflexivity of, 181, 381, 397398; traditional, 293; ventriloquist stance taken by, 381. See also Program evaluators

Resistance, 377378

Resources (or inputs): ACESAS logic model on, 367368; logic model component of, 360

Respect: as CIRM component, 438439; definition of, 22; transformative perspective on, 2526

Respondent-driven sampling, 85

Responsibility of CIRM, 438

Revision (practitioner action), 299, 301

Revisionist histories, 157

Rigor norms, 2830 The Rise and Fall of the New Deal Order (Fraser and Gerstle), 141


Safed pani (white discharge) compliant (Mumbai women), 79

The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (Denzin and Lincoln), 22

Salvage ethnography, 167

Sampling: convenience, 60; criterion, 84; extreme or midpoint, 8485; for in-depth interviews in depression study, 75t; initial, 60; purposeful, 253; purposeful (or purposive), 334; qualitative research approach to, 8485; random, 253, 334; respondent-driven, 85; targeted, 85; theoretical, 6062, 84; thought, 129. See also Participants

Sankofa bird (ACESAS model), 361fig362

Saturation: case study research, 253; ethnographic research, 178179; grounded theory research, 6062

Schooling in Capitalist America (Bowles and Gintis), 376

Scientific method: description of, 5; origins of, 5

“Second Chair: An Autoethnodrama” (Saldaña), 285

Secondary sources: description of, 150, 154155; historiography of, 155

Selective coding, 48

Self-defining memories, 115

Self-Defining Memory Task, 119120, 126

Self-interest constraints, 467, 467

Self-reflection, 298, 302

Semibounded system, 91

Semistructured in-depth interview, 94t

Semistructured interviews, 90, 117

Sensitizing concepts, 53

Sequence (narrative), 221

“The Shattered Mirror: Curriculum, Art and Critical Politics” (Blumenfeld-Jones), 275

Showing writing technique, 200201

Simmel, Georg, 6

Single case studies, 247

Site mapping, 85

Social capital, 366

“The Social Elements of the Indian Problem” (Parker), 425

Social history, 142

Social maps, 96t

Social reproduction, 376

Socially significant arts-based research, 286

Society: critical ethnographic support of equity in, 382383; gatekeepers of, 168; key informants of, 165166, 175; people's practices in, 170. See also Culture/cultures

The Souls of Black Folk (Du Bois), 350

Specialized topic areas, 142143

Spiral (or spiraled) cycle, 301302, 303

SPSS (software), 99

Stakeholders: cast study research outcomes for, 244; CRE consideration of civic capacity of, 368; The Denver Study, 452; intrinsic case studies communicated to, 246; program evaluation, 322

Standpoint theory, 396

Stimulated recall (S-R), 308311

Storied thought, 112

Stories: autoethnography, 189210; biography and life story research, 107134; canonical, 204205; historical truth of, 132; master, universal narratives, 197; narrative truth of, 132; showing and telling techniques, 200201; therapeutic benefits of, 234; understanding experiences through, 218219; witnessing through, 205. See also Experience; Narrative inquiry; Narratives; Oral histories

Street Corner Society (Whyte), 175

Structuralism, 375

Structure: critical ethnography focus on, 374, 377378; deliberative democratic research, 465466; relationship of agency and, 378

Structure in-depth interviews, 94t

Structured interaction, 465466

Structured observation, 93t

Study population: case examples of depression research, 7274; description of, 72, 83; methodological decisions related to, 8384; selecting the, 73fig75. See also Participants

Study validity, 315. See also Validity

Subjectivity: CIRM and role of, 436437; critical ethnographic, 381

Subtractive Schooling (Valenzuela), 37379

Summative evaluation questions, 331332

Surveys: case study research, 256257; ethnographic, 173174; qualitatively based, 91


Tactical authenticity, 30

Targeted sampling, 85

Taxonomies: ethnographic, 178; narrative inquiry to form, 221; positivist research assumptions about, 432

Technical (or instrumental) transfer, 295

Telling writing technique, 200201

Temporal order, 112

Thematic content analysis, 129131

Theoretical coding: description and overview of, 5154; examples of Glaser's coding families, 52t53; sensitizing concepts related to, 53

Theoretical generalizations, 132

Theoretical (or conceptual) frameworks, 249250e. See also Conceptual models

Theoretical sampling, 6062, 84

Theoretical saturation: case study research, 253; ethnographic research, 178179; grounded theory research, 6062

