
Page numbers in italics denote tables, those in bold denote figures.

Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex-I Parties 52

Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-Term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA) 52

Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform (ADP) 2, 4, 56, 59

adaptation 235, 132; ASEAN countries 148; Malaysia 13943

Adaptation Committee 150

adaptation-friendly contexts 245

adaptation projects 24

adaptive capacity 14950

advanced developing countries: context and overview 489; greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 3; legal framework 55; low-carbon development strategy (LCDS) 5960; post-2012 climate change regime building 4956; summary and conclusions 65; see also China

Africa, water stress 37

agriculture: ASEAN countries 147; China 120

aid, unmet commitments 3940

allowance trading 101, 1067

ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Responses (AADMER) 142

ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution (2002) 149

ASEAN Climate Change Initiative (ACCI) 146, 150

ASEAN countries: adaptation 148; Adaptation Committee 150; adaptive capacity 14950; agriculture 147; climate change negotiations 1515; cooperation 14351, 154; diversity 89; electricity 147; energy policies 1456; environmental management 144; environmental programmes 144; forestry 147; gas 147; hydroelectric power 147; mitigation actions 1467; non-legally binding declarations 145; nuclear power 147; subregional cooperation 1489; summary and conclusions 1556; technology 151; vulnerability 148; see also Malaysia

ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint (AEC) 1445

ASEAN Socio-Cultural Blueprint (ASCC) 145

Asian Development Bank (ADB) model 140, 146

assessment, low-carbon development strategy (LCDS) 63

Bali Action Plan 59

Bali Road Map 1, 4, 52, 132

BASIC countries 152

behavior change 75, 78

biodiversity, Malaysia 1423

black boxes, governments as 14

Bonn MOP 132

book, structure 69

bottom-up approaches 57, 153, 168

Brazil, National Plan on Climate Change 60

brown growth, vs. green growth 878

building design, China 1212

buildings, efficiency improvement 11819

burden-sharing impasse 96

Cancun Accord 42, 59, 132

Cancun Adaptation Framework 150

Cancun COP 43, 45, 6970, 132

capabilities, and international cooperation 1718

capacity payments 76

carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) 147

carbon dioxide (CO2), and global warming 1012

carbon footprint 154

carbon markets 154

carbon price support 767, 78

carbon prices, political acceptability 89

carbon pricing 75

carbon sequestration 1478

Cebu Declaration 144

centralized approach 166

change 236

China 8; 11th Five Year Plan 112, 121; 12th Five-Year-Plan 1278; achievements 1267; administration 126; agriculture 120; backward capacity 126; building design 1212; challenges 1278; coal consumption 114, 115; context and overview 112; costs of energy saving and emissions reduction 1245; decarbonization 11320; economic growth 127, 167; economic reform 112; efficiency improvement in buildings 11819; emissions vs. emissions intensity 1234, 125; energy consumption 124; energy intensity 11213, 114; energy intensity and CO2 emission intensity of the manufacturing industry sector 117; factors contributing to low-carbon development 1203; forestry 120; fossil fuels 114; greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 523, 11516, 167; growth rate of light industry 113; industrialization 127; infrastructure 1212; institutional development 1223; international cooperation 123; low-carbon development, characteristics 1236; manufacturing industry 11618; non-fossil energy generating capacity 116; non-fossil energy sources 11416; opportunity cost 126; policy innovation 122; poverty alleviation 127; power generation 11416; renewable energy 126; scale and effectiveness 124; technical and infrastructure foundation 121; transportation 119, 121; urban planning 1212

China National Climate Change Plan 59

civil society, and international treaty 367

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) 19, 36

climate change: probable extent 23; responses to 6971; threat from 40; unpredictability 25

climate change adaptation (CCA) 235; ASEAN countries 148; Malaysia 13943

climate change negotiations: ASEAN countries 1515; dynamics of 1545; smaller group discussions 153

climate change regime: bottom-up approaches 153, 168; burden sharing 4951; challenges 1313; complexity 48; country grouping 534; enhancing effectiveness 23; equitable and effective 1001; flexibility 34; legal framework 545; overcoming constraints 1679; post-2012 regime building 4956; potential evolution 1523; two-track approach 523

