Seneca – a microservices framework

Seneca is a framework for building microservices written by Richard Rodger, the founder and CTO of nearForm, a consultancy that helps other companies design and implement software using Node.js. Seneca is about simplicity, it connects services through a sophisticated pattern-matching interface that abstracts the transport from the code so that it is fairly easy to write highly scalable software.

Let's stop talking and see some examples:

var seneca = require( 'seneca' )()

seneca.add({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum'}, function (msg, respond) {
  var sum = msg.left + msg.right
  respond(null, {answer: sum})

seneca.add({role: 'math', cmd: 'product'}, function (msg, respond) {
  var product = msg.left * msg.right
  respond( null, { answer: product } )

seneca.act({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum', left: 1, right: 2}, console.log)
    seneca.act({role: 'math', cmd: 'product', left: 3, right: 4}, console.log)

As you can see, the code is self-explanatory:

  • Seneca comes as a module, so the first thing that needs to be done is to require() it. Seneca package is wrapped in a function, so invoking the function initializes the library.
  • Next two instructions are related to a concept explained in Chapter 1, Microservices Architecture: API composition. The seneca.add() method instructs Seneca to add a function that will be invoked with a set of patterns. For the first one, we specify an action that will take place when Seneca receives the {role: math, cmd: sum} command. For the second one, the pattern is {role: math, cmd: product}.
  • The last line sends a command to Seneca that will be executed by the service that matches the pattern passed as the first parameter. In this case, it will match the first service as role and cmd match. The second call to act will match the second service.

Write the code in a file called index.js in the project that we created earlier in this chapter (remember that we installed Seneca and PM2), and run the following command:

node index.js

The output will be something similar to the following image:

Seneca – a microservices framework

We will talk about this output later in order to explain exactly what it means, but if you are used to enterprise applications, you can almost guess what is going on.

The last two lines are the responses from the two services: the first one executes 1+2 and the second one executes 3*4.

The null output that shows up as the first word in the last two lines corresponds to a pattern that is widely used in JavaScript: the error first callback.

Let's explain it with a code example:

var seneca = require( 'seneca' )()

seneca.add({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum'}, function (msg, respond) {
  var sum = msg.left + msg.right
  respond(null, {answer: sum})

seneca.add({role: 'math', cmd: 'product'}, function (msg, respond) {
  var product = msg.left * msg.right
  respond( null, { answer: product } )

seneca.act({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum', left: 1, right: 2}, function(err, data) {
  if (err) {
    return console.error(err);
seneca.act({role: 'math', cmd: 'product', left: 3, right: 4}, console.log);

The previous code rewrites the first invocation to Seneca with a more appropriate approach. Instead of dumping everything into the console, process the response from Seneca, which is a callback where the first parameter is the error, if one happened (null otherwise), and the second parameter is the data coming back from the microservice. This is why, in the first example, null was the first output into the console.

In the world of Node.js, it is very common to use callbacks. Callbacks are a way of indicating to the program that something has happened, without being blocked until the result is ready to be processed. Seneca is not an exception to this. It relies heavily on callbacks to process the response to service calls, which makes more sense when you think about microservices being deployed in different machines (in the previous example, everything runs in the same machine), especially because the network latency can be something to factor into the design of your software.

Inversion of control done right

Inversion of control is a must in modern software. It comes together with the dependency injection.

Inversion of control can be defined as a technique to delegate the creation or call of components and methods so that your module does not need to know how to build the dependencies, which usually, are obtained through the dependency injection.

Seneca does not really make use of the dependency injection, but it is the perfect example of inversion of control.

Let's take a look at the following code:

var seneca = require('seneca')();
seneca.add({component: 'greeter'}, function(msg, respond) {
  respond(null, {message: 'Hello ' +});
seneca.act({component: 'greeter', name: 'David'}, function(error, response) {
  if(error) return console.log(error);

This is the most basic Seneca example. From enterprise software's point of view, we can differentiate two components here: a producer (Seneca.add()) and a consumer (Seneca.act()). As mentioned earlier, Seneca does not have a dependency injection system as is, but Seneca is gracefully built around the inversion of control principle.

In the Seneca.act() function, we don't explicitly call the component that holds the business logic; instead of that, we ask Seneca to resolve the component for us through the use of an interface, in this case, a JSON message. This is inversion of control.

Seneca is quite flexible around it: no keywords (except for integrations) and no mandatory fields. It just has a combination of keywords and values that are used by a pattern matching engine called Patrun.

