Further Readings and Resources

Suggested Arts-Based Research Studies

Barone, T. (2001). Touching eternity: The enduring outcomes of teaching. New York: Teachers College Press.

This book is a study of narrative construction and narrative analysis, through which Barone tells the stories of students affected by their high school art teacher and analyzes these stories for questions of “effectiveness” in teaching.

Belliveau, G. (2006). Engaging in drama: Using arts - based research to explore a social justice project in teacher education. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 7(5). www.ijea.org/v7n5/index.html.

This article uses drama in both the research methods and the form of research write - up to explore antibullying efforts by preservice teachers in a teaching practicum.

Chappell, S. (2009). A rough handshake or an illness: Teaching and learning on the border as felt through art-making. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 1, 10–21.

This article expresses the use of collage, bookmaking, and poetry in an exploration of linguistic and cultural borders in teaching for artists and educators.

Prendergast, M., Lymburner, J., Grauer, K., Irwin, R. L., Leggo, C., & Gouzouasis, P. (2008). Pedagogy of trace: Poetic representations of teaching resilience/resistance in arts education. Vitae Scholasticae: The Journal of Educational Biography, 25, 58–76.

This article explores how stories of teaching can overlap in the retellings in order to trace the effects or impacts of teachers on students derived through teachers' studying their own practice.

Other Suggested Readings

Barone, T. (2000). Aesthetics, politics, and educational inquiry: Essays and examples. New York: Peter Lang.

This book explores educational research using the tools of literature and narrative. Included is the essay “Ways of Being at Risk: The Case of Billy Charles Barnett,” a sample study of narrative construction.

Barone, T. (2007). A return to the gold standard? Questioning the future of narrative construction as educational research. Qualitative Inquiry, 13(2), 1–17.

This article explores seven primary issues related to narrative forms of arts-based research.

Barone, T., & Eisner, E. (2011). Arts based research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

This introductory text from the academics who coined the term arts-based research addresses important issues and examples of arts-based social research.

Cahnmann, M., & Siegesmund, R. (Eds.). (2007). Arts-based research in education: Foundations for practice. New York: Routledge.

This foundational text explores purposes, tensions, and examples in arts-based research.

Eisner, E. (1997). The promise and perils of alternative forms of data representation. Educational Researcher, 26(6), 4–10.

The article addresses the potential strengths and weaknesses of arts-based research documentation, with attention paid to the ways that the arts construct knowledge.

Knowles, J. G., & Cole, A. L. (2007). Handbook of the arts in qualitative research: Perspectives, methodologies, examples and issues. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

This book demonstrates how research in the social sciences has been informed by the arts, including diverse scholarly perspectives on the roles of the arts in research as well as examples of methodologies and genres used.

Marín, C. (2007). A methodology rooted in praxis: Theatre of the oppressed (TO) techniques employed as arts-based educational research methods. Youth Theatre Journal, 21, 81–93.

This article describes a community-based theatrical devising process known as theatre of the oppressed that the author used with her participants to construct and perform a theatrical script about their lives. Some devised portions of the creative writing are included in the article.

Sinner, A., Leggo, C., Irwin, R. L., Gouzouasis, P., & Grauer, K. (2006). Arts-based educational research dissertations: Reviewing the practices of new scholars. Canadian Journal of Education, 29, 1223–1270.

This article describes one decade of dissertations that use arts-based research in visual, literary, and performative modes. The authors of this article identify four shared principles in the dissertations: a commitment to aesthetic practices, inquiry, a search for meaning, and interpretation for understanding.

Springgay, S., Irwin, R., Leggo, C., & Gouzouasis, P. (Eds.). (2008). Being with a/r/tography. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.

This book explores the arts-based research method a/r/tography through three themes: self-study and autobiography, communities of a/r/tographic practice, and ethics and activism.

Organizations and Web Sites

American Educational Research Association (AERA)—Special Interest Group on Arts-Based Educational Research (SIG #9) (http://aber-sig.org/)

This Web site disseminates information about arts-based research to members of the Arts-Based Educational Research SIG. The site has information on conferences, awards, and resources. Members join this SIG through the AERA Web site (http://aera.net/).

A/r/tography (http://m1.cust.educ.ubc.ca:16080/Artography/)

This Web site provides an overview of the a/r/tography methodology, key researchers, art works, publications, news, and links.

Center for Arts-Informed Research (www.utoronto.ca/CAIR/airchome3.html)

This Web site describes the center, which is based out of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education through the University of Ontario. This site is a resource for publications, events, and links in arts-based research.

Educational Insights (http://educationalinsights.ca/)

This online journal publishing arts-based research studies is hosted by the University of British Columbia's Centre for Cross-Faculty Inquiry in Education.

International Journal of Education & the Arts (www.ijea.org/index.html)

This online, open-access journal focuses on educational significances of the arts and the arts in education.

International Visual Methodologies for Social Change (www.ivmproject.ca/)

This Web site focuses on research that explores uses of visual methodologies to express participant observations and reflections on social experience.

Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy (www.curriculumandpedagogy.org/Journal.html)

This journal focuses on interdisciplinary studies of the relationship between curriculum and pedagogy, including arts-based efforts.

Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies (http://liminalities.net/archives.htm)

This journal publishes scholarship focused on performance as a social, political aesthetic methodology and mode of critique.

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