Target architecture

The architecture blueprint shown in the following diagram consolidates earlier discussions into an architectural view. Each block in the diagram represents a microservice. The shaded boxes are core microservices, and the others are supporting microservices. The diagram also shows the internal capabilities of each microservice. User management is moved under security in the target architecture:

Target architecture

Each service has its own architecture, typically consisting of a presentation layer, one or more service endpoints, business logic, business rules, and database. As we can see, we use different selections of databases that are more suitable for each microservice. Each one is autonomous with minimal orchestration between the services. Most of the services interact with each other using the service endpoints.

Internal layering of microservices

In this section, we will further explore the internal structure of microservices. There is no standard to be followed for the internal architecture of a microservice. The rule of thumb is to abstract realizations behind simple service endpoints.

A typical structure would look like the one shown in the following diagram:

Internal layering of microservices

The UI accesses REST services through a service gateway. The API gateway may be one per microservice or one for many microservices—it depends on what we want to do with the API gateway. There could be one or more rest endpoints exposed by microservices. These endpoints, in turn, connect to one of the business components within the service. Business components then execute all the business functions with the help of domain entities. A repository component is used for interacting with the backend data store.

Orchestrating microservices

The logic of the booking orchestration and the execution of rules sits within the Booking service. The brain is still inside the Booking service in the form of one or more booking business components. Internally, business components orchestrate private APIs exposed by other business components or even external services:

Orchestrating microservices

As shown in the preceding diagram, the booking service internally calls to update the inventory of its own component other than calling the Fare service.

Is there any orchestration engine required for this activity? It depends on the requirements. In complex scenarios, we may have to do a number of things in parallel. For example, creating a booking internally applies a number of booking rules, it validates the fare, and it validates the inventory before creating a booking. We may want to execute them in parallel. In such cases, we may use Java concurrency APIs or reactive Java libraries.

In extremely complex situations, we may opt for an integration framework such as Spring Integration or Apache Camel in embedded mode.

Integration with other systems

In the microservices world, we use an API gateway or a reliable message bus for integrating with other non-microservices.

Let us assume that there is another system in BrownField that needs booking data. Unfortunately, the system is not capable of subscribing to the booking events that the Booking microservice publishes. In such cases, an Enterprise Application integration (EAI) solution could be employed, which listens to our booking events, and then uses a native adaptor to update the database.

Managing shared libraries

Certain business logic is used in more than one microservice. Search and Reservation, in this case, use inventory rules. In such cases, these shared libraries will be duplicated in both the microservices.

Handling exceptions

Examine the booking scenario to understand the different exception handling approaches. In the following service sequence diagram, there are three lines marked with a cross mark. These are the potential areas where exceptions could occur:

Handling exceptions

There is a synchronous communication between Booking and Fare. What if the Fare service is not available? If the Fare service is not available, throwing an error back to the user may cause revenue loss. An alternate thought is to trust the fare which comes as part of the incoming request. When we serve search, the search results will have the fare as well. When the user selects a flight and submits, the request will have the selected fare. In case the Fare service is not available, we trust the incoming request, and accept the Booking. We will use a circuit breaker and a fallback service which simply creates the booking with a special status, and queues the booking for manual action or a system retry.

What if creating the booking fails? If creating a booking fails unexpectedly, a better option is to throw a message back to the user. We could try alternative options, but that could increase the overall complexity of the system. The same is applicable for inventory updates.

In the case of creating a booking and updating the inventory, we avoid a situation where a booking is created, and an inventory update somehow fails. As the inventory is critical, it is better to have both, create booking and update inventory, to be in a local transaction. This is possible as both components are under the same subsystem.

If we consider the Check-in scenario, Check-in sends an event to Boarding and Booking as shown in the next diagram:

Handling exceptions

Consider a scenario where the Check-in services fail immediately after the Check-in Complete event is sent out. The other consumers processed this event, but the actual check-in is rolled back. This is because we are not using a two-phase commit. In this case, we need a mechanism for reverting that event. This could be done by catching the exception, and sending another Check-in Cancelled event.

In this case, note that to minimize the use of compensating transactions, sending the Check-in event is moved towards the end of the Check-in transaction. This reduces the chance of failure after sending out the event.

On the other hand, what if the check-in is successful, but sending the event failed? We could think of two approaches. The first approach would be to invoke a fallback service to store it locally, and then use another sweep-and-scan program to send the event at a later time. It could even retry multiple times. This could add more complexity and may not be efficient in all cases. An alternate approach is to throw the exception back to the user so that the user can retry. However, this might not always be good from a customer engagement standpoint. On the other hand, the earlier option is better for the system's health. A trade-off analysis is required to find out the best solution for the given situation.

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