Chapter 9. Improving retention with long short-term memory networks

This chapter covers

  • Adding deeper memory to recurrent neural nets
  • Gating information inside neural nets
  • Classifying and generating text
  • Modeling language patterns

For all the benefits recurrent neural nets provide for modeling relationships, and therefore possibly causal relationships, in sequence data they suffer from one main deficiency: a token’s effect is almost completely lost by the time two tokens have passed.[1] Any effect the first node has on the third node (two time steps after the first time step) will be thoroughly stepped on by new data introduced in the intervening time step. This is important to the basic structure of the net, but it prevents the common case in human language that the tokens may be deeply interrelated even when they’re far apart in a sentence.


Take this example:

The young woman went to the movies with her friends.

The subject “woman” immediately precedes its main verb “went.”[2] You learned in the previous chapters that both convolutional and recurrent nets would have no trouble learning from that relationship.


“Went” is the predicate (main verb) in this sentence. Find additional English grammar terminology at -

But in a similar sentence:

The young woman, having found a free ticket on the ground, went to the movies.

The noun and verb are no longer one time step apart in the sequence. A recurrent neural net is going to have difficulty picking up on the relationship between the subject “woman” and main verb “went” in this new, longer sentence. For this new sentence, a recurrent network would overemphasize the tie between the verb “having” and your subject “woman.” And your network would underemphasize the connection to “went,” the main verb of the predicate. You’ve lost the connection between the subject and verb of the sentence. The weights in a recurrent network decay too quickly in time as you roll through each sentence.

Your challenge is to build a network that can pick up on the same core thought in both sentences. What you need is a way to remember the past across the entire input sequence. A long short-term memory (LSTM) is just what you need.[3]


One of the first papers on LSTMs was by Hochreiter and Schmidhuber in 1997, “Long Short-Term Memory” (

Modern versions of a long short-term memory network typically use a special neural network unit called a gated recurrent unit (GRU). A gated recurrent unit can maintain both long- and short-term memory efficiently, enabling an LSTM to process a long sentence or document more accurately.[4] In fact, LSTMs work so well they have replaced recurrent neural networks in almost all applications involving time series, discrete sequences, and NLP.[5]


“Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder–Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation,” by Kyunghyun Cho et al, 2014:


Christopher Olah’s blog post explains why this is:

9.1. LSTM

LSTMs introduce the concept of a state for each layer in the recurrent network. The state acts as its memory. You can think of it as adding attributes to a class in object-oriented programming. The memory state’s attributes are updated with each training example.

In LSTMs, the rules that govern the information stored in the state (memory) are trained neural nets themselves—therein lies the magic. They can be trained to learn what to remember, while at the same time the rest of the recurrent net learns to predict the target label! With the introduction of a memory and state, you can begin to learn dependencies that stretch not just one or two tokens away, but across the entirety of each data sample. With those long-term dependencies in hand, you can start to see beyond the words themselves and into something deeper about language.

With LSTMs, patterns that humans take for granted and process on a subconscious level begin to be available to your model. And with those patterns, you can not only more accurately predict sample classifications, but you can start to generate novel text using those patterns. The state of the art in this field is still far from perfect, but the results you’ll see, even in your toy examples, are striking.

So how does this thing work (see figure 9.1)?

Figure 9.1. LSTM network and its memory

The memory state is affected by the input and also affects the layer output just as in a normal recurrent net. But that memory state persists across all the time steps of the time series (your sentence or document). So each input can have an effect on the memory state as well as an effect on the hidden layer output. The magic of the memory state is that it learns what to remember at the same time that it learns to reproduce the output, using standard backpropagation! So what does this look like?

First, let’s unroll a standard recurrent neural net and add your memory unit. Figure 9.2 looks similar to a normal recurrent neural net. However, in addition to the activation output feeding into the next time-step version of the layer, you add a memory state that also passes through time steps of the network. At each time-step iteration, the hidden recurrent unit has access to the memory unit. The addition of this memory unit, and the mechanisms that interact with it, make this quite a bit different from a traditional neural network layer. However, you may like to know that it’s possible to design a set of traditional recurrent neural network layers (a computational graph) that accomplishes all the computations that exist within an LSTM layer. An LSTM layer is just a highly specialized recurrent neural network.


In much of the literature,[6] the “Memory State” block shown in figure 9.2 is referred to as an LSTM cell rather than an LSTM neuron, because it contains two additional neurons or gates just like a silicon computer memory cell.[7] When an LSTM memory cell is combined with a sigmoid activation function to output a value to the next LSTM cell, this structure, containing multiple interacting elements, is referred to as an LSTM unit. Multiple LSTM units are combined to form an LSTM layer. The horizontal line running across the unrolled recurrent neuron in figure 9.2 is the signal holding the memory or state. It becomes a vector with a dimension for each LSTM cell as the sequence of tokens is passed into a multi-unit LSTM layer.


A good recent example of LSTM terminology usage is Alex Graves' 2012 Thesis “Supervised Sequence Labelling with Recurrent Neural Networks”:


See the Wikipedia article “Memory cell” (

Figure 9.2. Unrolled LSTM network and its memory

So let’s take a closer look at one of these cells. Instead of being a series of weights on the input and an activation function on those weights, each cell is now somewhat more complicated. As before, the input to the layer (or cell) is a combination of the input sample and output from the previous time step. As information flows into the cell instead of a vector of weights, it’s now greeted by three gates: a forget gate, an input/candidate gate, and an output gate (see figure 9.3).

Figure 9.3. LSTM layer at time step t

Each of these gates is a feed forward network layer composed of a series of weights that the network will learn, plus an activation function. Technically one of the gates is composed of two feed forward paths, so there will be four sets of weights to learn in this layer. The weights and activations will aim to allow information to flow through the cell in different amounts, all the way through to the cell’s state (or memory).

Before getting too deep in the weeds, let’s look at this in Python, using the example from the previous chapter with the SimpleRNN layer swapped out for an LSTM. You can use the same vectorized, padded/truncated processed data from the last chapter, x_train, y_train, x_test, and y_test. See the following listing.

Listing 9.1. LSTM layer in Keras
>>> maxlen = 400
>>> batch_size = 32
>>> embedding_dims = 300
>>> epochs = 2
>>> from keras.models import Sequential
>>> from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Flatten, LSTM
>>> num_neurons = 50
>>> model = Sequential()
>>> model.add(LSTM(num_neurons, return_sequences=True,
...                input_shape=(maxlen, embedding_dims)))
>>> model.add(Dropout(.2))
>>> model.add(Flatten())
>>> model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
>>> model.compile('rmsprop', 'binary_crossentropy',  metrics=['accuracy'])
>>> print(model.summary())
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #
lstm_1 (LSTM)                (None, 400, 50)           70200
dropout_1 (Dropout)          (None, 400, 50)           0
flatten_1 (Flatten)          (None, 20000)             0
dense_1 (Dense)              (None, 1)                 20001
Total params: 90,201.0
Trainable params: 90,201.0
Non-trainable params: 0.0

One import and one line of Keras code changed. But a great deal more is going on under the surface. From the summary, you can see you have many more parameters to train than you did in the SimpleRNN from last chapter for the same number of neurons (50). Recall the simple RNN had the following weights:

  • 300 (one for each element of the input vector)
  • 1 (one for the bias term)
  • 50 (one for each neuron’s output from the previous time step)

For a total of 351 per neuron.

351 * 50 = 17,550 for the layer

The cells have three gates (a total of four neurons):

17,550 * 4 = 70,200

But what is the memory? The memory is going to be represented by a vector that is the same number of elements as neurons in the cell. Your example has a relatively simple 50 neurons, so the memory unit will be a vector of floats that is 50 elements long.

Now what are these gates? Let’s follow the first sample on its journey through the net and get an idea (see figure 9.4).

