Chapter 8. Loopy (recurrent) neural networks (RNNs)

This chapter covers

  • Creating memory in a neural net
  • Building a recurrent neural net
  • Data handling for RNNs
  • Backpropagating through time (BPTT)

Chapter 7 showed how convolutional neural nets can analyze a fragment or sentence all at once, keeping track of nearby words in the sequence by passing a filter of shared weights over those words (convolving over them). Words that occurred in clusters could be detected together. If those words jostled a little bit in position, the network could be resilient to it. Most importantly, concepts that appeared near to one another could have a big impact on the network. But what if you want to look at the bigger picture and consider those relationships over a longer period of time, a broader window than three or four tokens of a sentence. Can you give the net a concept of what went on earlier? A memory?

For each training example (or batch of unordered examples) and output (or batch of outputs) of a feedforward network, the network weights will be adjusted in the individual neurons based on the error, using backpropagation. This you’ve seen. But the effects of the next example’s learning stage are largely independent of the order of input data. Convolutional neural nets make an attempt to capture that ordering relationship by capturing localized relationships, but there’s another way.

In a convolutional neural network, you passed in each sample as a collection of word tokens gathered together. The word vectors are arrayed together to form a matrix. The matrix shape was (length-of-word-vector x number-of-words-in-sample), as you can see in figure 8.1.

Figure 8.1. 1D convolution with embeddings

But that sequence of word vectors could just as easily have been passed into a standard feedforward network from chapter 5 (see figure 8.2), right?

Figure 8.2. Text into a feedforward network

Sure, this is a viable model. A feedforward network will be able to react to the cooccurrences of tokens when they are passed in this way, which is what you want. But it will react to all the co-occurrences equally, regardless of whether they’re separated from each other by a long document or right next to each other. And feedforward networks, like CNNs, don’t work with variable length documents very well. They can’t handle the text at the end of a document if it exceeds the width of your network.

A feedforward network’s main strength is to model the relationships between a data sample, as a whole, to its associated label. The words at the beginning and end of a document have just as much effect on the output as the words in the middle, regardless of their unlikely semantic relationship to each other. You can see how this homogeneity or “uniformity of influence” can cause problems when you consider strong negation and modifier (adjectives and adverb) tokens like “not” or “good.” In a feedforward network, negation words will influence the meaning of all the words in the sentence, even ones that are far from their intended influence.

One-dimensional convolutions gave us a way to deal with these inter-token relationships by looking at windows of words together. And the pooling layers discussed in chapter 7 were specifically designed to handle slight word order variations. In this chapter, we look at a different approach. And through this approach, you’ll take a first step toward the concept of memory in a neural network. Instead of thinking about language as a large chunk of data, you can begin to look at it as it’s created, token by token, over time, in sequence.

8.1. Remembering with recurrent networks

Of course, the words in a document are rarely completely independent of each other; their occurrence influences or is influenced by occurrences of other words in the document:

The stolen car sped into the arena.

The clown car sped into the arena.

Two different emotions may arise in the reader of these two sentences as the reader reaches the end of the sentence. The two sentences are identical in adjective, noun, verb, and prepositional phrase construction. But that adjective swap early in the sentence has a profound effect on what the reader infers is going on.

Can you find a way to model that relationship? A way to understand that “arena” and even “sped” could take on slightly different connotations when an adjective that does not directly modify either occurred earlier in the sentence?

If you can find a way to remember what just happened the moment before (specifically what happened at time step t when you’re looking at time step t+1), you’d be on the way to capturing the patterns that emerge when certain tokens appear in patterns relative to other tokens in a sequence. Recurrent neural nets (RNNs) enable neural networks to remember the past words within a sentence.

You can see in figure 8.3 that a single recurrent neuron in the hidden layer adds a recurrent loop to “recycle” the output of the hidden layer at time t. The output at time t is added to the next input at time t+1. This new input is processed by the network at time step t+1 to create the output for that hidden layer at time t+1. That output at t+1 is then recycled back into the input again at time step t+2, and so on.[1]


In finance, dynamics, and feedback control, this is often called an auto-regressive moving average (ARMA) model:

Figure 8.3. Recurrent neural net

Although the idea of affecting state across time can be a little mind boggling at first, the basic concept is simple. For each input you feed into a regular feedforward net, you’d like to take the output of the network at time step t and provide it as an additional input, along with the next piece of data being fed into the network at time step t+1. You tell the feedforward network what happened before along with what is happening “now.”


In this chapter and the next, we discuss most things in terms of time steps. This isn’t the same thing as individual data samples. We’re referring to a single data sample split into smaller chunks that represent changes over time. The single data sample will still be a piece of text, say a short movie review or a tweet. As before, you’ll tokenize the sentence. But rather than putting those tokens into the network all at once, you’ll pass them in one at a time. This is different than having multiple new document samples. The tokens are still part of one data sample with one associated label.

You can think of t as referring to the token sequence index. So t=0 is the first token in the document and t+1 is the next token in the document. The tokens, in the order they appear in the document, will be the inputs at each time step or token step. And the tokens don’t have to be words. Individual characters work well too. Inputing the tokens one at a time will be substeps of feeding the data sample into the network.

Throughout, we reference the current time step as t and the following time step as t+1.