climate change regime building, failure of 49

“Climate Change Vulnerability Mapping for Southeast Asia” 148

climate modeling 1401

climate negotiations: achievements 423; conduct of 412; difficulties 3842

climate policy, framework 69

climate regime, current 2

clubs approach 278

coal consumption: China 114; China vs. Japan 115; Japan 114

coal-fired power generation, China 11516

collaboration, technology policy 203

COMETR project 82

common but differentiated responsibility 48, 49, 545, 1312, 143, 144, 153, 155

Conferences of the Parties (COPs): achievements 424; composition of 36; legal instruments 4; see also Cancun COP; Copenhagen COP; Doha COP; Durban COP; Poznan COP

consumption, tracking 102

Contract-for-Difference 76, 77

cooperation 27; ASEAN countries 14351, 154

Copenhagen Accord 2, 15, 24, 423, 6970, 132

Copenhagen COP 423, 59, 132

Copenhagen Principles 42

country grouping 534, 166

credibility 153

cross learning 142

Daly, H. 72

decarbonization: China 11320; United Kingdom 925

decoupling 72

deep offshore wind energy 93

deforestation 70

deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) 147, 149

deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) 70, 150, 154

developing countries: mitigation actions 1; unmet obligations and commitments to 3940

development aid 6

diplomacy: central task of 29; failure of 10; gap between policy and implementation 1415; mythology of 13

diplomatic strategy, redesign 269

diplomatic toolbox 6, 26

disaster risk reduction (DRR), Malaysia 142

disease risks, Malaysia 1412

Doha COP 43

droughts 149

Durban COP 40, 42, 43, 45, 68, 70, 132

Durban Package 42

Durban platform 567, 701, 132

economic change 39

economic growth: China 127, 167; and emission reduction 7; green growth and environmental sustainability 712; Malaysia 1334

economic instruments 75

Economic Transformation Program (ETP) (Malaysia) 136

economy as a subsystem of the biosphere 73

ecosystem functions, Malaysia 1423

education and information instruments 76

effectiveness 23, 1678

efficiency improvement, in buildings 11819

electricity market reform (UK) 767

emergency plans 256

emission control policies, bottom-up emergence 13

emission debt 100

emission reduction, and economic growth 7

emission regulation 1420

emission targets 69

Emission Trading Scheme 18

emissions allowance system, per-capita emissions allowances 1078

Emissions Performance Standard 76

emissions rights: Kyoto Protocol 97100; post-2012 treaty 97

emissions rights and commitments 98 emissions tracking 1019

emissions trading 36

energy, and information technology (IT) 223

energy consumption: China 124; Malaysia 1334; reduction 95

energy diversification 401

energy efficiency 13, 78; ASEAN countries 146; Malaysia 137

energy infrastructure 1112

energy intensity 11213; China 114

energy intensity targets 69

energy policies: clarity 35; inconsistency 35; predictability and stability 335

energy policy and regulatory responsibilities Malaysia 138

Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program (ETSAP) 80

“engineer’s myth” 1314

enhancing effectiveness 23

enthusiastic countries 1718

environment-degrading growth, vs. sustainable growth 878

environment management 25

environmental/ecological tax reform (ETR), 81, 817; effects on GHG emissions 82, 83, 85; GDP and GHG emissions 85; as key policy 88; results in PETRE project 84

environmental sustainability: costs of 7788; economic growth and green growth 712; and politics 757; politics of 889

equity, per-capita emissions allowances 106

EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) 77

European Union: emission reduction commitment 33; Emission Trading Scheme 18

extinction 25

extreme weather events 13940

fallacies, technology policy 22

Fast Start Fund 62

feed-in tariffs (FIT) 76, 77, 137

financing, of low-carbon strategies 6

flexibility: climate change negotiations 153; climate change regime 34; international agreement 6; international treaty 356

forest degradation 70

forestry 154; ASEAN countries 147; China 120; Malaysia 143

fossil fuels: Africa 39; China 113, 114; costs of 41; greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 100; Malaysia 134; prices 85; use of 11

Framework Convention on Climate Change 45

funding: low-carbon development strategy (LCDS) 623; research development and deployment (RD&D) 889

future research 16972

G77+China 152

GDP and domestically produced emissions indices 74

GDP percentage changes – UK MARKAL MACRO 81

geo-engineering 256

geopolitics 11

geothermal energy 93

global agreements 13

global economy, and country grouping 534

global emissions reduction target, Kyoto Protocol 956

Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) 645

governance 1701

governments: benefits of international treaty 37; as black boxes 14

Green Climate Fund (GCF) 43, 63, 150

Green Fiscal Commission (UK) 84

green growth: economic growth and environmental sustainability 712; and national interests 44; vs. brown growth 878

