Chapter 7. Getting words in order with convolutional neural networks (CNNs)

This chapter covers

  • Using neural networks for NLP
  • Finding meaning in word patterns
  • Building a CNN
  • Vectorizing natural language text in a way that suits neural networks
  • Training a CNN
  • Classifying the sentiment of novel text

Language’s true power isn’t in the words themselves, but in the spaces between the words, in the order and combination of words. Sometimes meaning is hidden beneath the words, in the intent and emotion that formed that particular combination of words. Understanding the intent beneath the words is a critical skill for an empathetic, emotionally intelligent listener or reader of natural language, be it human or machine.[1] Just as in thought and ideas, it’s the connections between words that create depth, information, and complexity. With a grasp on the meaning of individual words, and multiple clever ways to string them together, how do you look beneath them and measure the meaning of a combination of words with something more flexible than counts of n-gram matches? How do you find meaning, emotion—latent semantic information—from a sequence of words, so you can do something with it? And even more ambitious, how do you impart that hidden meaning to text generated by a cold, calculating machine?


International Association of Facilitators Handbook,

Even the phrase “machine-generated text” inspires dread of a hollow, tinned voice issuing a chopped list of words. Machines may get the point across, but little more than that. What’s missing? The tone, the flow, the character that you expect a person to express in even the most passing of engagements. Those subtleties exist between the words, underneath the words, in the patterns of how they’re constructed. As a person communicates, they will underlay patterns in their text and speech. Truly great writers and speakers will actively manipulate these patterns, to great effect. And your innate ability to recognize them, even if on a less-than-conscious level, is the reason machine-produced text tends to sound terrible. The patterns aren’t there. But you can find them in human-generated text and impart them to your machine friends.

In the past few years, research has quickly blossomed around neural networks. With widely available open source tools, the power of neural networks to find patterns in large datasets quickly transformed the NLP landscape. The perceptron quickly became the feedforward network (a multilayer perceptron), which led to the development of new variants: convolutional neural nets and recurrent neural nets, ever more efficient and precise tools to fish patterns out of large datasets.

As you have seen already with Word2Vec, neural networks have opened entirely new approaches to NLP. Although neural networks’ original design purpose was to enable a machine to learn to quantify input, the field has since grown from just learning classifications and regressions (topic analysis, sentiment analysis) to actually being able to generate novel text based on previously unseen input: translating a new phrase to another language, generating responses to questions not seen before (chatbot, anyone?), and even generating new text based on the style of a particular author.

A complete understanding of the mathematics of the inner workings of a neural network isn’t critical to employing the tools presented in this chapter. But, it does help to have a basic grasp of what is going on inside. If you understand the examples and explanations in chapter 5, you will have an intuition about where to use neural networks. And you can weak your neural network architecture (the number of layers or number of neurons) to help a network work better for your problem. This intuition will help you see how neural networks can give depth to your chatbot. Neural networks promise to make your chatbot a better listener and a little less superficially chatty.

7.1. Learning meaning

The nature of words and their secrets are most tightly correlated to (after their definition, of course) their relation to each other. That relationship can be expressed in at least two ways:

  1. Word order—here are two statements that don’t mean the same thing:
    The dog chased the cat.
    The cat chased the dog.
  2. Word proximity—here “shone” refers to the word “hull” at the other end of the sentence:
    The ship's hull, despite years at sea, millions of tons of cargo, and 
    two mid-sea collisions, shone like new.

These relationships can be explored for patterns (along with patterns in the presence of the words themselves) in two ways: spatially and temporarily. The difference between the two is this: in the former, you examine the statement as if written on page—you’re looking for relationships in the position of words; in the latter, you explore it as if spoken—the words and letters become time series data. These are closely related, but they mark a key difference in how you’ll deal with them with neural network tools. Spatial data is usually viewed through a fixed-width window. Time series can extend for an unknown amount of time.

Basic feedforward networks (multilayer perceptron) are capable of pulling patterns out of data. But, the patterns they discover are found by relating weights to pieces of the input. Nothing captures the relations of the tokens spatially or temporally. But feed forward is only the beginning of the neural network architectures out there. The two most important choices for natural language processing are currently convolutional neural nets and recurrent neural nets and the many flavors of each.

In figure 7.1, three tokens are passed into this neural net input layer. And each input layer neuron is connected to each fully connected hidden layer neuron with an individual weight.

Figure 7.1. Fully connected neural net


How are you passing tokens into the net? The two major approaches you’ll use in this chapter are the ones you developed in the previous chapters: one-hot encoding and word vectors. You can one-hot encode them—a vector that has a 0 for every possible vocabulary word you want to consider, with a 1 in the position of the word you’re encoding. Or you can use the trained word vectors you discovered in chapter 6. You need the words to be represented as numbers to do math on them.

Now, if you swapped the order of these tokens from “See Jim run” to “run See Jim” and passed that into the network, unsurprisingly a different answer may come out. Remember each input position is associated with a specific weight inside each hidden neuron (x1 is tied to w1, x2 is tied to w2, and so on).

A feedforward network may be able to learn specific relationships of tokens such as these, because they appear together in a sample but in different positions. But you can easily see how longer sentences of 5, 10, or 50 tokens—with all the possible pairs, triplets, and so on in all the possible positions for each—quickly become an intractable problem. Luckily you have other options.

7.2. Toolkit

Python is one of the richest languages for working with neural nets. Although a lot of the major players (hi Google and Facebook) have moved to lower-level languages for the implementation of these expensive calculations, the extensive resources poured into early models using Python for development have left their mark. Two of the major programs for neural network architecture are Theano ( and TensorFlow ( Both rely heavily on C for their underlying computations, but both have robust Python APIs. Face-book put their efforts into a Lua package called Torch; luckily Python now has an API for that as well in PyTorch ( Each of these, however, for all their power, are heavily abstracted toolsets for building models from scratch. But the Python community is quick to the rescue with libraries to ease the use of these underlying architectures. Lasagne (Theano) and Skflow (TensorFlow) are popular options, but we’ll use Keras ( for its balance of friendly API and versatility. Keras can use either TensorFlow or Theano as its backend, and each has its advantages and weaknesses, but you’ll use TensorFlow for the examples. You also need the h5py package for saving the internal state of your trained model.