Figure 9.4. LSTM layer inputs

The “journey” through the cell isn’t a single road; it has branches, and you’ll follow each for a while then back up, progress, branch, and finally come back together for the grand finale of the cell’s output.

You take the first token from the first sample and pass its 300-element vector representation into the first LSTM cell. On the way into the cell, the vector representation of the data is concatenated with the vector output from the previous time step (which is a 0 vector in the first time step). In this example, you’ll have a vector that is 300 + 50 elements long. Sometimes you’ll see a 1 appended to the vector—this corresponds to the bias term. Because the bias term always multiplies its associated weight by a value of one before passing to the activation function, that input is occasionally omitted from the input vector representation, to keep the diagrams more digestible.

At the first fork in the road, you hand off a copy of the combined input vector to the ominous sounding forget gate (see figure 9.5). The forget gate’s goal is to learn, based on a given input, how much of the cell’s memory you want to erase. Whoa, wait a minute. You just got this memory thing plugged in and the first thing you want to do is start erasing things? Sheesh.

Figure 9.5. First stop—the forget gate

The idea behind wanting to forget is as important as wanting to remember. As a human reader, when you pick up certain bits of information from text—say whether the noun is singular or plural—you want to retain that information so that later in the sentence you can recognize the right verb conjugation or adjective form to match with it. In romance languages, you’d have to recognize a noun’s gender, too, and use that later in a sentence as well. But an input sequence can easily switch from one noun to another, because an input sequence can be composed of multiple phrases, sentences, or even documents. As new thoughts are expressed in later statements, the fact that the noun is plural may not be at all relevant to later unrelated text.

A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions—as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him answers above all.

Friedrich Nietzsche

In this quote, the verb “see” is conjugated to fit with the noun “thinker.” The next active verb you come across is “to be” in the second sentence. At that point “be” is conjugated into “are” to agree with “Success and failure.” If you were to conjugate it to match the first noun you came across, “thinker,” you would use the wrong verb form, “is” instead. So an LSTM must model not only long-term dependencies within a sequence, but just as crucially, also forget long-term dependencies as new ones arise. This is what forgetting gates are for, making room for the relevant memories in your memory cells.

The network isn’t working with these kinds of explicit representations. Your network is trying to find a set of weights to multiply by the inputs from the sequence of tokens so that the memory cell and the output are both updated in a way that minimizes the error. It’s amazing that they work at all. And they work very well indeed. But enough marveling: back to forgetting.

The forget gate itself (shown in figure 9.6) is just a feed forward network. It consists of n neurons each with m + n + 1 weights. So your example forget gate has 50 neurons each with 351 (300 + 50 + 1) weights. The activation function for a forget gate is the sigmoid function, because you want the output for each neuron in the gate to be between 0 and 1.

Figure 9.6. Forget gate

The output vector of the forget gate is then a mask of sorts, albeit a porous one, that erases elements of the memory vector. As the forget gate outputs values closer to 1, more of the memory’s knowledge in the associated element is retained for that time step; the closer it is to 0 the more of that memory value is erased (see figure 9.7).

Figure 9.7. Forget gate application

Actively forgetting things, check. You better learn how to remember something new, or this is going to go south pretty quickly. Just like in the forget gate, you use a small network to learn how much to augment the memory based on two things: the input so far and the output from the last time step. This is what happens in the next gate you branch into: the candidate gate.

The candidate gate has two separate neurons inside it that do two things:

  1. Decide which input vector elements are worth remembering (similar to the mask in the forget gate)
  2. Route the remembered input elements to the right memory “slot”

The first part of a candidate gate is a neuron with a sigmoid activation function whose goal is to learn which input values of the memory vector to update. This neuron closely resembles the mask in the forget gate.

The second part of this gate determines what values you’re going to update the memory with. This second part has a tanh activation function that forces the output value to range between -1 and 1. The output of these two vectors are multiplied together elementwise. The resulting vector from this multiplication is then added, again elementwise, to the memory register, thus remembering the new details (see figure 9.8).

Figure 9.8. Candidate gate

This gate is learning simultaneously which values to extract and the magnitude of those particular values. The mask and magnitude become what’s added to the memory state. As in the forget gate, the candidate gate is learning to mask off the inappropriate information before adding it to the cell’s memory.

So old, hopefully irrelevant things are forgotten, and new things are remembered. Then you arrive at the last gate of the cell: the output gate.

Up until this point in the journey through the cell, you’ve only written to the cell’s memory. Now it’s finally time to get some use out of this structure. The output gate takes the input (remember this is still the concatenation of the input at time step t and the output of the cell at time step t-1) and passes it into the output gate.

The concatenated input is passed into the weights of the n neurons, and then you apply a sigmoid activation function to output an n-dimensional vector of floats, just like the output of a SimpleRNN. But instead of handing that information out through the cell wall, you pause.

The memory structure you’ve built up is now primed, and it gets to weigh in on what you should output. This judgment is achieved by using the memory to create one last mask. This mask is a kind of gate as well, but you refrain from using that term because this mask doesn’t have any learned parameters, which differentiates it from the three previous gates described.

The mask created from the memory is the memory state with a tanh function applied elementwise, which gives an n-dimensional vector of floats between -1 and 1. That mask vector is then multiplied elementwise with the raw vector computed in the output gate’s first step. The resulting n-dimensional vector is finally passed out of the cell as the cell’s official output at time step t (see figure 9.9).


Remember that the output from an LSTM cell is like the output from a simple recurrent neural network layer. It’s passed out of the cell as the layer output (at time step t) and to itself as part of the input to time step t+1.

Figure 9.9. Update/output gate

Thereby the memory of the cell gets the last word on what’s important to output at time step t, given what was input at time step t and output at t-1, and all the details it has gleaned up to this point in the input sequence.

9.1.1. Backpropagation through time

How does this thing learn then? Backpropagation—as with any other neural net. For a moment, let’s step back and look at the problem you’re trying to solve with this new complexity. A vanilla RNN is susceptible to a vanishing gradient because the derivative at any given time step is a factor of the weights themselves, so as you step back in time coalescing the various deltas, after a few iterations, the weights (and the learning rate) may shrink the gradient away to 0. The update to the weights at the end of the back-propagation (which would equate to the beginning of the sequence) are either minuscule or effectively 0. A similar problem occurs when the weights are somewhat large: the gradient explodes and grows disproportionately to the network.

An LSTM avoids this problem via the memory state itself. The neurons in each of the gates are updated via derivatives of the functions they fed, namely those that update the memory state on the forward pass. So at any given time step, as the normal chain rule is applied backwards to the forward propagation, the updates to the neurons are dependent on only the memory state at that time step and the previous one. This way, the error of the entire function is kept “nearer” to the neurons for each time step. This is known as the error carousel.

In practice

How does this work in practice then? Exactly like the simple RNN from the last chapter. All you’ve changed is the inner workings of the black box that’s a recurrent layer in the network. So you can just swap out the Keras SimpleRNN layer for the Keras LSTM layer, and all the other pieces of your classifier will stay the same.

You’ll use the same dataset, prepped the same way: tokenize the text and embed those using Word2vec. Then you’ll pad/truncate the sequences again to 400 tokens each using the functions you defined in the previous chapters. See the following listing.

