Chapter 6. Reasoning with word vectors (Word2vec)

This chapter covers

  • Understanding how word vectors are created
  • Using pretrained models for your applications
  • Reasoning with word vectors to solve real problems
  • Visualizing word vectors
  • Uncovering some surprising uses for word embeddings

One of the most exciting recent advancements in NLP is the “discovery” of word vectors. This chapter will help you understand what they are and how to use them to do some surprisingly powerful things. You’ll learn how to recover some of the fuzziness and subtlety of word meaning that was lost in the approximations of earlier chapters.

In the previous chapters, we ignored the nearby context of a word. We ignored the words around each word. We ignored the effect the neighbors of a word have on its meaning and how those relationships affect the overall meaning of a statement. Our bag-of-words concept jumbled all the words from each document together into a statistical bag. In this chapter, you’ll create much smaller bags of words from a “neighborhood” of only a few words, typically fewer than 10 tokens. You’ll also ensure that these neighborhoods of meaning don’t spill over into adjacent sentences. This process will help focus your word vector training on the relevant words.

Our new word vectors will be able to identify synonyms, antonyms, or words that just belong to the same category, such as people, animals, places, plants, names, or concepts. We could do that before, with latent semantic analysis in chapter 4, but your tighter limits on a word’s neighborhood will be reflected in tighter accuracy of the word vectors. Latent semantic analysis of words, n-grams, and documents didn’t capture all the literal meanings of a word, much less the implied or hidden meanings. Some of the connotations of a word are lost with LSA’s oversized bags of words.

Word vectors

Word vectors are numerical vector representations of word semantics, or meaning, including literal and implied meaning. So word vectors can capture the connotation of words, like “peopleness,” “animalness,” “placeness,” “thingness,” and even “conceptness.” And they combine all that into a dense vector (no zeros) of floating point values. This dense vector enables queries and logical reasoning.

6.1. Semantic queries and analogies

Well, what are these awesome word vectors good for? Have you ever tried to recall a famous person’s name but you only have a general impression of them, like maybe this:

She invented something to do with physics in Europe in the early 20th century.

If you enter that sentence into Google or Bing, you may not get the direct answer you’re looking for, “Marie Curie.” Google Search will most likely only give you links to lists of famous physicists, both men and women. You’d have to skim several pages to find the answer you’re looking for. But once you found “Marie Curie,” Google or Bing would keep note of that. They might get better at providing you search results the next time you look for a scientist.[1]


At least, that’s what it did for us in researching this book. We had to use private browser windows to ensure that your search results would be similar to ours.

With word vectors, you can search for words or names that combine the meaning of the words “woman,” “Europe,” “physics,” “scientist,” and “famous,” and that would get you close to the token “Marie Curie” that you’re looking for. And all you have to do to make that happen is add up the word vectors for each of those words that you want to combine:

>>> answer_vector = wv['woman'] + wv['Europe'] + wv[physics'] +
...     wv['scientist']

In this chapter, we show you the exact way to do this query. And we even show you how to subtract gender bias from the word vectors used to compute your answer:

>>> answer_vector = wv['woman'] + wv['Europe'] + wv[physics'] +
...     wv['scientist'] - wv['male'] - 2 * wv['man']

With word vectors, you can take the “man” out of “woman”!

6.1.1. Analogy questions

What if you could rephrase your question as an analogy question? What if your “query” was something like this:

Who is to nuclear physics what Louis Pasteur is to germs?

Again, Google Search, Bing, and even Duck Duck Go aren’t much help with this one.[2] But with word vectors, the solution is as simple as subtracting “germs” from “Louis Pasteur” and then adding in some “physics”:


Try them all if you don’t believe us.

>>> answer_vector = wv['Louis_Pasteur'] - wv['germs'] + wv['physics']

And if you’re interested in trickier analogies about people in unrelated fields, such as musicians and scientists, you can do that, too:

Who is the Marie Curie of music?


Marie Curie is to science as who is to music?

Can you figure out what the word vector math would be for these questions?

You might have seen questions like these on the English analogy section of standardized tests such as SAT, ACT, or GRE exams. Sometimes they are written in formal mathematical notation like this:


Does that make it easier to guess the word vector math? One possibility is this:

>>> wv['Marie_Curie'] - wv['science'] + wv['music']

And you can answer questions like this for things other than people and occupations, like perhaps sports teams and cities:

The Timbers are to Portland as what is to Seattle?

In standardized test form, that’s


But, more commonly, standardized tests use English vocabulary words and ask less fun questions, like the following:




All those “tip of the tongue” questions are a piece of cake for word vectors, even though they aren’t multiple choice. When you’re trying to remember names or words, just thinking of the A, B, C, and D multiple choice options can be difficult. NLP comes to the rescue with word vectors.

Word vectors can answer these vague questions and analogy problems. Word vectors can help you remember any word or name on the tip of your tongue, as long as the word vector for the answer exists in your word vector vocabulary.[3] And word vectors work well even for questions that you can’t even pose in the form of a search query or analogy. You can learn about some of this non-query math with word vectors in section 6.2.1.


For Google’s pretrained word vector model, your word is almost certainly within the 100B word news feed that Google trained it on, unless your word was invented after 2013.

6.2. Word vectors

In 2012, Thomas Mikolov, an intern at Microsoft, found a way to encode the meaning of words in a modest number of vector dimensions.[4] Mikolov trained a neural network[5] to predict word occurrences near each target word. In 2013, once at Google, Mikolov and his teammates released the software for creating these word vectors and called it Word2vec.[6]


Word vectors typically have 100 to 500 dimensions, depending on the breadth of information in the corpus used to train them.


It’s only a single-layer network, so almost any linear machine learning model will also work. Logistic regression, truncated SVD, linear discriminant analysis, and Naive Bayes would all work well.


“Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space,” Sep 2013, Mikolov, Chen, Corrado, and Dean (

Word2vec learns the meaning of words merely by processing a large corpus of unlabeled text. No one has to label the words in the Word2vec vocabulary. No one has to tell the Word2vec algorithm that Marie Curie is a scientist, that the Timbers are a soccer team, that Seattle is a city, or that Portland is a city in both Oregon and Maine. And no one has to tell Word2vec that soccer is a sport, or that a team is a group of people, or that cities are both places as well as communities. Word2vec can learn that and much more, all on its own! All you need is a corpus large enough to mention Marie Curie and Timbers and Portland near other words associated with science or soccer or cities.

This unsupervised nature of Word2vec is what makes it so powerful. The world is full of unlabeled, uncategorized, unstructured natural language text.

Unsupervised learning and supervised learning are two radically different approaches to machine learning.

Supervised learning

In supervised learning, the training data must be labeled in some way. An example of a label is the spam categorical label on an SMS message in chapter 4. Another example is the quantitative value for the number of likes of a tweet. Supervised learning is what most people think of when they think of machine learning. A supervised model can only get better if it can measure the difference between the expected output (the label) and its predictions.

In contrast, unsupervised learning enables a machine to learn directly from data, without any assistance from humans. The training data doesn’t have to be organized, structured, or labeled by a human. So unsupervised learning algorithms like Word2vec are perfect for natural language text.

Unsupervised learning

In unsupervised learning, you train the model to perform a task, but without any labels, only the raw data. Clustering algorithms such as k-means or DBSCAN are examples of unsupervised learning. Dimension reduction algorithms like principal component analysis (PCA) and t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) are also unsupervised machine learning techniques. In unsupervised learning, the model finds patterns in the relationships between the data points themselves. An unsupervised model can get smarter (more accurate) just by throwing more data at it.

Instead of trying to train a neural network to learn the target word meanings directly (on the basis of labels for that meaning), you teach the network to predict words near the target word in your sentences. So in this sense, you do have labels: the nearby words you’re trying to predict. But because the labels are coming from the dataset itself and require no hand-labeling, the Word2vec training algorithm is definitely an unsupervised learning algorithm.