By default, Keras will use TensorFlow as the backend, and the first line output at runtime will remind you which backend you’re using for processing. You can easily change the backend in a config file, with an environment variable, or in your script itself. The documentation in Keras is thorough and clear; we highly recommend you spend some time there. But here’s a quick overview: Sequential() is a class that is a neural net abstraction that gives you access to the basic API of Keras, specifically the methods compile and fit, which will do the heavy lifting of building the underlying weights and their interconnected relationships (compile), calculating the errors in training, and most importantly applying backpropagation (fit). epochs, batch_size, and optimizer are all hyperparameters that will require tuning, and in some senses, art.

Unfortunately, no one-size-fits-all rule exists for designing and tuning, a neural network. You’ll need to develop your own intuition for which framework will work best for a particular application. But if you find example implementations for a problem similar to yours, then you’re probably OK using that framework and adjusting that implementation to meet your needs. There’s nothing scary about these neural network frameworks or all these bells and whistles you can play with and tune. But for now we steer this conversation back toward natural language processing via the world of image processing. Images? Bear with us for a minute, the trick will become clear.

7.3. Convolutional neural nets

Convolutional neural nets, or CNNs, get their name from the concept of sliding (or convolving) a small window over the data sample.

Convolutions appear in many places in mathematics, and they’re usually related to time series data. The higher order concepts related to those use cases aren’t important for your application in this chapter. The key concept is visualizing that box sliding over a field (see figure 7.2). You’re going to start sliding them over images to get the concept. And then you’ll start sliding the window over text. But always come back to that mental image of a window sliding over a larger piece of data, and you’re looking only at what can be seen through the window.

Figure 7.2. Window convolving over function

7.3.1. Building blocks

Convolutional neural nets first came to prominence in image processing and image recognition. Because the net is capable of capturing spatial relationships between data points of each sample, the net can suss out whether the image contains a cat or a dog driving a bulldozer.

A convolutional net, or convnet (yeah that extra n in there is hard to say), achieves its magic not by assigning a weight to each element (say, each pixel of an image), as in a traditional feedforward net; instead it defines a set of filters (also known as kernels) that move across the image. Your convolution!

In image recognition, the elements of each data point could be a 1 (on) or 0 (off) for each pixel in a black-and-white image.

Or it could be the intensity of each pixel in a grayscale image (see figures 7.3 and 7.4), or the intensity in each of the color channels of each pixel in a color image.

Figure 7.3. Small telephone pole image

Figure 7.4. Pixel values for the telephone pole image

Each filter you make is going to convolve or slide across the input sample (in this case, your pixel values). Let’s pause and describe what we mean by sliding. You won’t be doing anything in particular while the window is “in motion.” You can think of it as a series of snapshots. Look through the window, do some processing, slide the window down a bit, do the processing again.


This sliding/snapshot routine is precisely what makes convolutional neural nets highly parallelize-able. Each snapshot for a given data sample can be calculated independently of all the others for that given data sample. No need to wait for the first snapshot to happen before taking the second.

How big are these filters we’re talking about? The filter window size is a parameter to be chosen by the model builder and is highly dependent on the content of data. But there are some common starting points. In image-based data, you’ll commonly see a window size of three-by-three (3, 3) pixels. We get into a little more detail about the window size choice later in the chapter when we get back to NLP uses.

7.3.2. Step size (stride)

Note that the distance traveled during the sliding phase is a parameter. And more importantly, it’s almost never as large as the filter itself. Each snapshot usually has an overlap with its neighboring snapshot.

The distance each convolution “travels” is known as the stride and is typically set to 1. Only moving one pixel (or anything less than the width of the filter) will create overlap in the various inputs to the filter from one position to the next. A larger stride that has no overlap between filter applications will lose the “blurring” effect of one pixel (or in your case, token) relating to its neighbors.

This overlap has some interesting properties, which will become apparent as you see how the filters change over time.

7.3.3. Filter composition

Okay, so far we’ve been describing windows sliding over data, looking at the data through the window, but we’ve said nothing about what you do with the data you see.

Filters are composed of two parts:

  • A set of weights (exactly like the weights feeding into the neurons from chapter 5)
  • An activation function

As we said earlier, filters are typically 3 x 3 (but often other sizes and shapes).


These collections of filtering neurons are similar to the normal hidden layer neurons, except that each filter’s weights are fixed for the entire sweep through the input sample. The weights are the same across the entire image. Each filter in a convolutional neural net is unique, but each individual filter element is fixed within an image snapshot.

As each filter slides over the image, one stride at a time, it pauses and takes a snapshot of the pixels it’s currently covering. The values of those pixels are then multiplied by the weight associated with that position in the filter.

Say you’re using a 3 x 3 filter. You start in the upper-left corner and snapshot the first pixel (0, 0) by the first weight (0, 0), then the second pixel (0, 1) by weight (0, 1), and so on.

The products of pixel and weight (at that position) are then summed up and passed into the activation function (see figure 7.5); most often this function is ReLU (rectified linear units)—we come back to that in a moment.

Figure 7.5. Convolutional neural net step

In figures 7.5 and 7.6, xi is the value of the pixel at position i and z0 is the output of a ReLU activation function (z_0 = max(sum(x * w), 0) or z0 = max(xi *wj), 0). The output of that activation function is recorded as a positional value in an output “image.” The filter slides one stride-width, takes the next snapshot, and puts the output value next to the output of the first (see figure 7.6).

Figure 7.6. Convolution

There are several of these filters in a layer, and as they each convolve over the entire image, they each create a new “image,” a “filtered” image if you will. Say you have n filters. After this process, you’d have n new, filtered images for each filter you defined.

We get back to what you do with these n new images in a moment.

7.3.4. Padding

Something funny happens at the edges of an image, however. If you start a 3 x 3 filter in the upper-left corner of an input image and stride one pixel at a time across, stopping when the rightmost edge of the filter reaches the rightmost edge of the input, the output “image” will be two pixels narrower than the source input.