Listing 9.2. Load and prepare the IMDB data
>>> import numpy as np
>>> dataset = pre_process_data('./aclimdb/train')           1
>>> vectorized_data = tokenize_and_vectorize(dataset)
>>> expected = collect_expected(dataset)
>>> split_point = int(len(vectorized_data) * .8)
>>> x_train = vectorized_data[:split_point]                 2
>>> y_train = expected[:split_point]
>>> x_test = vectorized_data[split_point:]
>>> y_test = expected[split_point:]
>>> maxlen = 400                                            3
>>> batch_size = 32                                         4
>>> embedding_dims = 300                                    5
>>> epochs = 2
>>> x_train = pad_trunc(x_train, maxlen)                    6
>>> x_test = pad_trunc(x_test, maxlen)
>>> x_train = np.reshape(x_train,
...     (len(x_train), maxlen, embedding_dims))             7
>>> y_train = np.array(y_train)
>>> x_test = np.reshape(x_test, (len(x_test), maxlen, embedding_dims))
>>> y_test = np.array(y_test)

  • 1 Gather the data and prep it.
  • 2 Split the data into training and testing sets.
  • 3 Declare the hyperparameters.
  • 4 Number of samples to show the net before backpropagating the error and updating the weights.
  • 5 Length of the token vectors we will create for passing into the Convnet
  • 6 Further prep the data by making each point of uniform length.
  • 7 Reshape into a numpy data structure.

Then you can build your model using the new LSTM layer, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 9.3. Build a Keras LSTM network
>>> from keras.models import Sequential
>>> from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Flatten, LSTM
>>> num_neurons = 50
>>> model = Sequential()
>>> model.add(LSTM(num_neurons, return_sequences=True,
...              input_shape=(maxlen, embedding_dims)))          1
>>> model.add(Dropout(.2))
>>> model.add(Flatten())                                         2
>>> model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))                    3
>>> model.compile('rmsprop', 'binary_crossentropy',  metrics=['accuracy'])
>>> model.summary()
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #
lstm_2 (LSTM)                (None, 400, 50)           70200
dropout_2 (Dropout)          (None, 400, 50)           0
flatten_2 (Flatten)          (None, 20000)             0
dense_2 (Dense)              (None, 1)                 20001
Total params: 90,201.0
Trainable params: 90,201.0
Non-trainable params: 0.0

  • 1 Keras makes the implementation easy.
  • 2 Flatten the output of the LSTM.
  • 3 A one neuron layer that will output a float between 0 and 1.

Train and save the model as before, as shown in the next two listings.

Listing 9.4. Fit your LSTM model
>>>, y_train,        1
...           batch_size=batch_size,
...           epochs=epochs,
...           validation_data=(x_test, y_test))
Train on 20000 samples, validate on 5000 samples
Epoch 1/2
20000/20000 [==============================] - 548s - loss: 0.4772 -
acc: 0.7736 - val_loss: 0.3694 - val_acc: 0.8412
Epoch 2/2
20000/20000 [==============================] - 583s - loss: 0.3477 -
acc: 0.8532 - val_loss: 0.3451 - val_acc: 0.8516
<keras.callbacks.History at 0x145595fd0>

  • 1 Train the model.
Listing 9.5. Save it for later
>>> model_structure = model.to_json()                  1
>>> with open("lstm_model1.json", "w") as json_file:
...     json_file.write(model_structure)
>>> model.save_weights("lstm_weights1.h5")

  • 1 Save its structure so you don’t have to do this part again.

That is an enormous leap in the validation accuracy compared to the simple RNN you implemented in chapter 8 with the same dataset. You can start to see how large a gain you can achieve by providing the model with a memory when the relationship of tokens is so important. The beauty of the algorithm is that it learns the relationships of the tokens it sees. The network is now able to model those relationships, specifically in the context of the cost function you provide.

In this case, how close are you to correctly identifying positive or negative sentiment? Granted this is a narrow focus of a much grander problem within natural language processing. How do you model humor, sarcasm, or angst, for example? Can they be modeled together? It’s definitely a field of active research. But working on them separately, while demanding a lot of hand-labeled data (and there’s more of this out there every day), is certainly a viable path, and stacking these kinds of discrete classifiers in your pipeline is a perfectly legitimate path to pursue in a focused problem space.

9.1.2. Where does the rubber hit the road?

This is the fun part. With a trained model, you can begin trying out various sample phrases and seeing how well the model performs. Try to trick it. Use happy words in a negative context. Try long phrases, short ones, contradictory ones. See listings 9.6 and 9.7.

Listing 9.6. Reload your LSTM model
>>> from keras.models import model_from_json
>>> with open("lstm_model1.json", "r") as json_file:
...     json_string =
>>> model = model_from_json(json_string)
>>> model.load_weights('lstm_weights1.h5')

Listing 9.7. Use the model to predict on a sample
>>> sample_1 = """I hate that the dismal weather had me down for so long,
...  when will it break! Ugh, when does happiness return?  The sun is
...  blinding and the puffy clouds are too thin. I can't wait for the
...  weekend."""

>>> vec_list = tokenize_and_vectorize([(1, sample_1)])    1

>>> test_vec_list = pad_trunc(vec_list, maxlen)           2
>>> test_vec = np.reshape(test_vec_list,
...                       (len(test_vec_list), maxlen, embedding_dims))
>>> print("Sample's sentiment, 1 - pos, 2 - neg : {}"
...     .format(model.predict_classes(test_vec)))
1/1 [==============================] - 0s
Sample's sentiment, 1 - pos, 2 - neg : [[0]]
>>> print("Raw output of sigmoid function: {}"
...     .format(model.predict(test_vec)))
Raw output of sigmoid function: [[ 0.2192785]]

  • 1 You pass a dummy value in the first element of the tuple, because your helper expects it from the way you processed the initial data. That value won’t ever see the network, so it can be anything.
  • 2 Tokenize returns a list of the data (length 1 here).

As you play with the possibilities, watch the raw output of the sigmoid in addition to the discrete sentiment classifications. Unlike the .predict_class() method, the .predict() method reveals the raw sigmoid activation function output before thresholding, so you can see a continuous value between 0 and 1. Anything above 0.5 will be classified as positive, below 0.5 will be negative. As you try your samples, you’ll get a sense of how confident the model is in its prediction, which can be helpful in parsing results of your spot checks.

Pay close attention to the misclassified examples (both positively and negatively). If the sigmoid output is close to 0.5, that means the model is just flipping a coin for that example. You can then look at why that phrase is ambiguous to the model, but try not to be human about it. Set aside your human intuition and subjective perspective for a bit and try to think statistically. Try to remember what documents your model has “seen.” Are the words in the misclassified example rare? Are they rare in your corpus or the corpus that trained the language model for your embedding? Do all of the words in the example exist in your model’s vocabulary?

Going through this process of examining the probabilities and input data associated with incorrect predictions helps build your machine learning intuition so you can build better NLP pipelines in the future. This is backpropagation through the human brain for the problem of model tuning.

9.1.3. Dirty data

This more powerful model still has a great number of hyperparameters to toy with. But now is a good time to pause and look back to the beginning, to your data. You’ve been using the same data, processed in exactly the same way since you started with convolutional neural nets, specifically so you could see the variations in the types of models and their performance on a given dataset. But you did make some choices that compromised the integrity of the data, or dirtied it, if you will.

Padding or truncating each sample to 400 tokens was important for convolutional nets so that the filters could “scan” a vector with a consistent length. And convolutional nets output a consistent vector as well. It’s important for the output to be a consistent dimensionality, because the output goes into a fully connected feed forward layer at the end of the chain, which needs a fixed length vector as input.

