Introduction to Docker

The previous sections talked about containers and their benefits. Containers have been in the business for years, but the popularity of Docker has given containers a new outlook. As a result, many container definitions and perspectives emerged from the Docker architecture. Docker is so popular that even containerization is referred to as dockerization.

Docker is a platform to build, ship, and run lightweight containers based on Linux kernels. Docker has default support for Linux platforms. It also has support for Mac and Windows using Boot2Docker, which runs on top of Virtual Box.

Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) has out-of-the-box support for Docker on AWS EC2 instances. Docker can be installed on bare metals and also on traditional virtual machines such as VMWare or Hyper-V.

The key components of Docker

A Docker installation has two key components: a Docker daemon and a Docker client. Both the Docker daemon and Docker client are distributed as a single binary.

The following diagram shows the key components of a Docker installation:

The key components of Docker

The Docker daemon

The Docker daemon is a server-side component that runs on the host machine responsible for building, running, and distributing Docker containers. The Docker daemon exposes APIs for the Docker client to interact with the daemon. These APIs are primarily REST-based endpoints. One can imagine that the Docker daemon as a controller service running on the host machine. Developers can programmatically use these APIs to build custom clients as well.

The Docker client

The Docker client is a remote command-line program that interacts with the Docker daemon through either a socket or REST APIs. The CLI can run on the same host as the daemon is running on or it can run on a completely different host and connect to the daemon remotely. Docker users use the CLI to build, ship, and run Docker containers.

Docker concepts

The Docker architecture is built around a few concepts: images, containers, the registry, and the Dockerfile.

Docker images

One of the key concepts of Docker is the image. A Docker image is the read-only copy of the operating system libraries, the application, and its libraries. Once an image is created, it is guaranteed to run on any Docker platform without alterations.

In Spring Boot microservices, a Docker image packages operating systems such as Ubuntu, Alpine, JRE, and the Spring Boot fat application JAR file. It also includes instructions to run the application and expose the services:

Docker images

As shown in the diagram, Docker images are based on a layered architecture in which the base image is one of the flavors of Linux. Each layer, as shown in the preceding diagram, gets added to the base image layer with the previous image as the parent layer. Docker uses the concept of a union filesystem to combine all these layers into a single image, forming a single filesystem.

In typical cases, developers do not build Docker images from scratch. Images of an operating system, or other common libraries, such as Java 8 images, are publicly available from trusted sources. Developers can start building on top of these base images. The base image in Spring microservices can be JRE 8 rather than starting from a Linux distribution image such as Ubuntu.

Every time we rebuild the application, only the changed layer gets rebuilt, and the remaining layers are kept intact. All the intermediate layers are cached, and hence, if there is no change, Docker uses the previously cached layer and builds it on top. Multiple containers running on the same machine with the same type of base images would reuse the base image, thus reducing the size of the deployment. For instance, in a host, if there are multiple containers running with Ubuntu as the base image, they all reuse the same base image. This is applicable when publishing or downloading images as well:

Docker images

As shown in the diagram, the first layer in the image is a boot filesystem called bootfs, which is similar to the Linux kernel and the boot loader. The boot filesystem acts as a virtual filesystem for all images.

On top of the boot filesystem, the operating system filesystem is placed, which is called rootfs. The root filesystem adds the typical operating system directory structure to the container. Unlike in the Linux systems, rootfs, in the case of Docker, is on a read-only mode.

On top of rootfs, other required images are placed as per the requirements. In our case, these are JRE and the Spring Boot microservice JARs. When a container is initiated, a writable filesystem is placed on top of all the other filesystems for the processes to run. Any changes made by the process to the underlying filesystem are not reflected in the actual container. Instead, these are written to the writable filesystem. This writable filesystem is volatile. Hence, the data is lost once the container is stopped. Due to this reason, Docker containers are ephemeral in nature.

The base operating system packaged inside Docker is generally a minimal copy of just the OS filesystem. In reality the process running on top may not use the entire OS services. In a Spring Boot microservice, in many cases, the container just initiates a CMD and JVM and then invokes the Spring Boot fat JAR.

Docker containers

Docker containers are the running instances of a Docker image. Containers use the kernel of the host operating system when running. Hence, they share the host kernel with other containers running on the same host. The Docker runtime ensures that the container processes are allocated with their own isolated process space using kernel features such as cgroups and the kernel namespace of the operating system. In addition to the resource fencing, containers get their own filesystem and network configurations as well.

The containers, when instantiated, can have specific resource allocations, such as the memory and CPU. Containers, when initiated from the same image, can have different resource allocations. The Docker container, by default, gets an isolated subnet and gateway to the network. The network has three modes.

The Docker registry

The Docker registry is a central place where Docker images are published and downloaded from. The URL is the central registry provided by Docker. The Docker registry has public images that one can download and use as the base registry. Docker also has private images that are specific to the accounts created in the Docker registry. The Docker registry screenshot is shown as follows:

The Docker registry

Docker also offers Docker Trusted Registry, which can be used to set up registries locally on premises.


A Dockerfile is a build or scripting file that contains instructions to build a Docker image. There can be multiple steps documented in the Dockerfile, starting from getting a base image. A Dockerfile is a text file that is generally named Dockerfile. The docker build command looks up Dockerfile for instructions to build. One can compare a Dockerfile to a pom.xml file used in a Maven build.

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