Hands-on MLP implementation!

Now, let's implement all the theory that we've discussed so far. Here, we use the classes that define the ANN structures NeuralNet, Layer, Neuron, and so on. Now, we add HiddenLayer and OutputLayer functions, which are inherited from the Layer class, to implement multilayer neural networks.

We also implement the two learning algorithms that we've presented in this chapter: Backpropagation and Levenberg–Marquardt. In the Training class, we add two new terms to the enum Training types: BACKPROPAGATION and LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT.

In order to make the execution of the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm possible, we add a new package called edu.packt.neuralnet.util and two more classes, namely Matrix and IdentityMatrix. These classes implement matrix operations, which are applied in the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. However, we are not going to detail these classes now; we're just going to use the basic operations of matrix.

The following table shows a list of relevant attributes and methods of the classes used in this chapter:

Class name: Training

Note: This class is abstract and cannot be instantiated.


Note: Enum helps to control different types.

public enum TrainingTypesENUM {

Enumeration to store types of training supported by project (Backpropagation was added)

Class name: Backpropagation

Note: This class inherits attributes and methods from the Training class.




public NeuralNet train (NeuralNet n)

Trains the neural network using the backpropagation algorithm. This method overrides the method from the Training class

Parameters: NeuralNet object (neural net untrained)

Returns: NeuralNet object (neural net trained via backpropagation)

private NeuralNet forward (NeuralNet n, int row)

Performs the propagation of the signal from the first layer to the hidden layer and to the output layer

Parameters: NeuralNet object, line number of training set

Returns: NeuralNet object

private NeuralNet backpropagation (NeuralNet n, int row)

Performs the retro-propagation of the signal from the output layer to the hidden layer and to the first layer. In this method, the weights are adjusted

Parameters: NeuralNet object, line number of training set.

Returns: NeuralNet object.

Class implementation with Java: file Backpropagation.java

Class name: LevenbergMarquardt

Note: This class inherits attributes and methods from the backpropagation class.


private double dampingFactor

The damping factor, which also works as the learning rate

private Matrix jacobian

The Jacobian matrix used in the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm


public NeuralNet train (NeuralNet n)

Trains the neural network using the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. This method overrides the method from the backpropagation class

Parameters: NeuralNet object (neural net untrained)

Returns: NeuralNet object (neural net trained via backpropagation)

public void buildJacobianMatrix (NeuralNet n, int row)

Calculate the gradients for each weight and bias of the neural network for the corresponding row of the training dataset and saves them in the corresponding row in the Jacobian matrix

Parameters: NeuralNet object (neural net untrained), row (the ith data point)

Returns: Nothing

Class name: NeuralNet

Note: This class already existed in previous version and has been updated as follows:


private double[][] realMatrixOutputSet

Matrix to store the training set of the output data (matrix format)

private double errorMean

Real number to store the mean of the error between two or more neurons

private ActivationFncENUM activationFncOutputLayer

Enum value of the activation function that will be used in the output layer of the net


Note: The getters and setters methods of these attributes were created too.

Class implementation with Java: file NeuralNet.java

The class diagram changes are shown in the following figure. Attributes and methods already explained in the previous chapters and their configuration methods (getters and setters) were omitted.

Hands-on MLP implementation!

Backpropagation in action

We have seen in the flowchart that the backpropagation algorithm has two phases:

  • Forward the neural signals
  • Backpropagate the error

So, the backpropagation class will have two special methods for each of these phases: forward() and backpropagation(). The train() method of the backpropagation class will call these two latter functions.

Exploring the code

Let's analyze the methods forward, backpropagation, and train. The train method calls forward and backpropagation.

public NeuralNet train(NeuralNet n) {
    int epoch = 0;
    while(getMse() > n.getTargetError()) {
      if ( epoch >= n.getMaxEpochs() ) break;
      int rows = n.getTrainSet().length;
      double sumErrors = 0.0;
      for (int rows_i = 0; rows_i < rows; rows_i++) {
        n = forward(n, rows_i);
        n = backpropagation(n, rows_i);
        sumErrors = sumErrors + n.getErrorMean();
      setMse( sumErrors / rows );
      System.out.println( getMse() );
    System.out.println("Number of epochs: "+epoch);
    return n;


First, this code gets the training parameters and sets the MSE (which stands for mean square error), which will be the stop condition. The first loop handles this stop condition in case the MSE falls below the target. Also, inside this loop, there is a break in case the number of epochs currently executed reaches the maximum.

The second loop will go over every data point in the training dataset, repeating for each data point the training process, first calling the forward function and then the backpropagation function, which will be detailed ahead in this section. The errors are summed up. After going over all the data points in the training set, this method sets the current MSE, prints it on the screen, and increases the number of epochs.