Pattern matching in Seneca

Pattern matching is one of the most flexible software patterns that you can use for microservices.

As opposed to network addresses or messages, patterns are fairly easy to extend. Let's explain it with the help of the following example:

var seneca = require('seneca')();
seneca.add({cmd: 'wordcount'}, function(msg, respond) {
  var length = msg.phrase.split(' ').length;
  respond(null, {words: length});

seneca.act({cmd: 'wordcount', phrase: 'Hello world this is Seneca'}, function(err, response) {

It is a service that counts the number of words in a sentence. As we have seen before, in the first line, we add the handler for the wordcount command, and in the second one, we send a request to Seneca to count the number of words in a phrase.

If you execute it, you should get something similar to the following image:

Pattern matching in Seneca

By now, you should be able to understand how it works and even make some modifications to it.

Let's extend the pattern. Now, we want to skip the short words, as follows:

var seneca = require('seneca')();

seneca.add({cmd: 'wordcount'}, function(msg, respond) {
  var length = msg.phrase.split(' ').length;
  respond(null, {words: length});

seneca.add({cmd: 'wordcount', skipShort: true}, function(msg, respond) {
  var words = msg.phrase.split(' ');
  var validWords = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
    if (words[i].length > 3) {
  respond(null, {words: validWords});

seneca.act({cmd: 'wordcount', phrase: 'Hello world this is Seneca'}, function(err, response) {

seneca.act({cmd: 'wordcount', skipShort: true, phrase: 'Hello world this is Seneca'}, function(err, response) {

As you can see, we have added another handler for the wordcount command with an extra skipShort parameter.

This handler now skips all the words with three or fewer characters. If you execute the preceding code, the output is similar to the following image:

Pattern matching in Seneca

The first line, {words: 5}, corresponds to the first act call. The second line, {words: 4}, corresponds to the second call.

Patrun – a pattern-matching library

Patrun is also written by Richard Rodger. It is used by Seneca in order to execute the pattern matching and decide which service should respond to the call.

Patrun uses a closest match approach to resolve the calls. Let's see the following example:

Patrun – a pattern-matching library

In the preceding image, we can see three patterns. These are equivalent to seneca.add() from the example in the previous section.

In this case, we are registering three different combinations of x and y variables. Now, let's see how Patrun does the matching:

  • {x: 1} ->A: This matches 100% with A
  • {x: 2} ->: No match
  • {x:1, y:1} -> B: 100% match with B; it also matches with A, but B is a better match—two out of two vs one out of one
  • {x:1, y:2} -> C: 100% match with C; again, it also matches with A, but C is more concrete
  • {y: 1} ->: No match

As you can see, Patrun (and Seneca) will always get the longest match. In this way, we can easily extend the functionality of the more abstract patterns by concreting the matching.

Reusing patterns

In the preceding example, in order to skip the words with fewer than three characters, we don't reuse the word count function.

In this case, it is quite hard to reuse the function as is; although the problem sounds very similar, the solution barely overlaps.

However, let's go back to the example where we add two numbers:

var seneca = require( 'seneca' )()

seneca.add({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum'}, function (msg, respond) {
  var sum = msg.left + msg.right
  respond(null, {answer: sum})

seneca.add({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum', integer: true}, function (msg, respond) {
  this.act({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum', left: Math.floor(msg.left), right: Math.floor(msg.right)},respond);

seneca.act({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum', left: 1.5, right: 2.5}, console.log)

seneca.act({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum', left: 1.5, right: 2.5, integer: true}, console.log)

As you can see, the code has changed a bit. Now, the pattern that accepts an integer relies on the base pattern to calculate the sum of the numbers.

Patrun always tries to match the closest and most concrete pattern that it can find with the following two dimensions:

  • The longest chain of matches
  • The order of the patterns

It will always try to find the best fit, and if there is an ambiguity, it will match the first pattern found.

In this way, we can rely on already-existing patterns to build new services.

Writing plugins

Plugins are an important part of applications based on Seneca. As we discussed in Chapter 1, Microservices Architecture, the API aggregation is the perfect way of building applications.

Node.js' most popular frameworks are built around this concept: small pieces of software that are combined to create a bigger system.

Seneca is also built around this; Seneca.add() principle adds a new piece to the puzzle so that the final API is a mixture of different small software pieces.

Seneca goes one step further and implements an interesting plugin system so that the common functionality can be modularized and abstracted into reusable components.