Keras has tools to help deal with this issue. The first is to ignore that the output is slightly smaller. The Keras argument for this is padding='valid'. If this is the case, you just have to be careful and take note of the new dimensions as you pass the data into the next layer. The downfall of this strategy is that the data in the edge of the original input is undersampled as the interior data points are passed into each filter multiple times, from the overlapped filter positions. On a large image, this may not be an issue, but as soon as you bring this concept to bear on a Tweet, for example, undersampling a word at the beginning of a 10-word dataset could drastically change the outcome.

The next strategy is known as padding, which consists of adding enough data to the input’s outer edges so that the first real data point is treated just as the innermost data points are. The downfall of this strategy is that you’re adding potentially unrelated data to the input, which in itself can skew the outcome. You don’t care to find patterns in fake data that you generated after all. But you can pad the input several ways to try to minimize the ill effects. See the following listing.

Listing 7.1. Keras network with one convolution layer
>>> from keras.models import Sequential
>>> from keras.layers import Conv1D
>>> model = Sequential()
>>> model.add(Conv1D(filters=16,
                     padding='same',             1
                     input_shape=(100, 300)))    2

  • 1 'same' or 'valid' are the options.
  • 2 input_shape is still the shape of your unmodified input. The padding happens under the hood.

More on the implementation details in a moment. Just be aware of these troublesome bits, and know that a good deal of what could be rather annoying data wrangling has been abstracted away for you nicely by the tools you’ll be using.

There are other strategies where the pre-processor attempts to guess at what the padding should be, mimicking the data points that are already on the edge. But you won’t have use for that strategy in NLP applications, for it’s fraught with its own peril.

Convolutional pipeline

You have n filters and n new images now. What do you do with that? This, like most applications of neural networks, starts from the same place: a labeled dataset. And likewise you have a similar goal. To predict a label given a novel image. The simplest next step is to take each of those filtered images and string them out as input to a feedforward layer and then proceed as you did in chapter 5.


You can pass these filtered images into a second convolutional layer with its own set of filters. In practice, this is the most common architecture; you’ll brush up on it later. It turns out the multiple layers of convolutions leads to a path to learning layers of abstractions: first edges, then shapes/colors, and eventually concepts!

No matter how many layers (convolutional or otherwise) you add to your network, once you have a final output you can compute the error and backpropagate that error all the way back through the network.

Because the activation function was differentiable, you can backpropagate as normal and update the weights of the individual filters themselves. The network then learns what kind of filters it needs to get the right output for a given input.

You can think of this process as the network learning to detect and extract information for the later layers to act on more easily.

7.3.5. Learning

The filters themselves, as in any neural network, start out with weights that are initialized to random values near zero. How is the output “image” going to be anything more than noise? At first, in the first few iterations of training, it will be just that: noise.

But the classifier you’re building will have some amount of error from the expected label for each input, and that input can be backpropagated through the activation function to the values of the filters themselves. To backpropagate the error, you have to take the derivative of the error with respect to the weight that fed it.

And as the convolution layer comes earlier in the net, it’s specifically the derivative of the gradient from the layer above with respect to the weight that fed it. This calculation is similar to normal backpropagation because the weight generated output in many positions for a given training sample.

The specific derivations of the gradient with respect to the weights of a convolutional filter are beyond the scope of this book. But a shorthand way of thinking about it is for a given weight in a given filter, the gradient is the sum of the normal gradients that were created for each individual position in the convolution during the forward pass. This is a fairly complicated formula (two sums and multiple stacked equations, as follows):

Sum of the gradients for a filter weight

This concept is pretty much the same as a regular feedforward net, where you are figuring out how much each particular weight contributed to the overall error of the system. Then you decide how best to correct that toward a weight that will cause less error in the future training examples. None of these details are vital for the understanding of the use of convolutional neural nets in natural language processing. But hopefully you’ve developed an intuition for how to tweak neural network architectures and build on these examples later in the chapters.

7.4. Narrow windows indeed

Yeah, yeah, okay, images. But we’re talking about language here, remember? Let’s see some words to train on. It turns out you can use convolutional neural networks for natural language processing by using word vectors (also known as word embeddings), which you learned about in chapter 6, instead of an image’s pixel values, as the input to your network.

Because relative vertical relations between words would be arbitrary, depending on the page width, no relevant information is in the patterns that may emerge there. Relevant information is in the relative “horizontal” positions though.


The same concepts hold true for languages that are read top to bottom before reading right or left, such as Japanese. But in those cases, you focus on “vertical” relationships rather than “horizontal.”

You want to focus only on the relationships of tokens in one spatial dimension. Instead of a two-dimensional filter that you would convolve over a two-dimensional input (a picture), you’ll convolve one-dimensional filters over a one-dimensional input, such as a sentence.

Your filter shape will also be one-dimensional instead of two-dimensional as in the 1 x3 rolling window shown in figure 7.7.

If you imagine the text as an image, the “second” dimension is the full length of the word vector, typically 100-D--500-D, just like a real image. You’ll only be concerned with the “width” of the filter. In figure 7.7, the filter is three tokens wide. Aha! Notice that each word token (or later character token) is a “pixel” in your sentence “image.”

Figure 7.7. 1D convolution

Figure 7.8. 1D convolution with embeddings


The term one-dimensional filter can be a little misleading as you get to word embeddings. The vector representation of the word itself extends “downward” as shown in figure 7.8, but the filter covers the whole length of that dimension in one go. The dimension we’re referring to when we say one-dimensional convolution is the “width” of the phrase—the dimension you’re traveling across. In a two-dimensional convolution, of an image say, you would scan the input from side to side and top to bottom, hence the two-dimensional name. Here you only slide in one dimension, left to right.

As mentioned earlier, the term convolution is actually a bit of shorthand. But it bears repeating: the sliding has no effect on the model. The data at multiple positions dictates what’s going on. The order in which the “snapshots” are calculated isn’t important as long as the output is reconstructed in the same way the windows onto the input were positioned.

The weight values in the filters are unchanged for a given input sample during the forward pass, which means you can take a given filter and all its “snapshots” in parallel and compose the output “image” all at once. This is the convolutional neural network’s secret to speed.

This speed, plus its ability to ignore the position of a feature, is why researchers keep coming back to this convolutional approach to feature extraction.

7.4.1. Implementation in Keras: prepping the data

Let’s take a look at convolution in Python with the example convolutional neural network classifier provided in the Keras documentation. They have crafted a one-dimensional convolutional net to examine the IMDB movie review dataset.

