
Partitioning: Divide and Conquer

Oracle provides two key scalability features that enable good performance, even with massively large databases: parallelism and partitioning. Parallelism allows Oracle to start more than one thread of execution to take advantage of multiple hardware resources. Partitioning allows subsets of a table or index to be managed independently (Oracle’s “divide and conquer” approach). The focus of this chapter is partitioning strategies.

Partitioning lets you create a logical table or index that consists of separate segments that can each be accessed and worked on by separate threads of execution. Each partition of a table or index has the same logical structure, such as the column definitions, but can reside in separate containers. In other words, you can store each partition in its own tablespace and associated data files. This allows you to manage one large logical object as a group of smaller, more maintainable pieces. The main benefits realized from partitioning are

  • better performance; in some circumstances, SQL queries can operate on a single partition or subset of partitions, which allows for faster execution times
  • higher availability; the availability of data in one partition isn’t affected by the unavailability of data in another partition
  • easier maintenance; inserting, updating, deleting, truncating, rebuilding, and reorganizing data by partition allows for efficient loading and archiving operations that would otherwise be difficult and time-consuming

Just because you implement partitioning doesn’t mean you’ll automatically get performance gains, achieve high availability, and ease your administration activities. You need to be aware of how partitioning works and how to leverage various features to reap any benefits. The goal of this chapter is to explain partitioning concepts and how to implement partitioning and to offer guidelines on when to use which features.

Before getting into the details, there are several partitioning terms you should first be familiar with. Table 12-1 describes the meanings of key partitioning terms that are used throughout the chapter.

Table 12-1. Oracle Partitioning Terminology

Term Meaning
Partitioning Transparently implementing one logical table or index as many separate, smaller segments
Partition key One or more columns that unambiguously determine which partition a row is stored in
Partition bound Boundary between partitions
Single-Level partitioning Partitioning, using a single method
Composite partitioning Partitioning, using a combination of methods
Subpartition Partition within a partition
Partition independence Ability to access partitions separately to perform maintenance operations without affecting the availability of other partitions
Partition pruning Elimination of unnecessary partitions. Oracle detects which partitions need to be accessed by an SQL statement and removes (prunes from search) any partitions that aren’t needed.
Partition-wise join Join executed in partition-sized pieces to improve performance by executing many smaller tasks in parallel rather than one large task in sequence
Local partitioned index Index that uses the same partition key as its table
Global partitioned index Index that doesn’t use the same partition key as its table
Global nonpartitioned index Regular index created on a partitioned table. The index itself isn’t partitioned.

Also keep in mind, if you work with mainly small OLTP databases, you probably don’t need to create partitioned tables and indexes. However, if you work with large OLTP databases or in data warehouse environments, you can most likely benefit from partitioning. Partitioning is a key to designing and building scalable, highly available, large database systems.

What Tables Should Be Partitioned?

Following are some rules of thumb for determining whether to partition a table. In general, you should consider partitioning for tables

  • that are greater than 2GB.
  • that have more than 10 million rows, when SQL operations are getting slower as more data are added
  • that you know will grow large (it’s better to create a table as partitioned than to rebuild it as partitioned after performance begins to suffer as the table grows)
  • that have rows that can be divided in a way that facilitates parallel operations, such as inserting, retrieval, deleting, and backup and recovery
  • for which you want to archive the oldest partition on a periodic basis or from which you want to drop the oldest partition regularly, as data become stale

One rule is that any table greater than 2GB is a potential candidate for partitioning. Run this query to show the top space-consuming objects in your database:

select * from (
select owner, segment_name, segment_type, partition_name
,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 meg_tot
from dba_segments
group by owner, segment_name, segment_type, partition_name
order by sum(extents) desc)
where rownum <= 10;

Here is a snippet of the output from the query:

-------- ------------------------------ ------------ --------------- ----------
MV_MAINT F_SALES                        TABLE                             15281
MV_MAINT F_SALES_IDX1                   INDEX                              8075

This output shows that a few large objects in this database may benefit from partitioning. For this database, if there are performance issues with these large objects, then partitioning may help.

If you’re running the previous query from SQL*Plus, you need to apply some formatting to the columns to reasonably display the output within the limited width of your terminal:

set lines 132
col owner form a10
col segment_name form a25
col partition_name form a15

In addition to looking at the size of objects, if you can divide your data so that they facilitate operations, such as loading data, querying, backups, archiving, and deleting, you should consider using partitioning. For example, if you work with a table that contains a large number of rows that are often accessed according to a particular time range—such as by day, week, month, or year—it makes sense to consider partitioning.

A large table size combined with a good business reason means that you should think about partitioning. Keep in mind that there is more setup work and maintenance when you partition a table. However, as mentioned earlier, it’s much easier to partition a table during setup than it is to convert it after it’s grown to an unwieldy size.

image Note   Partitioning is an extra cost option that is available only with the Oracle Enterprise Edition. You have to decide, based on your business requirements, whether partitioning is worth the cost.

Creating Partitioned Tables

Oracle provides a robust set of methods for dividing tables and indexes into smaller subsets. For example, you can divide a table’s data by date ranges, such as by month or year. Table 12-2 gives an overview of the partitioning strategies available.

Table 12-2. Partitioning Strategies

Partition Type Description
Range Allows partitioning based on ranges of dates, numbers, or characters
List Useful when the partitions fit nicely into a list of values, such as state or region codes
Hash Allows even distribution of rows when there is no obvious partitioning key
Composite Allows combinations of other partitioning strategies
Interval Extends range partitioning by automatically allocating new partitions when new partition key values exceed the existing high range
Reference Useful for partitioning a child table based on a parent table column
Virtual Allows partitioning on a virtual column
System Allows the application inserting the data to determine which partition should be used

The following sections show examples of each partitioning strategy. Additionally, you learn how to place partitions in separate tablespaces; to take advantage of all the benefits of partitioning, you need to understand how to assign a partition to its own tablespace.

Partitioning by Range

Range partitioning is frequently used. This strategy instructs Oracle to place rows in partitions based on ranges of values, such as dates, numbers, or characters. As data are inserted into a range-partitioned table, Oracle determines which partition to place a row in based on the lower and upper bound of each range partition.

The range-based partition key is defined by the PARTITION BY RANGE clause in the CREATE TABLE statement. This determines which column is used to control the partition a row belongs in. You’ll see some examples shortly.

Each range partition requires a VALUES LESS THAN clause that identifies the noninclusive value of the upper bound of the range. The first partition defined for a range has no lower bound. Any values less than those set in the first partition’s VALUES LESS THAN clause are inserted into the first partition. For partitions other than the first partition, the lower bound of a range is determined by the upper bound of the previous partition.

Optionally, you can create a range-partitioned table’s highest partition with the MAXVALUE clause. Any row that doesn’t have a partition key that falls in the lower ranges is inserted into this topmost MAXVALUE partition.

Implementing a NUMBER for the Partition Key Column

Let’s look at an example to illustrate the previous concepts. Suppose you’re working in a data warehouse environment, in which you typically have a fact table that stores information about an event, such as sales, profits, registrations, and so on. In a fact table  usually one column represents an amount or count and another represents a point in time.

Some data warehouse architects choose to represent the point-in-time column with a number that translates into a date—the idea being that a number data type is efficient when joining to multiple dimension tables. For instance, the value 20130101 is used to represent January 1, 2013, and you use that number value (which represents a date) as the column to partition the fact table. This SQL statement creates a table with three partitions based on a range of numbers:

create table f_sales
(sales_amt number
,d_date_id number)
partition by range (d_date_id)(
partition p_2012 values less than (20130101),
partition p_2013 values less than (20140101),
partition p_max  values less than (maxvalue));

When creating a range-partitioned table, you don’t have to specify a MAXVALUE partition. However, if you don’t specify a partition with the MAXVALUE clause, and you attempt to insert a row that doesn’t fall within any other defined ranges, you receive an error such as

ORA-14400: inserted partition key does not map to any partition

When you see that error, you have to add a partition that accommodates the partition key value being inserted or that has the MAXVALUE clause.

image Tip   If you’re using Oracle Database 11g or higher, consider using an interval partitioning strategy, in which partitions are automatically added by Oracle when the high range value is exceeded. See the section “Creating Partitions on Demand,” later in this chapter.

You can view information about the partitioned table you just created by running the following query:

select table_name, partitioning_type, def_tablespace_name
from user_part_tables
where table_name='F_SALES';

Here is a snippet of the output:

-------------------- --------- ------------------------------
F_SALES              RANGE     USERS

To view information about the partitions in the table, issue a query as follows:

select table_name, partition_name, high_value
from user_tab_partitions
where table_name = 'F_SALES'
order by table_name, partition_name;

Here is some sample output:

-------------------- -------------------- --------------------
F_SALES              P_2012               20130101
F_SALES              P_2013               20140101
F_SALES              P_MAX                MAXVALUE

In this example the D_DATE_ID column is the partitioning key column. The VALUES LESS THAN clauses create the partition boundaries; these define the partition into which a row is inserted. The MAXVALUE parameter creates a partition in which to store rows that don’t fit into the other defined partitions (including NULL values).