You can visualize a recurrent net as shown in figure 8.3: the circles are entire feed-forward network layers composed of one or more neurons. The output of the hidden layer emerges from the network as normal, but it’s also set aside to be passed back in as an input to itself along with the normal input from the next time step. This feedback is represented with an arc from the output of a layer back into its own input.

An easier way to see this process—and it’s more commonly shown this way—is by unrolling the net. Figure 8.4 shows the network stood on its head with two unfoldings of the time variable (t), showing layers for t+1 and t+2.

Figure 8.4. Unrolled recurrent neural net

Each time step is represented by a column of neurons in the unrolled version of the very same neural network. It’s like looking at a screenplay or video frame of the neural net for each sample in time. The network to the right is the future version of the network on the left. The output of a hidden layer at one time step (t) is fed back into the hidden layer along with input data for the next time step (t+1) to the right. Repeat. This diagram shows two iterations of this unfolding, so three columns of neurons for t=0, t=1, and t=2.

All the vertical paths in this visualization are clones, or views of the same neurons. They are the single network represented on a timeline. This visualization is helpful when talking about how information flows through the network forward and backward during backpropagation. But when looking at the three unfolded networks, remember that they’re all different snapshots of the same network with a single set of weights.

Let’s zoom in on the original representation of a recurrent neural network before it was unrolled. Let’s expose the input-weight relationships. The individual layers of this recurrent network look like what you see in figures 8.5 and 8.6.

Figure 8.5. Detailed recurrent neural net at time step t = 0

Figure 8.6. Detailed recurrent neural net at time step t = 1

Each neuron in the hidden state has a set of weights that it applies to each element of each input vector, as a normal feedforward network. But now you have an additional set of trainable weights that are applied to the output of the hidden neurons from the previous time step. The network can learn how much weight or importance to give the events of the “past” as you input a sequence token by token.


The first input in a sequence has no “past,” so the hidden state at t=0 receives an input of 0 from its t-1 self. An alternative way of “filling” the initial state value is to first pass related but separate samples into the net one after the other. Each sample’s final output is used for the t=0 input of the next sample. You’ll learn how to preserve more of the information in your dataset using alternative “filling” approaches in the section on statefulness at the end of this chapter.

Let’s turn back to the data: imagine you have a set of documents, each a labeled example. For each sample, instead of passing the collection of word vectors into a convolutional neural net all at once as in the last chapter (see figure 8.7), you take the sample one token at a time and pass the tokens individually into your RNN (see figure 8.8).

Figure 8.7. Data into convolutional network

In your recurrent neural net, you pass in the word vector for the first token and get the network’s output. You then pass in the second token, but you also pass in the output from the first token! And then pass in the third token along with the output from the second token. And so on. The network has a concept of before and after, cause and effect, some vague notion of time (see figure 8.8).

Figure 8.8. Data fed into a recurrent network

Now your network is remembering something! Well, sort of. A few things remain for you to figure out. For one, how does backpropagation even work in a structure like this?

8.1.1. Backpropagation through time

All the networks we’ve talked about so far have a label (the target variable) to aim for, and recurrent networks are no exception. But you don’t have a concept of a label for each token. You have a single label for all the tokens in each sample text. You only have a label for the sample document.

... and that is enough.

Isadora Duncan


We are speaking about tokens as the input to each time step of the network, but recurrent neural nets work identically with any sort of time series data. Your tokens can be anything, discrete or continuous: readings from a weather station, musical notes, characters in a sentence, you name it.

Here, you’ll initially look at the output of the network at the last time step and compare that output to the label. That’ll be (for now) the definition of the error. And the error is what your network will ultimately try to minimize. But you now have something that’s a shift from what you had in the earlier chapters. For a given data sample, you break it into smaller pieces that are fed into the network sequentially. But instead of dealing with the output generated by any of these “subsamples” directly, you feed it back into the network.

You’re only concerned with the final output, at least for now. You input each token from the sequence into your network and calculate the loss based on the output from the last time step (token) in the sequence. See figure 8.9.

Figure 8.9. Only last output matters here

With an error for a given sample, you need to figure out which weights to update, and by how much. In chapter 5, you learned how to backpropagate the error through a standard network. And you know that the correction to each weight is dependent on how much that weight contributed to the error. You can input each token from your sample sequence and calculate the error based on the output of the network for the previous time step. This is where the idea of applying backpropagation over time seems to mess things up.

Here’s one way to think about it: think of the process as time-based. You take a token for each time step, starting with the first token at t=0 and you enter it into the hidden neuron in front of you—the next column of figure 8.9. When you do that the network will unroll to reveal the next column in the network, ready for the next token in your sequence. The hidden neurons will unroll themselves, one at a time, like a music box or player piano. But after you get to the end, after all the pieces of the sample are fed in, there will be nothing left to unroll and you’ll have the final output label for the target variable in hand. You can use that output to calculate the error and adjust your weights. You’ve just walked all the way through the computational graph of this unrolled net.

At this point, you can consider the whole of the input as static. You can see which neuron fed which input all the way through the graph. And once you know how each neuron fired, you can go back through the chain along the same path and backpropagate as you did with the standard feedforward network.

You’ll use the chain-rule to backpropagate to the previous layer. But instead of going to the previous layer, you go to the layer in the past, as if each unrolled version of the network were different (see figure 8.10). The math is the same.