Each data point is prelabeled with a 0 (negative sentiment) or a 1 (positive sentiment). In listing 7.2, you’re going to swap out their example IMDB movie review dataset for one in raw text, so you can get your hands dirty with the preprocessing of the text as well. And then you’ll see if you can use this trained network to classify text it has never seen before.

Listing 7.2. Import your Keras convolution tools
>>> import numpy as np                                       1
>>> from keras.preprocessing import sequence                 2
>>> from keras.models import Sequential                      3
>>> from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Activation      4
>>> from keras.layers import Conv1D, GlobalMaxPooling1D      5

  • 1 Keras takes care of most of this, but it likes to see numpy arrays.
  • 2 A helper module to handle padding input
  • 3 The base Keras neural network model
  • 4 The layer objects you’ll pile into the model
  • 5 Your convolution layer, and pooling

First download the original dataset from the Stanford AI department ( This is a dataset compiled for the 2011 paper Learning Word Vectors for Sentiment Analysis.[2] Once you have downloaded the dataset, unzip it to a convenient directory and look inside. You’re just going to use the train/ directory, but other toys are in there also, so feel free to look around.


Maas, Andrew L. et al., Learning Word Vectors for Sentiment Analysis, Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, June 2011, Association for Computational Linguistics.

The reviews in the train folder are broken up into text files in either the pos or neg folders. You’ll first need to read those in Python with their appropriate label and then shuffle the deck so the samples aren’t all positive and then all negative. Training with the sorted labels will skew training toward whatever comes last, especially when you use certain hyperparameters, such as momentum. See the following listing.

Listing 7.3. Preprocessor to load your documents
>>> import glob
>>> import os
>>> from random import shuffle
>>> def pre_process_data(filepath):
...     """
...     This is dependent on your training data source but we will
...     try to generalize it as best as possible.
...     """
...     positive_path = os.path.join(filepath, 'pos')
...     negative_path = os.path.join(filepath, 'neg')
...     pos_label = 1
...     neg_label = 0
...     dataset = []
...     for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(positive_path, '*.txt')):
...         with open(filename, 'r') as f:
...             dataset.append((pos_label,
...     for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(negative_path, '*.txt')):
...         with open(filename, 'r') as f:
...             dataset.append((neg_label,
...     shuffle(dataset)
...     return dataset

The first example document should look something like the following. Yours will differ depending on how the samples were shuffled, but that’s fine. The first element in the tuple is the target value for sentiment: 1 for positive sentiment, 0 for negative:

>>> dataset = pre_process_data('<path to your downloaded file>/aclimdb/train')
>>> dataset[0]
(1, 'I, as a teenager really enjoyed this movie! Mary Kate and Ashley worked
 great together and everyone seemed so at ease. I thought the movie plot was
 very good and hope everyone else enjoys it to! Be sure and rent it!! Also 
they had some great soccer scenes for all those soccer players! :)')

The next step is to tokenize and vectorize the data. You’ll use the Google News pretrained Word2vec vectors, so download those via the nlpia package or directly from Google.[3]


You’ll use gensim to unpack the vectors, just like you did in chapter 6. You can experiment with the limit argument to the load_word2vec_format method; a higher number will get you more vectors to play with, but memory quickly becomes an issue and return on investment drops quickly in really high values for limit.

Let’s write a helper function to tokenize the data and then create a list of the vectors for those tokens to use as your data to feed the model, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 7.4. Vectorizer and tokenizer
>>> from nltk.tokenize import TreebankWordTokenizer
>>> from gensim.models.keyedvectors import KeyedVectors
>>> from nlpia.loaders import get_data                    1
>>> word_vectors = get_data('w2v', limit=200000)

>>> def tokenize_and_vectorize(dataset):
...     tokenizer = TreebankWordTokenizer()
...     vectorized_data = []
...     expected = []
...     for sample in dataset:
...         tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(sample[1])
...         sample_vecs = []
...         for token in tokens:
...             try:
...                 sample_vecs.append(word_vectors[token])
...             except KeyError:
...                 pass  # No matching token in the Google w2v vocab
...         vectorized_data.append(sample_vecs)
...     return vectorized_data

  • 1 get_data('w2v') downloads “GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz” to the nlpia.loaders.BIGDATA_PATH directory.

Note that you’re throwing away information here. The Google News Word2vec vocabulary includes some stopwords, but not all of them. A lot of common words like “a” will be thrown out in your function. Not ideal by any stretch, but this will give you a baseline for how well convolutional neural nets can perform even on lossy data. To get around this loss of information, you can train your word2vec models separately and make sure you have better vector coverage. The data also has a lot of HTML tags like <br>, which you do want to exclude, because they aren’t usually relevant to the text’s sentiment.

You also need to collect the target values—0 for a negative review, 1 for a positive review—in the same order as the training samples. See the following listing.

Listing 7.5. Target labels
>>> def collect_expected(dataset):
...     """ Peel off the target values from the dataset """
...     expected = []
...     for sample in dataset:
...         expected.append(sample[0])
...     return expected

And then you simply pass your data into those functions:

>>> vectorized_data = tokenize_and_vectorize(dataset)
>>> expected = collect_expected(dataset)

Next you’ll split the prepared data into a training set and a test set. You’re just going to split your imported dataset 80/20, but this ignores the folder of test data. Feel free to combine the data from the download’s original test folder with the training folder. They both contain valid training and testing data. More data is always better. The train/ and test/ folders in most datasets you will download are the particular train/test split that the maintainer of that package used. Those folders are provided so you can duplicate their results exactly.[4]


You want to publicize the test set performance with a model that has never seen the test data. But you want to use all the labeled data you have available to you for your final training of the model you deploy to your users.

The next code block buckets the data into the training set (x_train) that you’ll show the network, along with “correct” answers (y_train) and a testing dataset (x_test) that you hold back, along with its answers (y_test). You can then let the network make a “guess” about samples from the test set, and you can validate that it’s learning something that generalizes outside of the training data. y_train and y_test are the associated “correct” answers for each example in the respective sets x_train and x_test. See the following listing.