Another domain where this unsupervised training technique is used is in time series modeling. Time series models are often trained to predict the next value in a sequence based on a window of previous values. Time series problems are remarkably similar to natural language problems in a lot of ways, because they deal with ordered sequences of values (words or numbers).

And the prediction itself isn’t what makes Word2vec work. The prediction is merely a means to an end. What you do care about is the internal representation, the vector that Word2vec gradually builds up to help it generate those predictions. This representation will capture much more of the meaning of the target word (its semantics) than the word-topic vectors that came out of latent semantic analysis and latent Dirichlet allocation in chapter 4.


Models that learn by trying to repredict the input using a lower-dimensional internal representation are called autoencoders. This may seem odd to you. It’s like asking the machine to echo back what you just asked it, only it can’t record the question as you’re saying it. The machine has to compress your question into shorthand. And it has to use the same shorthand algorithm (function) for all the questions you ask it. The machine learns a new shorthand (vector) representation of your statements.

If you want to learn more about unsupervised deep learning models that create compressed representations of high-dimensional objects like words, search for the term “autoencoder.”[7] They’re also a common way to get started with neural nets, because they can be applied to almost any dataset.


See the web page titled “Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning Tutorial” (

Word2vec will learn about things you might not think to associate with all words. Did you know that every word has some geography, sentiment (positivity), and gender associated with it? If any word in your corpus has some quality, like “placeness,” “peopleness,” “conceptness,” or “femaleness,” all the other words will also be given a score for these qualities in your word vectors. The meaning of a word “rubs off” on the neighboring words when Word2vec learns word vectors.

All words in your corpus will be represented by numerical vectors, similar to the word-topic vectors discussed in chapter 4. Only this time the topics mean something more specific, more precise. In LSA, words only had to occur in the same document to have their meaning “rub off” on each other and get incorporated into their word-topic vectors. For Word2vec word vectors, the words must occur near each other—typically fewer than five words apart and within the same sentence. And Word2vec word vector topic weights can be added and subtracted to create new word vectors that mean something!

A mental model that may help you understand word vectors is to think of word vectors as a list of weights or scores. Each weight or score is associated with a specific dimension of meaning for that word. See the following listing.

Listing 6.1. Compute nessvector
>>> from import *    1
>>> nessvector('Marie_Curie').round(2)
placeness     -0.46
peopleness     0.35                                       2
animalness     0.17
conceptness   -0.32
femaleness     0.26

  • 1 Don’t import this module unless you have a lot of RAM and a lot of time. The pretrained Word2vec model is huge.
  • 2 I’m sure your nessvector dimensions will be much more fun and useful, like “trumpness” and “ghandiness.”

You can compute “nessvectors” for any word or n-gram in the Word2vec vocabulary using the tools from nlpia ( And this approach will work for any “ness” components that you can dream up.

Mikolov developed the Word2vec algorithm while trying to think of ways to numerically represent words in vectors. He wasn’t satisfied with the less accurate word sentiment math you did in chapter 4. He wanted to do vector-oriented reasoning, like you just did in the previous section with those analogy questions. This concept may sound fancy, but really it means that you can do math with word vectors and that the answer makes sense when you translate the vectors back into words. You can add and subtract word vectors to reason about the words they represent and answer questions similar to your examples above, like the following:[8]


For those not up on sports, the Portland Timbers and Seattle Sounders are major league soccer teams.

wv['Timbers'] - wv['Portland'] + wv['Seattle'] = ?

Ideally you’d like this math (word vector reasoning) to give you this:


Similarly, your analogy question “'Marie Curie’ is to ‘physics’ as __ is to ‘classical music’?” can be thought about as a math expression like this:

wv['Marie_Curie'] - wv['physics'] + wv['classical_music'] = ?

In this chapter, we want to improve on the LSA word vector representations we introduced in the previous chapter. Topic vectors constructed from entire documents using LSA are great for document classification, semantic search, and clustering. But the topic-word vectors that LSA produces aren’t accurate enough to be used for semantic reasoning or classification and clustering of short phrases or compound words. You’ll soon learn how to train the single-layer neural networks required to produce these more accurate and more fun word vectors. And you’ll see why they have replaced LSA word-topic vectors for many applications involving short documents or statements.

6.2.1. Vector-oriented reasoning

Word2vec was first presented publicly in 2013 at the ACL conference.[9] The talk with the dry-sounding title “Linguistic Regularities in Continuous Space Word Representations” described a surprisingly accurate language model. Word2vec embeddings were four times more accurate (45%) compared to equivalent LSA models (11%) at answering analogy questions like those above.[10] The accuracy improvement was so surprising, in fact, that Mikolov’s initial paper was rejected by the International Conference on Learning Representations.[11] Reviewers thought that the model’s performance was too good to be true. It took nearly a year for Mikolov’s team to release the source code and get accepted to the Association for Computational Linguistics.


See the PDF “Linguistic Regularities in Continuous Space Word Representations,” by Tomas Mikolov, Wentau Yih, and Geoffrey Zweig (


See Radim Řehů řek’s interview of Tomas Mikolov (


Suddenly, with word vectors, questions like

Portland Timbers + Seattle - Portland = ?

can be solved with vector algebra (see figure 6.1).

Figure 6.1. Geometry of Word2vec math

The Word2vec model contains information about the relationships between words, including similarity. The Word2vec model “knows” that the terms Portland and Portland Timbers are roughly the same distance apart as Seattle and Seattle Sounders. And those distances (differences between the pairs of vectors) are in roughly the same direction. So the Word2vec model can be used to answer your sports team analogy question. You can add the difference between Portland and Seattle to the vector that represents the Portland Timbers, which should get you close to the vector for the term Seattle Sounders:

Equation 6.2. Compute the answer to the soccer team question

After adding and subtracting word vectors, your resultant vector will almost never exactly equal one of the vectors in your word vector vocabulary. Word2vec word vectors usually have 100s of dimensions, each with continuous real values. Nonetheless, the vector in your vocabulary that is closest to the resultant will often be the answer to your NLP question. The English word associated with that nearby vector is the natural language answer to your question about sports teams and cities.

Word2vec allows you to transform your natural language vectors of token occurrence counts and frequencies into the vector space of much lower-dimensional Word2vec vectors. In this lower-dimensional space, you can do your math and then convert back to a natural language space. You can imagine how useful this capability is to a chatbot, search engine, question answering system, or information extraction algorithm.


The initial paper in 2013 by Mikolov and his colleagues was able to achieve an answer accuracy of only 40%. But back in 2013, the approach outperformed any other semantic reasoning approach by a significant margin. Since the initial publication, the performance of Word2vec has improved further. This was accomplished by training it on extremely large corpora. The reference implementation was trained on the 100 billion words from the Google News Corpus. This is the pretrained model you’ll see used in this book a lot.

The research team also discovered that the difference between a singular and a plural word is often roughly the same magnitude, and in the same direction:

Equation 6.2. Distance between the singular and plural versions of a word

But their discovery didn’t stop there. They also discovered that the distance relationships go far beyond simple singular versus plural relationships. Distances apply to other semantic relationships. The Word2vec researchers soon discovered they could answer questions that involve geography, culture, and demographics, like this:

"San Francisco is to California as what is to Colorado?"
San Francisco - California + Colorado = Denver
More reasons to use word vectors

Vector representations of words are useful not only for reasoning and analogy problems, but also for all the other things you use natural language vector space models for. From pattern matching to modeling and visualization, your NLP pipeline’s accuracy and usefulness will improve if you know how to use the word vectors from this chapter.

For example, later in this chapter we show you how to visualize word vectors on 2D semantic maps like the one shown in figure 6.2. You can think of this like a cartoon map of a popular tourist destination or one of those impressionistic maps you see on bus stop posters. In these cartoon maps, things that are close to each other semantically as well as geographically get squished together. For cartoon maps, the artist adjusts the scale and position of icons for various locations to match the “feel” of the place. With word vectors, the machine too can have a feel for words and places and how far apart they should be. So your machine will be able to generate impressionistic maps like the one in figure 6.2 using word vectors you are learning about in this chapter.[12]


You can find the code for generating these interactive 2D word plots at

Figure 6.2. Word vectors for ten US cities projected onto a 2D map

If you’re familiar with these US cities, you might realize that this isn’t an accurate geographic map, but it’s a pretty good semantic map. I, for one, often confuse the two large Texas cities, Houston and Dallas, and they have almost identical word vectors. And the word vectors for the big California cities make a nice triangle of culture in my mind.

