PHP Options

Function Returns Description
error_log(message, message_type, [dest], [headers]) Integer Sends an error message.
error_reporting([level]) Integer Sets or returns the current error reporting level.
extension_loaded(extension_name) Boolean Returns true if the specified extension is loaded, otherwise it returns false.
get_cfg_var(var) String Returns the value of the specified PHP configuration.
get_current_user() String Returns the value of the current user.
get_magic_quotes_gpc() Long Returns the current settings for magic quotes.
get_magic_quotes_runtime() LongReturns the current settings for magic quotes.
getenv(var) String Returns the value of a specific environment variable.
getlastmod() Integer Returns the time when the current page was last modified.
getmyinode() Integer Returns the inode of the current running script.
getmypid() Integer Returns the process ID that PHP is running on.
getmyuid() Integer Returns the user ID for the current PHP script’s owner.
getrusage([who]) Array Returns the current resource usage.
phpinfo() Integer Outputs all configuration information about the PHP configuration.
phpversion() String Returns the current version of PHP that you are running.
putenv(value) void Sets the value of the environment variable.
set_magic_quotes_runtime(setting) Boolean Enables or disables magic quotes.
set_time_limit(seonds) void Sets the timeout for PHP scripts.

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