When you partition by range without specifying a MAXVALUE partition, you may not accurately predict when a new high partition will need to be added. Additionally, the HIGH_VALUE column in the data dictionary is a LONG data type, which means that you can’t apply the MAX SQL function to return the current high value.

Listed next is a simple shell script that attempts to insert a record that contains a future date to determine if there is an accepting partition. If the record is inserted successfully, the script rolls back the transaction. If the record fails to insert, an error is generated, and the script sends you an e-mail:


if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then

  echo "Usage: $0 SID"

  exit 1


export ORACLE_SID=o12c

export ORACLE_HOME=/ora01/app/oracle/product/


sqlplus -s <<EOF



COL date_id NEW_VALUE hold_date_id

SELECT to_char(sysdate+30,'yyyymmdd') date_id FROM dual;


INSERT INTO mv_maint.f_sales(sales_amt, d_date_id)

VALUES (0, '&hold_date_id'),




if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then

  mailx -s "Partition range issue: f_sales"[email protected] <<EOF

  check f_sales high range.



  echo "f_sales ok"


exit 0

Ensure that you don’t inadvertently add data to a production table with a script such as this. You have to modify the script carefully to match your table and high-range partition key column.

Implementing a TIMESTAMP for the Partition Key Column

As noted, the example in the previous section created the column D_DATE_ID as a NUMBER data type instead of a DATE data type for the F_SALES table. As opposed to a NUMBER data type, some data warehouse architects would advocate using a DATE or TIMESTAMP data type for the partition key. Here is an example that creates the F_SALES table with a DATE data type for the D_DATE_DTT column:

create table f_sales
(sales_amt  number
,d_date_dtt date
partition by range (d_date_dtt)(
 partition p_2011 values less than (to_date('01-01-2012','dd-mm-yyyy')),
 partition p_2012 values less than (to_date('01-01-2013','dd-mm-yyyy')),
 partition p_max  values less than (maxvalue));

image Tip   Using the date format DD-MM-YYYY may be preferable to one such as 01-MON-YYYY. The DD-MM-YYYY format avoids using character names for the month (JAN, FEB, and so on), which circumvents issues with different character-set languages.

As shown in the prior code, I recommend that you always use TO_DATE to explicitly instruct Oracle on how to interpret the date. Doing so also provides a minimal level of documentation for anybody supporting the database.

Using a DATE data type for the partition key is every bit as valid as using a NUMBER field for the partition key. Just keep in mind that whoever designs the data warehouse tables may have a strong opinion about which technique to use.

Placing Partitions in Tablespaces

Benefits such as increased availability and reduced administration costs can only be achieved if you create a separate tablespace for each partition. Using separate tablespaces effects the partition independence; a single partition can be placed online/offline, backed up, restored, and recovered independently of the availability of other partitions.

To understand the benefits of using a separate tablespace for each partition, first consider a nonpartitioned table scenario. For reference, here is the CREATE TABLESPACE statement used for this example:

  DATAFILE '/u01/dbfile/o12c/p1_tbsp01.dbf' SIZE 100m

Here is a nonpartitioned CREATE TABLE statement that creates a table and places it in the P1_TBSP tablespace:

create table f_sales(
 sales_amt number
,d_date_id number)
tablespace p1_tbsp;

Now, as data are inserted into the F_SALES table, all the data are stored in the data files associated with the tablespace P1_TBSP. Figure 12-1 illustrates this point. There is no way for the data being inserted into a nonpartitioned table to be spread out across multiple tablespaces.


Figure 12-1. A nonpartitioned table

Compare the previous nonpartitioned architecture with that of a partitioned table. This example creates a partitioned table but doesn’t specify tablespaces for the partitions:

create table f_sales (
 sales_amt number
,d_date_id number)
tablespace p1_tbsp
partition by range(d_date_id)(
 partition y11 values less than (20120101)
,partition y12 values less than (20130101)
,partition y13 values less than (20140101));

Figure 12-2 illustrates this approach. Note that in this case, all partitions are stored in the same tablespace.


Figure 12-2. A partitioned table with only one tablespace

This approach has some advantages over a nonpartitioned table, in that you can perform partition maintenance operations (drop, split, merge, truncate, and so on) on one partition without affecting others, thus ensuring partition independence. However, the approach doesn’t quite take advantage of all that partitioning has to offer.

The next example places each partition in a separate tablespace:

create table f_sales (
 sales_amt number
,d_date_id number)
tablespace p1_tbsp
partition by range(d_date_id)(
 partition y11 values less than (20120101)
   tablespace p1_tbsp
,partition y12 values less than (20130101)
    tablespace p2_tbsp
,partition y13 values less than (20140101)
    tablespace p3_tbsp);

Now, the data for each partition are physically stored in their own tablespace and corresponding data files (see Figure 12-3).


Figure 12-3. Partitions stored in separate tablespaces

An advantage of placing partitions in separate tablespaces is that you can back up and recover partitions independently (by backing up individual tablespaces). Also, if you have a partition that isn’t being modified, you can change its tablespace to read-only and instruct utilities such as RMAN to skip backing up such tablespaces, thus increasing backup performance. Additionally, creating each partition in its own tablespace makes it easier to move data from OLTP databases to decision support system (DSS) databases, and it lets you place specific tablespaces and corresponding data files on separate storage devices to improve scalability and performance.

Also keep in mind that when you specify a tablespace for a partition, you can also specify any other storage settings (per tablespace). The next example explicitly sets the PCTFREE, PCTUSED, and NOLOGGING storage clauses for the tablespaces:

create table f_sales (
 sales_amt number
,d_date_id number)
tablespace p1_tbsp
partition by range(d_date_id)(
 partition y11 values less than (20120101)
   tablespace p1_tbsp pctfree 5 pctused 90 nologging
,partition y12 values less than (20130101)
   tablespace p2_tbsp pctfree 5 pctused 90 nologging
,partition y13 values less than (20140101)
   tablespace p3_tbsp pctfree 5 pctused 90 nologging);

Partitioning by List

List partitioning works well for partitioning unordered and unrelated sets of data. For example, say you have a large table and want to partition it by state code. To do so, use the PARTITION BY LIST clause of the CREATE TABLE statement. This example uses state codes to create three list-based partitions:

create table f_sales
 (sales_amt  number
 ,d_date_id  number
 ,state_code varchar2(3))
partition by list (state_code)
 ( partition reg_west values ('AZ','CA','CO','MT','OR','ID','UT','NV')
  ,partition reg_mid  values ('IA','KS','MI','MN','MO','NE','OH','ND')
  ,partition reg_def  values (default));

The partition key for a list-partitioned table can be only one column. Use the DEFAULT list to specify a partition for rows that don’t match values in the list. If you don’t specify a DEFAULT list, then an error is generated when a row is inserted with a value that doesn’t map to the defined partitions. Run this SQL statement to view list values for each partition:

select table_name, partition_name, high_value
from user_tab_partitions
where table_name = 'F_SALES'
order by 1;

Here is the output for this example:

----------- ---------------- ----------------------------------------------
F_SALES     REG_DEF          default
F_SALES     REG_MID          'IA', 'KS', 'MI', 'MN', 'MO', 'NE', 'OH', 'ND'
F_SALES     REG_WEST         'AZ', 'CA', 'CO', 'MT', 'OR', 'ID', 'UT', 'NV'

The HIGH_VALUE column displays the list values defined for each partition. This column is a LONG data type. If you’re using SQL*Plus, you may need to set the LONG variable to a value higher than the default (80B), to display the entire contents of the column:

SQL> set long 1000

Partitioning by Hash

Sometimes a large table doesn’t contain an obvious column by which to partition the table, whether by range or by list. For instance, suppose you use a sequence to populate a surrogate primary key for a table, and you want rows spread evenly across partitions, based on the unique primary key. You may do this because there isn’t another column to partition, or you may be mainly concerned with the efficiency of inserts.

Hash partitioning maps rows to partitions based on an internal algorithm that spreads data evenly across all defined partitions. You don’t have any control over the hashing algorithm or the way Oracle distributes the data. You specify how many partitions you’d like, and Oracle divides the data evenly, based on the hash key column.

image Tip   Oracle strongly recommends that you use a power of two (2, 4, 8, 16, and so on) for the number of hash partitions. Doing so results in the optimal distribution of rows throughout the partitions.

