Chapter 4. Finding meaning in word counts (semantic analysis)

This chapter covers

  • Analyzing semantics (meaning) to create topic vectors
  • Semantic search using the similarity between topic vectors
  • Scalable semantic analysis and semantic search for large corpora
  • Using semantic components (topics) as features in your NLP pipeline
  • Navigating high-dimensional vector spaces

You’ve learned quite a few natural language processing tricks. But now may be the first time you’ll be able to do a little bit of magic. This is the first time we talk about a machine being able to understand the “meaning” of words.

The TF-IDF vectors (term frequency–inverse document frequency vectors) from chapter 3 helped you estimate the importance of words in a chunk of text. You used TF-IDF vectors and matrices to tell you how important each word is to the overall meaning of a bit of text in a document collection.

These TF-IDF “importance” scores worked not only for words, but also for short sequences of words, n-grams. These importance scores for n-grams are great for searching text if you know the exact words or n-grams you’re looking for.

Past NLP experimenters found an algorithm for revealing the meaning of word combinations and computing vectors to represent this meaning. It’s called latent semantic analysis (LSA). And when you use this tool, not only can you represent the meaning of words as vectors, but you can use them to represent the meaning of entire documents.

In this chapter, you’ll learn about these semantic or topic vectors.[1] You’re going to use your weighted frequency scores from TF-IDF vectors to compute the topic “scores” that make up the dimensions of your topic vectors. You’re going to use the correlation of normalized term frequencies with each other to group words together in topics to define the dimensions of your new topic vectors.


We use the term “topic vector” in this chapter about topic analysis and we use the term “word vector” in chapter 6 about Word2vec. Formal NLP texts such as the NLP bible by Jurafsky and Martin ( use “topic vector.” Others, like the authors of Semantic Vector Encoding and Similarity Search (, use the term “semantic vector.”

These topic vectors will help you do a lot of interesting things. They make it possible to search for documents based on their meaning—semantic search. Most of the time, semantic search returns search results that are much better than keyword search (TF-IDF search). Sometimes semantic search returns documents that are exactly what the user is searching for, even when they can’t think of the right words to put in the query.

And you can use these semantic vectors to identify the words and n-grams that best represent the subject (topic) of a statement, document, or corpus (collection of documents). And with this vector of words and their relative importance, you can provide someone with the most meaningful words for a document—a set of keywords that summarizes its meaning.

And you can now compare any two statements or documents and tell how “close” they are in meaning to each other.


The terms “topic,” “semantic,” and “meaning” have similar meaning and are often used interchangeably when talking about NLP. In this chapter, you’re learning how to build an NLP pipeline that can figure out this kind of synonymy, all on its own. Your pipeline might even be able to find the similarity in meaning of the phrase “figure it out” and the word “compute.” Machines can only “compute” meaning, not “figure out” meaning.

You’ll soon see that the linear combinations of words that make up the dimensions of your topic vectors are pretty powerful representations of meaning.

4.1. From word counts to topic scores

You know how to count the frequency of words. And you know how to score the importance of words in a TF-IDF vector or matrix. But that’s not enough. You want to score the meanings, the topics, that words are used for.

4.1.1. TF-IDF vectors and lemmatization

TF-IDF vectors count the exact spellings of terms in a document. So texts that restate the same meaning will have completely different TF-IDF vector representations if they spell things differently or use different words. This messes up search engines and document similarity comparisons that rely on counts of tokens.

In chapter 2, you normalized word endings so that words that differed only in their last few characters were collected together under a single token. You used normalization approaches such as stemming and lemmatization to create small collections of words with similar spellings, and often similar meanings. You labeled each of these small collections of words, with their lemma or stem, and then you processed these new tokens instead of the original words.

This lemmatization approach kept similarly *spelled*[2] words together in your analysis, but not necessarily words with similar meanings. And it definitely failed to pair up most synonyms. Synonyms usually differ in more ways than just the word endings that lemmatization and stemming deal with. Even worse, lemmatization and stemming sometimes erroneously lump together antonyms, words with opposite meaning.


Both stemming and lemmatization remove or alter the word endings and prefixes, the last few characters of a word. Edit-distance calculations are better for identifying similarly spelled (or misspelled) words.

The end result is that two chunks of text that talk about the same thing but use different words will not be “close” to each other in your lemmatized TF-IDF vector space model. And sometimes two lemmatized TF-IDF vectors that are close to each other aren’t similar in meaning at all. Even a state-of-the-art TF-IDF similarity score from chapter 3, such as Okapi BM25 or cosine similarity, would fail to connect these synonyms or push apart these antonyms. Synonyms with different spellings produce TF-IDF vectors that just aren’t close to each other in the vector space.

For example, the TF-IDF vector for this chapter in NLPIA, the chapter that you’re reading right now, may not be at all close to similar-meaning passages in university textbooks about latent semantic indexing. But that’s exactly what this chapter is about. But we use modern and colloquial terms in this chapter. Professors and researchers use more consistent, rigorous language in their textbooks and lectures. Plus, the terminology that professors used a decade ago has likely evolved with the rapid advances of the past few years. For example, terms such as “latent semantic indexing” were more popular than the term “latent semantic analysis” that researchers now use.[3]


I love Google Ngram Viewer for visualizing trends like this (

4.1.2. Topic vectors

When you do math on TF-IDF vectors, such as addition and subtraction, these sums and differences only tell you about the frequency of word uses in the documents whose vectors you combined or differenced. That math doesn’t tell you much about the meaning behind those words. You can compute word-to-word TF-IDF vectors (word co-occurrence or correlation vectors) by multiplying your TF-IDF matrix by itself. But “vector reasoning” with these sparse, high-dimensional vectors doesn’t work well. When you add or subtract these vectors from each other, they don’t represent an existing concept or word or topic well.

So you need a way to extract some additional information, meaning, from word statistics. You need a better estimate of what the words in a document “signify.” And you need to know what that combination of words means in a particular document. You’d like to represent that meaning with a vector that’s like a TF-IDF vector, but more compact and more meaningful.

We call these compact meaning vectors “word-topic vectors.” We call the document meaning vectors “document-topic vectors.” You can call either of these vectors “topic vectors,” as long as you’re clear on what the topic vectors are for, words or documents.

These topic vectors can be as compact or as expansive (high-dimensional) as you like. LSA topic vectors can have as few as one dimension, or they can have thousands of dimensions.

You can add and subtract the topic vectors you’ll compute in this chapter just like any other vector. Only this time the sums and differences mean a lot more than they did with TF-IDF vectors (chapter 3). And the distances between topic vectors is useful for things like clustering documents or semantic search. Before, you could cluster and search using keywords and TF-IDF vectors. Now you can cluster and search using semantics, meaning!

When you’re done, you’ll have one document-topic vector for each document in your corpus. And, even more importantly, you won’t have to reprocess the entire corpus to compute a new topic vector for a new document or phrase. You’ll have a topic vector for each word in your vocabulary, and you can use these word topic vectors to compute the topic vector for any document that uses some of those words.


Some algorithms for creating topic vectors, such as latent Dirichlet allocation, do require you to reprocess the entire corpus, every time you add a new document.

You’ll have one word-topic vector for each word in your lexicon (vocabulary). So you can compute the topic vector for any new document by just adding up all its word topic vectors.

Coming up with a numerical representation of the semantics (meaning) of words and sentences can be tricky. This is especially true for “fuzzy” languages like English, which has multiple dialects and many different interpretations of the same words. Even formal English text written by an English professor can’t avoid the fact that most English words have multiple meanings, a challenge for any new learner, including machine learners. This concept of words with multiple meanings is called polysemy:

  • Polysemy—The existence of words and phrases with more than one meaning

Here are some ways in which polysemy can affect the semantics of a word or statement. We list them here for you to appreciate the power of LSA. You don’t have to worry about these challenges. LSA takes care of all this for us:

  • Homonyms—Words with the same spelling and pronunciation, but different meanings
  • Zeugma—Use of two meanings of a word simultaneously in the same sentence

And LSA also deals with some of the challenges of polysemy in a voice interface—a chatbot that you can talk to, like Alexa or Siri:

  • Homographs—Words spelled the same, but with different pronunciations and meanings
  • Homophones—Words with the same pronunciation, but different spellings and meanings (an NLP challenge with voice interfaces)

Imagine if you had to deal with a statement like the following, if you didn’t have tools like LSA to deal with it:

She felt ... less. She felt tamped down. Dim. More faint. Feint. Feigned. Fain.

Patrick Rothfuss

Keeping these challenges in mind, can you imagine how you might squash a TF-IDF vector with one million dimensions (terms) down to a vector with 200 or so dimensions (topics)? This is like identifying the right mix of primary colors to try to reproduce the paint color in your apartment so you can cover over those nail holes in your wall.

You’d need to find those word dimensions that “belong” together in a topic and add their TF-IDF values together to create a new number to represent the amount of that topic in a document. You might even weight them for how important they are to the topic, how much you’d like each word to contribute to the “mix.” And you could have negative weights for words that reduce the likelihood that the text is about that topic.

4.1.3. Thought experiment

Let’s walk through a thought experiment. Let’s assume you have some TF-IDF vector for a particular document and you want to convert that to a topic vector. You can think about how much each word contributes to your topics.

Let’s say you’re processing some sentences about pets in Central Park in New York City (NYC). Let’s create three topics: one about pets, one about animals, and another about cities. Call these topics “petness,” “animalness,” and “cityness.” So your “petness” topic about pets will score words like “cat” and “dog” significantly, but probably ignore words like “NYC” and “apple.” The “cityness” topic will ignore words like “cat” and “dog,” but might give a little weight to “apple,” just because of the “Big Apple” association.

If you “trained” your topic model like this, without using a computer, only your common sense, you might come up with some weights like this:

>>> topic = {}
>>> tfidf = dict(list(zip('cat dog apple lion NYC love'.split(),
...     np.random.rand(6))))                                       1
>>> topic['petness'] = (.3 * tfidf['cat'] +
...                     .3 * tfidf['dog'] +
...                      0 * tfidf['apple'] +
...                      0 * tfidf['lion'] -
...                     .2 * tfidf['NYC'] +
...                     .2 * tfidf['love'])                       2
>>> topic['animalness']  = (.1 * tfidf['cat']  +
...                         .1 * tfidf['dog'] -
...                         .1 * tfidf['apple'] +
...                         .5 * tfidf['lion'] +
...                         .1 * tfidf['NYC'] -
...                         .1 * tfidf['love'])
>>> topic['cityness']    = ( 0 * tfidf['cat']  -
...                         .1 * tfidf['dog'] +
...                         .2 * tfidf['apple'] -
...                         .1 * tfidf['lion'] +
...                         .5 * tfidf['NYC'] +
...                         .1 * tfidf['love'])

  • 1 This tfidf vector is just a random example, as if it were computed for a single document that contained these words in some random proportion.
  • 2 “Hand-crafted” weights (.3, .3, 0, 0, -.2, .2) are multiplied by imaginary tfidf values to create topic vectors for your imaginary random document. You’ll compute real topic vectors later.

In this thought experiment, you added up the word frequencies that might be indicators of each of your topics. You weighted the word frequencies (TF-IDF values) by how likely the word is associated with a topic. You did the same, but subtracted, for words that might be talking about something that is in some sense the opposite of your topic. This isn’t a real algorithm walk-through, or example implementation, just a thought experiment. You’re just trying to figure out how you can teach a machine to think like you do. You arbitrarily chose to decompose your words and documents into only three topics (“petness,” “animalness,” and “cityness”). And your vocabulary is limited; it has only six words in it.

The next step is to think through how a human might decide mathematically which topics and words are connected, and what weights those connections should have. Once you decided on three topics to model, you then had to decide how much to weight each word for those topics. You blended words in proportion to each other to make your topic “color mix.” The topic modeling transformation (color mixing recipe) is a 3 x 6 matrix of proportions (weights) connecting three topics to six words. You multiplied that matrix by an imaginary 6 x 1 TF-IDF vector to get a 3 x 1 topic vector for that document.

You made a judgment call that the terms “cat” and “dog” should have similar contributions to the “petness” topic (weight of .3). So the two values in the upper left of the matrix for your TF-IDF-to-topic transformation are both .3. Can you imagine ways you might “compute” these proportions with software? Remember, you have a bunch of documents your computer can read, tokenize, and count tokens for. You have TF-IDF vectors for as many documents as you like. Keep thinking about how you might use those counts to compute topic weights for a word as you read on.

You decided that the term “NYC” should have a negative weight for the “petness” topic. In some sense, city names, and proper names in general, and abbreviations, and acronyms, share little in common with words about pets. Think about what “sharing in common” means for words. Is there something in a TF-IDF matrix that represents the meaning that words share in common?

You gave the word “love” a positive weight for the “pets” topic. This may be because you often use the word “love” in the same sentence with words about pets. After all, we humans tend to love our pets. We can only hope that our AI overlords will be similarly loving toward us.

Notice the small amount of the word “apple” into the topic vector for “city.” This could be because you’re doing this by hand and we humans know that “NYC” and “Big Apple” are often synonymous. Our semantic analysis algorithm will hopefully be able to calculate this synonymy between “apple” and “NYC” based on how often “apple” and “NYC” occur in the same documents.

As you read the rest of the weighted sums in the example “code,” try to guess how you came up with these weights for these three topics and six words. How might you change them? What could you use as an objective measure of these proportions (weights)? You may have a different “corpus” in your head than the one we used in our heads. So you may have a different opinion about these words and the weights you gave them. What could you do to come to a consensus about your opinions about these six words and three topics?


We chose a signed weighting of words to produce the topic vectors. This allows you to use negative weights for words that are the “opposite” of a topic. And because you’re doing this manually by hand, we chose to normalize your topic vectors by the easy-to-compute L2-norm (Manhattan, taxicab, or city-block distance). Nonetheless, the real LSA you’ll use later in this chapter normalizes topic vectors by the more useful L2-norm. L2-norm is the conventional Euclidean distance or length that you’re familiar with from geometry class. It’s the Pythagorean theorem solved for the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle.

You might have realized in reading these vectors that the relationships between words and topics can be “flipped.” The 3 x 6 matrix of three topic vectors can be transposed to produce topic weights for each word in your vocabulary. These vectors of weights would be your word vectors for your six words:

>>> word_vector = {}
>>> word_vector['cat']  =  .3*topic['petness'] +
...                        .1*topic['animalness'] +
...                         0*topic['cityness']
>>> word_vector['dog']  =  .3*topic['petness'] +
...                        .1*topic['animalness'] -
...                        .1*topic['cityness']
>>> word_vector['apple']=   0*topic['petness'] -
...                        .1*topic['animalness'] +
...                        .2*topic['cityness']
>>> word_vector['lion'] =   0*topic['petness'] +
...                        .5*topic['animalness'] -
...                        .1*topic['cityness']
>>> word_vector['NYC']  = -.2*topic['petness'] +
...                        .1*topic['animalness'] +
...                        .5*topic['cityness']
>>> word_vector['love'] =  .2*topic['petness'] -
...                        .1*topic['animalness'] +
...                        .1*topic['cityness']

These six topic vectors (shown in Figure 4.1), one for each word, represent the meanings of your six words as 3D vectors.