green jobs 223

Green Transport Plan (Malaysia) 139

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: advanced developing countries 3; China 11516, 167; common but differentiated responsibility 4951; effects of environmental tax reform (ETR) 82, 83, 85; environmental/ecological tax reform (ETR), 827; legally binding obligations 523; Malaysia 1345; reduction 956

gridlock, causes 26

health risks, Malaysia 1412

Heart of Borneo (HoB) initiative 1489

historic responsibility 389, 48

human adaptation 235

human economy, and natural world 72

human–nature relation 71

human rights 97

hybrid outcomes 18

hydroelectric power, ASEAN countries 147

hydropower 93; China 115

Hyogo Framework for Action 142

impasse 131; burden-sharing 96; limitations of renewable energy and technologies 925; overview 92; see also per-capita emissions allowances

implementation, international treaty 45

incentives 56, 154

India, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 53

India National Action Plan on Climate Change 60

individual emissions reduction 956

Indonesia 1313, 152; UN-REDD program 150

industrialization, China 127

inequity: emissions allowances 101; Kyoto Protocol 97100

information and education instruments 76

information sharing 142

information technology (IT), and energy 223

infrastructure, China 1212

injustice, sense of 39

innovation, investment in 203

institutional development, China 1223

interest groups 22

Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for Framework Convention on Climate Change 49

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 71; emission reduction strategies 36; reporting guidelines 35

international agreement: flexibility 6; value of 67

international assistance, and climate change mitigation 445

international cooperation: enthusiastic and reluctant countries 17; per-capita emissions allowances 102; prospects for 1518

international coordination 14

International Energy Agency (IEA) 80

international institutions, roles of 445

international law 16970

international negotiations 20

international strategy 269

international treaty: benefits 328; and civil society 367; consistency and clarity 35; context and overview 32; difficulties of negotiation 3842; flexibility 356; government benefits 37; implementation 45; level playing field 34; pooling knowledge and resources 37; predictability 335, 45; reaching agreement 426; reporting requirements 35; stability 335, 45

investment, in innovation 203

Jackson, T. 74

Japan, coal consumption 114, 115

knowledge, pooling 37

Korea, low carbon green growth policy 60, 136

Kyoto Phase 2 132

Kyoto Protocol 1, 3, 1523; adaptation 37; Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) 1920, 36; commitment periods 1667; common but differentiated responsibility 4951, 1312 (see also common but differentiated responsibility); emissions rights 97100; global emissions reduction target 956; impasse 92; rigidity 152; side effects 100; weakening 1667

land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) (Malaysia) 139

legal formality 45, 1689

legal framework, climate change regime 545

legitimacy 153

lessons learned 24

level playing field 34

Like Minded Group (LMG) 155

low-carbon development 113; China 1236; contributory factors 1203; Malaysia 136

low-carbon development strategy (LCDS) 56, 7, 489, 168; advanced developing countries 5960; assessment 63; bottom-up approach 57; consultation 645; Durban platform 567; features of 578; financing 623; international institutional framework 601; legal basis 57; post-2020 climate change regime building 5665; registry 62; reporting requirements 634; summary and conclusions 65

low-carbon green growth 7

low-carbon technologies: cost models 806; costs of 7980; model cost projections 86; potential of 79

low-emission development strategy (LEDS) see low-carbon development strategy (LCDS)

MacKay, D. 923, 94

Malaysia 89; adaptation and risk reduction 13943; biodiversity 1423; challenges of climate change 1335; climate change negotiations 152; climate modeling 1401; cooperation within ASEAN 14351; demand-side efficiency 137; disaster risk reduction (DRR) 142; economic and social policy and planning 1359; economic growth 1334; ecosystem functions 1423; electricity generation 1344; energy demand 1334; energy policy and regulatory responsibilities 138; energy sector restructuring 136; forestry 143; fossil fuels 134; greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 1345; health risks 1412; Initial National Communication (INC) 134; institutional structure 137; land use 139; low-carbon development 136; renewable energy 1367; Second National Communication (NC2) 134; transportation 135, 137, 139; see also ASEAN countries