Listing 7.6. Train/test split
>>> split_point = int(len(vectorized_data)*.8)
>>> x_train = vectorized_data[:split_point_]
>>> y_train_ = expected[:split_point]
>>> x_test = vectorized_data[split_point:]
>>> y_test = expected[split_point:]

The next block of code (listing 7.7) sets most of the hyperparameters for the net. The maxlen variable holds the maximum review length you’ll consider. Because each input to a convolutional neural net must be equal in dimension, you truncate any sample that is longer than 400 tokens and pad the shorter samples out to 400 tokens with Null or 0; actual “PAD” tokens are commonly used to represent this when showing the original text. Again this introduces data into the system that wasn’t previously in the system. The network itself can learn that pattern as well though, so that PAD == “ignore me” becomes part of the network’s structure, so it’s not the end of the world.

Note of caution: this padding isn’t the same as the padding introduced earlier. Here you’re padding out the input to be of consistent size. You’ll need to decide separately the issue of padding the beginning and ending of each training sample based on whether you want the output to be of similar size and the end tokens to be treated the same as the interior ones, or whether you don’t mind the first/last tokens being treated differently. See the following listing.

Listing 7.7. CNN parameters
maxlen = 400
batch_size = 32            1
embedding_dims = 300       2
filters = 250              3
kernel_size = 3            4
hidden_dims = 250          5
epochs = 2                 6

  • 1 How many samples to show the net before backpropagating the error and updating the weights
  • 2 Length of the token vectors you’ll create for passing into the convnet
  • 3 Number of filters you’ll train
  • 4 The width of the filters; actual filters will each be a matrix of weights of size: embedding_dims x kernel_size, or 50 x 3 in your case
  • 5 Number of neurons in the plain feedforward net at the end of the chain
  • 6 Number of times you’ll pass the entire training dataset through the network

In listing 7.7, the kernel_size (filter size or window size) is a scalar value, as opposed to the two-dimensional type filters you had with images. Your filter will look at the word vectors for three tokens at a time. It’s helpful to think of the filter sizes, in the first layer only, as looking at n-grams of the text. In this case, you’re looking at 3-grams of your input text. But this could easily be five or seven or more. The choice is data- and task-dependent, so experiment freely with this parameter for your models.

Keras has a preprocessing helper method, pad_sequences, that in theory could be used to pad your input data, but unfortunately it works only with sequences of scalars, and you have sequences of vectors. Let’s write a helper function of your own to pad your input data, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 7.8. Padding and truncating your token sequence
>>> def pad_trunc(data, maxlen):                                         1
...     """
...     For a given dataset pad with zero vectors or truncate to maxlen
...     """
...     new_data = []
...     # Create a vector of 0s the length of our word vectors
...     zero_vector = []
...     for _ in range(len(data[0][0])):
...         zero_vector.append(0.0)
...     for sample in data:
...         if len(sample) > maxlen:
...             temp = sample[:maxlen]
...         elif len(sample) < maxlen:
...             temp = sample
...             # Append the appropriate number 0 vectors to the list
...             additional_elems = maxlen - len(sample)
...             for _ in range(additional_elems):
...                 temp.append(zero_vector)
...         else:
...             temp = sample
...         new_data.append(temp)                                        2
...     return new_data

  • 1 An astute LiveBook reader (@madara) pointed out this can all be accomplished with a one-liner: [smp[:maxlen] + [[0.] * emb_dim] * (maxlen - len(smp)) for smp in data]
  • 2 Finally the augmented data is ready to be tacked onto the end of our list of augmented data.

Then you need to pass your train and test data into the padder/truncator. After that you can convert it to numpy arrays to make Keras happy. This is a tensor with the shape (number of samples, sequence length, word vector length) that you need for your CNN. See the following listing.

Listing 7.9. Gathering your augmented and truncated data
>>> x_train = pad_trunc(x_train, maxlen)
>>> x_test = pad_trunc(x_test, maxlen)
>>> x_train = np.reshape(x_train, (len(x_train), maxlen, embedding_dims))
>>> y_train = np.array(y_train)
>>> x_test = np.reshape(x_test, (len(x_test), maxlen, embedding_dims))
>>> y_test = np.array(y_test)

Phew; finally you’re ready to build a neural network.

7.4.2. Convolutional neural network architecture

You start with the base neural network model class Sequential. As with the feed-forward network from chapter 5, Sequential is one of the base classes for neural networks in Keras. From here you can start to layer on the magic.

The first piece you add is a convolutional layer. In this case, you assume that it’s okay that the output is of smaller dimension than the input, and you set the padding to 'valid'. Each filter will start its pass with its leftmost edge at the start of the sentence and stop with its rightmost edge on the last token.

Each shift (stride) in the convolution will be one token. The kernel (window width) you already set to three tokens in listing 7.7. And you’re using the 'relu' activation function. At each step, you’ll multiply the filter weight times the value in the three tokens it’s looking at (element-wise), sum up those answers, and pass them through if they’re greater than 0, else you output 0. That last passthrough of positive values and 0s is the rectified linear units activation function or ReLU. See the following listing.

Listing 7.10. Construct a 1D CNN
>>> print('Build model...')
>>> model = Sequential()                         1
>>> model.add(Conv1D(
...    filters,
...    kernel_size,
...    padding='valid',
...    activation='relu',
...    strides=1,
...    input_shape=(maxlen, embedding_dims)))    2

  • 1 The standard model definition pattern for Keras. You’ll learn an alternative constructor pattern called the Keras “functional API” in chapter 10.
  • 2 Add one Conv1D layer, which will learn word group filters of size kernel_size. There are many more keyword arguments, but you’re just using their defaults for now.

7.4.3. Pooling

You’ve started a neural network, so ... everyone into the pool! Pooling is the convolutional neural network’s path to dimensionality reduction. In some ways, you’re speeding up the process by allowing for parallelization of the computation. But you may notice you make a new “version” of the data sample, a filtered one, for each filter you define. In the preceding example, that would be 250 filtered versions (see listing 7.7) coming out of the first layer. Pooling will mitigate that somewhat, but it also has another striking property.

The key idea is you’re going to evenly divide the output of each filter into a subsection. Then for each of those subsections, you’ll select or compute a representative value. And then you set the original output aside and use the collections of representative values as the input to the next layers.