The following example is the minimal Seneca plugin:

function minimal_plugin( options ) {

require( 'seneca' )()
  .use( minimal_plugin, {foo:'bar'} )

Write the code into a minimal-plugin.js file and execute it:

node minimal-plugin.js

The output of this execution should be something similar to the following image:

Writing plugins

In Seneca, a plugin is loaded at the startup, but we don't see it as the default log level is INFO. This means that Seneca won't show any DEBUG level info. In order to see what Seneca is doing, we need to get more information, as follows:

node minimal-plugin.js –seneca.log.all

This produces a huge output. This is pretty much everything that is happening inside Seneca, which can be very useful to debug complicated situations, but in this case, what we want to do is show a list of plugins:

node minimal-plugin.js --seneca.log.all | grep plugin | grep DEFINE

It will produce something similar to the following image:

Writing plugins

Let's analyze the preceding output:

  • basic: This plugin is included with the main Seneca module and provides a small set of basic utility action patterns.
  • transport: This is the transport plugin. Up until now, we have only executed different services (quite small and concise) on the same machine, but what if we want to distribute them? This plugin will help us with that, and we will see how to do so in the following sections.
  • web: In Chapter 1, Microservices Architecture, we mentioned that the microservices should advocate to keep the pipes that connect them under a standard that is widely used. Seneca uses TCP by default, but creating a RESTful API can be tricky. This plugin helps to do it, and we will see how to do this in the following section.
  • mem-store: Seneca comes with a data abstraction layer so that we can handle the data storage in different places: Mongo, SQL databases, and so on. Out of the box, Seneca provides an in-memory storage so that it just works.
  • minimal_plugin: This is our plugin. So, now we know that Seneca is able to load it.

The plugin we wrote does nothing. Now, it is time to write something useful:

function math( options ) {

  this.add({role:'math', cmd: 'sum'}, function( msg, respond ) {
    respond( null, { answer: msg.left + msg.right } )

  this.add({role:'math', cmd: 'product'}, function( msg, respond ) {
    respond( null, { answer: msg.left * msg.right } )


require( 'seneca' )()
  .use( math )
  .act( 'role:math,cmd:sum,left:1,right:2', console.log )

First of all, notice that in the last instruction, act() follows a different format. Instead of passing a dictionary, we pass a string with the same key values as the first argument, as we did with a dictionary. There is nothing wrong with it, but my preferred approach is to use the JSON objects (dictionaries), as it is a way of structuring the data without having syntax problems.

In the previous example, we can see how the code got structured as a plugin. If we execute it, we can see that the output is similar to the following one:

Writing plugins

One of the things you need to be careful about in Seneca is how to initialize your plugins. The function that wraps the plugin (in the preceding example, the math() function) is executed synchronously by design and it is called the definition function. If you remember from the previous chapter, Node.js apps are single-threaded.

To initialize a plugin, you add a special init() action pattern. This action pattern is called in sequence for each plugin. The init() function must call its respond callback without errors. If the plugin initialization fails, then Seneca exits the Node.js process. You want your microservices to fail fast (and scream loudly) when there's a problem. All plugins must complete initialization before any actions are executed.

Let's see an example of how to initialize a plugin in the following way:

function init(msg, respond) {
  console.log("plugin initialized!");
  console.log("expensive operation taking place now... DONE!");

function math( options ) {

  this.add({role:'math', cmd: 'sum'}, function( msg, respond ) {
    respond( null, { answer: msg.left + msg.right } )

  this.add({role:'math', cmd: 'product'}, function( msg, respond ) {
    respond( null, { answer: msg.left * msg.right } )
  this.add({init: "math"}, init);
require( 'seneca' )()
  .use( math )
  .act( 'role:math,cmd:sum,left:1,right:2', console.log )

Then, after executing this file, the output should look very similar to the following image:

Writing plugins

As you can read from the output, the function that initializes the plugin was called.


The general rule in Node.js apps is to never block the thread. If you find yourself blocking the thread, you might need to rethink how to avoid it.

Web server integration

In Chapter 1, Microservices Architecture, we put a special emphasis on using standard technologies to communicate with your microservices.

Seneca, by default, uses a TCP transport layer that, although it uses TCP, is not easy to interact with, as the criteria to decide the method that gets executed is based on a payload sent from the client.