Manhattan project 21

manufacturing industry, China 11618

marginalized groups, safeguarding 150

MARKAL model 801; GDP percentage changes – UK MARKAL MACRO 81

McKinsey & Company 121

McKinsey marginal abatement cost curve 789

measurable, reportable and verifiable manner (MRV) 54

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) 71

Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (MEGTW) (Malaysia) 137

mitigation: economic costs 78; global challenge 724

mitigation actions: ASEAN countries 1467; developing countries 1; international assistance 445; and national interests 401

monitoring, reporting, and verifying (MRV) 150

Multi-sectoral Framework on Climate Change and Food Security (AFCC-FS) 1456

multilateral process, challenges of 1313

National Energy Efficiency Master Plan (NEEMP) (Malaysia) 137

National Green Technology Policy (Malaysia) 136

National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) 1401

national interests: and climate change mitigation 401; and green growth 44

national interests and emissions 16, 1617

National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs) (Malaysia) 136

National Plan on Climate Change (Brazil) 60

National Policy on Climate Change (Malaysia) 143

national policy, viability 15

nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) 54, 601, 152

natural selection 25

natural world, and human economy 72

nature, adaptation 25

negotiations, lessons learned 24

New Economic Model (Malaysia) 136

non-fossil energy generating capacity, China 116

non-fossil energy sources, China 11416

non-governmental organizations (NGOs), management roles 25

nuclear power 94; ASEAN countries 147; China 115

oil palm industry 154

onshore wind energy 93

opportunity cost 126

Pareto principle 102

per-capita emissions allowances 8, 956, 1001; emissions allowance system 1078; equity 106; implementation 1019; inclusion mechanisms 106; international cooperation 102; meeting costs 103; national authority 103; national systems 1013; outline 1036; political effects 103; summary and conclusions 1078

per-capita emissions non-Annex 1

parties 99

PETRE project 824; results from environmental tax reform (ETR) 84

photovoltaic (PV) power generation, China 115

Plan M 94

Pledge and Review 27

policy debates, mythology of 1214

policy innovation, China 122

policy instruments 756

political orphans 22

politics, of environmental sustainability 889

pooling, knowledge and resources 37

post-2012 treaty, emissions rights 97

post-2020 regime: approaches to 56; design issues 45; key issues 7; legal formality 45; per-capita emissions allowances 8

Potemkin markets 18, 22

poverty alleviation, China 127

power, and international cooperation 1517

power generation, China 11416

power-law statistical distributions 102

Poznan COP 132

Project Catalyst 62

Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies (PRECIS) 141

rainforest destruction 154

recognition, of low-carbon strategies 56, 62

registry, of low-carbon strategies 56, 62

regulation, options for 18

regulatory instruments 76

reluctant countries 1719

renewable energy 925; Malaysia 1367

reporting requirements 35; low-carbon development strategy (LCDS) 634

research development and deployment (RD&D), investment in 889

research program, need for 26

resilience 14950

resources, pooling 37

responsibilities: common but differentiated responsibility 48, 49; historic 389, 48; richer countries 245

richer countries, responsibilities 245

risk reduction, Malaysia 13943

Rockström, J. 71, 74

safeguarding, vulnerable and marginalized groups 150

science of global warming, importance of 1012

“scientist’s myth” 1213

shallow offshore wind energy 93

Singapore 152

single protocol 55

small group approach 278

Socolow Wedges 79

solar biomass energy 93

solar thermal energy 93

solar voltaic farm 93

solar voltaic panels 93

Southeast Asia, vulnerability 13940

sovereignty 1712

spending, technology innovation 212

Stern, N. 72, 73

Stern Review 75, 80

stock pollutants 1112

sustainable growth, vs. environment-degrading growth 878

technology 1314; ASEAN countries 151; limitations 925; policy collaboration 203

technology innovation: China 121; funding 22; spending 212

technology policy 22, 75

technology transfer 151

temperature increase projections 140

temporal relationship between emissions and atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases 70

Tenth Malaysia Plan (10MP) 136

Thailand 152

thermal efficiency 147

tidal power 93

timescales 23

transparency 56, 153

transportation: China 119, 121; Malaysia 135, 137, 139

triage 25

UN Human Development Report 2007–2008 148

UN-REDD program 150

United Kingdom: decarbonizing 925; Green Fiscal Commission 84; policy innovation 756

United Nations, role and purpose 45

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 1, 67, 45, 69, 156; see also climate change regime

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 44/228 131

United States, energy intensity 113

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 97

urban planning, China 1212

vector-capacity modeling, of health risks 142

volcanoes 256

voluntary agreements 76

vulnerability, ASEAN countries 148

vulnerable groups, safeguarding 150

water stress, Africa 37

wave power 93

“win–win” opportunities 1920

wind power, China 115

World Bank study 19

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