Key Terms

  • action orientation, 399
  • action research, 400
  • androcentric, 393
  • anthropometry, 398
  • audit trails, 418
  • catalytic validity, 419
  • collaboration, 398
  • discrepant cases, 419
  • empiricism, 393
  • ethical and equitable research, 398
  • feminism, 392
  • guiding principles, 395
  • informed consent, 398
  • insider/outsider status, 402
  • interdisciplinary, 405
  • jottings, 413
  • member checking, 418
  • methodologies, 395
  • methods, 395
  • multivocal texts, 400
  • paradigm, 393
  • peer debriefing, 418
  • politics of representation, 399
  • positivism, 393
  • reflexivity, 397
  • representation, 395
  • standpoint, 396
  • theories, 395
  • triangulation, 418
  • universality, 393
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