But wait. Isn’t throwing away data terrible? Usually, discarding data wouldn’t be the best course of action. But it turns out, it’s a path toward learning higher order representations of the source data. The filters are being trained to find patterns. The patterns are revealed in relationships between words and their neighbors! Just the kind of subtle information you set out to find.

In image processing, the first layers will tend to learn to be edge detectors, places where pixel densities rapidly shift from one side to the other. Later layers learn concepts like shape and texture. And layers after that may learn “content” or “meaning.” Similar processes will happen with text.


In an image processor, the pooling region would usually be a 2 x 2 pixel window (and these don’t overlap, like your filters do), but in your 1D convolution they would be a 1D window (such as 1 x 2 or 1 x 3).

You have two choices for pooling (see figure 7.9): average and max. Average is the more intuitive of the two in that by taking the average of the subset of values you would in theory retain the most data. Max pooling, however, has an interesting property, in that by taking the largest activation value for the given region, the network sees that subsection’s most prominent feature. The network has a path toward learning what it should look at, regardless of exact pixel-level position!

Figure 7.9. Pooling layers

In addition to dimensionality reduction and the computational savings that come with it, you gain something else special: location invariance. If an original input element is jostled slightly in position in a similar but distinct input sample, the max pooling layer will still output something similar. This is a huge boon in the image recognition world, and it serves a similar purpose in natural language processing.

In this simple example from Keras, you’re using the GlobalMaxPooling1D layer. Instead of taking the max of a small subsection of each filter’s output, you’re taking the max of the entire output for that filter, which results in a large amount of information loss. But even tossing aside all that good information, your toy model won’t be deterred:

>>> model.add(GlobalMaxPooling1D())        1

  • 1 Pooling options are GlobalMaxPooling1D(), MaxPooling1D(n), or AvgPooling1D(n), where n is the size of the area to pool and defaults to 2 if not provided.

Okay, outta the pool; grab a towel. Let’s recap the path so far:

  • For each input example, you applied a filter (weights and activation function).
  • Convolved across the length of the input, which would output a 1D vector slightly smaller than the original input (1 x 398 which is input with the filter starting left-aligned and finishing right-aligned) for each filter.
  • For each filter output (there are 250 of them, remember), you took the single maximum value from each 1D vector.
  • At this point you have a single vector (per input example) that is 1 x 250 (the number of filters).

Now for each input sample you have a 1D vector that the network thinks is a good representation of that input sample. This is a semantic representation of the input—a crude one to be sure. And it will only be semantic in the context of the training target, which is sentiment. There won’t be an encoding of the content of the movie being reviewed, say, just an encoding of its sentiment.

You haven’t done any training yet, so it’s a garbage pile of numbers. But we get back to that later. This is an important point to stop and really understand what is going on, for once the network is trained, this semantic representation (we like to think of it as a “thought vector”) can be useful. Much like the various ways you embedded words into vectors, so too you can perform math on them: you now have something that represents whole groupings of words.

Enough of the excitement, back to the hard work of training. You have a goal to work toward and that’s your labels for sentiment. You take your current vector and pass it into a standard feedforward network; in Keras that is a Dense layer. The current setup has the same number of elements in your semantic vector and the number of nodes in the Dense layer, but that’s just coincidence. Each of the 250 (hidden_dims) neurons in the Dense layer has 250 weights for the input from the pooling layer. You temper that with a dropout layer to prevent overfitting.

7.4.4. Dropout

Dropout (represented as a layer by Keras, as in listing 7.11) is a special technique developed to prevent overfitting in neural networks. It isn’t specific to natural language processing, but it does work well here.

The idea is that on each training pass, if you “turn off” a certain percentage of the input going to the next layer, randomly chosen on each pass, the model will be less likely to learn the specifics of the training set, “overfitting,” and instead learn more nuanced representations of the patterns in the data and thereby be able to generalize and make accurate predictions when it sees completely novel data.

Your model implements the dropout by assuming the output coming into the Dropout layer (the output from the previous layer) is 0 for that particular pass. It works on that pass because the contribution to the overall error of each of the neuron’s weights that would receive the dropout’s zero input is also effectively 0. Therefore those weights won’t get updated on the backpropagation pass. The network is then forced to rely on relationships among varying weight sets to achieve its goals (hopefully they won’t hold this tough love against us).


Don’t worry too much about this point, but note that Keras will do some magic under the hood for Dropout layers. Keras is randomly turning off a percentage of the inputs on each forward pass of the training data. You won’t do that dropout during inference or prediction on your real application. The strength of the signal going into layers after a Dropout layer would be significantly higher during the nontraining inference stage.

Keras mitigates this in the training phase by proportionally boosting all inputs that aren’t turned off, so the aggregate signal that goes into the next layer is of the same magnitude as it will be during inference.

The parameter passed into the Dropout layer in Keras is the percentage of the inputs to randomly turn off. In this example, only 80% of the embedding data, randomly chosen for each training sample, will pass into the next layer as it is. The rest will go in as 0s. A 20% dropout setting is common, but a dropout of up to 50% can have good results (one more hyperparameter you can play with).

And then you use the Rectified Linear Units activation (relu) on the output end of each neuron. See the following listing.

Listing 7.11. Fully connected layer with dropout
>>> model.add(Dense(hidden_dims))       1
>>> model.add(Dropout(0.2))
>>> model.add(Activation('relu'))

  • 1 You start with a vanilla fully connected hidden layer and then tack on dropout and ReLU.

7.4.5. The cherry on the sundae

The last layer, or output layer, is the actual classifier, so here you have a neuron that fires based on the sigmoid activation function; it gives a value between 0 and 1. During validation, Keras will consider anything below 0.5 to be classified as 0 and anything above 0.5 to be a 1. But in terms of the loss calculated, it will use the target minus the actual value provided by the sigmoid (y - f(x)).

Here you project onto a single unit output layer, and funnel your signal into a sigmoid activation function, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 7.12. Funnel
>>> model.add(Dense(1))
>>> model.add(Activation('sigmoid'))

Now you finally have a convolutional neural network model fully defined in Keras. Nothing’s left but to compile it and train it, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 7.13. Compile the CNN
>>> model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy',
...               optimizer='adam',
...               metrics=['accuracy'])

The loss function is what the network will try to minimize. Here, you use 'binary_crossentropy'. At the time of writing, 13 loss functions are defined in Keras, and you have the option to define your own. You won’t go into the use cases for each of those, but the two workhorses to know about are binary_crossentropy and categorical_crossentropy.