To create hash-based partitions, use the PARTITION BY HASH clause of the CREATE TABLE statement. This example creates a table that is divided into two partitions; each partition is created in its own tablespace:

create table f_sales(
 sales_id  number primary key
,sales_amt number)
partition by hash(sales_id)
partitions 2 store in(p1_tbsp, p2_tbsp);

Of course, you have to modify details, such as the tablespace names, to match those in your environment. Alternatively, you can eliminate the STORE IN clause, and Oracle places all partitions in your default tablespace. If you want to name both the tablespaces and the partitions, you can specify them as follows:

create table f_sales(
 sales_id  number primary key
,sales_amt number)
partition by hash(sales_id)
(partition p1 tablespace p1_tbsp
,partition p2 tablespace p2_tbsp);

Hash partitioning has some interesting performance implications. All rows that share the same value for the hash key are inserted into the same partition. This means that inserts are particularly efficient, because the hashing algorithm ensures that the data are distributed uniformly across partitions. Also, if you typically select for a specific key value, Oracle has to access only one partition to retrieve those rows. However, if you search by ranges of values, Oracle will most likely have to search every partition to determine which rows to retrieve. Thus, range searches can perform poorly in hash-partitioned tables.

Blending Different Partitioning Methods

Oracle allows you to partition a table using multiple strategies (composite partitioning). For example, suppose you have a table that you want to partition on a number range, but you also want to subdivide each partition by a list of regions. The following example does just that:

create table f_sales(
  sales_amt  number
 ,state_code varchar2(3)
 ,d_date_id  number)
partition by range(d_date_id)
subpartition by list(state_code)
(partition p2011 values less than (20120101)
  (subpartition p1_north values ('ID','OR')
  ,subpartition p1_south values ('AZ','NM')),
 partition p2012 values less than (20130101)
  (subpartition p2_north values ('ID','OR')
  ,subpartition p2_south values ('AZ','NM')));

You can view subpartition information by running the following query:

select table_name, partitioning_type, subpartitioning_type
from user_part_tables
where table_name = 'F_SALES';

Here is some sample output:

----------- --------- ---------

Run the next query to view information about the subpartitions:

select table_name, partition_name, subpartition_name
from user_tab_subpartitions
where table_name = 'F_SALES'
order by table_name, partition_name;

Here is a snippet of the output:

----------- ---------------- --------------------
F_SALES     P2011            P1_SOUTH
F_SALES     P2011            P1_NORTH
F_SALES     P2012            P2_SOUTH
F_SALES     P2012            P2_NORTH

Prior to Oracle Database 11g, composite partitioning can be implemented as range-hash (available since version 8i) and range-list (available since version 9i). Starting with Oracle Database 11g, here are the composite partitioning strategies available:

  • Range-Hash: Appropriate for ranges that can be subdivided by a somewhat random key, such as a range of D_DATE_ID and then a hash on SALES_ID
  • Range-List: Useful when a range can be further partitioned by a list, such as a range of D_DATE_ID and then a list on STATE_CODE
  • Range-Range: Appropriate when you have two distinct partition range values, such as D_DATE_ID and SHIP_DATE
  • List-Range: Useful when a list can be further subdivided by a range, such as a list on STATE_CODE and then a range of D_DATE_ID
  • List-Hash: Useful for further partitioning a list by a somewhat random key, such as a list on STATE_CODE and then a hash on SALES_ID
  • List-List: Appropriate when a list can be further delineated by another list, such as COUNTRY_CODE and then STATE_CODE
  • Hash-Hash: Useful when a hash can be further subdivided by another unique value, such as SALES_ID and CUSTOMER_ID

As you can see, composite partitioning gives you a great deal of flexibility in the way you partition your data.

Creating Partitions on Demand

As of Oracle Database 11g, you can instruct Oracle to add partitions to range-partitioned tables automatically. This feature is known as interval partitioning. Oracle dynamically creates a new partition when data inserted exceed the maximum bound of a range-partitioned table. The newly added partition is based on an interval that you specify (hence, the name interval partitioning).

image Tip   Think of the interval as a rule you provide, stating how you want future partitions to be created.

Adding Yearly Partitions, Based on Date

Suppose, for instance, you have a range-partitioned table and want Oracle to add a partition automatically when values are inserted above the highest value defined for the highest range. You can use the INTERVAL clause of the CREATE TABLE statement to instruct Oracle to add a partition automatically to the high end of a range-partitioned table. The following example creates a table that initially has one partition, with a high value range of 01-01-2013:

create table f_sales(
 sales_amt  number
,d_date_dtt date)
partition by range (d_date_dtt)
interval(numtoyminterval(1, 'YEAR'))
store in (p1_tbsp, p2_tbsp, p3_tbsp)
(partition p1 values less than (to_date('01-01-2013','dd-mm-yyyy'))
tablespace p1_tbsp);

The first partition is created in the P1_TBSP tablespace. As Oracle adds partitions, it assigns a new partition to the tablespaces defined in the STORE IN clause (the program is supposed to store them in a round-robin fashion but isn’t always consistent).

image Note   With interval partitioning, you can specify only a single key column from the table, and it must be either a DATE or a NUMBER data type. This is because the interval is mathematically added to these data types. You can’t use a VARCHAR2, as you can’t add a number to a VARCHAR2 data type.

The interval in this example is one year, specified by the INTERVAL(NUMTOYMINTERVAL(1, 'YEAR')) clause. If a record is inserted into the table with a D_DATE_DTT value greater than or equal to 01-01-2013, Oracle automatically adds a new partition to the high end of the table. You can check the details of the partition by running this SQL statement:

set lines 132
col table_name form a10
col partition_name form a9
col part_pos form 999
col interval form a10
col tablespace_name form a12
col high_value form a30
select table_name, partition_name, partition_position part_pos
       ,interval, tablespace_name, high_value
from user_tab_partitions
where table_name = 'F_SALES'
order by table_name, partition_position;

Here is some sample output (the column headings have been shortened, and the HIGH_VALUE column has been cut short so that the output fits on the page):

---------- --------- -------- ---------- ------------ ------------------------------
F_SALES    P1               1 NO         P1_TBSP      TO_DATE(' 2013-01-01 00:00:00'

Next, insert data above the high value for the highest partition:

SQL> insert into f_sales values(1, sysdate+1000);

Here is what the output from selecting from USER_TAB_PARTITIONS now shows:

---------- --------- -------- ---------- ------------ ------------------------------
F_SALES    P1               1 NO         P1_TBSP      TO_DATE(' 2013-01-01 00:00:00'
F_SALES    SYS_P3344        2 YES        P1_TBSP      TO_DATE(' 2016-01-01 00:00:00'

A partition was automatically created with a high value of 2016-01-01. If you don’t like the name that Oracle gives the partition, you can rename it:

SQL> alter table f_sales rename partition sys_p3344 to p2;

Note what happens when a value is inserted that falls into a year interval between the two partitions:

SQL> insert into f_sales values(1, sysdate+500);

Querying the USER_TAB_PARTITIONS view shows that another partition has been created because the value inserted falls into a year interval that isn’t included in the existing partitions:

---------- --------- -------- ---------- ------------ ------------------------------
F_SALES    P1               1 NO         P1_TBSP      TO_DATE(' 2013-01-01 00:00:00'
F_SALES    SYS_P3345        2 YES        P3_TBSP      TO_DATE(' 2015-01-01 00:00:00'
F_SALES    SYS_P3344        3 YES        P1_TBSP      TO_DATE(' 2016-01-01 00:00:00'

image Note   If there is more than one INTERVAL partition with a value of NO, then all but the last one can be dropped. In other words, if there is only one partition with an INTERVAL value of NO, then the partition cannot be dropped. For example, attempting to drop partition P1 from the table in the prior example generates an ORA-14758 error.

Adding Weekly Partitions, Based on Date

You can also have Oracle add partitions by other increments of time, such as a week; for example,

create table f_sales(
 sales_amt  number
,d_date_dtt date)
partition by range (d_date_dtt)
store in (p1_tbsp, p2_tbsp, p3_tbsp)
(partition p1 values less than (to_date('01-01-2013', 'dd-mm-yyyy'))
tablespace p1_tbsp);

As data are inserted into future weeks, new weekly partitions will be created automatically; for example,

SQL> insert into f_sales values(100, sysdate+7);
SQL> insert into f_sales values(200, sysdate+14);

Running this query verifies that partitions have automatically been added:

select table_name, partition_name, partition_position part_pos
       ,interval, tablespace_name, high_value
from user_tab_partitions
where table_name = 'F_SALES'
order by table_name, partition_position;

Here is some sample output:

---------- --------- -------- ---------- ------------ ------------------------------
F_SALES    P1               1 NO         P1_TBSP      TO_DATE(' 2013-01-01 00:00:00'
F_SALES    SYS_P3725        2 YES        P3_TBSP      TO_DATE(' 2013-01-15 00:00:00'
F_SALES    SYS_P3726        3 YES        P1_TBSP      TO_DATE(' 2013-01-22 00:00:00'

In this way, Oracle automatically manages the addition of weekly partitions to the table.

