Relationship with other architecture styles

Now that we have seen the characteristics and benefits of microservices, in this section, we will explore the relationship of microservices with other closely related architecture styles such as SOA and Twelve-Factor Apps.

Relations with SOA

SOA and microservices follow similar concepts. Earlier in this chapter, we discussed that microservices are evolved from SOA, and many service characteristics are common in both approaches.

However, are they the same or are they different?

As microservices are evolved from SOA, many characteristics of microservices are similar to SOA. Let's first examine the definition of SOA.

The definition of SOA from The Open Group consortium is as follows:

"Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that supports service orientation. Service orientation is a way of thinking in terms of services and service-based development and the outcomes of services.

A service:

Is a logical representation of a repeatable business activity that has a specified outcome (e.g., check customer credit, provide weather data, consolidate drilling reports)

It is self-contained.

It may be composed of other services.

It is a "black box" to consumers of the service."

We observed similar aspects in microservices as well. So, in what way are microservices different? The answer is: it depends.

The answer to the previous question could be yes or no, depending upon the organization and its adoption of SOA. SOA is a broader term, and different organizations approached SOA differently to solve different organizational problems. The difference between microservices and SOA is in a way based on how an organization approaches SOA.

In order to get clarity, a few cases will be examined.

Service-oriented integration

Service-oriented integration refers to a service-based integration approach used by many organizations.

Service-oriented integration

Many organizations would have used SOA primarily to solve their integration complexities, also known as integration spaghetti. Generally, this is termed as Service-Oriented Integration (SOI). In such cases, applications communicate with each other through a common integration layer using standard protocols and message formats such as SOAP/XML-based web services over HTTP or JMS. These types of organizations focus on Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) to model their integration requirements. This approach strongly relies on heavyweight ESB such as TIBCO Business Works, WebSphere ESB, Oracle ESB, and the likes. Most ESB vendors also packed a set of related products such as rules engines, business process management engines, and so on as an SOA suite. Such organizations' integrations are deeply rooted into their products. They either write heavy orchestration logic in the ESB layer or the business logic itself in the service bus. In both cases, all enterprise services are deployed and accessed via ESB. These services are managed through an enterprise governance model. For such organizations, microservices are altogether different from SOA.

Legacy modernization

SOA is also used to build service layers on top of legacy applications.

Legacy modernization

Another category of organizations would use SOA in transformation projects or legacy modernization projects. In such cases, the services are built and deployed in the ESB layer connecting to backend systems using ESB adapters. For these organizations, microservices are different from SOA.

Service-oriented application

Some organizations adopt SOA at an application level.

Service-oriented application

In this approach, lightweight integration frameworks, such as Apache Camel or Spring Integration, are embedded within applications to handle service-related cross-cutting capabilities such as protocol mediation, parallel execution, orchestration, and service integration. As some of the lightweight integration frameworks have native Java object support, such applications would even use native Plain Old Java Objects (POJO) services for integration and data exchange between services. As a result, all services have to be packaged as one monolithic web archive. Such organizations could see microservices as the next logical step of their SOA.

Monolithic migration using SOA

Monolithic migration using SOA

The last possibility is transforming a monolithic application into smaller units after hitting the breaking point with the monolithic system. They would break the application into smaller, physically deployable subsystems, similar to the y axis scaling approach explained earlier, and deploy them as web archives on web servers or as JARs deployed on some home-grown containers. These subsystems as service would use web services or other lightweight protocols to exchange data between services. They would also use SOA and service design principles to achieve this. For such organizations, they may tend to think that microservices are the same old wine in a new bottle.

Relations with Twelve-Factor apps

Cloud computing is one of the rapidly evolving technologies. Cloud computing promises many benefits, such as cost advantage, speed, agility, flexibility, and elasticity. There are many cloud providers offering different services. They lower the cost models to make it more attractive to the enterprises. Different cloud providers such as AWS, Microsoft, Rackspace, IBM, Google, and so on use different tools, technologies, and services. On the other hand, enterprises are aware of this evolving battlefield and, therefore, they are looking for options for de-risking from lockdown to a single vendor.

Many organizations do lift and shift their applications to the cloud. In such cases, the applications may not realize all the benefits promised by cloud platforms. Some applications need to undergo overhaul, whereas some may need minor tweaking before moving to cloud. This by and large depends upon how the application is architected and developed.

For example, if the application has its production database server URLs hardcoded as part of the applications WAR, it needs to be modified before moving the application to cloud. In the cloud, the infrastructure is transparent to the application, and especially, the physical IP addresses cannot be assumed.

How do we ensure that an application, or even microservices, can run seamlessly across multiple cloud providers and take advantages of cloud services such as elasticity?

It is important to follow certain principles while developing cloud native applications.


Cloud native is a term used for developing applications that can work efficiently in a cloud environment, understanding and utilizing cloud behaviors such as elasticity, utilization based charging, fail aware, and so on.

Twelve-Factor App, forwarded by Heroku, is a methodology describing the characteristics expected from modern cloud-ready applications. Twelve-Factor App is equally applicable for microservices as well. Hence, it is important to understand Twelve-Factor App.

A single code base

The code base principle advises that each application has a single code base. There can be multiple instances of deployment of the same code base, such as development, testing, and production. Code is typically managed in a source control system such as Git, Subversion, and so on.

A single code base

Extending the same philosophy for microservices, each microservice should have its own code base, and this code base is not shared with any other microservice. It also means that one microservice has exactly one code base.