Theoretical sensitivity, 6263

Theories: biography and life story research, 114116; classical Marxism, 375; critical ethnography, 375377; critical ethnography's drawing on and building, 378379; culturalists, 375376; feminist research, 395; feminist standpoint, 396; instrumental case studies used to build cases for new, 246247; life-story model of identity, 115; narrative theories of personality, 114115; praxis intersection of practice and, 429; psychosocial construction, 115; structuralism, 375

Thick description: autoethnography, 201; case study reports, 267; ethnography, 165

“Things of Use and Things of Beauty” (arts-based research), 277

Thought: narrative mode of, 111; paradigmatic mode of, 111; storied, 112

Thought sampling, 129

Timing: determining study, 82; practitioner action research, 303; recall time consideration, 8283

Tinkering Toward Utopia: A Century of Public School Reform (Tyack and Cuban), 141

Title IX, 407

Top-down view of history, 146147

Traditional researchers, 293

Transactional experience, 222223

Transactive space, 283

Transcription of data, 125

Transferability, 29

Transformative paradigm, 22

Triangulating analyst, 340

Triangulation: case study research data, 251252; description of, 99100; ethnographic data, 182183; feminist research data, 418; practitioner action research data, 316; program evaluation data, 338339. See also Data

Trope (common theme), 180

Troubling the Angels: Women Living with HIV/AIDS (Lather and Smithies), 400404

True experiments, 5

Trustworthiness: critical ethnography, 386388; feminist reports, 418419. See also Credibility; Validity

Truth: deliberate democratic research faithful representation of, 465; historical, 132; narrative, 132; phenomenologically truthful, 285286

Tuskegee experiments (1933–1972), 2122

Tutor study. See Dental hygiene student tutor study

The 2002 User-Friendly Handbook for Project Evaluation (NSF), 355

Typologies (ethnography), 178


UCINET (software), 99

Unit of analysis, 81

United Way, 360

Universality, 393

University of Connecticut Health Center, 81

University of Mauritius, 81

University of Waikato (New Zealand), 184

The Unknown City (Fine and Weis), 379380

Unstructured interview, 116117

Up Against Whiteness (Lee), 380

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 35

U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO), 337

U.S. Gulf Coast oil spill disaster (2010), 244

U.S. Justice Department, 462

Utilitarian evaluation perspective, 323


Valid instrument design, 256

Validity: autoethnography, 207; biography and life story research, 131133; case study research, 265266e; catalytic, 419; conflict of interest, 7; critical ethnography, 386387; ecological, 7; ethical norms of qualitative research, 2830; ethnographic, 182183; external, 29; feminist research, 418419; internal, 132; member checking for, 183, 265266e, 316, 340, 418; multicultural, 369; narrative inquiry, 231, 232234; population, 7; practitioner action research, 315316; program evaluation, 337340; sampling, 84; seeking discrepant cases to establish, 419. See also Credibility; Study validity; Trustworthiness

Validity checks, 8687

Value negation, 276

Ventriloquist stance, 381

Vestehen research, 6

Video documentation, 90, 95t

Vignettes, 180

Visual Culture Jam: Art, Pedagogy and Creative Resistance (Darts), 276

Voice in Qualitative Inquiry: Challenges Conventional, Interpretive, and Critical Conceptions in Qualitative Research (2008), 220

Voices stance, 381

Voluntary informed consent: Belmont Report on, 3233; children and, 35; ethnographic research and, 169; feminist research, 398; obtaining signatures for, 3334; older adults and, 3536; qualitative research designs and, 3435; role of IRBs in, 33, 34


W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 330, 331, 360

Weber, Max, 6

Western Michigan University Evaluation Center, 325, 330331

Whig histories, 157

White, Robert, 110

Witnessing, 205

Women: feminism argument on historic exclusion of, 393394; Title IX mandate on equality of, 407; Women Living with HIV/AIDS study on, 400404; women's movement for equal rights of, 392393. See also Feminist research

Women's movement, 392393

World Trade Center (WTC) attacks [2001], 89

Worldview: African American communities, 354; biography and life story research and, 113; historical analysis and interpretation research and, 155158; postmodernism philosophy on, 156

Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography (Clifford and Marcus), 181

Writing reports. See Dissemination


Young Man Luther (Erikson), 110

Youth Movement Records (Oakland), 283

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