
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


Advanced Cluster Management (ACM)

Application Subscription model 287

cluster compliance 402

used, for provisioning new clusters 397-402

agnostic installer 26, 81

AlertManager 32, 35, 36, 305

configuring 306-308

configuring, to send alerts 305

allocatable resources 29

recommended resources 29, 30

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 41

API server

reference link 178


deploying, into multiple remote clusters 403, 404

application architects 65

application delivery model

Tekton and Agro CD, using 233

application developer 67

challenges 68

container platform 68

key responsibilities and duties 68

application life cycle management (ALM) 172

Application Performance Management (APM) 67

application programming interfaces (APIs) 172


managing, with Red Hat ACM 286

ApplicationSet 294-296

Topology view 296

Application Subscription model 287

applications 289, 290

applications, deploying 290-293

channels 287

placement rules 288

subscriptions 289

application worker nodes 22

application workers 22

architecture-related skills 73

Argo CD 193, 233

configuring, against multiple clusters 238, 239

definitions 240

Argo CD challenges 240

GitHub repository structure 240

Kubernetes manifests, templating 243

mono-repository 240, 241

repository per environment 241, 242

secrets, managing 245

argocd CLI

installing 238

Argo CD deployment

image version, building 250-252

in development 252-256

performing 249, 250

promoting, to production 258-261

promoting, to QA 256, 257

to multiple clusters 262

Argo CD objects 245

applications 247

application syncing policies 248

application sync order 248

AppProjects 245, 246

artificial intelligence (AI) 417

authentication (AuthN) 174, 175

access-control troubleshooting 177

authorization (AuthZ) 134, 174

RBAC permissions, configuring 176, 177

automation-related skills 73


balancing methods 92

bastion 83

BIND tool 83

Bitbucket 210


references, for OpenShift 419

bootstrap node 20

BusyBox 370


central processing unit (CPU) 132, 180

Cephfs 372

certificate authority (CA) 178

certificates chains, OpenShift

API server 178

etcd certificates 178

ingress 178

node certificates 178

certificate signing requests (CSRs) 113

CI/CD-related skills 74

cluster network 150


compliance 402

managing, with Red Hat ACM 275

provisioning 275-286

provisioning, with Advanced Cluster Management 397-402

ClusterTasks 200, 208

ClusterTriggerBinding 211

CNCF survey

reference link 8

CodeReady Containers (CRC) 190

download link 191

installing 191, 192

using 191, 192

command-line interface (CLI) 18, 136

Common Expression Language (CEL)

