Miscellaneous Functions

Function Returns Description
connection_aborted() Integer Indicates that a connection has been aborted by a user.
connection_status() Integer Gets the status of the connection.
connection_timeout() Boolean Indicates that the script has timed out.
die(message) void Outputs the message and kills the execution of the script.
eval(string) Mixed Evaluates the string as PHP code.
exit() void Stops execution of the current script.
function_exists(name) Boolean Checks to see whether or not a function exists.
ignore_user_abort([setting]) Integer Sets or returns whether a client disconnecting will stop execution of a script.
iptcparse(iptcblock) Array Parses the iptcblock into an array.
leak(bytes) void Leaks the specified amount of memory.
pack(format, [args]) String Packs the argument into a binary string.
register_shutdown_ function(function) void Specifies a function to execute when the current script terminates.
serialize(data) String Serializes the data into a string.
sleep(seconds) void Pauses the execution of the script for the specified amount of seconds.
uniqid(prefix) String Generates a unique id based on the current time.
unserialize(data) Mixed Unserializes the string.
usleep(microseconds) void Pauses the script for the specified amount of microseconds.

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