Date and Time Functions

Function Returns Description
checkdate(month, day, year) Boolean Verifies that the specified month, day, and year is a valid date. If it is a valid date then true is returned, otherwise false is returned.
date(format, [timestamp]) String Formats a date. If timestamp is not supplied then the current timestamp is used.
getdate(timestamp) Array Returns an array with date/time settings for the timestamp.
gettimeofday() Array Returns an array with settings for the current time.
gmdate(format, [timestamp], [minute], [second], [month], [day], [year], [is_dst]) String Returns the timestamp for the GMT time/date that corresponds to the local time. Any of the optional parameters that are not used are assumed to be the current time.
gmstrftime(format, [timestamp]) String Formats a GMT/CUT time/date according to the specified format.
microtime() String Returns a string containing the microseconds and seconds since the epoch.
mktime([hour], [minute], [second], [month], [day], [year], [is_dst]) Integer Returns the timestamp for the specified date. Any of the optional parameters not specified are assumed to be the current time.
strftime(format, [timestamp]) String Formats the local date/time according to the specified format.
time() Integer Returns a current timestamp.

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