
The authors of Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Resource Kit want to thank the numerous members of the Office Communications Server product team and other key contributors who helped make this second edition of the Resource Kit as comprehensive and accurate as possible. These people have contributed their time and effort to this project in several important ways, which include:

  • Reviewing each chapter for technical accuracy and completeness.

  • Providing sidebars that bring the product to life with descriptions of real world implementations or in-depth information on how certain features work.

  • Providing auxiliary content and PowerShell functions for the CD, which enhances the usability of the book.

  • Providing project management, technical management, lab management, and editorial support.

  • Providing vision, leadership, advice, encouragement, resource support, and funding.

We acknowledge and thank the following product experts for their extensive and invaluable technical reviews. If we have forgotten anyone, please forgive us!

  • Albert Jee

  • Ali Rohani

  • Allen Brokken

  • Allen Sudbring

  • Amey Parandekar

  • Antenehe Temteme

  • Brian R, Ricks

  • Byron Spurlock

  • Chermaine Li

  • Daniel Glenn

  • Dhigha Sekaran

  • Drew Baldacci

  • Eric Wentz

  • Frédéric Dubut

  • Geoff Winslow

  • Grant Bolitho

  • Hao Yan

  • Huiwen Ru

  • Jason D. Richardson

  • Jean Ross

  • Jens Trier Rasmussen

  • John T. Young

  • Josh Jones

  • Keith Hanna

  • Lee Jarvie

  • Mahendra Sekaran

  • Maor Kashansky

  • Mark Corneglio

  • Matthew Fresoli

  • Mike Warren

  • Nick Smith

  • Nirav Kamdar

  • Patrick Kelley

  • Pauline Batthish

  • Peter Schmatz

  • Pradipta Kumar Basu

  • R. Lee Mackey Jr.

  • Radu Constantinescu

  • Rajesh Ramanathan

  • Rajmohan Rajagopalan

  • Ralph H. Elmerick

  • Rick Kingslan

  • Robert Cameron

  • Roger Keller

  • Rui Maximo

  • Sasa Juratovic

  • Satya Kondepudi

  • Scott Willis

  • Sean Olson

  • Stephane Cavin

  • Stephanie Pierce

  • Steven Van Houttum

  • Sunil Kasturi

  • Thomas Laciano

  • Thomas Theiner

  • Thomas Wenzl

  • Tina Fan

  • Venky Venkateshaiah

  • Vinit Deshpande

  • Vlad Eminovici

  • Wajih Yahyaoui

  • Wenbo Shi

We acknowledge and thank the following product experts for their informative real-world sidebars. If we have forgotten anyone, please forgive us!

  • Adam Dudsic

  • Byron Spurlock

  • CJ Vermette

  • Conal Walsh

  • Geoff Winslow

  • Greg Stemp

  • Jens Trier Rasmussen

  • John Lamb

  • Mike Warren

  • Nick Smith

  • Padu Padmanabhan

  • Paul Tidwell

  • Peter Schmatz

  • R. Lee Mackey Jr.

  • Radu Constantinescu

  • Roger Keller

  • Salman Khalid

  • Sonu Aggarwal

  • Stephanie Pierce

  • Thomas Laciano

  • Vassili Kaplan

We acknowledge and thank the following key contributors, without whom this book would be a dream, rather than a reality.

Rui Maximo for his role as lead author and technical lead on this project. Rui worked with dedication and passion, reviewing each chapter draft to ensure technical accuracy, logical presentation, consistent level and approach, cohesion, and coherence across 22 writers, 50+ technical reviewers, and 22 chapters. The enormity of this undertaking and its successful execution awes and humbles us.

Rick Kingslan for his role as tireless, optimistic champion and angel (in times of dire need). In addition, Rick was the book’s technical reviewer and thus spent numerous hours testing procedures and identifying errors so that we can now ensure this book is an accurate and comprehensive resource for our customers.

James O’Neill for his role as developer of more than 100 Windows PowerShell functions for the CD, all of which he reviewed, tested, and updated to conform to the newest best practices. These functions demonstrate how an Office Communications Server environment can be administered using PowerShell commands. James completed this work while travelling extensively as an IT Pro Evangelist, making him our hero. Thank you, James, for being such a dedicated customer advocate.

James O’Neill, Mitch Duncan, and Rick Kingslan for their long hours and commitment in testing the PowerShell functions. Their goal was to ensure that the functions work perfectly for the many users who found them to be an invaluable aid in the first version of the Resource Kit and for those who have yet to discover how effective these functions really are.

Diane Forsyth for her role as glossary editor. Thanks to Diane’s determined and effective efforts across the team, this version of the Resource Kit now has an extensive list of key terms and definitions.