The error from the last step is backpropagated. For each “older” step, the gradient with respect to the more recent time step is taken. The changes are aggregated and applied to the single set of weights after all the individual tokenwise gradients have been calculated, all the way back to t=0 for that sample.

Figure 8.10. Backpropagation through time

Tl;Dr Recap

  • Break each data sample into tokens.
  • Pass each token into a feedforward net.
  • Pass the output of each time step to the input of the same layer alongside the input from the next time step.
  • Collect the output of the last time step and compare it to the label.
  • Backpropagate the error through the whole graph, all the way back to the first input at time step 0.

8.1.2. When do we update what?

You have converted your strange recurrent neural network into something that looks like a standard feedforward network, so updating the weights should be fairly straightforward. There’s one catch though. The tricky part of the update process is the weights you’re updating aren’t a different branch of a neural network. Each leg is the same network at different time steps. The weights are the same for each time step (see figure 8.10).

The simple solution is that the weight corrections are calculated at each time step but not immediately updated. In a feedforward network, all the weight updates would be calculated once all the gradients have been calculated for that input. Here the same holds, but you have to hold the updates until you go all the way back in time, to time step 0 for that particular input sample.

The gradient calculations need to be based on the values that the weights had when they contributed that much to the error. Now here’s the mind-bending part: a weight at time step t contributed something to the error when it was initially calculated. That same weight received a different input at time step t+t and therefore contributed a different amount to the error then.

You can figure out the various changes to the weights (as if they were in a bubble) at each time step and then sum up the changes and apply the aggregated changes to each of the weights of the hidden layer as the last step of the learning phase.


In all of these examples, you’ve been passing in a single training example for the forward pass, and then backpropagating the error. As with any neural network, this forward pass through your network can happen after each training sample, or you can do it in batches. And it turns out that batching has benefits other than speed. But for now, think of these processes in terms of just single data samples, single sentences, or documents.

That seems like quite a bit of magic. As you backpropagate through time, a single weight may be adjusted in one direction at one time step t (determined by how it reacted to the input at time step t) and then be adjusted in another direction at the time step for t-1 (because of how it reacted to the input at time step t-1), for a single data sample! But remember, neural networks in general work by minimizing a loss function, regardless of how complex the intermediate steps are. In aggregate, it will optimize across this complex function. As the weight update is applied once per data sample, the network will settle (assuming it converges) on the weight for that input to that neuron that best handles this task.

But you do care what came out of the earlier steps

Sometimes you may care about the entire sequence generated by each of the intermediate time steps as well. In chapter 9, you’ll see examples where the output at a given time step t is as important as the output at the final time step. Figure 8.11 shows a path for capturing the error at any given time step and carrying that backward to adjust all the weights of the network during backpropagation.

Figure 8.11. All outputs matter here

This process is like the normal backpropagation through time for n time steps. In this case, you’re now backpropagating the error from multiple sources at the same time. But as in the first example, the weight corrections are additive. You backpropagate from the last time step all the way to the first, summing up what you’ll change for each weight. Then you do the same with the error calculated at the second-to-last time step and sum up all the changes all the way back to t=0. You repeat this process until you get all the way back down to time step 0 and then backpropagate it as if it were the only one in the world. You then apply the grand total of the updates to the corresponding hidden layer weights all at once.

In figure 8.12, you can see that the error is backpropagated from each output all the way back to t=0, and aggregated, before finally applying changes to the weights. This is the most important takeaway of this section. As with a standard feedforward network, you update the weights only after you have calculated the proposed change in the weights for the entire backpropagation step for that input (or set of inputs). In the case of a recurrent neural net, this backpropagation includes the updates all the way back to time t=0.

Figure 8.12. Multiple outputs and backpropagation through time

Updating the weights earlier would “pollute” the gradient calculations in the backpropagations earlier in time. Remember the gradient is calculated with respect to a particular weight. If you were to update it early, say at time step t, when you go to calculate the gradient at time step t-1, the weight’s value (remember it is the same weight position in the network) would’ve changed. Computing the gradient based on the input from time step t-1, the calculation would be off. You would be punishing (or rewarding) a weight for something it didn’t do!

8.1.3. Recap

Where do you stand now? You’ve segmented each data sample into tokens. Then one by one you fed them into a feed forward network. With each token, you input not only the token itself, but also the output from the previous time step. At time step 0, you input the initial token alongside 0, which ends up being a 0 vector, because there’s no previous output. You get your error from the difference between the output of the network from the final token and the expected label. You then backpropagate that error to the network weights, backward through time. You aggregate the proposed updates and apply them all at once to the network.

You now have a feedforward network that has some concept of time and a rudimentary tool for maintaining a memory of occurrences in that timeline.

8.1.4. There’s always a catch

Although a recurrent neural net may have relatively fewer weights (parameters) to learn, you can see from figure 8.12 how a recurrent net can quickly get expensive to train, especially for sequences of any significant length, say 10 tokens. The more tokens you have, the further back in time each error must be backpropagated. For each step back in time, there are ever more derivatives to calculate. Recurrent neural nets aren’t any less effective than others, but get ready to heat your house with your computer’s exhaust fan.

New heat sources aside, you have given your neural network a rudimentary memory. But another, more troublesome problem arises, one you also see in regular feedforward networks as they get deeper. The vanishing gradient problem has a corollary: the exploding gradient problem. The idea is that as a network gets deeper (more layers), the error signal can grow or dissipate with each computation of the gradient.