And word vectors are great for chatbots and search engines too. For these applications, word vectors can help overcome some of the rigidity, brittleness of pattern, or keyword matching. Say you were searching for information about a famous person from Houston, Texas, but didn’t realize they’d moved to Dallas. From figure 6.2, you can see that a semantic search using word vectors could easily figure out a search involving city names such as Dallas and Houston. And even though character-based patterns wouldn’t understand the difference between “tell me about a Denver omelette” and “tell me about the Denver Nuggets,” a word vector pattern could. Patterns based on word vectors would likely be able to differentiate between the food item (omelette) and the basketball team (Nuggets) and respond appropriately to a user asking about either.

6.2.2. How to compute Word2vec representations

Word vectors represent the semantic meaning of words as vectors in the context of the training corpus. This allows you not only to answer analogy questions but also reason about the meaning of words in more general ways with vector algebra. But how do you calculate these vector representations? There are two possible ways to train Word2vec embeddings:

  • The skip-gram approach predicts the context of words (output words) from a word of interest (the input word).
  • The continuous bag-of-words (CBOW) approach predicts the target word (the output word) from the nearby words (input words). We show you how and when to use each of these to train a Word2vec model in the coming sections.

The computation of the word vector representations can be resource intensive. Luckily, for most applications, you won’t need to compute your own word vectors. You can rely on pretrained representations for a broad range of applications. Companies that deal with large corpora and can afford the computation have open sourced their pretrained word vector models. Later in this chapter we introduce you to using these other pretrained word models, such as GloVe and fastText.


Pretrained word vector representations are available for corpora like Wikipedia, DBPedia, Twitter, and Freebase.[13] These pretrained models are great starting points for your word vector applications:


See the web page titled “GitHub - 3Top/word2vec-api: Simple web service providing a word embedding model” (

But if your domain relies on specialized vocabulary or semantic relationships, general-purpose word models won’t be sufficient. For example, if the word “python” should unambiguously represent the programming language instead of the reptile, a domain-specific word model is needed. If you need to constrain your word vectors to their usage in a particular domain, you’ll need to train them on text from that domain.

Skip-gram approach

In the skip-gram training approach, you’re trying to predict the surrounding window of words based on an input word. In the sentence about Monet, in our following example, “painted” is the training input to the neural network. The corresponding training output example skip-grams are shown in figure 6.3. The predicted words for these skip-grams are the neighboring words “Claude,” “Monet,” “the,” and “Grand.”

Figure 6.3. Training input and output example for the skip-gram approach

What is a skip-gram?

Skip-grams are n-grams that contain gaps because you skip over intervening tokens. In this example, you’re predicting “Claude” from the input token “painted,” and you skip over the token “Monet.”

The structure of the neural network used to predict the surrounding words is similar to the networks you learned about in chapter 5. As you can see in figure 6.4, the network consists of two layers of weights, where the hidden layer consists of n neurons; n is the number of vector dimensions used to represent a word. Both the input and output layers contain M neurons, where M is the number of words in the model’s vocabulary. The output layer activation function is a softmax, which is commonly used for classification problems.

What is softmax?

The softmax function is often used as the activation function in the output layer of neural networks when the network’s goal is to learn classification problems. The softmax will squash the output results between 0 and 1, and the sum of all outputs will always add up to 1. That way, the results of an output layer with a softmax function can be considered as probabilities.

For each of the K output nodes, the softmax output value can be calculated using the normalized exponential function:

If your output vector of a three-neuron output layer looks like this

Equation 6.3. Example 3D vector

The “squashed” vector after the softmax activation would look like this:

Equation 6.4. Example 3D vector after softmax

Notice that the sum of these values (rounded to three significant digits) is approximately 1.0, like a probability distribution.

Figure 6.4 shows the numerical network input and output for the first two surrounding words. In this case, the input word is “Monet,” and the expected output of the network is either “Claude” or “painted,” depending on the training pair.

Figure 6.4. Network example for the skip-gram training


When you look at the structure of the neural network for word embedding, you’ll notice that the implementation looks similar to what you discovered in chapter 5.

How does the network learn the vector representations?

To train a Word2vec model, you’re using techniques from chapter 2. For example, in table 6.1, wt represents the one-hot vector for the token at position t. So if you want to train a Word2vec model using a skip-gram window size (radius) of two words, you’re considering the two words before and after each target word. You would then use your 5-gram tokenizer from chapter 2 to turn a sentence like this

>>> sentence = "Claude Monet painted the Grand Canal of Venice in 1806."

into 10 5-grams with the input word at the center, one for each of the 10 words in the original sentence.

Table 6.1. Ten 5-grams for sentence about Monet

Input word wt

Expected output wt-2

Expected output wt-1

Expected output wt+1

Expected output wt+2

Claude Monet painted
Monet Claude painted the
painted Claude Monet the Grand
the Monet painted Grand Canal
Grand painted the Canal of
Canal the Grand of Venice
of Grand Canal Venice in
Venice Canal of in 1908
in of Venice 1908
1908 Venice in

The training set consisting of the input word and the surrounding (output) words are now the basis for the training of the neural network. In the case of four surrounding words, you would use four training iterations, where each output word is being predicted based on the input word.

Each of the words are represented as one-hot vectors before they are presented to the network (see chapter 2). The output vector for a neural network doing embedding is similar to a one-hot vector as well. The softmax activation of the output layer nodes (one for each token in the vocabulary) calculates the probability of an output word being found as a surrounding word of the input word. The output vector of word probabilities can then be converted into a one-hot vector where the word with the highest probability will be converted to 1, and all remaining terms will be set to 0. This simplifies the loss calculation.

After training of the neural network is completed, you’ll notice that the weights have been trained to represent the semantic meaning. Thanks to the one-hot vector conversion of your tokens, each row in the weight matrix represents each word from the vocabulary for your corpus. After the training, semantically similar words will have similar vectors, because they were trained to predict similar surrounding words. This is purely magical!

After the training is complete and you decide not to train your word model any further, the output layer of the network can be ignored. Only the weights of the inputs to the hidden layer are used as the embeddings. Or in other words: the weight matrix is your word embedding. The dot product between the one-hot vector representing the input term and the weights then represents the word vector embedding.

Retrieving word vectors with linear algebra

The weights of a hidden layer in a neural network are often represented as a matrix: one column per input neuron, one row per output neuron. This allows the weight matrix to be multiplied by the column vector of inputs coming from the previous layer to generate a column vector of outputs going to the next layer (see figure 6.5). So if you multiply (dot product) a one-hot row vector by the trained weight matrix, you’ll get a vector that is one weight from each neuron (from each matrix column). This also works if you take the weight matrix and multiply it (dot product) by a one-hot column vector for the word you are interested in.

Of course, the one-hot vector dot product just selects that row from your weight matrix that contains the weights for that word, which is your word vector. So you could easily retrieve that row by just selecting it, using the word’s row number or index number from your vocabulary.

Figure 6.5. Conversion of one-hot vector to word vector

Continuous bag-of-words approach

In the continuous bag-of-words approach, you’re trying to predict the center word based on the surrounding words (see figures 6.5 and 6.6 and table 6.2). Instead of creating pairs of input and output tokens, you’ll create a multi-hot vector of all surrounding terms as an input vector. The multi-hot input vector is the sum of all one-hot vectors of the surrounding tokens to the center, target token.

