IMAP Functions

Function Returns Description
imap_8bit(string)String Converts a 8-bit string to a printable string.
imap_alerts()Array Returns an array of all the IMAP alert messages that have occurred.
imap_append(stream, mailbox, message, flags)Boolean Appends a message to the specified mailbox.
imap_base64(text) String Decodes the specified base-64 encoded text.
imap_binary(string) String Converts a 8-bit string to a base-64 string.
imap_body(stream, message_num, flags)String Returns the text of the specified message number.
imap_check(stream) Array Gets information about the specified mailbox.
imap_clearflag_full(stream, sequence, flag, options)Boolean Clears a specific flag on the stream.
imap_close(stream, flags) Boolean Closes a previously opened IMAP stream.
imap_create-mailbox(stream, mailbox)Boolean Creates a mailbox.
imap_delete(stream, message_num) Boolean Marks a message for deletion.
imap_delete-mailbox(stream, mailbox)Boolean Deletes a mailbox.
imap_errors()Array Returns an array of all the IMAP errors that have occurred.
imap_expunge(stream) Boolean Deletes all the marked messages.
imap_fetchbody(stream, message_num, part_num, flags)StringGets the specified section of the message.
imap_fetchheader(stream, message_num, flags)StringGets the header for the specified message number.
imap_fetchstructure(stream, message_num)Array Returns the structure of the message.
imap_getmailboxes(stream, ref, pat)Array Returns an array of the mailboxes.
imap_getsubscribed(stream, ref, pat) ArrayReturns an array of all mailboxes in which a user is currently subscribed.
imap_header(stream, message_num, fromlength, subjectlength, defaulthost)Object Returns an object that represents the header of the mail.
imap_headers(stream) Array Returns an array that contains all the headers for every message in the stream.
imap_last_error() String Gets the last error that occurred in IMAP.
imap_listmailbox(stream, ref, pat) Array Returns an array that contains all the mailbox names.
imap_listsubscribed(stream, ref, pat) Array Returns an array that contains all the subscribed mailboxes in the stream.
imap_mail_copy(stream, messagelist, mailbox, flags)Boolean Copies a set of messages to another mailbox.
imap_mail_move(stream, messagelist, mailbox)BooleanMoves a set of messages to another mailbox.
imap_mailboxmsginfo(stream) Array Gets information about the current mailbox.
imap_msgno(stream, UID)IntegerReturns the message number for the UID.
imap_num_msg(stream) IntegerGets the total number of messages in the mailbox.
imap_num_recent(stream)Integer Gets the total number of new messages in the mailbox.
imap_open(mailbox, username, password, flags)IntegerOpens a IMAP stream for a specific mailbox.
imap_ping(stream) BooleanPings the IMAP stream.
imap_qprint(string)String Converts a printable string to a 8-bit string.
imap_rename-mailbox(stream, oldname, newname)BooleanRenames a mailbox from oldname to newname.
imap_reopen(stream, mailbox, [flags])Boolean Reopens the IMAP stream.
imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist(address, default_host) Array Parses an address string and returns an array that contains the mailbox, host, personal name, and domain source.
imap_rfc822_write_address(mailbox, host, personal)String Returns a e-mail address.
imap_scanmailbox(stream, string) Array Returns an array of messages that match the search string.
imap_setflag_full(stream, sequence, flag, options)Boolean Sets the specified flag.
imap_sort(stream, criteria, reverse, options)Array Returns an array of message numbers that meet the search criteria.
imap_status(stream, mailbox, options)Object Gets information about the mailbox.
imap_subscribe(stream, mailbox) Boolean Subscribes to the mailbox.
imap_uid(stream, message_num) Integer Returns the UID for the message.
imap_undelete(stream, message_number) Boolean Unmarks a message for deletion.
imap_unsubscribe(stream, mailbox) Boolean Unsubscribes from the mailbox.

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