Similarly, your implementations of recurrent neural nets, both simple and LSTM, are striving toward a fixed length thought vector you can pass into a feed forward layer for classification. A fixed length vector representation of an object, such as a thought vector, is also called an embedding. So that the thought vector is of consistent size, you have to unroll the net to a consistent number of time steps (tokens). Let’s look at the choice of 400 as the number of time steps to unroll the net, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 9.8. Optimize the thought vector size
>>> def test_len(data, maxlen):
...     total_len = truncated = exact = padded = 0
...     for sample in data:
...         total_len += len(sample)
...         if len(sample) > maxlen:
...             truncated += 1
...         elif len(sample) < maxlen:
...             padded += 1
...         else:
...             exact +=1
...     print('Padded: {}'.format(padded))
...     print('Equal: {}'.format(exact))
...     print('Truncated: {}'.format(truncated))
...     print('Avg length: {}'.format(total_len/len(data)))
>>> dataset = pre_process_data('./aclimdb/train')
>>> vectorized_data = tokenize_and_vectorize(dataset)
>>> test_len(vectorized_data, 400)
Padded: 22559
Equal: 12
Truncated: 2429
Avg length: 202.4424

Whoa. Okay, 400 was a bit on the high side (probably should have done this analysis earlier). Let’s dial the maxlen back closer to the average sample size of 202 tokens. Let’s round that to 200 tokens, and give your LSTM another crack at it, as shown in the following listings.

Listing 9.9. Optimize LSTM hyperparameters
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from keras.models import Sequential
>>> from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Flatten, LSTM
>>> maxlen = 200                                            1
>>> batch_size = 32
>>> embedding_dims = 300
>>> epochs = 2
>>> num_neurons = 50
>>> dataset = pre_process_data('./aclimdb/train')
>>> vectorized_data = tokenize_and_vectorize(dataset)
>>> expected = collect_expected(dataset)
>>> split_point = int(len(vectorized_data)*.8)
>>> x_train = vectorized_data[:split_point]
>>> y_train = expected[:split_point]
>>> x_test = vectorized_data[split_point:]
>>> y_test = expected[split_point:]
>>> x_train = pad_trunc(x_train, maxlen)
>>> x_test = pad_trunc(x_test, maxlen)
>>> x_train = np.reshape(x_train, (len(x_train), maxlen, embedding_dims))
>>> y_train = np.array(y_train)
>>> x_test = np.reshape(x_test, (len(x_test), maxlen, embedding_dims))
>>> y_test = np.array(y_test)

  • 1 All the same code as earlier, but you limit the max length to 200 tokens.
Listing 9.10. A more optimally sized LSTM
>>> model = Sequential()
>>> model.add(LSTM(num_neurons, return_sequences=True,
...                input_shape=(maxlen, embedding_dims)))
>>> model.add(Dropout(.2))
>>> model.add(Flatten())
>>> model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
>>> model.compile('rmsprop', 'binary_crossentropy',  metrics=['accuracy'])
>>> model.summary()
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #
lstm_1 (LSTM)                (None, 200, 50)           70200
dropout_1 (Dropout)          (None, 200, 50)           0
flatten_1 (Flatten)          (None, 10000)             0
dense_1 (Dense)              (None, 1)                 10001
Total params: 80,201.0
Trainable params: 80,201.0
Non-trainable params: 0.0

Listing 9.11. Train a smaller LSTM
>>>, y_train,
...           batch_size=batch_size,
...           epochs=epochs,
...           validation_data=(x_test, y_test))
Train on 20000 samples, validate on 5000 samples
Epoch 1/2
20000/20000 [==============================] - 245s - loss: 0.4742 -
acc: 0.7760 - val_loss: 0.4235 - val_acc: 0.8010
Epoch 2/2
20000/20000 [==============================] - 203s - loss: 0.3718 -
acc: 0.8386 - val_loss: 0.3499 - val_acc: 0.8450
>>> model_structure = model.to_json()
>>> with open("lstm_model7.json", "w") as json_file:
...     json_file.write(model_structure)
>>> model.save_weights("lstm_weights7.h5")

Well that trained much faster and the validation accuracy dropped less than half a percent (84.5% versus 85.16%). With samples that were half the number of time steps, you cut the training time by more than half! There were half the LSTM time steps to compute and half the weights in the feed forward layer to learn. But most importantly the backpropagation only had to travel half the distance (half the time steps back into the past) each time.

The accuracy got worse, though. Wouldn’t a 200-D model generalize better (over-fit less) than the earlier 400-D model? This is because you included a Dropout layer in both models. A dropout layer helps prevent overfitting, so your validation accuracy should only get worse as you reduce the degrees of freedom or the training epochs for your model.

With all the power of neural nets and their ability to learn complex patterns, it’s easy to forget that a well-designed neural net is good at learning to discard noise and systematic biases. You had inadvertently introduced a lot of bias into the data by appending all those zero vectors. The bias elements in each node will still give it some signal even if all the input is zero. But the net will eventually learn to disregard those elements entirely (specifically by adjusting the weight on that bias element down to zero) and focus on the portions of the samples that contain meaningful information.

So your optimized LSTM didn’t learn any more, but it learned a lot faster. The most important takeaway from this, though, is to be aware of the length of your test samples in relation to the training sample lengths. If your training set is composed of documents thousands of tokens long, you may not get an accurate classification of something only 3 tokens long padded out to 1,000. And vice versa—cutting a 1,000-token opus to 3 tokens will severely hinder your poor, little model. Not that an LSTM won’t make a good go of it; just a note of caution as you experiment.

9.1.4. Back to the dirty data

What is arguably the greater sin in data handling? Dropping the “unknown” tokens on the floor. The list of “unknowns,” which is basically just words you couldn’t find in the pretrained Word2vec model, is quite extensive. Dropping this much data on the floor, especially when attempting to model the sequence of words, is problematic.

Sentences like

I don’t like this movie.

may become

I like this movie.

if your word embedding vocabulary doesn’t contain the word “don’t”. This isn’t the case for the Word2vec embeddings, but many tokens are omitted and they may or may not be important to you. Dropping these unknown tokens is one strategy you can pursue, but there are others. You can use or train a word embedding that has a vector for every last one of your tokens, but doing so is almost always prohibitively expensive.

Two common approaches provide decent results without exploding the computational requirements. Both involve replacing the unknown token with a new vector representation. The first approach is counter-intuitive: for every token not modeled by a vector, randomly select a vector from the existing model and use that instead. You can easily see how this would flummox a human reader.

A sentence like

The man who was defenestrated, brushed himself off with a nonchalant glance back inside.

may become

The man who was duck, brushed himself off with a airplane glance back inside.

How is a model supposed to learn from nonsense like this? As it turns out, the model does overcome these hiccups in much the same way your example did when you dropped them on the floor. Remember, you’re not trying to model every statement in the training set explicitly. The goal is to create a generalized model of the language in the training set. So outliers will exist, but hopefully not so much as to derail the model in describing the prevailing patterns.

The second and more common approach is to replace all tokens not in the word vector library with a specific token, usually referenced as “UNK” (for unknown), when reconstructing the original input. The vector itself is chosen either when modeling the original embedding or at random (and ideally far away from the known vectors in the space).

As with padding, the network can learn its way around these unknown tokens and come to its own conclusions around them.

9.1.5. Words are hard. Letters are easier.

Words have meaning—we can all agree on that. Modeling natural language with these basic building blocks only seems natural then. Using these models to describe meaning, feeling, intent, and everything else in terms of these atomic structures seems natural as well. But, of course, words aren’t atomic at all. As you saw earlier, they’re made up of smaller words, stems, phonemes, and so on. But they are also, even more fundamentally, a sequence of characters.

As you’re modeling language, a lot of meaning is hidden down at the character level. Intonations in voice, alliteration, rhymes—all of this can be modeled if you break things down all the way to the character level. They can be modeled by humans without breaking things down that far. But the definitions that would arise from that modeling are fraught with complexity and not easily imparted to a machine, which after all is why you’re here. Many of those patterns are inherent in text when you examine it with an eye toward which character came after which, given the characters you’ve already seen.

In this paradigm, a space or a comma or a period becomes just another character. And as your network is learning meaning from sequences, if you break them down all the way to the individual characters, the model is forced to find these lower-level patterns. To notice a repeated suffix after a certain number of syllables, which would quite probably rhyme, may be a pattern that carries meaning, perhaps joviality or derision. With a large enough training set, these patterns begin to emerge. And because there are many fewer distinct letters than words in the English language, you have a smaller variety of input vectors to worry about.