reference link 211

computing 27

infrastructure nodes, sizing 28

master nodes, sizing 28

sizing 37, 38

worker nodes, sizing 28

container image registry 263

container isolation 179-181

SCCs 181

Container Network Interface (CNI) 150

container-related skills 74


benefits 7

container security, factors

control 172, 173

detect and respond 172-174

protect 172, 174

Container Storage Interface (CSI) 26

Continuous Delivery Foundation 192

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) 66, 413

Control groups (Cgroups) 180

controller manager 18


reference link 18

control plane 18

CRI-O container runtime and container tools

reference link 21

CSI drivers 34

Custom Resource (CR) 120, 300

Custom Resource Definition (CRD) 120


database 18

dedicated clusters strategy 53

cons 54

pros 54

deployment logs 139

development-related skills 74

Development-security-operations (DevSecOps) 173

DevOps engineer 69

challenges 70

container platform 70, 71

key responsibilities and duties 70

DevOps transformation 413

culture 413

pipelines and processes 413

practices 413

Domain Name System (DNS) 41, 83

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 41, 88, 90


edge route 166, 167

Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) 41

Elasticsearch 31

emptyDir 35

enterprise architects 65

etcd 121

performance analysis 129

reference link 18

troubleshooting 123

working concepts 121-123

etcd cluster 112

etcd encryption 179

etcd performance analysis 129

sizing 132, 133

storage 130-132

EventListener 210, 216


failed PipelineRun

fixing 228

Fluentd 31

Flux CD 233


GitHub 210

GitHub webhook

creating 217, 218

triggers, using with 210-212

GitLab 210

GitOps 232

benefits 232

continuous delivery with 234

principles 232

used, for application deployment 249, 250

used, for deploying Java Quarkus application 388-390

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 41

Grafana 32

Grand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) 99

group ID (GID) 181


HashiCorp research

reference link 6

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 346

Helm 243

Helm charts 314

high availability (HA) 22, 121

highly available cluster 22

hybrid cloud

challenges 6

characteristics 6

mitigations 6

public cloud challenges, mitigating 5

HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) 182


identity provider (IdP) 133

IDG research

reference link 5

IdPs 42, 175

allowed, in OpenShift integration 175


checking, on Red Hat Quay 387, 388

image registry

configuring 383-386

credentials, linking 386, 387

Information Technology (IT) 18

infrastructure/cloud architects 65

infrastructure/cloud provider 39, 40

infrastructure nodes

sizing 28

infrastructure-related skills 73

infrastructure worker nodes 22

infrastructure workers 22

ingress certificate

reference link 178

ingress controller 162

creating 163, 164

testing 164, 165

ingress operator

working 162

ingress/router sharding 52

input/output operations per second (IOPS) 34, 130

installation modes, OpenShift

agnostic installer 26

full-stack automated 12

installer-provisioned infrastructure (IPI) 25, 26

pre-existing infrastructure 13

provider-agnostic 13

user-provisioned infrastructure (UPI) 26

installer-provisioned infrastructure (IPI) 25, 26, 100-105

integrated development environment (IDE) 173

Interceptors 210

internet access 41

Internet Protocol (IP) 40

in-tree volume plugins 33

istio-proxy sidecar 153

Istio service mesh 162

IT architect 65

challenges 66

container platform 67

key responsibilities and duties 65, 66

IT architect roles

application architects 65

enterprise architects 65

infrastructure/cloud architects 65

solution architects 65


Java Quarkus application

building, with OpenShift Pipelines 381-383

building, with S2I 381-383

deploying, with GitOps 388, 390

deploying, with OpenShift Pipelines 388-390


Kibana 31

Kubernetes 7, 412, 414

basics 414

certifications 415

example 414

URL 414

Kustomize 243, 382

using 243, 244


load balancers 41


machine learning (ML) 417

Managed by Machine Config Operator (MCO) 21

master nodes 18-22

sizing 28

Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) 63

Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR) 63

misleading error messages 143

CrashLoopBackOff 143, 144

ImagePullBackOff 143

Init*0/1 error message 144


multicluster observability 299

AlertManager, configuring 306-308

AlertManager, configuring to send alerts 305

prerequisites 299

prerequisites, for enabling services 306

service, enabling 300-305

with Red Hat ACM 299

multiple clusters

managing 397

provisioning 397

multiple remote clusters

application, deploying into 403, 404

multiple tenants

handling 50

multitenancy, in OpenShift 50

checklist 58

enabling 50

ingress/router sharding 52

isolation, providing 50

namespaces 51

NetworkPolicy 52

nodeselector 52

ResourceQuotas 52

role-based access control 51

taints 52

tolerations 52

multi-tenant platform architecture 49

multi-tenant strategies 52

dedicated clusters 53, 54

shared clusters, with dedicated worker nodes 55, 56

shared clusters, with no physical separation 54

shared cluster, with dedicated worker nodes and ingress controllers 56, 57


network address translation (NAT) 40

network considerations 40


DNS 41

internet access 41


load balancers 41

PXE 41

VPC/VNet 41

Network Graph 352

network isolation 181, 183

network policies 151

creating 153-162

east-west traffic 151, 152

north-south traffic 151

NetworkPolicy 52

Network Policy Simulator 355

network traffic

controlling, options 153

node network 150

nodeselector 52

non-functional requirements (NFRs) 22

Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) 34

Noobaa 372




online learning platforms

Cloud Academy 417

Cloud Guru 417

Pluralsight 417

references 417

Whizlabs 417

Open Demos 418

reference link 418

OpenShift 8, 412, 415

architectural concepts 23, 25

certificates 178

certifications 416

control plane, components 19

installation modes 12, 25

installation, preparing for 105

installation prerequisites 81, 82

managed cloud services 10

managed solutions 11, 12

monitoring 32, 35

offerings 10

personas 62

self-managed solutions 12

skills matrix 72

training 416

OpenShift 4 101 workshop 418

reference link 418

OpenShift API server 19

OpenShift architecture

checklists 43-46

OpenShift authentication

reference link 177

OpenShift cluster

authentication 133-135

etcd 121

example 36

operators 120

recovery system 120

OpenShift Container Platform (OCP)