Figure 6.6. Training input and output example for the CBOW approach

Table 6.2. Ten CBOW 5-grams from sentence about Monet

Input word wt-2

Input word wt-1

Input word wt+1

Input word wt+2

Expected output wt

Monet painted Claude
Claude painted the Monet
Claude Monet the Grand painted
Monet painted Grand Canal the
painted the Canal of Grand
the Grand of Venice Canal
Grand Canal Venice in of
Canal of in 1908 Venice
of Venice 1908 in
Venice in 1908

Based on the training sets, you can create your multi-hot vectors as inputs and map them to the target word as output. The multi-hot vector is the sum of the one-hot vectors of the surrounding words’ training pairs wt-2 + wt-1 + wt+1 + wt+2. You then build the training pairs with the multi-hot vector as the input and the target word wt as the output. During the training, the output is derived from the softmax of the output node with the highest probability (see figure 6.7).

Figure 6.7. CBOW Word2vec network

Continuous bag of words vs. bag of words

In previous chapters, we introduced the concept of a bag of words, but how is it different than a continuous bag of words? To establish the relationships between words in a sentence you slide a rolling window across the sentence to select the surrounding words for the target word. All words within the sliding window are considered to be the content of the continuous bag of words for the target word at the middle of that window.

Example for a continuous bag of words passing a rolling window of five words over the sentence “Claude Monet painted the Grand Canal of Venice in 1908.” The word painted is the target or center word within a five-word rolling window. “Claude,” “Monet,” “the,” and “Grand” are the four surrounding words for the first CBOW rolling window.

Skip-gram vs. CBOW: when to use which approach

Mikolov highlighted that the skip-gram approach works well with small corpora and rare terms. With the skip-gram approach, you’ll have more examples due to the network structure. But the continuous bag-of-words approach shows higher accuracies for frequent words and is much faster to train.

Computational tricks of Word2vec

After the initial publication, the performance of Word2vec models has been improved through various computational tricks. In this section, we highlight three improvements.

Frequent bigrams

Some words often occur in combination with other words—for example, “Elvis” is often followed by “Presley”—and therefore form bigrams. Since the word “Elvis” would occur with “Presley” with a high probability, you don’t really gain much value from this prediction. In order to improve the accuracy of the Word2vec embedding, Mikolov’s team included some bigrams and trigrams as terms in the Word2vec vocabulary. The team[16] used co-occurrence frequency to identify bigrams and trigrams that should be considered single terms, using the following scoring function:


The publication by the team around Tomas Mikolov ( provides more details.

Equation 6.5. Bigram scoring function

If the words wi and wj result in a high score and the score is above the threshold d, they will be included in the Word2vec vocabulary as a pair term. You’ll notice that the vocabulary of the model contains terms like “New_York” and “San_Francisco.” The token of frequently occurring bigrams connects the two words with a character (usually “_”). That way, these terms will be represented as a single one-hot vector instead of two separate ones, such as for “San” and “Francisco.”

Another effect of the word pairs is that the word combination often represents a different meaning than the individual words. For example, the MLS soccer team Portland Timbers has a different meaning than the individual words Portland and Timbers. But by adding oft-occurring bigrams like team names to the Word2vec model, they can easily be included in the one-hot vector for model training.

Subsampling frequent tokens

Another accuracy improvement to the original algorithm was to subsample frequent words. Common words like “the” or “a” often don’t carry significant information. And the co-occurrence of the word “the” with a broad variety of other nouns in the corpus might create less meaningful connections between words, muddying the Word2vec representation with this false semantic similarity training.


All words carry meaning, including stop words. So stop words shouldn’t be completely ignored or skipped while training your word vectors or composing your vocabulary. In addition, because word vectors are often used in generative models (like the model Cole used to compose sentences in this book), stop words and other common words must be included in your vocabulary and are allowed to affect the word vectors of their neighboring words.

To reduce the emphasis on frequent words like stop words, words are sampled during training in inverse proportion to their frequency. The effect of this is similar to the IDF effect on TF-IDF vectors. Frequent words are given less influence over the vector than the rarer words. Tomas Mikolov used the following equation to determine the probability of sampling a given word. This probability determines whether or not a particular word is included in a particular skip-gram during training:

Equation 6.6. Subsampling probability in Mikolov’s Word2vec paper

The Word2vec C++ implementation uses a slightly different sampling probability than the one mentioned in the paper, but it has the same effect:

Equation 6.7. Subsampling probability in Mikolov’s Word2vec code

In the preceding equations, f(wi) represents the frequency of a word across the corpus, and t represents a frequency threshold above which you want to apply the subsampling probability. The threshold depends on your corpus size, average document length, and the variety of words used in those documents. Values between 10-5 and 10-6 are often found in the literature.

If a word shows up 10 times across your entire corpus, and your corpus has a vocabulary of one million distinct words, and you set the subsampling threshold to 10-6, the probability of keeping the word in any particular n-gram is 68%. You would skip it 32% of the time while composing your n-grams during tokenization.

Mikolov showed that subsampling improves the accuracy of the word vectors for tasks such as answering analogy questions.

Negative sampling

One last trick Mikolov came up with was the idea of negative sampling. If a single training example with a pair of words is presented to the network, it’ll cause all weights for the network to be updated. This changes the values of all the vectors for all the words in your vocabulary. But if your vocabulary contains thousands or millions of words, updating all the weights for the large one-hot vector is inefficient. To speed up the training of word vector models, Mikolov used negative sampling.

Instead of updating all word weights that weren’t included in the word window, Mikolov suggested sampling just a few negative samples (in the output vector) to update their weights. Instead of updating all weights, you pick n negative example word pairs (words that don’t match your target output for that example) and update the weights that contributed to their specific output. That way, the computation can be reduced dramatically and the performance of the trained network doesn’t decrease significantly.


If you train your word model with a small corpus, you might want to use a negative sampling rate of 5 to 20 samples. For larger corpora and vocabularies, you can reduce the negative sample rate to as low as two to five samples, according to Mikolov and his team.

6.2.3. How to use the gensim.word2vec module

If the previous section sounded too complicated, don’t worry. Various companies provide their pretrained word vector models, and popular NLP libraries for different programming languages allow you to use the pretrained models efficiently. In the following section, we look at how you can take advantage of the magic of word vectors. For word vectors you’ll use the popular gensim library, which you first saw in chapter 4.

If you’ve already installed the nlpia package,[17] you can download a pretrained Word2vec model with the following command:


See the README file at for installation instructions.

>>> from import get_data
>>> word_vectors = get_data('word2vec')

If that doesn’t work for you, or you like to “roll your own,” you can do a Google search for Word2vec models pretrained on Google News documents.[18] After you find and download the model in Google’s original binary format and put it in a local path, you can load it with the gensim package like this:


Google hosts the original model trained by Mikolov on Google Drive at

>>> from gensim.models.keyedvectors import KeyedVectors
>>> word_vectors = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(
...     '/path/to/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz', binary=True)

Working with word vectors can be memory intensive. If your available memory is limited or if you don’t want to wait minutes for the word vector model to load, you can reduce the number of words loaded into memory by passing in the limit keyword argument. In the following example, you’ll load the 200k most common words from the Google News corpus:

>>> from gensim.models.keyedvectors import KeyedVectors
>>> word_vectors = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(
...     '/path/to/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz',
...         binary=True, limit=200000)

But keep in mind that a word vector model with a limited vocabulary will lead to a lower performance of your NLP pipeline if your documents contain words that you haven’t loaded word vectors for. Therefore, you probably only want to limit the size of your word vector model during the development phase. For the rest of the examples in this chapter, you should use the complete Word2vec model if you want to get the same results we show here.

The gensim.KeyedVectors.most_similar() method provides an efficient way to find the nearest neighbors for any given word vector. The keyword argument positive takes a list of the vectors to be added together, similar to your soccer team example from the beginning of this chapter. Similarly, you can use the negative argument for subtraction and to exclude unrelated terms. The argument topn determines how many related terms should be provided as a return value.

