Part 2. Deeper learning (neural networks)

Part 1 gathered the tools for natural language processing and dove into machine learning with statistics-driven vector space models. You discovered that even more meaning could be found when you looked at the statistics of connections between words.[1] You learned about algorithms such as latent semantic analysis that can help make sense of those connections by gathering words into topics.


Conditional probability is one term for these connection statistics (how often a word occurs given that other words occur before or after the “target” word). Cross correlation is another one of these statistics (the likelihood of words occurring together). The singular values and singular vectors of the word--document matrix can be used to collect words into topics, linear combinations of word counts.

But part 1 considered only linear relationships between words. And you often had to use human judgment to design feature extractors and select model parameters. The neural networks of part 2 accomplish most of the tedious feature extraction work for you. And the models of part 2 are often more accurate than those you could build with the hand-tuned feature extractors of part 1.

The use of multilayered neural networks for machine learning is called deep learning. This new approach to NLP and the modeling of human thought is often called “connectionism” by philosophers and neuroscientists.[2] The increasing access to deep learning, through greater availability of computational resources and the rich open source culture, will be your gateway into deeper understanding of language. In part 2, we begin to peel open the “black box” that is deep learning and learn how to model text in deeper nonlinear ways.


See the web page titled “Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Connectionism” (

We start with a primer on neural networks. Then we examine a few of the various flavors of neural networks and how they can be applied to NLP. We also start to look at the patterns not only between words but between the characters within words. And finally we show you how to use machine learning to actually generate novel text.

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