Janet Lowen for her role as technical editor. Thanks to Janet, authors who needed assistance received an extra level of editorial support. In addition, Janet was instrumental in helping us complete the long list of tasks that went into finalizing the Resource Kit.

Mitch Duncan for his role in creating and managing the lab environment and art process. Mitch’s efforts ensured that all screenshots in the book reflect the final product build.

Patricia Anderson, Office Communications Group User Assistance Senior Content Publishing Manager, for believing in the value of this book and for allocating writers from her team in our time of dire need.

Remco Stroeken, Senior Product Manager, for his belief in the importance of this book, and for providing the funding needed to create the second edition.

Susan S. Bradley, our tireless, fearless Project Manager, who managed this project from inception to delivery. Try convincing a large group of volunteers with full-time jobs to work for you during their personal time; then you will begin to understand the magnitude of the challenges Susan had to overcome. Without her leadership and perseverance, we would be trying to write this book still. Her humor and good will (and infectious laugh!) were instrumental in managing the stress of this project. On behalf of all the authors, thank you for leading us to the finish line!

Martin DelRe, Microsoft Learning Program Manager, who championed and supported this book and this project team from the first version. Without Martin’s vision and continuing support, the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Resource Kit would not exist.

Tim Toyoshima, Office Communications Group User Assistance Principal Group Manager, for his role as cross-team project sponsor and ever resourceful champion of providing customers with the product information they need. Without Tim’s vision, leadership, and continuing support, the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Resource Kit would not exist.

We also thank our outstanding and dedicated editorial team at Microsoft Learning, including Karen Szall, our Development Editor, and Victoria Thulman, our Project Editor. Their dedication and tireless effort were key to the successful delivery of this book. Thanks also to Custom Editorial Productions, Inc., who handled the production aspects of this book and to Sarah Wales-McGrath, our copy editor.

—The Author Team

Personal Acknowledgements

Rui Maximo To my wife, Anne, and my kids, Marie, Mathew, Chloe, thank you for being by my side. As the lead author, I want to thank every author and sidebar contributor who had to endure my feedback through multiple rigorous reviews. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to shape and influence this book in more profound ways. To Susan Bradley, your enthusiasm and expertise in managing this project was indispensable in keeping this book on task. To Rick Kingslan, you’ve been a great partner working side-by-side. To Tim Toyoshima, Martin DelRe, and Remco Stroeken, thank you for believing in and sponsoring us. To the product group and our reviewers, without your collaboration this book wouldn’t have been possible.

Rick Kingslan This has been an incredible journey. But not a journey alone. I want to thank my wife, Sue, who put up with long hours of writing, reviewing, and helping others on the team. Not to mention 3 years of local and international travel while I was in U.S. Services. Kristin, Amanda—yes, Dad still loves you! Also, to my son Mark, daughter-in-law Jessica, and grandson Andrew. You guys are awesome. Mark, Semper Fi! Keep your pilots and mates in the Black Knights fighter squadron safe. And Mom, thank you for everything over the past 49 years. To Nick Smith, best Unified Communications consultant I know. Thank you for the hard work on my behalf, showing me where I was wrong and being my constant second set of eyes. Rui my friend, my comrade in arms. You and I fought and argued, laughed, cried (you did ... over my chapters), but in the end, I would not have traded this for anything. I am better for everyone that I have met since starting with Microsoft. This is the place to work.

Rajesh Ramanathan My contributions to this book would not have been possible without unstinting support from my family, especially my wife, Sudha, who made sure that Radha (5) and Varun (1) kept themselves busy with things other than my notebook computer while I wrote the chapters. Thanks Sudha and kids for making this happen. A couple of other people that deserve praise for their dedicated effort are Rui Maximo and Rick Kingslan, who painstakingly reviewed each and every word that I wrote, and Susan Bradley and Victoria Thulman, who had to put up with my tight schedules and schedule slips. And special thanks to all the peer reviewers from the product team. You folks have made writing this book a pleasure and have done a great job in motivating, reviewing, and coordinating this book.

Nirav Kamdar I would like to thank my reviewers Tina Fan, Byron Spurlock, and R. Lee Mackey Jr. for providing valuable feedback. Thanks to Adam Dudsic for compiling and providing content for the CD for my chapter. Thanks also to Rui Maximo and Susan Bradley for all the effort they put into this book and for making sure every chapter was delivered on time. And most important of all, I would like to thank my wonderful wife Rinki and sons Arnav and Arush for their understanding and support through the many weekday nights and weekends that I spent writing my chapters.

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