Unlike a conventional thesaurus, Word2vec synonomy (similarity) is a continuous score, a distance. This is because Word2vec itself is a continuous vector space model. Word2vec high dimensionality and continuous values for each dimension enable it to capture the full range of meaning for any given word. That’s why analogies and even zeugmas, odd juxtopositions of multiple meanings within the same word, are no problem:[19]


Surfaces and Essences: Analogy as the Fuel and Fire of Thinking by Douglas Hoffstadter and Emmanuel Sander makes it clear why machines that can handle analogies and zeugmas are such a big deal.

>>> word_vectors.most_similar(positive=['cooking', 'potatoes'], topn=5)
[('cook', 0.6973530650138855),
 ('oven_roasting', 0.6754530668258667),
 ('Slow_cooker', 0.6742032170295715),
 ('sweet_potatoes', 0.6600279808044434),
 ('stir_fry_vegetables', 0.6548759341239929)]
>>> word_vectors.most_similar(positive=['germany', 'france'], topn=1)
[('europe', 0.7222039699554443)]

Word vector models also allow you to determine unrelated terms. The gensim library provides a method called doesnt_match:

>>> word_vectors.doesnt_match("potatoes milk cake computer".split())

To determine the most unrelated term of the list, the method returns the term with the highest distance to all other list terms.

If you want to perform calculations (such as the famous example king + woman - man = queen, which was the example that got Mikolov and his advisor excited in the first place), you can do that by adding a negative argument to the most_similar method call:

>>> word_vectors.most_similar(positive=['king', 'woman'],
...     negative=['man'], topn=2)
[('queen', 0.7118192315101624), ('monarch', 0.6189674139022827)]

The gensim library also allows you to calculate the similarity between two terms. If you want to compare two words and determine their cosine similarity, use the method .similarity():

>>> word_vectors.similarity('princess', 'queen')

If you want to develop your own functions and work with the raw word vectors, you can access them through Python’s square bracket syntax ([]) or the get() method on a KeyedVector instance. You can treat the loaded model object as a dictionary where your word of interest is the dictionary key. Each float in the returned array represents one of the vector dimensions. In the case of Google’s word model, your numpy arrays will have a shape of 1 x300:

>>> word_vectors['phone']
array([-0.01446533, -0.12792969, -0.11572266, -0.22167969, -0.07373047,
       -0.05981445, -0.10009766, -0.06884766,  0.14941406,  0.10107422,
       -0.03076172, -0.03271484, -0.03125   , -0.10791016,  0.12158203,
        0.16015625,  0.19335938,  0.0065918 , -0.15429688,  0.03710938,

If you’re wondering what all those numbers mean, you can find out. But it would take a lot of work. You would need to examine some synonyms and see which of the 300 numbers in the array they all share. Alternatively you can find the linear combination of these numbers that make up dimensions for things like “placeness” and “femaleness,” like you did at the beginning of this chapter.

6.2.4. How to generate your own word vector representations

In some cases, you may want to create your own domain-specific word vector models. Doing so can improve the accuracy of your model if your NLP pipeline is processing documents that use words in a way that you wouldn’t find on Google News before 2006, when Mikolov trained the reference Word2vec model. Keep in mind, you need a lot of documents to do this as well as Google and Mikolov did. But if your words are particularly rare on Google News, or your texts use them in unique ways within a restricted domain, such as medical texts or transcripts, a domain-specific word model may improve your model accuracy. In the following section, we show you how to train your own Word2vec model.

For the purpose of training a domain-specific Word2vec model, you’ll again turn to gensim, but before you can start training the model, you’ll need to preprocess your corpus using tools you discovered in chapter 2.

Preprocessing steps

First you need to break your documents into sentences and the sentences into tokens. The gensimword2vec model expects a list of sentences, where each sentence is broken up into tokens. This prevents word vectors learning from irrelevant word occurrences in neighboring sentences. Your training input should look similar to the following structure:

>>> token_list
  ['to', 'provide', 'early', 'intervention/early', 'childhood', 'special',
   'education', 'services', 'to', 'eligible', 'children', 'and', 'their',
  ['essential', 'job', 'functions'],
  ['participate', 'as', 'a', 'transdisciplinary', 'team', 'member', 'to',
   'complete', 'educational', 'assessments', 'for']

To segment sentences and then convert sentences into tokens, you can apply the various strategies you learned in chapter 2. Detector Morse is a sentence segmenter that improves upon the accuracy segmenter available in NLTK and gensim for some applications.[20] Once you’ve converted your documents into lists of token lists (one for each sentence), you’re ready for your Word2vec training.


Detector Morse, by Kyle Gorman and OHSU on pypi and at, is a sentence segmenter with state-of-the-art performance (98%) and has been pretrained on sentences from years of text in the Wall Street Journal. So if your corpus includes language similar to that in the WSJ, Detector Morse is likely to give you the highest accuracy currently possible. You can also retrain Detector Morse on your own dataset if you have a large set of sentences from your domain.

Train your domain-specific Word2vec model

Get started by loading the Word2vec module:

>>> from gensim.models.word2vec import Word2Vec

The training requires a few setup details, shown in the following listing.

Listing 6.2. Parameters to control Word2vec model training
>>> num_features = 300        1
>>> min_word_count = 3        2
>>> num_workers = 2           3
>>> window_size = 6           4
>>> subsampling = 1e-3        5

  • 1 Number of vector elements (dimensions) to represent the word vector
  • 2 Min number of word count to be considered in the Word2vec model. If your corpus is small, reduce the min count. If you’re training with a large corpus, increase the min count.
  • 3 Number of CPU cores used for the training. If you want to set the number of cores dynamically, check out import multiprocessing: num_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count().
  • 4 Context window size
  • 5 Subsampling rate for frequent terms

Now you’re ready to start your training, using the following listing.

Listing 6.3. Instantiating a Word2vec model
>>> model = Word2Vec(
...     token_list,
...     workers=num_workers,
...     size=num_features,
...     min_count=min_word_count,
...     window=window_size,
...     sample=subsampling)

Depending on your corpus size and your CPU performance, the training will take a significant amount of time. For smaller corpora, the training can be completed in minutes. But for a comprehensive word model, the corpus will contain millions of sentences. You need to have several examples of all the different ways the different words in your corpus are used. If you start processing larger corpora, such as the Wikipedia corpus, expect a much longer training time and a much larger memory consumption.

Word2vec models can consume quite a bit of memory. But remember that only the weight matrix for the hidden layer is of interest. Once you’ve trained your word model, you can reduce the memory footprint by about half if you freeze your model and discard the unnecessary information. The following command will discard the unneeded output weights of your neural network:

>>> model.init_sims(replace=True)

The init_sims method will freeze the model, storing the weights of the hidden layer and discarding the output weights that predict word co-ocurrences. The output weights aren’t part of the vector used for most Word2vec applications. But the model cannot be trained further once the weights of the output layer have been discarded.

You can save the trained model with the following command and preserve it for later use:

>>> model_name = "my_domain_specific_word2vec_model"

If you want to test your newly trained model, you can use it with the same method you learned in the previous section; use the following listing.

Listing 6.4. Loading a saved Word2vec model
>>> from gensim.models.word2vec import Word2Vec
>>> model_name = "my_domain_specific_word2vec_model"
>>> model = Word2Vec.load(model_name)
>>> model.most_similar('radiology')

6.2.5. Word2vec vs. GloVe (Global Vectors)

Word2vec was a breakthrough, but it relies on a neural network model that must be trained using backpropagation. Backpropagation is usually less efficient than direct optimization of a cost function using gradient descent. Stanford NLP researchers[21] led by Jeffrey Pennington set about to understand the reason why Word2vec worked so well and to find the cost function that was being optimized. They started by counting the word co-occurrences and recording them in a square matrix. They found they could compute the singular value decomposition[22] of this co-occurrence matrix, splitting it into the same two weight matrices that Word2vec produces.[23] The key was to normalize the co-occurrence matrix the same way. But in some cases the Word2vec model failed to converge to the same global optimum that the Stanford researchers were able to achieve with their SVD approach. It’s this direct optimization of the global vectors of word co-occurrences (co-occurrences across the entire corpus) that gives GloVe its name.