Figure 4.1. 3D vectors for a thought experiment about six words about pets and NYC

Earlier, the vectors for each topic, with weights for each word, gave you 6-D vectors representing the linear combination of words in your three topics. In your thought experiment, you hand-crafted a three-topic model for a single natural language document! If you just count up occurrences of these six words and multiply them by your weights you get the 3D topic vector for any document. And 3D vectors are fun because they’re easy for humans to visualize. You can plot them and share insights about your corpus or a particular document in graphical form. 3D vectors (or any low-dimensional vector space) are great for machine learning classification problems, too. An algorithm can slice through the vector space with a plane (or hyperplane) to divide up the space into classes.

The documents in your corpus might use many more words, but this particular topic vector model will only be influenced by the use of these six words. You could extend this approach to as many words as you had the patience (or an algorithm) for. As long as your model only needed to separate documents according to three different dimensions or topics, your vocabulary could keep growing as much as you like. In the thought experiment, you compressed six dimensions (TF-IDF normalized frequencies) into three dimensions (topics).

This subjective, labor-intensive approach to semantic analysis relies on human intuition and common sense to break down documents into topics. Common sense is hard to code into an algorithm.[4] So it isn’t repeatable—you’d probably come up with different weights than we did. And obviously this isn’t suitable for a machine learning pipeline. Plus it doesn’t scale well to more topics and words. A human couldn’t allocate enough words to enough topics to precisely capture the meaning in any diverse corpus of documents you might want your machine to deal with.


Doug Lenat at Stanford is trying to do just that, code common sense into an algorithm. See the Wired Magazine article “Doug Lenat’s Artificial Intelligence Common Sense Engine” (

So let’s automate this manual procedure. Let’s use an algorithm that doesn’t rely on common sense to select topic weights for us.[5]


The Wikipedia page for topic models has a video that shows how this might work for many more topics and words. The darkness of the pixels represents the weight or value or score for a topic and a word, like the weights in your manual example. And the video shows a particular algorithm, called SVD, that reorders the words and topics, to put as much of the “weight” as possible along the diagonal. This helps identify patterns that represent the meanings of both the topics and the words.,00:00:17.600.

If you think about it, each of these weighted sums is just a dot product. And three dot products (weighted sums) is just a matrix multiplication, or inner product. You multiply a 3 x n weight matrix with a TF-IDF vector (one value for each word in a document), where n is the number of terms in your vocabulary. The output of this multiplication is a new 3 x 1 topic vector for that document. What you’ve done is “transform” a vector from one vector space (TF-IDFs) to another lower-dimensional vector space (topic vectors). Your algorithm should create a matrix of n terms by m topics that you can multiply by a vector of the word frequencies in a document to get your new topic vector for that document.


In mathematics, the size of a vocabulary (the set of all possible words in a language) is usually written as |V|. And the variable V alone is used to represent the set of possible words in your vocabulary. So if you’re writing an academic paper about NLP, use |V| wherever we’ve used n to describe the size of a vocabulary.

4.1.4. An algorithm for scoring topics

You still need an algorithmic way to determine these topic vectors. You need a transformation from TF-IDF vectors into topic vectors. A machine can’t tell which words belong together or what any of them signify, can it? J. R. Firth, a 20th century British linguist, studied the ways you can estimate what a word or morpheme[6] signifies. In 1957 he gave you a clue about how to compute the topics for words. Firth wrote


A morpheme is the smallest meaningful parts of a word. See Wikipedia article “Morpheme” (

You shall know a word by the company it keeps.

J. R. Firth

So how do you tell the “company” of a word? Well, the most straightforward approach would be to count co-occurrences in the same document. And you have exactly what you need for that in your bag-of-words (BOW) and TF-IDF vectors from chapter 3. This “counting co-occurrences” approach led to the development of several algorithms for creating vectors to represent the statistics of word usage within documents or sentences.

LSA is an algorithm to analyze your TF-IDF matrix (table of TF-IDF vectors) to gather up words into topics. It works on bag-of-words vectors, too, but TF-IDF vectors give slightly better results.

LSA also optimizes these topics to maintain diversity in the topic dimensions; when you use these new topics instead of the original words, you still capture much of the meaning (semantics) of the documents. The number of topics you need for your model to capture the meaning of your documents is far less than the number of words in the vocabulary of your TF-IDF vectors. So LSA is often referred to as a dimension reduction technique. LSA reduces the number of dimensions you need to capture the meaning of your documents.

Have you ever used a dimension reduction technique for a large matrix of numbers? What about pixels? If you’ve done machine learning on images or other high-dimensional data, you may have run across a technique called principal component analysis (PCA). As it turns out, PCA is exactly the same math as LSA. PCA, however, is what you say when you’re reducing the dimensionality of images or other tables of numbers, rather than bag-of-words vectors or TF-IDF vectors.

Only recently did researchers discover that you could use PCA for semantic analysis of words. That’s when they gave this particular application its own name, LSA. Even though you’ll see the scikit-learn PCA model used shortly, the output of this fit and transform process is a vector representing the semantics of a document. It’s still LSA.

And here’s one more synonym for LSA you may run across. In the field of information retrieval, where the focus is on creating indexes for full text search, LSA is often referred to as latent semantic indexing (LSI). But this term has fallen out of favor. It doesn’t produce an index at all. In fact, the topic vectors it produces are usually too high dimensional to ever be indexed perfectly. So we use the term “LSA” from here on out.


Indexing is what databases do to be able to retrieve a particular row in a table quickly based on some partial information you provide it about that row. A textbook’s index works like this. If you’re looking for a particular page, you can look up words in the index that should be on the page. Then you can go straight to the page or pages that contain all the words you’re looking for.

LSA “cousins”

Two algorithms are similar to LSA, with similar NLP applications, so we mention them here:

LDA breaks down a document into only one topic. LDiA is more like LSA because it can break down documents into as many topics as you like.


Because it’s one dimensional, LDA doesn’t require singular value decomposition (SVD). You can just compute the centroid (average or mean) of all your TF-IDF vectors for each side of a binary class, like spam and nonspam. Your dimension then becomes the line between those two centroids. The further a TF-IDF vector is along that line (the dot product of the TF-IDF vector with that line) tells you how close you are to one class or another.

Here’s an example of this simple LDA approach to topic analysis first, to get you warmed up before you tackle LSA and LDiA.

4.1.5. An LDA classifier

LDA is one of the most straightforward and fast dimension reduction and classification models you’ll find. But this book may be one of the only places you’ll read about it, because it’s not very flashy.[8] But in many applications, you’ll find it has much better accuracy than the fancier state-of-the art algorithms published in the latest papers. An LDA classifier is a supervised algorithm, so you do need labels for your document classes. But LDA requires far fewer samples than fancier algorithms.


For this example, we show you a simplified implementation of LDA that you can’t find in scikit-learn. The model “training” has only three steps, so you’ll just do them all directly in Python:

  1. Compute the average position (centroid) of all the TF-IDF vectors within the class (such as spam SMS messages).
  2. Compute the average position (centroid) of all the TF-IDF vectors not in the class (such as nonspam SMS messages).
  3. Compute the vector difference between the centroids (the line that connects them).

All you need to “train” an LDA model is to find the vector (line) between the two centroids for your binary class. LDA is a supervised algorithm, so you need labels for your messages. To do inference or prediction with that model, you just need to find out if a new TF-IDF vector is closer to the in-class (spam) centroid than it is to the out-of-class (nonspam) centroid. First let’s “train” an LDA model to classify SMS messages as spam or nonspam (see the following listing).

Listing 4.1. The SMS spam dataset
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from import get_data
>>> pd.options.display.width = 120                                    1
>>> sms = get_data('sms-spam')
>>> index = ['sms{}{}'.format(i, '!'*j) for (i,j) in
...     zip(range(len(sms)), sms.spam)]                               2
>>> sms = pd.DataFrame(sms.values, columns=sms.columns, index=index)
>>> sms['spam'] = sms.spam.astype(int)
>>> len(sms)
>>> sms.spam.sum()
>>> sms.head(6)
      spam                                               text
sms0     0  Go until jurong point, crazy.. Available only ...
sms1     0                      Ok lar... Joking wif u oni...
sms2!    1  Free entry in 2 a wkly comp to win FA Cup fina...
sms3     0  U dun say so early hor... U c already then say...
sms4     0  Nah I don't think he goes to usf, he lives aro...
sms5!    1  FreeMsg Hey there darling it's been 3 week's n...

  • 1 This line helps display the wide column of SMS text within a Pandas DataFrame printout.
  • 2 This is just for display. You’ve flagged spam messages by appending an exclamation point, “!”, to their label.

So you have 4,837 SMS messages, and 638 of them are labeled with the binary class label “spam.”

Now let’s do our tokenization and TF-IDF vector transformation on all these SMS messages:

>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
>>> from nltk.tokenize.casual import casual_tokenize
>>> tfidf_model = TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=casual_tokenize)
>>> tfidf_docs = tfidf_model.fit_transform(
...     raw_documents=sms.text).toarray()
>>> tfidf_docs.shape
(4837, 9232)
>>> sms.spam.sum()

The nltk.casual_tokenizer gave you 9,232 words in your vocabulary. You have almost twice as many words as you have messages. And you have almost ten times as many words as spam messages. So your model won’t have a lot of information about the words that will indicate whether a message is spam or not. Usually, a Naive Bayes classifier won’t work well when your vocabulary is much larger than the number of labeled examples in your dataset. That’s where the semantic analysis techniques of this chapter can help.

Let’s start with the simplest semantic analysis technique, LDA. You could use the LDA model in sklearn.discriminant_analysis.LinearDiscriminant-Analysis. But you only need compute the centroids of your binary class (spam and nonspam) in order to “train” this model, so you’ll do that directly:

>>> mask = sms.spam.astype(bool).values                1
>>> spam_centroid = tfidf_docs[mask].mean(axis=0)      2
>>> ham_centroid = tfidf_docs[~mask].mean(axis=0)
>>> spam_centroid.round(2)
array([0.06, 0.  , 0.  , ..., 0.  , 0.  , 0.  ])
>>> ham_centroid.round(2)
array([0.02, 0.01, 0.  , ..., 0.  , 0.  , 0.  ])

  • 1 You can use this mask to select only the spam rows from a numpy.array or pandas.DataFrame.
  • 2 Because your TF-IDF vectors are row vectors, you need to make sure numpy computes the mean for each column independently using axis=0.

Now you can subtract one centroid from the other to get the line between them:

>>> spamminess_score = -
...     ham_centroid)                                    1
>>> spamminess_score.round(2)
array([-0.01, -0.02,  0.04, ..., -0.01, -0.  ,  0.  ])

  • 1 The dot product computes the “shadow” or projection of each vector on the line between the centroids.

This raw spamminess_score is the distance along the line from the ham centroid to the spam centroid. We calculated that score by projecting each TF-IDF vector onto that line between the centroids using the dot product. And you did those 4,837 dot products all at once in a “vectorized” numpy operation. This can speed things up 100 times compared to a Python loop.

Figure 4.2 shows a view of the TF-IDF vectors in 3D and where these centroids are for your SMS messages.

Figure 4.2. 3D scatter plot (point cloud) of your TF-IDF vectors

The arrow from the nonspam centroid to the spam centroid is the line that defines your trained model. You can see how some of the green dots are on the back side of the arrow, so you could get a negative spamminess score when you project them onto this line between the centroids.

Ideally, you’d like your score to range between 0 and 1, like a probability. The sklearnMinMaxScaler can do that for you:

>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
>>> sms['lda_score'] = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(
...     spamminess_score.reshape(-1,1))
>>> sms['lda_predict'] = (sms.lda_score > .5).astype(int)
>>> sms['spam lda_predict lda_score'.split()].round(2).head(6)
       spam  lda_predict  lda_score
sms0      0            0       0.23
sms1      0            0       0.18
sms2!     1            1       0.72
sms3      0            0       0.18
sms4      0            0       0.29
sms5!     1            1       0.55

That looks pretty good. All of the first six messages were classified correctly when you set the threshold at 50%. Let’s see how it did on the rest of the training set:

>>> (1. - (sms.spam - sms.lda_predict).abs().sum() / len(sms)).round(3)

Wow! 97.7% of the messages were classified correctly with this simple model. You’re not likely to achieve this result in the real world, because you haven’t separated out a test set. This A+ score is on test “questions” that the classifier has already “seen.” But LDA is a very simple model, with few parameters, so it should generalize well, as long as your SMS messages are representative of the messages you intend to classify. Try it on your own examples to find out. Or even better, check out appendix D and learn how to do what’s called “cross validation.”

This is the power of semantic analysis approaches. Unlike Naive Bayes or logistic regression models, semantic analysis doesn’t rely on individual words.[9] Semantic analysis gathers up words with similar semantics (such as spamminess) and uses them all together. But remember that this training set has a limited vocabulary and some non-English words in it. So your test messages need to use similar words if you want them to be classified correctly.


Actually, a Naive Bayes classifier and a logistic regression model are both equivalent to this simple LDA model. Dig into the math and the sklearn code if you want to see.

Let’s see what the training set confusion matrix looks like. This shows you the SMS messages that it labeled as spam that weren’t spam at all (false positives), and the ones that were labeled as ham that should have been labeled spam (false negatives):

>>> from pugnlp.stats import Confusion
>>> Confusion(sms['spam lda_predict'.split()])
lda_predict     0    1
0            4135   64
1              45  593

That looks nice. You could adjust the 0.5 threshold on your score if the false positives (64) or false negatives (45) were out of balance. Now you’re ready to learn about models that can compute multidimensional semantic vectors instead of just 1D semantic scores. So far, the only thing your 1D vectors “understand” is the spamminess of words and documents. You’d like them to learn a lot more word nuances and give you a multidimensional vector that captures a word’s meaning.

Before you dive into SVD, the math behind multidimensional LSA, we should mention some other approaches first.

The other “cousin”

LSA has another “cousin.” And it has an abbreviation similar to LDA. LDiA stands for latent Dirichlet allocation.[10] LDiA can also be used to generate vectors that capture the semantics of a word or document.


We chose the nonstandard LDiA acronym to distinguish it from the acronym LDA, which usually means linear discriminant analysis, but not always. At least in this book, you won’t have to guess what we mean by that algorithm. LDA will always mean linear discriminant analysis. LDiA will always mean latent Dirichlet allocation.

LDiA takes the math of LSA in a different direction. It uses a nonlinear statistical algorithm to group words together. As a result, it generally takes much longer to train than linear approaches like LSA. Often this makes LDiA less practical for many real-world applications, and it should rarely be the first approach you try. Nonetheless, the statistics of the topics it creates sometimes more closely mirror human intuition about words and topics. So LDiA topics will often be easier for you to explain to your boss.

And LDiA is useful for some single-document problems such as document summarization. Your corpus becomes the document, and your documents become the sentences in that “corpus.” This is how gensim and other packages use LDiA to identify the most “central” sentences of a document. These sentences can then be strung together to create a machine-generated summary.[11]


We generated some of the text in the “About this book” section using similar math, but implemented in a neural network (see chapter 12).

For most classification or regression problems, you’re usually better off using LSA. So we explain LSA and its underlying SVD linear algebra first.

4.2. Latent semantic analysis

Latent semantic analysis is based on the oldest and most commonly-used technique for dimension reduction, singular value decomposition. SVD was in widespread use long before the term “machine learning” even existed.[12] SVD decomposes a matrix into three square matrices, one of which is diagonal.


Google Ngram Viewer ( is a great way to learn about the history of words and concepts.

