R lists

R lists can be created explicitly as a list declaration, shown as follows:

>h_lst<- list(23,'donkey',5.6,1+4i,TRUE) 
[1] 23 
[1] "donkey" 
[1] 5.6 
[1] 1+4i 
[1] TRUE 
[1] "list" 

The following code block includes its series equivalent in pandas, with the creation of a list followed by the creation of a series therefrom:

In [8]: h_list=[23, 'donkey', 5.6,1+4j, True] 
In [9]: import pandas as pd 
In [10]: h_ser 
Out[10]: 0        23 
         1    donkey 
         2       5.6 
         3    (1+4j) 
         4      True 
dtype: object 

Array indexing starts at 0 in pandas, unlike R, where it starts at 1. The following is an example:

    In [11]: type(h_ser)
    Out[11]: pandas.core.series.Series
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