Stanford GloVe Project (


See chapter 5 and appendix C for more details on SVD.


GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation, by Jeffrey Pennington, Richard Socher, and Christopher D. Manning:

GloVe can produce matrices equivalent to the input weight matrix and output weight matrix of Word2vec, producing a language model with the same accuracy as Word2vec but in much less time. GloVe speeds the process by using the text data more efficiently. GloVe can be trained on smaller corpora and still converge.[24] And SVD algorithms have been refined for decades, so GloVe has a head start on debugging and algorithm optimization. Word2vec relies on backpropagation to update the weights that form the word embeddings. Neural network backpropagation is less efficient than more mature optimization algorithms such as those used within SVD for GloVe.


Gensim’s comparison of Word2vec and GloVe performance:

Even though Word2vec first popularized the concept of semantic reasoning with word vectors, your workhorse should probably be GloVe to train new word vector models. With GloVe you’ll be more likely to find the global optimum for those vector representations, giving you more accurate results.

Advantages of GloVe are

  • Faster training
  • Better RAM/CPU efficiency (can handle larger documents)
  • More efficient use of data (helps with smaller corpora)
  • More accurate for the same amount of training

6.2.6. fastText

Researchers from Facebook took the concept of Word2vec one step further[25] by adding a new twist to the model training. The new algorithm, which they named fastText, predicts the surrounding n-character grams rather than just the surrounding words, like Word2vec does. For example, the word “whisper” would generate the following 2- and 3-character grams:


“Enriching Word Vectors with Subword Information,” Bojanowski et al.:

  • wh, whi, hi, his, is, isp, sp, spe, pe, per, er

fastText trains a vector representation for every n-character gram, which includes words, misspelled words, partial words, and even single characters. The advantage of this approach is that it handles rare words much better than the original Word2vec approach.

As part of the fastText release, Facebook published pretrained fastText models for 294 languages. On the Github page of Facebook research,[26] you can find models ranging from Abkhazian to Zulu. The model collection even includes rare languages such as Saterland Frisian, which is only spoken by a handful of Germans. The pretrained fastText models provided by Facebook have only been trained on the available Wikipedia corpora. Therefore the vocabulary and accuracy of the models will vary across languages.


See the web page titled “fastText/ at master” (

How to use the pretrained fastText models

The use of fastText is just like using Google’s Word2vec model. Head over to the fastText model repository and download the bin+text model for your language of choice. After the download finishes, unzip the binary language file.[27] With the following code, you can then load it into gensim:


The file is 9.6GB.

>>> from gensim.models.fasttext import FastText    1
>>> ft_model = FastText.load_fasttext_format(
...     model_file=MODEL_PATH)                     2
>>> ft_model.most_similar('soccer')                3

  • 1 If you’re using a gensim version before 3.2.0, you need to change this line to from gensim.models.wrappers.fasttext import FastText.
  • 2 The model_file points to the directory where you stored the model’s bin and vec files.
  • 3 After loading the model, use it like any other word model in gensim.

The gensim fastText API shares a lot of functionality with the Word2vec implementations. All methods you learned about earlier in this chapter also apply to the fastText models.

6.2.7. Word2vec vs. LSA

You might now be wondering how Word2vec and GloVe word vectors compare to the LSA topic-word vectors of chapter 4. Even though we didn’t say much about the LSA topic-document vectors in chapter 4, LSA gives you those, too. LSA topic-document vectors are the sum of the topic-word vectors for all the words in those documents. If you wanted to get a word vector for an entire document that is analogous to topic-document vectors, you’d sum all the Word2vec word vectors in each document. That’s pretty close to how Doc2vec document vectors work. We show you those a bit later in this chapter.

If your LSA matrix of topic vectors is of size N{words} * N{topics}, the LSA word vectors are the rows of that LSA matrix. These row vectors capture the meaning of words in a sequence of around 200 to 300 real values, like Word2vec does. And LSA topic-word vectors are useful for finding both related and unrelated terms. As you learned in the GloVe discussion, Word2vec vectors can be created using the exact same SVD algorithm used for LSA. But Word2vec gets more use out of the same number of words in its documents by creating a sliding window that overlaps from one document to the next. This way it can reuse the same words five times before sliding on.

What about incremental or online training? Both LSA and Word2vec algorithms allow adding new documents to your corpus and adjusting your existing word vectors to account for the co-occurrences in the new documents. But only the existing bins in your lexicon can be updated. Adding completely new words would change the total size of your vocabulary and therefore your one-hot vectors would change. That requires starting the training over if you want to capture the new word in your model.

LSA trains faster than Word2vec does. And for long documents, it does a better job of discriminating and clustering those documents.

The “killer app” for Word2vec is the semantic reasoning it popularized. LSA topic-word vectors can do that, too, but it usually isn’t accurate. You’d have to break documents into sentences and then only use short phrases to train your LSA model if you want to approach the accuracy and “wow” factor of Word2vec reasoning. With Word2vec you can determine the answer to questions like Harry Potter + University = Hogwarts.[28]


As a great example for domain-specific Word2vec models, check out the models around Harry Potter, the Lord of the Rings, and so on at

Advantages of LSA are

  • Faster training
  • Better discrimination between longer documents

Advantages of Word2vec and GloVe are

  • More efficient use of large corpora
  • More accurate reasoning with words, such as answering analogy questions

6.2.8. Visualizing word relationships

The semantic word relationships can be powerful and their visualizations can lead to interesting discoveries. In this section, we demonstrate steps to visualize the word vectors in 2D.


If you need a quick visualization of your word model, we highly recommend using Google’s TensorBoard word embedding visualization functionality. For more details, check out the section “How to visualize word embeddings” in chapter 13.

To get started, let’s load all the word vectors from the Google Word2vec model of the Google News corpus. As you can imagine, this corpus included a lot of mentions of Portland and Oregon and a lot of other city and state names. You’ll use the nlpia package to keep things simple, so you can start playing with Word2vec vectors quickly. See the following listing.

Listing 6.5. Load a pretrained Word2vec model using nlpia
>>> import os
>>> from nlpia.loaders import get_data
>>> from gensim.models.word2vec import KeyedVectors
>>> wv = get_data('word2vec')                        1
>>> len(wv.vocab)

  • 1 Downloads the pretrained Google News word vectors to nlpia/src/nlpia/bigdata/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz

The Google News Word2vec model is huge: three million words with 300 vector dimensions each. The complete word vector model requires 3 GB of available memory. If your available memory is limited or you quickly want to load a few most frequent terms from the word model, check out chapter 13.

This KeyedVectors object in gensim now holds a table of three million Word2vec vectors. We loaded these vectors from a file created by Google to store a Word2vec model that they trained on a large corpus based on Google News articles. There should definitely be a lot of words for states and cities in all those news articles. The following listing shows just a few of the words in the vocabulary, starting at the one millionth word.

Listing 6.6. Examine Word2vec vocabulary frequencies
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> vocab = pd.Series(wv.vocab)
>>> vocab.iloc[1000000:100006]
Illington_Fund             Vocab(count:447860, index:2552140)
Illingworth                 Vocab(count:2905166, index:94834)
Illingworth_Halifax       Vocab(count:1984281, index:1015719)
Illini                      Vocab(count:2984391, index:15609)           Vocab(count:1481047, index:1518953)
Illini_Bluffs              Vocab(count:2636947, index:363053)

Notice that compound words and common n-grams are joined together with an underscore character ("_"). Also notice that the value in the key-value mapping is a gensimVocab object that contains not only the index location for a word, so you can retrieve the Word2vec vector, but also the number of times it occurred in the Google News corpus.