One application of SVD is matrix inversion. A matrix can be inverted by decomposing it into three simpler square matrices, transposing matrices, and then multiplying them back together. You can imagine all the applications for an algorithm that gives you a shortcut for inverting a large, complicated matrix. SVD is useful for mechanical engineering problems such as truss structure stress and strain analysis. It’s also useful for circuit analysis in electrical engineering. And it’s even used in data science for behavior-based recommendation engines that run alongside content-based NLP recommendation engines.

Using SVD, LSA can break down your TF-IDF term-document matrix into three simpler matrices. And they can be multiplied back together to produce the original matrix, without any changes. This is like factorization of a large integer. Big whoop. But these three simpler matrices from SVD reveal properties about the original TF-IDF matrix that you can exploit to simplify it. You can truncate those matrices (ignore some rows and columns) before multiplying them back together, which reduces the number of dimensions you have to deal with in your vector space model.

These truncated matrices don’t give the exact same TF-IDF matrix you started with—they give you a better one. Your new representation of the documents contains the essence, the “latent semantics” of those documents. That’s why SVD is used in other fields for things such as compression. It captures the essence of a dataset and ignores the noise. A JPEG image is ten times smaller than the original bitmap, but it still contains all the information of the original image.

When you use SVD this way in natural language processing, you call it latent semantic analysis. LSA uncovers the semantics, or meaning, of words that is hidden and waiting to be uncovered.

Latent semantic analysis is a mathematical technique for finding the “best” way to linearly transform (rotate and stretch) any set of NLP vectors, like your TF-IDF vectors or bag-of-words vectors. And the “best” way for many applications is to line up the axes (dimensions) in your new vectors with the greatest “spread” or variance in the word frequencies.[13] You can then eliminate those dimensions in the new vector space that don’t contribute much to the variance in the vectors from document to document.


There are some great visualizations and explanations in chapter 16 of Jurafsky and Martin’s NLP textbook (

Using SVD this way is called truncated singular value decomposition (truncated SVD). In the image processing and image compression world, you might have heard of this as principal component analysis (PCA). And we show you some tricks that help improve the accuracy of LSA vectors. These tricks are also useful when you’re doing PCA for machine learning and feature engineering problems in other areas.

If you’ve taken linear algebra, you probably learned the algebra behind LSA called singular value decomposition. And if you’ve done machine learning on images or other high-dimensional data, like time series, you’ve probably used PCA on those high-dimensional vectors. LSA on natural language documents is equivalent to PCA on TF-IDF vectors.

LSA uses SVD to find the combinations of words that are responsible, together, for the biggest variation in the data. You can rotate your TF-IDF vectors so that the new dimensions (basis vectors) of your rotated vectors all align with these maximum variance directions. The “basis vectors” are the axes of your new vector space and are analogous to your topic vectors in the three 6-D topic vectors from your thought experiment at the beginning of this chapter. Each of your dimensions (axes) becomes a combination of word frequencies rather than a single word frequency. So you think of them as the weighted combinations of words that make up various “topics” used throughout your corpus.

The machine doesn’t “understand” what the combinations of words means, just that they go together. When it sees words like “dog,” “cat,” and “love” together a lot, it puts them together in a topic. It doesn’t know that such a topic is likely about “pets.” It might include a lot of words like “domesticated” and “feral” in that same topic, words that mean the opposite of each other. If they occur together a lot in the same documents, LSA will give them high scores for the same topics together. It’s up to us humans to look at what words have a high weight in each topic and give them a name.

But you don’t have to give the topics a name to make use of them. Just as you didn’t analyze all the 1,000s of dimensions in your stemmed bag-of-words vectors or TF-IDF vectors from previous chapters, you don’t have to know what all your topics “mean.” You can still do vector math with these new topic vectors, just like you did with TF-IDF vectors. You can add and subtract them and estimate the similarity between documents based on their topic vectors instead of just their word counts.

LSA gives you another bit of useful information. Like the “IDF” part of TF-IDF, it tells you which dimensions in your vector are important to the semantics (meaning) of your documents. You can discard those dimensions (topics) that have the least amount of variance between documents. These low-variance topics are usually distractions, noise, for any machine learning algorithm. If every document has roughly the same amount of some topic and that topic doesn’t help you tell the documents apart, then you can get rid of it. And that will help generalize your vector representation so it will work better when you use it with documents your pipeline hasn’t yet seen, even documents from a different context.

This generalization and compression that LSA performs accomplishes what you attempted in chapter 2 when you ignored stop words. But the LSA dimension reduction is much better, because it’s optimal. It retains as much information as possible, and it doesn’t discard any words, it only discards dimensions (topics).

LSA compresses more meaning into fewer dimensions. We only have to retain the high-variance dimensions, the major topics that your corpus talks about in a variety of ways (with high variance). And each of these dimensions becomes your “topics,” with some weighted combination of all the words captured in each one.

4.2.1. Your thought experiment made real

Let’s use an algorithm to compute some topics like “animalness,” “petness,” and “cityness” from your thought experiment. You can’t tell the LSA algorithm what you want the topics to be about.[14] But let’s just try it and see what happens. For a small corpus of short documents such as tweets, chat messages, and lines of poetry, it takes only a few dimensions (topics) to capture the semantics of those documents. See the following listing.


There is an area of research into something called “learned metrics,” which you can use to steer the topics toward what you want them to be about. See NIPS paper “Learning Low-Dimensional Metrics” ( by Lalit Jain, Blake Mason, and Robert Nowak.

Listing 4.2. Topic-word matrix for LSA on 16 short sentences about cats, dogs, and NYC
>>> from
...     import word_topic_vectors
>>> word_topic_vectors.T.round(1)
      cat  dog  apple  lion  nyc  love
top0 -0.6 -0.4    0.5  -0.3  0.4  -0.1
top1 -0.1 -0.3   -0.4  -0.1  0.1   0.8
top2 -0.3  0.8   -0.1  -0.5  0.0   0.1

The rows in this topic-word matrix are the “word topic vectors” or just “topic vectors” for each word. This is like the word scores used in the sentiment analysis model in chapter 2. These will be the vectors you can use to represent the meaning of a word in any machine learning pipeline; they are also sometimes called word “semantic vectors.” And the topic vectors for each word can be added up to compute a topic vector for a document.

Surprisingly SVD created topic vectors analogous to the ones you pulled from your imagination in the thought experiment. The first topic, labeled topic0, is a little like your “cityness” topic earlier. The topic0 weights have larger weights for “apple” and “NYC.” But topic0 came first in the LSA ordering of topics and last in your imagined topics. LSA sorts the topics in order of importance, how much information or variance they represent for your dataset. The topic0 dimension is along the axis of highest variance in your dataset. You can see the high variance in the cities when you notice several sentences about “NYC” and “apple,” and several that don’t use those words at all.

And topic1 looks different from all the thought experiment topics. The LSA algorithm found that “love” was a more important topic than “animalness” for capturing the essence of the documents that you ran it on. The last topic, topic2, appears to be about “dog”s, with a little “love” thrown into the mix. The word “cat” is relegated to the “anti-cityness” topic (negative cityness), because cats and cities aren’t mentioned together much.

One more short thought experiment should help you appreciate how LSA works—how an algorithm can create topic vectors without knowing what words mean.

Mad libs

Can you figure out what the word “awas” means from its context in the following statement?

Awas! Awas! Tom is behind you! Run!

You might not guess that Tom is the alpha orangutan in Leakey Park, in Borneo. And you might not know that Tom has been “conditioned” to humans but is territorial, sometimes becoming dangerously aggressive. And your internal natural language processor may not have time to consciously figure out what “awas” means until you have run away to safety.

But once you catch your breath and think about it, you might guess that “awas” means “danger” or “watch out” in Indonesian. Ignoring the real world, and just focusing on the language context, the words, you can often “transfer” a lot of the significance or meaning of words you do know to words that you don’t.

Try it sometime, with yourself or with a friend. Like a Mad Libs game,[15] just replace a word in a sentence with a foreign word, or even a made-up word. Then ask a friend to guess what that word means, or ask them to fill in the blank with an English word. Often your friend’s guess won’t be too far off from a valid translation of the foreign word, or your intended meaning for the made-up word.


See the web page titled “Mad Libs” (

Machines, starting with a clean slate, don’t have a language to build on. So it takes much more than a single example for them to figure out what the words in it mean. It’s like when you look at a sentence full of foreign words. But machines can do it quite well, using LSA, even with just a random sampling of documents containing at least a few mentions of the words you’re interested in.

Can you see how shorter documents, like sentences, are better for this than large documents such as articles or books? This is because the meaning of a word is usually closely related to the meanings of the words in the sentence that contains it. But this isn’t so true about the words that are far apart within a longer document.[16]


When Tomas Mikolov was thinking about this as he came up with Word2vec, he realized he could tighten up the meaning of word vectors if he tightened up the context even further, limiting the distance between context words to five.

LSA is a way to train a machine to recognize the meaning (semantics) of words and phrases by giving the machine some example usages. Like people, machines can learn better semantics from example usages of words much faster and easier than they can from dictionary definitions. Extracting meaning from example usages requires less logical reasoning than reading all the possible definitions and forms of a word in a dictionary and then encoding that into some logic.

The math you use to uncover the meaning of words in LSA is called singular value decomposition. SVD, from your linear algebra class, is what LSA uses to create vectors like those in the word-topic matrices just discussed.[17]


Check out the examples in nlpia/book/examples/ch04_*.py if you want to see the documents and vector math behind this “actualization” of the thought experiment. This was a thought experiment before SVD was used on real natural language sentences. We were lucky that the topics were at all similar.

Finally some NLP in action: we now show you how a machine is able to “play Mad Libs” to understand words.

4.3. Singular value decomposition

Singular value decomposition is the algorithm behind LSA. Let’s start with a corpus of only 11 documents and a vocabulary of 6 words, similar to what you had in mind for your thought experiment:[18]


We just chose 11 short sentences to keep the print version short. You could learn a lot by checking out the ch04 examples in nplpia and running SVD on larger and larger corpora.

>>> from
...     import lsa_models, prettify_tdm
>>> bow_svd, tfidf_svd = lsa_models()                1
>>> prettify_tdm(**bow_svd)
   cat dog apple lion nyc love
0            1        1                                 NYC is the Big Apple.
1            1        1                        NYC is known as the Big Apple.
2                     1    1                                      I love NYC!
3            1        1           I wore a hat to the Big Apple party in NYC.
4            1        1                       Come to NYC. See the Big Apple!
5            1                             Manhattan is called the Big Apple.
6    1                                New York is a big city for a small cat.
7    1            1           The lion, a big cat, is the king of the jungle.
8    1                     1                               I love my pet cat.
9                     1    1                      I love New York City (NYC).
10   1   1                                            Your dog chased mycat.

  • 1 This performs LSA on the cats_and_dogs corpus using the vocabulary from the thought experiment. You’ll soon peak inside this black box.

This is a document-term matrix where each row is a vector of the bag-of-words for a document.

You’ve limited the vocabulary to match the thought experiment. And you limited the corpus to only a few (11) documents that use the 6 words in your vocabulary. Unfortunately, the sorting algorithm and the limited vocabulary created several identical bag-of-words vectors (NYC, apple). But SVD should be able to “see” that and allocate a topic to that pair of words.

You’ll first use SVD on the term-document matrix (the transpose of the document-term matrix above), but it works on TF-IDF matrices or any other vector space model:

>>> tdm = bow_svd['tdm']
>>> tdm
        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
cat     0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   1   0    1
dog     0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0    1
apple   1   1   0   1   1   1   0   0   0   0    0
lion    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0    0
nyc     1   1   1   1   1   0   0   0   0   1    0
love    0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   1   1    0

SVD is an algorithm for decomposing any matrix into three “factors,” three matrices that can be multiplied together to recreate the original matrix. This is analogous to finding exactly three integer factors for a large integer. But your factors aren’t scalar integers, they are 2D real matrices with special properties. The three matrix factors you compute with SVD have some useful mathematical properties you can exploit for dimension reduction and LSA. In linear algebra class you may have used SVD to find the inverse of a matrix. Here you’ll use it for LSA to figure out what your topics (groups of related words) need to be.

Whether you run SVD on a BOW term-document matrix or a TF-IDF term-document matrix, SVD will find combinations of words that belong together. SVD finds those co-occurring words by calculating the correlation between the columns (terms) of your term-document matrix.[19] SVD simultaneously finds the correlation of term use between documents and the correlation of documents with each other. With these two pieces of information SVD also computes the linear combinations of terms that have the greatest variation across the corpus. These linear combinations of term frequencies will become your topics. And you’ll keep only those topics that retain the most information, the most variance in your corpus. It also gives you the linear transformation (rotation) of your term-document vectors to convert those vectors into shorter topic vectors for each document.


This is equivalent to the square root of the dot product of two columns (term-document occurrence vectors), but SVD provides you additional information that computing the correlation directly wouldn’t provide.

SVD will group terms together that have high correlation with each other (because they occur in the same documents together a lot) and also vary together a lot over the set of documents. We think of these linear combinations of words as “topics.” These topics turn your BOW vectors (or TF-IDF vectors) into topic vectors that tell you the topics a document is about. A topic vector is kind of like a summary, or generalization, of what the document is about.

It’s unclear who came up with the idea to apply SVD to word counts to create topic vectors. Several linguists were working on similar approaches simultaneously. They were all finding that the semantic similarity between two natural language expressions (or individual words) is proportional to the similarity between the contexts in which words or expressions are used. These researchers include Harris, Z. S. (1951),[20] Koll (1979),[21] Isbell (1998),[22] Dumais et al. (1988),[23] Salton and Lesk (1965),[24] and Deerwester (1990).[25]


Jurafsky and Schone cite “Methods in structural linguistics” by Harris, Z. S., 1951 in their 2000 paper “Knowledge-Free Induction of Morphology Using Latent Semantic Analysis” ( as well as in their slides (


Koll, M. (1979) “Generalized vector spaces model in information retrieval” ( and “Approach to Concept Based Information Retrieval” by Koll, M. (1979).


“Restructuring Sparse High-Dimensional Data for Effective Retrieval” ( by Charles Lee Isbell, Jr., 1998.


“Using latent semantic analysis to improve access to textual information” by Dumais et al., 1988 (


Salton, G., (1965) “The SMART automatic document retrieval system.”


Deerwester, S. et al. “Indexing by Latent Semantic Indexing.”

Here’s what SVD (the heart of LSA) looks like in math notation:

WmxnUmxp Spxp VpxnT

In this formula, m is the number of terms in your vocabulary, n is the number of documents in your corpus, and p is the number of topics in your corpus, and this is the same as the number of words. But wait, weren’t you trying to end up with fewer dimensions? You want to eventually end up with fewer topics than words, so you can use those topic vectors (rows of the topic-document matrix) as a reduced-dimension representation of the original TF-IDF vectors. You eventually get to that. But at this first stage, you retain all the dimensions in your matrices.

The following sections show you what those three matrices (U, S, and V) look like.

4.3.1. U—left singular vectors

The U matrix contains the term-topic matrix that tells you about “the company a word keeps.”[26] This is the most important matrix for semantic analysis in NLP. The U matrix is called the “left singular vectors” because it contains row vectors that should be multiplied by a matrix of column vectors from the left.[27] U is the cross-correlation between words and topics based on word co-occurrence in the same document. It’s a square matrix until you start truncating it (deleting columns). It has the same number of rows and columns as you have words in your vocabulary (m): six. You still have six topics (p), because you haven’t truncated this matrix... yet.