This same problem applies to recurrent neural nets, because each time step back in time is the mathematical equivalent of backpropagating an error back to a previous layer in a feedforward network. But it’s worse here! Although most feedforward networks tend to be a few layers deep for this very reason, you’re dealing with sequences of tokens five, ten, or even hundreds long. Getting to the bottom of a network one hundred layers deep is going to be difficult. One mitigating factor keeps you in the game, though. Although the gradient may vanish or explode on the way to the last weight set, you’re updating only one weight set. And that weight set is the same at every time step. Some information is going to get through, but it might not be the ideal memory state you thought you had created. But fear not, researchers are on the case, and you will have some answers to that challenge in the next chapter.

Enough doom and gloom; let’s see some magic.

8.1.5. Recurrent neural net with Keras

You’ll start with the same dataset and preprocessing that you used in the previous chapter. First, you load the dataset, grab the labels, and shuffle the examples. Then you tokenize it and vectorize it again using the Google Word2vec model. Next, you grab the labels. And finally you split it 80/20 into the training and test sets.

First you need to import all the modules you need for data processing and recurrent network training, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 8.1. Import all the things
>>> import glob
>>> import os
>>> from random import shuffle
>>> from nltk.tokenize import TreebankWordTokenizer
>>> from nlpia.loaders import get_data
>>> word_vectors = get_data('wv')

Then you can build your data preprocessor, which will whip your data into shape, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 8.2. Data preprocessor
>>> def pre_process_data(filepath):
...     """
...     Load pos and neg examples from separate dirs then shuffle them
...     together.
...     """
...     positive_path = os.path.join(filepath, 'pos')
...     negative_path = os.path.join(filepath, 'neg')
...     pos_label = 1
...     neg_label = 0
...     dataset = []
...     for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(positive_path, '*.txt')):
...         with open(filename, 'r') as f:
...             dataset.append((pos_label,
...     for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(negative_path, '*.txt')):
...         with open(filename, 'r') as f:
...             dataset.append((neg_label,
...     shuffle(dataset)
...     return dataset

As before, you can combine your tokenizer and vectorizer into a single function, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 8.3. Data tokenizer + vectorizer
>>> def tokenize_and_vectorize(dataset):
...     tokenizer = TreebankWordTokenizer()
...     vectorized_data = []
...     for sample in dataset:
...         tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(sample[1])
...         sample_vecs = []
...         for token in tokens:
...             try:
...                 sample_vecs.append(word_vectors[token])
...             except KeyError:
...                 pass                           1
...         vectorized_data.append(sample_vecs)
...     return vectorized_data

  • 1 No matching token in the Google w2v vocab

And you need to extricate (unzip) the target variable into separate (but corresponding) samples, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 8.4. Target unzipper
>>> def collect_expected(dataset):
...     """ Peel off the target values from the dataset """
...     expected = []
...     for sample in dataset:
...         expected.append(sample[0])
...     return expected

Now that you have all the preprocessing functions assembled, you need to run them on your data, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 8.5. Load and prepare your data
>>> dataset = pre_process_data('./aclimdb/train')
>>> vectorized_data = tokenize_and_vectorize(dataset)
>>> expected = collect_expected(dataset)
>>> split_point = int(len(vectorized_data) * .8)     1
>>> x_train = vectorized_data[:split_point]
>>> y_train = expected[:split_point]
>>> x_test = vectorized_data[split_point:]
>>> y_test = expected[split_point:]

  • 1 Divide the train and test sets with an 80/20 split (without any shuffling).

You’ll use the same hyperparameters for this model: 400 tokens per example, batches of 32. Your word vectors are 300 elements long, and you’ll let it run for 2 epochs. See the following listing.

Listing 8.6. Initialize your network parameters
>>> maxlen = 400
>>> batch_size = 32
>>> embedding_dims = 300
>>> epochs = 2

Next you’ll need to pad and truncate the samples again. You won’t usually need to pad or truncate with recurrent neural nets, because they can handle input sequences of variable length. But you’ll see in the next few steps that this particular model requires your sequences to be of matching length. See the following listing.

Listing 8.7. Load your test and training data
>>> import numpy as np
>>> x_train = pad_trunc(x_train, maxlen)
>>> x_test = pad_trunc(x_test, maxlen)
>>> x_train = np.reshape(x_train, (len(x_train), maxlen, embedding_dims))
>>> y_train = np.array(y_train)
>>> x_test = np.reshape(x_test, (len(x_test), maxlen, embedding_dims))
>>> y_test = np.array(y_test)

Now that you have your data back, it’s time to build a model. You’ll start again with a standard Sequential() (layered) Keras model, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 8.8. Initialize an empty Keras network
>>> from keras.models import Sequential
>>> from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Flatten, SimpleRNN
>>> num_neurons = 50
>>> model = Sequential()

And then, as before, the Keras magic handles the complexity of assembling a neural net: you just need to add the recurrent layer you want to your network, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 8.9. Add a recurrent layer
>>> model.add(SimpleRNN(
...    num_neurons, return_sequences=True,
...    input_shape=(maxlen, embedding_dims)))

Now the infrastructure is set up to take each input and pass it into a simple recurrent neural net (the not-simple version is in the next chapter), and for each token, gather the output into a vector. Because your sequences are 400 tokens long and you’re using 50 hidden neurons, your output from this layer will be a vector 400 elements long. Each of those elements is a vector 50 elements long, with one output for each of the neurons.