As you’ve seen earlier, if you want to retrieve the 300-D vector for a particular word, you can use the square brackets on this KeyedVectors object to .__getitem__() any word or n-gram:

>>> wv['Illini']
array([ 0.15625   ,  0.18652344,  0.33203125,  0.55859375,  0.03637695,
       -0.09375   , -0.05029297,  0.16796875, -0.0625    ,  0.09912109,
       -0.0291748 ,  0.39257812,  0.05395508,  0.35351562, -0.02270508,

The reason we chose the one millionth word (in lexical alphabetic order) is because the first several thousand “words” are punctuation sequences like “#” and other symbols that occurred a lot in the Google News corpus. We just got lucky that “Illini”[29] showed up in this list. Let’s see how close this “Illini” vector is to the vector for “Illinois,” shown in the following listing.


The word “Illini” refers to a group of people, usually football players and fans, rather than a single geographic region like “Illinois” (where most fans of the “Fighting Illini” live).

Listing 6.7. Distance between “Illinois” and “Illini”
>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.linalg.norm(wv['Illinois'] - wv['Illini'])           1
>>> cos_similarity =['Illinois'], wv['Illini']) / (
...     np.linalg.norm(wv['Illinois']) *
...     np.linalg.norm(wv['Illini']))                       2
>>> cos_similarity
>>> 1 - cos_similarity                                      3

  • 1 Euclidean distance
  • 2 Cosine similarity is the normalized dot product
  • 3 Cosine distance

These distances mean that the words “Illini” and “Illinois” are only moderately close to one another in meaning.

Now let’s retrieve all the Word2vec vectors for US cities so you can use their distances to plot them on a 2D map of meaning. How would you find all the cities and states in that Word2vec vocabulary in that KeyedVectors object? You could use cosine distance like you did in the previous listing to find all the vectors that are close to the words “state” or “city”. But rather than reading through all three million words and word vectors, let’s load another dataset containing a list of cities and states (regions) from around the world, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 6.8. Some US city data
>>> from import get_data
>>> cities = get_data('cities')
>>> cities.head(1).T
geonameid                       3039154
name                          El Tarter
asciiname                     El Tarter
alternatenames     Ehl Tarter,?? ??????
latitude                        42.5795
longitude                       1.65362
feature_class                         P
feature_code                        PPL
country_code                         AD
cc2                                 NaN
admin1_code                          02
admin2_code                         NaN
admin3_code                         NaN
admin4_code                         NaN
population                         1052
elevation                           NaN
dem                                1721
timezone                 Europe/Andorra
modification_date            2012-11-03

This dataset from Geocities contains a lot of information, including latitude, longitude, and population. You could use this for some fun visualizations or comparisons between geographic distance and Word2vec distance. But for now you’re just going to try to map that Word2vec distance on a 2D plane and see what it looks like. Let’s focus on just the United States for now, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 6.9. Some US state data
>>> us = cities[(cities.country_code == 'US') &
...     (cities.admin1_code.notnull())].copy()
>>> states = pd.read_csv(
...     '')
>>> states = dict(zip(states.Abbreviation, states.State))
>>> us['city'] =
>>> us['st'] = us.admin1_code.copy()
>>> us['state'] =
>>> us[us.columns[-3:]].head()
                     city  st    state
4046255       Bay Minette  AL  Alabama
4046274              Edna  TX    Texas
4046319    Bayou La Batre  AL  Alabama
4046332         Henderson  TX    Texas
4046430           Natalia  TX    Texas

Now you have a full state name for each city in addition to its abbreviation. Let’s check to see which of those state names and city names exist in your Word2vec vocabulary:

>>> vocab =[,, us.state])
>>> vocab = np.array([word for word in vocab if word in wv.wv])
>>> vocab[:5]
array(['Edna', 'Henderson', 'Natalia', 'Yorktown', 'Brighton'])

Even when you only look at United States cities, you’ll find a lot of large cities with the same name, like Portland, Oregon and Portland, Maine. So let’s incorporate into your city vector the essence of the state where that city is located. To combine the meanings of words in Word2vec, you add the vectors together. That’s the magic of vector-oriented reasoning. Here’s one way to add the Word2vecs for the states to the vectors for the cities and put all these new vectors in a big DataFrame. We use either the full name of a state or just the abbreviations (whichever one is in your Word2vec vocabulary), as shown in the following listing.

Listing 6.10. Augment city word vectors with US state word vectors
>>> city_plus_state = []
>>> for c, state, st in zip(, us.state,
...     if c not in vocab:
...         continue
...     row = []
...     if state in vocab:
...         row.extend(wv[c] + wv[state])
...     else:
...         row.extend(wv[c] + wv[st])
...     city_plus_state.append(row)
>>> us_300D = pd.DataFrame(city_plus_state)

Depending on your corpus, your word relationship can represent different attributes, such as geographical proximity or cultural or economic similarities. But the relationships heavily depend on the training corpus, and they will reflect the corpus.

Word vectors are biased!

Word vectors learn word relationships based on the training corpus. If your corpus is about finance then your “bank” word vector will be mainly about businesses that hold deposits. If your corpus is about geology, then your “bank” word vector will be trained on associations with rivers and streams. And if you corpus is mostly about a matriarchal society with women bankers and men washing clothes in the river, then your word vectors would take on that gender bias.

The following example shows the gender bias of a word model trained on Google News articles. If you calculate the distance between “man” and “nurse” and compare that to the distance between “woman” and “nurse,” you’ll be able to see the bias:

>>> word_model.distance('man', 'nurse')
>>> word_model.distance('woman', 'nurse')

Identifying and compensating for biases like this is a challenge for any NLP practitioner that trains her models on documents written in a biased world.

The news articles used as the training corpus share a common component, which is the semantical similarity of the cities. Semantically similar locations in the articles seem to be interchangeable and therefore the word model learned that they are similar. If you had trained on a different corpus, your word relationships might have differed. In this news corpus, cities that are similar in size and culture are clustered close together despite being far apart geographically, such as San Diego and San Jose, or vacation destinations such as Honolulu and Reno.

Fortunately you can use conventional algebra to add the vectors for cities to the vectors for states and state abbreviations. As you discovered in chapter 4, you can use tools such as principal components analysis to reduce the vector dimensions from your 300 dimensions to a human-understandable 2D representation. PCA enables you to see the projection or “shadow” of these 300-D vectors in a 2D plot. Best of all, the PCA algorithm ensures that this projection is the best possible view of your data, keeping the vectors as far apart as possible. PCA is like a good photographer that looks at something from every possible angle before composing the optimal photograph. You don’t even have to normalize the length of the vectors after summing the city + state + abbrev vectors, because PCA takes care of that for you.

We saved these augmented city word vectors in the nlpia package so you can load them to use in your application. In the following code, you use PCA to project them onto a 2D plot.

Listing 6.11. Bubble chart of US cities
>>> from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
>>> pca = PCA(n_components=2)                          1
>>> us_300D = get_data('cities_us_wordvectors')
>>> us_2D = pca.fit_transform(us_300D.iloc[:, :300])   2

  • 1 The 2D vectors producted by PCA are for visualization. Retain the original 300-D Word2vec vectors for any vector reasoning you might want to do.
  • 2 The last column of this DataFrame contains the city name, which is also stored in the DataFrame index.

Figure 6.8 shows the 2D projection of all these 300-D word vectors for US cities:


Low semantic distance (distance values close to zero) represents high similarity between words. The semantic distance, or “meaning” distance, is determined by the words occurring nearby in the documents used for training. The Word2vec vectors for two terms are close to each other in word vector space if they are often used in similar contexts (used with similar words nearby). For example San Francisco is close to California because they often occur nearby in sentences and the distribution of words used near them is similar. A large distance between two terms expresses a low likelihood of shared context and shared meaning (they are semantically dissimilar), such as cars and peanuts.

Figure 6.8. Google News Word2vec 300-D vectors projected onto a 2D map using PCA

If you’d like to explore the city map shown in figure 6.8, or try your hand at plotting some vectors of your own, listing 6.12 shows you how. We built a wrapper for Plotly’s offline plotting API that should help it handle DataFrames where you’ve denormalized your data. The Plotly wrapper expects a DataFrame with a row for each sample and columns for features you’d like to plot. These can be categorical features (such as time zones) and continuous real-valued features (such as city population). The resulting plots are interactive and useful for exploring many types of machine learning data, especially vector-representations of complex things such as words and documents.