Bundling dependencies

As per this principle, all applications should bundle their dependencies along with the application bundle. With build tools such as Maven and Gradle, we explicitly manage dependencies in a pom.xml or the .gradle file and link them using a central build artifact repository such as Nexus or Archiva. This ensures that the versions are managed correctly. The final executables will be packaged as a WAR file or an executable JAR file, embedding all the dependencies.

Bundling dependencies

In the context of microservices, this is one of the fundamental principles to be followed. Each microservice should bundle all the required dependencies and execution libraries such as the HTTP listener and so on in the final executable bundle.

Externalizing configurations

This principle advises the externalization of all configuration parameters from the code. An application's configuration parameters vary between environments, such as support to the e-mail IDs or URL of an external system, username, passwords, queue name, and so on. These will be different for development, testing, and production. All service configurations should be externalized.

Externalizing configurations

The same principle is obvious for microservices as well. The microservices configuration parameters should be loaded from an external source. This will also help to automate the release and deployment process as the only difference between these environments is the configuration parameters.

Backing services are addressable

All backing services should be accessible through an addressable URL. All services need to talk to some external resources during the life cycle of their execution. For example, they could be listening or sending messages to a messaging system, sending an e-mail, persisting data to database, and so on. All these services should be reachable through a URL without complex communication requirements.

Backing services are addressable

In the microservices world, microservices either talk to a messaging system to send or receive messages, or they could accept or send messages to other service APIs. In a regular case, these are either HTTP endpoints using REST and JSON or TCP- or HTTP-based messaging endpoints.

Isolation between build, release, and run

This principle advocates a strong isolation between the build, release, and run stages. The build stage refers to compiling and producing binaries by including all the assets required. The release stage refers to combining binaries with environment-specific configuration parameters. The run stage refers to running application on a specific execution environment. The pipeline is unidirectional, so it is not possible to propagate changes from the run stages back to the build stage. Essentially, it also means that it is not recommended to do specific builds for production; rather, it has to go through the pipeline.

Isolation between build, release, and run

In microservices, the build will create executable JAR files, including the service runtime such as an HTTP listener. During the release phase, these executables will be combined with release configurations such as production URLs and so on and create a release version, most probably as a container similar to Docker. In the run stage, these containers will be deployed on production via a container scheduler.

Stateless, shared nothing processes

This principle suggests that processes should be stateless and share nothing. If the application is stateless, then it is fault tolerant and can be scaled out easily.

All microservices should be designed as stateless functions. If there is any requirement to store a state, it should be done with a backing database or in an in-memory cache.

Exposing services through port bindings

A Twelve-Factor application is expected to be self-contained. Traditionally, applications are deployed to a server: a web server or an application server such as Apache Tomcat or JBoss. A Twelve-Factor application does not rely on an external web server. HTTP listeners such as Tomcat or Jetty have to be embedded in the service itself.

Port binding is one of the fundamental requirements for microservices to be autonomous and self-contained. Microservices embed service listeners as a part of the service itself.

Concurrency to scale out

This principle states that processes should be designed to scale out by replicating the processes. This is in addition to the use of threads within the process.

In the microservices world, services are designed to scale out rather than scale up. The x axis scaling technique is primarily used for a scaling service by spinning up another identical service instance. The services can be elastically scaled or shrunk based on the traffic flow. Further to this, microservices may make use of parallel processing and concurrency frameworks to further speed up or scale up the transaction processing.

Disposability with minimal overhead

This principle advocates building applications with minimal startup and shutdown times with graceful shutdown support. In an automated deployment environment, we should be able bring up or bring down instances as quick as possible. If the application's startup or shutdown takes considerable time, it will have an adverse effect on automation. The startup time is proportionally related to the size of the application. In a cloud environment targeting auto-scaling, we should be able to spin up new instance quickly. This is also applicable when promoting new versions of services.

In the microservices context, in order to achieve full automation, it is extremely important to keep the size of the application as thin as possible, with minimal startup and shutdown time. Microservices also should consider a lazy loading of objects and data.

Development and production parity

This principle states the importance of keeping development and production environments as identical as possible. For example, let's consider an application with multiple services or processes, such as a job scheduler service, cache services, and one or more application services. In a development environment, we tend to run all of them on a single machine, whereas in production, we will facilitate independent machines to run each of these processes. This is primarily to manage the cost of infrastructure. The downside is that if production fails, there is no identical environment to re-produce and fix the issues.

Not only is this principle valid for microservices, but it is also applicable to any application development.

Externalizing logs

A Twelve-Factor application never attempts to store or ship log files. In a cloud, it is better to avoid local I/Os. If the I/Os are not fast enough in a given infrastructure, it could create a bottleneck. The solution to this is to use a centralized logging framework. Splunk, Greylog, Logstash, Logplex, and Loggly are some examples of log shipping and analysis tools. The recommended approach is to ship logs to a central repository by tapping the logback appenders and write to one of the shippers' endpoints.

In a microservices ecosystem, this is very important as we are breaking a system into a number of smaller services, which could result in decentralized logging. If they store logs in a local storage, it would be extremely difficult to correlate logs between services.

Externalizing logs

In development, the microservice may direct the log stream to stdout, whereas in production, these streams will be captured by the log shippers and sent to a central log service for storage and analysis.

Package admin processes

Apart from application services, most applications provide admin tasks as well. This principle advises to use the same release bundle as well as an identical environment for both application services and admin tasks. Admin code should also be packaged along with the application code.

Not only is this principle valid for microservices, but also it is applicable to any application development.

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