Notice here the keyword argument return_sequences. It’s going to tell the network to return the network value at each time step, hence the 400 vectors, each 50 long. If return_sequences was set to False (the Keras default behavior), only a single 50-dimensional vector would be returned.

The choice of 50 neurons was arbitrary for this example, mostly to reduce computation time. Do experiment with this number to see how it affects computation time and accuracy of the model.


A good rule of thumb is to try to make your model no more complex than the data you’re training on. Easier said than done, but that idea gives you a rationale for adjusting your parameters as you experiment with your dataset. A more complex model will overfit training data and not generalize well; a model that is too simple will underfit the data and also not have much interesting to say about novel data. You’ll see this discussion referred to as the bias versus variance trade-off. A model that’s overfit to the data is said to have high variance and low bias. And an underfit model is the opposite: low variance and high bias; it gets everything wrong in a consistent way.

Note that you truncated and padded the data again. You did so to provide a comparison with the CNN example from the last chapter. But when using a recurrent neural net, truncating and padding isn’t usually necessary. You can provide training data of varying lengths and unroll the net until you hit the end of the input. Keras will handle this automatically. The catch is that your output of the recurrent layer will vary from time step to time step with the input. A four-token input will output a sequence four elements long. A 100-token sequence will produce a sequence of 100 elements. If you need to pass this into another layer, one that expects a uniform input, it won’t work. But there are cases where that’s acceptable, and even preferred. But back to your classifier; see the following listing.

Listing 8.10. Add a dropout layer
>>> model.add(Dropout(.2))

>>> model.add(Flatten())
>>> model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))

You requested that the simple RNN return full sequences, but to prevent overfitting you add a Dropout layer to zero out 20% of those inputs, randomly chosen on each input example. And then finally you add a classifier. In this case, you have one class: “Yes - Positive Sentiment - 1” or “No - Negative Sentiment - 0,” so you chose a layer with one neuron (Dense(1)) and a sigmoid activation function. But a Dense layer expects a “flat” vector of n elements (each element a float) as input. And the data coming out of the SimpleRNN is a tensor 400 elements long, and each of those are 50 elements long. But a feedforward network doesn’t care about order of elements as long as you’re consistent with the order. You use the convenience layer, Flatten(), that Keras provides to flatten the input from a 400 x 50 tensor to a vector 20,000 elements long. And that’s what you pass into the final layer that’ll make the classification. In reality, the Flatten layer is a mapping. That means the error is backpropagated from the last layer back to the appropriate output in the RNN layer and each of those back-propagated errors are then backpropagated through time from the appropriate point in the output, as discussed earlier.

Passing the “thought vector” produced by the recurrent neural network layer into a feedforward network no longer keeps the order of the input you tried so hard to incorporate. But the important takeaway is to notice that the “learning” related to sequence of tokens happens in the RNN layer itself; the aggregation of errors via backpropagation through time is encoding that relationship in the network and expressing it in the “thought vector” itself. Your decision based on the thought vector, via the classifier, is providing feedback to the “quality” of that thought vector with respect to your specific classification problem. You can “judge” your thought vector and work with the RNN itself in other ways, but more on that in the next chapter. (Can you sense our excitement for the next chapter?) Hang in there; all of this is critical to understanding the next part.

8.2. Putting things together

You compile your model as you did with the convolutional neural net in the last chapter.

Keras also comes with several tools, such as model.summary(), for inspection of the internals of your model. As your models grow more and more complicated, keeping track of how things inside your model change when you adjust the hyperparameters can be taxing unless you use model.summary() regularly. If you record that summary, along with the validation test results, in a hyperparameter tuning log, it really gets fun. You might even be able to automate much of it and turn over some of the tedium of record keeping to the machine.[2] See the following listing.


If you do decide to automate your hyperparameter selection, don’t stick to grid search for too long; random search is much more efficient ( And if you really want to be professional about it, you’ll want to try Bayesean optimization. Your hyperparameter optimizer only gets one shot at it every few hours, so you can’t afford to use just any old hyperparameter tuning model (heaven forbid a recurrent network!).

Listing 8.11. Compile your recurrent network
>>> model.compile('rmsprop', 'binary_crossentropy',  metrics=['accuracy'])
Using TensorFlow backend.
>>> model.summary()
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #
simple_rnn_1 (SimpleRNN)     (None, 400, 50)           17550
dropout_1 (Dropout)          (None, 400, 50)           0
flatten_1 (Flatten)          (None, 20000)             0
dense_1 (Dense)              (None, 1)                 20001
Total params: 37,551.0
Trainable params: 37,551.0
Non-trainable params: 0.0

Pause and look at the number of parameters you’re working with. This recurrent neural network is relatively small, but note that you’re learning 37,551 parameters! That’s a lot of weights to update based on 20,000 training samples (not to be confused with the 20,000 elements in the last layer—that is just coincidence). Let’s look at those numbers and see specifically where they come from.