Training a model at the character level is tricky though. The patterns and long-term dependencies found at the character level can vary greatly across voices. You can find these patterns, but they may not generalize as well. Let’s try the LSTM at the character level on the same example dataset. First, you need to process the data differently. As before, you grab the data and sort out the labels, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 9.12. Prepare the data
>>> dataset = pre_process_data('./aclimdb/train')
>>> expected = collect_expected(dataset)

You then need to decide how far to unroll the network, so you’ll see how many characters on average are in the data samples, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 9.13. Calculate the average sample length
>>> def avg_len(data):
...     total_len = 0
...     for sample in data:
...         total_len += len(sample[1])
...     return total_len/len(data)
>>> avg_len(dataset)

So immediately you can see that the network is going to be unrolled much further. And you’re going to be waiting a significant amount of time for this model to finish. Spoiler: this model doesn’t do much other than overfit, but it provides an interesting example nonetheless.

Next you need to clean the data of tokens unrelated to the text’s natural language. This function filters out some useless characters in the HTML tags in the dataset. Really the data should be more thoroughly scrubbed. See the following listing.

Listing 9.14. Prepare the strings for a character-based model
>>> def clean_data(data):
...     """Shift to lower case, replace unknowns with UNK, and listify"""
...     new_data = []
...     VALID = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"'?!.,:; '
...     for sample in data:
...         new_sample = []
...         for char in sample[1].lower():        1
...             if char in VALID:
...                 new_sample.append(char)
...             else:
...                 new_sample.append('UNK')
...         new_data.append(new_sample)
...     return new_data
>>> listified_data = clean_data(dataset)

  • 1 Just grab the string, not the label.

You’re using the 'UNK' as a single character in the list for everything that doesn’t match the VALID list.

Then, as before, you pad or truncate the samples to a given maxlen. Here you introduce another “single character” for padding: 'PAD'. See the following listing.

Listing 9.15. Pad and truncated characters
>>> def char_pad_trunc(data, maxlen=1500):
...     """ We truncate to maxlen or add in PAD tokens """
...     new_dataset = []
...     for sample in data:
...         if len(sample) > maxlen:
...             new_data = sample[:maxlen]
...         elif len(sample) < maxlen:
...             pads = maxlen - len(sample)
...             new_data = sample + ['PAD'] * pads
...         else:
...             new_data = sample
...         new_dataset.append(new_data)
...     return new_dataset

You chose maxlen of 1,500 to capture slightly more data than was in the average sample, but you tried to avoid introducing too much noise with PADs. Thinking about these choices in the sizes of words can be helpful. At a fixed character length, a sample with lots of long words could be undersampled, compared to a sample composed entirely of simple, one-syllable words. As with any machine learning problem, knowing your dataset and its ins and outs is important.

This time instead of using Word2vec for your embeddings, you’re going to one-hot encode the characters. So you need to create a dictionary of the tokens (the characters) mapped to an integer index. You’ll also create a dictionary to map the reverse as well, but more on that later. See the following listing.

Listing 9.16. Character-based model “vocabulary”
>>> def create_dicts(data):
...     """ Modified from Keras LSTM example"""
...     chars = set()
...     for sample in data:
...         chars.update(set(sample))
...     char_indices = dict((c, i) for i, c in enumerate(chars))
...     indices_char = dict((i, c) for i, c in enumerate(chars))
...     return char_indices, indices_char

And then you can use that dictionary to create input vectors of the indices instead of the tokens themselves, as shown in the next two listings.

Listing 9.17. One-hot encoder for characters
>>> import numpy as np
>>> def onehot_encode(dataset, char_indices, maxlen=1500):
...     """
...     One-hot encode the tokens
...     Args:
...         dataset  list of lists of tokens
...         char_indices
...                  dictionary of {key=character,
...                                 value=index to use encoding vector}
...         maxlen  int  Length of each sample
...     Return:
...         np array of shape (samples, tokens, encoding length)
...     """
...     X = np.zeros((len(dataset), maxlen, len(char_indices.keys())))
...     for i, sentence in enumerate(dataset):
...         for t, char in enumerate(sentence):
...             X[i, t, char_indices[char]] = 1
...     return X                                 1

  • 1 A numpy array of length equal to the number of data samples—each sample will be a number of tokens equal to maxlen, and each token will be a one-hot encoded vector of length equal to the number of characters
Listing 9.18. Load and preprocess the IMDB data
>>> dataset = pre_process_data('./aclimdb/train')
>>> expected = collect_expected(dataset)
>>> listified_data = clean_data(dataset)
>>> common_length_data = char_pad_trunc(listified_data, maxlen=1500)
>>> char_indices, indices_char = create_dicts(common_length_data)
>>> encoded_data = onehot_encode(common_length_data, char_indices, 1500)

And then you split up your data just like before, as shown in the next two listings.

Listing 9.19. Split dataset for training (80%) and testing (20%)
>>> split_point = int(len(encoded_data)*.8)
>>> x_train = encoded_data[:split_point]
>>> y_train = expected[:split_point]
>>> x_test = encoded_data[split_point:]
>>> y_test = expected[split_point:]
Listing 9.20. Build a character-based LSTM
>>> from keras.models import Sequential
>>> from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Embedding, Flatten, LSTM
>>> num_neurons = 40
>>> maxlen = 1500
>>> model = Sequential()
>>> model.add(LSTM(num_neurons,
...                return_sequences=True,
...                input_shape=(maxlen, len(char_indices.keys()))))
>>> model.add(Dropout(.2))
>>> model.add(Flatten())
>>> model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
>>> model.compile('rmsprop', 'binary_crossentropy',  metrics=['accuracy'])
>>> model.summary()
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #
lstm_2 (LSTM)                (None, 1500, 40)          13920
dropout_2 (Dropout)          (None, 1500, 40)          0
flatten_2 (Flatten)          (None, 60000)             0
dense_2 (Dense)              (None, 1)                 60001
Total params: 73,921.0
Trainable params: 73,921.0
Non-trainable params: 0.0

So you’re getting more efficient at building LSTM models. Your latest character-based model needs to train only 74k parameters, compared to the optimized word-based LSTM which required 80k. And this simpler model should train faster and generalize to new text better, since it has fewer degrees of freedom for overfitting.

Now you can try it out to see what character-based LSTM models have to offer, as shown in the following listings.

Listing 9.21. Train a character-based LSTM
>>> batch_size = 32
>>> epochs = 10
>>>, y_train,
...           batch_size=batch_size,
...           epochs=epochs,
...           validation_data=(x_test, y_test))
Train on 20000 samples, validate on 5000 samples
Epoch 1/10
20000/20000 [==============================] - 634s - loss: 0.6949 -
acc: 0.5388 - val_loss: 0.6775 - val_acc: 0.5738
Epoch 2/10
20000/20000 [==============================] - 668s - loss: 0.6087 -
acc: 0.6700 - val_loss: 0.6786 - val_acc: 0.5962
Epoch 3/10
20000/20000 [==============================] - 695s - loss: 0.5358 -
acc: 0.7356 - val_loss: 0.7182 - val_acc: 0.5786
Epoch 4/10
20000/20000 [==============================] - 686s - loss: 0.4662 -
acc: 0.7832 - val_loss: 0.7605 - val_acc: 0.5836
Epoch 5/10
20000/20000 [==============================] - 694s - loss: 0.4062 -
acc: 0.8206 - val_loss: 0.8099 - val_acc: 0.5852
Epoch 6/10
20000/20000 [==============================] - 694s - loss: 0.3550 -
acc: 0.8448 - val_loss: 0.8851 - val_acc: 0.5842
Epoch 7/10
20000/20000 [==============================] - 645s - loss: 0.3058 -
acc: 0.8705 - val_loss: 0.9598 - val_acc: 0.5930
Epoch 8/10
20000/20000 [==============================] - 684s - loss: 0.2643 -
acc: 0.8911 - val_loss: 1.0366 - val_acc: 0.5888
Epoch 9/10
20000/20000 [==============================] - 671s - loss: 0.2304 -
acc: 0.9055 - val_loss: 1.1323 - val_acc: 0.5914
Epoch 10/10
20000/20000 [==============================] - 663s - loss: 0.2035 -
acc: 0.9181 - val_loss: 1.2051 - val_acc: 0.5948