If you try to duplicate these results with the PCA model in sklearn, you’ll notice that it gets this term-topic matrix from the VT matrix because the input dataset is transposed relative to what you did here. scikit-learn always arranges data as row vectors so your term-document matrix in tdm is transposed into a document-term matrix when you use or any other sklearn model training.


Mathematicians call these vectors “left eigenvectors” or “row eigenvectors.” See the Wikipedia article “Eigenvalues and eigenvectors” (

Listing 4.3. Umxp
>>> import numpy as np
>>> U, s, Vt = np.linalg.svd(tdm)              1
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> pd.DataFrame(U, index=tdm.index).round(2)
          0     1     2     3     4     5
cat   -0.04  0.83 -0.38 -0.00  0.11 -0.38
dog   -0.00  0.21 -0.18 -0.71 -0.39  0.52
apple -0.62 -0.21 -0.51  0.00  0.49  0.27
lion  -0.00  0.21 -0.18  0.71 -0.39  0.52
nyc   -0.75 -0.00  0.24 -0.00 -0.52 -0.32
love  -0.22  0.42  0.69  0.00  0.41  0.37

  • 1 You’re reusing the tdm term-document matrix from the earlier code sections.

Notice that the SVD algorithm is a bread-and-butter numpy math operation, not a fancy scikit-learn machine learning algorithm.

The U matrix contains all the topic vectors for each word in your corpus as columns. This means it can be used as a transformation to convert a word-document vector (a TF-IDF vector or a BOW vector) into a topic-document vector. You just multiply your topic-word U matrix by any word-document column vector to get a new topic-document vector. This is because the weights or scores in each cell of the U matrix represent how important each word is to each topic. This is exactly what you did in the thought experiment that started this whole cats and dogs adventure in NYC.

Even though you have what you need to map word frequencies to topics, we explain the remaining factors that SVD gives you and how they are used.

4.3.2. S—singular values

The Sigma or S matrix contains the topic “singular values” in a square diagonal matrix.[28] The singular values tell you how much information is captured by each dimension in your new semantic (topic) vector space. A diagonal matrix has nonzero values only along the diagonal from the upper left to the lower right. Everywhere else the S matrix will have zeros. So numpy saves space by returning the singular values as an array, but you can easily convert it to a diagonal matrix with the numpy.diag function, as shown in the following listing.


Mathematicians call these eigenvalues.

Listing 4.4. Spxp
>>> s.round(1)
array([3.1, 2.2, 1.8, 1. , 0.8, 0.5])
>>> S = np.zeros((len(U), len(Vt)))
>>>, s)
>>> pd.DataFrame(S).round(1)
    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10
0  3.1  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
1  0.0  2.2  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
2  0.0  0.0  1.8  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
3  0.0  0.0  0.0  1.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
4  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.8  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
5  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.5  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0

Like the U matrix, your S matrix for your 6-word, 6-topic corpus has six rows (p). But it has many more columns (n) filled with zeros. It needs a column for every document so you can multiply it by VT, the document-document matrix, that you’ll learn about next. Because you haven’t yet reduced the dimensionality by truncating this diagonal matrix, you have as many topics (p) as you have terms in your vocabulary (m), six. And your dimensions (topics) are constructed such that the first dimension contains the most information (“explained variance”) about your corpus. That way when you want to truncate your topic model, you can start zeroing out the dimensions at the lower right and work your way up and to the left. You can stop zeroing out these singular values when the error in your topic model starts to contribute significantly to the overall NLP pipeline error.


Here’s the trick we mentioned earlier. For NLP, and most other applications, you don’t want to retain the variance information in your topic model. The documents you process in the future might not be about the same topics. In most cases you’re better off setting the diagonal elements of your S matrix to ones, creating a rectangular identity matrix that just reshapes the VT document-document matrix to be compatible with your U word-topic matrix. That way if you multiply this S matrix by some new set of document vectors you won’t skew the topic vectors toward your original topic mix (distribution).

4.3.3. VT—right singular vectors

The VT matrix contains the “right singular vectors” as the columns of the document-document matrix. This gives you the shared meaning between documents, because it measures how often documents use the same topics in your new semantic model of the documents. It has the same number of rows (p) and columns as you have documents in your small corpus, 11. See the following listing.

Listing 4.5. VpxnT
>>> pd.DataFrame(Vt).round(2)
      0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10
0  -0.44 -0.44 -0.31 -0.44 -0.44 -0.20 -0.01 -0.01 -0.08 -0.31 -0.01
1  -0.09 -0.09  0.19 -0.09 -0.09 -0.09  0.37  0.47  0.56  0.19  0.47
2  -0.16 -0.16  0.52 -0.16 -0.16 -0.29 -0.22 -0.32  0.17  0.52 -0.32
3   0.00 -0.00 -0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 -0.00  0.71  0.00 -0.00 -0.71
4  -0.04 -0.04 -0.14 -0.04 -0.04  0.58  0.13 -0.33  0.62 -0.14 -0.33
5  -0.09 -0.09  0.10 -0.09 -0.09  0.51 -0.73  0.27 -0.01  0.10  0.27
6  -0.57  0.21  0.11  0.33 -0.31  0.34  0.34 -0.00 -0.34  0.23  0.00
7  -0.32  0.47  0.25 -0.63  0.41  0.07  0.07  0.00 -0.07 -0.18  0.00
8  -0.50  0.29 -0.20  0.41  0.16 -0.37 -0.37 -0.00  0.37 -0.17  0.00
9  -0.15 -0.15 -0.59 -0.15  0.42  0.04  0.04 -0.00 -0.04  0.63 -0.00
10 -0.26 -0.62  0.33  0.24  0.54  0.09  0.09 -0.00 -0.09 -0.23 -0.00

Like the S matrix, you’ll ignore the VT matrix whenever you’re transforming new word-document vectors into your topic vector space. You’ll only use it to check the accuracy of your topic vectors for recreating the original word-document vectors that you used to “train” it.

4.3.4. SVD matrix orientation

If you’ve done machine learning with natural language documents before, you may notice that your term-document matrix is “flipped” (transposed) relative to what you’re used to seeing in scikit-learn and other packages. In the Naive Bayes sentiment model at the end of chapter 2, and the TF-IDF vectors of chapter 3, you created your training set as a document-term matrix. This is the orientation that scikit-learn models require. Each row of your training set in the sample-feature matrix for a machine learning sample is a document. And each column represented a word or feature of those documents. But when you do the SVD linear algebra directly, your matrix needs to be transposed into term-document format.[29]


Actually, within the sklearn.PCA model they leave the document-term matrix unflipped and just flip the SVD matrix math operations. So the PCA model in scikit-learn ignores the U and S matrix and uses only the VT matrix for its transformation of new document-term row vectors into document-topic row vectors.


Matrices are named and sized by their rows first, then the columns. So a “term-document” matrix is a matrix where the rows are the words, and the columns are the documents. Matrix dimensions (sizes) work the same way. A 2 x 3 matrix will have two rows and three columns, which means it has an np.shape() of (2, 3) and a len() of two.

Don’t forget to transpose your term-document or topic-document matrices back to the scikit-learn orientation before training a machine learning model. In scikit-learn, each row in an NLP training set should contain a vector of the features associated with a document (an email, SMS message, sentence, web page, or any other chunk of text). In NLP training sets, your vectors are row vectors. In traditional linear algebra operations, vectors are usually thought of as column vectors.

In the next section, we go through all this with you to train a scikit-learnTruncatedSVD transformer to transform bag-of-words vectors into topic-document vectors. You’ll then transpose those vectors back to create the rows of your training set so you can train a scikit-learn (sklearn) classifier on those document-topic vectors.


If you’re using scikit-learn, you must transpose the feature-document matrix (usually called X in sklearn) to create a document-feature matrix to pass into your .fit() and .predict() methods of a model. Each row in a training set matrix should be a feature vector for a particular sample text, usually a document.[30]


See the scikit-learn documentation on LSA (

4.3.5. Truncating the topics

You now have a topic model, a way to transform word frequency vectors into topic weight vectors. But because you have just as many topics as words, your vector space model has just as many dimensions as the original BOW vectors. You’ve just created some new words and called them “topics” because they each combine words together in various ratios. You haven’t reduced the number of dimensions... yet.

You can ignore the S matrix, because the rows and columns of your U matrix are already arranged so that the most important topics (with the largest singular values) are on the left. Another reason you can ignore S is that most of the word-document vectors you’ll want to use with this model, like TF-IDF vectors, have already been normalized. Finally, it just produces better topic models if you set it up this way.[31]


Levy, Goldberg, and Dagan, Improving Distributional Similarity with Lessons Learned from Word Embeddings, 2015.

So let’s start lopping off columns on the right-hand side of U. But wait. How many topics will be enough to capture the essence of a document? One way to measure the accuracy of LSA is to see how accurately you can recreate a term-document matrix from a topic-document matrix. The following listing plots the reconstruction accuracy for the 9-term, 11-document matrix you used earlier to demonstrate SVD.

Listing 4.6. Term-document matrix reconstruction error
>>> err = []
>>> for numdim in range(len(s), 0, -1):
...     S[numdim - 1, numdim - 1] = 0
...     reconstructed_tdm =
...     err.append(np.sqrt(((
...         reconstructed_tdm - tdm).values.flatten() ** 2).sum()
...         / np.product(tdm.shape)))
>>> np.array(err).round(2)
array([0.06, 0.12, 0.17, 0.28, 0.39, 0.55])

When you reconstruct a term-document matrix for your 11 documents using the singular vectors, the more you truncate, the more the error grows. The 3-topic model from earlier would have about 28% error if you used it to reconstruct BOW vectors for each document. Figure 4.3 shows a plot of that accuracy drop as you drop more and more dimensions in your topic model.

Figure 4.3. Term-document matrix reconstruction accuracy decreases as you ignore more dimensions.

As you can see, the accuracy drop is pretty similar, whether you use TF-IDF vectors or BOW vectors for your model. But TF-IDF vectors will perform slightly better if you plan to retain only a few topics in your model.

This is a simple example, but you can see how you might use a plot like this to decide how many topics (dimensions) you want in your model. In some cases you may find that you get perfect accuracy, after eliminating several of the dimensions in your term-document matrix. Can you guess why?

The SVD algorithm behind LSA “notices” if words are always used together and puts them together in a topic. That’s how it can get a few dimensions “for free.” Even if you don’t plan to use a topic model in your pipeline, LSA (SVD) can be a great way to compress your word-document matrices and identify potential compound words or n-grams for your pipeline.

4.4. Principal component analysis

Principal component analysis is another name for SVD when it’s used for dimension reduction, like you did to accomplish your latent semantic analysis earlier. And the PCA model in scikit-learn has some tweaks to the SVD math that will improve the accuracy of your NLP pipeline.

For one, sklearn.PCA automatically “centers” your data by subtracting off the mean word frequencies. Another, more subtle trick is that PCA uses a function called flip_sign to deterministically compute the sign of the singular vectors.[32]


You can find some experiments with these functions within PCA that you used to understand all these subtleties in

Finally, the sklearn implementation of PCA implements an optional “whitening” step. This is similar to your trick of ignoring the singular values when transforming word-document vectors into topic-document vectors. Instead of just setting all the singular values in S to one, whitening divides your data by these variances just like the sklearn.StandardScaler transform does. This helps spread out your data and makes any optimization algorithm less likely to get lost in “half pipes” or “rivers” of your data that can arise when features in your dataset are correlated with each other.[33]


See the web page titled “Deep Learning Tutorial - PCA and Whitening” (

Before you apply PCA to real-world, high-dimensional NLP data, let’s take a step back and look at a more visual representation of what PCA and SVD do. This will also help you understand the API for the scikit-learn PCA implementation. PCA is useful for a wide range of applications, so this insight will be helpful for more than just NLP. You’re going to do PCA on a 3D point cloud before you try it out on high-dimensional natural language data.

For most “real” problems, you’ll want to use the sklearn.PCA model for your latent semantic analysis. The one exception is if you have more documents than you can hold in RAM. In that case, you’ll need to use the IncrementalPCA model in sklearn or some of the scaling techniques we talk about in chapter 13.


If you have a huge corpus and you urgently need topic vectors (LSA), skip to chapter 13 and check out gensim.models.LsiModel ( If a single machine still isn’t enough to get the work done quickly, check out RocketML’s parallelization of the SVD algorithm (

You’re going to start with a set of real-world 3D vectors, rather than 10,000+ dimensional document-word vectors. It’s a lot easier to visualize things in 3D than it is in 10,000-D. Because you’re only dealing with three dimensions, it’s straightforward to plot them using the Axes3D class in Matplotlib. See the nlpia ( package for the code to create rotatable 3D plots like this.

In fact, the point cloud shown in Figure 4.4 is from the 3D scan of the surface of a real-world object, not the pointy tips of a set of BOW vectors. But this will help you get a feel for how LSA works. And you can see how to manipulate and plot small vectors before you tackle higher-dimensional vectors such as document-word vectors.

Figure 4.4. Looking up from below the “belly” at the point cloud for a real object

Can you guess what this 3D object is that created these 3D vectors? You only have a 2D projection printed in this book to go on. Can you think of how you would program a machine to rotate the object around so that you could get a better view? Are there statistics about the data points that you could use to optimally align the X and Y axes with the object? As you rotate the 3D blob in your mind, imagine how the variance along the X, Y, and Z axes might change as you rotate it.

4.4.1. PCA on 3D vectors

We manually rotated the point cloud into this particular orientation to minimize the variance along the axes of the window for the plot. We did that so that you’d have a hard time recognizing what it is. If SVD (LSA) did this to your document-word vectors, it would “hide” the information in those vectors. Stacking the points on top of each other in your 2D projection prevents human eyes, or machine learning algorithms, from separating the points into meaningful clusters. But SVD preserves the structure, information content, of your vectors by maximizing the variance along the dimensions of your lower-dimensional “shadow” of the high-dimensional space. This is what you need for machine learning so that each low-dimensional vector captures the “essence” of whatever it represents. SVD maximizes the variance along each axis. And variance turns out to be a pretty good indicator of “information,” or that “essence” you’re looking for:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 6)                           1
>>> from sklearn.decomposition import PCA                             2
>>> import seaborn
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> from import get_data
>>> df = get_data('pointcloud').sample(1000)
>>> pca = PCA(n_components=2)                                         3
>>> df2d = pd.DataFrame(pca.fit_transform(df), columns=list('xy'))
>>> df2d.plot(kind='scatter', x='x', y='y')

  • 1 Ensure that your pd.DataFrame printouts fit within the width of a page.
  • 2 Even though it’s called PCA in scikit-learn, this is SVD.
  • 3 You’re reducing a 3D point cloud to a 2D “projection” for display in a 2D scatter plot.

If you run this script, the orientation of your 2D projection may randomly “flip” left to right, but it never tips or twists to a new angle. The orientation of the 2D projection is computed so that the maximum variance is always aligned with the x axis, the first axis. The second largest variance is always aligned with the y axis, the second dimension of your “shadow” or “projection.” But the polarity (sign) of these axes is arbitrary because the optimization has two remaining degrees of freedom. The optimization is free to flip the polarity of the vectors (points) along the x or y axis, or both.

There’s also a script in the nlpia/data directory if you’d like to play around with the 3D orientation of the horse. There may indeed be a more optimal transformation of the data that eliminates one dimension without reducing the information content of that data (to your eye). And Picasso’s cubist “eye” might come up with a nonlinear transformation that maintains the information content of views from multiple perspectives all at once. And there are “embedding” algorithms to do this, like the one we talk about in chapter 6.