In the SimpleRNN layer, you requested 50 neurons. Each of those neurons will receive input (and apply a weight to) each input sample. In an RNN, the input at each time step is one token. Your tokens are represented by word vectors in this case, each 300 elements long (300-dimensional). Each neuron will need 300 weights:

  • 50 * 300 = 15,000

Each neuron also has the bias term, which always has an input value of 1 (that’s what makes it a bias) but has a trainable weight:

  • 15,000 + 50 (bias weights) = 15,050

15,050 weights in the first time step of the first layer. Now each of those 50 neurons will feed its output into the network’s next time step. Each neuron accepts the full input vector as well as the full output vector. In the first time step, the feedback from the output doesn’t exist yet. It’s initiated as a vector of zeros, its length the same as the length of the output.

Each neuron in the hidden layer now has weights for each token embedding dimension: that’s 300 weights. It also has 1 bias for each neuron. And you have the 50 weights for the output results in the previous time step (or zeros for the first t=0 time step). These 50 weights are the key feedback step in a recurrent neural network. That gives us

  • 300 + 1 + 50 = 351
  • 351 times 50 neurons gives:
  • 351 * 50 = 17,550

17,550 parameters to train. You’re unrolling this net 400 time steps (probably too much given the problems associated with vanishing gradients, but even so, this network turns out to still be effective). But those 17,550 parameters are the same in each of the unrollings, and they remain the same until all the backpropagations have been calculated. The updates to the weights occur at once at the end of the sequence forward propagation and subsequent backpropagation. Although you’re adding complexity to the backpropagation algorithm, you’re saved by the fact you’re not training a net with a little over 7 million parameters (17,550 * 400), which is what it would look like if the unrollings each had their own weight sets.

The final layer in the summary is reporting 20,001 parameters to train, which is relatively straightforward. After the Flatten() layer, the input is a 20,000-dimensional vector plus the one bias input. Because you only have one neuron in the output layer, the total number of parameters is

  • (20,000 input elements + 1 bias unit) * 1 neuron = 20,001 parameters

Those numbers can be a little misleading in computational time because there are so many extra steps to backpropagation through time (compared to convolutional neural networks or standard feedforward networks). Computation time shouldn’t be a deal killer. Recurrent nets’ special talent at memory is the start of a bigger world in NLP or any other sequence data, as you’ll see in the next chapter. But back to your classifier for now.

8.3. Let’s get to learning our past selves

OK, now it’s time to actually train that recurrent network that we so carefully assembled in the previous section. As with your other Keras models, you need to give the .fit() method your data and tell it how long you want to run training (epochs), as shown in the following listing.

Listing 8.12. Train and save your model
>>>, y_train,
...           batch_size=batch_size,
...           epochs=epochs,
...           validation_data=(x_test, y_test))
Train on 20000 samples, validate on 5000 samples
Epoch 1/2
20000/20000 [==============================] - 215s - loss: 0.5723 -
acc: 0.7138 - val_loss: 0.5011 - val_acc: 0.7676
Epoch 2/2
20000/20000 [==============================] - 183s - loss: 0.4196 -
acc: 0.8144 - val_loss: 0.4763 - val_acc: 0.7820
>>> model_structure = model.to_json()
>>> with open("simplernn_model1.json", "w") as json_file:
...     json_file.write(model_structure)
>>> model.save_weights("simplernn_weights1.h5")
Model saved.

Not horrible, but also not something you’ll write home about. Where can you look to improve...

8.4. Hyperparameters

All the models listed in the book can be tuned toward your data and samples in various ways; they all have their benefits and associated trade offs. Finding the perfect set of hyperparameters is usually an intractable problem. But human intuition and experience can at least provide approaches to the problem. Let’s look at the last example. What are some of the choices you made? See the following listing.

Listing 8.13. Model parameters
>>> maxlen = 400            1
>>> embedding_dims = 300    2
>>> batch_size = 32         3
>>> epochs = 2
>>> num_neurons = 50        4

  • 1 Arbitrary sequence length based on perusing the data
  • 2 From the pretrained Word2vec model
  • 3 Number of sample sequences to pass through (and aggregate the error) before backpropagating
  • 4 Hidden layer complexity

maxlen is most likely the biggest question mark in the bunch. The training set varies widely in sample length. When you force samples less than 100 tokens long up to 400 and conversely chop down 1,000 token samples to 400, you introduce an enormous amount of noise. Changing this number impacts training time more than any other parameter in this model; the length of the individual samples dictates how many and how far back in time the error must backpropagate. It isn’t strictly necessary with recurrent neural networks. You can simply unroll the network as far or as little as you need to for the sample. It’s necessary in your example because you’re passing the output, itself a sequence, into a feedforward layer; and feedforward layers require uniformly sized input.

The embedding_dims value was dictated by the Word2vec model you chose, but this could easily be anything that adequately represents the dataset. Even something as simple as a one-hot encoding of the 50 most commons tokens in the corpus may be enough to get accurate predictions.

As with any net, increasing batch_size speeds training because it reduces the number of times backpropagation (the computationally expensive part) needs to happen. The tradeoff is that larger batches increase the chance of settling in a local minimum.

The epochs parameter is easy to test and tune, by simply running the training process again. But that requires a lot of patience if you have to start from scratch with each new epochs parameter you want to try. Keras models can restart training and pick up where you left off, as long as you saved the model as you “left off.” To restart your training on a previously trained model, reload it and your dataset, and call on your data. Keras won’t reinitialize the weights, but instead continue the training as if you’d never stopped it.