Both are similar in their mathematical definitions, and in many ways you can think of binary_crossentropy as a special case of categorical_crossentropy. The important thing to know is when to use which. Because in this example you have one output neuron that is either on or off, you’ll use binary_crossentropy.

Categorical is used when you’re predicting one of many classes. In those cases, your target will be an n-dimensional vector, one-hot encoded, with a position for each of your n classes. The last layer in your network in this case would be as shown in the following listing.

Listing 7.14. Output layer for categorical variable (word)
>>> model.add(Dense(num_classes))      1
>>> model.add(Activation('sigmoid'))

  • 1 Where num_classes is ... well, you get the picture.

In this case, target minus output (y - f(x)) would be an n-dimensional vector subtracted from an n-dimensional vector. And categorical_crossentropy would try to minimize that difference.

But back to your binary classification.


The parameter optimizer is any of a list of strategies to optimize the network during training, such as stochastic gradient descent, Adam, and RSMProp. The optimizers themselves are each different approaches to minimizing the loss function in a neural network; the math behind each is beyond the scope of this book, but be aware of them and try different ones for your particular problem. Although many may converge for a given problem, some may not, and they will do so at different paces.

Their magic comes from dynamically altering the parameters of the training, specifically the learning rate, based on the current state of the training. For example, the starting learning rate (remember: alpha is the learning rate applied to the weight updates you saw in chapter 5) may decay over time. Or some methods may apply momentum and increase the learning rate if the last movement of the weights in that particular direction was successful at decreasing the loss.

Each optimizer itself has a handful of hyperparameters, such as learning rate. Keras has good defaults for these values, so you shouldn’t have to worry about them too much at first.


Where compile builds the model, fit trains the model. All the inputs times the weights, all the activation functions, all the backpropagation is kicked off by this one statement. Depending on your hardware, the size of your model, and the size of your data, this process can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few months. Using a GPU can greatly reduce the training time in most cases, and if you have access to one, by all means use it. A few extra steps are required to pass environment variables to Keras to direct it to use the GPU, but this example is small enough you can run it on most modern CPUs in a reasonable amount of time. See the following listing.

Listing 7.15. Training a CNN
>>>, y_train,
...           batch_size=batch_size,              1
...           epochs=epochs,                      2
...           validation_data=(x_test, y_test))

  • 1 The number of data samples processed before the backpropagation updates the weights. The cumulative error for the n samples in the batch is applied at once.
  • 2 The number of times the training will run through the entire training dataset, before stopping

7.4.6. Let’s get to learning (training)

One last step before you hit run. You would like to save the model state after training. Because you aren’t going to hold the model in memory for now, you can grab its structure in a JSON file and save the trained weights in another file for later reinstantiation. See the following listing.

Listing 7.16. Save your hard work
>>> model_structure = model.to_json()               1
>>> with open("cnn_model.json", "w") as json_file:
...     json_file.write(model_structure)
>>> model.save_weights("cnn_weights.h5")            2

  • 1 Note that this doesn’t save the weights of the network, only the structure.
  • 2 Save your trained model before you lose it!

Now your trained model will be persisted on disk; should it converge, you won’t have to train it again.

Keras also provides some amazingly useful callbacks during the training phase that are passed into the fit method as keyword arguments, such as checkpointing, which iteratively saves the model only when the accuracy or loss has improved, or EarlyStopping, which stops the training phase early if the model is no longer improving based on a metric you provide. And probably most exciting, they have implemented a TensorBoard callback. TensorBoard works only with TensorFlow as a backend, but it provides an amazing level of introspection into your models and can be indispensable when troubleshooting and fine-tuning. Let’s get to learning! Running the compile and fit steps above should lead to the following output:

Using TensorFlow backend.
Loading data...
25000 train sequences
25000 test sequences
Pad sequences (samples x time)
x_train shape: (25000, 400)
x_test shape: (25000, 400)
Build model...
Train on 20000 samples, validate on 5000 samples
Epoch 1/2 [================================] - 417s - loss: 0.3756 -
acc: 0.8248 - val_loss: 0.3531 - val_acc: 0.8390
Epoch 2/2 [================================] - 330s - loss: 0.2409 -
acc: 0.9018 - val_loss: 0.2767 - val_acc: 0.8840

Your final loss and accuracies may vary a bit, which is a side effect of the random initial weights chosen for all the neurons. You can overcome this randomness to create a repeatable pipeline by passing a seed into the randomizer. Doing so forces the same values to be chosen for the initial random weights on each run, which can be helpful in debugging and tuning your model. Just keep in mind that the starting point can itself force the model into a local minimum or even prevent the model from converging, so we recommend that you try a few different seeds.

To set the seed, add the following two lines above your model definition. The integer passed in as the argument to seed is unimportant, but as long as it’s consistent, the model will initialize its weights to small values in the same way:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.random.seed(1337)

We haven’t seen definitive signs of overfitting; the accuracy improved for both the training and validation sets. You could let the model run for another epoch or two and see if you could improve more without overfitting. A Keras model can continue the training from this point if it’s still in memory, or if it’s reloaded from a save file. Just call the fit method again (change the sample data or not), and the training will resume from that last state.


Overfitting will be apparent when the loss continues to drop for the training run, but the val_loss at the end of each epoch starts to climb compared to the previous epoch. Finding that happy medium where the validation loss curve starts to bend back up is a major key to creating a good model.

Great. Done. Now, what did you just do?

The model was described and then compiled into an initial untrained state. You then called fit to actually learn the weights of the filters and the feedforward fully connected network at the end, as well as the weights of each of the 250 individual filters, by backpropagating the error encountered at each example all the way back down the chain.