But don’t you think good old linear SVD and PCA do a pretty good job of preserving the “information” in the point cloud vector data? Doesn’t your 2D projection of the 3D horse provide a good view of the data? Wouldn’t a machine be able to learn something from the statistics of these 2D vectors computed from the 3D vectors of the surface of a horse (see figure 4.5)?

Figure 4.5. Head-to-head horse point clouds upside-down

4.4.2. Stop horsing around and get back to NLP

Let’s see how SVD will do on some natural language documents. Let’s find the principal components using SVD on the 5,000 SMS messages labeled as spam (or not). The vocabulary and variety of topics discussed in this limited set of SMS messages from a university lab should be relatively small. So let’s limit the number of topics to 16. You’ll use both the scikit-learn PCA model as well as the truncated SVD model to see if there are any differences.

The truncated SVD model is designed to work with sparse matrices. Sparse matrices are matrices that have the same value (usually zero or NaN) in a lot of the cells. NLP bag-of-words and TF-IDF matrices are almost always sparse, because most documents don’t contain many of the words in your vocabulary. Most of your word counts are zero (before you add a “ghost” count to them all to smooth your data out).

Sparse matrices are like spreadsheets that are mostly empty, but have a few meaningful values scattered around. The sklearn PCA model may provide a faster solution than TruncatedSVD by using dense matrices with all those zeros filled in. But sklearn.PCA wastes a lot of RAM trying to “remember” all those zeros that are duplicated all over the place. The TfidfVectorizer in scikit-learn outputs sparse matrices, so you need to convert those to dense matrices before you compare the results to PCA.

First, let’s load the SMS messages from a DataFrame in the nlpia package:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from import get_data
>>> pd.options.display.width = 120                 1
>>> sms = get_data('sms-spam')
>>> index = ['sms{}{}'.format(i, '!'*j) 
 for (i,j) in zip(range(len(sms)), sms.spam)]    2
>>> sms.index = index
>>> sms.head(6)
       spam                                               text
sms0      0  Go until jurong point, crazy.. Available only ...
sms1      0                      Ok lar... Joking wif u oni...
sms2!     1  Free entry in 2 a wkly comp to win FA Cup fina...
sms3      0  U dun say so early hor... U c already then say...
sms4      0  Nah I don't think he goes to usf, he lives aro...
sms5!     1  FreeMsg Hey there darling it's been 3 week's n...

  • 1 This helps the wide Pandas DataFrames print out a bit prettier.
  • 2 You’re adding an exclamation mark to the sms message index numbers to make them easier to spot.

Now you can calculate the TF-IDF vectors for each of these messages:

>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
>>> from nltk.tokenize.casual import casual_tokenize
>>> tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=casual_tokenize)
>>> tfidf_docs = tfidf.fit_transform(raw_documents=sms.text).toarray()
>>> len(tfidf.vocabulary_)
>>> tfidf_docs = pd.DataFrame(tfidf_docs)
>>> tfidf_docs = tfidf_docs - tfidf_docs.mean()    1
>>> tfidf_docs.shape                               2
(4837, 9232)
>>> sms.spam.sum()                                 3

  • 1 This centers your vectorized documents (BOW vectors) by subtracting the mean.
  • 2 The .shape attribute tells you the length of each of the dimensions for any numpy array.
  • 3 The .sum() method on a Pandas Series acts just like a spreadsheet column sum, adding up all the elements.

So you have 4,837 SMS messages with 9,232 different 1-gram tokens from your tokenizer (casual_tokenize). Only 638 of these 4,837 messages (13%) are labeled as spam. So you have an unbalanced training set with about 8:1 ham (normal SMS messages) to spam (unwanted solicitations and advertisements).

You might deal with this ham sampling bias by reducing the “reward” for any model that classifies ham correctly. But the large vocabulary size, |V|, is trickier to deal with. The 9,232 tokens in your vocabulary is greater than the 4,837 messages (samples) you have to go on. So you have many more unique words in your vocabulary (or lexicon) than you have SMS messages. And of those SMS messages only a small portion of them (1/8th) are labeled as spam. That’s a recipe for overfitting.[34] Only a few unique words out of your large vocabulary will be labeled as “spammy” words in your dataset.


See the web page titled “Overfitting” (

Overfitting means that you will “key” off of only a few words in your vocabulary. So your spam filter will be dependent on those spammy words being somewhere in the spammy messages it filters out. Spammers could easily get around your filter if they just used synonyms for those spammy words. If your vocabulary doesn’t include the spammer’s new synonyms, then your filter will mis-classify those cleverly constructed SMS messages as ham.

And this overfitting problem is an inherent problem in NLP. It’s hard to find a labeled natural language dataset that includes all the ways that people might say something that should be labeled that way. We couldn’t find a big database of SMS messages that included all the different ways people say spammy and nonspammy things. And only a few corporations have the resources to create such a dataset. So all the rest of you need to have “countermeasures” for overfitting. You have to use algorithms that “generalize” well on just a few examples.

Dimension reduction is the primary countermeasure for overfitting. By consolidating your dimensions (words) into a smaller number of dimensions (topics), your NLP pipeline will become more “general.” Your spam filter will work on a wider range of SMS messages if you reduce your dimensions, or “vocabulary.”

That’s exactly what LSA does—it reduces your dimensions and therefore helps prevent overfitting.[35] It generalizes from your small dataset by assuming a linear relationship between word counts. So if the word “half” occurs in spammy messages containing words like “off” a lot (as in “Half off!”), LSA helps you make those connections between words and sees how strong they are so it will generalize from the phrase “half off” in a spammy message to phrases like “80% off.” And it might even generalize further to the phrase “80% discount” if the chain of connections in your NLP data includes “discount” associated with the word “off.”


More on overfitting and generalization in appendix D.


Some think of generalization as the core challenge of machine learning and artificial intelligence. “One-shot learning” is often used to describe research into models that take this to the extreme, requiring orders of magnitude less data to accomplish the same accuracy as conventional models.

Generalizing your NLP pipeline helps ensure that it applies to a broader set of real-world SMS messages instead of just this particular set of messages.

4.4.3. Using PCA for SMS message semantic analysis

Let’s try the PCA model from scikit-learn first. You’ve already seen it in action wrangling 3D horses into a 2D pen; now let’s wrangle your dataset of 9,232-D TF-IDF vectors into 16-D topic vectors:

>>> from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
>>> pca = PCA(n_components=16)
>>> pca =
>>> pca_topic_vectors = pca.transform(tfidf_docs)
>>> columns = ['topic{}'.format(i) for i in range(pca.n_components)]
>>> pca_topic_vectors = pd.DataFrame(pca_topic_vectors, columns=columns,
...     index=index)
>>> pca_topic_vectors.round(3).head(6)
       topic0  topic1  topic2   ...     topic13  topic14  topic15
sms0    0.201   0.003   0.037   ...      -0.026   -0.019    0.039
sms1    0.404  -0.094  -0.078   ...      -0.036    0.047   -0.036
sms2!  -0.030  -0.048   0.090   ...      -0.017   -0.045    0.057
sms3    0.329  -0.033  -0.035   ...      -0.065    0.022   -0.076
sms4    0.002   0.031   0.038   ...       0.031   -0.081   -0.021
sms5!  -0.016   0.059   0.014   ...       0.077   -0.015    0.021

If you’re curious about these topics, you can find out how much of each word they “contain” by examining their weights. By looking at the weights, you can see how often “half” occurs with the word “off” (as in “half off”) and then figure out which topic is your “discount” topic.


You can find the weights of any fitted sklearn transformation by examining its .components_ attribute.

First let’s assign words to all the dimensions in your PCA transformation. You need to get them in the right order because your TFIDFVectorizer stores the vocabulary as a dictionary that maps each term to an index number (column number):

>>> tfidf.vocabulary_
{'go': 3807,
 'until': 8487,
 'jurong': 4675,
 'point': 6296,
>>> column_nums, terms = zip(*sorted(zip(tfidf.vocabulary_.values(),
...     tfidf.vocabulary_.keys())))                                    1
>>> terms

  • 1 Sort the vocabulary by term count. This “zip(*sorted(zip()))” pattern is useful when you want to unzip something to sort by an element that isn’t on the far left, and then rezip it after sorting.

Now you can create a nice Pandas DataFrame containing the weights, with labels for all the columns and rows in the right place:

>>> weights = pd.DataFrame(pca.components_, columns=terms,
 index=['topic{}'.format(i) for i in range(16)])
>>> pd.options.display.max_columns = 8
>>> weights.head(4).round(3)
            !      "      #  ...      ...      ?    ?ud      ?
topic0 -0.071  0.008 -0.001  ...   -0.002  0.001  0.001  0.001
topic1  0.063  0.008  0.000  ...    0.003  0.001  0.001  0.001
topic2  0.071  0.027  0.000  ...    0.002 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001
topic3 -0.059 -0.032 -0.001  ...    0.001  0.001  0.001  0.001

Some of those columns (terms) aren’t that interesting, so let’s explore your tfidf.vocabulary. Let’s see if you can find some of those “half off” terms and which topics they’re a part of:

>>> pd.options.display.max_columns = 12
>>> deals = weights['! ;) :) half off free crazy deal only $ 80 %'.split()].r
     ound(3) * 100
>>> deals
            !   ;)    :)  half  off  free  crazy  deal  only    $   80    %
topic0   -7.1  0.1  -0.5  -0.0 -0.4  -2.0   -0.0  -0.1  -2.2  0.3 -0.0 -0.0
topic1    6.3  0.0   7.4   0.1  0.4  -2.3   -0.2  -0.1  -3.8 -0.1 -0.0 -0.2
topic2    7.1  0.2  -0.1   0.1  0.3   4.4    0.1  -0.1   0.7  0.0  0.0  0.1
topic3   -5.9 -0.3  -7.1   0.2  0.3  -0.2    0.0   0.1  -2.3  0.1 -0.1 -0.3
topic4   38.1 -0.1 -12.5  -0.1 -0.2   9.9    0.1  -0.2   3.0  0.3  0.1 -0.1
topic5  -26.5  0.1  -1.5  -0.3 -0.7  -1.4   -0.6  -0.2  -1.8 -0.9  0.0  0.0
topic6  -10.9 -0.5  19.9  -0.4 -0.9  -0.6   -0.2  -0.1  -1.4 -0.0 -0.0 -0.1
topic7   16.4  0.1 -18.2   0.8  0.8  -2.9    0.0   0.0  -1.9 -0.3  0.0 -0.1
topic8   34.6  0.1   5.2  -0.5 -0.5  -0.1   -0.4  -0.4   3.3 -0.6 -0.0 -0.2
topic9    6.9 -0.3  17.4   1.4 -0.9   6.6   -0.5  -0.4   3.3 -0.4 -0.0  0.0
>>> deals.T.sum()
topic0    -11.9
topic1      7.5
topic2     12.8
topic3    -15.5
topic4     38.3
topic5    -33.8
topic6      4.8
topic7     -5.3
topic8     40.5
topic9     33.1

Topics 4, 8, and 9 appear to all contain positive “deal” topic sentiment. And topics 0, 3, and 5 appear to be “anti-deal” topics, messages about stuff that’s the opposite of “deals”: negative deals. So words associated with “deals” can have a positive impact on some topics and a negative impact on others. There’s no single obvious “deal” topic number.


The casual_tokenize tokenizer splits "80%" into ["80", "%"] and "$80 million" into ["$", 80", "million"]. So unless you use LSA or a 2-gram tokenizer, your NLP pipeline wouldn’t notice the difference between 80% and $80 million. They’d both share the token “80.”

This is one of the challenges of LSA, making sense of the topics. LSA only allows for linear relationships between words. And you usually only have a small corpus to work with. So your topics tend to combine words in ways that humans don’t find all that meaningful. Several words from different topics will be crammed together into a single dimension (principle component) in order to make sure the model captures as much variance in usage of your 9,232 words as possible.

4.4.4. Using truncated SVD for SMS message semantic analysis

Now you can try the TruncatedSVD model in scikit-learn. This is a more direct approach to LSA that bypasses the scikit-learn PCA model so you can see what’s going on inside the PCA wrapper. It can handle sparse matrices, so if you’re working with large datasets you’ll want to use TruncatedSVD instead of PCA anyway. The SVD part of TruncatedSVD will split your TF-IDF matrix into three matrices. The Truncated part of TruncatedSVD will discard the dimensions that contain the least information about your TF-IDF matrix. These discarded dimensions represent the “topics” (linear combinations of words) that vary the least within your document set. These discarded topics would likely be meaningless to the overall semantics of your corpus. They’d likely contain a lot of stop words and other words that are uniformly distributed across all the documents.

You’re going to use TruncatedSVD to retain only the 16 most interesting topics, the topics that account for the most variance in your TF-IDF vectors:

>>> from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
>>> svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=16, n_iter=100)                       1
>>> svd_topic_vectors = svd.fit_transform(tfidf_docs.values)              2
>>> svd_topic_vectors = pd.DataFrame(svd_topic_vectors, columns=columns,
...     index=index)
>>> svd_topic_vectors.round(3).head(6)
       topic0  topic1  topic2   ...     topic13  topic14  topic15
sms0    0.201   0.003   0.037   ...      -0.036   -0.014    0.037
sms1    0.404  -0.094  -0.078   ...      -0.021    0.051   -0.042
sms2!  -0.030  -0.048   0.090   ...      -0.020   -0.042    0.052
sms3    0.329  -0.033  -0.035   ...      -0.046    0.022   -0.070
sms4    0.002   0.031   0.038   ...       0.034   -0.083   -0.021
sms5!  -0.016   0.059   0.014   ...       0.075   -0.001    0.020

  • 1 Just like in PCA, you’ll compute 16 topics but will iterate through the data 100 times (default is 5) to ensure that your answer is almost as exact as PCA.
  • 2 fit_transpose decomposes your TF-IDF vectors and transforms them into topic vectors in one step.

These topic vectors from TruncatedSVD are exactly the same as what PCA produced! This result is because you were careful to use a large number of iterations (n_iter), and you also made sure all your TF-IDF frequencies for each term (column) were centered on zero (by subtracting the mean for each term).

Look at the weights for each topic for a moment and try to make sense of them. Without knowing what these topics are about, or the words they weight heavily, do you think you could classify these six SMS messages as spam or not? Perhaps looking at the “!” label next to the spammy SMS message row labels will help. It would be hard, but it is possible, especially for a machine that can look at all 5,000 of your training examples and come up with thresholds on each topic to separate the topic space for spam and nonspam.