demo and workshop guide 417

OpenShift controller manager 19

OpenShift GitOps

argocd CLI, installing 238

installing 234-237

prerequisites 234

OpenShift GitOps (Argo CD) 294-296

OpenShift infrastructure

components 39

OpenShift installation 110

finishing 114, 115

phases 111

OpenShift installation phases

Bootstrap and control plane 112

certificates to sign, checking for 113

servers, provisioning 111, 112

OpenShift installation prerequisites 81, 82

command-line tools 108

configuration file (install-config.yaml) 108-110

installer binary 108

Installer-Provisioned Infrastructure (IPI) 100

pull secret 106, 107

SSH key pair 106

UPI/agnostic installer 82

OpenShift internal registry 34

OpenShift Logging 31, 32, 35

components 32

OpenShift monitoring 32, 35

OpenShift multi-cluster tools

OpenShift Plus 14

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes 13

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes 14

Red Hat Quay 14

OpenShift networking 147-149

OpenShift Open Authorization (OAuth) server and API 19

OpenShift Pipelines 192

installing 194-197

prerequisites, for installation 194

tkn CLI, installing 197-199

used, for building Java Quarkus application 381-383

used, for deploying Java Quarkus application 388, 390

OpenShift Plus 14, 371, 372

use case 374-376

value preposition, benefits 373, 374

OpenShift-related skills 74

OpenShift SDN 150

Open vSwitch

traffic, working on 149, 150

OpenvSwitch (OvS) 40

operating system (OS) 179

Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) 196, 236, 270, 317

operator logs 139

Operator pattern

reference link 20

operators 120

OVN-Kubernetes 40, 150

ovs-multitenant network isolation mode 153


parameters 207

passthrough route 165, 166

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) 346

PersistentVolume 204

PersistentVolumeClaim 204

pipeline 193

PipelineRun 193-219

pod logs 138

podman 370

Preparation Stuff Table 100

product documentation, OpenShift 419

reference link 419

professional roles (personas) 62

application developer 67

DevOps engineer 69

IT architect 65

security engineer 71

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) 69

system/cloud/platform administrator 63

Prometheus 32, 35

pruning 248

public cloud

benefits 5

challenges 4

pull secret 82, 106


Quality Assurance (QA) 67

Quarkus 380

Quay operator

configuring 365-368

installation prerequisites 361

installing 361-364

Red Hat Quay, deploying with 360

quorum 121


Raft Consensus Algorithm

reference link 22

Raft Distributed Consensus protocol 121

Raft protocol 22

random-access memory (RAM) 30

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (ACM) 266

features 266, 267

governance feature, using 297-299

hub cluster 268

installation 268-274

installation, prerequisites 268

managed cluster 268

multi-cluster observability 299

used, for managing applications 286

used, for managing clusters 275

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security 314

compliance 314-348

configuration management 314-352

network flows 354, 355

Network Policy Simulator 355, 357

network segmentation 314-353

risk profiling 314-346

security policies 314-334

violations 314-336

vulnerability management 314-343

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security, for Kubernetes 14

features 13

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security, installation processs 314