The other alternative for tuning the epochs parameter is to add a Keras callback called EarlyStopping. By providing this method to the model, the model continues to train up until the number of epochs you requested, unless a metric passed to Early-Stopping crosses some threshold that you trigger within your callback. A common early stopping metric is the improvement in validation accuracy for several consecutive epochs. If you model isn’t getting any better, that usually means it’s time to “cut bait.”

This metric allows you to set it and forget it; the model stops training when it hits your metric. And you don’t have to worry about investing lots of time only to find out later that your model started overfitting your training data 42 epochs ago.

The num_neurons parameter is an important one. We suggested you use 50 arbitrarily. Now let’s do a train and test run with 100 neurons instead of 50, as shown in listings 8.14 and 8.15.

Listing 8.14. Build a larger network
>>> num_neurons = 100
>>> model = Sequential()
>>> model.add(SimpleRNN(
...     num_neurons, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(maxlen,
...     embedding_dims)))
>>> model.add(Dropout(.2))
>>> model.add(Flatten())
>>> model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
>>> model.compile('rmsprop', 'binary_crossentropy',  metrics=['accuracy'])
Using TensorFlow backend.
>>> model.summary()
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #
simple_rnn_1 (SimpleRNN)     (None, 400, 100)          40100
dropout_1 (Dropout)          (None, 400, 100)          0
flatten_1 (Flatten)          (None, 40000)             0
dense_1 (Dense)              (None, 1)                 40001
Total params: 80,101.0
Trainable params: 80,101.0
Non-trainable params: 0.0

Listing 8.15. Train your larger network
>>>, y_train,
...           batch_size=batch_size,
...           epochs=epochs,
...           validation_data=(x_test, y_test))
Train on 20000 samples, validate on 5000 samples
Epoch 1/2
20000/20000 [==============================] - 287s - loss: 0.9063 -
acc: 0.6529 - val_loss: 0.5445 - val_acc: 0.7486
Epoch 2/2
20000/20000 [==============================] - 240s - loss: 0.4760 -
acc: 0.7951 - val_loss: 0.5165 - val_acc: 0.7824
>>> model_structure = model.to_json()
>>> with open("simplernn_model2.json", "w") as json_file:
...     json_file.write(model_structure)
>>> model.save_weights("simplernn_weights2.h5")
Model saved.

The validation accuracy of 78.24% is only 0.04% better after we doubled the complexity of our model in one of the layers. This negligible improvement should lead you to think the model (for this network layer) is too complex for the data. This layer of the network may be too wide.

Here’s what happens with num_neurons set to 25:

20000/20000 [==============================] - 240s - loss: 0.5394 -
acc: 0.8084 - val_loss: 0.4490 - val_acc: 0.7970

That’s interesting. Our model got a little better when we slimmed it down a bit in the middle. A little better (1.5%), but not significantly. These kinds of tests can take quite a while to develop an intuition for. You may find it especially difficult as the training time increases and prevents you from enjoying the instant feedback and gratification that you get from other coding tasks. And sometimes changing one parameter at a time can mask benefits you would get from adjusting two at a time. But if you went down that rabbit hole of combinatorics, your task complexity goes through the roof.


Experiment often, and always document how the model responds to your manipulations. This kind of hands-on work provides the quickest path toward an intuition for model building.

If you feel the model is overfitting the training data but you can’t find a way to make your model simpler, you can always try increasing the Dropout(percentage). This is a sledgehammer (actually a shotgun) that can mitigate the risk of overfitting while allowing your model to have as much complexity as it needs to match the data. If you set the dropout percentage much above 50%, the model starts to have a difficult time learning. Your learning will slow and validation error will bounce around a lot. But 20% to 50% is a pretty safe range for a lot of NLP problems for recurrent networks.

8.5. Predicting

Now that you have a trained model, such as it is, you can predict just as you did with the CNN in the last chapter, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 8.16. Crummy weather sentiment
>>> sample_1 = "I hate that the dismal weather had me down for so long, when
 will it break! Ugh, when does happiness return? The sun is blinding and 
 the puffy clouds are too thin. I can't wait for the weekend."
>>> from keras.models import model_from_json
>>> with open("simplernn_model1.json", "r") as json_file:
...     json_string =
>>> model = model_from_json(json_string)
>>> model.load_weights('simplernn_weights1.h5')
>>> vec_list = tokenize_and_vectorize([(1, sample_1)])                  1
>>> test_vec_list = pad_trunc(vec_list, maxlen)                         2
>>> test_vec = np.reshape(test_vec_list, (len(test_vec_list), maxlen,
...     embedding_dims))
>>> model.predict_classes(test_vec)
array([[0]], dtype=int32)

  • 1 You pass a dummy value in the first element of the tuple because your helper expects it from the way it processed the initial data. That value won’t ever see the network, so it can be anything.
  • 2 Tokenize returns a list of the data (length 1 here).

Negative again.

You have another tool to add to the pipeline in classifying your possible responses, and the incoming questions or searches that a user may enter. But why choose a recurrent neural network? The short answer is: don’t. Well, not a SimpleRNN as you’ve implemented here. They’re relatively expensive to train and pass new samples through compared to a feedforward net or a convolutional neural net. At least in this example, the results aren’t appreciably better, or even better at all.