Listing 9.22. And save it for later
>>> model_structure = model.to_json()
>>> with open("char_lstm_model3.json", "w") as json_file:
...     json_file.write(model_structure)
>>> model.save_weights("char_lstm_weights3.h5")

The 92% training set accuracy versus the 59% validation accuracy is evidence of overfitting. The model slowly started to learn the sentiment of the training set. Oh so slowly. It took over 1.5 hours on a modern laptop without a GPU. But the validation accuracy never improved much above a random guess, and later in the epochs it started to get worse, which you can also see in the validation loss.

Lots of things could be going on here. The model could be too rich for the dataset, meaning it has enough parameters that it can begin to model patterns that are unique to the training set’s 20,000 samples, but aren’t useful for a general language model focused on sentiment. One might alleviate this issue with a higher dropout percentage or fewer neurons in the LSTM layer. More labeled data would also help if you think the model is defined too richly. But quality labeled data is usually the hardest piece to come by.

In the end, this model is creating a great deal of expense for both your hardware and your time for limited reward compared to what you got with a word-level LSTM model, and even the convolutional neural nets in previous chapters. So why bother with the character level at all? The character-level model can be extremely good at modeling a language, given a broad enough dataset. Or it can model a specific kind of language given a focused training set, say from one author instead of thousands. Either way, you’ve taken the first step toward generating novel text with a neural net.

9.1.6. My turn to chat

If you could generate new text with a certain “style” or “attitude,” you’d certainly have an entertaining chatbot indeed. Of course, being able to generate novel text with a given style doesn’t guarantee your bot will talk about what you want it to. But you can use this approach to generate lots of text within a given set of parameters (in response to a user’s style, for example), and this larger corpus of novel text could then be indexed and searched as possible responses to a given query.

Much like a Markov chain that predicts a sequence’s next word based on the probability of any given word appearing after the 1-gram or 2-gram or n-gram that just occurred, your LSTM model can learn the probability of the next word based on what it just saw, but with the added benefit of memory! A Markov chain only has information about the n-gram it’s using to search and the frequency of words that occur after that n-gram. The RNN model does something similar in that it encodes information about the next term based on the few that preceded it. But with the LSTM memory state, the model has a greater context in which to judge the most appropriate next term. And most excitingly, you can predict the next character based on the characters that came before. This level of granularity is beyond a basic Markov chain.

How do you train your model to do this magic trick? First, you’re going to abandon your classification task. The real core of what the LSTM learned is in the LSTM cell itself. But you were using the model’s successes and failures around a specific classification task to train it. That approach isn’t necessarily going to help your model learn a general representation of language. You trained it to pay attention only to sequences that contained strong sentiment.

So instead of using the training set’s sentiment label as the target for learning, you can use the training samples themselves! For each token in the sample, you want your LSTM to learn to predict the next token (see figure 9.10). This is very similar to the word vector embedding approach you used in chapter 6, only you’re going to train a network on bigrams (2-grams) instead of skip-grams. A word generator model trained this way (see figure 9.10) would work just fine, but you’re going to cut to the chase and go straight down to the character level with the same approach (see figure 9.11).

Figure 9.10. Next word prediction

Figure 9.11. Next character prediction

Instead of a thought vector coming out of the last time step, you’re going to focus on the output of each time step individually. The error will still backpropagate through time from each time step back to the beginning, but the error is determined specifically at the time step level. In a sense, it was in the other LSTM classifiers of this chapter as well, but in the other classifiers the error wasn’t determined until the end of the sequence. Only at the end of a sequence was an aggregated output available to feed into the feed forward layer at the end of the chain. Nonetheless, backpropagation is still working the same way, aggregating the errors by adjusting all your weights at the end of the sequence.

So the first thing you need to do is adjust your training set labels. The output vector will be measured not against a given classification label but against the one-hot encoding of the next character in the sequence.

You can also fall back to a simpler model. Instead of trying to predict every subsequent character, predict the next character for a given sequence. This is exactly the same as all the other LSTM layers in this chapter, if you drop the keyword argument return_sequences=True (see listing 9.17). Doing so will focus the LSTM model on the return value of the last time step in the sequence (see figure 9.12).

Figure 9.12. Last character prediction only

9.1.7. My turn to speak more clearly

Simple character-level modeling is the gateway to more-complex models—ones that can not only pick up on details such as spelling, but also grammar and punctuation. The real magic of these models comes when they learn these grammar details, and also start to pick up the rhythm and cadence of text as well. Let’s look at how you can start to generate some novel text with the tools you were using for classification.

The Keras documentation provides an excellent example. For this project, you’re going to set aside the movie review dataset you have used up to this point. For finding concepts as deep as tone and word choice, that dataset has two attributes that are difficult to overcome. First of all, it’s diverse. It’s written by many writers, each with their own writing style and personality. Finding commonalities across them all is difficult. With a large enough dataset, developing a complex language model that can handle a diversity of styles might be possible. But that leads to the second problem with the IMDB dataset: it’s an extremely small dataset for learning a general character-based language model. To overcome this problem, you’ll need a dataset that’s more consistent across samples in style and tone or a much larger dataset; you’ll choose the former. The Keras example provides a sample of the work of Friedrich Nietzsche. That’s fun, but you’ll choose someone else with a singular style: William Shakespeare. He hasn’t published anything in a while, so let’s help him out. See the following listing.

Listing 9.23. Import the Project Gutenberg dataset
>>> from nltk.corpus import gutenberg
>>> gutenberg.fileids()

Ah, three plays by Shakespeare. You’ll grab those and concatenate them into a large string. And if you want more, there’s lots more where that came from at[8] See the following listing.


The Project Gutenberg website hosts 57,000 scanned books in various formats. You can download them all for free in about a day, if you are polite about it:

Listing 9.24. Preprocess Shakespeare plays
>>> text = ''
>>> for txt in gutenberg.fileids():                        1
...     if 'shakespeare' in txt:
...         text += gutenberg.raw(txt).lower()
>>> chars = sorted(list(set(text)))
>>> char_indices = dict((c, i)
...     for i, c in enumerate(chars))                      2
>>> indices_char = dict((i, c)
...     for i, c in enumerate(chars))                      3
>>> 'corpus length: {}  total chars: {}'.format(len(text), len(chars))
'corpus length: 375542  total chars: 50'

  • 1 Concatenate all Shakespeare plays in the Gutenberg corpus in NLTK.
  • 2 Make a dictionary of characters to an index, for reference in the one-hot encoding.
  • 3 Make the opposite dictionary for lookup when interpreting the one-hot encoding back to the character.

This is nicely formatted as well:

>>> print(text[:500])
[the tragedie of julius caesar by william shakespeare 1599]
actus primus. scoena prima.

enter flauius, murellus, and certaine commoners ouer the stage.

  flauius. hence: home you idle creatures, get you home:
is this a holiday? what, know you not
(being mechanicall) you ought not walke
vpon a labouring day, without the signe
of your profession? speake, what trade art thou?
  car. why sir, a carpenter
   mur. where is thy leather apron, and thy rule?
what dost thou with thy best apparrell on

Next you’re going to chop up the source text into data samples, each with a fixed, maxlen set of characters. To increase your dataset size and focus on consistent patterns, the Keras example oversamples the data into semi-redundant chunks. Take 40 characters from the beginning, move to the third character from the beginning, take 40 from there, move to sixth ... and so on.

