
images  A

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images  E, F

Eclipse IDE



    MongoDB library


E-commerce database model



    customers collection

        @AttributeOverride annotation


        embeddable class

        JPA entity

    inventory collection

        composite key class

        JPA entity

        optimistic locking

        pessimistic locking

    NoSQL store

    orders collection


        embeddable class

        JPA entity


        shipping address

        shopping cart


    SQL schema

E-commerce database query

    admin GUI

    Babolat AeroPro Drive GT Racquet

    checking inventory

    customer entity

    E-Shop GUI

    JPA style

    JSP and servlets

    localhost testing

    product category



        names and ids


    promotional products

    RafaEShop application

    restore database

    restoring inventory

    user interface

    web site

images  G

images  H

Hibernate OGM


        data persistence (see Data persistence)

        data query (see Data query)

        datastore provider and dialect


        JDBC layer

    bootstrapping (see Bootstrap)

    CRUD operations

        Players entity

        via Hibernate Native API

        via the Java Persistence API



        Apache Maven command line (see Apache Maven command line)

        change log

        Eclipse IDE (see Eclipse IDE)


        Maven Central Repository

        MongoDB artifacts

        NetBeans IDE (see NetBeans IDE)

    EJB 3, GlassFish AS

        CMTBean Class

        dependencies node

        HOGMviaJPA_EE_GlassFish application

        jpa collection content

        LuckyNumberEntity Class


    EJB 3, JBoss AS 7

        HOGMviaJPA_EE_JBossAS Application

        jpa collection content

        JPA facet

        JPA implementation




    features and expectations

    GlassFish 3 and Spring 3 application


        Entity Class

        HOGMviaJPA_SPRING3 application

        LuckyNumberDAO Bean



        spring collection content


    Java SE and MongoDB applications

        Dependencies node

        “helloworld” collection content

        Libraries node


    JBoss AS 7 and Seam 3 application

        Complete EJB Code


        forge console

        HOGMviaJPA_SEAM3 application

        install forge tools

        JBoss Tools



        seam collection content

    JPA 2.0 annotations

        @Access annotation

        @Cacheable annotation

        cascadable operations considerations

        @Column annotation

        eager and lazy loading considerations

        @ElementCollection annotation

        @Embedded and @Embeddable annotations

        @EmbeddedId annotation

        @Entity annotation

        @EntityListeners annonations

        @Enumerated annotation

        @ExcludeDefaultListeners annonations

        @ExcludeSuperclassListeners annotations

        @Id annotation

        @IdClass annotation

        Java supported types

        @ManyToMany annotation

        @ManyToOne annotation

        @MappedSuperclass annotation

        @OneToMany annotation

        @OneToOne annotation

        @Table annotation

        @Temporal annotation

        @Transient annotation

        unsupported annotations

        @Version annotation

    MongoDB distribution

    Non-JTA Environment

        Basic HibernateUtil Class


        DAO Class

        Hibernate Configuration File

        HibernateUtil Class

        HOGMviaHNAPI_JDBC_Tomcat7 application

        HOGMviaJPA_RESOURCELOCAL_Tomcat7 application

        “jdbc” collection content

        jpa_rl collection content

        LuckyNumberDAO Class

        LuckyNumberPojo Class


        Lucky Number Servlet



    Persistence API (JPA 2.0) (see Persistence API (JPA 2.0))

    standalone JTA environment

        collection content

        dependencies node

        develop application

        HibernateUtil Class

        HOGMviaHNAPI_JTA_Tomcat7 application

        HOGMviaJPAJTA_Tomcat7 application

        JBoss TS documentation

        jpa collection content

        LuckyNumberDAO Class

        LuckyNumberEntity Class


        MongoDB connection




Hibernate OGM and MongoDB

    data storage

        BSON object


        GLOBAL_COLLECTION strategy

        IN_ENTITY strategy

        Java entity

        JPA term

        junction table

        many-to-many association

        POJO class

        primary key

        relational data model



        host and port

        IP address

        MongoDB server

        NoSQL store

        time-consuming operations



    transaction management

images  I

images  J, K

images  L

images  M

MongoDB database migration

    MongoHQ cloud

        account creation

        connection test

        eshop_db database

        home page

        logging in

        MongoDB URI


        name creation

        Sandbox database type

        TestCloudAuth application

        user creation

        user document

    MongoLab cloud

        account creation

        connection test

        database creation

        eshop_db database

        home page

        log in

        mongostore command

        TestCloudAuth application

MongoDB native query

    find method


        data and time class

        first document

        $in operator

        $ne (not equal) operator

    MongoDB driver

    players collection

    remove method

    save method

images  N

images  O

images  P

images  Q

images  R

RafaEShop application

    ctl_app restart command


    Dropping database

    e-shop access

    GlassFish 3 AS

        application link

        chmod commands

        commit changes

        ctl_app start command

        Do-It-Yourself cartridge

        domain.xml File

        file copying

        log file

        memory-based directory


        MongoDB cartridge

        MongoDB database

        Permission denied



        RockMongo cartridge

        server.log content

        start and stop action

        start/stop status


    issue fixing

    JBoss AS 7

        application links

        cartridge management

        commit change

        default application

        default project

        folder creation

        Hibernate OGM-specific module

        Maven project

        MongoDB NoSQL Database 2.2 cartridge




        RockMongo 1.1 cartridge

        RockMongo interface

        scenario folders

        server log monitoring

        SSH command

        tail_all command


        Web Archive

    management console

    OpenShift account


        Create Application wizard

        email, activation

        legal terms

        My Account wizard

        namespace creation

        signing in

        SignUP link

        User management console tabs

    Port forwarding

    RHC client tools installation

        batch file


        OpenShift gem


        SET PATH section

        Windows 7 Control Panel

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images  V, W, X, Y, Z

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