Adding Daily Partitions, Based on Number

Recall from the section “Partitioning by Range,” earlier in this chapter, how a number field (D_DATE_ID) was used as a range-based partition key. Suppose you want to create daily interval partitions in a table with such a partitioning strategy automatically. In this situation, you need to specify an INTERVAL of one. Here is an example:

create table f_sales(
 sales_amt number
,d_date_id number)
partition by range (d_date_id)
(partition p1 values less than (20120101));

As long as your application can correctly use a number that represents a valid date, there shouldn’t be any issues. As each new day’s data are inserted, a new daily partition is created. For example, suppose these data are inserted:

SQL> insert into f_sales values(100,20130130);
SQL> insert into f_sales values(50,20130131);

Two corresponding partitions are automatically created. This can be verified via this query:

select table_name, partition_name, partition_position part_pos
       ,interval, tablespace_name, high_value
from user_tab_partitions
where table_name = 'F_SALES'
order by table_name, partition_position;

Here is the corresponding output:

---------- --------- -------- ---------- ------------ --------------------
F_SALES    P1               1 NO         USERS        20130101
F_SALES    SYS_P3383        2 YES        USERS        20130131
F_SALES    SYS_P3384        3 YES        USERS        20130132

Be aware that the HIGH_VALUE column can contain numbers that map to invalid dates. This is to be expected. For instance, when creating a partition with a D_DATE_ID of 20130131, Oracle will calculate the upper boundary to be the value 20130132. The high boundary value is defined as less than (but not equal to) any values inserted into the partition. The only reason I mention this here is because if you attempt to perform date arithmetic on the value in HIGH_VALUE, you will need to account for potential numbers that map to invalid dates. In this specific example, you would have to subtract one from the value in HIGH_VALUE to obtain a valid date.

As previously shown in this section, a daily interval partitioning scheme based on a number works fine. However, such a scheme doesn’t work as well if you want to create interval partitions by month or year. This is because there is no number that consistently represents a month or year. If you need date-based interval functionality, then use a date and not a number.

Partitioning to Match a Parent Table

If you’re using Oracle Database 11g or higher, you can use the PARTITION BY REFERENCE clause to specify that a child table should be partitioned in the same way as its parent. This allows a child table to inherit the partitioning strategy of its parent table. Any parent table partition maintenance operations are automatically applied to the child record tables.

image Note   Before the advent of the partitioning-by-reference feature, you had to physically duplicate and maintain the parent table column in the child table. Doing so not only requires more disk space, but also is a source of error when maintaining the partitions.

For example, say you  want to create a parent ORDERS table and a child ORDER_ITEMS table that are related by primary key and foreign key constraints on the ORDER_ID column. The parent ORDERS table will be partitioned on the ORDER_DATE column. Even though it won’t contain the ORDER_DATE column, you wonder whether you can partition the child ORDER_ITEMS table so that the records are distributed the same way as in the parent ORDERS table. This example creates a parent table with a primary key constraint on ORDER_ID and range partitions on ORDER_DATE:

create table orders(
 order_id    number
,order_date  date
,constraint order_pk primary key(order_id))
partition by range(order_date)
(partition p11  values less than (to_date('01-01-2012','dd-mm-yyyy'))
,partition p12  values less than (to_date('01-01-2013','dd-mm-yyyy'))
,partition pmax values less than (maxvalue));

Next, you create the child ORDER_ITEMS table. It’s partitioned by naming the foreign key constraint as the referenced object:

create table order_items(
 line_id  number
,order_id number not null
,sku      number
,quantity number
,constraint order_items_pk  primary key(line_id, order_id)
,constraint order_items_fk1 foreign key (order_id) references orders)
partition by reference (order_items_fk1);

Note that the foreign key column ORDER_ID must be defined as NOT NULL. The foreign key column must be enabled and enforced.

You can inspect the partition key columns via the following query:

select name, column_name, column_position
from user_part_key_columns
where name in ('ORDERS','ORDER_ITEMS'),

Here is the output for this example:

NAME                 COLUMN_NAME          COLUMN_POSITION
-------------------- -------------------- ---------------
ORDERS               ORDER_DATE                         1
ORDER_ITEMS          ORDER_ID                           1

Note that the child table is partitioned by the ORDER_ID column. This ensures that the child record is partitioned in the same manner as the parent record (because the child record is related to the parent record via the ORDER_ID key column).

When you create the referenced-partition child table, if you don’t explicitly name the child table partitions, by default, Oracle creates partitions for the child table with the same partition names as its parent table. This example explicitly names the child table referenced partitions:

create table order_items(
 line_id  number
,order_id number not null
,sku      number
,quantity number
,constraint order_items_pk  primary key(line_id, order_id)
,constraint order_items_fk1 foreign key (order_id) references orders)
partition by reference (order_items_fk1)
(partition c11
,partition c12
,partition cmax);

Starting with Oracle Database 12c, you can also specify an interval-reference partitioning strategy. This allows for partitions to be automatically created for both the parent and child tables. Here is what the table creation scripts look like for this feature:

create table orders(
 order_id    number
,order_date  date
,constraint order_pk primary key(order_id))
partition by range(order_date)
interval(numtoyminterval(1, 'YEAR'))
(partition p1 values less than (to_date('01-01-2013','dd-mm-yyyy')));
create table order_items(
 line_id  number
,order_id number not null
,sku      number
,quantity number
,constraint order_items_pk  primary key(line_id, order_id)
,constraint order_items_fk1 foreign key (order_id) references orders)
partition by reference (order_items_fk1);

Inserting some sample data will demonstrate how the partitions are automatically created:

SQL> insert into orders values(1,sysdate);
SQL> insert into order_items values(10,1,123,1);
SQL> insert into orders values(2,sysdate+400);
SQL> insert into order_items values(20,2,456,1);

Now, run this query to verify the partition details:

select table_name, partition_name, partition_position part_pos
       ,interval, tablespace_name, high_value
from user_tab_partitions
where table_name IN ('ORDERS','ORDER_ITEMS')
order by table_name, partition_position;

Here is a snippet of the output:

----------- --------- -------- ---------- ------------ ------------------------------
ORDERS      P1               1 NO         USERS        TO_DATE(' 2013-01-01 00:00:00'
ORDERS      SYS_P3761        2 YES        USERS        TO_DATE(' 2014-01-01 00:00:00'
ORDERS      SYS_P3762        3 YES        USERS        TO_DATE(' 2015-01-01 00:00:00'
ORDER_ITEMS P1               1 NO         USERS
ORDER_ITEMS SYS_P3761        2 YES        USERS
ORDER_ITEMS SYS_P3762        3 YES        USERS

Partitioning on a Virtual Column

If you’re using Oracle Database 11g or higher, you can partition on a virtual column (see Chapter 7 for a discussion of virtual columns). Here is a sample script that creates a table named EMP, with the virtual column COMMISSION and a corresponding range partition for the virtual column:

create table emp (
 emp_id   number
,salary   number
,comm_pct number
,commission generated always as (salary*comm_pct)
partition by range(commission)
(partition p1 values less than (1000)
,partition p2 values less than (2000)
,partition p3 values less than (maxvalue));

This strategy allows you to partition on a column that isn’t stored in the table but that is computed dynamically. Virtual column partitioning is appropriate when there is a business requirement to partition on a column that isn’t physically stored in a table. The expression behind a virtual column can be a complex calculation, return a subset of a column string, combine column values, and so on. The possibilities are endless.

For example, you may have a ten-character-string column in which the first two digits represent a region, and last eight digits represent a specific location (this is a bad design, but it happens). In this case, it may make sense, from a business perspective, to partition on the first two digits of this column (by region).

Giving an Application Control over Partitioning

You may have a rare scenario, in which you want the application inserting records into a table to explicitly control which partition it inserts data into. If you’re using Oracle Database 11g or higher, you can use the PARTITION BY SYSTEM clause to allow an INSERT statement to specify into which partition to insert data. This next example creates a system-partitioned table with three partitions:

create table apps
(app_id number
,app_amnt number)
partition by system
(partition p1
,partition p2
,partition p3);

When inserting data into this table, you must specify a partition. The next line of code inserts a record into partition P1:

SQL> insert into apps partition(p1) values(1,100);

When you’re updating or deleting, if you don’t specify a partition, Oracle scans all partitions of a system-partitioned table to find the relevant rows. Therefore, you should specify a partition when updating and deleting to avoid poor performance.

A system-partitioned table is helpful in the unusual situation of needing to explicitly control which partition a record is inserted into. This allows your application code to manage the distribution of records among the partitions. I recommend that you use this feature only when you can’t use one of Oracle’s other partitioning mechanisms to meet your business requirement.