Remember, the goal of this particular model is to learn to predict the 41st character in any sequence, given the 40 characters that came before it. So we’ll build a training set of semi-redundant sequences, each 40 characters long, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 9.25. Assemble a training set
>>> maxlen = 40
>>> step = 3
>>> sentences = []                                    1
>>> next_chars = []
>>> for i in range(0, len(text) - maxlen, step):      2
...     sentences.append(text[i: i + maxlen])         3
...     next_chars.append(text[i + maxlen])           4
>>> print('nb sequences:', len(sentences))
nb sequences: 125168

  • 1 Ignore sentence (and line) boundaries for now, so the character-based model will learn when to halt a sentence with a period ('.') or linefeed character (' ').
  • 2 Step by three characters, so the generated training samples will overlap, but not be identical.
  • 3 Grab a slice of the text.
  • 4 Collect the next expected character.

So you have 125,168 training samples and the character that follows each of them, the target for our model. See the following listing.

Listing 9.26. One-hot encode the training examples
>>> X = np.zeros((len(sentences), maxlen, len(chars)), dtype=np.bool)
>>> y = np.zeros((len(sentences), len(chars)), dtype=np.bool)
>>> for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
...     for t, char in enumerate(sentence):
...         X[i, t, char_indices[char]] = 1
...     y[i, char_indices[next_chars[i]]] = 1

You then one-hot encode each character of each sample in the dataset and store it as the list X. You also store the list of one-hot encoded “answers” in the list y. You then construct the model, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 9.27. Assemble a character-based LSTM model for generating text
>>> from keras.models import Sequential
>>> from keras.layers import Dense, Activation
>>> from keras.layers import LSTM
>>> from keras.optimizers import RMSprop
>>> model = Sequential()
>>> model.add(LSTM(128,
...                input_shape=(maxlen, len(chars))))        1
>>> model.add(Dense(len(chars)))                             2
>>> model.add(Activation('softmax'))
>>> optimizer = RMSprop(lr=0.01)
>>> model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer)
>>> model.summary()
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #
lstm_1 (LSTM)                (None, 128)               91648
dense_1 (Dense)              (None, 50)                6450
activation_1 (Activation)    (None, 50)                0
Total params: 98,098.0
Trainable params: 98,098.0
Non-trainable params: 0.0

  • 1 You use a much wider LSTM layer—128, up from 50. And you don’t return the sequence. You only want the last output character.
  • 2 This is a classification problem, so you want a probability distribution over all possible characters.

This looks slightly different than before, so let’s look at the components. Sequential and LSTM layers you know, same as before with your classifier. In this case, the num_neurons is 128 in the hidden layer of the LSTM cell. 128 is quite a few more than you used in the classifier, but you’re trying to model much more complex behavior in reproducing a given text’s tone. Next, the optimizer is defined in a variable, but this is the same one you’ve used up until this point. It’s broken out here for readability purposes, because the learning rate parameter is being adjusted from its default (.001 normally). For what it’s worth, RMSProp works by updating each weight by adjusting the learning rate with “a running average of the magnitudes of recent gradients for that weight.”[9] Reading up on optimizers can definitely save you some heartache in your experiments, but the details of each individual optimizer are beyond the scope of this book.


The next big difference is the loss function you want to minimize. Up until now it has been binary_crossentropy. You were only trying to determine the level at which one single neuron was firing. But here you’ve swapped out Dense(1) for Dense (len(chars)) in the last layer. So the output of the network at each time step will be a 50-D vector (len(chars) == 50 in listing 9.20). You’re using softmax as the activation function, so the output vector will be the equivalent of a probability distribution over the entire 50-D vector (the sum of the values in the vector will always add up to one). Using categorical_crossentropy will attempt to minimize the difference between the resultant probability distribution and the one-hot encoded expected character.

And the last major change is no dropout. Because you’re looking to specifically model this dataset, you have no interest in generalizing to other problems, so not only is overfitting okay, it’s ideal. See the following listing.

Listing 9.28. Train your Shakespearean chatbot
>>> epochs = 6
>>> batch_size = 128
>>> model_structure = model.to_json()
>>> with open("shakes_lstm_model.json", "w") as json_file:
>>>     json_file.write(model_structure)
>>> for i in range(5):                              1
..., y,
...               batch_size=batch_size,
...               epochs=epochs)
...     model.save_weights("shakes_lstm_weights_{}.h5".format(i+1))
Epoch 1/6
125168/125168 [==============================] - 266s - loss: 2.0310
Epoch 2/6
125168/125168 [==============================] - 257s - loss: 1.6851

  • 1 This is one way to train the model for a while, save its state, and then continue training. Keras also has a callback function built in that does similar tasks when called.

This setup saves the model every six epochs and keeps training. If it stops reducing the loss, further training is no longer worth the cycles, so you can safely stop the process and have a saved weight set within a few epochs. We found it takes 20 to 30 epochs to start to get something decent from this dataset. You can look to expand the dataset. Shakespeare’s works are readily available in the public domain. Just be sure to strive for consistency by appropriately preprocessing if you get them from disparate sources. Fortunately character-based models don’t have to worry about tokenizers and sentence segmenters, but your case-folding approach could be important. We used a sledgehammer. You might find a softer touch works better.

Let’s make our own play! Because the output vectors are 50-D vectors describing a probability distribution over the 50 possible output characters, you can sample from that distribution. The Keras example has a helper function to do just that, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 9.29. Sampler to generate character sequences
>>> import random
>>> def sample(preds, temperature=1.0):
...     preds = np.asarray(preds).astype('float64')
...     preds = np.log(preds) / temperature
...     exp_preds = np.exp(preds)
...     preds = exp_preds / np.sum(exp_preds)
...     probas = np.random.multinomial(1, preds, 1)
...     return np.argmax(probas)

Because the last layer in the network is a softmax, the output vector will be a probability distribution over all possible outputs of the network. By looking at the highest value in the output vector, you can see what the network thinks has the highest probability of being the next character. In explicit terms, the index of the output vector with the highest value (which will be between 0 and 1) will correlate with the index of the one-hot encoding of the expected token.

But here you aren’t looking to exactly recreate what the input text was, but instead just what is likely to come next. Just as in a Markov chain, the next token is selected randomly based on the probability of the next token, not the most commonly occurring next token.

The effect of dividing the log by the temperature is flattening (temperature > 1) or sharpening (temperature < 1) the probability distribution. So a temperature (or diversity in the calling arguments) less than 1 will tend toward a more strict attempt to recreate the original text. Whereas a temp greater than 1 will produce a more diverse outcome, but as the distribution flattens, the learned patterns begin to wash away and you tend back toward nonsense. Higher diversities are fun to play with though.

The numpy random function multinomial(num_samples, probabilities _list, size) will make num_samples from the distribution whose possible outcomes are described by probabilities_list, and it’ll output a list of length size, which is equal to the number of times the experiment is run. So in this case, you’ll draw once from the probability distribution. You only need one sample.

When you go to predict, the Keras example has you cycle through various different values for the temperature, because each prediction will see a range of different outputs based on the temperature used in the sample function to sample from the probability distribution. See the following listing.

