Practical Finite Element Simulations with SOLIDWORKS 2022


Practical Finite Element Simulations with SOLIDWORKS 2022

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To my parents, Hajj and Hajjah Muibideen Mustapha Balogun. Your blessings and prayers comprise the engine that propels me forward. To my wife, Aminah, for her spiritual support, psychological companionship, and emotional connections.

- Khameel Bayo Mustapha


About the author

Khameel B. Mustapha obtained his doctorate from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) with a focus on the development of computational methods in the area of micro-continuum theory. He has years of experience working on a variety of finite element analysis platforms. Khameel has provided training to thousands of students and participants on the applications of finite element simulations to the analysis, design, and performance assessments of engineering components. His primary research interest is geared toward the mechanics and modeling of microscale structures, but his wider interest encompasses computational mechanics, engineering teaching philosophy, and mechanics of advanced systems (functionally graded materials, sandwich composites, subcellular biological structures, energy materials, and additively manufactured components). He is currently an Associate Professor with the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus and has previously held a faculty position with the Swinburne University of Technology (Sarawak). He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK.

I wish to thank the developers of SOLIDWORKS software. This book would not have been possible without the existence of this brilliant piece of engineering marvel.

I acknowledge the institutional support of the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. Notably, I would like to thank the hardworking librarians for their persistent efforts in ensuring that the university's library collection is rich, diverse, and up to date.

I treasure the love and care of my wife, Aminah, and our children, Hibatullah, Abdul Alim, and Hameedah. I express gratitude for your unyielding endurance and endless patience in the sacrifices required to complete this book. Finally, all praise is due to the Owner of The Most Beautiful Names. He is the source of all knowledge and The Most Exalted.

About the reviewer

Paul Anthony has been a working mechanical engineer for over 10 years. He has spent his time practicing his skills in the automotive, solar, radiation monitoring, grinding technologies, machine spindles, and automation equipment fields. Analysis has always been a joy for Paul; it is a great tool for tying both the practical and design worlds together. Many applications for FEA have presented themselves during the course of his career, spanning simple static analyses to much more complex vibration and heat transfer problems. He looks forward to the future and all the opportunities that these skills will present to him.

Paul would like to dedicate his efforts and extend his gratitude to his Aunt Melissa Swenson and Uncle Scott Swenson for an influential conversation they had just before he embarked on his engineering career. Their words have stayed imprinted on his mind to this day, and they cannot begin to understand how grateful he is to these two wonderful people for their influence on the course of his career and life.

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