4.4.5. How well does LSA work for spam classification?

One way to find out how well a vector space model will work for classification is to see how cosine similarities between vectors correlate with membership in the same class. Let’s see if the cosine similarity between corresponding pairs of documents is useful for your particular binary classification. Let’s compute the dot product between the first six topic vectors for the first six SMS messages. You should see larger positive cosine similarity (dot products) between any spam message (“sms2!”):

>>> import numpy as np
>>> svd_topic_vectors = (svd_topic_vectors.T / np.linalg.norm(
...     svd_topic_vectors, axis=1)).T                                      1
>>> svd_topic_vectors.iloc[:10].dot(svd_topic_vectors.iloc[:10].T).round(1)
       sms0  sms1  sms2!  sms3  sms4  sms5!  sms6  sms7  sms8!  sms9!
sms0    1.0   0.6   -0.1   0.6  -0.0   -0.3  -0.3  -0.1   -0.3   -0.3
sms1    0.6   1.0   -0.2   0.8  -0.2    0.0  -0.2  -0.2   -0.1   -0.1
sms2!  -0.1  -0.2    1.0  -0.2   0.1    0.4   0.0   0.3    0.5    0.4
sms3    0.6   0.8   -0.2   1.0  -0.2   -0.3  -0.1  -0.3   -0.2   -0.1
sms4   -0.0  -0.2    0.1  -0.2   1.0    0.2   0.0   0.1   -0.4   -0.2
sms5!  -0.3   0.0    0.4  -0.3   0.2    1.0  -0.1   0.1    0.3    0.4
sms6   -0.3  -0.2    0.0  -0.1   0.0   -0.1   1.0   0.1   -0.2   -0.2
sms7   -0.1  -0.2    0.3  -0.3   0.1    0.1   0.1   1.0    0.1    0.4
sms8!  -0.3  -0.1    0.5  -0.2  -0.4    0.3  -0.2   0.1    1.0    0.3
sms9!  -0.3  -0.1    0.4  -0.1  -0.2    0.4  -0.2   0.4    0.3    1.0

  • 1 Normalizing each topic vector by its length (L2-norm) allows you to compute the cosine distances with a dot product.

Reading down the “sms0” column (or across the “sms0” row), the cosine similarity between “sms0” and the spam messages (“sms2!,” “sms5!,” “sms8!,” “sms9!”) is significantly negative. The topic vector for “sms0” is significantly different from the topic vector for spam messages. A nonspam message doesn’t talk about the same thing as spam messages.

Doing the same for the “sms2!” column should show a positive correlation with other spam messages. Spam messages share similar semantics; they talk about similar “topics.”

This is how semantic search works as well. You can use the cosine similarity between a query vector and all the topic vectors for your database of documents to find the most semantically similar message in your database. The closest document (smallest distance) to the vector for that query would correspond to the document with the closest meaning. Spaminess is just one of the “meanings” mixed into your SMS message topics.

Unfortunately, this similarity between topic vectors within each class (spam and nonspam) isn’t maintained for all the messages. “Drawing a line” between the spam and nonspam messages would be hard for this set of topic vectors. You’d have a hard time setting a threshold on the similarity to an individual spam message that would ensure that you’d always be able to classify spam and nonspam correctly. But, generally, the less spammy a message is, the further away it is (less similar it is) from another spam message in the dataset. That’s what you need if you want to build a spam filter using these topic vectors. And a machine learning algorithm can look at all the topics individually for all the spam and nonspam labels and perhaps draw a hyperplane or other boundary between the spam and nonspam messages.

When using truncated SVD, you should discard the eigenvalues before computing the topic vectors. You tricked the scikit-learn implementation of TruncatedSVD into ignoring the scale information within the eigenvalues (the Sigma or S matrix in your diagrams) by

  • Normalizing your TF-IDF vectors by their length (L2-norm)
  • Centering the TF-IDF term frequencies by subtracting the mean frequency for each term (word)

The normalization process eliminates any “scaling” or bias in the eigenvalues and focuses your SVD on the rotation part of the transformation of your TF-IDF vectors. By ignoring the eigenvalues (vector scale or length), you can “square up” the hypercube that bounds the topic vector space, which allows you to treat all topics as equally important in your model. If you want to use this trick within your own SVD implementation, you can normalize all the TF-IDF vectors by the L2-norm before computing the SVD or truncated SVD. The scikit-learn implementation of PCA does this for you by “centering” and “whitening” your data.

Without this normalization, infrequent topics will be given slightly more weight than they would otherwise. Because “spaminess” is a rare topic, occurring only 13% of the time, the topics that measure it would be given more weight by this normalization or eigenvalue discarding. The resulting topics are more correlated with subtle characteristics, like spaminess, by taking this approach.


Whichever algorithm or implementation you use for semantic analysis (LSA, PCA, SVD, truncated SVD, or LDiA), you should normalize your BOW or TF-IDF vectors first. Otherwise, you may end up with large scale differences between your topics. Scale differences between topics can reduce the ability of your model to differentiate between subtle, infrequent topics. Another way to think of it is that scale variation can create deep canyons and rivers in a contour plot of your objective function, making it hard for other machine learning algorithms to find the optimal thresholds on your topics in this rough terrain.

LSA and SVD enhancements

The success of singular value decomposition for semantic analysis and dimension reduction has motivated researchers to extend and enhance it. These enhancements are mostly intended for non-NLP problems, but we mention them here in case you run across them. They’re sometimes used for behavior-based recommendation engines alongside NLP content-based recommendation engines. And they’ve been used on natural language part-of-speech statistics.[36] Any matrix factorization or dimension reduction approach can be used with natural language term frequencies. So you may find use for them in your semantic analysis pipeline:


See the paper titled “Part-of-speech Histograms for Genre Classification of Text” by S. Feldman, M. A. Marin, M. Ostendorf, and M. R. Gupta (

  • Quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA)
  • Random projection
  • Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF)

QDA is an alternative to LDA. QDA creates quadratic polynomial transformations, rather than linear transformations. These transformations define a vector space that can be used to discriminate between classes. And the boundary between classes in a QDA vector space is quadratic, curved, like a bowl or sphere or halfpipe.

Random projection is a matrix decomposition and transformation approach similar to SVD, but the algorithm is stochastic, so you get a different answer each time you run it. But the stochastic nature makes it easier to run it on parallel machines. And in some cases (for some of those random runs), you can get transformations that are better than what comes out of SVD (and LSA). But random projection is rarely used for NLP problems, and there aren’t widely used implementations of it in NLP packages such as Spacy or NLTK. We leave it to you to explore this one further, if you think it might apply to your problem.

In most cases, you’re better off sticking with LSA, which uses the tried and true SVD algorithm under the hood.[37]


SVD has traditionally been used to compute the “pseudo-inverse” of nonsquare matrices, and you can imagine how many applications exist for matrix inversion.

4.5. Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDiA)

We’ve spent most of this chapter talking about latent semantic analysis and various ways to accomplish it using scikit-learn or even just plain numpy. LSA should be your first choice for most topic modeling, semantic search, or content-based recommendation engines.[38] Its math is straightforward and efficient, and it produces a linear transformation that can be applied to new batches of natural language without training and with little loss in accuracy. But LDiA can give slightly better results in some situations.


A 2015 comparison of content-based movie recommendation algorithms by Sonia Bergamaschi and Laura Po found LSA to be approximately twice as accurate as LDiA. See “Comparing LDA and LSA Topic Models for Content-Based Movie Recommendation Systems” by Sonia Bergamaschi and Laura Po (

LDiA does a lot of the things you did to create your topic models with LSA (and SVD under the hood), but unlike LSA, LDiA assumes a Dirichlet distribution of word frequencies. It’s more precise about the statistics of allocating words to topics than the linear math of LSA.

LDiA creates a semantic vector space model (like your topic vectors) using an approach similar to how your brain worked during the thought experiment earlier in the chapter. In your thought experiment, you manually allocated words to topics based on how often they occurred together in the same document. The topic mix for a document can then be determined by the word mixtures in each topic by which topic those words were assigned to. This makes an LDiA topic model much easier to understand, because the words assigned to topics and topics assigned to documents tend to make more sense than for LSA.

LDiA assumes that each document is a mixture (linear combination) of some arbitrary number of topics that you select when you begin training the LDiA model. LDiA also assumes that each topic can be represented by a distribution of words (term frequencies). The probability or weight for each of these topics within a document, as well as the probability of a word being assigned to a topic, is assumed to start with a Dirichlet probability distribution (the prior if you remember your statistics). This is where the algorithm gets its name.

4.5.1. The LDiA idea

The LDiA approach was developed in 2000 by geneticists in the UK to help them “infer population structure” from sequences of genes.[39] Stanford Researchers (including Andrew Ng) popularized the approach for NLP in 2003.[40] But don’t be intimidated by the big names that came up with this approach. We explain the key points of it in a few lines of Python shortly. You only need to understand it enough to get a feel for what it’s doing (an intuition), so you know what you can use it for in your pipeline.


“Inference of Popluation Structure Using Multilocus Genotype Data,” by Jonathan K. Pritchard, Matthew Stephens, and Peter Donnelly” (


See the PDF titled “Latent Dirichlet Allocation” by David M. Blei, Andrew Y. Ng, and Michael I. Jordan (

Blei and Ng came up with the idea by flipping your thought experiment on its head. They imagined how a machine that could do nothing more than roll dice (generate random numbers) could write the documents in a corpus you want to analyze. And because you’re only working with bags of words, they cut out the part about sequencing those words together to make sense, to write a real document. They just modeled the statistics for the mix of words that would become a part of a particular BOW for each document.

They imagined a machine that only had two choices to make to get started generating the mix of words for a particular document. They imagined that the document generator chose those words randomly, with some probability distribution over the possible choices, like choosing the number of sides of the dice and the combination of dice you add together to create a D&D character sheet. Your document “character sheet” needs only two rolls of the dice. But the dice are large and there are several of them, with complicated rules about how they are combined to produce the desired probabilities for the different values you want. You want particular probability distributions for the number of words and number of topics so that it matches the distribution of these values in real documents analyzed by humans for their topics and words.

The two rolls of the dice represent the

  1. Number of words to generate for the document (Poisson distribution)
  2. Number of topics to mix together for the document (Dirichlet distribution)

After it has these two numbers, the hard part begins, choosing the words for a document. The imaginary BOW generating machine iterates over those topics and randomly chooses words appropriate to that topic until it hits the number of words that it had decided the document should contain in step 1. Deciding the probabilities of those words for topics—the appropriateness of words for each topic—is the hard part. But once that has been determined, your “bot” just looks up the probabilities for the words for each topic from a matrix of term-topic probabilities. If you don’t remember what that matrix looks like, glance back at the simple example earlier in this chapter.

So all this machine needs is a single parameter for that Poisson distribution (in the dice roll from step 1) that tells it what the “average” document length should be, and a couple more parameters to define that Dirichlet distribution that sets up the number of topics. Then your document generation algorithm needs a term-topic matrix of all the words and topics it likes to use, its vocabulary. And it needs a mix of topics that it likes to “talk” about.

Let’s flip the document generation (writing) problem back around to your original problem of estimating the topics and words from an existing document. You need to measure, or compute, those parameters about words and topics for the first two steps. Then you need to compute the term-topic matrix from a collection of documents. That’s what LDiA does.

Blei and Ng realized that they could determine the parameters for steps 1 and 2 by analyzing the statistics of the documents in a corpus. For example, for step 1, they could calculate the mean number of words (or n-grams) in all the bags of words for the documents in their corpus; something like this:

>>> total_corpus_len = 0
>>> for document_text in sms.text:
...     total_corpus_len += len(casual_tokenize(document_text))
>>> mean_document_len = total_corpus_len / len(sms)
>>> round(mean_document_len, 2)

Or, in a one-liner

>>> sum([len(casual_tokenize(t)) for t in sms.text]) * 1. / len(sms.text)

Keep in mind, you should calculate this statistic directly from your BOWs. You need to make sure you’re counting the tokenized and vectorized (Counter()-ed) words in your documents. And make sure you’ve applied any stop word filtering, or other normalizations before you count up your unique terms. That way your count includes all the words in your BOW vector vocabulary (all the n-grams you’re counting), but only those words that your BOWs use (not stop words, for example). This LDiA algorithm relies on a bag-of-words vector space model, like the other algorithms in this chapter.

The second parameter you need to specify for an LDiA model, the number of topics, is a bit trickier. The number of topics in a particular set of documents can’t be measured directly until after you’ve assigned words to those topics. Like k-means and KNN and other clustering algorithms, you must tell it the k ahead of time. You can guess the number of topics (analogous to the k in k-means, the number of “clusters”) and then check to see if that works for your set of documents. Once you’ve told LDiA how many topics to look for, it will find the mix of words to put in each topic to optimize its objective function.[41]


You can learn more about the particulars of the LDiA objective function here in the original paper “Online Learning for Latent Dirichlet Allocation” by Matthew D. Hoffman, David M. Blei, and Francis Bach (

You can optimize this “hyperparameter” (k, the number of topics)[42] by adjusting it until it works for your application. You can automate this optimization if you can measure something about the quality of your LDiA language model for representing the meaning of your documents. One “cost function” you could use for this optimization is how well (or poorly) that LDiA model performs in some classification or regression problems, like sentiment analysis, document keyword tagging, or topic analysis. You just need some labeled documents to test your topic model or classifier on.[43]


The symbol used by Blei and Ng for this parameter was theta rather than k.


Craig Bowman, a librarian at the University of Miami in Ohio (, is using the Library of Congress classification system as the topic labels for Gutenberg Project books. This has to be the most ambitious and pro-social open-science NLP project ( I’ve run across so far.

4.5.2. LDiA topic model for SMS messages

The topics produced by LDiA tend to be more understandable and “explainable” to humans. This is because words that frequently occur together are assigned the same topics, and humans expect that to be the case. Where LSA (PCA) tries to keep things spread apart that were spread apart to start with, LDiA tries to keep things close together that started out close together.

This may sound like it’s the same thing, but it’s not. The math optimizes for different things. Your optimizer has a different objective function so it will reach a different objective. To keep close high-dimensional vectors close together in the lower-dimensional space, LDiA has to twist and contort the space (and the vectors) in nonlinear ways. This is a hard thing to visualize until you do it on something 3D and take “projections” of the resultant vectors in 2D.

If you want to help out your fellow readers and learn something in the process, submit some additional code to the horse example ( in nlpia ( You can create word-document vectors for each of the thousands of points in the horse by converting them to integer counts of the words “x,” “y,” and “z,” the dimensions of the 3D vector space. You could then generate synthetic documents from these counts and pass it through all the LDiA and LSA examples from earlier in the chapter. Then you’d be able to directly visualize how each approach produces a different 2D “shadow” (projection) of the horse.

Let’s see how that works for a dataset of a few thousand SMS messages, labeled for spaminess. First compute the TF-IDF vectors and then some topics vectors for each SMS message (document). We assume the use of only 16 topics (components) to classify the spaminess of messages, as before. Keeping the number of topics (dimensions) low can help reduce overfitting.[44]


See appendix D if you want to learn more about why overfitting is a bad thing and how generalization can help.

LDiA works with raw BOW count vectors rather than normalized TF-IDF vectors. Here’s an easy way to compute BOW vectors in scikit-learn:

>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
>>> from nltk.tokenize import casual_tokenize
>>> np.random.seed(42)
>>> counter = CountVectorizer(tokenizer=casual_tokenize)
>>> bow_docs = pd.DataFrame(counter.fit_transform(raw_documents=sms.text)
...     .toarray(), index=index)
>>> column_nums, terms = zip(*sorted(zip(counter.vocabulary_.values(),
...     counter.vocabulary_.keys())))
>>> bow_docs.columns = terms

Let’s double-check that your counts make sense for that first SMS message labeled “sms0”:

>>> sms.loc['sms0'].text
'Go until jurong point, crazy.. Available only in bugis n great world la e
buffet... Cine there got amore wat...'
>>> bow_docs.loc['sms0'][bow_docs.loc['sms0'] > 0].head()
,            1
..           1
...          2
amore        1
available    1
Name: sms0, dtype: int64

And here’s how to use LDiA to create topic vectors for your SMS corpus:

>>> from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation as LDiA
>>> ldia = LDiA(n_components=16, learning_method='batch')
>>> ldia =                              1
>>> ldia.components_.shape
(16, 9232)

  • 1 LDiA takes a bit longer than PCA or SVD, especially for a large number of topics and a large number of words in your corpus.