Listing 9.30. Generate three texts with three diversity levels
>>> import sys
>>> start_index = random.randint(0, len(text) - maxlen - 1)
>>> for diversity in [0.2, 0.5, 1.0]:
...     print()
...     print('----- diversity:', diversity)
...     generated = ''
...     sentence = text[start_index: start_index + maxlen]
...     generated += sentence
...     print('----- Generating with seed: "' + sentence + '"')
...     sys.stdout.write(generated)
...     for i in range(400):
...         x = np.zeros((1, maxlen, len(chars)))
...         for t, char in enumerate(sentence):      1
...             x[0, t, char_indices[char]] = 1.
...         preds = model.predict(x, verbose=0)[0]   2
...         next_index = sample(preds, diversity)
...         next_char = indices_char[next_index]     3
...         generated += next_char
...         sentence = sentence[1:] + next_char      4
...         sys.stdout.write(next_char)
...         sys.stdout.flush()                       5
...     print()

  • 1 You seed the trained network and see what it spits out as the next character.
  • 2 Model makes a prediction.
  • 3 Look up which character that index represents.
  • 4 Add it to the “seed” and drop the first character to keep the length the same. This is now the seed for the next pass.
  • 5 Flushes the internal buffer to the console so your character appears immediately

(Diversity 1.2 from the example was removed for brevity’s sake, but feel free to add it back in and play with the output.)

You’re taking a random chunk of 40 (maxlen) characters from the source and predicting what character will come next. You then append that predicted character to the input sentence, drop the first character, and predict again on those 40 characters as your input. Each time you write out the predicted character to the console (or a string buffer) and flush() so that your character immediately goes to the console. If the predicted character happens to be a newline, then that ends the line of text, but your generator keeps rolling along predicting the next line from the previous 40 characters it just output.

And what do you get? Something like this:

----- diversity: 0.2
----- Generating with seed: " them through & through
the most fond an"
 them through & through
the most fond and stranger the straite to the straite
him a father the world, and the straite:
the straite is the straite to the common'd,
and the truth, and the truth, and the capitoll,
and stay the compurse of the true then the dead and the colours,
and the comparyed the straite the straite
the mildiaus, and the straite of the bones,
and what is the common the bell to the straite
the straite in the commised and
----- diversity: 0.5
----- Generating with seed: " them through & through
the most fond an"
 them through & through
the most fond and the pindage it at them for
that i shall pround-be be the house, not that we be not the selfe,
and thri's the bate and the perpaine, to depart of the father now
but ore night in a laid of the haid, and there is it
   bru. what shall greefe vndernight of it

   cassi. what shall the straite, and perfire the peace,
and defear'd and soule me to me a ration,
and we will steele the words them with th
----- diversity: 1.0
----- Generating with seed: " them through & through
the most fond an"
 them through & through
the most fond and boy'd report alone
   yp. it best we will st of me at that come sleepe.
but you yet it enemy wrong, 'twas sir
   ham. the pirey too me, it let you?
  son. oh a do a sorrall you. that makino
beendumons vp?x, let vs cassa,
yet his miltrow addome knowlmy in his windher,
a vertues. hoie sleepe, or strong a strong at it
mades manish swill about a time shall trages,
and follow. more. heere shall abo

Diversity 0.2 and 0.5 both give us something that looks a little like Shakespeare at first glance. Diversity 1.0 (given this dataset) starts to go off the rails fairly quickly, but note that some basic structures, such as the line break followed by a character’s abbreviated name, still show up. All in all, not bad for a relatively simple model, and definitely something you can have fun with generating text for a given style.

Making your generator more useful

If you want to use a generative model for more than just fun, what might you do to make it more consistent and useful?

  • Expand the quantity and quality of the corpus.
  • Expand the complexity of the model (number of neurons).
  • Implement a more refined case folding algorithm.
  • Segment sentences.
  • Add filters on grammar, spelling, and tone to match your needs.
  • Generate many more examples than you actually show your users.
  • Use seed texts chosen from the context of the session to steer the chatbot toward useful topics.
  • Use multiple different seed texts within each dialog round to explore what the chatbot can talk about well and what the user finds helpful.

See figure 1.4 for more ideas. Maybe it’ll make more sense now than when you first looked at it.

9.1.8. Learned how to say, but not yet what

So you’re generating novel text based solely on example text. And from that you’re learning to pick up style. But, and this is somewhat counterintuitive, you have no control over what is being said. The context is limited to the source data, as that’ll limit its vocabulary if nothing else. But given an input, you can train toward what you think the original author or authors would say. And the best you can really hope for from this kind of model is how they would say it—specifically how they would finish saying what was started with a specific seed sentence. That sentence by no means has to come from the text itself. Because the model is trained on characters themselves, you can use novel words as the seed and get interesting results. Now you have fodder for an entertaining chatbot. But to have your bot say something of substance and in a certain style, you’ll have to wait until the next chapter.

9.1.9. Other kinds of memory

LSTMs are an extension of the basic concepts of a recurrent neural net, and a variety of other extensions exist in the same vein. All of them are slight variations on the number or operations of the gates inside the cell. The gated recurrent unit, for example, combines the forget gate and the candidate choice branch from the candidate gate into a single update gate. This gate saves on the number of parameters to learn and has been shown to be comparable to a standard LSTM while being that much less computationally expensive. Keras provides a GRU layer that you can use just as with LSTMs, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 9.31. Gated recurrent units in Keras
>>> from keras.models import Sequential
>>> from keras.layers import GRU
>>> model = Sequential()
>>> model.add(GRU(num_neurons, return_sequences=True,
...               input_shape=X[0].shape))

Another technique is to use an LSTM with peephole connections. Keras doesn’t have a direct implementation of this, but several examples on the web extend the Keras LSTM class to do this. The idea is that each gate in a standard LSTM cell has access to the current memory state directly, taken in as part of its input. As described in the paper Learning Precise Timing with LSTM Recurrent Networks,[10] the gates contain additional weights of the same dimension as the memory state. The input to each gate is then a concatenation of the input to the cell at that time step and the output of the cell from the previous time step and the memory state itself. The authors found more precise modeling of the timing of events in time series data. Although they weren’t working specifically in the NLP domain, the concept has validity here as well, but we leave it to the reader to experiment with that.


Those are just two of the RNN/LSTM derivatives out there. Experiments are ever ongoing, and we encourage you to join the fun. The tools are all readily available, so finding the next newest greatest iteration is in the reach of all.

9.1.10. Going deeper

It’s convenient to think of the memory unit as encoding a specific representation of noun/verb pairs or sentence-to-sentence verb tense references, but that isn’t specifically what’s going on. It’s just a happy byproduct of the patterns that the network learns, assuming the training went well. Like in any neural network, layering allows the model to form more-complex representations of the patterns in the training data. And you can just as easily stack LSTM layers (see figure 9.13).

Figure 9.13. Stacked LSTM

Stacked layers are much more computationally expensive to train. But stacking them takes only a few seconds in Keras. See the following listing.

Listing 9.32. Two LSTM layers
>>> from keras.models import Sequential
>>> from keras.layers import LSTM
>>> model = Sequential()
>>> model.add(LSTM(num_neurons, return_sequences=True,
...                input_shape=X[0].shape))
>>> model.add(LSTM(num_neurons_2, return_sequences=True))

Note that the parameter return_sequences=True is required in the first and intermediary layers for the model to build correctly. This requirement makes sense because the output at each time step is needed as the input for the time steps of the next layer.

Remember, however, that creating a model that’s capable of representing more-complex relationships than are present in the training data can lead to strange results. Simply piling layers onto the model, while fun, is rarely the answer to building the most useful model.


  • Remembering information with memory units enables more accurate and general models of the sequence.
  • It’s important to forget information that is no longer relevant.
  • Only some new information needs to be retained for the upcoming input, and LSTMs can be trained to find it.
  • If you can predict what comes next, you can generate novel text from probabilities.
  • Character-based models can more efficiently and successfully learn from small, focused corpora than word-based models.
  • LSTM thought vectors capture much more than just the sum of the words in a statement.
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