Setting up the environment for BrownField PSS

In this chapter, we will amend the BrownField PSS microservices developed in Chapter 4, Microservices Evolution – A Case Study, using Spring Cloud capabilities. We will also examine how to make these services enterprise grade using Spring Cloud components.

Subsequent sections of this chapter will explore how to scale the microservices developed in the previous chapter for cloud scale deployments, using some out-of-the-box capabilities provided by the Spring Cloud project. The rest of this chapter will explore Spring Cloud capabilities such as configuration using the Spring Config server, Ribbon-based service load balancing, service discovery using Eureka, Zuul for API gateway, and finally, Spring Cloud messaging for message-based service interactions. We will demonstrate the capabilities by modifying the BrownField PSS microservices developed in Chapter 4, Microservices Evolution – A Case Study.

In order to prepare the environment for this chapter, import and rename (chapter4.* to chapter5.*) projects into a new STS workspace.


The full source code of this chapter is available under the Chapter 5 projects in the code files.

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