Defines a hypertext link. The HREF or NAME attribute must be specified.

A Attributes

Attribute Description
ACCESSKEY Sets the accessibility key for this element
CHARSET Sets the character set used to encode this element
CLASS Sets the style sheet class this element should use
COORDS Sets the coordinates for this element
DATAFLD Sets the field of a given data source to bind to this element
DATASRC Sets the source of the data for binding for this element
DIR Sets the reading direction for this element
HREF Sets the destination of this element
HREFLANG Sets the language code of the resource pointed to by HREF
ID Sets the ID of this element
LANG Sets the language of this element
LANGUAGE Sets the scripting language this element should use
METHODS Sets the HTTP methods supported by this element
NAME Sets the name of this element
REL Sets the relationship between this element and the destination element
SHAPE Sets the shape of the element
STYLE Sets style-sheet-specific information for this element
TABINDEX Sets the tabbing order for this element
TARGET Sets the destination to where the content should go
TITLE Sets a Tool Tip for this element
TYPE Sets the MIME type of this element
URN Sets a Uniform Resource Name for this element

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