Operator installation 315-318

Central installation 318-322

prerequisites 315

Red Hat CodeReady Container

reference link 9

Red Hat Container Catalog 183

Red Hat UBI 183, 184

Red Hat UBI, limiting 184

Red Hat Developer portal 418

Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) 18

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 20, 21, 172

Red Hat Learning Subscription (RHLS)

reference link 417

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP)

features 8

Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation 22

Red Hat OpenShift Plus 314

Red Hat Quay 14, 360

deploying, with Quay operator 360

features, for image registry 360

image, checking on 387, 388

tutorial, running 370, 371

using 369

Red Hat training 411, 412

certifications 412

skills paths 412

Red Hat UBI 183, 184

reencrypted route 168, 169

resource hooks

using 248

ResourceQuotas 52

role-based access control (RBAC) 72, 176

RoleBindings 51, 134

RoleBinding scope

Cluster RoleBinding 134

Local RoleBinding 134

roles 51

router sharding 162

routes 165

edge route 166, 167

passthrough route 165, 166

reencrypted route 168, 169

roxctl CLI 314



used, for building Java Quarkus application 381-383

scheduler 18

secured clusters 322

adding, on ACS Central 323-328

Secure Shell (SSH) 82

security checks

adding, in build and deployment process 390-393

failure 394

issues, fixing with Dockerfile 394-397

security context constraints (SCCs) 144, 181

security engineer 71

challenges 71

container platform 72

key responsibilities and duties 71

Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) 172

self-healing 248

server disks 34

service network 150, 154

shared cluster, with dedicated worker nodes and ingress controllers strategy 56

pros and cons 57

shared cluster, with dedicated worker nodes strategy 55

pros and cons 55

shared cluster, with no physical separation of resources strategy 54

pros and cons 54

single-tenant platform architecture 49

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) 69, 412

challenges 70

container platform 70, 71

key responsibilities and duties 70

skills matrix

architecture-related skills 73

automation-related skills 73

CI/CD-related skills 74

container-related skills 74

criteria 72

development-related skills 74

infrastructure-related skills 73

OpenShift-related skills 74

skills paths 412

DevOps transformation 412, 413

Kubernetes 412, 414

OpenShift 412, 415

Software-Defined Network (SDN) 148

solid-state drive (SSD) 34, 130

solution architects 65

SSL certificates 42

Stackrox 314

storage 33

sizing 38

storage backends

CSI drivers 34

in-tree volume plugins 33

StorageClass 204

storage requirements 34

OpenShift internal registry 34

OpenShift Logging 35

OpenShift monitoring 35, 36

server disks 34

storage workers 22

supported hypervisors, for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

reference link 13

system/cloud/platform administrator 63

challenges 64

container platform 64

key responsibilities and duties 63


taints 52

task 193, 200, 207

custom task, creating 202-204

elements 200

reusing 200, 201

TaskRun 193, 204-206

Tekton 192, 233

benefits 192

components 193

concepts 193

Tekton Catalog 193

Tekton CLI 193

Tekton Hub 201

reference link 202, 219

Tekton Operator 193

Tekton pipeline 193

creating 199

pipeline, creating 206-209

tasks, creating 200

TestRuns 204, 205, 206

Tekton Triggers 193

testing 219-228

tenants 49

Test Driven Development (TDD) 68, 413

tested providers and integrations, with OpenShift

reference link 13

TestRun 203

tkn CLI

installing 197-199

tolerations 52

trial options, by Red Hat

reference link 9

TriggerBinding 211-213

triggers 211-216

using, with GitHub webhooks 210-212

TriggerTemplate 211-214

troubleshooting reference guide 136

deployment logs 139

events 137

objects, describing 136, 137

oc CLI commands and options 141, 142

operator logs 139, 141

pod logs 138

pods, debugging 139

troubleshooting scenarios, etcd

cluster API down 128, 129

degraded 123-125

solving 125-127

trusted CA 178, 179


reference link, for OpenShift content 419


unique identifier (UID) 181

Universal Base Image (UBI) 173

UPI/agnostic installer 82

DHCP 88, 90

Domain Name System (DNS) 83-88

load balancer 91-98

PXE server 99, 100

web servers 90-92

use case

description 380, 381

user interface (UI) 18

user-provisioned infrastructure (UPI) 26, 81


virtual CPUs (vCPUs) 28

virtual machines (VMs) 38


webhook 211

worker nodes

sizing 28

workers 20, 21

application workers 22

infrastructure workers 22

storage workers 22

workspace 207


YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML) 125, 182

YAML Lint tool 201

reference link 202


reference link, for OpenShift content 419


zero-touch provisioning (ZTP) 106

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