Maintaining Partitions

When using partitions, you’ll eventually have to perform some sort of maintenance operation. For instance, you may be required to move, exchange, rename, split, merge, or drop partitions. The various partition maintenance tasks are described in this section.

Viewing Partition Metadata

When you’re maintaining partitions, it’s helpful to view metadata information about the partitioned objects. Oracle provides many data dictionary views that contain information about partitioned tables and indexes. Table 12-3 outlines these views.

Keep in mind that the DBA-level views contain data for all partitioned objects in the database, the ALL level shows partitioning information to which the currently connect user has access, and the USER-level offers information about the partitioned objects owned by the currently connected user.

Table 12-3. Data Dictionary Views Containing Partitioning Information

View Information Contained
DBA/ALL/USER_PART_TABLES Displays partitioned table information
DBA/ALL/USER_TAB_PARTITIONS Contains information regarding individual table partitions
DBA/ALL/USER_TAB_SUBPARTITIONS Shows subpartition-level table information regarding storage and statistics
DBA/ALL/USER_PART_KEY_COLUMNS Displays partition key columns
DBA/ALL/USER_SUBPART_KEY_COLUMNS Contains subpartition key columns
DBA/ALL/USER_PART_COL_STATISTICS Shows column-level statistics
DBA/ALL/USER_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS Displays subpartition-level statistics
DBA/ALL/USER_PART_HISTOGRAMS Contains histogram information for partitions
DBA/ALL/USER_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS Shows histogram information for subpartitions
DBA/ALL/USER_PART_INDEXES Displays partitioned index information
DBA/ALL/USER_IND_PARTITIONS Contains information regarding individual index partitions
DBA/ALL/USER_IND_SUBPARTITIONS Shows subpartition-level index information
DBA/ALL/USER_SUBPARTITION_TEMPLATES Displays subpartition template information

Two views you’ll use quite often are DBA_PART_TABLES and the DBA_TAB_PARTITIONS. The DBA_PART_TABLES view contains table-level partitioning information, such as partitioning method and default storage settings. The DBA_TAB_PARTITIONS view provides information about the individual table partitions, such as the partition name and storage settings for individual partitions.

Moving a Partition

Suppose you create a list-partitioned table, as shown:

create table f_sales
 (sales_amt  number
 ,d_date_id  number
 ,state_code varchar2(20))
partition by list (state_code)
 ( partition reg_west values ('AZ','CA','CO','MT','OR','ID','UT','NV')
  ,partition reg_mid  values ('IA','KS','MI','MN','MO','NE','OH','ND')
  ,partition reg_rest values (default));

Also for this partitioned table, you decide to create a locally partitioned index, as follows:

SQL> create index f_sales_lidx1 on f_sales(state_code) local;

You decide to create as well a nonpartitioned global index, as follows:

SQL> create index f_sales_gidx1 on f_sales(d_date_id) global;

And, you create a global partitioned index column:

create index f_sales_gidx2 on f_sales(sales_amt)
global partition by range(sales_amt)
(partition pg1 values less than (25)
,partition pg2 values less than (50)
,partition pg3 values less than (maxvalue));

Later, you decide that you want to move a partition to a specific tablespace. In this scenario, you can use the ALTER TABLE. . .MOVE PARTITION statement to relocate a table partition. This example moves the REG_WEST partition to a new tablespace:

SQL> alter table f_sales move partition reg_west tablespace p1_tbsp;

Moving a partition to a different tablespace is a fairly simple operation. Whenever you do this, however, make sure you check on the status of any indexes associated with the table:

select b.table_name, a.index_name, a.partition_name
,a.status, b.locality
from user_ind_partitions a
    ,user_part_indexes   b
where a.index_name=b.index_name
and table_name = 'F_SALES';

Here is some sample output:

---------- -------------------- --------- --------- ------

You must rebuild any unusable indexes. As opposed to rebuilding the indexes manually, when moving a partition, you can specify that the indexes associated with it be rebuilt with the UPDATE INDEXES clause:

SQL> alter table f_sales move partition reg_west tablespace p1_tbsp update indexes;

Starting with Oracle Database 12c, when moving a partition, you can specify that all indexes be updated via the ONLINE clause:

SQL> alter table f_sales move partition reg_west online tablespace p1_tbsp;

The prior line of code tells Oracle to maintain all indexes during the move operation.

Automatically Moving Updated Rows

By default, Oracle doesn’t let you update a row by setting the partition key to a value outside the row’s current partition. For example, this statement updates the partition key column (D_DATE_ID) to a value that would result in the row’s needing to exist in a different partition:

SQL> update f_sales set d_date_id = 20130901 where d_date_id = 20120201;

You receive the following error:

ORA-14402: updating partition key column would cause a partition change

In this scenario, use the ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT clause of the ALTER TABLE statement to allow updates to the partition key that would change the partition in which a value belongs. For this example, the F_SALES table is first modified to enable row movement:

SQL> alter table f_sales enable row movement;

You should now be able to update the partition key to a value that moves the row to a different segment. You can verify that row movement has been enabled by querying the ROW_MOVEMENT column of the USER_TABLES view:

SQL> select row_movement from user_tables where table_name='F_SALES';

You should see the value ENABLED:


To disable row movement, use the DISABLE ROW MOVEMENT clause:

SQL> alter table f_sales disable row movement;

Partitioning an Existing Table

You may have a nonpartitioned table that has grown quite large and want to partition it. There are several methods for converting a nonpartitioned table to a partitioned table. Table 12-4 lists the pros and cons of various techniques.

Table 12-4. Methods of Converting a Nonpartitioned Table

Conversion Method Advantages Disadvantages
CREATE <new_part_tab> AS SELECT * FROM <old_tab> Simple; can use NOLOGGING and PARALLEL options; direct path load Requires space for both old and new tables
INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO <new_part_tab> SELECT * FROM <old_tab> Fast; simple; direct path load Requires space for both old and new tables
Data Pump EXPDP old table; IMPDP new table (or EXP IMP if using older version of Oracle) Fast; less space required; takes care of grants, privileges, and so on. Loading can be done per partition with filtering conditions. More complicated because you need to use a utility
Create partitioned <new_part_tab>; exchange partitions with <old_tab> Potentially less downtime Many steps; complicated
Use DBMS_REDEFINITION package Converts existing table inline Many steps; complicated
Create CSV file or external table; load <new_part_tab> with SQL*Loader Loading can be done partition by partition. Many steps; complicated

As shown in Table 12-4, one of the easiest ways to partition an existing table is to create a new table—one that is partitioned—and load it with data from the old table. Listed next are the required steps:

  1. If this is a table in an active production database, you should schedule some downtime for the table to ensure that no active transactions are occurring while it’s being migrated.
  2. Create a new, partitioned table from the old with CREATE TABLE <new table> AS SELECT * FROM <old table>.
  3. Drop or rename the old table.
  4. Rename the table created in step 2 to the name of the dropped/renamed table.

For instance, let’s assume that the F_SALES table used so far in this chapter was created as a nonpartitioned table. The following statement creates a new table that is partitioned, taking data from the old table, which isn’t:

create table f_sales_new
partition by range (d_date_id)
(partition p2012 values less than(20130101),
 partition p2013 values less than(20140101),
 partition pmax values less than(maxvalue))
as select * from f_sales;

Now, you can drop (or rename) the old, nonpartitioned table and rename the new, partitioned table the old table’s name. Be sure you don’t need the old table before you drop it with the PURGE option, as this permanently drops the table:

SQL> drop table f_sales purge;
SQL> rename f_sales_new to f_sales;

Finally, create any required constraints, grants, indexes, and statistics for the new table. You should now have a partitioned table that replaces the old, nonpartitioned table.

For the last step, if the original table contains many constraints, grants, and indexes, you may want to use Data Pump expd to export the original table without data. Then, after the new table is created, use Data Pump impdp to create the constraints, grants, and indexes for the new table. Also consider generating fresh statistics for the newly created table.

Adding a Partition

Sometimes it’s hard to predict how many partitions you should initially establish for a table. A typical example is a range-partitioned table that’s created without a MAXVALUE-created partition. You make a partitioned table that contains enough partitions for two years into the future, and then you forget about the table. Sometime in the future, application users report that this message is being thrown:

ORA-14400: inserted partition key does not map to any partition

image Tip   Consider using interval partitioning, which enables Oracle to add range partitions automatically when the upper bound is exceeded.