So your model has allocated your 9,232 words (terms) to 16 topics (components). Let’s take a look at the first few words and how they’re allocated to your 16 topics. Keep in mind that your counts and topics will be different from mine. LDiA is a stochastic algorithm that relies on the random number generator to make some of the statistical decisions it has to make about allocating words to topics. So your topic-word weights will be different from those shown, but they should have similar magnitudes. Each time you run sklearn.LatentDirichletAllocation (or any LDiA algorithm), you will get different results unless you set the random seed to a fixed value:

>>> pd.set_option('display.width', 75)
>>> components = pd.DataFrame(ldia.components_.T, index=terms,
...     columns=columns)
>>> components.round(2).head(3)
       topic0  topic1  topic2   ...     topic13  topic14  topic15
!      184.03   15.00   72.22   ...      297.29    41.16    11.70
"        0.68    4.22    2.41   ...       62.72    12.27     0.06
#        0.06    0.06    0.06   ...        4.05     0.06     0.06

So the exclamation point term (!) was allocated to most of the topics, but is a particularly strong part of topic3 where the quote symbol (") is hardly playing a role at all. Perhaps “topic3” might be about emotional intensity or emphasis and doesn’t care much about numbers or quotes. Let’s see:

>>> components.topic3.sort_values(ascending=False)[:10]
!       394.952246
.       218.049724
to      119.533134
u       118.857546
call    111.948541
£       107.358914
,        96.954384
*        90.314783
your     90.215961
is       75.750037

So the top ten tokens for this topic seem to be the type of words that might be used in emphatic directives requesting someone to do something or pay something. It will be interesting to find out if this topic is used more in spam messages rather than nonspam messages. You can see that the allocation of words to topics can be rationalized or reasoned about, even with this quick look.

Before you fit your LDA classifier, you need to compute these LDiA topic vectors for all your documents (SMS messages). And let’s see how they are different from the topic vectors produced by SVD and PCA for those same documents:

>>> ldia16_topic_vectors = ldia.transform(bow_docs)
>>> ldia16_topic_vectors = pd.DataFrame(ldia16_topic_vectors,
...     index=index, columns=columns)
>>> ldia16_topic_vectors.round(2).head()
       topic0  topic1  topic2   ...     topic13  topic14  topic15
sms0     0.00    0.62    0.00   ...        0.00     0.00     0.00
sms1     0.01    0.01    0.01   ...        0.01     0.01     0.01
sms2!    0.00    0.00    0.00   ...        0.00     0.00     0.00
sms3     0.00    0.00    0.00   ...        0.00     0.00     0.00
sms4     0.39    0.00    0.33   ...        0.00     0.00     0.00

You can see that these topics are more cleanly separated. There are a lot of zeros in your allocation of topics to messages. This is one of the things that makes LDiA topics easier to explain to coworkers when making business decisions based on your NLP pipeline results.

So LDiA topics work well for humans, but what about machines? How will your LDA classifier fare with these topics?

4.5.3. LDiA + LDA = spam classifier

Let’s see how good these LDiA topics are at predicting something useful, such as spaminess. You’ll use your LDiA topic vectors to train an LDA model again (like you did with your PCA topic vectors):

>>> from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis as LDA
>>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test =
 train_test_split(ldia16_topic_vectors, sms.spam, test_size=0.5,
>>> lda = LDA(n_components=1)
>>> lda =, y_train)                           1
>>> sms['ldia16_spam'] = lda.predict(ldia16_topic_vectors)
>>> round(float(lda.score(X_test, y_test)), 2)
0.94                                                          2

  • 1 Your ldia_topic_vectors matrix has a determinant close to zero so you will likely get the warning “Variables are collinear.” This can happen with a small corpus when using LDiA because your topic vectors have a lot of zeros in them and some of your messages could be reproduced as a linear combination of the other message topics. Or there are some SMS messages with similar (or identical) topic mixes.
  • 2 94% accuracy on the test set is pretty good, but not quite as good as LSA (PCA) in section 4.7.1.

The algorithms for train_test_split() and LDiA are stochastic. So each time you run it you will get different results and different accuracy values. If you want to make your pipeline repeatable, look for the seed argument for these models and dataset splitters. You can set the seed to the same value with each run to get reproducible results.

One way a “collinear” warning can occur is if your text has a few 2-grams or 3-grams where their component words only ever occur together. So the resulting LDiA model had to arbitrarily split the weights among these equivalent term frequencies. Can you find the words in your SMS messages that are causing this “collinearity” (zero determinant)? You’re looking for a word that, whenever it occurs, another word (its pair) is always in the same message.

You can do this search with Python rather than by hand. First, you probably just want to look for any identical bag-of-words vectors in your corpus. These could occur for SMS messages that aren’t identical, like “Hi there Bob!” or “Bob, Hi there,” because they have the same word counts. You can iterate through all the pairings of the bags of words to look for identical vectors. These will definitely cause a “collinearity” warning in either LDiA or LSA.

If you don’t find any exact BOW vector duplicates, you could iterate through all the pairings of the words in your vocabulary. You’d then iterate through all the bags of words to look for the pairs of SMS messages that contain those exact same two words. If there aren’t any times that those words occur separately in the SMS messages, you’ve found one of the “collinearities” in your dataset. Some common 2-grams that might cause this are the first and last names of famous people that always occur together and are never used separately, like “Bill Gates” (as long as there are no other Bills in your SMS messages).


Whenever you need to iterate through all the combinations (pairs or triplets) of a set of objects, you can use the built-in Python product() function:

>>> from itertools import product
>>> all_pairs = [(word1, word2) for (word1, word2) in product(word_list,
 word_list) if not word1 == word2]

You got more than 90% accuracy on your test set, and you only had to train on half your available data. But you did get a warning about your features being collinear due to your limited dataset, which gives LDA an “under-determined” problem. The determinant of your topic-document matrix is close to zero, once you discard half the documents with train_test_split. If you ever need to, you can turn down the LDiA n_components to “fix” this issue, but it would tend to combine those topics together that are a linear combination of each other (collinear).

But let’s find out how your LDiA model compares to a much higher-dimensional model based on the TF-IDF vectors. Your TF-IDF vectors have many more features (more than 3,000 unique terms). So you’re likely to experience overfitting and poor generalization. This is where the generalization of LDiA and PCA should help:

>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
>>> from nltk.tokenize.casual import casual_tokenize
>>> tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=casual_tokenize)
>>> tfidf_docs = tfidf.fit_transform(raw_documents=sms.text).toarray()
>>> tfidf_docs = tfidf_docs - tfidf_docs.mean(axis=0) 
>>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(tfidf_docs,
...     sms.spam.values, test_size=0.5, random_state=271828)
>>> lda = LDA(n_components=1)                                  1
>>> lda =, y_train)                            2
>>> round(float(lda.score(X_train, y_train)), 3)
>>> round(float(lda.score(X_test, y_test)), 3)

  • 1 You’re going to “pretend” that there is only one topic in all the SMS messages, because you’re only interested in a scalar score for the “spamminess” topic.
  • 2 Fitting an LDA model to all these thousands of features will take quite a long time. Be patient; it’s slicing up your vector space with a 9,332-dimension hyperplane!

The training set accuracy for your TF-IDF based model is perfect! But the test set accuracy is much worse than when you trained it on lower-dimensional topic vectors instead of TF-IDF vectors.

And test set accuracy is the only accuracy that counts. This is exactly what topic modeling (LSA) is supposed to do. It helps you generalize your models from a small training set, so it still works well on messages using different combinations of words (but similar topics).

4.5.4. A fairer comparison: 32 LDiA topics

Let’s try one more time with more dimensions, more topics. Perhaps LDiA isn’t as efficient as LSA (PCA), so it needs more topics to allocate words to. Let’s try 32 topics (components):

>>> ldia32 = LDiA(n_components=32, learning_method='batch')
>>> ldia32 =
>>> ldia32.components_.shape
(32, 9232)

Now let’s compute your new 32-D topic vectors for all your documents (SMS messages):

>>> ldia32_topic_vectors = ldia32.transform(bow_docs)
>>> columns32 = ['topic{}'.format(i) for i in range(ldia32.n_components)]
>>> ldia32_topic_vectors = pd.DataFrame(ldia32_topic_vectors, index=index,
...     columns=columns32)
>>> ldia32_topic_vectors.round(2).head()
       topic0  topic1  topic2   ...     topic29  topic30  topic31
sms0     0.00     0.5     0.0   ...         0.0      0.0      0.0
sms1     0.00     0.0     0.0   ...         0.0      0.0      0.0
sms2!    0.00     0.0     0.0   ...         0.0      0.0      0.0
sms3     0.00     0.0     0.0   ...         0.0      0.0      0.0
sms4     0.21     0.0     0.0   ...         0.0      0.0      0.0

You can see that these topics are even more sparse, more cleanly separated.

And here’s your LDA model (classifier) training, this time using 32-D LDiA topic vectors:

>>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test =
 train_test_split(ldia32_topic_vectors, sms.spam, test_size=0.5,
>>> lda = LDA(n_components=1)
>>> lda =, y_train)
>>> sms['ldia32_spam'] = lda.predict(ldia32_topic_vectors)
>>> X_train.shape                                           1
(2418, 32)
>>> round(float(lda.score(X_train, y_train)), 3)
>>> round(float(lda.score(X_test, y_test)), 3)
0.927                                                       2

  • 1 .shape is another way to check the number of dimensions in your topic vectors.
  • 2 Test accuracy is what matters, and 92.7% is comparable to the 94% score you got with 16-D LDiA topic vectors.

Don’t confuse this optimization of the number of “topics” or components with the collinearity problem earlier. Increasing or decreasing the number of topics doesn’t fix or create the collinearity problem. That’s a problem with the underlying data. If you want to get rid of that warning, you need to add “noise” or metadata to your SMS messages as synthetic words, or you need to delete those duplicate word vectors. If you have duplicate word vectors or word pairings that repeat a lot in your documents, no amount of topics is going to fix that.

The larger number of topics allows it to be more precise about topics, and, at least for this dataset, product topics that linearly separate better. But this performance still isn’t quite as good as the 96% accuracy of PCA + LDA. So PCA is keeping your SMS topic vectors spread out more efficiently, allowing for a wider gap between messages to cut with a hyperplane to separate classes.

Feel free to explore the source code for the Dirichlet allocation models available in both scikit-learn as well as gensim. They have an API similar to LSA (sklearn.TruncatedSVD and gensim.LsiModel). We show you an example application when we talk about summarization in later chapters. Finding explainable topics, like those used for summarization, is what LDiA is good at. And it’s not too bad at creating topics useful for linear classification.

Digging deeper into your toolbox

You can find the source code path in the __file__ attribute on any Python module, such as sklearn.__file__. And in ipython (jupyter console), you can view the source code for any function, class, or object with ??, like LDA??:

>>> import sklearn
>>> sklearn.__file__
>>> from sklearn.discriminant_analysis
...     import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis as LDA
>>> LDA??
Init signature: LDA(solver='svd', shrinkage=None, priors=None, n_components
=None, store_covariance=False, tol=0.0001)
class LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(BaseEstimator, LinearClassifierMixin,
    """Linear Discriminant Analysis
    A classifier with a linear decision boundary, generated by fitting
    class conditional densities to the data and using Bayes' rule.
    The model fits a Gaussian density to each class, assuming that all
    classes share the same covariance matrix.

This won’t work on functions and classes that are extensions, whose source code is hidden within a compiled C++ module.

4.6. Distance and similarity

We need to revisit those similarity scores we talked about in chapters 2 and 3 to make sure your new topic vector space works with them. Remember that you can use similarity scores (and distances) to tell how similar or far apart two documents are based on the similarity (or distance) of the vectors you used to represent them.

You can use similarity scores (and distances) to see how well your LSA topic model agrees with the higher-dimensional TF-IDF model of chapter 3. You’ll see how good your model is at retaining those distances after having eliminated a lot of the information contained in the much higher-dimensional bags of words. You can check how far away from each other the topic vectors are and whether that’s a good representation of the distance between the documents' subject matter. You want to check that documents that mean similar things are close to each other in your new topic vector space.

LSA preserves large distances, but it doesn’t always preserve close distances (the fine “structure” of the relationships between your documents). The underlying SVD algorithm is focused on maximizing the variance between all your documents in the new topic vector space.

Distances between feature vectors (word vectors, topic vectors, document context vectors, and so on) drive the performance of an NLP pipeline, or any machine learning pipeline. So what are your options for measuring distance in high-dimensional space? And which ones should you chose for a particular NLP problem? Some of these commonly used examples may be familiar from geometry class or linear algebra, but many others are probably new to you:

  • Euclidean or Cartesian distance, or root mean square error (RMSE): 2-norm or L2
  • Squared Euclidean distance, sum of squares distance (SSD):
  • Cosine or angular or projected distance: normalized dot product
  • Minkowski distance: p-norm or Lp
  • Fractional distance, fractional norm: p-norm or Lp for 0 < p < 1
  • City block, Manhattan, or taxicab distance; sum of absolute distance (SAD):-1-norm or L1
  • Jaccard distance, inverse set similarity
  • Mahalanobis distance
  • Levenshtein or edit distance

The variety of ways to calculate distance is a testament to how important it is. In addition to the pairwise distance implementations in Scikit-learn, many others are used in mathematics specialties such as topology, statistics, and engineering.[45] For reference, the following listing shows the distances you can find in the sklearn.metrics.pairwise module.[46]


See Math.NET Numerics for more distance metrics (


Listing 4.7. Pairwise distances available in sklearn
'cityblock', 'cosine', 'euclidean', 'l1', 'l2', 'manhattan', 'braycurtis',
'canberra', 'chebyshev', 'correlation', 'dice', 'hamming', 'jaccard',
'kulsinski', 'mahalanobis', 'matching', 'minkowski', 'rogerstanimoto',
'russellrao', 'seuclidean', 'sokalmichener', 'sokalsneath', 'sqeuclidean',

Distance measures are often computed from similarity measures (scores) and vice versa such that distances are inversely proportional to similarity scores. Similarity scores are designed to range between 0 and 1. Typical conversion formulas look like this:

>>> similarity = 1. / (1. + distance)
>>> distance = (1. / similarity) - 1.

But for distances and similarity scores that range between 0 and 1, like probabilities, it’s more common to use a formula like this:

>>> similarity = 1. - distance
>>> distance = 1. - similarity

And cosine distances have their own convention for the range of values they use. The angular distance between two vectors is often computed as a fraction of the maximum possible angular separation between two vectors, which is 180 degrees or pi radians.[47] As a result, cosine similarity and distance are the reciprocal of each other:


See the web page titled “Cosine similarity” (

>>> import math
>>> angular_distance = math.acos(cosine_similarity) / math.pi
>>> distance = 1. / similarity - 1.
>>> similarity = 1. - distance

The terms “distance” and “length” are often confused with the term “metric,” because many distances and lengths are valid and useful metrics. But unfortunately not all distances can be called metrics. Even more confusing, metrics are also sometimes called “distance functions” or “distance metrics” in formal mathematics and set theory texts.[48]


See the Wikipedia article titled “Metric (mathematics)” (


A true metric must have four mathematical properties that distances or “scores” don’t:

  • Nonnegativity: metrics can never be negative. metric(A, B) >= 0
  • Indiscerniblity: two objects are identical if the metric between them is zero. if metric(A, B) == 0: assert(A == B)
  • Symmetry: metrics don’t care about direction. metric(A, B) = metric(B, A)
  • Triangle inequality: you can’t get from A to C faster by going through B in-between. metric(A, C) <= metric(A, B) + metric(B, C)

A related mathematical term, measure, has both a natural English meaning and a rigorous mathematical definition. You’ll find “measure” in both a Merriam-Webster dictionary and a math textbook glossary, with completely different definitions. So be careful when talking to your math professor.