Let's dive into the most common use case: your service is called by JavaScript on a browser. Although it can be done, it would be much easier if Seneca exposed a REST API instead of the JSON dialog, which is perfect for communication between microservices (unless you have ultra-low latency requirements).

Seneca is not a web framework. It can be defined as a general purpose microservices framework, so it would not make too much sense to build it around a concrete case like the one exposed before.

Instead of that, Seneca was built in a way that makes the integration with other frameworks fairly easy.

Express is the first option when building web applications on Node.js. The amount of examples and documentation that can be found on Internet about Express makes the task of learning it fairly easy.

Seneca as Express middleware

Express was also built under the principle of API composition. Every piece of software in Express is called middleware, and they are chained in the code in order to process every request.

In this case, we are going to use seneca-web as a middleware for Express so that once we specify the configuration, all the URLs will follow a naming convention.

Let's consider the following example:

var seneca = require('seneca')()

  prefix: '/my-api',
  pin: {role:'api',cmd:'*'},

    bazinga: {GET: true}
var express = require('express')
var app = express()
app.use( seneca.export('web') )

This code is not as easy to understand as the previous examples, but I'll do my best to explain it:

  • The second line adds a pattern to Seneca. We are pretty familiar with it as all the examples on this book do that.
  • The third instruction, seneca.act(), is where the magic happens. We are mounting the patterns with the role:api pattern and any cmd pattern (cmd:*) to react to URLs under /my-api. In this example, the first seneca.add() will reply to the URL /my-api/bazinga, as /my-api/ is specified by the prefix variable and bazinga by the cmd part of the seneca.add() command.
  • app.use(seneca.export('web')) instructs Express to use seneca-web as middleware to execute actions based on the configuration rules.
  • app.listen(3000) binds the port 3000 to Express.

If you remember from an earlier section in this chapter, seneca.act() takes a function as a second parameter. In this case, we are exposing configuration to be used by Express on how to map the incoming requests to Seneca actions.

Let's test it:

Seneca as Express middleware

The preceding code is pretty dense, so let's explain it down to the code from the browser:

  • Express receives a request that is handled by seneca-web.
  • The seneca-web plugin was configured to use /my-api/ as a prefix, which is being bound with the keyword pin (refer to seneca.act() from the preceding code) to Seneca actions (seneca.add()) that contain the role:api pattern, plus any cmd pattern (cmd:*). In this case, /my-api/bazinga corresponds to the first (and only) seneca.add() command with the {role: 'api', cmd: 'bazinga'} pattern.

It takes a while to fully understand the integration between Seneca and Express, but once it is clear, the flexibility offered by the API composability pattern is limitless.

Express itself is big enough to be out of the scope of this book, but it is worth taking a look as it is a very popular framework.

Data storage

Seneca comes with a data-abstraction layer that allows you to interact with the data of your application in a generic way.

By default, Seneca comes with an in-memory plugin (as explained in the previous section), therefore, it works out of the box.

We are going to be using it for the majority of this book, as the different storage systems are completely out of scope and Seneca abstracts us from them.

Seneca provides a simple data abstraction layer (Object-relational mapping (ORM)) based on the following operations:

  • load: This loads an entity by identifier
  • save: This creates or updates (if you provide an identifier) an entity
  • list: This lists entities matching a simple query
  • remove: This deletes an entity by an identifier

Let's build a plugin that manages employees in the database:

module.exports = function(options) {
  this.add({role: 'employee', cmd: 'add'}, function(msg, respond){
  this.find({role: 'employee', cmd: 'get'}, function(msg, respond) {
    this.make('employee').load$(, respond);

Remember that the database is, by default, in memory, so we don't need to worry about the table structure for now.

The first command adds an employee to the database. The second command recovers an employee from the database by id.

Note that all the ORM primitives in Seneca end up with the dollar symbol ($).

As you can see now, we have been abstracted from the data storage details. If the application changes in the future and we decide to use MongoDB as a data storage instead of an in-memory storage, the only thing we need to take care of is the plugin that deals with MongoDB.

Let's use our employee management plugin, as shown in the following code:

var seneca = 
var employee = {
name: "David",
surname: "Gonzalez",
position: "Software Developer"

function add_employee() {
seneca.act({role: 'employee', cmd: 'add', data: employee}, function(err, 
msg) {

In the preceding example, we add an employee to the in-memory database by invoking the pattern exposed in the plugin.

Along the book, we will see different examples about how to use the data abstraction layer, but the main focus will be on how to build microservices and not how to deal with the different data storages.

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