The progress meter reported loss, which you specified as binary_crossentropy. For each batch, Keras is reporting a metric of how far you’re away from the label you provided for that sample. The accuracy is a report of “percent correct guesses.” This metric is fun to watch but certainly can be misleading, especially if you have a lopsided dataset. Imagine you have 100 examples: 99 of them are positive examples and only one of them should be predicted as negative. If you predict all 100 as positive without even looking at the data, you’ll still be 99% accurate, which isn’t helpful in generalizing. The val_loss and val_acc are the same metrics on the test dataset provided in the following:

>>> validation_data=(x_test, y_test)

The validation samples are never shown to the network for training; they’re only passed in to see what the model predicts for them, and then reported on against the metrics. Backpropagation doesn’t happen for these samples. This helps keep track of how well the model will generalize to novel, real-world data.

You’ve trained a model. The magic is done. The box has told you it figured everything out. You believe it. So what? Let’s get some use out of your work.

7.4.7. Using the model in a pipeline

After you have a trained model, you can then pass in a novel sample and see what the network thinks. This could be an incoming chat message or tweet to your bot; in your case, it’ll be a made-up example.

First, reinstate your trained model, if it’s no longer in memory, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 7.17. Loading a saved model
>>> from keras.models import model_from_json
>>> with open("cnn_model.json", "r") as json_file:
...     json_string =
>>> model = model_from_json(json_string)
>>> model.load_weights('cnn_weights.h5')

Let’s make up a sentence with an obvious negative sentiment and see what the network has to say about it. See the following listing.

Listing 7.18. Test example
>>> sample_1 = "I hate that the dismal weather had me down for so long, 
 when will it break! Ugh, when does happiness return? The sun is blinding
 and the puffy clouds are too thin. I can't wait for the weekend."

With the model pretrained, testing a new sample is quick. The are still thousands and thousands of calculations to do, but for each sample you only need one forward pass and no backpropagation to get a result. See the following listing.

Listing 7.19. Prediction
>>> vec_list = tokenize_and_vectorize([(1, sample_1)])   1
>>> test_vec_list = pad_trunc(vec_list, maxlen)          2
>>> test_vec = np.reshape(test_vec_list, (len(test_vec_list), maxlen,
...     embedding_dims))
>>> model.predict(test_vec)
array([[ 0.12459087]], dtype=float32)

  • 1 You pass a dummy value in the first element of the tuple just because your helper expects it from the way you processed the initial data. That value won’t ever see the network, so it can be anything.
  • 2 Tokenize returns a list of the data (length 1 here).

The Keras predict method gives you the raw output of the final layer of the net. In this case, you have one neuron, and because the last layer is a sigmoid it will output something between 0 and 1.

The Keras predict_classes method gives you the expected 0 or 1. If you have a multiclass classification problem, the last layer in your network will likely be a softmax function, and the outputs of each node will be the probability (in the network’s eyes) that each node is the right answer. Calling predict_classes there will return the node associated with the highest valued probability.

But back to your example:

>>> model.predict_classes(test_vec)
array([[0]], dtype=int32)

A “negative” sentiment indeed.

A sentence that contains words such as “happiness,” “sun,” “puffy,” and “clouds” isn’t necessarily a sentence full of positive emotion. Just as a sentence with “dismal,” “break,” and “down” isn’t necessarily a negative sentiment. But with a trained neural network, you were able to detect the underlying pattern and to learn something that generalized from data, without ever hard-coding a single rule.

7.4.8. Where do you go from here?

In the introduction, we talked about CNNs importance in image processing. One key point that was breezed over is the ability of the network to process channels of information. In the case of a black-and-white image, there’s one channel in the two-dimensional image. Each data point is the grayscale value of that pixel, which gives you a two-dimensional input. In the case of color, the input is still a pixel intensity, but it’s separated into its red, green, and blue components. The input then becomes a three-dimensional tensor that is passed into the net. And the filters follow suit and become three-dimensional as well, still a 3 x 3 or 5 x 5 or whatever in the x,y plane, but also three layers deep, resulting in filters that are three pixels wide x three pixels high x three channels deep, which leads to an interesting application in natural language processing.

Your input to the network was a series of words represented as vectors lined up next to each other, 400 (maxlen) words wide x 300 elements long, and you used Word2vec embeddings for the word vectors. But as you’ve seen in earlier chapters, you can generate word embeddings multiple ways. If you pick several and restrict them to an identical number of elements, you can stack them as you would picture channels, which is an interesting way to add information to the network, especially if the embeddings come from disparate sources. Stacking a variety of word embeddings this way may not be worth the increased training time due to the multiplier effect it has on the complexity of your model. But you can see now why we started you off with some image processing analogies. However, this analogy breaks down when you realize that the dimensions independent of word embeddings aren’t correlated with each other in the same way that color channels in an image are, so YMMV.

We touched briefly on the output of the convolutional layers (before you step into the feedforward layer). This semantic representation is an important artifact. It’s in many ways a numerical representation of the thought and details of the input text. Specifically in this case, it’s a representation of the thought and details through the lens of sentiment analysis, as all the “learning” that happened was in response to whether the sample was labeled as a positive or negative sentiment. The vector that was generated by training on a set that was labeled for another specific topic and classified as such would contain much different information. Using the intermediary vector directly from a convolutional neural net isn’t common, but in the coming chapters you’ll see examples from other neural network architectures where the details of that intermediary vector become important, and in some cases are the end goal itself.

Why would you choose a CNN for your NLP classification task? The main benefit it provides is efficiency. In many ways, because of the pooling layers and the limits created by filter size (though you can make your filters large if you wish), you’re throwing away a good deal of information. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t useful models. As you’ve seen, they were able to efficiently detect and predict sentiment over a relatively large dataset, and even though you relied on the Word2vec embeddings, CNNs can perform on much less rich embeddings without mapping the entire language.

Where can you take CNNs from here? A lot can depend on the available datasets, but richer models can be achieved by stacking convolutional layers and passing the output of the first set of filters as the “image” sample into the second set and so on. Research has also found that running the model with multiple size filters and concatenating the output of each size filter into a longer thought vector before passing it into the feedforward network at the end can provide more accurate results. The world is wide open. Experiment and enjoy.


  • A convolution is a window sliding over something larger (keeping the focus on a subset of the greater whole).
  • Neural networks can treat text just as they treat images and “see” them.
  • Handicapping the learning process with dropout actually helps.
  • Sentiment exists not only in the words but in the patterns that are used.
  • Neural networks have many knobs you can turn.
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