Listing 6.12. Bubble plot of US city word vectors
>>> import seaborn
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> from nlpia.plots import offline_plotly_scatter_bubble
>>> df = get_data('cities_us_wordvectors_pca2_meta')
>>> html = offline_plotly_scatter_bubble(
...     df.sort_values('population', ascending=False)[:350].copy()
...         .sort_values('population'),
...     filename='plotly_scatter_bubble.html',
...     x='x', y='y',
...     size_col='population', text_col='name', category_col='timezone',
...     xscale=None, yscale=None,  # 'log' or None
...     layout={}, marker={'sizeref': 3000})
{'sizemode': 'area', 'sizeref': 3000}

To produce the 2D representations of your 300-D word vectors, you need to use a dimension reduction technique. We used PCA. To reduce the amount of information lost during the compression from 300-D to 2D, reducing the range of information contained in the input vectors also helps. So you limited your word vectors to those associated with cities. This is like limiting the domain or subject matter of a corpus when computing TF-IDF or BOW vectors.

For a more diverse mix of vectors with greater information content, you’ll probably need a nonlinear embedding algorithm such as t-SNE. We talk about t-SNE and other neural net techniques in later chapters. t-SNE will make more sense once you’ve grasped the word vector embedding algorithms here.

6.2.9. Unnatural words

Word embeddings such as Word2vec are useful not only for English words but also for any sequence of symbols where the sequence and proximity of symbols is representative of their meaning. If your symbols have semantics, embeddings may be useful. As you may have guessed, word embeddings also work for languages other than English.

Embedding works also for pictorial languages such as traditional Chinese and Japanese (Kanji) or the mysterious hieroglyphics in Egyptian tombs. Embeddings and vector-based reasoning even works for languages that attempt to obfuscate the meaning of words. You can do vector-based reasoning on a large collection of “secret” messages transcribed from “Pig Latin” or any other language invented by children or the Emperor of Rome. A Caesar cipher[30] such as RO13 or a substitution cipher[31] are both vulnerable to vector-based reasoning with Word2vec. You don’t even need a decoder ring (shown in figure 6.9). You need only a large collection of messages or n-grams that your Word2vec embedder can process to find co-occurrences of words or symbols.


See the web page titled “Caesar cipher” (


See the web page titled “Substitution cipher” (

Figure 6.9. Decoder rings (left: Hubert Berberich (HubiB) (, CipherDisk2000, marked as public domain, more details on Wikimedia Commons:; middle: Cory Doctorow (, Crypto wedding-ring 2,; right: Sobebunny (, Captain-midnight-decoder,

Word2vec has even been used to glean information and relationships from unnatural words or ID numbers such as college course numbers (CS-101), model numbers (Koala E7270 or Galaga Pro), and even serial numbers, phone numbers, and ZIP codes.[32] To get the most useful information about the relationship between ID numbers like this, you’ll need a variety of sentences that contain those ID numbers. And if the ID numbers often contain a structure where the position of a symbol has meaning, it can help to tokenize these ID numbers into their smallest semantic packet (such as words or syllables in natural languages).


See the web page titled “A non-NLP application of Word2Vec – Towards Data Science” (

6.2.10. Document similarity with Doc2vec

The concept of Word2vec can also be extended to sentences, paragraphs, or entire documents. The idea of predicting the next word based on the previous words can be extended by training a paragraph or document vector (see figure 6.10).[33] In this case, the prediction not only considers the previous words, but also the vector representing the paragraph or the document. It can be considered as an additional word input to the prediction. Over time, the algorithm learns a document or paragraph representation from the training set.


See the web page titled “Distributed Representations of Sentences and Documents” (

Figure 6.10. Doc2vec training uses an additional document vector as input.

How are document vectors generated for unseen documents after the training phase? During the inference stage, the algorithm adds more document vectors to the document matrix and computes the added vector based on the frozen word vector matrix, and its weights. By inferring a document vector, you can now create a semantic representation of the whole document.

By expanding the concept of Word2vec with an additional document or paragraph vector used for the word prediction, you can now use the trained document vector for various tasks, such as finding similar documents in a corpus.

How to train document vectors

Similar to your training of word vectors, you’re using the gensim package to train document vectors, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 6.13. Train your own document and word vectors
>>> import multiprocessing
>>> num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()                          1
>>> from gensim.models.doc2vec import TaggedDocument,               2
...     Doc2Vec  
>>> from gensim.utils import simple_preprocess                       3
>>> corpus = ['This is the first document ...',
...           'another document ...']                                4
>>> training_corpus = []                                             5
>>> for i, text in enumerate(corpus):
...     tagged_doc = TaggedDocument(
...         simple_preprocess(text), [i])                            6
...     training_corpus.append(tagged_doc)
>>> model = Doc2Vec(size=100, min_count=2,
...     workers=num_cores, iter=10)                                  7
>>> model.build_vocab(training_corpus)                               8
>>> model.train(training_corpus, total_examples=model.corpus_count,
...     epochs=model.iter)                                           9

  • 1 gensim uses Python’s multiprocessing module to parallelize your training on multiple CPU cores, but this line only counts how many cores you have available to size the number of workers.
  • 2 The gensim Doc2vec model contains your word vector embeddings as well as document vectors for each document in your corpus.
  • 3 The simple_preprocess utility from gensim is a crude tokenizer that will ignore one-letter words and all punctuation. Any of the tokenizers from chapter 2 will work fine.
  • 4 You need to provide an object that can iterate through your document strings one at a time.
  • 5 MEAP reader 24231 ( suggests that you preallocate a numpy array rather than a bulky python list. You may also want to stream your corpus to and from disk or a database if it will not fit in RAM.
  • 6 gensim provides a data structure to annotate documents with string or integer tags for category labels, keywords, or whatever information you want to associate with your documents.
  • 7 Instantiate the Doc2vec object with your window size of 10 words and 100-D word and document vectors (much smaller than the 300-D Google News Word2vec vectors). min_count is the minimum document frequency for your vocabulary.
  • 8 Instantiate the Doc2vec object with your window size of 10 words and 100-D word and document vectors (much smaller than the 300-D Google News Word2vec vectors). min_count is the minimum document frequency for your vocabulary.
  • 9 Kick off the training for 10 epochs.

If you’re running low on RAM, and you know the number of documents ahead of time (your corpus object isn’t an iterator or generator), you might want to use a preallocated numpy array instead of Python list for your training_corpus:

training_corpus = np.empty(len(corpus), dtype=object);
  ... training_corpus[i] = ...

Once the Doc2vec model is trained, you can infer document vectors for new, unseen documents by calling infer_vector on the instantiated and trained model:

>>> model.infer_vector(simple_preprocess(
...     'This is a completely unseen document'), steps=10)       1

  • 1 Doc2vec requires a “training” step when inferring new vectors. In your example, you update the trained vector through 10 steps (or iterations).

With these few steps, you can quickly train an entire corpus of documents and find similar documents. You could do that by generating a vector for every document in your corpus and then calculating the cosine distance between each document vector. Another common task is to cluster the document vectors of a corpus with something like k-means to create a document classifier.


  • You’ve learned how word vectors and vector-oriented reasoning can solve some surprisingly subtle problems like analogy questions and nonsynonomy relationships between words.
  • You can now train Word2vec and other word vector embeddings on the words you use in your applications so that your NLP pipeline isn’t “polluted” by the GoogleNews meaning of words inherent in most Word2vec pretrained models.
  • You used gensim to explore, visualize, and even build your own word vector vocabularies.
  • A PCA projection of geographic word vectors like US city names can reveal the cultural closeness of places that are geographically far apart.
  • If you respect sentence boundaries with your n-grams and are efficient at setting up word pairs for training, you can greatly improve the accuracy of your latent semantic analysis word embeddings (see chapter 4).
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