Microservice use cases

A microservice is not a silver bullet and will not solve all the architectural challenges of today's world. There is no hard-and-fast rule or rigid guideline on when to use microservices.

Microservices may not fit in each and every use case. The success of microservices largely depends on the selection of use cases. The first and the foremost activity is to do a litmus test of the use case against the microservices' benefits. The litmus test must cover all the microservices' benefits we discussed earlier in this chapter. For a given use case, if there are no quantifiable benefits or the cost outweighs the benefits, then the use case may not be the right choice for microservices.

Let's discuss some commonly used scenarios that are suitable candidates for a microservices architecture:

  • Migrating a monolithic application due to improvements required in scalability, manageability, agility, or speed of delivery. Another similar scenario is rewriting an end-of-life heavily used legacy application. In both cases, microservices present an opportunity. Using a microservices architecture, it is possible to replatform a legacy application by slowly transforming functions to microservices. There are benefits in this approach. There is no humongous upfront investment required, no major disruption to business, and no severe business risks. As the service dependencies are known, the microservices dependencies can be well managed.
  • Utility computing scenarios such as integrating an optimization service, forecasting service, price calculation service, prediction service, offer service, recommendation service, and so on are good candidates for microservices. These are independent stateless computing units that accept certain data, apply algorithms, and return the results. Independent technical services such as the communication service, the encryption service, authentication services, and so on are also good candidates for microservices.
  • In many cases, we can build headless business applications or services that are autonomous in nature—for instance, the payment service, login service, flight search service, customer profile service, notification service, and so on. These are normally reused across multiple channels and, hence, are good candidates for building them as microservices.
  • There could be micro or macro applications that serve a single purpose and performing a single responsibility. A simple time tracking application is an example of this category. All it does is capture the time, duration, and task performed. Common-use enterprise applications are also candidates for microservices.
  • Backend services of a well-architected, responsive client-side MVC web application (the Backend as a Service (BaaS) scenario) load data on demand in response to the user navigation. In most of these scenarios, data could be coming from multiple logically different data sources as described in the Fly By Points example mentioned earlier.
  • Highly agile applications, applications demanding speed of delivery or time to market, innovation pilots, applications selected for DevOps, applications of the System of Innovation type, and so on could also be considered as potential candidates for the microservices architecture.
  • Applications that we could anticipate getting benefits from microservices such as polyglot requirements, applications that require Command Query Responsibility segregations (CQRS), and so on are also potential candidates of the microservices architecture.

If the use case falls into any of these categories, it is a potential candidate for the microservices architecture.

There are few scenarios in which we should consider avoiding microservices:

  • If the organization's policies are forced to use centrally managed heavyweight components such as ESB to host a business logic or if the organization has any other policies that hinder the fundamental principles of microservices, then microservices are not the right solution unless the organizational process is relaxed.
  • If the organization's culture, processes, and so on are based on the traditional waterfall delivery model, lengthy release cycles, matrix teams, manual deployments and cumbersome release processes, no infrastructure provisioning, and so on, then microservices may not be the right fit. This is underpinned by Conway's Law. This states that there is a strong link between the organizational structure and software it creates.


Read more about the Conway's Law at:


Microservices early adopters

Many organizations have already successfully embarked on their journey to the microservices world. In this section, we will examine some of the frontrunners on the microservices space to analyze why they did what they did and how they did it. We will conduct some analysis at the end to draw some conclusions:

  • Netflix (www.netflix.com): Netflix, an international on-demand media streaming company, is a pioneer in the microservices space. Netflix transformed their large pool of developers developing traditional monolithic code to smaller development teams producing microservices. These microservices work together to stream digital media to millions of Netflix customers. At Netflix, engineers started with monolithic, went through the pain, and then broke the application into smaller units that are loosely coupled and aligned to the business capability.
  • Uber (www.uber.com): Uber, an international transportation network company, began in 2008 with a monolithic architecture with a single code base. All services were embedded into the monolithic application. When Uber expanded their business from one city to multiple cities, the challenges started. Uber then moved to SOA-based architecture by breaking the system into smaller independent units. Each module was given to different teams and empowered them to choose their language, framework, and database. Uber has many microservices deployed in their ecosystem using RPC and REST.
  • Airbnb (www.airbnb.com): Airbnb, a world leader providing a trusted marketplace for accommodation, started with a monolithic application that performed all the required functions of the business. Airbnb faced scalability issues with increased traffic. A single code base became too complicated to manage, resulted in a poor separation of concerns, and ran into performance issues. Airbnb broke their monolithic application into smaller pieces with separate code bases running on separate machines with separate deployment cycles. Airbnb developed their own microservices or SOA ecosystem around these services.
  • Orbitz (www.orbitz.com): Orbitz, an online travel portal, started with a monolithic architecture in the 2000s with a web layer, a business layer, and a database layer. As Orbitz expanded their business, they faced manageability and scalability issues with monolithic-tiered architecture. Orbitz then went through continuous architecture changes. Later, Orbitz broke down their monolithic to many smaller applications.
  • eBay (www.ebay.com): eBay, one of the largest online retailers, started in the late 1990s with a monolithic Perl application and FreeBSD as the database. eBay went through scaling issues as the business grew. It was consistently investing in improving its architecture. In the mid 2000s, eBay moved to smaller decomposed systems based on Java and web services. They employed database partitions and functional segregation to meet the required scalability.
  • Amazon (www.amazon.com): Amazon, one of the largest online retailer websites, was run on a big monolithic application written on C++ in 2001. The well-architected monolithic application was based on a tiered architecture with many modular components. However, all these components were tightly coupled. As a result, Amazon was not able to speed up their development cycle by splitting teams into smaller groups. Amazon then separated out the code as independent functional services, wrapped with web services, and eventually advanced to microservices.
  • Gilt (www.gilt.com): Gilt, an online shopping website, began in 2007 with a tiered monolithic Rails application and a Postgres database at the back. Similarly to many other applications, as traffic volumes increased, the web application was not able to provide the required resiliency. Gilt went through an architecture overhaul by introducing Java and polyglot persistence. Later, Gilt moved to many smaller applications using the microservices concept.
  • Twitter (www.twitter.com): Twitter, one of the largest social websites, began with a three-tiered monolithic rails application in the mid 2000s. Later, when Twitter experienced growth in its user base, they went through an architecture-refactoring cycle. With this refactoring, Twitter moved away from a typical web application to an API-based event driven core. Twitter uses Scala and Java to develop microservices with polyglot persistence.
  • Nike (www.nike.com): Nike, the world leader in apparel and footwear, transformed their monolithic applications to microservices. Similarly to many other organizations, Nike too was run with age-old legacy applications that were hardly stable. In their journey, Nike moved to heavyweight commercial products with an objective to stabilize legacy applications but ended up in monolithic applications that were expensive to scale, had long release cycles, and needed too much manual work to deploy and manage applications. Later, Nike moved to a microservices-based architecture that brought down the development cycle considerably.

The common theme is monolithic migrations

When we analyze the preceding enterprises, there is one common theme. All these enterprises started with monolithic applications and transitioned to a microservices architecture by applying learning and pain points from their previous editions.

Even today, many start-ups begin with monolith as it is easy to start, conceptualize, and then slowly move to microservices when the demand arises. Monolithic to microservices migration scenarios have an added advantage: they have all the information upfront, readily available for refactoring.

Though, for all these enterprises, it is monolithic transformation, the catalysts were different for different organizations. Some of the common motivations are a lack of scalability, long development cycles, process automation, manageability, and changes in the business models.

While monolithic migrations are no-brainers, there are opportunities to build microservices from the ground up. More than building ground-up systems, look for opportunities to build smaller services that are quick wins for business—for example, adding a trucking service to an airline's end-to-end cargo management system or adding a customer scoring service to a retailer's loyalty system. These could be implemented as independent microservices exchanging messages with their respective monolithic applications.

Another point is that many organizations use microservices only for their business-critical customer engagement applications, leaving the rest of the legacy monolithic applications to take their own trajectory.

Another important observation is that most of the organizations examined previously are at different levels of maturity in their microservices journey. When eBay transitioned from a monolithic application in the early 2000s, they functionally split the application into smaller, independent, and deployable units. These logically divided units are wrapped with web services. While single responsibility and autonomy are their underpinning principles, the architectures are limited to the technologies and tools available at that point in time. Organizations such as Netflix and Airbnb built capabilities of their own to solve the specific challenges they faced. To summarize, all of these are not truly microservices, but are small, business-aligned services following the same characteristics.

There is no state called "definite or ultimate microservices". It is a journey and is evolving and maturing day by day. The mantra for architects and developers is the replaceability principle; build an architecture that maximizes the ability to replace its parts and minimizes the cost of replacing its parts. The bottom line is that enterprises shouldn't attempt to develop microservices by just following the hype.

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