Why bother with an RNN at all? Well, the concept of remembering bits of input that have already occurred is absolutely crucial in NLP. The problems of vanishing gradients are usually too much for a recurrent neural net to overcome, especially in an example with so many time steps such as ours. The next chapter begins to examine alternative ways of remembering, ways that turn out to be, as Andrej Karpathy puts it, “unreasonably effective.”[3]


Karpathy, Andrej, The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks.

The following sections cover a few things about recurrent neural networks that weren’t mentioned in the example but are important nonetheless.

8.5.1. Statefulness

Sometimes you want to remember information from one input sample to the next, not just one-time step (token) to the next within a single sample. What happens to that information at the end of the training step? Other than what is encoded in the weights via backpropagation, the final output has no effect, and the next input will start fresh. Keras provides a keyword argument in the base RNN layer (therefore in the SimpleRNN as well) called stateful. It defaults to False. If you flip this to True when adding the SimpleRNN layer to your model, the last sample’s last output passes into itself at the next time step along with the first token input, just as it would in the middle of the sample.

Setting stateful to True can be a good idea when you want to model a large document that has been split into paragraphs or sentences for processing. And you might even use it to model the meaning of an entire corpus of related documents. But you wouldn’t want to train a stateful RNN on unrelated documents or passages without resetting the state of the model between samples. Likewise, if you usually shuffle your samples of text, the last few tokens of one sample have nothing to do with the first tokens of the next sample. So for shuffled text you’ll want to make sure your stateful flag is set to False, because the order of the samples doesn’t help the model find a good fit.

If the fit method is passed a batch_size parameter, the statefulness of the model holds each sample’s output in the batch. And then for the first sample in the next batch it passes the output of the first sample in the previous batch. 2nd to 2nd. i-th to i-th. If you’re trying to model a larger single corpus on smaller bits of the whole, paying attention to the dataset order becomes important.

8.5.2. Two-way street

So far we’ve discussed relationships between words and what has come before. But can’t a case be made for flipping those word dependencies?

They wanted to pet the dog whose fur was brown.

As you get to the token “fur,” you have encountered “dog” already and know something about it. But the sentence also contains the information that the dog has fur, and that the dog’s fur is brown. And that information is relevant to the previous action of petting and the fact that “they” wanted to do the petting. Perhaps “they” only like to pet soft, furry brown things and don’t like petting prickly green things like cacti.

Humans read the sentence in one direction but are capable of flitting back to earlier parts of the text in their brain as new information is revealed. Humans can deal with information that isn’t presented in the best possible order. It would be nice if you could allow your model to flit back across the input as well. That is where bidirectional recurrent neural nets come in. Keras added a layer wrapper that will automatically flip around the necessary inputs and outputs to automatically assemble a bi-directional RNN for us. See the following listing.

Listing 8.17. Build a Bidirectional recurrent network
>>> from keras.models import Sequential
>>> from keras.layers import SimpleRNN
>>> from keras.layers.wrappers import Bidirectional
>>> num_neurons = 10
>>> maxlen = 100
>>> embedding_dims = 300
>>> model = Sequential()
>>> model.add(Bidirectional(SimpleRNN(
...    num_neurons, return_sequences=True),
...    input_shape=(maxlen, embedding_dims)))

The basic idea is you arrange two RNNs right next to each other, passing the input into one as normal and the same input backward into the other net (see figure 8.13). The output of those two are then concatenated at each time step to the related (same input token) time step in the other network. You take the output of the final time step in the input and concatenate it with the output generated by the same input token at the first time step of the backward net.

Figure 8.13. Bidirectional recurrent neural net


Keras also has a go_backwards keyword argument. If this is set to True, Keras automatically flips the input sequences and inputs them into the network in reverse order. This is the second half of a bidirectional layer.

If you’re not using a bidirectional wrapper, this keyword can be useful, because a recurrent neural network (due to the vanishing gradients problem) is more receptive to data at the end of the sample than at the beginning. If you have padded your samples with <PAD> tokens at the end, all the good, juicy stuff is buried deep in the input loop. go_backwards can be a quick way around this problem.

With these tools you’re well on your way to not just predicting and classifying text, but actually modeling language itself and how it’s used. And with that deeper algorithmic understanding, instead of just parroting text your model has seen before, you can generate completely new statements!

8.5.3. What is this thing?

Ahead of the Dense layer you have a vector that is of shape (number of neurons x 1) coming out of the last time step of the Recurrent layer for a given input sequence. This vector is the parallel to the thought vector you got out of the convolutional neural network in the previous chapter. It’s an encoding of the sequence of tokens. Granted it’s only going to be able to encode the thought of the sequences in relation to the labels the network is trained on. But in terms of NLP, it’s an amazing next step toward encoding higher order concepts into a vector computationally.


  • In natural language sequences (words or characters), what came before is important to your model’s understanding of the sequence.
  • Splitting a natural language statement along the dimension of time (tokens) can help your machine deepen its understanding of natural language.
  • You can backpropagate errors in time (tokens), as well as in the layers of a deep learning network.
  • Because RNNs are particularly deep neural nets, RNN gradients are particularly temperamental, and they may disappear or explode.
  • Efficiently modeling natural language character sequences wasn’t possible until recurrent neural nets were applied to the task.
  • Weights in an RNN are adjusted in aggregate across time for a given sample.
  • You can use different methods to examine the output of recurrent neural nets.
  • You can model the natural language sequence in a document by passing the sequence of tokens through an RNN backward and forward simultaneously.
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