For a range-partitioned table, if the table’s highest bound isn’t defined with a MAXVALUE, you can use the ALTER TABLE. . .ADD PARTITION statement to add a partition to the high end of the table. If you’re not sure what the current upper bound is, query the data dictionary:

select table_name, partition_name, high_value
from user_tab_partitions
where table_name = UPPER('&&tab_name')
order by table_name, partition_name;

This example adds a partition to the high end of a range-partitioned table:

alter table f_sales add
partition p_2014 values less than (20150101) tablespace p14_tbsp;

Starting with Oracle Database 12c, you can add multiple partitions at the same time; for example,

alter table f_sales add
 partition p_2015 values less than (20160101) tablespace p15_tbsp
,partition p_2016 values less than (20170101) tablespace p16_tbsp;

image Note   If you have a range-partitioned table with the high range bounded by MAXVALUE, you can’t add a partition. In this situation, you have to split an existing partition (see the section “Splitting a Partition,” later in this chapter).


For a list-partitioned table, you can add a new partition only if there isn’t a DEFAULT partition defined. The next example adds a partition to a list-partitioned table:

SQL> alter table f_sales add partition reg_east values('GA'),

Starting with Oracle Database 12c, you can add multiple partitions with one statement:

SQL> alter table f_sales add partition reg_mid_east values('TN'),
                             partition reg_north values('NY'),


If you have a hash-partitioned table, use the ADD PARTITION clause, as follows, to add a partition:

SQL> alter table f_sales add partition p3 update indexes;

image Note   When you’re adding to a hash-partitioned table, if you don’t specify the UPDATE INDEXES clause, any global indexes must be rebuilt. Additionally, you must rebuild any local indexes for the newly added partition.

After adding a partition to a hash-partitioned table, always check the indexes to be sure they all still have a VALID status:

select b.table_name, a.index_name, a.partition_name, a.status, b.locality
from user_ind_partitions a
    ,user_part_indexes   b
where a.index_name=b.index_name
and table_name = upper('&&part_table'),

Also check the status of any global nonpartitioned indexes:

select index_name, status
from user_indexes
where table_name = upper('&&part_table'),

I highly recommend that you always test a maintenance operation in a nonproduction database to determine any unforeseen side effects.

Exchanging a Partition with an Existing Table

Exchanging a partition is a common technique for transparently loading new data into large partitioned tables. The technique involves taking a stand-alone table and swapping it with an existing partition (in an already partitioned table), allowing you to add fully loaded new partitions (and associated indexes) without affecting the availability or performance of operations against the other partitions in the table.

This simple example illustrates the process. Say you have a range-partitioned table, created as follows:

create table f_sales
(sales_amt number
,d_date_id number)
partition by range (d_date_id)
(partition p_2011 values less than (20120101),
 partition p_2012 values less than (20130101),
 partition p_2013 values less than (20140101));

You also create a local bitmap index on the D_DATE_ID column:

create bitmap index d_date_id_fk1 on
f_sales(d_date_id) local;

Now, add a new partition to the table to store new data:

alter table f_sales add partition p_2014
values less than(20150101);

Next, create a staging table, and insert data that fall within the range of values for the newly added partition:

create table workpart(
  sales_amt number
 ,d_date_id number);
insert into workpart values(100,20140201);
insert into workpart values(120,20140507);

Then, create a bitmap index on the WORKPART table that matches the structure of the bitmap index on F_SALES:

create bitmap index d_date_id_fk2
on workpart(d_date_id);

Now, exchange the WORKPART table with the P_2014 partition:

alter table f_sales
exchange partition p_2014
with table workpart
including indexes without validation;

A quick query of the F_SALES table verifies that the partition was exchanged successfully:

SQL> select * from f_sales partition(p_2014);

Here is the output:

---------- ----------
       100   20140201
       120   20140507

This query displays that the indexes are all still usable:

SQL> select index_name, partition_name, status from user_ind_partitions;

You can also verify that a local index segment was created for the new partition:

select segment_name, segment_type, partition_name
from user_segments
where segment_name IN('F_SALES','D_DATE_ID_FK1'),

The ability to exchange partitions is an extremely powerful feature. It allows you to take a partition in an existing table and make it a stand-alone table, while making a stand-alone table (which can be fully populated before the partition exchange operation) part of a partitioned table. When you exchange a partition, Oracle simple updates the entries in the data dictionary to perform the exchange.

When you exchange a partition with the W ITHOUT VALIDATION clause, you instruct Oracle not to validate that the rows in the incoming partition (or subpartition) are valid entries for the defined range. This has the advantage of making the exchange a very quick operation because Oracle is only updating pointers in the data dictionary to perform the exchange operation. You need to make sure your data are accurate if you use WITHOUT VALIDATION.

If a primary key is defined for the partitioned table, the table being exchanged must have the same primary key structure defined. If there is a primary key, the WITHOUT VALIDATION clause doesn’t stop Oracle from enforcing unique constraints.

Renaming a Partition

Sometimes, you may be required to rename a table partition or index partition. For example, you may want to rename a partition before you drop it (to ensure that it’s not being used). Also, you may want to rename objects so that they conform to standards. In these scenarios, use the ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement as appropriate.

This example uses the ALTER TABLE statement to rename a table partition:

SQL> alter table f_sales rename partition p_2012 to part_2012;

The next line of code uses the ALTER INDEX statement to rename an index partition:

SQL> alter index d_date_id_fk1 rename partition p_2012 to part_2012;

You can query the data dictionary to verify the information regarding renamed objects. This query shows partitioned table names:

select table_name, partition_name, tablespace_name
from user_tab_partitions;

Similarly, this query displays partitioned index information:

select index_name, partition_name, status
,high_value, tablespace_name
from user_ind_partitions;

Splitting a Partition

Suppose you’ve identified a partition that has too many rows, and you want to split it into two partitions. Use the ALTER TABLE. . .SPLIT PARTITION statement to split an existing partition. The following example splits a partition in a range-partitioned table:

alter table f_sales split partition p_2012 at (20120601)
into (partition p_2012_a, partition p_2012)
update indexes;

If you don’t specify UPDATE INDEXES, you need to rebuild any local indexes associated with the split partition as well as any global indexes. You can verify the status of partitioned indexes with this SQL:

SQL> select index_name, partition_name, status from user_ind_partitions;

The next example splits a list partition. First, here is the CREATE TABLE statement, which shows you how the list partitions were originally defined:

create table f_sales
 (sales_amt  number
 ,d_date_id  number
 ,state_code varchar2(3))
partition by list (state_code)
 ( partition reg_west values ('AZ','CA','CO','MT','OR','ID','UT','NV')
  ,partition reg_mid  values ('IA','KS','MI','MN','MO','NE','OH','ND')
  ,partition reg_rest values (default));

Next, the REG_MID partition is split:

alter table f_sales split partition reg_mid values ('IA','KS','MI','MN') into
(partition reg_mid_a,
 partition reg_mid_b)
update indexes;

The REG_MID_A partition now contains the values IA, KS, MI, and MN, and REG_MID_B is assigned the remaining values, MO, NE, OH, and ND.

The split partition operation allows you to create two new partitions from a single partition. Each new partition has its own segment, physical attributes, and extents. The segment associated with the original partition is deleted.

Merging Partitions

When you create a partition, sometimes it’s hard to predict how many rows the partition will eventually contain. You may have two partitions that don’t contain enough data to warrant separate partitions. In such a situation, use the ALTER TABLE. . .MERGE PARTITIONS statement to combine partitions.

The following example merges two partitions into one existing partition:

SQL> alter table f_sales merge partitions p_2011, p_2012 into partition p_2012;

In this example the partitions are organized by a range of dates. The partition into which you’re merging is defined as accepting rows with the highest range of the two merged partitions. Any local indexes are also merged into the new, single partition.

You can verify the status of the partitioned indexes by querying the data dictionary:

select index_name, partition_name, tablespace_name, high_value,status
from user_ind_partitions
order by 1,2;

When you merge partitions, you can use the UPDATE INDEXES clause of the ALTER TABLE statement to instruct Oracle to rebuild any associated indexes automatically:

alter table f_sales merge partitions p_2011, p_2012 into partition p_2012
tablespace p2_tbsp
update indexes;

Keep in mind that the merge operation takes longer when you use the UPDATE INDEXES clause. If you want to minimize the length of the merge operation, don’t use this clause. Instead, manually rebuild local indexes associated with a merged partition:

SQL> alter table f_sales modify partition p_2012 rebuild unusable local indexes;

You can rebuild each partition of a global index with the ALTER INDEX. . .REBUILD PARTITION statement:

SQL> alter index f_glo_idx1 rebuild partition sys_p680;
SQL> alter index f_glo_idx1 rebuild partition sys_p681;
SQL> alter index f_glo_idx1 rebuild partition sys_p682;

You can merge two or more partitions with the ALTER TABLE. . .MERGE PARTITIONS statement. The name of the partition into which you’re merging can be the name of one of the partitions you’re merging or a completely new name.

Before you merge two (or more) partitions, make certain the partition into which you’re merging has enough space in its tablespace to accommodate all the merged rows. If there isn’t enough space, you receive an error that the tablespace can’t extend to the necessary size.

