
This replaces the missing value with a number that makes sense.

There are various ways in which imputation can be performed. Some of them are as follows:

  • Imputing all the missing values in a dataset with 0:
  • Imputing all the missing values with specified text:
  • Imputing only the missing values in the body column with 0:
  • Imputing with a mean of non-missing values:
  • Imputing with a forward fill – this works especially well for time series data. Here, a missing value is replaced with the value in the previous row (period):

The following is the output:

Output DataFrame with missing values imputed with the forward fill method
  • Imputing with a backward fill – this works especially well for time series data. Here, a missing value is replaced with the value in the previous row (period). You can control the number of rows that get filled after the first NaN using pad options. Pad=1 means only 1 row will be filled forward or backward:

The following is the output:

Output DataFrame with missing values imputed with the backward fill method
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