Now, let's analyze the forward and backpropagation functions. Since they are quite long, we are going to explore the most important parts.

The forward function executes the neural computation from the input to the output layers. For simplicity, this implementation will handle only one hidden layer and one output layer, provided that this simple architecture is proved to work quite well when compared to multiple hidden layer networks. The function receives as a parameter the neural network and the row of the dataset to be forwarded.

private NeuralNet forward(NeuralNet n, int row)

It initializes some parameters such as sum error and the estimated and real outputs. There is basically one major loop containing two minor loops, one for the hidden layer and the other for the output layer.

for (HiddenLayer hiddenLayer : listOfHiddenLayer) {
  int numberOfNeuronsInLayer = hiddenLayer.getNumberOfNeuronsInLayer();
  for (Neuron neuron : hiddenLayer.getListOfNeurons()) {

    for (int layer_j = 0; layer_j < numberOfNeuronsInLayer - 1; layer_j++) { 
    for (int outLayer_i = 0; outLayer_i < n.getOutputLayer().getNumberOfNeuronsInLayer(); outLayer_i++){
    double errorMean = sumError / n.getOutputLayer()

After computing the outputs for the hidden and output layers, this function finally calculates the error, which will be used for backpropagation. The computation for the hidden layer and the output layer is detailed in the source codes attached to this chapter.

The backpropagation function also receives as parameters the neural network and the row indicating the data point to be trained.

private NeuralNet backpropagation(NeuralNet n, int row)

For an easier understanding, this function is divided into six parts:

  1. Initialize training parameters and retrieve neural network layers (hidden and output).
  2. Calculate the sensibility for the output layer.
  3. Calculate the sensibility for the hidden layer.
  4. Update the weights of the output layer.
  5. Update the weights of the hidden layer.
  6. Update the neural layers in the neural network.

Let's focus on parts 2 to 5. The sensibility for the output layer is quite simple. Looking at the line computing the sensibility parameter shows us the delta rule.

//sensibility output layer
for (Neuron neuron : outputLayer) {
  error = neuron.getError();
  netValue = neuron.getOutputValue();
  sensibility = derivativeActivationFnc( 
      n.getActivationFncOutputLayer(), netValue ) * error;

For the hidden layer, there is a need to sum up the weights and the sensibilities of the output layer. The local variable called tempSensibility handles this sum, after being used in the calculation of the sensibility. It can be seen that this parameter is calculated inside a loop that runs over all neurons contained in that layer.

for (Neuron neuron : hiddenLayer) {
  sensibility = 0.0;
  if(neuron.getListOfWeightIn().size() > 0) { //exclude bias
    ArrayList<Double> listOfWeightsOut = new ArrayList<Double>();
    listOfWeightsOut = neuron.getListOfWeightOut();
    double tempSensibility = 0.0;
    int weight_i = 0;
    for (Double weight : listOfWeightsOut) {
      tempSensibility = tempSensibility + (weight * 
    sensibility = derivativeActivationFnc ( 
      n.getActivationFnc(), neuron.getOutputValue() ) *

The weight updating in the output layer is as simple as its respective sensibility. There is a loop inside this part to walk over all the hidden layer neurons connected to each output neuron. The local variable called newWeight is in charge of receiving the new value for the respective weight.

  //fix weights (teach) [output layer to hidden layer]
  for (int outLayer_i = 0; outLayer_i < n.getOutputLayer().getNumberOfNeuronsInLayer(); outLayer_i++) {  
    for (Neuron neuron : hiddenLayer) {
      double newWeight = neuron.getListOfWeightOut()
        .get( outLayer_i ) + ( n.getLearningRate() * 
            outputLayer.get( outLayer_i )
            .getSensibility() * 
            neuron.getOutputValue() );

For the hidden layer, it is the sensibility parameters that are used, according to the equations shown in the backpropagation section. There is also an inside loop to walk over all the neural inputs.

  //fix weights (teach) [hidden layer to input layer]
  for (Neuron neuron : hiddenLayer) {
    ArrayList<Double> hiddenLayerInputWeights = new ArrayList<Double>();
    hiddenLayerInputWeights = neuron.getListOfWeightIn();
    if(hiddenLayerInputWeights.size() > 0) { //exclude bias
      int hidden_i = 0;
      double newWeight = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < n.getInputLayer().getNumberOfNeuronsInLayer(); i++) {
      newWeight = hiddenLayerInputWeights.get(hidden_i) +
          (  n.getLearningRate() *
            neuron.getSensibility() * 
            n.getTrainSet()[row][i]  ); 
      neuron.getListOfWeightIn().set(hidden_i, newWeight);
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