

and equity, 7–8, 47, 49, 144, 149
and socialisation in online
discussion, 58, 63, 66–68, 96
internet, 10, 16, 49, 66, 80
to wikis, 41
action research, 157–158
activities See learning activities
affordances, 22–23, 25
aggregators, 46
alignment See constructive
animations, 34
authentic, 113–116
automated, 126, 130–134
continuous, 119
criteria for, 120–125
diagnostic, 8, 110–111, 118
formative, 108–111, 117–118, 129, 131, 135
peer, 112–113, 117
self, 111–112, 131, 134
summative, 108–110, 115, 117–118, 132, 135
assignment submission, 126–130
asynchronous online discussion, 27–29, 58, 63–74, 95–101, 126, 135–140
audit trails, 48
assessment See assessment
contexts, 3
learning activities, 45, 58, 78, 86, 87
resources, 79
authentication, 146–147


behaviourism, 2
Biggs and Tang, 4, 60
blended learning, 56, 91–92
Bloom’s taxonomy, 13–15, 63


case-based learning, 3, 27, 29
case studies, 29, 71, 78–79, 139
Chickering and Gamson, 5
classroom-enhanced online learning, 56, 90–91
collaboration See group learning activities
community of inquiry, 58, 70–71
computer mediated communication, 25
constructive alignment, 60–61, 115
constructivism, 3–4, 17–18, 58
content, 29–36, 44–48, 58, 62, 77–87
conversational framework, 59, 64, 169
copyright, 36, 93


databases, 30–31, 35
debates, 27, 61, 71, 123–125, 138–139
demographic, characteristics, 6–7
dialogue, 56–60, 64
digital responses, 18, 52, 102–104, 150–151, 177
digital, natives, immigrants, 7
diversity See student diversity
Dron, 48, 59, 85


e-journals, 83–84
electronic audience response systems, 44, 111
email, 27–28
e-moderation, 73, 95–96
e-portfolios, 82–83, 141
e-tivities, 68–69
as illumination, 156–157
feedback, 162–163
formative and summative, 156
integrated framework, 158–160
methods, 161–167
plans, 168, 170–173
reports, 174–175
triangulation, 161–162


automated, 32–33
blogs, 141
in assessment See assessment
in evaluation See evaluation
on learning activities, 87–90
file formats, 127–128
first generation internet technologies, 26–35
folksonomy, 37


games, gaming 44–45, 77
Garrison and Anderson, 58, 71
generational characteristics, 7
graduate attributes, 13
group learning activities
applications for, 38–45
assessment of See assessment
creation of content, 81–86
online discussion, 27–28, 70–72
teamwork for, 72


icebreaking activities, 67–68
institutional policy and infrastructure, 23–25
interaction See interactivity
interactivity, 25–32, 35–45, 63–87


Laurillard, 4, 13, 16, 22–23, 59, 64, 169
learner autonomy, 56–58
learner control, 59–60, 85
activities, 12, 58, 60–87, 96–101
and teaching context, 10–12, 114–115
management systems (LMSs), x, 26, 48, 54, 85, 163, 166–167
objectives, 12–15, 22–23, 60–61, 115
outcomes See learning objectives
theories, 2–4, 16, 56–60


management and administration, 50–51, 95–101, 145–149, 174–175
mashups, 37, 82
media and technology, 22–23
metadata, 30–31, 48
microblogging, 84–85, 142
mobile devices, learning, technologies, 37, 43–44, 47–48, 75–77, 80, 87, 141
models, for online learning, 58–59
multimedia, 31–34, 80, 132–134


narrative technologies, 23
netiquette, 50, 99
Nicol and Macfarlane-Dick, 88, 90


objectives See learning objectives
Oliver and Herrington, 58, 61–62
online discussions See asynchronous online discussion
online videoconferencing See videoconferencing
open source, 48
orientation, in online discussion, 64–66
Owen, 174–175


phenomenography, 2, 4
plagiarism, 82, 146–147
podcasts, 37, 46–47, 86–87, 143
policy, institutional See institutional policy and infrastructure
problem-based learning, 3, 17


quizzes, 31–33, 131–134


Ramsden, 5–6, 15, 108
reconceptualising teaching/assessment, 15–17, 47, 56, 62, 78, 126–128, 137
Reeves and Hedberg, 157, 171, 174–175
reliability and validity, 113, 117, 121–122, 173
resources See content
role plays, 27, 44–45, 71, 81, 139
RSS feeds, 37, 46
rubrics, 120


Salmon, 58, 66, 68–69, 73, 136–137
scaffolding, 3
security, of data, 145–146
shared documents, 38, 43, 86, 142–143
simulations, 44–45, 77
Skype, 44
bookmarking, 46
networking, 38–39
software, ix-x, 26, 38
socialisation See access and socialisation
stakeholders, 170–171
student diversity, 7, 144
student support, 49–50, 58, 62, 73–74, 85, 90, 92–95, 143–145
support, supports See student support
synchronous online chat, 27–28, 30, 50, 74–75
syndication See RSS feeds


tablet computers, 37, 44, 76–77, 111
transactional control, 59–60
transactional distance theory, 56–59
Twitter See microblogging


videoconferencing, 43, 50, 75
virtual learning environments (VLEs) See learning management systems (LMSs)
virtual worlds, 38, 44–45, 77
Vygotsky, 3, 101


Web 2.0, ix, 23, 25–26, 35–49, 59, 81, 151, 188
Web 3.0, 48
conferencing, 43, 50, 75
publishing, 126, 139–144
syndication See RSS feeds
weblogs See blogs
wikis, 38, 40–42, 60, 81, 85–86, 142
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