Dropping a Partition

You occasionally need to drop a partition. A common scenario is that you have old data that aren’t used anymore, meaning that the partition can be dropped.

First, identify the name of the partition you want to drop. Run the following query to list partitions for a particular table for the currently connected user:

select segment_name, segment_type, partition_name
from user_segments
where segment_name = upper('&table_name'),

Next, use the ALTER TABLE. . .DROP PARTITION statement to remove a partition from a table. This example drops the P_2012 partition from the F_SALES table:

SQL> alter table f_sales drop partition p_2012;

When dropping a partition, you will need to rebuild any global indexes. This can be done within the same DDL statement, as the following example shows:

SQL> alter table f_sales drop partition p_2012 update global indexes;

If you want to drop a subpartition, use the DROP SUBPARTITION clause:

SQL> alter table f_sales drop subpartition p2_south;

You can query USER_TAB_SUBPARTITIONS to verify that the subpartition has been dropped.

image Note   Oracle doesn’t let you drop all subpartitions of a composite-partitioned table. There must be at least one subpartition per partition.

When you drop a partition, there is no undrop operation. Therefore, before you do this, be sure you’re in the correct environment and really do need to drop the partition. If you need to preserve the data in a partition to be dropped, merge the partition with another partition instead of dropping it.

You can’t drop a partition from a hash-partitioned table. For hash-partitioned tables, you must coalesce partitions to remove one. And, you can’t explicitly drop a partition from a reference-partitioned table. When a parent table partition is dropped, it’s also dropped from corresponding child reference-partitioned tables.

Generating Statistics for a Partition

After you load a large amount of data into a partition, you should generate statistics to reflect the newly inserted data. Use the EXECUTE statement to run the DBMS_STATS package in order to generate statistics for a particular partition. In this example the owner is STAR, the table is F_SALES, and the partition being analyzed is P_2012:

exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'MV_MAINT',-

If you’re working with a large partition, you probably want to specify the percentage sampling size and degree of parallelism and also generate statistics for any indexes:

exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'MV_MAINT',-

For a partitioned table, you can generate statistics on either a single partition or the entire table. I recommend that you generate statistics whenever a significant amount of data change in the partition. You need to understand your tables and data well enough to determine whether generating new statistics is required.

Also, starting with Oracle Database 11g, you can instruct Oracle to scan only newly added partitions when generating global statistics. This feature is enabled via the DBMS_STATS package:


You can verify the table preferences for the table as follows:

SQL> select dbms_stats.get_prefs('INCREMENTAL', tabname=>'F_SALES') from dual;

The incremental global statistics gathering must be used in conjunction with DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE. This can greatly reduce the time and resources required to gather incremental statistics for partitions newly added to large tables.

Removing Rows from a Partition

You can use several techniques to remove rows from a partition. If the data in the particular partition are no longer required, consider dropping the partition. If you want to remove the data and leave the partition intact, then you can either truncate or delete from it. Truncating a partition quickly and permanently removes the data. If you need the option of rolling back the removal of records, then you should delete (instead of truncate). Both truncating and deleting are described next.

First, identify the name of the partition from which you want to remove records:

select segment_name, segment_type, partition_name
from user_segments
where partition_name is not null;

Use the ALTER TABLE. . .TRUNCATE PARTITION statement to remove all records from a partition. This example truncates a partition from the F_SALES table:

SQL> alter table f_sales truncate partition p_2013;

The prior command removes data only from the specified partition and not the entire table. Also keep in mind that truncating a partition will invalidate any global indexes. You can update the global indexes while you issue a TRUNCATE as follows:

SQL> alter table f_sales truncate partition p_2013 update global indexes;

Truncating a partition is an efficient way to remove large amounts of data. When you truncate a partition, however, there is no rollback mechanism. The truncate operation permanently deletes the data from the partition.

If you need the option of rolling back a transaction, use the DELETE statement:

SQL> delete from f_sales partition(p_2013);

The downside to this approach is that if you have millions of records, the DELETE operation can take a long time to run. Also, for a large number of records, DELETE generates a great deal of rollback information. This can cause performance issues for other SQL statements contending for resources.

Manipulating Data Within a Partition

If you need to select or manipulate data within one partition, specify the partition name as part of the SQL statement. For instance, you can select the rows from a specific partition, as shown:

SQL> select * from f_sales partition (p_2013);

If you want to select from two (or more) partitions, then use the UNION clause:

select * from f_sales partition (p_2013)
select * from f_sales partition (p_2014);

If you’re a developer, and you don’t have access to the data dictionary to view which partitions are available, you can use the SELECT. . .PARTITION FOR <partition_key_value> syntax (available in Oracle Database 11g and higher). With this new syntax, you provide a partition key value, and Oracle determines what partition the key value belongs in and returns the rows from that partition; for example,

SQL> select * from f_sales partition for (20130202);

You can also update and delete partition rows. This example updates a column in a partition:

SQL> update f_sales partition(p_2013) set sales_amt=200;

You can use the PARTITION FOR <partition_key_value> syntax for update, delete, and truncate operations; for example,

SQL> update f_sales partition for (20130202) set sales_amt=200;

image Note   See the previous section, “Removing Rows from a Partition,” for examples of deleting and truncating a partition.

Partitioning Indexes

In today’s large database environments, indexes can also grow to unwieldy sizes. Partitioning indexes provides the same benefits as partitioning tables: improved performance, scalability, and maintainability.

You can create an index that uses the partitioning strategy of its table (local), or you can create an index that is partitioned differently from its table (global). Both of these techniques are described in the following sections.

Partitioning an Index to Follow Its Table

When you create an index on a partitioned table, you have the option of making it a LOCAL index type. A local partitioned index is partitioned in the same manner as the partitioned table. Each table partition has a corresponding index that contains ROWID values and index-key values for just that table partition. In other words, the ROWID values in a local partitioned index only point to rows in the corresponding table partition.

The following example illustrates the concept of a locally partitioned index. First, create a table that has only two partitions:

create table f_sales (
 sales_id number
,sales_amt number
,d_date_id number)
tablespace p1_tbsp
partition by range(d_date_id)(
 partition y12 values less than (20130101)
   tablespace p1_tbsp
,partition y13 values less than (20140101)
    tablespace p2_tbsp);

And, say five records are inserted into the table, with three records inserted into partition Y12 and two records inserted into partition Y13:

SQL> insert into f_sales values(1,20,20120322);
SQL> insert into f_sales values(2,33,20120507);
SQL> insert into f_sales values(3,72,20120101);
SQL> insert into f_sales values(4,12,20130322);
SQL> insert into f_sales values(5,98,20130507);

Next, use the LOCAL clause of the CREATE INDEX statement to create a local index on the partitioned table. This example creates a local index on the D_DATE_ID column of the F_SALES table:

SQL> create index f_sales_fk1 on f_sales(d_date_id) local;

Run the following query to view information about partitioned indexes:

select index_name, table_name, partitioning_type
from user_part_indexes
where table_name = 'F_SALES';

Here is some sample output:

------------------------------ ---------- ---------
F_SALES_FK1                    F_SALES    RANGE

Now, query the USER_IND_PARTITIONS table to view information about the locally partitioned index:

select index_name, partition_name, tablespace_name
from user_ind_partitions
where index_name = 'F_SALES_FK1';

Note that an index partition has been created for each partition of the table and that the index is created in the same tablespace as the table partition:

-------------------- -------------------- ---------------
F_SALES_FK1          Y12                  P1_TBSP
F_SALES_FK1          Y13                  P2_TBSP

Figure 12-4 conceptually shows how a locally managed index is constructed.


Figure 12-4. Architecture of a locally partitioned index

If you want the local index partitions to be created in a tablespace (or tablespaces) separate from that of the table partitions, specify the tablespace(s) when creating the index:

create index f_sales_fk1 on f_sales(d_date_id) local
(partition y12 tablespace users
,partition y13 tablespace users);

Querying USER_IND_PARTITIONS now shows that the index partitions have been created in tablespaces separate from the table partitions’ tablespace:

-------------------- -------------------- ---------------
F_SALES_FK1          Y12                  USERS
F_SALES_FK1          Y13                  USERS

If you specify the partition information when building a local partitioned index, the number of partitions must match the number of partitions in the table on which the partitioned index is built.

Oracle automatically keeps local index partitions in sync with the table partitions. You can’t explicitly add a partition to or drop a partition from a local index. When you add or drop a table partition, Oracle automatically performs the corresponding work for the local index. Oracle manages the local index partitions, regardless of how the local indexes have been assigned to tablespaces.

Local indexes are common in data warehouse and DSS environments. If you query frequently by using the partitioned column(s), a local index is appropriate. This approach lets Oracle use the appropriate index and table partition to quickly retrieve the data.