To a math professor, a measure is the size of a set of mathematical objects. You can measure a Python set by its length, but many mathematical sets are infinite. And in set theory, things can be infinite in different ways. And measures are all the different ways to calculate the len() or size of a mathematical set, the ways things are infinite.


Like metric, the word “measure” has a precise mathematical definition, related to the “size” of a collection of objects. So the word “measure” should also be used carefully in describing any scores or statistics derived from an object or combination of objects in NLP.[49]


See the Wikipedia article titled “Measure (mathematics)” (

But in the real world, you measure all sorts of things. When you use it as a verb you might mean using a measuring tape, or a ruler, or a scale or a score, to measure something. That’s how you use the word “measure” in this book, but we try not to use it at all, so that our math professors don’t scold us.

4.7. Steering with feedback

All the previous approaches to LSA failed to take into account information about the similarity between documents. We created topics that were optimal for a generic set of rules. Our unsupervised learning of these feature (topic) extraction models didn’t have any data about how “close” the topic vectors should be to each other. We didn’t allow any “feedback” about where the topic vectors ended up, or how they were related to each other. Steering or “learned distance metrics”[50] are the latest advancement in dimension reduction and feature extraction. By adjusting the distance scores reported to clustering and embedding algorithms, you can “steer” your vectors so that they minimize some cost function. In this way you can force your vectors to focus on some aspect of the information content that you’re interested in.


See the web page titled “Superpixel Graph Label Transfer with Learned Distance Metric” (

In the previous sections about LSA, you ignored all the meta information about your documents. For example, with the SMS messages you ignored the sender of the message. This is a good indication of topic similarity and could be used to inform your topic vector transformation (LSA).

At Talentpair, we experimented with matching resumes to job descriptions using the cosine distance between topic vectors for each document. This worked OK. But we learned quickly that we got much better results when we started “steering” our topic vectors based on feedback from candidates and account managers responsible for helping them find a job. Vectors for “good pairings” were steered closer together than all the other pairings.

One way to do this is to calculate the mean difference between your two centroids (like you did for LDA) and add some portion of this “bias” to all the resume or job description vectors. Doing so should take out the average topic vector difference between resumes and job descriptions. Topics such as beer on tap at lunch might appear in a job description but never in a resume. Similarly, bizarre hobbies, such as underwater scuplture, might appear in some resumes but never a job description. Steering your topic vectors can help you focus them on the topics you’re interested in modeling.

If you’re interested in refining topic vectors, taking out bias, you can search Google Scholar ( for “learned distance/similarity metric” or “distance metrics for nonlinear embeddings.”[51] Unfortunately, no scikit-learn modules implement this feature yet. You’d be a hero if you found the time to add some “steering” feature suggestions or code to the Scikit-Learn project (


See the web page titled “Distance Metric Learning: A Comprehensive Survey” (

4.7.1. Linear discriminant analysis

Let’s train a linear discriminant analysis model on your labeled SMS messages. LDA works similarly to LSA, except it requires classification labels or other scores to be able to find the best linear combination of the dimensions in high-dimensional space (the terms in a BOW or TF-IDF vector). Rather than maximizing the separation (variance) between all vectors in the new space, LDA maximizes the distance between the centroids of the vectors within each class.

Unfortunately, this means you have to tell the LDA algorithm what “topics” you’d like to model by giving it examples (labeled vectors). Only then can the algorithm compute the optimal transformation from your high-dimensional space to the lower-dimensional space. And the resulting lower-dimensional vector can’t have any more dimensions than the number of class labels or scores you’re able to provide. Because you only have a “spaminess” topic to train on, let’s see how accurate your 1D topic model can be at classifying spam SMS messages:

>>> lda = LDA(n_components=1)
>>> lda =, sms.spam)
>>> sms['lda_spaminess'] = lda.predict(tfidf_docs)
>>> ((sms.spam - sms.lda_spaminess) ** 2.).sum() ** .5
>>> (sms.spam == sms.lda_spaminess).sum()
>>> len(sms)

It got every single one of them right! Oh, wait a minute. What did you say earlier about overfitting? With 10,000 terms in your TF-IDF vectors it’s not surprising at all that it could just “memorize” the answer. Let’s do some cross validation this time:

>>> from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
>>> lda = LDA(n_components=1)
>>> scores = cross_val_score(lda, tfidf_docs, sms.spam, cv=5)
>>> "Accuracy: {:.2f} (+/-{:.2f})".format(scores.mean(), scores.std() * 2)
'Accuracy: 0.76 (+/-0.03)'

Clearly this isn’t a good model. This should be a reminder to never get excited about a model’s performance on your training set.

Just to make sure that 76% accuracy number is correct, let’s reserve a third of your dataset for testing:

>>> from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
>>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(tfidf_docs,
...     sms.spam, test_size=0.33, random_state=271828)
>>> lda = LDA(n_components=1)
>>>, y_train)
LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(n_components=1, priors=None, shrinkage=None,
              solver='svd', store_covariance=False, tol=0.0001)
>>> lda.score(X_test, y_test).round(3)

Again, poor test set accuracy. So it doesn’t look like you’re unlucky with your data sampling. It’s a poor, overfitting model.

Let’s see if LSA combined with LDA will help you create an accurate model that is also generalized well so that new SMS messages don’t trip it up:

>>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = 
 train_test_split(pca_topicvectors.values, sms.spam, test_size=0.3, 
>>> lda = LDA(n_components=1)
>>>, y_train)
LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(n_components=1, priors=None, shrinkage=None,
              solver='svd', store_covariance=False, tol=0.0001)
>>> lda.score(X_test, y_test).round(3)
>>> lda = LDA(n_components=1)
>>> scores = cross_val_score(lda, pca_topicvectors, sms.spam, cv=10)
>>> "Accuracy: {:.3f} (+/-{:.3f})".format(scores.mean(), scores.std() * 2)
'Accuracy: 0.958 (+/-0.022)'

So with LSA, you can characterize an SMS message with only 16 dimensions and still have plenty of information to classify them as spam (or not). And your low-dimensional model is much less likely to overfit. It should generalize well and be able to classify as-yet-unseen SMS messages or chats.

You’ve now come full circle back to your “simple” model at the beginning of this chapter. You got better accuracy with your simple LDA model before you tried all that semantic analysis. But the advantage of this new model is that you now can create vectors that represent the semantics of a statement in more than just a single dimension.

4.8. Topic vector power

With topic vectors, you can do things like compare the meaning of words, documents, statements, and corpora. You can find “clusters” of similar documents and statements. You’re no longer comparing the distance between documents based merely on their word usage. You’re no longer limited to keyword search and relevance ranking based entirely on word choice or vocabulary. You can now find documents that are relevant to your query, not just a good match for the word statistics themselves.

This is called “semantic search,” not to be confused with the “semantic web.”[52] Semantic search is what strong search engines do when they give you documents that don’t contain many of the words in your query, but are exactly what you were looking for. These advanced search engines use LSA topic vectors to tell the difference between a Python package in “The Cheese Shop” and a python in a Florida pet shop aquarium, while still recognizing its similarity to a “Ruby gem.”[53]


The semantic web is the practice of structuring natural language text with the use of tags in an HTML document so that the hierarchy of tags and their content provide information about the relationships (web of connections) between elements (text, images, videos) on a web page.


Ruby is a programming language with a package called gem.

Semantic search gives you a tool for finding and generating meaningful text. But our brains aren’t good at dealing with high-dimensional objects, vectors, hyperplanes, hyperspheres, and hypercubes. Our intuitions as developers and machine learning engineers breaks down above three dimensions.

For example, to do a query on a 2D vector, like your lat/lon location on Google Maps, you can quickly find all the coffee shops nearby without much searching. You can just scan (with your eyes or with code) near your location and spiral outward with your search. Alternatively, you can create bigger and bigger bounding boxes with your code, checking for longitudes and latitudes within some range. Doing this in hyperspace with hyperplanes and hypercubes to form the boundaries of your search is impossible.

As Geoffry Hinton says, “To deal with hyperplanes in a 14-dimensional space, visualize a 3D space and say 14 to yourself loudly.” If you read Abbott’s 1884 Flatland when you were young and impressionable, you might be able to do a little bit better than this hand waving. You might even be able to poke your head partway out of the window of your 3D world into hyperspace, enough to catch a glimpse of that 3D world from the outside. Like in Flatland, you used a lot of 2D visualizations in this chapter to help you explore the shadows that words in hyperspace leave in your 3D world. If you’re anxious to check them out, skip ahead to the section showing “scatter matrices” of word vectors. You might also want to glance back at the 3D bag-of-words vector in the previous chapter and try to imagine what those points would look like if you added just one more word to your vocabulary to create a 4-D world of language meaning.

If you’re taking a moment to think deeply about four dimensions, keep in mind that the explosion in complexity you’re trying to wrap your head around is even greater than the complexity growth from 2D to 3D and exponentially greater than the growth in complexity from a 1D world of numbers to a 2D world of triangles, squares, and circles.


The explosive growth in possibilities from 1D lines, 2D rectangles, 3D cubes, and so on passes through bizarre universes with non-integer fractal dimensions, like a 1.5-dimension fractal. A 1.5D fractal has infinite length and completely fills a 2D plane while having less than two dimensions![54] But fortunately these aren’t “real” dimensions.[55] So you don’t have to worry about them in NLP... unless you get interested in fractional distance metrics, like p-norm, which have noninteger exponents in their formulas.[56]




“The Concentration of Fractional Distances” (

4.8.1. Semantic search

When you search for a document based on a word or partial word it contains, that’s called full text search. This is what search engines do. They break a document into chunks (usually words) that can be indexed with an inverted index like you’d find at the back of a textbook. It takes a lot of bookkeeping and guesswork to deal with spelling errors and typos, but it works pretty well.[57]


A full text index in a database like PostgreSQL is usually based on trigrams of characters, to deal with spelling errors and text that doesn’t parse into words.

Semantic search is full text search that takes into account the meaning of the words in your query and the documents you’re searching. In this chapter, you’ve learned two ways—LSA and LDiA—to compute topic vectors that capture the semantics (meaning) of words and documents in a vector. One of the reasons that latent semantic analysis was first called latent semantic indexing was because it promised to power semantic search with an index of numerical values, like BOW and TF-IDF tables. Semantic search was the next big thing in information retrieval.

But unlike BOW and TF-IDF tables, tables of semantic vectors can’t be easily discretized and indexed using traditional inverted index techniques. Traditional indexing approaches work with binary word occurrence vectors, discrete vectors (BOW vectors), sparse continuous vectors (TF-IDF vectors), and low-dimensional continuous vectors (3D GIS data). But high-dimensional continuous vectors, such as topic vectors from LSA or LDiA, are a challenge.[58] Inverted indexes work for discrete vectors or binary vectors, like tables of binary or integer word-document vectors, because the index only needs to maintain an entry for each nonzero discrete dimension. Either that value of that dimension is present or not present in the referenced vector or document. Because TF-IDF vectors are sparse, mostly zero, you don’t need an entry in your index for most dimensions for most documents.[59]


Clustering high-dimensional data is equivalent to discretizing or indexing high-dimensional data with bounding boxes and is described in the Wikipedia article “Clustering high dimensional data” (


See the web page titled “Inverted index” (

LSA (and LDiA) produce topic vectors that are high-dimensional, continuous, and dense (zeros are rare). And the semantic analysis algorithm doesn’t produce an efficient index for scalable search. In fact, the curse of dimensionality that we talked about in the previous section makes an exact index impossible. The “indexing” part of latent semantic indexing was a hope, not a reality, so the LSI term is a misnomer. Perhaps that’s why LSA has become the more popular way to describe semantic analysis algorithms that produce topic vectors.

One solution to the challenge of high-dimensional vectors is to index them with a locality sensitive hash (LSH). A locality sensitive hash is like a ZIP code (postal code) that designates a region of hyperspace so that it can easily be found again later. And like a regular hash, it’s discrete and depends only on the values in the vector. But even this doesn’t work perfectly once you exceed about 12 dimensions. In figure 4.6, each row represents a topic vector size (dimensionality), starting with 2 dimensions and working up to 16 dimensions, like the vectors you used earlier for the SMS spam problem.

Figure 4.6. Semantic search accuracy deteriorates at around 12-D.

The table shows how good your search results would be if you used locality sensitive hashing to index a large number of semantic vectors. Once your vector had more than 16 dimensions, you’d have a hard time returning 2 search results that were any good.

So how can you do semantic search on 100-D vectors without an index? You now know how to convert the query string into a topic vector using LSA. And you know how to compare two vectors for similarity using the cosine similarity score (the scalar product, inner product, or dot product) to find the closest match. To find precise semantic matches, you need to find all the closest document topic vectors to a particular query (search) topic vector. But if you have n documents, you have to do n comparisons with your query topic vector. That’s a lot of dot products.

You can vectorize the operation in numpy using matrix multiplication, but that doesn’t reduce the number of operations; it only makes them 100 times faster.[60] Fundamentally, exact semantic search still requires O(N) multiplications and additions for each query. So it scales only linearly with the size of your corpus. That wouldn’t work for a large corpus, such as Google Search or even Wikipedia semantic search.


Vectorizing your Python code, especially doubly-nested for loops, for pairwise distance calculations can speed your code by almost 100-fold. See Hacker Noon article “Vectorizing the Loops with Numpy” (

The key is to settle for “good enough” rather than striving for a perfect index or LSH algorithm for our high-dimensional vectors. There are now several open source implementations of some efficient and accurate approximate nearest neighbors algorithms that use LSH to efficiently implement semantic search. A couple of the easiest to use and install are

  • Spotify’s Annoy package [61]


    Spotify’s researchers compared their annoy performance to that of several alternative algorithms and implementations on their github repo (

  • Gensim’s gensim.models.KeyedVector class[62]


    The approach used in gensim for hundreds of dimensions in word vectors will work fine for any semantic or topic vector. See gensim’s “KeyedVectors” documentation (

Technically these indexing or hashing solutions cannot guarantee that you will find all the best matches for your semantic search query. But they can get you a good list of close matches almost as fast as with a conventional reverse index on a TF-IDF vector or bag-of-words vector, if you’re willing to give up a little precision.[63]


If you want to learn about faster ways to find a high-dimensional vector’s nearest neighbors, check out appendix F, or just use the Spotify annoy package to index your topic vectors.

4.8.2. Improvements

In the next chapters, you’ll learn how to fine tune this concept of topic vectors so that the vectors associated with words are more precise and useful. To do this we first start learning about neural nets. This will improve your pipeline’s ability to extract meaning from short texts or even solitary words.


  • You can use SVD for semantic analysis to decompose and transform TF-IDF and BOW vectors into topic vectors.
  • Use LDiA when you need to compute explainable topic vectors.
  • No matter how you create your topic vectors, they can be used for semantic search to find documents based on their meaning.
  • Topic vectors can be used to predict whether a social post is spam or is likely to be “liked.”
  • Now you know how to sidestep around the curse of dimensionality to find approximate nearest neighbors in your semantic vector space.
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