There are two types of local indexes: local prefixed and local nonprefixed. A local prefixed index is one in which the leftmost column of the index matches the table partition key. The previous example in this section is a local prefixed index because its leftmost column (D_DATE_ID) is also the partition key for the table.

A local nonprefixed index is one in which the leftmost column doesn’t match the partition key used to partition the corresponding table. For example, this is a local nonprefixed index:

SQL> create index f_sales_idx1 on f_sales(sales_id) local;

The index is partitioned with the SALES_ID column, which isn’t the partition key of the table, and is therefore a nonprefixed index. You can verify whether an index is considered prefixed by querying the ALIGNMENT column from USER_PART_INDEXES:

select index_name, table_name, alignment, locality
from user_part_indexes
where table_name = 'F_SALES';

Here is some sample output:

-------------------- -------------------- ------------ ------
F_SALES_FK1          F_SALES              PREFIXED     LOCAL

You may wonder why the distinction exists between prefixed and nonprefixed. A local index that is nonprefixed doesn’t include the partition key as a leading edge of its index definition. This can have performance implications, in that a range scan accessing a nonprefixed index may need to search every index partition. If there are a large number of partitions, this can result in poor performance.

You can choose to create all local indexes as prefixed by including the partition key column in the leading edge of the index. For instance, you can create the F_SALES_IDX2 index as prefixed as follows:

SQL> create index f_sales_idx2 on f_sales(d_date_id, sales_id) local;

Is a prefixed index preferable to a nonprefixed index? It depends on how you query your tables. You have to generate explain plans for the queries you use and examine whether a prefixed index is better able to take advantage of partition pruning (eliminating partitions to search) than a nonprefixed index. Also keep in mind that a multicolumn local prefixed index consumes more space and resources than a local nonprefixed index.

Partitioning an Index Differently from Its Table

An index that is partitioned differently from its base table is known as a global index. An entry in a global index can point to any of the partitions of its base table. You can create a global index on any type of partitioned table.

You can create either a range-partitioned or a hash-based global index. Use the keyword GLOBAL to specify that the index is built with a partitioning strategy separate from that of its corresponding table. You must always specify a MAXVALUE when creating a range-partitioned global index.

The following example creates a range-based global index:

create index f_sales_gidx1 on f_sales(sales_amt)
global partition by range(sales_amt)
(partition pg1 values less than (25)
,partition pg2 values less than (50)
,partition pg3 values less than (maxvalue));

Figure 12-5 shows that with a global index, the partitioning strategy of the index doesn’t accord with the partitioning strategy of the table.


Figure 12-5. Architecture of a global index

The other type of global partitioned index is hash based. This example creates a hash-partitioned global index:

create index f_sales_gidx2 on f_sales(sales_id)
global partition by hash(sales_id) partitions 4;

In general, global indexes are more difficult to maintain than local indexes. I recommend that you try to avoid using global indexes and use local indexes whenever possible.

There is no automatic maintenance of global indexes (as there is with local indexes). With global indexes, you’re responsible for adding and dropping index partitions. Also, many maintenance operations on the underlying partitioned table require that the global index partitions be rebuilt. The following operations on a heap-organized table render a global index unusable:

  • ADD (HASH)
  • DROP
  • MOVE

Consider using the UPDATE INDEXES clause when you perform maintenance operations. Doing so keeps the global index available during the operation and eliminates the need for rebuilding. The downside of using UPDATE INDEXES is that the maintenance operation takes longer, owing to the indexes being maintained during the action.

Global indexes are useful for queries that retrieve a small set of rows via an index. In these situations, Oracle can eliminate (prune) any unnecessary index partitions and efficiently retrieve the data. For example, global range-partitioned indexes are useful in OLTP environments, where you need quick access to individual records.

Partial Indexes

Starting with Oracle Database 12c, you can specify that index partitions be initially created in an unusable state. You may want to do this if you’ve precreated partitions and don’t yet have data for range partitions that map to future dates—the idea being that you’ll build the index after the partitions have been loaded (at some future date).

You control whether a local index is created in a usable state via the INDEXING ON|OFF clause. Here is an example that specifies by default that index partitions will be unusable, unless explicitly turned on:

create table f_sales (
 sales_id number
,sales_amt number
,d_date_id number
indexing off
partition by range (d_date_id)
(partition p1 values less than (20110101)  indexing on,
 partition p2 values less than (20120101)  indexing on,
 partition p3 values less than (20130101)  indexing on,
 partition p4 values less than (20140101)  indexing off);

Next, a local partitioned index is created on the table, specifying that the partial index functionality should be used:

create index f_sales_lidx1 on f_sales(d_date_id)
local indexing partial;

You can verify which partitions are usable (or not) via this query:

select a.index_name, a.partition_name, a.tablespace_name, a.status
from user_ind_partitions a, user_indexes b
where b.table_name = 'F_SALES'
and a.index_name = b.index_name;

Here is some sample output for this example:

-------------------- ---------- --------------- --------
F_SALES_LIDX1        P1         USERS           USABLE
F_SALES_LIDX1        P2         USERS           USABLE
F_SALES_LIDX1        P3         USERS           USABLE
F_SALES_LIDX1        P4         USERS           UNUSABLE

In this way, you can control whether the index is maintained as data are inserted into the partition. You may not initially want an index partition created in a usable state because it will slow down bulk loads of data. In this situation, you would first load the data and then make the index usable by rebuilding it:

SQL> alter index f_sales_lidx1 rebuild partition p4;

Partition Pruning

Partition pruning can greatly improve the performance of queries executing against partitioned tables. If an SQL query specifically accesses a table on a partition key, Oracle only searches the partitions that contain data the query needs (and doesn’t access any partitions that don’t contain such data—pruning them, so to speak).

For example, say a partitioned table is defined as follows:

create table f_sales (
 sales_id  number
,sales_amt number
,d_date_id number)
tablespace p1_tbsp
partition by range(d_date_id)(
 partition y10 values less than (20110101)
   tablespace p1_tbsp
,partition y11 values less than (20120101)
   tablespace p2_tbsp
,partition y12 values less than (20130101)
   tablespace p3_tbsp);

Additionally, you create a local index on the partition key column:

SQL> create index f_sales_fk1 on f_sales(d_date_id) local;

And, say you insert some sample data:

SQL> insert into f_sales values(1,100,20100202);
SQL> insert into f_sales values(2,200,20110202);
SQL> insert into f_sales values(3,300,20120202);

To illustrate the process of partition pruning, enable the autotrace facility:

SQL> set autotrace trace explain;

Now, execute an SQL statement that accesses a row based on the partition key:

SQL> select sales_amt from f_sales where d_date_id = '20110202';

Autotrace displays the explain plan. Some of the columns have been removed in order to fit the output on the page neatly:

| Id  | Operation                                  | Name        | Pstart| Pstop |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                           |             |       |       |
|   1 |  PARTITION RANGE SINGLE                    |             |     2 |     2 |
|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID BATCHED| F_SALES     |     2 |     2 |
|*  3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN                        | F_SALES_FK1 |     2 |     2 |

In this output, Pstart shows that the starting partition accessed is partition 2. Pstop shows that the last partition accessed is partition 2. In this example, partition 2 is the only partition used to retrieve data; the other partitions in the table aren’t accessed at all by the query.

If a query is executed that doesn’t use the partition key, then all partitions are accessed; for example,

SQL> select * from f_sales;

Here is the corresponding explain plan:

| Id  | Operation           | Name    |    Rows| Pstart|  Pstop|
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT    |         |     3  |       |       |
|   1 |  PARTITION RANGE ALL|         |     3  |     1 |     3 |
|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL | F_SALES |     3  |     1 |     3 |

Note in this output that the starting partition is partition 1, and the stopping partition is partition 3. This means that partitions 1 through 3 are accessed by this query, with no pruning of partitions.

This example is simple but demonstrates the concept of partition pruning. When you access the table by the partition key, you can drastically reduce the number of rows Oracle needs to inspect and process. This has huge performance benefits for queries that are able to prune partitions.


Oracle provides a partitioning feature that is critical for implementing large tables and indexes. Partitioning is vital for building highly scalable and maintainable applications. This feature works on the concept of logically creating an object (table or index) but implementing the object as several separate database segments. A partitioned object allows you to build, load, maintain, and query on a partition-by-partition basis. Maintenance operations, such as deleting, archiving, updating, and inserting data, are manageable because you’re working on only a small subset of the large logical table.

If you work in data warehouse environments or with large databases, you must be highly knowledgeable about partitioning concepts. As a DBA, you’re required to create and maintain partitioned objects. You have to make recommendations about table partitioning strategies and where to use local and global indexes. These decisions have a huge impact on the usability and performance of the system.

The book now moves on to utilities used to copy and move users, objects, and data from one environment to another. Oracle’s Data Pump and external tables feature are covered in the next two chapters.

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